1. Normally I wouldn't
waste my time
Copy !req
2. meeting with a college freshman
groveling for an internship.
Copy !req
3. Well, thank you, miss kahn.
Copy !req
4. Yeah, chief?
Copy !req
5. Where's that piece
on senator Jennings?
Copy !req
6. I-I-I'm typing it up.
Copy !req
7. I don't see
your fingers moving.
Copy !req
8. 20 minutes, or they'll be
twiddling over the want ads.
Copy !req
9. Of course, chief.
Copy !req
10. Where was I?
Copy !req
11. The internship.
Oh, right, right, right.
Copy !req
12. You didn't get it.
Copy !req
13. What?
Copy !req
14. Well, then...
Why am I here?
Copy !req
15. Curiosity.
Copy !req
16. It's the backbone
of any decent reporter.
Copy !req
17. Have you got backbone,
Copy !req
18. Yeah, I...
Copy !req
19. You had a column here a couple
of years ago, didn't you?
Copy !req
20. When I was
in high school.
Copy !req
21. Well, that is quite
an accomplishment
Copy !req
22. to have your own by-line
Copy !req
23. when you're practically
still in diapers.
Copy !req
24. I mean,
a lot of reporters —
Copy !req
25. well, real reporters —
work for years struggling
Copy !req
26. before they can get
that kind of a chance.
Copy !req
27. I just wanted to meet the kid
that could pull that off.
Copy !req
28. Thanks.
Copy !req
29. Oh, well, don't thank me.
Thank Lionel Luthor.
Copy !req
30. He's the one who arm-twisted
the old chief editor
Copy !req
31. into dropping your juvenile
pablum into this paper.
Copy !req
32. I didn't ask Lionel
to do that.
Copy !req
33. Well, you didn't say "no"
either, did you?
Copy !req
34. Then you must have done
something to piss Lionel off
Copy !req
35. because he got you fired.
Copy !req
36. I remember that day.
Copy !req
37. I believe we had cake.
Copy !req
38. Miss kahn, I don't expect to be
given a column like last time.
Copy !req
39. I'm willing to start
from the bottom
Copy !req
40. and work my way up without
any help or arm-twisting.
Copy !req
41. All I want is the opportunity
to prove myself.
Copy !req
42. Being a part of this world,
Copy !req
43. working at
the daily planet, it's...
Copy !req
44. It's always been my dream.
Copy !req
45. Well, we all have to wake up
sometime, don't we, Sullivan?
Copy !req
46. By the way,
we don't validate.
Copy !req
47. You know what, miss kahn?
Copy !req
48. I know you may be
editor in chief now,
Copy !req
49. but even you had to
start somewhere,
Copy !req
50. and I am not going to give up
until I get the same chance.
Copy !req
51. I started by being
a damn good reporter.
Copy !req
52. You want a break?
Copy !req
53. Bring me a story.
Copy !req
54. Okay, let's stop for a second.
Copy !req
55. In case you can't tell,
I was completely freaked out.
Copy !req
56. Pauline kahn
had thrown down the gauntlet.
Copy !req
57. The woman had two pulitzers.
Copy !req
58. I had a high-school service
plaque and absolutely no idea
Copy !req
59. where my big story
was going to come from.
Copy !req
60. Little did I know
that 10 city blocks away,
Copy !req
61. it was about to bite me
in the ass —
Copy !req
62. well, more like the neck,
but we'll get to that later.
Copy !req
63. Welcome to
the tri-psi sorority house.
Copy !req
64. I think that's Greek for
"bimbos, bikinis, and beer."
Copy !req
65. Pizza pizza, delivered
in 28 minutes, piping...
Copy !req
66. hot.
Copy !req
67. Oh, my God,
we are so starving.
Copy !req
68. Mmm, let's eat
in the jacuzzi.
Copy !req
69. I, uh — I really should be
getting back to work.
Copy !req
70. Oh...
Copy !req
71. Mnh-mnh.
Can't you stay and play?
Copy !req
72. Just for a little bit?
Copy !req
73. Well, maybe just
for a minute.
Copy !req
74. What about your pizza?
Copy !req
75. You taste so much better
than pepperoni.
