1. Are you ready, kids?
Copy !req
2. Aye, aye, Captain!
Copy !req
3. I can't hear you.
Copy !req
4. Aye, aye, Captain!
Copy !req
5. Captioning sponsored by THE
Copy !req
Copy !req
7. Time for boating school!
Copy !req
8. Let it rip, Gary.
Copy !req
9. Ah...
Copy !req
10. Ta-da!
Copy !req
11. Not bad, partner in crime.
Copy !req
12. The toasts could have been
a little darker, though.
Copy !req
13. See you later.
Copy !req
14. Hey, SpongeBob, want
to go jelly fishing?
Copy !req
15. Sorry, Patrick, I can't.
I have school today.
Copy !req
16. What am I supposed to do all day
while you're at school?
Copy !req
17. I don't know. What do you
normally do when I'm gone?
Copy !req
18. Wait for you to get back.
Copy !req
19. Wait a second, Patrick.
Copy !req
20. Why don't you come
to school with me?
Copy !req
21. Hey, that's a great idea.
Copy !req
22. You and me in school together
as classmates.
Copy !req
23. Think about it!
Copy !req
24. Wow.
Copy !req
25. Brace yourself, Patrick.
Copy !req
26. I'm about to introduce you
Copy !req
27. to the greatest academic
thrill ride of your lifetime.
Copy !req
28. I have no line.
Copy !req
29. Behold, Patrick,
the hallway of learning.
Copy !req
30. And here's the fountain
of learning.
Copy !req
31. And these are the lockers
of learning.
Copy !req
32. And these are the stairs
of learning, right?
Copy !req
33. No, they're just
the stairs.
Copy !req
34. Theseare the stairs
of learning.
Copy !req
35. Where's everyone?
Copy !req
36. I don't know.
Home probably.
Copy !req
37. Class doesn't
start till 9:00.
Copy !req
38. 6:20?
Copy !req
39. But I thought
you said you were late.
Copy !req
40. Late for being early.
Copy !req
41. Hey!
Copy !req
42. When'll you start
wearing a watch?
Copy !req
43. And now for the room
with the most class:
Copy !req
44. the classroom.
Copy !req
45. Huh?
Copy !req
46. And here's
the chalkboard.
Copy !req
47. It's the ladle
that helps us drink
Copy !req
48. from the fountain
of knowledge.
Copy !req
49. Oh!
Copy !req
50. And those drinks
are recorded here
Copy !req
51. on the Good Noodles Board.
Copy !req
52. Huh? Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
53. Attendance.
Copy !req
54. Penmanship.
Copy !req
55. Basic Desk Sanitation.
Copy !req
56. Advanced Desk Sanitation.
Copy !req
57. I'll add your name
Copy !req
58. so you can start collecting
good noodle stars, too.
Copy !req
59. There you are.
Copy !req
60. Look at all the
stars you have.
Copy !req
61. I'll never
be that good.
Copy !req
62. Oh, now, Patrick
Copy !req
63. I'm just like everyone else
Copy !req
64. no matter how many stars I have.
Copy !req
65. Ahem!
Copy !req
66. Seventy-four.
Copy !req
67. Who said that?
Copy !req
68. Was it him?
Copy !req
69. I doubt it.
Copy !req
70. That's Roger,
our class science project.
Copy !req
71. What does he teach us?
Copy !req
72. The greatest lesson of all:
the precious value of life.
Copy !req
73. You see, Patrick, Roger Shell
represents the fragile line
Copy !req
74. between life and death
when behind the wheel of a boat.
Copy !req
75. This lightbulb
represents knowledge.
Copy !req
76. And without its energy
and warmth
Copy !req
77. within minutes, Roger would die.
Copy !req
78. Life, death!
Life, death!
Life, death!
Copy !req
79. Life, death!
Life, death!
Copy !req
80. Patrick!
Copy !req
81. Sorry.
Copy !req
82. The best part of being early is
Copy !req
83. you get to sit close
to the teacher.
