1. Are you ready, kids?
Copy !req
2. Aye, aye, Captain!
Copy !req
3. I can't hear you.
Copy !req
4. Aye, aye, Captain!
Copy !req
5. Captioning sponsored by THE
Copy !req
Copy !req
7. Wait for it...
Copy !req
8. Another day, another migraine.
Copy !req
9. Mi...
Copy !req
10. graine.
Copy !req
11. Isn't it great
Copy !req
12. working at
the Krusty Krab,
Copy !req
13. Huh? Isn't it?
Copy !req
14. Working here?
Copy !req
15. Yeah, great.
Copy !req
16. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
17. Oh, yeah. Yes!
Copy !req
18. Hold that thought,
Copy !req
19. I'm due in the parking lot
for early morning litter patrol.
Copy !req
20. May Neptune shine brightly
on my harvest.
Copy !req
21. Litter.
Copy !req
22. Looks like someone
missed the trash basket,
Copy !req
23. huh, Mr. Candy Wrapper?
Copy !req
24. Kids these days.
Copy !req
25. I've never seen
such an epidemic!
Copy !req
26. Well, at least
it's all over now.
Copy !req
27. Huh?
Copy !req
28. Huh?
Copy !req
29. Huh?
Copy !req
30. Where is all this litter
coming from?
Copy !req
31. Not on my watch.
Copy !req
32. Sir, I will
have you know
Copy !req
33. it's against the law
to litter.
Copy !req
34. Ha! What are you
going to do,
Copy !req
35. call the police?
Copy !req
36. Yes.
Copy !req
37. How's it going,
Copy !req
38. Well, let's just say
I hope our litterbug there
Copy !req
39. saved room
for his just desserts.
Copy !req
40. Yeah!
Copy !req
41. Just desserts.
Copy !req
42. Whatever.
Copy !req
43. SpongeBob,
don't you know
who that is?
Copy !req
44. Who?
Copy !req
45. That's the Tattletale Strangler!
Copy !req
46. Who?
Copy !req
47. The Tattletale Strangler!
Copy !req
48. He's promised
to strangle anyone
Copy !req
49. who turns him in!
Copy !req
50. He seems kind of angry with us,
eh, Squidward?
Copy !req
51. Squidward?
Copy !req
52. Squidward!
Copy !req
53. You're going
to do time,
Copy !req
54. Hard time.
Copy !req
55. Hi, officers.
Copy !req
56. So he's going
to jail, right?
Copy !req
57. Who, Strangler?
Copy !req
58. Yeah, Strangler.
Copy !req
59. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
60. He's going to jail
for a long time.
Copy !req
61. Hey, that looks
like me!
Copy !req
62. Don't worry,
Copy !req
63. he won't be able
to strangle you.
Copy !req
64. Yeah, we got him
chained up
real good.
Copy !req
65. He'll never
get away.
Copy !req
66. Oops, not again.
Copy !req
67. Yup, he got away.
Copy !req
68. You nice officers
will protect me, right?
Copy !req
69. We ain't bodyguards,
Copy !req
70. Yeah, give us
a call
Copy !req
71. if you see him
again, tattletale.
Copy !req
72. Those officers are right—
I need a bodyguard.
Copy !req
73. Mr. Krabs!
Copy !req
74. There's a maniac
after me.
Copy !req
75. I need a bodyguard!
Copy !req
76. I wasn't five-time
golden claws in the navy
Copy !req
77. for nothing.
Copy !req
78. When he see
me moves,
Copy !req
79. he'll be
running scared.
Copy !req
80. So where is this
little bully,
Copy !req
81. down at the park?
Copy !req
82. The soda shop?
Copy !req
83. What does he
look like, eh, boy?
Copy !req
84. This would be him,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
85. The Tattletale Strangler!
Copy !req
86. Go away, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
87. Take your death cloud
with you!
Copy !req
88. Hold me!
Hold me!
Copy !req
89. That's it,
I got to get out of town
Copy !req
90. till I can find a bodyguard.
