1. ♪ Amethyst
Copy !req
2. ♪ And pearl
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3. And Steven!
Copy !req
4. The rubies are back?
Copy !req
5. They showed up
on their little ship
Copy !req
6. acting very angry,
Copy !req
7. so I put them
in time-out.
Copy !req
8. I thought we were done
with these guys.
Copy !req
9. Why did you come back here?
Copy !req
10. Let's release one and just
ask what they're up to.
Copy !req
11. Ooh! Ooh!
Can I pick?
Copy !req
12. Go for it.
Copy !req
13. Hmm.
Copy !req
14. Oh!
Let's talk to Leggy!
Copy !req
15. - Leggy?
- I named them
Copy !req
16. based on the placement
of their gems.
Copy !req
17. There's Leggy, Army, Navy,
Eyeball, and, uh... Doc.
Copy !req
18. Leggy seems like
the easiest to talk to.
Copy !req
19. Leggy, come on down!
Copy !req
20. Hey! Hi.
I'm Steven.
Copy !req
21. What brings you
back to Earth?
Copy !req
22. Uh...
I don't know?
Copy !req
23. Oh, uh,
I understand.
Copy !req
24. I used to forget why we'd go
on missions all the time.
Copy !req
25. I'll just go stand
over here then.
Copy !req
26. Let's take a chance
on Army.
Copy !req
27. Good afternoon!
Copy !req
28. I'll tear you limb —
Copy !req
29. Huh?
Don't be like that.
Copy !req
30. Why, I ought to —
Copy !req
31. Aw.
Copy !req
32. - Hey, what the...
- Next!
Copy !req
33. Uh... Navy?
Copy !req
34. If I remember correctly,
we were on Earth...
Copy !req
35. Uh...
Copy !req
36. This is so embarrassing.
Copy !req
37. Oh-ho.
Copy !req
38. Oh. Aah!
Copy !req
39. Aah!
Copy !req
40. Okay.
Uh, eyeball?
Copy !req
41. I'm not telling y'all
nothing about nothing!
Copy !req
42. The only one left now
is, uh... Doc.
Copy !req
43. Where's Jasper?
Copy !req
44. Last time we came,
Copy !req
45. you tricked us into playing
that stupid game!
Copy !req
46. Then, you said,
"She's on Neptune,"
Copy !req
47. so we looked,
and she wasn't there!
Copy !req
48. She wasn't on Neptune
Copy !req
49. or any other planet in this
whole dang solar system!
Copy !req
50. Tell us where she is
right now.
Copy !req
51. No games, no tricks,
and no slick disguises.
Copy !req
52. Yeah! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah!
Copy !req
53. Hey!
Copy !req
54. I'm right here!
Copy !req
55. Is she serious?
There's no way this is gonna —
Copy !req
56. Look! It's Jasper!
Copy !req
57. Jasper!
I'm Ruby 1F4-Cut-4ND.
Copy !req
58. I fought
in the war for Earth.
Copy !req
59. Uh... at ease.
Copy !req
60. I was on the ground in Facet 6
when I heard the tale
Copy !req
61. of the Facet 9
Kindergarten Quartz That Could.
Copy !req
62. They said you popped out of
the ground with your helmet on
Copy !req
63. and took out 80 crystal gems
before the sun went down.
Copy !req
64. When I found out this mission
was to look for you,
Copy !req
65. I nearly dissipated
my form!
Copy !req
66. It is an honor
to finally meet you.
Copy !req
67. Yup. That's me!
Copy !req
68. Always huge, never small,
all the —
Copy !req
69. all the time
since I was made!
Copy !req
70. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
71. You look different
than I thought you would.
Copy !req
72. Oh, here it is.
Copy !req
73. Oh, you must mean my tan —
you know, from the sun.
Copy !req
74. Stupid Earth sun!
Copy !req
75. I hate this planet!
Copy !req
76. Curse this planet!
Copy !req
77. Well, it's a good thing
we finally found you.
Copy !req
78. Yellow Diamond
is awaiting your return.
Copy !req
79. We'll take you
back to Homeworld right away.