Copy !req
84. Think you can handle
the second chair?
Copy !req
85. I'm waiting!
Copy !req
86. This is gonna be great!
Copy !req
87. Hello, class.
Copy !req
88. My name is Mrs. Puff.
Copy !req
89. And the only reason I say that
is because I see we have
Copy !req
90. a new student.
Copy !req
91. Young man, why
don't you stand up
Copy !req
92. and introduce yourself.
Copy !req
93. Who's the fat kid
talking to?
Copy !req
94. You, Patrick;
she's the teacher.
Copy !req
95. Oh.
Copy !req
96. Come on, now,
tell the class your name.
Copy !req
97. Don't be nervous.
Copy !req
98. Uh... Duh...
Copy !req
99. We just want to know your name.
Copy !req
100. Duh... Duh...
Copy !req
101. Duh...
Copy !req
102. Duh!
Copy !req
103. Twenty-four.
Copy !req
104. Oh, great, another genius.
Copy !req
105. Why are they laughing?
Copy !req
106. I guess it's just
in the timing.
Copy !req
107. Oh.
Copy !req
108. Today's first lesson
will be on "Turning."
Copy !req
109. Twenty-four.
Copy !req
110. Hey, Patrick.
Copy !req
111. What?
Copy !req
112. I thought of something
funnier than 24.
Copy !req
113. Let me hear it.
Copy !req
114. Twenty-five.
Copy !req
115. MRS.
That's enough!
Copy !req
116. Young man, this
is your first day
Copy !req
117. so I'll let you
off with a warning.
Copy !req
118. As for you, SpongeBob
Copy !req
119. I expect more
from a good noodle.
Copy !req
120. Pay attention.
Copy !req
121. Yes, Mrs. Puff.
Copy !req
122. Now, then, "
Copy !req
123. what every driver should know.
Copy !req
124. When you are turning
Copy !req
125. it is important
to signal at least...
Copy !req
126. "Big Fat Meanie"?
Copy !req
127. Patrick, you
can't do that!
Copy !req
128. She's the teacher.
Copy !req
129. What about the teacher?
Copy !req
130. What...
Copy !req
131. As if I really
look like this!
Copy !req
132. SpongeBob, I believe you know
Copy !req
133. the punishment
for two classroom disruptions.
Copy !req
134. No.
Copy !req
135. I'm sorry, SpongeBob
Copy !req
136. but if one wishes
to bea good noodle
Copy !req
137. one must behave
like a good noodle.
Copy !req
138. I'm a good noodle!
Copy !req
139. I'm a good noodle!
Copy !req
140. You'll get this star
back when you earn it.
Copy !req
141. Nooo!
Copy !req
142. No! No! No!
Copy !req
143. No! No! No! No! No!
Copy !req
144. No! No!
Copy !req
145. Mrs. Puff,
is it nap time?
Copy !req
146. SpongeBob, I've had enough
of your nonsense.
Copy !req
147. Now collect your things
Copy !req
148. and move to the available desk
Copy !req
149. in the back of the room!
Copy !req
150. But... me? But why?
Copy !req
151. Because the Big Fat Meanie
said so.
Copy !req
152. Now go!
Copy !req
153. Thanks a lot, Patrick.
Copy !req
154. Sure thing, buddy.
Copy !req
155. Oh, I guess I could be
a good noodle from back here.
Copy !req
156. Now, as I was saying,
when turning left, you must...
Copy !req
157. It's so hard to hear.
Copy !req
158. What kind of student
sits back here anyway?
Copy !req
159. Where am I?
Copy !req
160. Psst! SpongeBob.
Copy !req
161. Just ignore him, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
162. Psst!
Copy !req
163. SpongeBob, over here.
Copy !req
164. Whatever you do,
don't look at him.
Copy !req
165. Psst! SpongeBob.
Copy !req
166. Psst!
Copy !req
167. SpongeBob!
Copy !req
168. SpongeBob?
Copy !req
169. SpongeBob!
Copy !req
170. SpongeBob.
Copy !req
171. Psst!
Copy !req
172. Over here.
Copy !req
173. I'm trying to tell
you something.