Copy !req
91. Bodyguard, huh?
Copy !req
92. Uh, I might be able
to help you out.
Copy !req
93. You don't understand,
Copy !req
94. I need protection from
the scariest guy in town.
Copy !req
95. Here's
his picture.
Copy !req
96. He doesn't
look so tough.
Copy !req
97. I tattled on him,
Copy !req
98. and now he wants
to strangle me
Copy !req
99. with his
diabolical hands!
Copy !req
100. I hope they're
not dirty.
Copy !req
101. Huh?
Copy !req
102. Uh-oh, there's too many
witnesses around here.
Copy !req
103. Listen, kid, I could
be your bodyguard.
Copy !req
104. Here's my card.
Copy !req
105. Hmm...
Copy !req
106. Looks good to me.
Copy !req
107. You're hired!
Copy !req
108. I feel safer already.
What's next?
Copy !req
109. Well, the maniac
could be anywhere
Copy !req
110. wearing a disguise.
Copy !req
111. He could be
that old man.
Copy !req
112. Or that baby.
Copy !req
113. Or that pebble!
Copy !req
114. Or that stick.
Copy !req
115. Or that receipt
Copy !req
116. for the Phony Baloney
Mustache Emporium.
Copy !req
117. Huh? Uh,
that's mine.
Copy !req
118. Oh, bodyguard, my body is
in your guarding hands.
Copy !req
119. What do we do first?
Copy !req
120. Uh... I suggest
we go to a nice quiet,
secluded location,
Copy !req
121. like behind
an old dumpster,
or a dark alley.
Copy !req
122. We could go to my house
Copy !req
123. and turn off
all the lights.
Copy !req
124. Perfect.
Copy !req
125. That way no one
could hear you
being strangled—
Copy !req
126. I mean, uh, uh, protected.
Copy !req
127. Perfect.
Copy !req
128. Yes, excellent.
Copy !req
129. Ah, but first
I got to do a few errands.
Copy !req
130. Uh, okay, but let's
make it quick.
Copy !req
131. "Quick" is my middle name.
Copy !req
132. Let's see, paper towels.
Copy !req
133. This one says,
"Best paper towel around."
Copy !req
134. This one says,
"Best paper towel in town."
Copy !req
135. Hmm.
Copy !req
136. "In town."
Copy !req
137. "Around."
Copy !req
138. "In town."
Copy !req
139. "Around."
Copy !req
140. What do you think,
Copy !req
141. Whatever gets us
to your house quicker.
Copy !req
142. I'll take both!
Copy !req
143. Here you go,
Mr. SquarePants.
Copy !req
144. Hmm...
Copy !req
145. Is there something wrong?
Copy !req
146. I'm not sure if
these are my pants.
Copy !req
147. How about this one,
Copy !req
148. Too overbearing?
Copy !req
149. Can we just go to your house?
Copy !req
150. Here we are,
SquarePants Manor.
Copy !req
151. Bodyguard, let me just
take this opportunity
Copy !req
152. to say you're the best bodyguard
a fellow could hope to have.
Copy !req
153. All right, enough
of the sappy talk.
Copy !req
154. Open the door
so I can strangle you...
Copy !req
155. I mean, uh, choke you...
Copy !req
156. I mean, uh, crush
your windpipe... I mean...
Copy !req
157. "Protect me"?
Copy !req
158. Thanks.
Copy !req
159. Don't mention it,
Copy !req
160. I mean "bodyguard."
Copy !req
161. Now, where
did I put my key?
Copy !req
162. Well, I can't
find them.
Copy !req
163. Do you want
to take a look?
Copy !req
164. Forget the key!
Copy !req
165. Let's climb
through this window.
Copy !req
166. I can't reach it.
Copy !req
167. Can you hop up
on my shoulders, kid?
Copy !req
168. Sure.
Copy !req
169. With these spiky cleats,
anything is possible.
Copy !req
170. "Cleats"?
Copy !req
171. Get your feet
out of my eye sockets!
