1. Speed finds himself
in a stormy midnight race
Copy !req
2. against the mysterious
Masked Racer.
Copy !req
3. Speed Racer does not know that
Copy !req
4. Racer X is secretly
his older brother.
Copy !req
5. Now, Racer X thinks
over recent events.
Copy !req
6. It's true that,
in every race I enter,
Copy !req
7. there are terrible crashes.
Copy !req
8. But people are wrong to
think that I caused them.
Copy !req
9. I am not an evil man.
Copy !req
10. The crashes are caused by
some mysterious unknown person
Copy !req
11. who is trying to get me.
Copy !req
12. That's why I don't want you
in the Trans Country Race.
Copy !req
13. I don't want this
mysterious unknown person
Copy !req
14. to get you accidentally
instead of me.
Copy !req
15. There is a good reason.
Copy !req
16. I want to protect you.
Copy !req
17. You see, Speed, I am secretly...
Copy !req
18. your older brother, Rex.
Copy !req
19. Years ago, when I had
no experience in racing,
Copy !req
20. I took the special racing
car that Pops had built,
Copy !req
21. and I entered the top race
at the Sunny Downs Track.
Copy !req
22. I wanted to win
more than anything.
Copy !req
23. I wanted to be world champion.
Copy !req
24. But I lost control of
the car and crashed.
Copy !req
25. I was lucky to be alive.
Copy !req
26. And anxious to race again.
Copy !req
27. But Pops was furious at me,
Copy !req
28. not only for wrecking
his special car,
Copy !req
29. but for racing without
the experience and skill
Copy !req
30. I needed to be a good driver.
Copy !req
31. He told me I
couldn't race again.
Copy !req
32. And I fought with him about it.
Copy !req
33. But he refused to
change his mind.
Copy !req
34. Finally, I had no choice.
Copy !req
35. I decided to go away to learn,
to practice, and to compete
Copy !req
36. until I would become the world's
champion racing car driver.
Copy !req
37. Until then, no one would ever
find out my true identity.
Copy !req
38. And to this day, Speed,
Copy !req
39. and until I do
become world champion,
Copy !req
40. neither you or anybody
else would ever learn
Copy !req
41. that I am really Rex Racer,
your older brother.
Copy !req
42. I wonder where he could be.
Copy !req
43. It's not like Speed
to disappear like this.
Copy !req
44. Oh, I certainly hope
nothing's happened to him.
Copy !req
45. It's strange that the racing
car's disappeared, too.
Copy !req
46. I told you about the letter I
gave him from the Masked Racer,
Copy !req
47. so buy me more ice cream!
Copy !req
48. You've eaten so much; I may have
to buy you some tummy medicine.
Copy !req
49. Come in, Speed.
Copy !req
50. Speed doesn't answer,
Copy !req
51. so I guess we better check
with the Masked Racer himself.
Copy !req
52. I'm glad I told you, Trixie,
'cause you'll help find him.
Copy !req
53. Huh? Where am I?
I don't remember a thing.
Copy !req
54. White roses.
Copy !req
55. These are Mom's
favorite flowers.
Copy !req
56. A mask!
Copy !req
57. It belongs to the Masked Racer.
Copy !req
58. Now I'll find out who he is.
Copy !req
59. There's the Masked Racer!
Copy !req
60. Have you seen Speed Racer?
Copy !req
61. Sorry, Girlie, but we
haven't seen him. So long!
Copy !req
62. Oh, but I thought he might
be with the Masked Racer.
Copy !req
63. Well, he's not!
Copy !req
64. The Masked Racer
pretends he's asleep.
Copy !req
65. What kind of man is he? Hmph.
Copy !req
66. Now where did Spritle
and Chim Chim disappear to?
Copy !req
67. So you finally came
to, Masked Racer.
Copy !req
68. You might as well relax
and enjoy the ride.
Copy !req
69. He's passed out again.
That'll help keep him quiet.
Copy !req
70. My name is Wiley.
Copy !req
71. Welcome, Masked Racer,
to my humble mansion.