Copy !req
76. Ahhh!
Copy !req
77. Ahhh! Ahh!
Copy !req
78. Telegram.
Copy !req
79. Hey.
Copy !req
80. Clark, hi.
Copy !req
81. I just wanted to...
Copy !req
82. Come by
and surprise myself.
Copy !req
83. What's all this?
Copy !req
84. This is me packing.
Copy !req
85. Packing for what?
Copy !req
86. For college.
Copy !req
87. I, uh...
Copy !req
88. I got late acceptance
to met u.
Copy !req
89. Congratulations.
Copy !req
90. Why didn't you tell me
you applied to met u.?
Copy !req
91. Because I didn't want
to get my hopes up.
Copy !req
92. I applied so late
I didn't think I had any chance.
Copy !req
93. With your grades, they'd
be crazy not to accept you.
Copy !req
94. Well, I got in
just under the wire.
Copy !req
95. There aren't even
any dorm rooms left anymore.
Copy !req
96. Where are you going to stay?
Copy !req
97. I can crash at Chloe's,
but maybe I'll try a sorority.
Copy !req
98. I know how it sounds,
Copy !req
99. but it's the only housing
near to campus
Copy !req
100. I have any shot
of getting into.
Copy !req
101. You know,
central Kansas university
Copy !req
102. has plenty of housing
still available, and...
Copy !req
103. and they have you.
Copy !req
104. But they don't have
any of the courses
Copy !req
105. that I'm really
interested in,
Copy !req
106. especially astronomy.
Copy !req
107. It's not going
to be that bad.
Copy !req
108. We'll talk to each other
on the phone all the time.
Copy !req
109. Don't worry.
Copy !req
110. Nothing's going to change
between us.
Copy !req
111. Welcome to the most prestigious
and exclusive sorority
Copy !req
112. at Metropolis university.
Copy !req
113. We are the richest.
We are the prettiest.
Copy !req
114. We are the best.
Copy !req
115. Over the next few days, many
of you will leave disappointed.
Copy !req
116. But if you're insanely cool
and very, very lucky,
Copy !req
117. you might just be chosen
to be a tri-psi.
Copy !req
118. And if that happens,
it'll change your life...
Copy !req
119. forever.
Copy !req
120. Meet Buffy Sanders,
Copy !req
121. president
of the tri-psi sorority.
Copy !req
122. By the way, I changed the names
to protect the vapid.
Copy !req
123. In the final days
of the Roman empire,
Copy !req
124. wealth and power
Copy !req
125. were the only things
the emperor coveted.
Copy !req
126. What about
the good citizens of Rome?
Copy !req
127. What did they do?
Copy !req
128. Did they rise up,
Copy !req
129. burn their bras
and their draft cards?
Copy !req
130. No.
Copy !req
131. They went
to the colosseum.
Copy !req
132. They stood idle
while an evil man
Copy !req
133. destroyed their world.
Copy !req
134. In your lifetime,
Copy !req
135. each of you may be faced
with a similar situation.
Copy !req
136. The question is —
Copy !req
137. will you leave your footprints
on the history of time
Copy !req
138. or let them be washed away
Copy !req
139. by the tides
of more powerful men?
Copy !req
140. Mr. Kent...
Copy !req
141. What about you?
Copy !req
142. Me? I, um —
Copy !req
143. Luthorcorp practically owns
your hometown of Smallville.
Copy !req
144. What if you found out
that Lex Luthor,
Copy !req
145. the emperor of the company,
Copy !req
146. was a dangerous,
Copy !req
147. unstable megalomaniac
Copy !req
148. bent on
destroying your world?
Copy !req
149. Would you have the courage
to try to stop him?
Copy !req
150. I, uh —
Copy !req
151. Read chapter three
for Monday.
Copy !req
152. There'll be a quiz
on the material.
Copy !req
153. Interesting lecture
you've been giving, Professor.
Copy !req
154. I hope you've been
taking notes.
Copy !req
155. Oh, just the highlights.
Copy !req
156. You've been painting me
as the poster child
Copy !req
157. for corporate villainy.
Copy !req
158. Some of the things you say
come dangerously close to libel.
Copy !req
159. It's only libel
if it isn't true.
Copy !req
160. Everything I say
in this classroom
Copy !req
161. is supported
by my research.
Copy !req
162. And me.
Copy !req
163. You are
a fascinating subject.
