1. 1x24 - "Mirror Gem"
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2. - What? Why not?
- Steven, I told you I can't
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3. hang out today.
I have tennis practice.
Copy !req
4. And then mom wants to go
out for a family dinner.
Copy !req
5. But she said I could hang out
all day tomorrow and I can come
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6. Over all the time now
that it's summer vacation.
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7. What's summer vacation?
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8. You know, when school
gets out for the summer?
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9. I've never been to this ...
how do you say?
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10. School?
How does it work?
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11. It's a place where you go to learn.
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12. - It's full of desks, chalkboards ...
- Hmm.
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13. - ... books, maps.
- I see.
Copy !req
14. - Yep, it's all coming together.
- So, how do we
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15. - begin our "school"?
- Uh ... I ...
Copy !req
16. I don't know. This is
everything Connie told me.
Copy !req
17. Why do I never ask
follow-up questions?
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18. Who will teach little Stevie now?
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19. Teach you?
Steven, if only I had known
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20. that's what you really wanted.
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21. Twooow!
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22. Haaaaaaa!
Copy !req
23. We found this gem-powered
mirror at the galaxy warp.
Copy !req
24. It can capture and
display any event it's
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25. witnessed in all of gem history.
Copy !req
26. It'll offer you
everything you've ever wanted
Copy !req
27. to know about your fellow
gems and our culture.
Copy !req
28. I must be incredibly
important to gem culture.
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29. It's just you in there.
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30. It hasn't even been activated.
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31. Show us the galaxy warp.
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32. Show us the galaxy warp.
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33. - Oh, come on!
- Whoa!
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34. I know you've seen it.
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35. It is in pretty rough shape.
It must finally be broken.
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36. - What a shame.
- Doesn't seem broken to me.
Copy !req
37. Oh, well. I guess
that's the end of our school.
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38. Whoa. Wha ...
So you could say ...
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39. - school's out for summer?
- Yes. Good, Steven.
Copy !req
40. There are many ways
to say the same thing.
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41. School's out!
Copy !req
42. Hmm. The asymmetry of this
pile is really starting to bother me.
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43. School's out!
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44. Happy summer vacation, Steven.
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45. Happy summer vacation, Beach City!
Copy !req
46. - Hey! - Hey!
- Er, watch where you're going
Copy !req
47. you little ... Steven!
Copy !req
48. Sorry! I'm just
so excited for summer.
Copy !req
49. Are you excited for summer?
I'm so excited for summer!
Copy !req
50. Uh, I think I'm
as excited as I can get
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51. about setting up extra
seating for the summer rush.
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52. - But lars has big plans.
- You bet I do ... all those out-of-town
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53. summer babes traveling
away from home without
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54. their boyfriends...
if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
55. - Nope.
- Maybe I'll get a few numbers.
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56. - Maybe I'll even ... call one.
- Ha!
Copy !req
57. Well, yeah, maybe
I'll meet a new friend.
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58. That's a great idea
a special new friend to
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59. have fun on the beach
with in the summer.
Copy !req
60. Maybe if I keep using the
mirror to guide me, I'll
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61. walk backwards Into my
own beach-summer-fun buddy!
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62. Next time you see me, I'll
be on the arm of a hot woman's.
Copy !req
63. You can stop talking about it now.
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64. - Mayor Dewey.
- Er, watch where you're going,
Copy !req
65. - you little ...
- Huh?
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66. - Mayor Dewey.
- Nooooo!
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67. - Car wash kid, what are you doing?
- I don't know.
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68. Why were you driving down the boardwalk?
Copy !req
69. I'm the mayor ... I'm
not gonna walk anywhere.
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70. Now, go get run over somewhere else.
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71. I'm late for a speech.
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72. Mayor Dewey. Mayor Dewey.
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73. What just happened?
Copy !req
74. You work!
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75. This is so cool! What's
it like being a mirror?
Copy !req
76. You work!
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77. - So you can repeat stuff?
