1. Previously on "Smallville"...
Copy !req
2. Jor-El:
A dark force from Krypton
has been awakened, Kal-El,
Copy !req
3. and its sights
are set on earth.
Copy !req
4. I don't love you.
Copy !req
5. I didn't take Lana
from you.
Copy !req
6. You lost her
all by yourself.
Copy !req
7. Lex doesn't know
what he's gotten himself into.
Copy !req
8. You expect me
to believe anything
Copy !req
9. that comes
out of your mouth?
Copy !req
10. One shot of this
and, theoretically,
Copy !req
11. you'd be protected from any
disease that could be unleashed.
Copy !req
12. The night Jonathan died,
Copy !req
13. I told him that I knew
everything about Clark.
Copy !req
14. Fine was created
by Kryptonians,
Copy !req
15. and he's already
been destroyed twice.
Copy !req
16. Where did you find all this?
Copy !req
17. I didn't find it.
I wrote it.
Copy !req
18. All the strange things
that happen in Smallville,
Copy !req
19. it's all tied together.
Copy !req
20. This warning is related
to something more terrible
Copy !req
21. even than the virus.
Copy !req
22. What does it say?
Copy !req
23. "Zod is coming."
Copy !req
24. Is something wrong?
Copy !req
25. Lex, what's happening?
Copy !req
26. Lex,
where are you going?
Copy !req
27. Come on, Lex, pick up.
Copy !req
28. Lex!
Copy !req
29. Aah! Ugh!
Copy !req
30. Aah!
Copy !req
31. Aah!
Copy !req
32. Aah! Unh!
Copy !req
33. Lex!
Copy !req
34. Stay there!
Copy !req
35. What's happening?
Copy !req
36. I don't know.
Copy !req
37. Stay away from her!
Copy !req
38. What are you doing?
Copy !req
39. I'm preparing him.
Copy !req
40. Aah!
Copy !req
41. No!
Copy !req
42. Ohh!
Copy !req
43. I hate to break it to you,
Copy !req
44. but people have been buying
airline tickets
Copy !req
45. long before computers,
so glitch or no glitch,
Copy !req
46. there has to be some record
of us being on this flight.
Copy !req
47. Can I talk to your supervisor?
Copy !req
48. Actually, let me talk
to your supervisor's supervisor.
Copy !req
49. Lionel.
Copy !req
50. I thought you'd be on your way
to Washington by now.
Copy !req
51. Come in.
Copy !req
52. No.
Copy !req
53. Unfortunately,
Copy !req
54. thanks to the airline company's
cutting-edge computer system,
Copy !req
55. the flight was canceled.
Copy !req
56. That's easily solved.
Copy !req
57. The Luthorcorp jet is free
to take you this afternoon.
Copy !req
58. No, no.
Copy !req
59. I can't continue
taking favors from you.
Copy !req
60. Don't make this personal,
Martha. It's business.
Copy !req
61. It's the obvious way
to cope with an emergency.
Copy !req
62. Besides,
the important thing
Copy !req
63. is that you get there
for the meeting.
Copy !req
64. It's a national education
Copy !req
65. There will be
over 3,000 people there.
Copy !req
66. I'll be wearing my inexperience
like a badge.
Copy !req
67. Experience is often overrated,
especially in Washington.
Copy !req
68. You, uh...
Copy !req
69. You've got integrity,
Copy !req
70. It's one of the...
Rare qualities... You possess.
Copy !req
71. Hey!
Copy !req
72. I was beginning to think
I was living with a ghost.
Copy !req
73. Not that it would be
the first time.
Copy !req
74. Lana, are you all right?
Copy !req
75. I'm so scared, Chloe.
Copy !req
76. I knew he was
getting in too deep.
Copy !req
77. Who?
Copy !req
78. Lex.
Copy !req
79. They took him.
Copy !req
80. Tell me what happened.
Copy !req
81. We were in a field, and...
Copy !req
82. And there was this flash of
light, and then Lex was taken.
Copy !req
83. Taken where?
Copy !req
84. Into the black ship
I saw in the meteor shower.
Copy !req
85. It's back.
Copy !req
86. Do you think fine had something
to do with this?
Copy !req
87. Fine was there.
Copy !req
88. He said
that he was preparing him.
Copy !req
89. I can't believe
I let this happen.
Copy !req
90. Lana,
you can't blame yourself.
Copy !req
91. It's my fault he was involved
in the first place.
Copy !req
92. Chloe...
Copy !req
93. What if he's dead?
Copy !req
94. Let's go.
Copy !req
95. What do you mean "taken"?
Copy !req
96. I mean ripped from the earth
and sucked into the sky.
Copy !req
97. Now, his abductor did leave
a calling card in the field,
Copy !req
98. and from Lana's description,
it sounded like Zod's symbol.
Copy !req
99. Lionel's drawings warned
of Zod coming.
Copy !req
100. Maybe
it's actually happening.