Copy !req
164. You want to know
what fascinates me, Professor?
Copy !req
165. Your lectures
have included speculation
Copy !req
166. in certain
Luthorcorp projects
Copy !req
167. that aren't even
public knowledge.
Copy !req
168. I'm sorry,
but I never speculate.
Copy !req
169. The study of history
Copy !req
170. is built on
meticulous research...
Copy !req
171. Even before coming
to obvious conclusions.
Copy !req
172. And would one of your research
sources be Clark Kent?
Copy !req
173. I know you hired him
as your assistant.
Copy !req
174. Now...
Copy !req
175. Why would a man
of your stature
Copy !req
176. be so concerned
with the comings and goings
Copy !req
177. of a freshman farm boy?
Copy !req
178. If you know so much
about me, Professor,
Copy !req
179. I'm sure you realize
that I donate
Copy !req
180. a considerable amount
of funding to this university.
Copy !req
181. That allows me an unusual
level of access
Copy !req
182. to the Dean and
the academic review board.
Copy !req
183. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
184. The buying of influence
is part of my second semester.
Copy !req
185. If you have
a second semester.
Copy !req
186. You should all
be very proud.
Copy !req
187. The four of you were amazing
during rush week,
Copy !req
188. like little diamonds
in the rough
Copy !req
189. just waiting to be polished.
Copy !req
190. But not everyone
is tri-psi material.
Copy !req
191. It's sad, but it's a fact.
Copy !req
192. Carol...
Copy !req
193. Bobby...
Copy !req
194. Susan, please step forward.
Copy !req
195. The three of you
were really great!
Copy !req
196. But great isn't enough
for a tri-psi.
Copy !req
197. A tri-psi has to be
excellent all over.
Copy !req
198. Bye, now.
Copy !req
199. W-wait a minute.
You mean that I'm in?
Copy !req
200. Lana, come on.
You're amazing.
Copy !req
201. Of course we want you
to be one of us.
Copy !req
202. Wow.
Copy !req
203. Um, thank you.
Copy !req
204. But there is just
this little initiation thing
Copy !req
205. that we have to do first.
Copy !req
206. What the hell are you?
Copy !req
207. We're tri-psis.
Copy !req
208. We're the hottest
vampires ever.
Copy !req
209. Welcome
to the sisterhood.
Copy !req
210. Nice shot.
Copy !req
211. You just have to know
the angles.
Copy !req
212. That's why you've been
looking into my past?
Copy !req
213. Come on, Professor.
Copy !req
214. You're not the only one
interested in history, are you?
Copy !req
215. You don't strike me as that much
of an academic type.
Copy !req
216. What's this?
Copy !req
217. I know you're a busy man.
Copy !req
218. I thought I'd save you
some time.
Copy !req
219. That's my whole life
in there —
Copy !req
220. every record, every achievement,
every failure,
Copy !req
221. all the way back
to the day I was born.
Copy !req
222. And I'm supposed to just
swallow all of this?
Copy !req
223. You wouldn't be
the great Lex Luthor...
Copy !req
224. If you did.
Copy !req
225. No, you'll spend a fortune
checking and rechecking...
Copy !req
226. convinced what you believe
must be true.
Copy !req
227. And, uh...
Copy !req
228. What is it I believe,
Copy !req
229. That everyone is hiding secrets
as dark as yours.
Copy !req
230. How did you get this?
Copy !req
231. Just used my brain.
Copy !req
232. It's an interesting document,
isn't it?
Copy !req
233. It seems to indicate you're
using funding to the university
Copy !req
234. to conduct questionable
Luthorcorp experiments...
Copy !req
235. on campus...
Copy !req
236. But off the corporate books.
Copy !req
237. I wonder what the Dean
would think about that.
Copy !req
238. Never start a game
you can't win.
Copy !req
239. Mr. Luthor.
Copy !req
240. Follow him.
Copy !req
241. With pleasure, sir.
Copy !req
242. What are you doing?
Copy !req
243. I'm redecorating.
Copy !req
244. Karen, this is my side
of the room.
Copy !req
245. Yeah, but I've got to
look at it, okay?
Copy !req
246. Now, listen to me.
Copy !req
247. I did not spend four years
of high-school misery
Copy !req
248. dreaming about
coming to met u...
