1. Eurgh, what a dump.
Copy !req
2. I bet this place
doesn't even have wireless.
Copy !req
3. Button you lips and open your eyes.
Copy !req
4. Report back as soon as you've located
Copy !req
5. this backwater jungle world's power Shard!
Copy !req
6. And don't muck this up.
Copy !req
7. Like all your other tasks.
Copy !req
8. Right? The nerve of those fossils.
Copy !req
9. Ditching us in this stink hole.
Copy !req
10. At least we've got the rat
to do all the work.
Copy !req
11. Okay, smarty pants, show us your stuff.
Copy !req
12. The sooner you can score us that Shard,
the sooner we can bounce.
Copy !req
13. My name is Nine. And I need access.
Copy !req
14. Eurgh. Do I have to do everything?
Copy !req
15. Wow. Full access.
Copy !req
16. What an egghead.
Copy !req
17. Hello.
Copy !req
18. Don't worry.
Soon things will be going exactly to plan.
Copy !req
19. Shard energy signature detected.
Copy !req
20. I dunno what these creatures are,
Copy !req
21. but they're going to destroy the jungle
if we don't stop them.
Copy !req
22. Oh, no.
Copy !req
23. I won't let you down, Shadow.
Together we're gonna fix this.
Copy !req
24. Eurgh,
it's too hard to find anything in here.
Copy !req
25. Chop it all down!
Copy !req
26. And I thought gardening
was supposed to be relaxing.
Copy !req
27. Hey!
Copy !req
28. So if the Chaos Council's still
looking for the shard,
Copy !req
29. that means they haven't found it yet!
Copy !req
30. Good thing for me,
I have a pretty good idea where it is.
Copy !req
31. The trees.
Copy !req
32. What have they done?
Copy !req
33. Looking for the Shards is one thing,
but why all this needless destruction?
Copy !req
34. I need to find the Boscage Gang.
Copy !req
35. This is taking forever!
Copy !req
36. Locating the Shard will take time.
Copy !req
37. We don't have time!
Copy !req
38. The only reason we haven't
already made you into a hat
Copy !req
39. is because you're supposed to be
an expert on the Shards,
Copy !req
40. and that little blue...
Copy !req
41. Sonic?
Copy !req
42. No way am I letting that
annoying hedgehog trip us up again!
Copy !req
43. Facts.
Copy !req
44. Ah! There they are!
Copy !req
45. The time for hiding is over.
We need to fight now!
Copy !req
46. No, we give them the Shard
and they'll leave us alone.
Copy !req
47. The Shard is the heart of our jungle.
Copy !req
48. I'll never give it up!
Copy !req
49. We don't even know where it is.
Copy !req
50. It's hidden and it will stay hidden.
Copy !req
51. But we could use it against them!
Copy !req
52. We're not using the Shard.
Copy !req
53. It's too much power for anyone to wield.
Copy !req
54. It's all coming back to me.
Copy !req
55. Hey-hey, gang!
Copy !req
56. Nice to see you, too.
Copy !req
57. Sonic?
Copy !req
58. You've returned. Where have you been?
Copy !req
59. Everywhere. Nowhere.
Copy !req
60. Somewhere in between?
Copy !req
61. Ridiculously long story short,
I need a favor.
Copy !req
62. Not a chance.
Copy !req
63. In case you hadn't noticed,
we got enough trouble as it is.
Copy !req
64. We're being invaded!
Monsters who want to hurt us.
Copy !req
65. Or eat us.
Copy !req
66. Which is why we need to fight back!
Copy !req
67. Who's with me?
Copy !req
68. But without the Shard
we don't stand a chance.
Copy !req
69. Fine! If you won't fight,
I'll fight them on my own.
Copy !req
70. Thorn, wait!
Copy !req
71. She's right, you know.
Copy !req
72. We need to fight. And I have a plan.
Copy !req
73. See that spaceship up there?
Copy !req
74. What's a spaceship?
Copy !req
75. The big metal tube thing in the sky.
Copy !req
76. What's metal?
Copy !req
77. That's where
the metal men are coming from.