Copy !req
174. Something important.
Copy !req
175. What?
Copy !req
176. Hi.
Copy !req
177. Hi!
Copy !req
178. Perhaps this would be
a good time for recess.
Copy !req
179. Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
180. Funny stuff
in there.
Copy !req
181. Funny stuff.
Copy !req
182. There is nothing funny about
what you did in there, Patrick.
Copy !req
183. You got me in trouble.
Copy !req
184. You got me moved
to the back of the room!
Copy !req
185. You caused me one
of my good noodle stars!
Copy !req
186. Who cares about a stupid star?
Copy !req
187. Gee, Patrick, it seems like
Copy !req
188. you would care a lot
about stupid stars
Copy !req
189. considering you areone.
Copy !req
190. I'll deal with you
after class.
Copy !req
191. It isafter class.
Copy !req
192. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
193. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Copy !req
194. I don't see anyone
fighting, do you?
Copy !req
195. They're talking about us.
Copy !req
196. We're fighting.
Copy !req
197. I don't mind if I do.
Copy !req
198. Fight! Fight! Fight...
Copy !req
199. This is embarrassing.
Copy !req
200. What's going on here?
Copy !req
201. Well?
Copy !req
202. SpongeBob and I were fighting.
Copy !req
203. Fighting?
Copy !req
204. Well, I can't believe
I'm saying this, but...
Copy !req
205. SpongeBob Squarepants, I hereby
sentence you and your friend
Copy !req
206. to detention.
Copy !req
207. Detention?
Copy !req
208. May Neptune have mercy
on your soul.
Copy !req
209. In one day I've gone from
good noodle to bad egg.
Copy !req
210. It's all stupid
Patrick's fault.
Copy !req
211. I hate you, Patrick.
Copy !req
212. I hate you more.
Copy !req
213. Well, I'd hate you
no matter what.
Copy !req
214. Yeah? Well I'd hate you
even if I didn't hate you.
Copy !req
215. I'd hate you
even if that made sense.
Copy !req
216. I'd hate you
even if you were me.
Copy !req
217. That's how much I hate you.
Copy !req
218. I'd hate you if even, uh...
Copy !req
219. mm...
Copy !req
220. I'd hate you even
if the lightbulb
Copy !req
221. keeping Roger alive
went out.
Copy !req
222. I'm sorry I called you
a stupid star!
Copy !req
223. I'm sorry I got you in trouble
Copy !req
224. and got you moved
to the back of class
Copy !req
225. and got your good
noodle star removed
Copy !req
226. and shot spitballs...
Copy !req
227. I'm sorry
your apology is so long.
Copy !req
228. Me too. Let's save Roger!
Copy !req
229. I'll keep him warm
Copy !req
230. and you get a lightbulb
from the supply closet.
Copy !req
231. Lightbulb.
Copy !req
232. But why does it have
to be so far away?
Copy !req
233. I'm coming, SpongeBob!
Copy !req
234. Oh, where's Patrick?
Copy !req
235. Oh, forget it.
Copy !req
236. I've got to go
find Roger some warmth.
Copy !req
237. The lightbulb!
Copy !req
238. Without its warmth,
Roger will die.
Copy !req
239. Roger!
Copy !req
240. Without him
Copy !req
241. the lightbulb will have
nothing to warm.
Copy !req
242. We did it, Patrick.
Copy !req
243. We saved Roger's life.
Copy !req
244. Good job, boys.
Copy !req
245. I saw the whole thing
Copy !req
246. from behind
my one-way chalkboard
Copy !req
247. and I couldn't be happier
with your teamwork.
Copy !req
248. I've decided to give
you each one gold star.
Copy !req
249. Although, I'm not sure
what saving an egg
Copy !req
250. has to do with boating school.
