1. A gang of assassins
suspects that one of the racers
Copy !req
2. on his way to the
Twist 'n' Turn Race in Abalonia
Copy !req
3. is a secret agent
for the police.
Copy !req
4. So the assassins plan
to get rid of him.
Copy !req
5. The assassin gang suspects that
Copy !req
6. Speed also might be a secret
agent for the police.
Copy !req
7. And so, in the front left tire,
they set a bomb to go off
Copy !req
8. when the tire reaches
a certain temperature.
Copy !req
9. But Spritle warned
Speed by radio.
Copy !req
10. Get down!
Copy !req
11. The story really
began when I drove to
Copy !req
12. the exotic and mysterious
city of Ambrocia
Copy !req
13. for one of the world's most
famous races,
Copy !req
14. the Mystic Grand Prix.
I didn't know it at the time,
Copy !req
15. but a gang of
assassins was planning
Copy !req
16. to take over the country
Copy !req
17. by getting rid
of its ruling monarchs,
Copy !req
18. Prince Snowier and
Princess Gracious.
Copy !req
19. As Their Highnesses stood on
their balcony for the race,
Copy !req
20. an assassin was taking aim.
Copy !req
21. But one of the racers in
the race— no one knows who—
Copy !req
22. was a secret agent,
and he flashed a mirror
Copy !req
23. at the assassin,
spoiling his aim.
Copy !req
24. I spotted the assassin
and fought with him
Copy !req
25. on one of the rooftops,
high above the city.
Copy !req
26. The Mystic Grand Prix
was cancelled,
Copy !req
27. and so I left for
the Twist 'n' Turn Race
Copy !req
28. to be held in
the country of Abalonia.
Copy !req
29. The assassins thought I might be
Copy !req
30. the International Police
secret agent
Copy !req
31. who foiled the assassination,
Copy !req
32. so along the way,
they tried to get rid of me.
Copy !req
33. But I escaped them.
Copy !req
34. I also learned that now
the gang was trying to
Copy !req
35. take over the
country of Abalonia
Copy !req
36. by planting a time bomb in
the home of President Montebank.
Copy !req
37. I didn't have much time
left to try to save him.
Copy !req
38. Meanwhile,
at President Montebank's home,
Copy !req
39. the President was about
to welcome the racers
Copy !req
40. who already had arrived.
Copy !req
41. Time was running out.
Copy !req
42. I've got to get there
before that bomb goes off.
Copy !req
43. I've got to!
Copy !req
44. Hey! Your identification card!
Copy !req
45. Halt!
Copy !req
46. Hey! Who are you?
What do you want?
Copy !req
47. Stop!
Copy !req
48. Speed!
Copy !req
49. Speed! Where are you? Speed!
Copy !req
50. The International Police are
making a complete investigation
Copy !req
51. into the assassination attempt.
Copy !req
52. They believe that
a gang of assassins
Copy !req
53. is out to assassinate
President Montebank
Copy !req
54. and take over Abalonia.
Copy !req
55. President Montebank's life
was saved by Speed Racer,
Copy !req
56. one of the competitors in the
upcoming Twist 'n' Turn Race.
Copy !req
57. Speed has been seriously hurt.
Copy !req
58. The injured racer, Speed Racer,
Copy !req
59. is recuperating right now in a
room at the national hospital.
Copy !req
60. Mr. Vice President? Here we are.
Copy !req
61. We're here to
visit President Montebank.
Copy !req
62. I'm sorry, but nobody's allowed
to see President Montebank.
Copy !req
63. What's the matter
with you, Doctor?
Copy !req
64. Don't you realize this
is Vice President Duper?
Copy !req
65. He must be allowed in
to see President Montebank.
Copy !req
66. The President's condition
is much too serious
Copy !req
67. for anyone to be permitted
inside, no matter who they are.
Copy !req
68. So his
condition is very bad.
Copy !req
69. I'm afraid so.
Copy !req
70. We'll leave him alone then.
Copy !req
71. But while I'm here,
Copy !req
72. I might as well pay a visit
to the other victim.
Copy !req
73. Who's there?
Copy !req
74. A representative
of Vice President Duper.
Copy !req
75. This is a great honor, sir.
Copy !req
76. Thank you for coming.
Copy !req
77. You had a very close call.
How do you feel?