Copy !req
78. We gotta stop them!
Copy !req
79. Look at the size of that flying beast.
Copy !req
80. You can't sit this one out, Prim.
Copy !req
81. We have to work together and fight.
Copy !req
82. I'm not going anywhere
near that metal bird.
Copy !req
83. - Shh, shh.
- Ow!
Copy !req
84. The metal men have eyes everywhere.
Copy !req
85. We're just trying to survive.
Copy !req
86. They're here for the Shard, not us.
Copy !req
87. All Thorn has to do is hand it over
and they'll go.
Copy !req
88. You wanna sit on the side-lines
Copy !req
89. and watch your world get trashed,
be my guest.
Copy !req
90. Me? I'm off to help Thorn.
Copy !req
91. Thorn, wait!
Copy !req
92. Spare me.
Copy !req
93. I told you, I won't give up the Shard.
Copy !req
94. Huh? Argh!
Copy !req
95. Eurgh. How can one baby
be so hateable?
Copy !req
96. Thorn, get out of there!
That thing is not a toy!
Copy !req
97. Ready to dance?
Copy !req
98. Yes, eat that!
Copy !req
99. You monsters.
Copy !req
100. You're destroying my jungle!
Copy !req
101. I'm gonna make you pay!
Copy !req
102. Let's play a game of speed tag.
Copy !req
103. Tag. You're it.
Copy !req
104. Huh?
Copy !req
105. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
106. Whoa!
Copy !req
107. Time for you split.
Copy !req
108. Thorn!
Copy !req
109. What?
Copy !req
110. Er, my bad.
Copy !req
111. Rematch, bro.
Copy !req
112. Shard energy signature detected.
Copy !req
113. No!
Copy !req
114. The Shard.
Copy !req
115. Duh.
Copy !req
116. Nice work, Birdie.
Copy !req
117. Come here, little birdie!
Copy !req
118. I don't wanna hurt you.
I just wanna chop you!
Copy !req
119. Huh?
Copy !req
120. Where is everybody?
Copy !req
121. Oh, no, you don't!
Copy !req
122. Sonic, it's me.
Copy !req
123. Nine? I've been looking
everywhere for you.
Copy !req
124. I dunno how much time I have.
Copy !req
125. Are you inside the Eggforcer?
Copy !req
126. I'm up on the ship with the doctors.
Copy !req
127. The what-the what?
You're working with them?
Copy !req
128. No! Would you just listen for a second.
Copy !req
129. They captured me but I'm working them
from the inside.
Copy !req
130. Are you okay?
Copy !req
131. Wait, does that mean they also
have their Shard back?
Copy !req
132. Yes, temporarily.
Copy !req
133. Well, don't worry, I'm coming to get ya.
Copy !req
134. - No, you're not.
- I'm not?
Copy !req
135. Pretty sure I am.
Copy !req
136. Don't worry about me.
Focus on finding the Boscage Shard.
Copy !req
137. I think I have a good idea of where it is.
Copy !req
138. Yeah, so do the Chaos Council.
Now, hold still.
Copy !req
139. Is this some kind of secret
handshake I have to learn, 'cause...
Copy !req
140. I'm re-programming the regulators
so we can communicate through them!
Copy !req
141. Oh, score.
Copy !req
142. You'll also be able to make contact
with the Shards in any way
Copy !req
143. without risking teleportation.
Copy !req
144. Something I picked up from being here.
Copy !req
145. You see? Playing prisoner
has its advantages.
Copy !req
146. If you say so.
Copy !req
147. I mean, we should still come up
with a secret handshake,
Copy !req
148. but that can probably wait.
Copy !req
149. Hey! Rat! What are you up to?
Copy !req
150. Got to go.
Copy !req
151. Alright, let's go find Thorn
and get that Shard.
Copy !req
152. I heard voices.
Copy !req
153. Who you talking to?
Copy !req
154. I think you're hearing things.
Copy !req
155. Can I help you?
Copy !req
156. Send another squad of Eggforcers
to back up our position.
Copy !req
157. - You got it.