Copy !req
251. Boating school?
Copy !req
252. I thought this
was Spanish class.
Copy !req
253. See you, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
254. See you,
Big Fat Meanie.
Copy !req
255. Hey, what'd I miss?
Copy !req
256. Uh...
Copy !req
257. What do you
like better?
Copy !req
258. The coral bits
or the nacho oyster skins?
Copy !req
259. I like neither.
Copy !req
260. Can I take your order?
Copy !req
261. How about
the barnacle rings?
Copy !req
262. Are they any good?
Copy !req
263. No. What will you have?
Copy !req
264. Well, uh, what's your vote
on the kelp...
Copy !req
265. Sir, let's just get
this out of the way.
Copy !req
266. I hate everything
on the menu.
Copy !req
267. Now what do you want?
Copy !req
268. Psst. Try
the coral bits.
Copy !req
269. Uh, I'll try
the coral bits.
Copy !req
270. That'll be one dollar.
Copy !req
271. What's going on?
Copy !req
272. Something stupid,
I'm sure.
Copy !req
273. Yippee!
Copy !req
274. Whoo-ha! Whoo-ha! Whoo!
Copy !req
275. See? I told you.
Copy !req
276. What's wrong
with Mr. Krabs?
Copy !req
277. Nothing, lad.
Copy !req
278. Do you know
what this is?
Copy !req
279. A very dirty dollar?
Copy !req
280. No! This is my one millionth
dollar earned.
Copy !req
281. Every Krab's goal in life
is to make a million dollars
Copy !req
282. and now I got mine.
Copy !req
283. Congratulations, sir.
Copy !req
284. You have just given me
my one millionth dollar.
Copy !req
285. Great.
Copy !req
286. What do I win?
Copy !req
287. Nothing.
Copy !req
288. Now get out.
Copy !req
289. What?
Copy !req
290. Get out!
Copy !req
291. Everybody get out!
Copy !req
292. You're spoiling my moment.
Copy !req
293. My millionth dollar.
Copy !req
294. Congratulations,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
295. Congratulate
yourselves, lads.
Copy !req
296. A captain's nothing
without his loyal crew.
Copy !req
297. I mean, a crew like you
comes along
Copy !req
298. maybe once in a lifetime.
Copy !req
299. And to reward you
for helping me
Copy !req
300. make my millionth dollar
Copy !req
301. I'm taking you on a trip.
Copy !req
302. Wow! A trip!
Copy !req
303. I can't believe
it, Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
304. Where are we going,
Fancy Spring?
Copy !req
305. No.
Copy !req
306. Pamper Island?
Copy !req
307. Try again.
Copy !req
308. Oh, oh, oh!
Bikini Bottom
Folk Village.
Copy !req
309. Better than that.
Copy !req
310. Clam fishing?
Copy !req
311. This is the reward we get
for all our hard work?
Copy !req
312. Fishing for
stinky clams
Copy !req
313. in a smelly old boat
on a filthy lagoon?
Copy !req
314. You call this fun?
Copy !req
315. Aw, come on now,
Copy !req
316. three fellas at sea
with nothing to do
Copy !req
317. but throw their lines
in the water
Copy !req
318. catch a few clams
and then throw them back.
Copy !req
319. Don't you think
that's fun?
Copy !req
320. No.
Copy !req
321. And to think I could be wearing
a powdered wig right now.
Copy !req
322. Hey, Squidward,
you want me to
cast out over here
Copy !req
323. so you can watch me?
Copy !req
324. How about you
cast out over there
Copy !req
325. so I can ignore you.
Copy !req
326. Okay.
Copy !req
327. Hey, watch where
you're swinging that...
Copy !req
328. SpongeBob
Copy !req
329. be careful with...
Copy !req
330. Okay, I've
had enough.
Copy !req
331. Oh, Squidward,
you got to lighten up.
Copy !req
332. Sure, the lad's
a bit overeager
Copy !req
333. but you've
got to learn
Copy !req
334. to roll with
the punches.