Copy !req
101. What is happening?
I-I don't get it.
Copy !req
102. I mean, I thought
that Zod was trapped
Copy !req
103. in that phantom-prism
other-dimension thing.
Copy !req
104. That's what
I'm worried about.
Copy !req
105. Fine knows I would not
release Zod willingly.
Copy !req
106. He's obviously
changed strategies.
Copy !req
107. So then Lex
is part of plan "b"?
Copy !req
108. Which means Lana's stuck
right in the middle of it.
Copy !req
109. I know what you're thinking,
and she used to come to you
Copy !req
110. when she was in trouble,
but that's all different now.
Copy !req
111. And you know what?
That was your choice.
Copy !req
112. I don't feel like I've made
any of the right choices lately.
Copy !req
113. I've been so angry with Jor-El,
I didn't listen.
Copy !req
114. I didn't listen
to any of his warnings.
Copy !req
115. But it seems like
every time you turn to Jor-El,
Copy !req
116. something bad happens.
Copy !req
117. What if he's just trying
to protect me?
Copy !req
118. What if he's trying
to protect all of us?
Copy !req
119. Jor-El:
Hello, my son.
Copy !req
120. I had no other choice
but to come here.
Copy !req
121. I know you are still angered
by the loss of Jonathan Kent.
Copy !req
122. He was my father.
Copy !req
123. I am your father.
Copy !req
124. Pain is a part of life,
Copy !req
125. but you cannot let it
blind you.
Copy !req
126. Fine has returned
to release Zod.
Copy !req
127. What am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
128. Fine is merely an extension
of the craft
Copy !req
129. that can regenerate
in any form.
Copy !req
130. If fine is part of this ship,
then who's controlling it?
Copy !req
131. It's not just a ship.
Copy !req
132. It's the brain
interactive construct —
Copy !req
133. an advanced technology
that will stop at nothing
Copy !req
134. until its master, Zod,
has been released.
Copy !req
135. No, there's got to be
some way to stop him.
Copy !req
136. There is one way.
Copy !req
137. Zod was imprisoned
in the phantom zone
Copy !req
138. for crimes that led to
the destruction of our planet.
Copy !req
139. Zod killed you.
Copy !req
140. And your mother
and our entire race,
Copy !req
141. just as he will do
on earth.
Copy !req
142. I won't let that happen.
Copy !req
143. Zod's physical body
was destroyed
Copy !req
144. to prevent him
from escaping the phantom zone.
Copy !req
145. He can be freed
if he finds a body —
Copy !req
146. a vessel to inhabit.
Copy !req
147. You must find the human vessel
and destroy it,
Copy !req
148. no matter who it may be.
Copy !req
149. Okay, I've heard of fathers
demanding a lot of their sons,
Copy !req
150. but asking you
to commit a murder?
Copy !req
151. That goes way beyond
domineering dad.
Copy !req
152. Chloe,
I'm not killing anyone.
Copy !req
153. I hate to say this,
Copy !req
154. but disobeying Jor-El
has had grim consequences.
Copy !req
155. There's got to be
another way.
Copy !req
156. Okay, well, what about,
um, what about the vessel?
Copy !req
157. I mean, why doesn't this Zod guy
come fully composed?
Copy !req
158. All Jor-El told me
Copy !req
159. was that Zod's spirit
would possess a human.
Copy !req
160. This is the same Zod whose
hobbies include mass destruction
Copy !req
161. and world domination?
Copy !req
162. Chloe,
what if Lex is the vessel?
Copy !req
163. That's why
the ship took him.
Copy !req
164. Lana said
that fine was preparing him.
Copy !req
165. If I'm right...
Copy !req
166. Then I got to kill Lex.
Copy !req
167. You know, Clark,
in certain cultures,
Copy !req
168. when a father presents his son
with a gift of a knife,
Copy !req
169. it represents
a... Rite of passage.
Copy !req
170. How do you know
this is from Jor-El?
Copy !req
171. The glyphs on the blade —
they're Kryptonian.
Copy !req
172. What does Jor-El want you to do
with the dagger?
Copy !req
173. Clark,
I came here to find you.
Copy !req
174. I woke up this morning.
I found this.
Copy !req
175. I must have written it
in my sleep.
Copy !req
176. Another warning
from Jor-El?
Copy !req
177. Tell me what it says.
Copy !req
178. Sacrifice the vessel.
Copy !req
179. The vessel?
I don't understand.
Copy !req
180. Let me help you.
Copy !req
181. Clark, please.
Copy !req
182. You don't have to make
this decision alone.
Copy !req
183. There's nothing you
or anybody else can do.
Copy !req
184. Don't underestimate me,
Copy !req
185. Jor-El wants me
to kill...
Copy !req
186. The person
who will be the vessel.
Copy !req
187. Zod will possess
a human form,
Copy !req
188. destroy earth
just as he did Krypton.