Copy !req
80. No! I mean —
Copy !req
81. I, Jasper,
Copy !req
82. have decided
to stay on Earth.
Copy !req
83. What?
Copy !req
84. Yeah, why, Jasper?
Copy !req
85. Because I gotta stay here
with these guys.
Copy !req
86. Yep, gotta keep 'em prisoner...
for the diamonds.
Copy !req
87. Jasper.
Such devotion.
Copy !req
88. Well, Yellow will definitely
want to know about this.
Copy !req
89. You'll have to file a report
at the nearest Diamond base.
Copy !req
90. Where's that?
Copy !req
91. I think we passed it
on the way here.
Copy !req
92. You dummies!
It's, uh...
Copy !req
93. It's — Hmm.
Copy !req
94. It's there!
Copy !req
95. I gotta hold
this all the way to the moon?
Copy !req
96. Uh, hold this.
Copy !req
97. Hold these... prisoners.
Copy !req
98. Gotta bring the rebel prisoners
if we're going to the moon.
Copy !req
99. Can't leave them here
Copy !req
100. Very well.
To the ship!
Copy !req
101. What are you doing?
This isn't going to work.
Copy !req
102. You can't hold that form
Copy !req
103. I can do this.
Copy !req
104. We'll go to the moon,
come back,
Copy !req
105. and they'll leave us alone.
Copy !req
106. Just play along.
Copy !req
107. Oh, hey!
Copy !req
108. You guys want
to be prisoners, too?
Copy !req
109. Not really.
Copy !req
110. All right.
Just checking.
Copy !req
111. Hup, hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup, hup!
Copy !req
112. Whoa.
It's huge in here!
Copy !req
113. I thought it'd be super-cramped.
Copy !req
114. Hey!
This ain't no pleasure cruise!
Copy !req
115. Yeah!
Copy !req
116. Show some respect,
you crystal germs!
Copy !req
117. Yeah,
you tell 'em, Jasper!
Copy !req
118. I bet they got
those germs from Earth!
Copy !req
119. Aw, curses!
Copy !req
120. I can't believe
we've been caught!
Copy !req
121. And by none other
than Jasper!
Copy !req
122. I'm so cross over it.
Copy !req
123. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
124. That sure is Jasper —
the one that caught us.
Copy !req
125. Harumph.
Copy !req
126. Of all the indignities!
Copy !req
127. Do what you want.
I'll never talk.
Copy !req
128. Huh, I wish.
Copy !req
129. Yeah.
She talks a lot!
Copy !req
130. Go sit over there now!
Copy !req
131. Wow!
Jasper's so funny and strong!
Copy !req
132. I was just thinking that!
Copy !req
133. This is fun!
Copy !req
134. Jasper!
Agh! I'm Jasper!
Copy !req
135. Please feel free to take
my seat right up front —
Copy !req
136. the captain's seat.
Copy !req
137. It would be an honor.
Copy !req
138. Yeah.
Copy !req
139. Yes.
Sure thing.
Copy !req
140. I hope it's to your liking.
Copy !req
141. It's all right.
Copy !req
142. You can go ahead
Copy !req
143. and head towards the moon base
whenever you're ready.
Copy !req
144. Buh...
Copy !req
145. Of course!
Copy !req
146. Hmm.
Copy !req
147. Uh...
Copy !req
148. Uh, listen.
Copy !req
149. I'm Jasper,
and I'm too worn out
Copy !req
150. from catching rebels to fly,
Copy !req
151. so I'll just sit here,
like this,
Copy !req
152. and you work the thing
to get us to the moon.
Copy !req
153. Got it?
Copy !req
154. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
155. To the moon, then?
Copy !req
156. To the moon, then!
Copy !req
157. To the moon, then!
Copy !req
158. We'll be arriving shortly.
Copy !req
159. Hey, keep my seat warm
Copy !req
160. while I check on our,
uh, prisoners.
Copy !req
161. Yes, Jasper.
Good idea.
Copy !req
162. No!
Copy !req
163. Stay away from us,
you brute!