Copy !req
249. For this, okay?
Copy !req
250. But I didn't —
no, okay?
Copy !req
251. And while we're on the subject
of roommate etiquette...
Copy !req
252. Can you please tell
over here
Copy !req
253. this isn't
the Betty Ford clinic, okay?
Copy !req
254. I'm gonna go now.
Copy !req
255. I'd rather be roommates
with a two-headed monkey.
Copy !req
256. All right, Lana —
rise and shine, sleeping beauty.
Copy !req
257. Up and at 'em.
Copy !req
258. Okay, for someone
with a keen weird-dar,
Copy !req
259. I can't believe
I did not see the signs.
Copy !req
260. But I defy anyone
to tell the difference
Copy !req
261. between a nascent vampire
Copy !req
262. and a freshman girl
with a hangover.
Copy !req
263. Didn't you have class
this morning?
Copy !req
264. I must have overslept.
Copy !req
265. Wow.
Copy !req
266. First official day on campus,
and you're already hung over.
Copy !req
267. Maybe you really are
sorority material.
Copy !req
268. Is Lana here?
Copy !req
269. Hey.
Copy !req
270. Yeah, what's left of her.
Copy !req
271. Pledge party —
higher learning at its best.
Copy !req
272. Maybe you should see if you can
breathe some life into her.
Copy !req
273. I'll be
at the library,
Copy !req
274. researching ways
to kill my roommate.
Copy !req
275. Rough night last night?
Copy !req
276. I guess.
Copy !req
277. It's all a little fuzzy.
Copy !req
278. Well, it must have been
some party.
Copy !req
279. I, uh, tried to call you
a few times last night
and again this morning.
Copy !req
280. Did you get
any of my messages?
Copy !req
281. No, I haven't checked
my voice mail yet.
Copy !req
282. Sorry.
Copy !req
283. Lana, are you okay?
Copy !req
284. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
285. I'm just...
Feeling a bit dead.
Copy !req
286. God.
Copy !req
287. You smell amazing.
Copy !req
288. Is that new aftershave?
Copy !req
289. No, it's just the...
Copy !req
290. The usual.
Copy !req
291. Well, maybe we should
try something unusual.
Copy !req
292. Lana, I —
Copy !req
293. shut up, Clark.
You talk too much.
Copy !req
294. Lana — Lana —
Copy !req
295. Lana, stop.
What's going on with you?
Copy !req
296. We're not in high school
anymore, Clark.
Copy !req
297. Things change.
Copy !req
298. I can see that.
We're in college now.
Copy !req
299. Live a little —
I plan to.
Copy !req
300. What does that mean?
Copy !req
301. It means
exactly what I said.
Copy !req
302. If you're going to be
all needy and insecure,
Copy !req
303. maybe we need to re-evaluate
this relationship.
Copy !req
304. You shouldn't be putting
your hands on things
Copy !req
305. that aren't yours,
Copy !req
306. Actually...
Copy !req
307. It is mine.
Copy !req
308. I googled "vampires."
Copy !req
309. Their historic traits include
aversion to sunlight,
Copy !req
310. elongated canines,
Copy !req
311. an insatiable hunger
for human blood...
Copy !req
312. Oh, and immortality.
Copy !req
313. Poor Lana's about to find out
Copy !req
314. about the last one
the hard way.
Copy !req
315. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
316. Whoo!
Whoo! Whoo!
Copy !req
317. Looks like we picked a winner!
Copy !req
318. God, this is so much better
than sitting around
Copy !req
319. listening to my boyfriend
whine about his feelings.
Copy !req
320. You're a tri-psi now, Lana.
We eat boyfriends for breakfast.
Copy !req
321. Well, then...
To breakfast!
Copy !req
322. Mmm.
Copy !req
323. Ahh.
Copy !req
324. Whoa.
Copy !req
325. Maybe I should slow down
a little bit.
Copy !req
326. Where's the fun
in that?
Copy !req
327. You are not one of the normal,
boring people anymore, Lana.
Copy !req
328. You're one of us now.
Copy !req
329. And we do things
a little more exciting.
Copy !req
330. Like what?
Copy !req
331. Like this.
Copy !req
332. Oh... My God.
Did you see her face?
Copy !req
333. She was all like —
Copy !req
334. "aaaaah!"
