1. ♪ Amethyst
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2. ♪ and Pearl
Copy !req
3. and Steven.
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4. Steven.
Copy !req
5. Jamie.
Copy !req
6. Safe.
Copy !req
7. We have fun.
Copy !req
8. So, you got the goods?
Copy !req
9. Oh, I've got gooder
than the goods.
Copy !req
10. Bum-da-da-dum-dum
Copy !req
11. Wha—? A play!
Copy !req
12. I'm holding auditions
Copy !req
13. It's a local production
Copy !req
14. drifting through space,
looking for stars.
Copy !req
15. If you need a great actor,
Copy !req
16. you come to the right guy.
Copy !req
17. What was that?
An accent.
Copy !req
18. From where?
I don't know.
Copy !req
19. Acting.
Copy !req
20. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.
Copy !req
21. Where's everyone else?
Copy !req
22. Uh, you're the only one
that showed up.
Copy !req
23. But, hey, some plays only have
one person in them,
Copy !req
24. so we're already in
200% better shape than that.
Copy !req
25. That sounds like
some strange math...
Copy !req
26. But I'm ready.
Copy !req
27. Here's a copy
of the script.
Copy !req
28. "Beach City or bust:
The tale of William Dewey."
Copy !req
29. This is my first production,
so it needs to be exciting.
Copy !req
30. It needs to be classic.
Copy !req
31. It needs to be fully funded
by mayor Dewey.
Copy !req
32. And it is...
Copy !req
33. Because he wrote it.
Copy !req
34. What's it about?
Copy !req
35. I'm glad you asked.
Copy !req
36. This is the story
of how Beach City
Copy !req
37. was founded
nearly 200 years ago
Copy !req
38. by my great-great-great-great
Copy !req
39. William Dewey.
Copy !req
40. It's a truly important
historical tale
Copy !req
41. with a lot of sentimental and
political importance to me.
Copy !req
42. Well, we're just about
to get started.
Copy !req
43. Uh, would you like to sit in
on the rehearsal, mayor?
Copy !req
44. Don't mind if I do.
Oh, pardon me.
Copy !req
45. Okay, Steven.
Copy !req
46. Since you're the only one
who showed up,
Copy !req
47. you'll be playing the lead role
of William Dewey.
Copy !req
48. Nailed the audition.
Copy !req
49. And for the other roles,
I guess I'll have to play...
Copy !req
50. All of them.
Copy !req
51. The ship is out at sea.
Copy !req
52. The sun beats down on the crew
while they stand on deck.
Copy !req
53. Suddenly, the tall,
ruggedly handsome man
Copy !req
54. standing in front of them
Copy !req
55. "Crew, I'm so glad you could be
part of this journey with me
Copy !req
56. as we search for a new land
Copy !req
57. to build a distinguished
new city in.
Copy !req
58. "Oh, captain William Dewey,
you're such a good captain.
Copy !req
59. Never has a voyage been
so super good."
Copy !req
60. "Good point,
first mate buddy."
Copy !req
61. For fun.
Copy !req
62. Oh, no.
Copy !req
63. Is that a wild squall
approaching us?
Copy !req
64. Surely this can't be good.
Copy !req
65. "Be calm, my crew."
Copy !req
66. I'll just save us with my
heroic, supernatural ability."
Copy !req
67. And then William Dewey
grows into a 50-foot giant
Copy !req
68. and carries the boat
safely to shore.
Copy !req
69. The crew thinks he's so good
at being captain
Copy !req
70. that they elected him to be
the first mayor of Beach City.
Copy !req
71. The end.
Copy !req
72. Wow, mayor Dewey.
That was really good.
Copy !req
73. Yeah.
Copy !req
74. William Dewey
is a really, uh,
Copy !req
75. good character...
Copy !req
76. But maybe we could bring out
another side of William Dewey?
Copy !req
77. See his struggles?
Copy !req
78. The great William Dewey
didn't struggle.
Copy !req
79. He was good at everything
on the first try —
Copy !req
80. just like me
when I wrote this play.
Copy !req
81. Not a single word
needs to be changed.
Copy !req
82. But maybe —
Copy !req
83. Don't forget
who's funding this.
Copy !req
84. Well, nice hustle,
Copy !req
85. Keep it up.
Aye, aye.
Copy !req
86. This is gonna be
a disaster.
Copy !req
87. What?
Copy !req
88. It's a terrible story.
Copy !req
89. William Dewey
is totally unbelievable.
Copy !req
90. 'Cause he grows
50 feet?