Copy !req
172. I'm trying, but my cleats
are stuck in your corneas!
Copy !req
173. Get off! Get off!
Copy !req
174. Oh, oh, oh!
Copy !req
175. Don't be mad,
Copy !req
176. Let me just grab the key
I keep under the mat
Copy !req
177. and we can get inside.
Copy !req
178. There you are,
you little rascal.
Copy !req
179. Now to put it in the lock,
Copy !req
180. which should activate
the tumblers,
Copy !req
181. thus opening the door.
Copy !req
182. Step inside...
Copy !req
183. Close the door...
Copy !req
184. Well, here we are.
Copy !req
185. I finally got you all alone!
Copy !req
186. I know, isn't it great?
Copy !req
187. Ooh!
Copy !req
188. Now you're going to
get yours, tattletale!
Copy !req
189. A surprise party
to celebrate
Copy !req
190. my perfect on-time
percentage at work?
Copy !req
191. Oh, how'd you guys know?
Copy !req
192. It's on the invitations
you sent us.
Copy !req
193. Let's boogie!
Copy !req
194. Bye, everybody,
thanks for coming!
Copy !req
195. Bye, Mr. Krabs, bye, Plankton,
bye, Sandy, bye, Larry,
Copy !req
196. bye, Pearl, bye, Mrs. Puff, bye,
Squidward, bye, the rest.
Copy !req
197. Alone at last.
Copy !req
198. Huh? What? What?
Copy !req
199. So we're
all alone now?
Copy !req
200. Just you, me
and the floorboards.
Copy !req
201. Yeah!
Copy !req
202. Happy birthday,
Copy !req
203. How did you guys know
today is my birthday?
Copy !req
204. We just do what
the invitations say.
Copy !req
205. Let's boogie
some more!
Copy !req
206. Thanks for coming!
Copy !req
207. Whew!
Copy !req
208. Alone again.
Copy !req
209. Is it true?
Copy !req
210. Everybody's gone?
Copy !req
211. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
212. No more
parties today?
Copy !req
213. You've got everything
you need now?
Copy !req
214. Nobody's left,
we're completely alone?
Copy !req
215. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
216. In that case...
Copy !req
217. Great parties, huh?
Copy !req
218. Oh!
Copy !req
219. Sorry, tubby,
you got to go.
Copy !req
220. Wait, we can
trust Patrick.
Copy !req
221. He's my best friend.
Copy !req
222. Well, uh, I can't
take any chances.
Copy !req
223. For all we know, uh,
he could be the Strangler.
Copy !req
224. I'm the Strangler?
Copy !req
225. Oh, I should have known!
Copy !req
226. I got to turn myself in!
Copy !req
227. So Patrick's
the Strangler.
Copy !req
228. Gee, you think
you know a guy.
Copy !req
229. He's not the Strangler!
Copy !req
230. He's not?
Copy !req
231. I am!
Copy !req
232. Hey, how'd you do that
without shaving cream?
Copy !req
233. Oh, it's a fake,
you idiot!
Copy !req
234. I bought it at
the party store!
Copy !req
235. Did someone
say "party"?
Copy !req
236. I can't take it!
Copy !req
237. Wait, bodyguard,
I need protection!
Copy !req
238. Step on it!
Copy !req
239. I'm being chased by a maniac!
Copy !req
240. I'm not safe!
Copy !req
241. Come back!
Copy !req
242. Finally! Away from that guy.
Copy !req
243. Good idea,
Copy !req
244. He'll never
find us up here.
Copy !req
245. Good thinking, bodyguard.
Copy !req
246. The Strangler could have been
on that plane.
Copy !req
247. Bodyguard!
Copy !req
248. Look, kid...
Copy !req
249. I'm not your bodyguard!
Copy !req
250. I'm the Strangler.
Copy !req
251. See?
Copy !req
252. The Strangler!
Copy !req
253. Good work,
Copy !req
254. You put the Strangler
behind bars.