Copy !req
335. Oh. Didn't we tell you?
Copy !req
336. You get to live forever.
Copy !req
337. Cool.
Copy !req
338. I don't know
what's going on with Lana,
Copy !req
339. but I went over to the sorority
house today to say hi,
Copy !req
340. and one of the pretty,
plastic people told me
Copy !req
341. that she was still asleep
Copy !req
342. at 3:00
in the afternoon.
Copy !req
343. I tried calling her, too,
but she won't pick up.
Copy !req
344. Maybe she needs
a little space.
Copy !req
345. Or some serious
Copy !req
346. What do you mean?
Copy !req
347. I'm pulling up some information
for a story I'm working on,
Copy !req
348. and I think there's a lot more
going on at that house
Copy !req
349. than just pedicures
and pillow fights.
Copy !req
350. I think you better
get over here —
Copy !req
351. Hey.
Copy !req
352. Clark...
Copy !req
353. What do you got?
Copy !req
354. Besides a heart attack?
Copy !req
355. Okay, six years ago tri-psi
was just your regular sorority,
Copy !req
356. and then their new president
took over.
Copy !req
357. Buffy Sanders.
Copy !req
358. Yeah.
Copy !req
359. After that, they became the most
exclusive sorority at met u.
Copy !req
360. They get more pledges than
any Greek sorority every year,
Copy !req
361. but they only choose one girl
to be a part of tri-psi.
Copy !req
362. Lana.
Copy !req
363. Now, it looks like
she's a member for life.
Copy !req
364. According to this, ever since
Buffy Sanders took over,
Copy !req
365. not one tri-psi
has ever left the sisterhood.
Copy !req
366. Think that has to do with
the way Lana's been acting?
Copy !req
367. I think that there's only
one way that we can be sure.
Copy !req
368. Costume party?
Copy !req
369. It's the perfect cover for us
to get in there and poke around.
Copy !req
370. I hate costumes.
Copy !req
371. Invitation?
Copy !req
372. Right, invitation.
Copy !req
373. I had one when I was at
the nail salon, and then, um —
Copy !req
374. and then, of course,
I went to get waxed
Copy !req
375. and to the tanning bed,
so I, um...
Copy !req
376. Carlos, do you remember
where I put it?
Copy !req
377. Carlos.
Copy !req
378. No.
Copy !req
379. No, I don't.
Copy !req
380. I'm not supposed to let you in
without an invitation.
Copy !req
381. But I won't tell
if you don't...
Copy !req
382. Carlos.
Copy !req
383. Great. Okay, well...
Copy !req
384. Let's go, Carlos.
Copy !req
385. Sorry.
Copy !req
386. So, uh,
Carlos, huh?
Copy !req
387. Starts with a "c."
Copy !req
388. Don't you think the cape
is a little much?
Copy !req
389. I kind of like it.
It's not too bad.
Copy !req
390. I mean,
the mask slides around.
Copy !req
391. I can hardly see
anything sometimes.
Copy !req
392. Um, why don't
you check upstairs,
Copy !req
393. see if you
can find anything?
Copy !req
394. I'll scope things out
down here.
Copy !req
395. If you see Lana...
Copy !req
396. I'll let her know
that you're here.
Copy !req
397. Lana!
Copy !req
398. Lana!
Copy !req
399. Hey.
Copy !req
400. Go play with
your six-shooter.
Copy !req
401. Me and the kitty cat here
need to have a talk.
Copy !req
402. What are you doing
in here?
Copy !req
403. I was, uh, looking
for the bathroom.
Copy !req
404. Whoo! Hot tub!
Copy !req
405. Sorry, buf.
Copy !req
406. Lana, what is wrong
with you?
Copy !req
407. I'm having fun.
Copy !req
408. You should
try it sometime.
Copy !req
409. What if Clark saw you
with that guy?
Copy !req
410. You remember Clark,
Copy !req
411. Your boyfriend
who cares about you
Copy !req
412. more than anything?
Copy !req
413. You sure know how
to ruin a party, don't you?
Copy !req
414. Lana, I don't know what's
going on, but this isn't you.
Copy !req
415. You wouldn't hurt Clark
like this.
Copy !req
416. I'm...
I'm sorry, Chloe...