Copy !req
91. No,
he's got no character.
Copy !req
92. But the script kept saying
he was really good.
Copy !req
93. Exactly.
Copy !req
94. How can a guy
have no faults?
Copy !req
95. To be human
is to be flawed.
Copy !req
96. A real hero
must struggle.
Copy !req
97. That's so beautiful.
Copy !req
98. And, also,
totally not represented
Copy !req
99. in mayor Dewey's script.
Copy !req
100. My first play —
and probably my last.
Copy !req
101. Hey, Pearl.
Copy !req
102. Pearl?
Copy !req
103. Steven, you're back.
Copy !req
104. Yeah.
Show business is rough.
Copy !req
105. Is there something
I can help you with?
Copy !req
106. Not unless you can make
William Dewey interesting.
Copy !req
107. How do you know
William Dewey?
Copy !req
108. I'm gonna be him
in this play.
Copy !req
109. But he's totally boring.
Copy !req
110. He's perfect,
and he never makes mistakes.
Copy !req
111. Wish I could say
the same for myself.
Copy !req
112. Yeah,
but nobody's like that.
Copy !req
113. Everybody
gets stuff wrong.
Copy !req
114. And then you have to keep going,
and it's hard,
Copy !req
115. which is why it's great
when you never stop trying.
Copy !req
116. When did you
get so smart?
Copy !req
117. Hmm.
This isn't just boring.
Copy !req
118. It's historically
Copy !req
119. Who wrote this?
Mayor Dewey.
Copy !req
120. He wasn't even there.
Copy !req
121. But I was.
Copy !req
122. You were there?
Copy !req
123. Wait,
what really happened?
Copy !req
124. Well, for starters,
Copy !req
125. "ruggedly handsome"
seems rather generous.
Copy !req
126. Steven...
Copy !req
127. This is so real.
Copy !req
128. It's like it was written
by someone who lived it.
Copy !req
129. It was.
Copy !req
130. And I don't know
if you can tell,
Copy !req
131. but I wrote the jokes.
Copy !req
132. I can tell.
Copy !req
133. It's so gritty,
so passionate, so...
Copy !req
134. Historically accurate?
Copy !req
135. And the drama?
Copy !req
136. This is the play
we should be doing.
Copy !req
137. Let's do it then.
Copy !req
138. Let's put on this version
of the play.
Copy !req
139. But how?
Copy !req
140. We'd need new costumes,
new props —
Copy !req
141. we have no time.
Copy !req
142. And mayor Dewey
will have our heads.
Copy !req
143. But Jamie,
you said it yourself —
Copy !req
144. "a real hero struggles."
Copy !req
145. By jiminy, you're right.
Copy !req
146. This show will go on
tomorrow night
Copy !req
147. with you
as captain William Dewey
Copy !req
148. and I as
the remaining roles.
Copy !req
149. All of them?
Copy !req
150. All of them.
Copy !req
151. Boom, ahh,
Copy !req
152. acting.
Copy !req
153. Mind if I have a seat?
Copy !req
154. Okay...
Copy !req
155. Oh, you know,
I wrote this play.
Copy !req
156. I hope mayor Dewey
isn't mad about the changes
Copy !req
157. guess we'll have to see.
Copy !req
158. Are you nervous?
Of course.
Copy !req
159. This could either
make or break my career.
Copy !req
160. You could lose your job
at the post office?
Copy !req
161. This could either
make or break my hobby.
Copy !req
162. Acting.
Copy !req
163. Boardies and gentleboardies,
Copy !req
164. tonight, I am thrilled
to present to you...
Copy !req
165. "The tale of William Dewey."
Copy !req
166. Yeah —
Beach City rules.
Copy !req
167. Shh.
Copy !req
168. Oh, captain, my captain,
Copy !req
169. how long until the soft lips
of our sailing ship
Copy !req
170. kiss the rugged beard
of new lands?
Copy !req
171. I know we've been journeying
for many months,
Copy !req
172. but surely we'll run
into something soon.
Copy !req
173. The ocean
can't be that big.
Copy !req
174. There he is.
Hi, Steven.
Copy !req
175. You're so talented.
Copy !req
176. Back home they called me
"Dewey the dunce,"
Copy !req
177. said I couldn't find land
even if I was standing on it.
Copy !req
178. What the...
Copy !req
179. And I'm starting to fear
that they were right.
Copy !req
180. What light through
yon stage left breaks?
Copy !req
181. Oh, what now?
Copy !req
182. It is the east,
and we are The Crystal Gems.