- Eurgh I'm watching you, rodent.
Copy !req
158. Not well enough, egghead.
Copy !req
159. Gimme the Shard or I'll fry the chicken.
Copy !req
160. Dibs on drumsticks.
Copy !req
161. Tag. You're it!
Copy !req
162. Wha?
Copy !req
163. I can do this all day.
Copy !req
164. Now!
Copy !req
165. Stop her.
Copy !req
166. This is our home!
Copy !req
167. And you are destroying it!
Copy !req
168. You made it! Welcome to the party.
Copy !req
169. Change of heart?
Copy !req
170. It's our home and I'm ready
to fight for it.
Copy !req
171. For Boscage Maze.
Copy !req
172. For Boscage Maze!
Copy !req
173. For Boscage Maze!
Copy !req
174. For Boscage Maze!
Copy !req
175. Got to hand it to you, Thorn,
pretty creative hiding spot.
Copy !req
176. You knew?
Copy !req
177. When?
Copy !req
178. Back at the village.
Copy !req
179. Why didn't you say anything?
Copy !req
180. Because I wanted you to trust me.
Copy !req
181. Thorn, it's the Shard they want.
Copy !req
182. Give it to me
and they'll follow me out of here.
Copy !req
183. But the jungle.
Copy !req
184. I'll come back. I'll help you rebuild it.
Copy !req
185. But first we gotta
get these guys out of here.
Copy !req
186. Take the Shard. Take it and run
as far and as fast as you can.
Copy !req
187. Alright, where'd you stash it?
Under the wing or?
Copy !req
188. Why'd I ask?
Copy !req
189. Oh, oh, no, no.
Copy !req
190. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
191. So glad I'm always wearing gloves.
Copy !req
192. Hey, Chaos Clowns, follow me!
Copy !req
193. We can't let that hedgehog
get away with the Shard!
Copy !req
194. Hashtag uh-oh.
Copy !req
195. Calm down. We need to go after the Shard.
Copy !req
196. Sonic's getting away! Forget these losers.
Copy !req
197. Stop!
We got to get the Shard!
Copy !req
198. He's gone full tantrum mode.
Copy !req
199. What? The Chaos Council didn't follow me?
Copy !req
200. Those eggheads!
Copy !req
201. Ah, that is the most stubborn baby
of all time.
Copy !req
202. Thorn!
Copy !req
203. Sonic? No!
Copy !req
204. I'm getting you out of here.
Copy !req
205. Not bad for a...
Copy !req
206. No!
Copy !req
207. Dr. Don't to mothership,
Copy !req
208. we've got the Shard.
Now get us out of this dump.
Copy !req
209. Come on.
Copy !req
210. Come on!
Copy !req
211. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
212. No, no, no!
Copy !req
213. You were never gonna make that jump.
Copy !req
214. Prim? What are you doing?
Copy !req
215. Saving your hide.
Copy !req
216. So, does that mean after this we're even?
Copy !req
217. Depends on whether or not
you survive.
Copy !req
218. What is that?
Copy !req
219. Our last chance.
Think you can get me through it?
Copy !req
220. Not a problem.
Copy !req
221. Promise you'll return
and help me restore the jungle.
Copy !req
222. You have my word, Thorn.
Copy !req
223. I'm gonna set everything right.
Copy !req
224. - Hang on, Nine. I'm coming for ya.
- No.
Copy !req
225. Don't worry about me.
Copy !req
226. I'm working on a plan to get the Shards
from the inside.
Copy !req
227. The best thing for you to do
is to get the next Shard before they do.
Copy !req
228. Are you sure?
Copy !req
229. Totally. These eggheads
are playing into my hands.
Copy !req
230. They don't...
Copy !req
231. been downloading their tech.
Copy !req
232. You just need to get to the Shard first
then get out.
Copy !req
233. I better go.
Copy !req
234. That's the first time one of them
has made any sense.
Copy !req
235. Nine's on our side, Shadow.
Copy !req
236. - And if you're not gonna help you can...
- Oh, I can help.
Copy !req
237. Not again!
Copy !req