Copy !req
78. Better?
Copy !req
79. Oh, I'm feeling
much better, sir.
Copy !req
80. I'm even able to work this arm.
Copy !req
81. Excellent, Speed.
Copy !req
82. On behalf of
Vice President Duper,
Copy !req
83. I want to thank you
for saving the President
Copy !req
84. by risking your life.
Copy !req
85. Oh, thank you, sir.
Copy !req
86. I'm glad that I was
able to save him.
Copy !req
87. Please come to Vice President
Duper's home tomorrow.
Copy !req
88. I'll see you there.
Copy !req
89. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
90. Thank you for the visit.
Copy !req
91. You know something?
Copy !req
92. I don't like the
looks of that man.
Copy !req
93. Now, Spritle!
Copy !req
94. He represents
the Vice President.
Copy !req
95. You mustn't talk
like that about him.
Copy !req
96. Oh, hello! Come on in, Racer X!
Copy !req
97. Hi, Racer X!
Copy !req
98. - Here, I brought some flowers.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
99. And here's
something for you, Spritle.
Copy !req
100. Thanks, Racer X.
Copy !req
101. Speed, how are you?
Are you feeling all right?
Copy !req
102. The doctor told him
he can go today.
Copy !req
103. I'm very glad to hear that.
Copy !req
104. And we were just invited
to pay a visit tomorrow
Copy !req
105. to Vice President Duper's home.
Copy !req
106. To visit the home of
Vice President Duper?
Copy !req
107. So the man who was
here was posing
Copy !req
108. as a Vice President's
Copy !req
109. Well, I sure am glad
to hear you're all right.
Copy !req
110. See you later.
Copy !req
111. When I mentioned going
to the Vice President's home,
Copy !req
112. Racer X changed.
Could he be a secret agent?
Copy !req
113. This is Number 9.
Copy !req
114. I'm calling Paris.
Copy !req
115. Chief, Agent 9 is reporting.
Copy !req
116. This is the Chief.
Copy !req
117. Go ahead, Agent 9;
I'm listening.
Copy !req
118. According what I've discovered,
Copy !req
119. the gang of assassins
will take over
Copy !req
120. the country of
Abalonia very soon.
Copy !req
121. But how can those
men possibly do it?
Copy !req
122. I just found out that
Copy !req
123. one of the high government
officials is in with them.
Copy !req
124. What do you mean?
What's the man's name?
Copy !req
125. Vice President Duper.
Copy !req
126. The Vice President?
Are you sure of that, Racer X?
Copy !req
127. Well, sir,
he stands to become president
Copy !req
128. if President Montebank
doesn't pull through.
Copy !req
129. It's logical, isn't it?
Copy !req
130. Vice President Duper in
with the assassins?
Copy !req
131. He probably hired them to
come and do his dirty work.
Copy !req
132. Unless this man and the
assassins can be stopped,
Copy !req
133. the country of
Abalonia's doomed.
Copy !req
134. Vice President Duper invited me.
Copy !req
135. Oh yes, Mr. Racer,
he's been expecting you.
Copy !req
136. If you'll follow me,
I'll lead the way.
Copy !req
137. That's strange.
Copy !req
138. Vice President Duper
lives underground?
Copy !req
139. Well...
Copy !req
140. Ever since the bomb went off
at the President's house,
Copy !req
141. the Vice President is careful.
Copy !req
142. I see.
Copy !req
143. I'm sorry, Mr. Racer,
but you'll have to wait here.
Copy !req
144. You stoneheads
blew the job once,
Copy !req
145. so I'm warning you...
Copy !req
146. You'd better not
blow it this time.
Copy !req
147. It's locked.
Now why'd he lock me in?
Copy !req
148. Who's that?
Copy !req
149. Coming.
Copy !req
150. Oh, Racer X!
Copy !req
151. Hi, I came to talk to Speed.
Copy !req
152. You can't; Speed's
not here right now.
Copy !req
153. Where is Speed?
Copy !req
154. He left a little while ago for
Vice President Duper's house.
Copy !req
155. I'm too late then, Trixie!
Copy !req
156. Racer X, is anything wrong?
Copy !req
157. Every time we see
Racer X, he leaves in a hurry.