Copy !req
183. What?
This wasn't in the script.
Copy !req
184. This wasn't in the budget,
Copy !req
185. Greetings. I am Pearl.
Copy !req
186. And I come to you
Copy !req
187. as a messenger
of the brilliant,
Copy !req
188. Rose Quartz.
Copy !req
189. We ask that you
turn your ship around.
Copy !req
190. The land
you are headed for
Copy !req
191. is no walk in the park
for your species.
Copy !req
192. Nonsense.
Copy !req
193. I won't take orders
from the likes of you.
Copy !req
194. Well, then...
Copy !req
195. You should turn around
lest you fall into the sea.
Copy !req
196. And you know,
Copy !req
197. humans aren't
very good swimmers.
Copy !req
198. They ain't.
Copy !req
199. I'll just return home
Copy !req
200. like the failure dunce
I am.
Copy !req
201. Ugh. I can't even
turn a sail right.
Copy !req
202. Why must I always struggle?
Copy !req
203. Wow, dad,
what a loser.
Copy !req
204. Oh, captain, my captain,
Copy !req
205. we've drifted Miles
from our course.
Copy !req
206. These waves are nothing like
I've ever seen before.
Copy !req
207. Nonsense.
This is only a drizzle.
Copy !req
208. Okay, maybe
a light summer storm.
Copy !req
209. What's that portside?
Copy !req
210. Lever.
Copy !req
211. Captain, it's got me.
Copy !req
212. First mate buddy.
Copy !req
213. Whatever you do,
don't give up your search.
Copy !req
214. You're the bravest man I know,
because you try,
Copy !req
215. even though
you fail so, so much.
Copy !req
216. Buddy, noooo!
Copy !req
217. Oh, buddy,
a stale biscuit to the end.
Copy !req
218. And now my boat
will sink into the depths.
Copy !req
219. Dewey the disastrous dunce.
Copy !req
220. What's this?
Copy !req
221. Holy anchovies.
The quadruple noogie.
Copy !req
222. A move that's only been
spoken of in legends.
Copy !req
223. Ah.
It heads this way.
Copy !req
224. Oh, please, goddess of noogies,
don't hurt me.
Copy !req
225. Whoa. I've made it!
Copy !req
226. Land!
Sweet, solid land!
Copy !req
227. Ugh.
Copy !req
228. Thank you, giant woman.
Copy !req
229. You may not want to stay,
this land is dangerous.
Copy !req
230. No, I will stay.
Copy !req
231. For I am William Dewey,
Copy !req
232. and I don't give up
in the face of failure.
Copy !req
233. That's what makes me great.
Copy !req
234. Very well then.
Copy !req
235. But I can't promise you
I won't interfere again.
Copy !req
236. I shall name this new land
Copy !req
237. in honor of my dead
first mate, buddy.
Copy !req
238. I'm alive.
Copy !req
239. Okay,
Beach City it is.
Copy !req
240. What?
Copy !req
241. Nice to know great grandpa
was a real person with flaws.
Copy !req
242. Gutsy move dad.
Mayor Dewey!
Copy !req
243. Mayor Dewey! Mayor —
Copy !req
244. one for you,
and one for you...
Copy !req
245. Excuse me.
Copy !req
246. If I could have a moment
with the talent.
Copy !req
247. Oh.
Copy !req
248. Jamie.
Copy !req
249. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
250. Fantastic work.
Copy !req
251. I loved the message.
"Vote mayor Dewey."
Copy !req
252. How about I offer
you another role —
Copy !req
253. lead director of Beach City
community theater.
Copy !req
254. You could put on
more plays —
Copy !req
255. as long as the budget
allows it.
Copy !req
256. Uh, thank you, sir.
Copy !req
257. A lot of the credit
should go to Pearl.
Copy !req
258. You could say she was
an "inside source."
Copy !req
259. I am a gem
of many talents —
Copy !req
260. a dedication to fact
is just one of them.
Copy !req
261. Thank you for preserving
my legacy.
Copy !req
262. Oh, what's 200 years
between friends.
Copy !req
263. Well...
Copy !req
264. I must be off then
Copy !req
265. to bask in the adulation
of my constituents.
Copy !req
266. You know, I don't remember
there being a campaign slogan
Copy !req
267. at the end of that story.
Copy !req
268. Art doesn't always
need a reason, Pearl.
Copy !req
269. Sometimes it's just gotta
make the audience happy.
Copy !req
270. That's why you always
end on a joke.
Copy !req