Copy !req
417. but you shouldn't
have come here.
Copy !req
418. Oh, sweetie...
Copy !req
419. This isn't a movie.
Copy !req
420. Ugh!
Copy !req
421. Note to self —
Copy !req
422. never confront a vampire
when they're hungry,
Copy !req
423. even if they are
your best friend.
Copy !req
424. Clark!
Copy !req
425. Lana?
Copy !req
426. Blue team to I.C.U., please.
Copy !req
427. Blue team, I.C.U.
Copy !req
428. Frankly, I don't know
what else to try.
Copy !req
429. We've given her a transfusion,
but there's been no improvement.
Copy !req
430. What's wrong with her?
Copy !req
431. Well, as near as we can tell,
she's been infected
Copy !req
432. with some sort
of rabies-like virus.
Copy !req
433. It was probably transmitted
Copy !req
434. in the saliva
of whatever animal bit her.
Copy !req
435. It's attacking
her red blood cells,
Copy !req
436. preventing them
from regenerating.
Copy !req
437. Is there anything
you can do?
Copy !req
438. We can keep up
the transfusions,
Copy !req
439. hope she stabilizes.
Copy !req
440. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
441. Paging Dr. bender.
Copy !req
442. Paging Dr. bender.
Copy !req
443. You have to fight it, Chloe.
Copy !req
444. You have to fight it.
Copy !req
445. Is she all right?
Copy !req
446. Professor,
what are you doing here?
Copy !req
447. Visiting
a sick colleague.
Copy !req
448. Though he seems to be doing
better than your friend.
Copy !req
449. What happened to her?
Copy !req
450. She was... Bitten.
Copy !req
451. By what?
Copy !req
452. I know how this
is gonna sound,
Copy !req
453. but I think she was attacked
by a vampire.
Copy !req
454. Clark, there's no such thing
as vampires.
Copy !req
455. I know what I saw,
Copy !req
456. She's lost a lot of blood,
Copy !req
457. and the transfusion
didn't work
Copy !req
458. because she's infected
by some weird strain of...
Copy !req
459. Rabies.
Copy !req
460. Rabies?
Copy !req
461. You might want to have a word
with your buddy Lex Luthor.
Copy !req
462. Lex?
Copy !req
463. Ask him about
project 1138.
Copy !req
464. You got that just
from looking at Chloe's chart?
Copy !req
465. I recognize the symptoms
from my research at Luthorcorp.
Copy !req
466. Now, do you want to stand around
here playing 20 questions,
Copy !req
467. or do you want to save
your friend's life?
Copy !req
468. How could you be
so stupid?
Copy !req
469. You never leave anyone alive.
You have to finish them off.
Copy !req
470. Or turn them by making them
drink your blood.
Copy !req
471. Oh, that guy Carlos
saw you.
Copy !req
472. His name's Clark.
Copy !req
473. Oh, whatever.
He saw you feeding.
Copy !req
474. And he was sneaking
around my room.
Copy !req
475. That's two strikes.
I'm not waiting for a third.
Copy !req
476. He's my boyfriend.
Copy !req
477. So?
Copy !req
478. Lana, you are going
to live forever now.
Copy !req
479. He's gonna get old
and withered
Copy !req
480. and sag in places that you
don't want to see sagging.
Copy !req
481. You're special.
He's not — deal.
Copy !req
482. What are you
gonna do to him?
Copy !req
483. Me?
Copy !req
484. Oh, honey,
this is your freshman mess.
Copy !req
485. Find Clark
and bring him back here
Copy !req
486. with just enough life in him
so we can all have a taste...
Copy !req
487. or you're the one we'll
be feeding off of tonight.
Copy !req
488. Lex!
Copy !req
489. Project 1138 —
what is it?
Copy !req
490. I never heard of it.
Copy !req
491. Don't lie to me.
Copy !req
492. I know it has something
to do with the rabies virus.
Copy !req
493. Chloe's in the hospital dying
from it right now,
Copy !req
494. and I think Lana's
been infected, too.
Copy !req
495. Lana?
Copy !req
496. No more games.
Copy !req
497. If you know anything about
what's going on,
Copy !req
498. you got to tell me right now,
Copy !req
499. before it's too late.