Copy !req
164. Tone it down, Pearl.
Copy !req
165. That one ruby wants
to throw you out into space.
Copy !req
166. Sorry.
Got a bit carried away.
Copy !req
167. Uh, you okay, Amethyst?
Copy !req
168. You've been holding that form
forever now.
Copy !req
169. I've got it
under control.
Copy !req
170. Hey, my seat better still
be warm when I get over there!
Copy !req
171. All clear!
Copy !req
172. Right this way,
Copy !req
173. Oh, Jasper,
won't you ever let us go?
Copy !req
174. Look at this place —
frozen in time.
Copy !req
175. An era-one base.
Copy !req
176. Her era-one base.
Copy !req
177. It was a tragedy,
what happened to her.
Copy !req
178. Who is that anyway?
Copy !req
179. Were you made
Copy !req
180. That is Pink Diamond.
Copy !req
181. Jasper, maybe it's best
if you explain.
Copy !req
182. What, me? No.
Copy !req
183. No, you do it.
Copy !req
184. I'm, like,
too messed up about it.
Copy !req
185. I understand.
Copy !req
186. She was
your original diamond.
Copy !req
187. Earth was
Pink Diamond's colony.
Copy !req
188. Everything was going smoothly
at first.
Copy !req
189. Kindergartens were incubating
their first soldiers,
Copy !req
190. big, warm pieces of quartz —
like this mountain over here —
Copy !req
191. were being created from its rich
minerals with great success.
Copy !req
192. Then — bam!
Copy !req
193. One of Pink Diamond's
very own quartz soldiers
Copy !req
194. started a rebellion
and took it too far.
Copy !req
195. Where were you
when it happened?
Copy !req
196. Oh, you know, around.
Copy !req
197. I was there.
I saw it with my own eye.
Copy !req
198. I watched the leader
of the crystal gems —
Copy !req
199. Rose Quartz —
shatter Pink Diamond!
Copy !req
200. No.
Copy !req
201. Rose Quartz
would never do that!
Copy !req
202. A-And, sure,
she had to fight but —
Copy !req
203. but she would never
shatter someone!
Copy !req
204. Hey!
We got a problem.
Copy !req
205. The panel is broken.
The communicator is gone!
Copy !req
206. There's no way to contact
Yellow Diamond from this hub.
Copy !req
207. - Crystal gems!
- Unbelievable!
Copy !req
208. - Rude!
- No respect!
Copy !req
209. - See!
Copy !req
210. They'll stoop
to anything!
Copy !req
211. We'll have to take you
to Homeworld
Copy !req
212. to file a report in person.
Copy !req
213. I can't!
Copy !req
214. I can't go!
Copy !req
215. - Huh?
- I don't understand.
Copy !req
216. - What do you mean?
- What's going on?
Copy !req
217. You know what?
Copy !req
218. You know me.
Copy !req
219. Do me a favor
and go back home
Copy !req
220. and file the report
for me.
Copy !req
221. I'm trusting you,
Copy !req
222. Wow.
Copy !req
223. Of course!
Copy !req
224. That settles it.
Copy !req
225. All right, rubies,
back to the ship!
Copy !req
226. - All right, Amethyst!
Copy !req
227. You really
held it together.
Copy !req
228. You did it.
Copy !req
229. - I told you you could.
Copy !req
230. Hey, you need a ride
back to Earth?
Copy !req
231. I could sit on your lap
if you want, uh —
Copy !req
232. What?
Copy !req
233. I'm still Jasper!
Copy !req
234. We've been tricked again?
Copy !req
235. No way! No way!
No way! No way!
Copy !req
236. Rubies, assemble!
Copy !req
237. Hup, hup, hup,
hup, hup, hup, hup.
Copy !req
238. Yeah!
Copy !req
239. Yeah!
Copy !req
240. We won't let you
trick us again!
Copy !req
241. Hey, rubies!
Copy !req
242. If you're gonna fight,
take it outside!
Copy !req
243. You can't get rid of us
that easy!
Copy !req
244. I bet she can.
Copy !req
245. Oof!
Copy !req
246. - Steven!
Copy !req