1. Ah, jellyfish fields.
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2. Here we find
SpongeBob once again
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3. stalking the wild jellyfish.
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4. SpongeBob?
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5. Hello? SpongeBob?
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6. Hmm— he's supposed
to be here somewhere.
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7. Aha!
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8. Safety first.
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9. Aha!
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10. I finally got you.
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11. Ah, there
is nothing better than the taste
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12. of natural jelly
from a jellyfish.
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13. See you later!
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14. Oh... oh, my glasses.
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15. Thanks, little guy.
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16. Bye.
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17. I can't play anymore, jellyfish.
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18. I got to get home.
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19. No, you can't come home with me.
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20. Jellyfish, you've
got to stay here.
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21. Hey!
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22. Stay!
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23. Stay...
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24. Jellyfish, for the last time,
you cannot come home with me!
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25. Aw, what the heck.
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26. Squidward, hey, Squidward!
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27. Squidward!
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28. Squidwardiard!
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29. Squidward, look at my new pet.
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30. That's no pet.
That's a wild animal.
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31. No, he isn't.
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32. Watch this.
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33. Fetch.
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34. How many fingers
am I holding up?
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35. Play dead.
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36. I wouldn't let that
thing in my house
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37. even if it was potty-trained.
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38. I didn't need to see that.
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39. Well, we're going to my house
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40. to have a little fun.
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41. How can you possibly have
fun with a jellyfish?
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42. SpongeBob is the only guy I know
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43. that can have fun
with a jellyfish...
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44. for 12 hours!
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45. Ugh... wow!
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46. You sure like to dance.
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47. Well, that's enough for tonight.
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48. It's time to go to bed.
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49. Huh?
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50. You've got it all
wrong, little fellow.
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51. Bed!
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52. Repeat after me: "bed."
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53. We'll just keep you right here.
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54. Quit worrying, Gary.
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55. He'll be just fine.
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56. Good night, everybody.
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57. Mmm... good morning, Gary.
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58. Good morning, jellyfish.
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59. Jellyfish?
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60. Jellyfish?
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61. Here, jellyfish!
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62. Oh, jelly!
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63. Oh, jellyf...
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64. Where'd you all come from?
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65. Okay, that's it.
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66. Party is over!
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67. You guys have
overstayed your welcome.
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68. This music is way too loud.
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69. Very funny.
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70. I'm serious.
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71. 18 hours!
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72. I'm going to give that
SpongeBob a piece of my mind.
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73. Hello.
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74. SpongeBob, listen to me,
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75. you square-headed
assault on my ears.
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76. I've had enough of this!
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77. Strawberry.
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78. Two can play at this.
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79. Come on, guys.
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80. Enough is enough.
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81. Huh?
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82. Uh-oh.
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83. Hey, take it easy! Ow!
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84. Okay, I'll talk to him.
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85. Squidward, would it be possible
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86. to play your clarinet a little...
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87. I don't think the
jellyfish like it.
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88. The jellyfish don't like...
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89. Wha... why sure, pal,
I can play better.
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90. Okay, he said he'll play better.
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91. Uh-oh, that's not better.
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92. Hey, take it easy with that!
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93. Uh, wait.
I can turn it down.
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94. Everybody's a critic.
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95. You won't be hearing
from me anymore.
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96. Hey, now, that wasn't nice.
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97. Okay, that is it!
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98. Everybody out!
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99. Uh, wait... hold on.
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100. Uh, wait.
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101. Ow, ow...
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102. Ow, ow, ow...
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103. Come on, Gary.
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104. Gary, you were right.
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105. Thanks for not rubbing it in.
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106. Huh?
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107. They stopped?
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108. Gary, don't stop shaking it!
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109. Today SpongeBob has learned one
of the sea's harshest lessons:
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110. wild animals can throw
very wild parties.
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111. Ooh, I felt that.
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