1. Steven.
Copy !req
2. Hi.
Copy !req
3. Why did we stop working
on the drill?
Copy !req
4. Why are they just sitting there,
looking at nothing?
Copy !req
5. We worked hard,
Copy !req
6. and we deserve to take it easy
for a little bit.
Copy !req
7. I mean,
just look at that view!
Copy !req
8. It's beautiful!
Copy !req
9. It's going to be blown
to oblivion by the cluster
Copy !req
10. if we don't get
back to work!
Copy !req
11. Working hard is important,
Copy !req
12. but feeling good is important,
Copy !req
13. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
14. Hey — bzzzz!
Copy !req
15. What is that,
a — a "c"?
Copy !req
16. The drill?
Copy !req
17. Oh, my gosh!
Copy !req
18. Now it's music!
Copy !req
19. Music?
Copy !req
20. Yeah, it's music.
Copy !req
21. Like this...
Copy !req
22. Do mi so do.
Copy !req
23. That's
exceedingly simple.
Copy !req
24. Do mi so ti.
Copy !req
25. what is the point?
Copy !req
26. You're not making
Copy !req
27. Well, if it isn't anything,
then why does it sound so good?
Copy !req
28. I suppose
it's just interest.
Copy !req
29. Do mi so do...
Copy !req
30. Devoid of substance
or purpose.
Copy !req
31. A hypothetical pattern.
Do mi so ti...
Copy !req
32. For the satisfaction of
bringing it to completion!
Copy !req
33. Sure!
Copy !req
34. Do mi so ti...
Copy !req
35. Interest without meaning.
Copy !req
36. Solutions without problems?
Copy !req
37. And then
you just add words.
Copy !req
38. Here's one
I've been working on...
Copy !req
39. Yes, yes, that's it!
Copy !req
40. That's so easy.
Copy !req
41. Yeah, but that's
what's fun about it.
Copy !req
42. You should write something.
You should write a song!
Copy !req
43. About what?
Whatever you're thinking.
Copy !req
44. Yes!
Copy !req
45. Whoa!
Copy !req
46. Nice work.
Copy !req
47. We really did it, huh?
Copy !req
48. We?
Copy !req
49. Oh, wait.
I need to check something!
Copy !req
50. She's come so far!
Copy !req
51. It feels like yesterday
she was trying to kill us.
Copy !req
52. No, no,
that was several weeks ago.
Copy !req
53. Coordinates!
Copy !req
54. We still need the cluster's
exact coordinates
Copy !req
55. in order to drill!
Copy !req
56. There's a diamond base
that may hold that information,
Copy !req
57. but getting there
is going to be difficult.
Copy !req
58. How come?
Copy !req
59. Because it's not accessible
by warp pad, and it's on...
Copy !req
60. The moon?
Copy !req
61. Yeah, Steven, the moon.
Copy !req
62. Lion, can you make us a special
super warp to the moon?
Copy !req
63. Come on, Lion!
Copy !req
64. We got to do this
to stop the cluster!
Copy !req
65. If we don't,
there's gonna be no more earth!
Copy !req
66. No more fun times
with your pals!
Copy !req
67. No more Lion Lickers?
Copy !req
68. No more naps?
Copy !req
69. Guess it was "naps."
Copy !req
70. Pretty cool, right?
Copy !req
71. Go, Lion, go!
Copy !req
72. Lion!
Are you okay, bud?
Copy !req
73. Get me out of this
furry freak — ugh! Ow!
Copy !req
74. Aw, Lion, you've earned
your naps for the week!
Copy !req
75. We made it.
Copy !req
76. It doesn't look like
the moon.
Copy !req
77. Hey, look over here.
I think it's a door!
Copy !req
78. Uh...
Copy !req
79. Yep!
Copy !req
80. We on the moon!
Copy !req
81. Amethyst, please don't blow us
into space!
Copy !req
82. Whoa!
Copy !req
83. Look at me!
Copy !req
84. I'm a moon boy!
Copy !req
85. Ha ha!
All right, moon boy!
Copy !req
86. Moon boy,
quadruple backflip!
Copy !req
87. Hey!
Copy !req
88. Why can't I be
a moon boy?
Copy !req
89. We're gems.
Copy !req
90. We're a space-faring race
Copy !req
91. designed to conquer
other worlds!
Copy !req
92. Our physical forms
adjust automatically
Copy !req
93. to the gravity
of any planetoid!
Copy !req
94. Aw, lame!
Copy !req
95. Huh?
Copy !req
96. Hey, Peridot,
who is this supposed to be?
Copy !req
97. It's blue diamond!
Copy !req
98. Wait.
Are they all here?
Copy !req
99. Ah, yes!
Copy !req
100. There she is!
Copy !req
101. Behold, yellow diamond!
Copy !req
102. Isn't she magnificent?
Copy !req
103. Wow!
Copy !req
104. So,
who are the diamonds anyway?
Copy !req
105. They seem like
a big deal!
Copy !req
106. Are you joking me?
Copy !req
107. The diamonds
are the gem matriarchs!
Copy !req
108. Together they make up
the great diamond authority
Copy !req
109. that governs homeworld
and all the outlying colonies!
Copy !req
110. We live to serve them!
Copy !req
111. I — I mean,
we were all made to serve them
Copy !req
112. even though
some of us don't anymore.