Copy !req
72. Make yourself comfortable.
Copy !req
73. You'll stay here until the great
Trans Country Race is over.
Copy !req
74. Take off your mask!
Copy !req
75. Now, I'll find out who
the Masked Racer really is.
Copy !req
76. Your secret no longer
will be secret.
Copy !req
77. Remove it!
Copy !req
78. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
79. It's my brother!
Copy !req
80. You put on the Masked Racer's
mask to make fools of us, huh?
Copy !req
81. You're wrong about that!
Copy !req
82. I happened to be
trying on the mask
Copy !req
83. when somebody sneaked up
behind me and hit me!
Copy !req
84. It's not my fault that
you made a mistake!
Copy !req
85. We better tell Trixie!
Copy !req
86. Now it makes some sense to me!
Copy !req
87. All those accidents were
caused by you and your men,
Copy !req
88. and not by the Masked Racer!
Copy !req
89. Don't get excited, kid,
it's none of your business.
Copy !req
90. So don't waste your time
tryna find out the truth!
Copy !req
91. They were both snooping around
outside, so I grabbed them!
Copy !req
92. It's my brother!
Copy !req
93. How come you let
these men take you here, Speed?
Copy !req
94. Don't you know they're part
of the Alpha Racing Team?
Copy !req
95. What? Part of the Alpha Team?
Copy !req
96. I recognize the man
who caught me outside.
Copy !req
97. He's the same man who
offered Pops a lot of money
Copy !req
98. if you'll join the Alpha
Team for the big race!
Copy !req
99. So that's why you tried
to capture the Masked Racer.
Copy !req
100. You're afraid he'll be
able to beat your team.
Copy !req
101. It's too bad you've
discovered my plans
Copy !req
102. for the Trans Country Race.
Copy !req
103. Look out!
Copy !req
104. Let him get away.
Monkeys aren't able to talk.
Copy !req
105. It was a big white convertible—
Copy !req
106. I mean, a big red convertible!
Copy !req
107. Anyway, it was a convertible
and it changed colors!
Copy !req
108. I didn't know it
was the same car,
Copy !req
109. so I stopped following.
Did it go by?
Copy !req
110. - Huh?
- Did it disappear?
Copy !req
111. Where'd you come from?
Copy !req
112. And where's Spritle?
Copy !req
113. You want a pair of glasses?
Copy !req
114. Now who ever heard of
a monkey with eyeglasses?
Copy !req
115. I don't get it, Chim Chim!
Copy !req
116. I still don't get it.
Copy !req
117. Are you trying to tell me
Copy !req
118. that Speed and Spritle
are in trouble?
Copy !req
119. And that you'll show
me where they are?
Copy !req
120. Let's go!
Copy !req
121. Ah-hah...
Copy !req
122. I've got to figure
a way to get out of here.
Copy !req
123. I've got to warn everybody about
Copy !req
124. the plans these crooks have
to win the Trans Country Race!
Copy !req
125. Sounds to me like
a police siren!
Copy !req
126. Here goes.
Copy !req
127. Come on, Spritle!
Copy !req
128. I'll get you!
Copy !req
129. Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
130. You're the Masked
Racer, aren't you?
Copy !req
131. Stay there, Trixie.
Copy !req
132. I'll go after Spritle and Speed.
Copy !req
133. They're coming out!
Everybody made it!
Copy !req
134. Thanks for saving our
lives, Masked Racer.
Copy !req
135. The men from the Alpha Team
tried to capture you
Copy !req
136. so you wouldn't
be able to compete
Copy !req
137. in the race against them,
Copy !req
138. but they got me instead.
Copy !req
139. I've come across them before.
Copy !req
140. They'll stop at nothing to win.
Copy !req
141. They're a bunch of criminals,
Copy !req
142. and the police should
know about them!
Copy !req
143. Don't worry, I'll be
able to handle them.
Copy !req
144. With everybody pulling
dirty tricks to win,
Copy !req
145. the race will be very rough.