Copy !req
255. At least I'm safe
from that yellow idiot.
Copy !req
256. Hey, Mack.
Copy !req
257. What are you in for?
Copy !req
258. Well, Patrick, here it is,
the Palace of Pranks,
Copy !req
259. the greatest novelty shop
in Bikini Bottom.
Copy !req
260. All the greatest pranksters
shop here.
Copy !req
261. This is where I got
my gag seanut brittle can.
Copy !req
262. Oh, boy, seanut brittle—
give me!
Copy !req
263. Patrick, wait, it's
a booby trap, remember?
Copy !req
264. Nice try, SquarePants, but it's
not going to work this time.
Copy !req
265. I'm going to have some of
your delicious seanut brittle.
Copy !req
266. Where's
the seanut brittle?
Copy !req
267. That gets funnier every time
you say it, Patrick.
Copy !req
268. Come on, let's go inside.
Copy !req
269. Seanut brittle.
Copy !req
270. Ah!
Copy !req
271. Nothing compares to the smell
of cheap plastic novelty items.
Copy !req
272. Pranks, gags and gross-out toys
as far as the eye can see.
Copy !req
273. Isn't it everything I said
it would be, Patrick?
Copy !req
274. Hey, seanut brittle!
Copy !req
275. Oh, darn it, not again.
Copy !req
276. Good to see you,
Copy !req
277. How's my number one
customer doing?
Copy !req
278. Great, Frank.
Copy !req
279. This is my friend,
Copy !req
280. He wants to become
a prankster, too.
Copy !req
281. Well, pleasure
to meet you, Patrick.
Copy !req
282. That's your
first lesson, son—
Copy !req
283. the granddaddy
of all pranks,
Copy !req
284. the joy buzzer.
Copy !req
285. I don't get it.
Copy !req
286. You don't have to get it.
Copy !req
287. The prank is
for the enjoyment
of the prankster.
Copy !req
288. You see, Patrick,
Frank here is the master.
Copy !req
289. I learned all I know
about pranks from him.
Copy !req
290. Frank, let's see
what you've got.
Copy !req
291. Well, this came in
just this morning.
Copy !req
292. Have some gum.
Copy !req
293. Ha! Exploding chewing gum,
only $9.95.
Copy !req
294. I don't get it.
Copy !req
295. What can we get for one dollar?
Copy !req
296. One dollar will get you
this fake gag dollar—
Copy !req
297. fool your friends into thinking
you've got a real dollar.
Copy !req
298. What else
have you got?
Copy !req
299. A whoopee cushion?
Copy !req
300. Nah.
Copy !req
301. Fake vomit.
Copy !req
302. No.
Copy !req
303. Real vomit.
Copy !req
304. Eww!
Copy !req
305. Have anything good?
Copy !req
306. Well, there is one prank
that I've been saving
Copy !req
307. for a real top-of-the-line
Copy !req
308. invisible spray.
Copy !req
309. Wow, invisible spray!
Copy !req
310. But I can see it.
Copy !req
311. Gee, Patrick, just
think of the pranks
Copy !req
312. we could pull with this.
Copy !req
313. Good choice.
Copy !req
314. Now, be careful
with that stuff, boys.
Copy !req
315. It stains clothes.
Copy !req
316. Thanks, Frank.
Copy !req
317. Here it is, Patrick,
Copy !req
318. the ultimate prank—
Copy !req
319. invisible spray.
Copy !req
320. What are we going
to do with it?
Copy !req
321. I know!
Copy !req
322. We'll go spray
the park bench
Copy !req
323. and then sit on it,
Copy !req
324. and when people walk by,
Copy !req
325. we'll be floating
in midair.
Copy !req
326. They're floating
in midair!
Copy !req
327. How do they
do that?
Copy !req
328. That's the ultimate prank!
Copy !req
329. Good idea, SpongeBob!
Copy !req
330. Well, let's
get started.
Copy !req
331. Okay, I'm ready.
Copy !req
332. Any particular reason
you took your pants off?