Copy !req
158. I wonder what he's up to and
where he's going this time.
Copy !req
159. I wonder why he's running.
Copy !req
160. Sorry we kept you waiting.
Come this way.
Copy !req
161. Listen, you didn't
have to pull a gun!
Copy !req
162. I'm willing to go
wherever you say!
Copy !req
163. Move.
Copy !req
164. The way you act, you have
something to hide, I'll bet.
Copy !req
165. Speed's in danger.
Copy !req
166. I hope I can get to him in time.
Copy !req
167. See you!
Copy !req
168. It's Speed Racer!
Copy !req
169. I heard that
Speed Racer's inside.
Copy !req
170. I wanna see him.
Copy !req
171. I'm sorry,
but he's left already.
Copy !req
172. Left already?
Copy !req
173. There's something
strange about that.
Copy !req
174. I find it hard to believe
Copy !req
175. that such an excellent
driver as Speed
Copy !req
176. drove his car right off
the road into the ocean.
Copy !req
177. Well, that's why we're
havin' the funeral.
Copy !req
178. It's very strange
and suspicious.
Copy !req
179. But it's a fact that he crashed.
There's no getting around that.
Copy !req
180. Speed...
Copy !req
181. This funeral's for you.
Copy !req
182. I know, but I'm okay.
Copy !req
183. Get out of sight
before someone sees you.
Copy !req
184. Now tell me why you're letting
everyone think you crashed.
Copy !req
185. What's this
all about, Speed? Well?
Copy !req
186. I was trapped by
a gang of assassins,
Copy !req
187. who were trying to
take over this country.
Copy !req
188. They tried to get rid of me,
Copy !req
189. and if they think
they succeeded,
Copy !req
190. maybe I can find out
more about them.
Copy !req
191. Well, take my advice
Copy !req
192. and don't have anything more
to do with them.
Copy !req
193. I'm sure those men,
whoever they are, are dangerous.
Copy !req
194. After all, they tried
to get rid of the President.
Copy !req
195. And if you fall
into their hands again,
Copy !req
196. they'll make sure you won't
get away the next time.
Copy !req
197. I've gotta take the chance.
Copy !req
198. All right, if you feel that way,
Copy !req
199. then maybe the two of us
better work together
Copy !req
200. on the case to see that
those men are stopped.
Copy !req
201. Do you agree?
Copy !req
202. Yes.
Copy !req
203. That man over there
is the leader.
Copy !req
204. Hey, Boss.
Copy !req
205. I just heard that
President Montebank
Copy !req
206. is gonna make
a trip to La Mamba.
Copy !req
207. He must be better.
Copy !req
208. That's right, he's better.
Copy !req
209. So he's going to
La Mamba for a vacation.
Copy !req
210. I'm very glad to hear that.
Copy !req
211. This is Station 12;
Group A is ready, sir.
Copy !req
212. Our plans are completed
and everything's ready
Copy !req
213. to get rid of President
Montebank once and for all.
Copy !req
214. It won't be long before
you'll be appointed
Copy !req
215. the new president of Abalonia.
Copy !req
216. I'll be the
new president, thanks to you.
Copy !req
217. Don't forget it.
Copy !req
218. And once you are the president,
you will follow my orders.
Copy !req
219. Or else we'll get
rid of you permanently.
Copy !req
220. Understand?
Copy !req
221. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
222. This is Number 9.
Copy !req
223. I'm putting in a call to Paris.
Copy !req
224. This is International
Police Headquarters.
Copy !req
225. I'm following
everybody to La Mamba.
Copy !req
226. I'll carry out instructions.
Copy !req
227. President Montebank is
taking a walk in the garden.
Copy !req
228. He'll be back in a little while.
Copy !req
229. Would you wait here, please?
Copy !req
230. Excuse me.
Copy !req
231. Mr. Vice President, what's your
opinion about agrarian reform?
Copy !req
232. Opinion about agrarian reform...
Copy !req
233. Well, I... I—
Copy !req
234. And how do you feel about a more
secure social security system?
Copy !req
235. Well, I haven't
thought about it yet.
Copy !req
236. I'm going to get
some fresh air outside.
Copy !req
237. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
238. I'll give you
my opinion in a minute.