Copy !req
113. Hey, I think that's
a control surface over there!
Copy !req
114. Let's take a look!
Copy !req
115. I think this is right.
Copy !req
116. The material is different
from the surrounding stone.
Copy !req
117. I think
if I just do... This!
Copy !req
118. Huh?
Copy !req
119. This is so incredible!
Copy !req
120. Only the most elite of the elite
can enter these sanctums.
Copy !req
121. We are literally walking in
the footsteps of the diamonds.
Copy !req
122. They must
really like stairs.
Copy !req
123. Hey, what's this room?
Copy !req
124. It's not
what we came for.
Copy !req
125. Can we hurry it up?
This place gives me the creeps.
Copy !req
126. We really are on the moon!
Copy !req
127. Oh, my goodness!
Copy !req
128. This looks like
it could be brand-new!
Copy !req
129. I mean, it's a relic
by today's standards,
Copy !req
130. but, golly,
it's so elegant,
Copy !req
131. so simple, so perfect!
Copy !req
132. So, how do you
turn it on?
Copy !req
133. Idwaeah!
Copy !req
134. wah!
So, how do you
wah! Wah!
Copy !req
135. Hey, it's got one of those
glowy hand dealies!
Copy !req
136. You can't sit there!
Copy !req
137. Why not?
It's really cool!
Copy !req
138. That chair is only for
the most elite gems!
Copy !req
139. You can't go around sitting
where an elite would sit!
Copy !req
140. Well, they aren't here now,
Copy !req
141. Hey,
what's this doodad for?
Copy !req
142. Put that back!
Copy !req
143. Hmm,
okay, let's see here.
Copy !req
144. There we go.
Copy !req
145. This is
a really old system.
Copy !req
146. Gotta find
the right file...
Copy !req
147. Aha!
Copy !req
148. Cluster, cluster,
where are you, cluster?
Copy !req
149. Aha!
Copy !req
150. There's the insertion point!
Copy !req
151. Looks like the beta kindergarten
in facet nine.
Copy !req
152. It's the smaller of the two,
Copy !req
153. not nearly as impressive
as yours, Amethyst!
Copy !req
154. Uh, thanks?
Copy !req
155. But where is
the cluster now?
Copy !req
156. Hang on.
Copy !req
157. There it is!
Copy !req
158. It's embedded deep
in the mantle.
Copy !req
159. Relative to the barn,
it's roughly 2,500 units down.
Copy !req
160. All we need to do is feed
this data to the drill,
Copy !req
161. and we should be all set!
Copy !req
162. That's it, then!
Copy !req
163. Mission
Copy !req
164. Yeah, team!
Copy !req
165. Great.
Copy !req
166. Let's get the heck
out of here!
Copy !req
167. Wait. Hold on!
Copy !req
168. Does this thing have
any games on it?
Copy !req
169. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
170. This wasn't used
for games.
Copy !req
171. Aw.
Copy !req
172. It was used
for planning the colony.
Copy !req
173. Here, look!
Copy !req
174. So here's a map
of all structures
Copy !req
175. that were originally built
on earth.
Copy !req
176. All told, this probably
only accounts
Copy !req
177. for maybe 5% of what
was originally planned!
Copy !req
178. What was the plan?
Copy !req
179. Well,
let's take a look.
Copy !req
180. Ta-da!
Copy !req
181. A finished earth colony!
Copy !req
182. Wow!
Look at this!
Copy !req
183. 89 kindergartens, 67 spires,
a galaxy warp in each facet,
Copy !req
184. efficient use
of all available materials.
Copy !req
185. What were you thinking
shutting this operation down!
Copy !req
186. It could have been great!
Copy !req
187. No, you're wrong!
Copy !req
188. What do you mean?
Copy !req
189. It's perfect.
Look at it!
Copy !req
190. We are looking
at it.
Copy !req
191. Yeah,
this plan stinks!
Copy !req
192. Completing this colony
would have meant
Copy !req
193. the extinction
of all life on earth.
Copy !req
194. But think of the good
it would have done —
Copy !req
195. the gems would
that would have been made,
Copy !req
196. our empire expanded!
Copy !req
197. Rose Quartz believed
all life was precious
Copy !req
198. and worth protecting!
Copy !req
199. Well, if she wanted to
protect it,
Copy !req
200. she did a lousy job!
Copy !req
201. There'd be no cluster if
the earth had stayed a colony!
Copy !req
202. Now there's no colony,
and there's gonna be no earth!
Copy !req
203. So thank you, Rose Quartz —
you doomed the planet!
Copy !req
204. Oh!
Copy !req
205. You listen to me now.
Copy !req
206. You are talking about things
that you do not understand.
Copy !req
207. Garnet, stop, please!
Copy !req
208. It's not worth it.
Copy !req
209. We're done here.
Copy !req
210. Let's just go home.
Copy !req
211. What'd I say?
Copy !req
212. I'm just stating a fact!
Copy !req
213. The rebellion
didn't really save earth.
Copy !req
214. It just delayed
the inevitable.
Copy !req
215. That's not the way
they see it.
Copy !req
216. They've spent
thousands of years
Copy !req
217. trying to protect
the earth.
Copy !req
218. I thought maybe
you finally understood why.
Copy !req
219. Peridot!
Copy !req
220. What?
I'm coming.
Copy !req
221. Let's go, you two.
Copy !req