Copy !req
500. Six years ago,
Copy !req
501. a girl named Buffy Sanders
was trapped
Copy !req
502. in a cave outside Smallville
for several days.
Copy !req
503. I know, Lex.
I read the newspaper article.
Copy !req
504. Certain facts never made it
into the press.
Copy !req
505. Like what?
Copy !req
506. Luthorcorp aided
in her rescue.
Copy !req
507. After she was transported
to the hospital,
Copy !req
508. the site was discovered to
possess unusual characteristics.
Copy !req
509. Lex, quit dancing around.
What did Luthorcorp find?
Copy !req
510. Meteor rocks.
Copy !req
511. They had soaked
into the water table,
Copy !req
512. creating
infected stalactites,
Copy !req
513. which in turn infected
the indigenous animal life
Copy !req
514. desmodus rotundus —
Copy !req
515. vampire bats.
Copy !req
516. So we are dealing
with vampires.
Copy !req
517. There's nothing mystical
about this, Clark.
Copy !req
518. It's just
a very unusual disease.
Copy !req
519. One of
the Luthorcorp researchers
Copy !req
520. was accidentally bitten
and quickly developed
Copy !req
521. unusual strength,
aversion to bright light,
Copy !req
522. and adaptive canine teeth.
Copy !req
523. Seemed to help with
the cannibalistic tendencies.
Copy !req
524. What happened to him, Lex?
Copy !req
525. He retired to sausalito...
Copy !req
526. After we cured him.
Copy !req
527. We were able to create a serum
that reverses the infection.
Copy !req
528. The stalactite —
it keeps the serum active.
Copy !req
529. Now, it needs to be administered
directly into the heart
Copy !req
530. in order to carry through
the bloodstream effectively.
Copy !req
531. Clark, are you all right?
Copy !req
532. Lana?
Copy !req
533. Ugh!
Copy !req
534. I'm sorry it has to
be this way, Clark,
Copy !req
535. but we don't always get
to choose who we are.
Copy !req
536. Sometimes our destiny
leads us to places
Copy !req
537. that we don't want to go,
Copy !req
538. and there's nothing
we can do about it.
Copy !req
539. Lana, no.
Copy !req
540. I love you, Clark.
Copy !req
541. I always will.
Copy !req
542. Buffy was wrong
about you, Clark.
Copy !req
543. You are special...
Copy !req
544. Aren't you?
Copy !req
545. Nice work.
Copy !req
546. He's quite a catch —
Copy !req
547. 100% corn-fed Kansas beef.
Copy !req
548. Let's eat.
Copy !req
549. Wait.
Copy !req
550. Isn't there something else
we can do with him?
Copy !req
551. Like what? Barbecue?
Copy !req
552. No, like convert him...
Copy !req
553. Into one of us.
Copy !req
554. We're a sorority,
not a fraternity.
Copy !req
555. No boys allowed.
Copy !req
556. You don't understand.
He's special.
Copy !req
557. Not to me.
Copy !req
558. Get out of the way.
Copy !req
559. Excuse me.
Copy !req
560. He's mine.
You're not touching him.
Copy !req
561. Oh.
Copy !req
562. I'm really disappointed
in you, Lana.
Copy !req
563. Looks like you're not
tri-psi material after all.
Copy !req
564. Looks like
I'm making the rules now.
Copy !req
565. Anyone have
a problem with that?
Copy !req
566. No, no.
Copy !req
567. That's great.
Get out.
Copy !req
568. Get out!
Copy !req
569. Okay.
Copy !req
570. Lana...
Copy !req
571. Clark, it's okay.
I'm here.
Copy !req
572. Listen to me.
You're sick.
Copy !req
573. No. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
574. I've never felt better.
Copy !req
575. Clark, I know
what's inside of you.
Copy !req
576. I felt your strength.
Copy !req
577. And now I want you
to feel mine.
Copy !req
578. No.
Copy !req
579. It's not who you are.
Copy !req
580. But maybe it is.
Copy !req
581. Maybe I've been hiding it
from you all along,
Copy !req
582. just like you were hiding
who you really are from me.
Copy !req
583. No, please.
Copy !req
584. Clark,
don't fight it.
Copy !req
585. We were meant to be together.
You know that in your heart.
Copy !req
586. And this way,
we can be...
Copy !req
587. Forever.
Copy !req
588. All it takes
is one drop of blood.
