1. And then I'll say,
"hey, as one refugee to another,
Copy !req
2. it isn't so bad that we can
never go back to homeworld,
Copy !req
3. am I right?
Copy !req
4. Why don't we watch
the sun come up
Copy !req
5. and figure out
what we're going to do
Copy !req
6. with all this time,
eh, Lazuli?"
Copy !req
7. And then she'll say,
"yes, Peridot.
Copy !req
8. As impressed as I was by you
on the ship,
Copy !req
9. I am even more impressed
with your new compact look
Copy !req
10. and capacity for friendship.
Copy !req
11. I'm so glad we're going
to be living together."
Copy !req
12. Peridot.
Facet five.
Copy !req
13. Let's begin.
Copy !req
14. This isn't gonna work.
Copy !req
15. Wait, what?
Copy !req
16. I really thought I would be
living alone here.
Copy !req
17. Yeah,
but this is even better.
Copy !req
18. Oh, here,
how about this?
Copy !req
19. I saw this on an episode
of a TV show.
Copy !req
20. I didn't see how it ended,
Copy !req
21. but I'm sure
it worked out great.
Copy !req
22. We'll divide
this place in half.
Copy !req
23. You'll both have
your own space.
Copy !req
24. High ceilings,
real wood floors,
Copy !req
25. convenient location in the heart
of the country.
Copy !req
26. So what do ya think,
Copy !req
27. I like the cut of your gem,
Steven Quartz.
Copy !req
28. No. No way!
Copy !req
29. What's the problem?
Copy !req
30. You're the one getting
all the good stuff!
Copy !req
31. You've got the propeller
and paint cans on your side!
Copy !req
32. You can do tons
with those!
Copy !req
33. Ooh, actually, I kind of
want the paint cans.
Copy !req
34. You want
to trade something?
Copy !req
35. I don't care
about paint cans.
Copy !req
36. That's not the problem.
Copy !req
37. Bah.
Copy !req
38. What's wrong, Lapis?
Copy !req
39. It's her.
Copy !req
40. Ugh!
Copy !req
41. She's the problem!
Copy !req
42. I can't stand the thought of
having to look at her every day.
Copy !req
43. She's the one who dragged me
back to earth.
Copy !req
44. Hey, it wasn't my idea.
Copy !req
45. I was headed to earth,
and I needed an informant.
Copy !req
46. It should have been
a simple mission.
Copy !req
47. Things didn't exactly work out
for either of us.
Copy !req
48. You used me
like everyone else did!
Copy !req
49. But it's not
like that anymore.
Copy !req
50. It's different now.
Copy !req
51. I'm different.
Copy !req
52. It's true, Lapis.
Copy !req
53. Peridot has really
come into her own
Copy !req
54. since she's been living
on earth.
Copy !req
55. I sabotaged
my own mission!
Copy !req
56. I helped save the earth!
Copy !req
57. I even yelled
at yellow diamond!
Copy !req
58. She's probably sending
a whole fleet
Copy !req
59. to find me
and shatter me right now!
Copy !req
60. I'm kind of a big deal.
Copy !req
61. A big, anti-homeworld deal!
Copy !req
62. Steven, I don't think
this is gonna work.
Copy !req
63. Uh, um, maybe
we could put up a curtain?
Copy !req
64. Er, sorry.
Copy !req
65. I thought this was
gonna be okay.
Copy !req
66. I forgot that the last time you
saw each other wasn't so okay.
Copy !req
67. That was in the past.
Copy !req
68. It's not like that now!
Copy !req
69. Aggh!
Copy !req
70. I know.
Copy !req
71. But obviously
she doesn't.
Copy !req
72. She's the one
that needs to know!
Copy !req
73. I want her to understand.
Copy !req
74. Aw, Peridot, that's sweet.
Copy !req
75. That's the "you"
you need to show her.
Copy !req
76. Show her my sweet?
Copy !req
77. I got you.
Copy !req
78. Cards are a great way
to tell someone something
Copy !req
79. if you can't be face-to-face
with them.