Copy !req
335. Go with the flow.
Copy !req
336. And don't bring anything
on the boat
Copy !req
337. that you ain't prepared
to lose.
Copy !req
338. Ooh! Ugh!
Copy !req
339. Me millionth dollar!
Copy !req
340. SpongeBob
Copy !req
341. wait!
Copy !req
342. SpongeBob, you hooked
me millionth dollar
Copy !req
343. on the back swing.
Copy !req
344. Reel it in
before I keelhaul ya.
Copy !req
345. Oh, no.
Copy !req
346. SpongeBob, quick,
reel it in!
Copy !req
347. Can't you hear
the music?
Copy !req
348. That's a 4/4 string
ostinato in D minor.
Copy !req
349. Every sailor knows
that means death.
Copy !req
350. Reel it in before
it's too late.
Copy !req
351. Hurry, SpongeBob!
Copy !req
352. The music's getting faster!
Copy !req
353. There you are,
you stinking bilge rats!
Copy !req
354. Stop playing that music!
Copy !req
355. Stop it, please!
Copy !req
356. I'm begging you.
Copy !req
357. Come on, honey.
You can make it!
Copy !req
358. Swim faster!
Copy !req
359. Come to me, baby!
Copy !req
360. Come on back!
Copy !req
361. Hurry, SpongeBob!
Copy !req
362. Here she comes.
Copy !req
363. Oh, please, please,
please, please.
Copy !req
364. Please, please,
Copy !req
365. She made it!
Copy !req
366. Yeah!
Copy !req
367. Oh, oh! Oh, ho-ho!
Copy !req
368. For a second or two,
I thought she was a goner.
Copy !req
369. So, some trip, hey, Mr. Krabs?
Copy !req
370. Oh, Squidward
Copy !req
371. you're never going
to believe it.
Copy !req
372. A giant blue-lipped clam
ate me millionth dollar!
Copy !req
373. I lost me dollar
Copy !req
374. and I'll never
get it back.
Copy !req
375. Never, never, never, never.
Copy !req
376. I've never seen Mr. Krabs
so broken up.
Copy !req
377. Oh, please.
Copy !req
378. He's such a
drama queen.
Copy !req
379. Come on,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
380. Drop the act.
Copy !req
381. Mr. Krabs, it's
just a stupid dollar.
Copy !req
382. For Pete's sake,
Mr. Krabs
Copy !req
383. suck it up!
Copy !req
384. Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
385. Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
386. Okay, okay,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
387. We'll help you get
your dollar back.
Copy !req
388. You will?
Copy !req
389. Great!
Copy !req
390. Wait right here.
Copy !req
391. Here's where clam fishing
gets serious.
Copy !req
392. Okay, you boys man
the fishing poles.
Copy !req
393. And I'll keep me eyes peeled
for Old Blue Lip.
Copy !req
394. Aye-aye, Captain.
Copy !req
395. And remember, we don't leave
until we catch that clam
Copy !req
396. and rescue me dollar.
Copy !req
397. That's it.
Copy !req
398. I'm finished.
Copy !req
399. We've been here
for three days
Copy !req
400. and haven't gotten a nibble.
Copy !req
401. This is hopeless!
Copy !req
402. Yeah. And I've got to get home
to feed Gary.
Copy !req
403. We're going to die out here
Copy !req
404. just because a clam ate
Mr. Krabs' stupid dollar.
Copy !req
405. Well, if he wants
his dollar back
Copy !req
406. I say we give it to him.
Copy !req
407. Know what I mean?
Copy !req
408. Huh? Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
409. Oh, I get you.
Copy !req
410. Mr. Krabs,
Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
411. Look what
we got!
Copy !req
412. Oh, could it be?
Copy !req
413. Me millionth dollar!
Copy !req
414. Whoa.
Copy !req
415. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
416. This isn't me millionth dollar.
Copy !req
417. This is an ordinary dollar
Copy !req
418. that's been crumpled up
Copy !req
419. torn slightly,
soaked in the lagoon
Copy !req
420. and kissed with Coral Blue
Number Two Semi-gloss Lipstick.