Copy !req
333. Well, that stuff
stains clothes, right?
Copy !req
334. That it does, Patrick,
that it does.
Copy !req
335. Good thinking.
Copy !req
336. Here, hold
this a second.
Copy !req
337. Okay, Patrick,
give me the can.
Copy !req
338. I think since spraying
the park bench was my idea,
Copy !req
339. I should get to spray it.
Copy !req
340. Patrick, spraying
the park bench
Copy !req
341. was myidea.
Copy !req
342. Yeah, but I said
it was a good idea.
Copy !req
343. Give me that thing.
Copy !req
344. Hey, the invisible
spray works!
Copy !req
345. And on your right
if you look,
Copy !req
346. you'll see two
naked guys fighting
over a can of paint.
Copy !req
347. Oh, my gosh, Patrick,
help me find our clothes!
Copy !req
348. I got to handit
to you, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
349. You look kind of funny.
Copy !req
350. Righty, where are you?
Copy !req
351. No one messes with Righty!
Copy !req
352. We'll see
how youlike it.
Copy !req
353. Kind of gives you
an emptyfeeling, huh?
Copy !req
354. Yeah!
Copy !req
355. I seewhat you mean.
Copy !req
356. No guts, no glory!
Copy !req
357. I think this
thing is empty.
Copy !req
358. Oh, no, it can't be!
Copy !req
359. How are we going to pull
off the ultimate prank?
Copy !req
360. Thanks a lot, Patrick.
Copy !req
361. You used the last of it.
Copy !req
362. Hey, I think
I found our pants.
Copy !req
363. Oops!
Here, these are yours.
Copy !req
364. Oh, forget the pants,
Copy !req
365. Let's get home and
wash this paint off.
Copy !req
366. Hey, SpongeBob, do you
know what time it is?
Copy !req
367. Oh, sure, it's...
half past invisible.
Copy !req
368. Gee, it's getting late.
Copy !req
369. Let's ask this guy.
Copy !req
370. Sir, but do you
have the time?
Copy !req
371. Sure, it's ten
to 3:00.
Copy !req
372. Thank you.
Copy !req
373. Don't mention it.
Copy !req
374. Don't mention what?
Copy !req
375. Who said that?
Copy !req
376. Me.
Copy !req
377. Ghosts!
Copy !req
378. Hey, I'm no ghost!
Copy !req
379. The nerve of that guy
and his driving eyeballs.
Copy !req
380. Wait a second, Patrick,
Copy !req
381. my brain just
hatched an idea.
Copy !req
382. Lay it on me.
Copy !req
383. Okay, we're invisible,
Copy !req
384. Yeah.
Copy !req
385. If that guy thought
we were ghosts,
Copy !req
386. we could haunt everybody
in Bikini Bottom.
Copy !req
387. Oh, it's
the ultimate prank.
Copy !req
388. High five!
Copy !req
389. Let's go scare us
some suckers.
Copy !req
390. Huh?
Copy !req
391. That's funny,
I thought I heard voices.
Copy !req
392. Huh?
Copy !req
393. I thought I left that glass
of peanut juice on the table.
Copy !req
394. And didn't I toss
that old lamp out yesterday?
Copy !req
395. And since when did I acquire
all these portraits of Patrick?
Copy !req
396. We're ghosts.
Copy !req
397. I knew it was you guys!
Copy !req
398. All right,
joke's over.
Copy !req
399. Take off the sheets.
Copy !req
400. It isghosts!
Copy !req
401. Boy, we really
scared her!
Copy !req
402. Who's going to be
our next victim?
Copy !req
403. A better question
would be, "Who isn't?"
Copy !req
404. Double-dark deep-sea
light diet cake!
Copy !req
405. You will soon be mine.
Copy !req
406. Ghosts!
Copy !req
407. Huh?
Copy !req
408. Ghosts!
Copy !req
409. Cowabunga!
Copy !req
410. Ghosts!
Copy !req
411. Ghosts!
Copy !req
412. Ghosts!
Copy !req
413. Ghosts!
Copy !req
414. Ghosts!
Copy !req
415. Toast.
Copy !req
416. Ghosts!
Copy !req
417. It's official— we're the
greatest pranksters ever.