Copy !req
80. Or if they don't want
to see your face.
Copy !req
81. You've got to give her a taste
of the sweet version of Peridot.
Copy !req
82. Here, look.
Copy !req
83. It's you and Lapis
holding hands!
Copy !req
84. Where are our noses?
Copy !req
85. Oh, that's kind of part
of my style lately.
Copy !req
86. Is not having fingers
also your style?
Copy !req
87. No, I'm — I'm just bad
at drawing hands.
Copy !req
88. Uh, so here's your part.
Come here.
Copy !req
89. Write an apology inside
to Lapis
Copy !req
90. so she knows how sorry you were
about before,
Copy !req
91. and that everything
is okay now.
Copy !req
92. If you write it
from your heart,
Copy !req
93. your feelings
will reach her.
Copy !req
94. Just try to be sincere.
Copy !req
95. Hmm.
Copy !req
96. Hey, Lazuli!
Copy !req
97. Hey, Lazuli!
Copy !req
98. Ugh.
Copy !req
99. Hey!
Copy !req
100. Why isn't she responding?
Copy !req
101. I'm not sure.
I thought she was up there.
Copy !req
102. Lapis?
Copy !req
103. Are you up there?
Copy !req
104. Yes, Steven?
Copy !req
105. Go on.
Copy !req
106. Steven did the outside,
Copy !req
107. and I did the inside.
Copy !req
108. "Sorry I interrogated you.
Copy !req
109. You were just full of
such useful information.
Copy !req
110. That's a sincere
Copy !req
111. Peridot."
Copy !req
112. The noses!
Copy !req
113. One can only conclude
that it was the lack of noses!
Copy !req
114. It seems illogical to me
Copy !req
115. that it would be any of
the writing elements.
Copy !req
116. It took me over an hour
to compose it,
Copy !req
117. and I was the most sincere,
as per Steven's instructions.
Copy !req
118. It could be she's just
not much of a reader?
Copy !req
119. How about a gift?
Copy !req
120. Another approach.
Copy !req
121. Yes. But what?
Copy !req
122. Hmm.
Think of things she likes.
Copy !req
123. Things she likes.
Copy !req
124. Lapis lazulis are typically
partial to water and flying.
Copy !req
125. Hmm.
Copy !req
126. Ah!
Copy !req
127. No.
Copy !req
128. No?
Copy !req
129. Nuh-uh.
Copy !req
130. But if!
Copy !req
131. Yeah?
Copy !req
132. Nah.
Copy !req
133. Yeah, that'd probably be
overdoing it.
Copy !req
134. Hmm.
Copy !req
135. Water.
Copy !req
136. I think you have something
with that.
Copy !req
137. You can't see through those,
Copy !req
138. Actually, yes.
But it's very blurry.
Copy !req
139. Good to know.
Copy !req
140. Well, here we are!
Copy !req
141. H-2 oh, my gosh!
Copy !req
142. It's a smaller
than average lake!
Copy !req
143. It's from the hole
when we drilled.
Copy !req
144. Peridot and I sealed it
and filled it with water.
Copy !req
145. It's a gift for you.
Copy !req
146. You know,
'cause water's your thing.
Copy !req
147. Pretty good, right?
Copy !req
148. The barn's out here
in the country,
Copy !req
149. but now you can get
your moisture fix whenever.
Copy !req
150. Do all that
water stuff you do.
Copy !req
151. Water?
Copy !req
152. Seriously?
Copy !req
153. Yeah!
Copy !req
154. You do realize
that I spent
Copy !req
155. the last few months trapped
under the ocean, right?
Copy !req
156. Sure!
But I thought —
Copy !req
157. it was an endless,
crushing darkness.
Copy !req
158. Wet and bleak
and suffocating.
Copy !req
159. Water was the tomb I lived in
for those months.
Copy !req
160. Tomb, you say?
Copy !req
161. Yeah.
Copy !req
162. I'm kind of taking a break
from water right now.
Copy !req
163. But thanks...
For the lake.