Copy !req
589. No.
Copy !req
590. Ahhhh!
Copy !req
591. Ahhhhhhh!
Copy !req
592. Ahhhhh! Ah!
Copy !req
593. Lana?
Copy !req
594. So, the tri-psis
got booted off campus,
Copy !req
595. and all the infected girls
were treated by Luthorcorp.
Copy !req
596. The upside was that my roommate
was so freaked-out
Copy !req
597. that she transferred to nyu,
Copy !req
598. which means Lana and I are
once again under the same roof.
Copy !req
599. As for Clark and Lana,
Copy !req
600. they seem to be able
to survive anything.
Copy !req
601. How much of what happened
do you remember?
Copy !req
602. Bits and pieces.
Copy !req
603. Nothing coherent,
thank God.
Copy !req
604. But there, uh...
Copy !req
605. There was one thing
that stuck with me,
Copy !req
606. something I felt
when I bit you.
Copy !req
607. What was that?
Copy !req
608. Warmth...
Copy !req
609. And love...
Copy !req
610. And an overwhelming
feeling of strength.
Copy !req
611. I think for a moment I felt
what was inside your heart.
Copy !req
612. And I've never felt closer
to someone in my entire life.
Copy !req
613. I miss being
with you, Clark.
Copy !req
614. How's Lana?
Copy !req
615. She's back to normal,
same as Chloe.
Copy !req
616. Look, I know things
haven't been great between us,
Copy !req
617. but I just wanted to say
I appreciate your help.
Copy !req
618. That means
a lot to me, Clark.
Copy !req
619. There is something
I'm still curious about.
Copy !req
620. How did you know
about project 1138?
Copy !req
621. Does it matter?
Copy !req
622. Only if it came
from Professor fine.
Copy !req
623. What do you have
against him, Lex?
Copy !req
624. Clark, he's the one
who's been attacking me.
Copy !req
625. Is that why you stopped by
his lecture?
Copy !req
626. To force him to stop looking
at Luthorcorp?
Copy !req
627. He's doing a lot more
than looking.
Copy !req
628. He's obtaining highly classified
proprietary documents.
Copy !req
629. He's only after
the truth.
Copy !req
630. I think he's after
more than that.
Copy !req
631. Look, just be careful.
Copy !req
632. I don't believe fine
is the friend you think he is.
Copy !req
633. The most exciting part
of finishing a story
Copy !req
634. is not finishing the story
Copy !req
635. but having someone else
read it.
Copy !req
636. Hmm.
Copy !req
637. Hmm.
Copy !req
638. Is that a good "hmm"
or a bad "hmm"?
Copy !req
639. No, it's a good "hmm,"
Copy !req
640. if we printed tabloid nonsense
like the inquisitor does.
Copy !req
641. But we're
the daily planet,
Copy !req
642. and tall tales about slaying
Buffy the vampire
Copy !req
643. don't make it into the pages
of a real newspaper.
Copy !req
644. Miss kahn,
I didn't make this up.
Copy !req
645. They weren't vampires
of the mythical sense.
Copy !req
646. They were victims
of an unusual disease.
Copy !req
647. Look, here —
Copy !req
648. that's all the research —
Copy !req
649. interviews,
eyewitness accounts,
Copy !req
650. the CDC report, everything.
Copy !req
651. Hmm.
Copy !req
652. Was that a good "hmm"
or a bad —
shut up.
Copy !req
653. Here's the thing.
Copy !req
654. Your writing shows that you're
not completely without talent.
Copy !req
655. Thank you.
Copy !req
656. But you're not
a real reporter, either — yet.
Copy !req
657. Well, everyone
has to start somewhere.
Copy !req
658. Welcome to
the daily planet, kid.
Copy !req
659. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
660. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
661. Uh, where do I start?
Copy !req
662. Same place I did —
at the bottom.
Copy !req
663. She never did print the
article, but I don't care.
Copy !req
664. I got in on the ground floor
of my dream.
Copy !req
665. Okay, so it's actually
the basement,
Copy !req
666. but the way I look at it,
Copy !req
667. I had no place to go
but up, up, and away.
Copy !req
668. — Captions by vitac —
Copy !req
669. captions paid for by
Warner bros. Television
Copy !req