Copy !req
418. The whole town
thinks we're ghosts.
Copy !req
419. Yeah.
Copy !req
420. There's only one guy
left to scare,
Copy !req
421. and we'll have pranked everybody
in Bikini Bottom—
Copy !req
422. Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
423. It says he isn't
scared of ghosts.
Copy !req
424. We'll see about that!
Copy !req
425. Ghosts!
Copy !req
426. Hah!
Copy !req
427. I ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Copy !req
428. Every sailor knows a ghost
won't come near a fella
Copy !req
429. as long as he's wearing
his spotted neckerchief...
Copy !req
430. and his dried-up sea leprechaun.
Copy !req
431. And a bit of gold never hurt.
Copy !req
432. But to be on the safe side,
Copy !req
433. I'm also wearing me pants
in a melvin knot,
Copy !req
434. got me shivering timber brace,
Copy !req
435. and the hairs on the back
of me neck are taped down.
Copy !req
436. And I'm all wrapped up
in a suit of anti-ghost armor.
Copy !req
437. And if none of this stuff works,
I've got me secret weapon—
Copy !req
438. the specter deflector.
Copy !req
439. So just try and get me,
you ghosts!
Copy !req
440. Bring it on!
Copy !req
441. Krabs.
Copy !req
442. Krabs, we've come to haunt you.
Copy !req
443. Stay back, I'm well-armed!
Copy !req
444. I'm warning you.
Copy !req
445. Ooh!
Copy !req
446. Boo.
Copy !req
447. I got to get out of here!
Copy !req
448. You can't escape, Krabs.
Copy !req
449. We glued the door shut.
Copy !req
450. You'll never get me!
Copy !req
451. Nice try, Krabs, but we replaced
all the glass with rubber.
Copy !req
452. Too late, Krabs, we've already
clogged all the toilets.
Copy !req
453. Please, spirits, leave me be.
Copy !req
454. We got him good, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
455. Wait, Patrick,
I've got one more idea.
Copy !req
456. You're going
to pay, Krabs.
Copy !req
457. No, spirits, please!
Copy !req
458. No!
Copy !req
459. No!
Copy !req
460. Don't burn me dollar!
Copy !req
461. Well, well, well, if it isn't
SpongeBob and Patrick.
Copy !req
462. I know not these names
Copy !req
463. of which you speak.
Copy !req
464. Uh, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
465. SpongeBob,
we're visible again.
Copy !req
466. So you two are
the Bikini Bottom ghosts.
Copy !req
467. We're really sorry,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
468. Please don't chop us
up into little pieces
and eat them.
Copy !req
469. Hey, come on, boys, I'm hip.
Copy !req
470. I pulled my share of pranks
when I was your age,
Copy !req
471. had me some laughs.
Copy !req
472. That's what we did tonight,
Copy !req
473. We had a good laugh.
Copy !req
474. Come on, laugh with me.
Copy !req
475. Uh, any particular reason
you boys are naked?
Copy !req
476. Yeah, the invisible
paint stains clothes.
Copy !req
477. Of course it does.
Copy !req
478. Well, you two better hurry home
before someone sees you nude.
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479. Yeah, I think I'd
die of embarrassment
if that happened.
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480. Me, too.
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481. No, wouldn't want that,
would we?
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482. It's getting late now.
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483. You pranksters better get going.
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484. Mr. Krabs, thanks for
being such a good sport.
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485. Don't mention it.
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486. That Mr. Krabs, always
looking out for me.
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487. What a guy!
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488. Yeah.
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489. The Krusty Krab presents...
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490. live nude pranksters!
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491. Starring the Bikini Bottom
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492. Patrick!
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493. Yeah?
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494. We should have bought
the whoopee cushion.
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495. Captioning sponsored by THE
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