Copy !req
146. So I want you to keep
out of it, Speed.
Copy !req
147. Just keep out.
Copy !req
148. I've got to be in the race!
Copy !req
149. You'd better take my advice.
Copy !req
150. The great Trans Country Race
is about to get underway!
Copy !req
151. With racers competing from
almost every country!
Copy !req
152. There are 36 of the fastest
cars in the world entered.
Copy !req
153. And right now, you can see them
Copy !req
154. approaching the
starting position.
Copy !req
155. There are 100,000 fans here,
tensely waiting for the start
Copy !req
156. of the most important
race of the year!
Copy !req
157. Speed doesn't wanna
miss seeing the race,
Copy !req
158. but I wonder where
he is. Do you know?
Copy !req
159. Oh, I'm afraid to find out.
Copy !req
160. You know Speed; he's
always up to something.
Copy !req
161. The Masked Racer
is nowhere in sight,
Copy !req
162. and so it's doubtful
he'll be competing.
Copy !req
163. But we have a last-minute entry!
Copy !req
164. Driving a car called the Mach 5
Copy !req
165. is a young man
named Happy Doodle!
Copy !req
166. Wait a minute!
If that's the Mach 5,
Copy !req
167. the young man driving it
Copy !req
168. as Happy Doodle is
really Speed Racer!
Copy !req
169. Did you hear what
the announcer said?
Copy !req
170. Speed's going to be in the race.
Copy !req
171. That's him all right.
The rascal!
Copy !req
172. I guess he was
afraid you'd be angry,
Copy !req
173. so he entered under
a different name.
Copy !req
174. Me, angry? Why would
I be angry at him?
Copy !req
175. But I should be angry at him!
Copy !req
176. Driving for the
Alpha Team in car number 2,
Copy !req
177. Mr. Zoomer Slick!
Copy !req
178. Remember, no matter what,
you've got to win!
Copy !req
179. I'll beat 'em all!
Copy !req
180. I thought we got
rid of Speed Racer.
Copy !req
181. Not yet, but we will!
Copy !req
182. The race begins
in three minutes.
Copy !req
183. Start your engines!
Copy !req
184. I think the Masked Racer is
too yellow to be in the race.
Copy !req
185. Where are you going?
Copy !req
186. I'm just gonna walk
around the block.
Copy !req
187. Well I'd like to go out, too,
Copy !req
188. so I guess you won't
mind taking me...
Copy !req
189. to the track!
Copy !req
190. The Head of the
Racetrack Association
Copy !req
191. will signal the start
Copy !req
192. of the great Trans Country
Race by lowering the flag!
Copy !req
193. Hey, what's this?
Copy !req
194. One more car is entering.
Copy !req
195. I'm unable to make
out its number yet.
Copy !req
196. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
197. it's the Masked Racer!
Copy !req
198. Too bad he got into the race.
Copy !req
199. Don't worry, I've a perfect
plan to take care of him.
Copy !req
200. Excellent.
Copy !req
201. Look, Sparky! The Masked
Racer's going faster!
Copy !req
202. But Speed's ahead!
Copy !req
203. It's the fourth lap, Speed!
Copy !req
204. Speed, I warned you!
Copy !req
205. Get out of the race!
Copy !req
206. Listen, there's going
to be a lot of trouble.
Copy !req
207. Get out of the race
while you're still able.
Copy !req
208. We're now in the 20th lap
Copy !req
209. of the great Trans Country Race,
Copy !req
210. and the leading cars
are still the Mach 5
Copy !req
211. driven by Speed Racer,
Copy !req
212. the Masked Racer's car,
and the Alpha Team's car.
Copy !req
213. The rest are
following close behind.
Copy !req
214. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
215. the cars will be pulling
into the pits soon
Copy !req
216. for refueling and quick repairs.
Copy !req
217. That's what I've
been waiting for.
Copy !req
218. When the Masked Racer
comes in for refueling,
Copy !req
219. I'll have his radiator
filled up with gasoline!