- Yeah!
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78. Hello, Beach City, my friends!
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79. It's great to be here to
celebrate the coming season.
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80. A warm summer breeze
wafts through the air.
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81. We all look forward to the
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82. sounds of the summer season ...
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83. the smells of the busy boardwalk ...
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84. the hot, wet ocean wind ...
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85. the time to take that
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86. pressure that's built up
all year and just let it out.
Copy !req
87. Wow, you picked that up fast.
Copy !req
88. You got a lot of
mileage out of that joke.
Copy !req
89. You're pretty funny for a mirror.
Copy !req
90. You're pretty funny for a mirror.
Copy !req
91. - I'm not a mirror.
- You're pretty funny for a ...
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92. Steven!
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93. You made something new!
Say something else!
Copy !req
94. - Steven ...
- Is ...
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95. - a new friend.
- Really?
Copy !req
96. - Yeah!
- You're my friend, too.
Copy !req
97. I got to go tell the gems.
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98. Nooooo!
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99. Don't be shy. They'll love you.
Copy !req
100. - Nooooo!
- Don't worry.
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101. They're a good audience.
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102. Guys! Wait till you see ...
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103. - Yo! Stee-man!
- Hello, Steven.
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104. - Howdy. Bang.
- Want to see something hilarious?
Copy !req
105. You don't understand.
Copy !req
106. Symmetrical means both
sides have to be the same!
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107. Oh, god.
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108. M.C. Bear bear!
Okay, that's great.
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109. - Anyway, I fixed the mirror!
- Excellent work, Steven!
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110. - You didn't tell me It's like a person.
- Wait. What?
Copy !req
111. Say hey.
Little buddy...
Copy !req
112. Uh ... excuse us.
Come on.
Copy !req
113. You want to come out, don't
you? You have so much to
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114. say and funny noises to
share from across the ages.
Copy !req
115. Are we not
beach-summer-fun buddies?
Copy !req
116. Just couldn't help yourself, huh?
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117. - Just for you ...
- Steven!
Copy !req
118. It's talking to him?
It shouldn't be able to do that.
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119. I-It should only be following orders.
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120. - Garnet, do something.
- Steven.
Copy !req
121. Nooooo!
Copy !req
122. You should just
give us back the mirror.
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123. - It will be safer where we can watch it.
- Yeah, let's bubble it.
Copy !req
124. Nooooo!
Copy !req
125. Nooooo!
Copy !req
126. - Wha ...
- Steven.
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127. Don't make me have to take it from you.
Copy !req
128. It doesn't want to go with you.
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129. - Don't you hear it screaming?
- Steven, it's just
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130. a mirror, a tool.
It can't want anything.
Copy !req
131. Nooooo!
Copy !req
132. Nooooo!
Copy !req
133. Nooooo!
Copy !req
134. It wants to be with me!
Copy !req
135. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
136. That little
boy is in big trouble.
Copy !req
137. Garnet, wait! I'm
sure he didn't understand
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138. - what he was doing!
- Fan out.
Copy !req
139. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
140. What's their problem with you?
Copy !req
141. Are you trying to say something?
Copy !req
142. - Away from home.
- Let ...
Copy !req
143. - Me ...
- Out!
Copy !req
144. - I don't understand.
- Steven!
Copy !req
145. Come on! I want to help you!
Copy !req
146. What can I do?
Copy !req
147. Ah!
Copy !req
148. Wha ...
Copy !req
149. Thank you.
Copy !req
150. You didn't ... ohh.
Copy !req
151. You actually talked
to me. You helped me!
Copy !req
152. It's Steven, right?
Copy !req
153. - Mm.
- I'm Lapis ... Lapis Lazuli.
Copy !req
154. - Are you really a crystal gem?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
155. - But you set me free.
- But ... Wha ...
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156. - Steven!
- Wha ...
Copy !req
157. - Wait!
- You ...
Copy !req
158. You three knew I was in
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159. there, and you didn't do anything.