Copy !req
239. Listen, you stonehead.
Copy !req
240. Tell him you've thought about it
and you're all for it.
Copy !req
241. Make him think you've
got a brain in your head!
Copy !req
242. After careful consideration,
I'm for all kinds of reform.
Copy !req
243. Good.
Copy !req
244. Yeah, aren't you?
Copy !req
245. I am.
Copy !req
246. I'll have to watch that
stonehead every minute
Copy !req
247. and tell him what he's
supposed to think all the time.
Copy !req
248. Group A, are you prepared?
Copy !req
249. We're standing by.
Copy !req
250. Good. Now watch your step.
Copy !req
251. They're getting ready.
Copy !req
252. I'm very impressed with your
opinions, Mr. Vice President.
Copy !req
253. You'd make a fine president
should anything permanent happen
Copy !req
254. to President Montebank.
Copy !req
255. I'm not so dumb.
Copy !req
256. Here comes the President back
from his stroll in the garden.
Copy !req
257. You're not fair! That hurt!
Copy !req
258. Trixie!
Copy !req
259. Let's get 'em!
Copy !req
260. Now I've got him.
Copy !req
261. I'll finish him.
Copy !req
262. I don't understand.
Copy !req
263. What's the meaning of this?
Copy !req
264. What happened to
President Montebank?
Copy !req
265. Don't worry, sir.
Copy !req
266. President Montebank is
very safe somewhere else.
Copy !req
267. You see, this was all a trick
to catch the gang of assassins.
Copy !req
268. What? I'm very glad
to hear about that.
Copy !req
269. Vice President Duper,
Copy !req
270. we know you were
in on the whole plot.
Copy !req
271. What? Who's talkin' in my ear?
Copy !req
272. Well, you might call me
a fighter for justice.
Copy !req
273. The plot to assassinate
President Montebank
Copy !req
274. and take over Abalonia
is a complete flop.
Copy !req
275. And I'm taking the leader
of the gang to jail.
Copy !req
276. Look out!
Copy !req
277. Get in, Duper! Come on!
Copy !req
278. I can't let them get away!
Copy !req
279. Speed Racer's following us?
Copy !req
280. This'll be a cinch.
Copy !req
281. Now's our chance.
Copy !req
282. I'll use the oil.
Copy !req
283. I'll blast him.
Copy !req
284. It's no use. Stop the car.
Let's give up to 'im.
Copy !req
285. Don't be chicken!
Copy !req
286. Listen, I'm a chicken
Vice President!
Copy !req
287. I know that!
Copy !req
288. Well, that's the end of
that terrible gang of assassins.
Copy !req
289. They tried to assassinate
Princess Gracious of Ambrocia,
Copy !req
290. and then President
Montebank of Abalonia.
Copy !req
291. But they failed both times.
Copy !req
292. It's the end of that gang.
But there will be others.
Copy !req
293. As long as men
seek power illegally,
Copy !req
294. there will be evil things
done in the world.
Copy !req
295. But I'll do all I can
to see that men like them
Copy !req
296. never succeed.
Copy !req
297. If everyone did the same, it
would be a more peaceful world.
Copy !req
298. It's a beautiful day
Copy !req
299. here in the
capital city of Abalonia,
Copy !req
300. where we're celebrating the
10th anniversary of our country
Copy !req
301. with the start of the
great Twist 'n' Turn Race!
Copy !req
302. The race is about to begin!
Copy !req
303. Speed, listen to me.
Copy !req
304. We worked together to
get rid of those assassins,
Copy !req
305. but from now on, we're
professional racers again
Copy !req
306. and I'll do my best to win.
Copy !req
307. I'll try to beat you.
Copy !req
308. And I'll try to win!
Copy !req
309. Good luck.
Copy !req
310. The President's coming into
his box to give the signal
Copy !req
311. for the race to begin.
Copy !req
312. In a race,
it's every man for himself.
Copy !req
313. If he hadn't helped me,
I wouldn't be here today.
Copy !req
314. But a race belongs
to the best racer.
Copy !req
315. And I've gotta prove it's me.
Copy !req
316. More thrills,
more adventures lie ahead.
Copy !req
317. Don't miss the next exciting
episode of... Speed Racer!
Copy !req