Copy !req
220. The radiator?
Copy !req
221. Just wait'll he starts up.
Copy !req
222. He'll go bang!
Copy !req
223. I see our boys waiting.
Copy !req
224. Did you hear, Chim Chim?
We'll save him!
Copy !req
225. We got the water
for your radiator.
Copy !req
226. Alpha Team!
My engine's overheated;
Copy !req
227. it needs water!
Copy !req
228. Take it easy, the Masked Racer's
car is gonna blow up.
Copy !req
229. Get going!
Copy !req
230. Hey, guess what?
Copy !req
231. We just put gasoline
in the wrong radiator!
Copy !req
232. Start the next dirty trick.
Copy !req
233. Come on, Speed! You can win!
Copy !req
234. Hi, Pops! How am I doing?
Copy !req
235. The last lap of the race,
Copy !req
236. but Speed is going back to
the scene of the accident!
Copy !req
237. You shouldn't have stopped
racing because of me;
Copy !req
238. I'll be all right.
Copy !req
239. Go on, get back into your car!
Copy !req
240. You saved my life!
Copy !req
241. I'm not gonna leave you
now that you need help!
Copy !req
242. We're in the middle
of a big race.
Copy !req
243. This isn't a time for
personal feelings, Speed.
Copy !req
244. You'd better get
back into your car.
Copy !req
245. I'm gonna get back into mine.
Copy !req
246. It can still run and
I'll do my best to win.
Copy !req
247. I'm going to beat you, Speed.
Copy !req
248. This is the last lap.
Copy !req
249. But because of the accidents,
Copy !req
250. the first car is way
ahead of the rest!
Copy !req
251. The Masked Racer is pushing
his car to the side,
Copy !req
252. where he'll try to
make some repairs.
Copy !req
253. And there's Slick of the
Alpha Team in car number 2!
Copy !req
254. It looks as though
he may be the winner!
Copy !req
255. Here comes Speed Racer!
Copy !req
256. He's back at the
wheel of the Mach 5.
Copy !req
257. He's coming up fast!
Copy !req
258. Go, Speed, go! Go!
Copy !req
259. The Masked Racer
is back in the race!
Copy !req
260. Here they come to the finish!
Copy !req
261. Speed Racer is the winner,
Copy !req
262. with the Masked Racer
coming in second!
Copy !req
263. Speed won! He won!
Copy !req
264. Hurray, hurray!
Copy !req
265. Hurray! I always knew
you'd be able to do it, Speed!
Copy !req
266. Hurray!
Copy !req
267. You disobeyed my orders!
Copy !req
268. Speed did a wonderful
job of winning,
Copy !req
269. and we're both
very proud of him.
Copy !req
270. Right?
Copy !req
271. Wasn't he just great?
Copy !req
272. Why don't you let him be a racer
Copy !req
273. and drive the Mach 5
all of the time?
Copy !req
274. You know we'll have a
good chance of winning,
Copy !req
275. and he'll take good care
of the car you built.
Copy !req
276. Please, sir.
Copy !req
277. Please let Speed be a
professional racer all the time.
Copy !req
278. Oh, please.
Copy !req
279. You can be a racer.
Copy !req
280. Hey, isn't that just great?
Copy !req
281. Hurray for
Speed! Hurray for Speed!
Copy !req
282. Hey, here are the judges.
Copy !req
283. Come on, cut it out.
Copy !req
284. The Masked Racer's
the real winner,
Copy !req
285. a real champion.
Copy !req
286. I saw for myself how
skillfully he can drive.
Copy !req
287. He's a far better
driver than anybody.
Copy !req
288. He's a far better
driver than I am.
Copy !req
289. Hey!
Copy !req
290. Where you going?
Copy !req
291. The Masked Racer's gone.
Copy !req
292. I wanted to ask him
why he let me win.
Copy !req
293. Speed, I hope you'll be
the best racer in the world.
Copy !req
294. Someday, I'll
find out who he is.
Copy !req
295. And, someday,
we'll have a race...
Copy !req
296. between just the two of us.
Copy !req