Copy !req
160. Did you even wonder who I used to be?
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161. Steven, run!
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162. - What are you doing?
- I'm Lapis Lazuli, and you
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163. can't keep me trapped here anymore!
Copy !req
164. - Huh?
- They're not gonna let us leave.
Copy !req
165. - Leave?
- Steven, come with me.
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166. - Where?
- Home.
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167. - B-B-But ... B-But I, uh ...
- Fine.
Copy !req
168. Don't trust them, Steven.
Copy !req
169. - Steven! Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm fine.
Copy !req
170. - So, that was another gem?
- Yes.
Copy !req
171. Steven, you're grounded.
Copy !req
172. 1x26 - "Ocean Gem"
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173. - I'm grounded?
- Yes, you're grounded.
Copy !req
174. - You disobeyed an order.
- Now we're gonna bury you
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175. till you've learned Your lesson.
Copy !req
176. That's not how grounding works!
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177. Dad?
Copy !req
178. Uh, you guys better come check this out.
Copy !req
179. W-W-Wha?
Copy !req
180. - Wait.
- What the ...
Copy !req
181. - Where did it go?
- Whoa!
Copy !req
182. - The ocean!
- Huh?
Copy !req
183. Hey, it's those magical ladies!
Copy !req
184. - What's going on here?
- The ocean is gone, obviously.
Copy !req
185. That's right. Now it's just a desert.
Copy !req
186. No one wants to take a
vacation to ... Desert City!
Copy !req
187. Aw, we're gonna lose
all our summer business!
Copy !req
188. - And all the beach babes. Aw!
- Who's gonna buy my fries?
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189. - And my pizza!
- Who's gonna have fun at funland?
Copy !req
190. As mayor, I demand you
explain this immediately... !
Copy !req
191. It was Lapis Lazuli.
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192. - Lapis Lazuli?
- She's the gem you
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193. released from the mirror.
Copy !req
194. - That's incredible.
- How did you do that?
Copy !req
195. But she's a gem, just like us.
Copy !req
196. There's a lot you
don't know about gems, Steven.
Copy !req
197. How could I have known the
gem contained in that mirror
Copy !req
198. - would Be so powerful?
- Where are you going, Steven?
Copy !req
199. I'm leaving to
fix what I did to our home.
Copy !req
200. I was the one who set
Lapis free from the mirror.
Copy !req
201. Now it's my fault the ocean's gone.
Copy !req
202. I'm gonna bring the ocean back
or get really thirsty trying.
Copy !req
203. Wait up, kiddo.
I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
204. I want to help, too.
Also, I feel weird being in your
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205. house if you're not here.
Copy !req
206. Clearly, we're coming, too.
Copy !req
207. You're
ungrounded, by the way.
Copy !req
208. Whoo-hoo!
Road trip!
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209. How about some tunes?
Copy !req
210. This was one of Rose's favorites.
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211. What do you think, Garnet?
Copy !req
212. I can't believe
Lapis would do this.
Copy !req
213. - Gems shouldn't fight each other.
- We're always
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214. fighting gems, actually.
Copy !req
215. - What?
- Oh, how do I put this?
Copy !req
216. All gems aren't necessarily ... good.
Copy !req
217. All those monsters
we fight used to be just like us!
Copy !req
218. - Right, Pearl?
- Yes.
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219. But they've become corrupted and broken.
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220. We have to take care of them,
subdue them, contain them.
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221. It's the best we can
do for them for now.
Copy !req
222. If we don't, then ...
Copy !req
223. That's some magical
destiny stuff, right there.
Copy !req
224. Guys, I just had the best
idea for an album cover.
Copy !req
225. This is it.
Lapis Lazuli is here.
Copy !req
226. I don't understand.
What does she want
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227. - with the ocean?
- Whoa. Look at all this.
Copy !req
228. It's ... it's just
like a giant aquarium.
Copy !req
229. You shouldn't be here!
Copy !req
230. - She sensed us.