Copy !req
421. Actually, it's Coral Blue
Number Three.
Copy !req
422. I trusted you,
and you gave me this!
Copy !req
423. I can't believe
Copy !req
424. me own crew would betray me
like this.
Copy !req
425. No. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
426. No. We will not
be swayed by
tears anymore.
Copy !req
427. I see.
Copy !req
428. Then I guess I have no choice
but to offer a reward.
Copy !req
429. You're kidding?
Copy !req
430. Whoo! It isn't
another fishing trip?
Copy !req
431. No.
Copy !req
432. It's this sandwich.
Copy !req
433. A sandwich?
Copy !req
434. You expect me
to break my back
Copy !req
435. over a sandwich?
Copy !req
436. Not asandwich.
Copy !req
437. Thesandwich.
Copy !req
438. Whatever.
Copy !req
439. We've got plenty
more to...
Copy !req
440. eat.
Copy !req
441. Now,I think
we understand each other.
Copy !req
442. Nobody eats
Copy !req
443. until I get my millionth dollar
Copy !req
444. Uh, SpongeBob
Copy !req
445. can I have a
word with you?
Copy !req
446. Have you noticed
Copy !req
447. that Mr. Krabs
has gone
Copy !req
448. completely insane?
Copy !req
449. What do you mean?
Copy !req
450. Just look at him.
Copy !req
451. Squidward, he's lost something
near and dear to him.
Copy !req
452. Haven't you...?
Copy !req
453. Look again.
Copy !req
454. You're right.
Copy !req
455. How do we get out of here?
Copy !req
456. If we're
real quiet
Copy !req
457. we can sneak over
to the lifeboat.
Copy !req
458. Okay.
Copy !req
459. So, you thought
you'd skip out
Copy !req
460. on old Krabs, did you?
Copy !req
461. Even after you promised
to help me.
Copy !req
462. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
463. "It's just a dumb old dollar."
Copy !req
464. "Let's just leave the old man."
Copy !req
465. "He won't notice."
Copy !req
466. Well, it's not going down
like that.
Copy !req
467. There's only one use
Copy !req
468. for a backstabbing crew
like you:
Copy !req
469. live bait!
Copy !req
470. You're crazy.
Copy !req
471. If that clam didn't come before
Copy !req
472. what makes you think
he'll come now?
Copy !req
473. Oh, he'll come.
Copy !req
474. Mr. Krabs, listen.
Copy !req
475. I work with SpongeBob
all day long
Copy !req
476. so I know what I'm talking about
when I say...
Copy !req
477. you are completely
out of your mind!
Copy !req
478. Get us out of here!
Copy !req
479. Come on,
fresh meat!
Copy !req
480. Keep thrashing!
Copy !req
481. He likes it!
Copy !req
482. Come on, boy!
Copy !req
483. Closer...
Copy !req
484. closer.
Copy !req
485. Almost there.
Copy !req
486. That's it!
Copy !req
487. A-ha!
Copy !req
488. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
489. Look, boys!
Copy !req
490. I finally got it!
Copy !req
491. I finally got
me millionth dollar!
Copy !req
492. Oh, poor Mr. Krabs.
Copy !req
493. Gone forever
out of our lives.
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494. Why couldn't it
have been me?
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495. Yes. Why couldn't
it have been you?
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496. Why did he have to
go like this? Why?
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497. Why did he have
to go like this
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498. and leave me tied
to this idiot?
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499. MR.
Hello, boys!
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500. Mr. Krabs?
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501. Have you boys met...
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502. me millionth dollar?
Copy !req
503. Wow! How did you
get it back?
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504. It wasn't easy.
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505. Old Blue Lips is
quite the fighter
Copy !req
506. so eventually,
we settled on a trade.
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507. What did you
give him?
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508. Nothing important.
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509. Captioning sponsored by THE
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