1. Walking, walking, walking,
walking, walking, walking
Copy !req
2. walking, walking,
walking, walking, walking.
Copy !req
3. Hungry.
Copy !req
4. Hungry, hungry, hungry...
Copy !req
5. hungry, hungry...
Copy !req
6. Still hungry.
Copy !req
7. Still hungry, still hungry,
Copy !req
8. still hungry, still hungry,
Copy !req
9. still hungry, still hungry,
still hungry, still hungry...
Copy !req
10. Aw, dang nematodes.
Copy !req
11. Thirsty.
Copy !req
12. Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty,
thirsty, thirsty, thirsty,
Copy !req
13. thirsty, thirsty,
thirsty, thirsty, thirsty.
Copy !req
14. Hurray, Gary,
we're finally huge!
Copy !req
15. Huh? Wait a minute.
Copy !req
16. Oh, no!
Copy !req
17. Ow.
Copy !req
18. Shell phone!
Copy !req
19. I know! I'll call Squidward.
Copy !req
20. He'll know what to do.
Copy !req
21. Hello?
Copy !req
22. Squidward!
Copy !req
23. Is it time already for
you to ruin my day?
Copy !req
24. Squidward, help me!
Copy !req
25. My house is shrinking!
I woke up this morning
Copy !req
26. and it was getting
smaller and smaller...
Copy !req
27. Oh, no!
Copy !req
28. Yep, it is.
Copy !req
29. Huh? Is it time already
to ruin Squid's day?
Copy !req
30. Hey, SpongeBob, don't
start without me.
Copy !req
31. Oh...
Copy !req
32. Nematodes.
Copy !req
33. The only thing left in my house
Copy !req
34. is this little pebble.
Copy !req
35. What's going on here?
Copy !req
36. I've got bad news, guys.
Copy !req
37. Look at what
happened to my house!
Copy !req
38. It's gone!
Copy !req
39. It's all gone.
Copy !req
40. What am I going to do?
Copy !req
41. Where am I going to live?
Copy !req
42. Yeah.
Copy !req
43. Hey, SpongeBob,
your house is gone!
Copy !req
44. Well, what can I say?
Copy !req
45. It's been great
knowing you, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
46. Good luck somewhere else.
Copy !req
47. I'm going to miss you.
Copy !req
48. Boo-hoo!
Copy !req
49. Boo-hoo, boo-hoo!
Copy !req
50. Boo-hoo!
Copy !req
51. Boo-hoo! Ha-ha! Squid's
taking it real hard.
Copy !req
52. What are you going to do now?
Copy !req
53. I guess I'll have to move
back with my mom and dad.
Copy !req
54. No!
Copy !req
55. Wait a minute— no, you don't.
Copy !req
56. We can build you a new house.
Copy !req
57. We can't build a house!
Copy !req
58. Well, sure, it's easy.
Copy !req
59. I built my house all by myself.
Copy !req
60. All right, Patrick,
let's get to work.
Copy !req
61. Ow!
Copy !req
62. Ow!
Copy !req
63. Ow!
Copy !req
64. Ow!
Copy !req
65. Ow!
Copy !req
66. Ow!
Copy !req
67. Ow!
Copy !req
68. We're done!
Copy !req
69. Yeah!
Copy !req
70. So, what do you think?
Copy !req
71. I wish I lived there.
Copy !req
72. Really?
Copy !req
73. No.
Copy !req
74. One bedroom.
Copy !req
75. Tartar sauce.
Copy !req
76. Well, looks like we've got to
move back with mom and pop.
Copy !req
77. You can't move back
in with your parents.
Copy !req
78. When my parents kicked
me out of the house
Copy !req
79. I never went back.
Copy !req
80. Wait!
Copy !req
81. You and Gary can
come stay with me!
Copy !req
82. That'd be great!
Copy !req
83. Yeah, we'll be rockmates!
Copy !req
84. Good night, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
85. Good night, rockmate.
Copy !req
86. Good night, Gary.
Copy !req
87. No... what the...
Copy !req
88. Oh! Spiders! Spiders!
Copy !req
89. Get them off me! Get them off me!
No, Patrick, no!
Copy !req
90. Get them off me! No,
Patrick, no, Patrick, no!
Copy !req
91. It's me!
Copy !req
92. I'm SpongeBob!
Copy !req
93. Spider!
Copy !req
94. Spider, spider! No! No! No!
Copy !req
95. Get 'em off me! Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
96. Get 'em off me! No! No! No! No!
Copy !req
97. Squidward.
Copy !req
98. Squidward.
Copy !req
99. Squidward.
Copy !req
100. Oh... what?
Copy !req
101. Could we stay here
a couple of days
Copy !req
102. or a month or two?
Copy !req
103. Mmm... yeah, well, whatever.
Copy !req
104. Thanks.
Copy !req
105. Thanks, Squidward.
Copy !req
106. Squidward, can you
scoot over a little?
Copy !req
107. Oh, yeah, sure, mm-hmm...
Copy !req
108. Oh, while you're at it,
Copy !req
109. can you get me a glass of water?
Copy !req
110. Okay... yeah, sure...
Copy !req
111. Yeah, this is a real
swell place you got here.
Copy !req
112. Thanks, buddy.
Copy !req
113. You're welcome.
Copy !req
114. Yeah, I like sleep-overs.
Copy !req
115. Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
116. Yep, this is great.
Copy !req
117. Good night, Squidward.
Copy !req
118. Good
night, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
119. Good
night, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
120. Ta-ta-dum!
Copy !req
121. Today's the big day, Squidward!
Copy !req
122. Don't want to be late!
Copy !req
123. Got to hurry!
Copy !req
124. Hold it! Hold everything!
Copy !req
125. I would not want to miss this—
Copy !req
126. the day SpongeBob moves!
Copy !req
127. I can't believe it's
really happening.
Copy !req
128. Don't worry, Squidward,
I'll come visit you.
Copy !req
129. Don't try to cheer me up, SpongeBob...
Copy !req
130. Here come my parents.
Copy !req
131. SpongeBob, hi, honey.
Copy !req
132. We're here!
Copy !req
133. Come on, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
134. Hurry, hurry, son.
Copy !req
135. Your mother has dinner waiting.
Copy !req
136. Hi, mom.
Copy !req
137. Hello, Mrs. SquarePants.
Copy !req
138. Let me help you
Copy !req
139. with these bags.
Copy !req
140. Just give me a minute.
Copy !req
141. I cannot hold on to you
any longer, little pebble.
Copy !req
142. You hold too many memories.
Copy !req
143. Well, Squidward,
this is good-bye.
Copy !req
144. Good-bye, SpongeBob, good-bye.
Copy !req
145. Ha, ha, good-bye, good-bye.
Copy !req
146. Come on, SpongeBob.
Copy !req
147. Good-bye, Patrick.
Copy !req
148. Good-bye, Bikini Bottom.
Copy !req
149. Yeah, baby! Ha, ha!
Copy !req
150. My house is back!
Copy !req
151. Oh, good old pineapple,
Copy !req
152. even sourer than it used to be.
Copy !req
153. Here's the kitchen window.
Copy !req
154. Here's the closet.
Copy !req
155. Here's the refrigerator...
Copy !req
156. Aw, Squidward,
isn't this great?
Copy !req
157. I'm back forever!
Copy !req
158. Forever?
Copy !req