- Lapis Lazuli, it's me, Steven!
Copy !req
231. - Go away before I make you.
- But we're
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232. - beach-summer-fun buddies!
- N-o-o-o-o-o!
Copy !req
233. You're one of them ...
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234. one of the crystal gems.
Copy !req
235. - Easy.
- What do you mean?
Copy !req
236. We're all gems, right?
Just let us help you.
Copy !req
237. You don't understand.
Just leave me alone.
Copy !req
238. We're not leaving, Lapis ...
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239. not until you give us
back our ocean!
Copy !req
240. I said, "leave me alone!"
Copy !req
241. Greg, kids, you stay behind us.
Copy !req
242. - We'll handle this.
- Sounds good to me.
Copy !req
243. - Ruh-oh.
- Stand together.
Copy !req
244. Don't let them separate us.
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245. Garnet!
Copy !req
246. Aw, come on!
Copy !req
247. Well, as long as we're playing fair ...
Copy !req
248. I hate fighting me.
Copy !req
249. - Come on, lion!
- You can take me!
Copy !req
250. - Oh, no, not the van!
- Revenge!
Copy !req
251. Revenge!
Copy !req
252. Kids!
Copy !req
253. - Connie?
- Is this a normal magical
Copy !req
254. mission for you?
'Cause I'm not so sure how
Copy !req
255. comfortable I am with you
going on these anymo-o-o-re!
Copy !req
256. Dad!
Copy !req
257. Dad! Dad!
Are you okay?
Copy !req
258. Oh, I think my leg's broken.
Copy !req
259. See? This is why we
wear seatbelts, kids.
Copy !req
260. Lapis, I don't
want to fight anymore.
Copy !req
261. I said, "I don't want to fight"!
Copy !req
262. Hmm? Mm.
Copy !req
263. - Steven?
- Lapis, I'm coming up
Copy !req
264. to see you.
So please don't drown me.
Copy !req
265. Wait, Steven!
Copy !req
266. - Lapis?
- What are you doing here, Steven?
Copy !req
267. What? I ... no!
What are you doing here?
Copy !req
268. This thing, the ocean,
this is crazy.
Copy !req
269. Can't we work this out?
We gems should be friends.
Copy !req
270. - Whoa!
- Don't you know anything, Steven?
Copy !req
271. Your friends, they don't really
care about other gems.
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272. All they care about is the Earth.
Copy !req
273. But I never believed in this place.
Copy !req
274. What?
Copy !req
275. - I just wanna go home.
- I know how important
Copy !req
276. home can be.
But that's why I'm here.
Copy !req
277. You took the ocean away,
and the ocean is an important
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278. - part of my home.
- I'm only using the ocean
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279. because my gem is cracked.
If I just stretch it
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280. far enough ...
Copy !req
281. This is never going to work.
Copy !req
282. I can fix your gem!
I have healing powers!
Copy !req
283. Wait, you have healing powers?
Copy !req
284. - I know, right?
- Oh, what should I ...
Copy !req
285. Oh, uh, sorry.
This might be a little weird.
Copy !req
286. What?
Copy !req
287. - Thank you, Steven.
- No prob, bob.
Copy !req
288. - It's Lapis.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
289. - Okay. Bye.
- Oh!
Copy !req
290. The whole
tower's coming down.
Copy !req
291. What about Steven?
Copy !req
292. - Whoa...!
- Grab my hand!
Copy !req
293. Gotcha.
Copy !req
294. Steven!
Copy !req
295. Huh?
Copy !req
296. Yes! Babe city,
here we come! Whoa!
Copy !req
297. That's how you do it.
Copy !req
298. Well, what's that
thing you always say about the
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299. - pork chops and the hot dogs?
- Look!
Copy !req
300. Mm.
Copy !req
301. - So, Lapis made it off planet.
- What does this mean for us?
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302. We wait and see.
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303. See you, Lapis.
Wherever you are.
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