Copy !req
164. Uhh.
Copy !req
165. Don't worry, Steven.
It's not your fault.
Copy !req
166. A pool!
Copy !req
167. What a cloddy idea.
Copy !req
168. Of course
she wouldn't like that.
Copy !req
169. There's nothing!
Copy !req
170. Nothing!
Copy !req
171. There has to be something.
Copy !req
172. Something, something.
Copy !req
173. Maybe, uh, instead of
something she likes,
Copy !req
174. give her something
you like.
Copy !req
175. A piece of you!
Copy !req
176. Um... Okay.
Copy !req
177. How about my
"camp pining hearts" DVD?
Copy !req
178. Which season?
Copy !req
179. Five?
Copy !req
180. Trash.
Copy !req
181. I know. Ugh!
Copy !req
182. Log date — whatever.
Copy !req
183. Facet — whatever!
Copy !req
184. Whatever!
Copy !req
185. Clearly there is nothing
important enough
Copy !req
186. for me to give to Lazuli.
Copy !req
187. At least I have you,
tape recorder.
Copy !req
188. Ta-da!
Copy !req
189. See, the ribbon
is even blue.
Copy !req
190. I got your number.
Copy !req
191. Uh, here.
I'll unwrap it for you.
Copy !req
192. When I was stuck here,
Copy !req
193. Steven gave me this
tape recorder as a gift,
Copy !req
194. and I didn't really get it
at first,
Copy !req
195. but it made me
feel better.
Copy !req
196. Just to talk about all the weird
stuff that was happening.
Copy !req
197. It'll help you, too.
Copy !req
198. You, uh, press the button
to record,
Copy !req
199. an-and th-then
you talk into it.
Copy !req
200. I don't want
your garbage.
Copy !req
201. Guh! What? Were you trapped
in a tape recorder, too?
Copy !req
202. Look. I get it, you know.
You're confused.
Copy !req
203. You can never go back
to homeworld.
Copy !req
204. This place doesn't exactly
feel like home yet!
Copy !req
205. You're alone!
Copy !req
206. No one could possibly know
what that feels like!
Copy !req
207. Oh, wait. I do!
We're the same!
Copy !req
208. Except you don't have
to be alone.
Copy !req
209. So, tell me, then,
what you want from me.
Copy !req
210. And whatever that is...
Copy !req
211. I'll do it.
Copy !req
212. I want you...
Copy !req
213. To leave!
Copy !req
214. Okay.
Copy !req
215. Lapis, why are you being
so mean to her?
Copy !req
216. She's really trying.
Copy !req
217. Why do you trust her,
Copy !req
218. Because I know her!
Copy !req
219. Lapis, you're not even
giving her a chance.
Copy !req
220. You should've at least
gotten to know her
Copy !req
221. before you decided
you don't like her.
Copy !req
222. Now it's too late.
Copy !req
223. And she's never
coming back again.
Copy !req
224. Aaaaaah!
Copy !req
225. Oh, she's
coming back again.
Copy !req
226. Aaaaah!
Copy !req
227. They're here!
Copy !req
228. Run!
Copy !req
229. What is that thing?
Copy !req
230. It's a roaming eye,
a homeworld tracking vessel.
Copy !req
231. I told you —
I'm public enemy number one!
Copy !req
232. Ah! Oh.
Copy !req
233. This is it, Steven!
Copy !req
234. They're going to wipe
my precious grin
Copy !req
235. off the face
of this planet!
Copy !req
236. Stay behind me!
I'll protect you!
Copy !req
237. Holy smokes.
Copy !req
238. Steven!
Copy !req
239. Holy smokes!
Copy !req
240. Are you all right?
Copy !req
241. We saw the ship and came as fast
as we could.
Copy !req
242. Yeah, I'm okay.
Lapis saved us.
Copy !req
243. But it looks like homeworld
really has it out for Peridot.
Copy !req
244. Peridot.
Copy !req
245. Are you okay?
Copy !req
246. Umm...
Copy !req