Copy !req
189. But I can't kill anyone.
Copy !req
190. You, of all people,
should know that.
Copy !req
191. Clark...
Copy !req
192. The real test of a hero
is knowing
Copy !req
193. when the greater good
will be served by an evil act.
Copy !req
194. To save the earth,
the cost of one life
Copy !req
195. is the price
that must be paid.
Copy !req
196. Even if that life
is your son?
Copy !req
197. Lex is the vessel of Zod.
Copy !req
198. He was abducted
this morning...
Copy !req
199. Out of Mayer's field.
Copy !req
200. Mayer's field, you say.
Copy !req
201. Lex?
Copy !req
202. Lex?
Copy !req
203. Son, are you all right?
Copy !req
204. Everything feels different.
Copy !req
205. Clark told me they'd taken you.
What happened, son?
Copy !req
206. Are you hurt?
Copy !req
207. You tried to warn me about fine,
but I didn't listen.
Copy !req
208. You never have.
Copy !req
209. No matter
what I've given you,
Copy !req
210. the things you've always wanted
were beyond your grasp.
Copy !req
211. This time,
you've overreached yourself.
Copy !req
212. Did you come out here
to lecture me or to help me?
Copy !req
213. It's too late to do either,
isn't it?
Copy !req
214. You made a deal
with the devil.
Copy !req
215. He always comes
to collect.
Copy !req
216. Lex...
Copy !req
217. Aah...
Copy !req
218. Aah...
Copy !req
219. Dad, are you okay?
Copy !req
220. What have they...
Done to you... Lex?
Copy !req
221. What have
they turned you into?
Copy !req
222. Lex.
Copy !req
223. I thought
I'd never see you again.
Copy !req
224. It's okay.
Copy !req
225. What happened?
Copy !req
226. I've been given a gift.
Copy !req
227. Aah!
Copy !req
228. Your hand.
Copy !req
229. There's not a scratch
on it.
Copy !req
230. You need to know
the truth about me.
Copy !req
231. They've turned you
into one of them.
Copy !req
232. I have their abilities.
Copy !req
233. But it's still me.
Copy !req
234. Lana...
Copy !req
235. I'd never lie to you.
Copy !req
236. How could I keep
something like this
Copy !req
237. from the person
I care about most?
Copy !req
238. Lex...
Copy !req
239. I overheard
Clark and Chloe talking.
Copy !req
240. Now that you're back...
Copy !req
241. Clark...
Copy !req
242. he's going to try
and kill you.
Copy !req
243. That's fear, Lana.
Copy !req
244. My father's infected him
with it.
Copy !req
245. Like he used to do
to me.
Copy !req
246. Clark can't stand the fact
that I'm different now.
Copy !req
247. There's someplace
I need to go.
Copy !req
248. Then take me with you.
Copy !req
249. No.
Copy !req
250. Hey...
Copy !req
251. Know that
I'll always love you.
Copy !req
252. You're talking like we'll never
see each other again.
Copy !req
253. That's your choice.
Copy !req
254. If you want us
to be together,
Copy !req
255. meet me on the roof
of Luthorcorp Plaza.
Copy !req
256. I'll be there tonight.
Copy !req
257. You found Lex.
Copy !req
258. Yeah.
Copy !req
259. He was, uh...
In the field.
Copy !req
260. He's — he's not...
Copy !req
261. He's changed.
Copy !req
262. What happened to you?
Copy !req
263. Everything fine has been doing
was meant to prepare Lex.
Copy !req
264. Somehow he now possesses
the same powers as you, Clark.
Copy !req
265. You can't begin to imagine
what he's gonna do with them.
Copy !req
266. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
267. He wasn't raised like you,
Copy !req
268. I taught him to survive
at any cost,
Copy !req
269. to be completely ruthless.
Copy !req
270. Maybe
that's what'll save him.
Copy !req
271. There's still a part of Lex
that can fight this.
Copy !req
272. Yeah, you see that in him
because you want to.
Copy !req
273. There's always been a dark force
at work inside him.
Copy !req
274. I don't want to hurt Lex.
Copy !req
275. If Zod is as evil
as you believe him to be,
Copy !req
276. it's easy to understand
Copy !req
277. why he chose Lex to inhabit
as his vessel.
Copy !req
278. What about Lana?
Copy !req
279. Someone very close to you.
Copy !req
280. She's a big part of his life
right now.
Copy !req
281. Be careful what you decide
to do, Clark.
Copy !req
282. Which one are you willing
to sacrifice?
Copy !req
283. I guess if you're gonna be
20,000 feet above the ground,
Copy !req
284. you might as well do it
in the lap of luxury.
Copy !req
285. Well,
enjoy it while you can.
Copy !req
286. If our flight
hadn't been canceled,
Copy !req
287. I'd never feel comfortable
doing this.
Copy !req
288. Well, you might want to start
finding your comfort zone
Copy !req
289. because something tells me
Copy !req
290. this isn't gonna be
the last time
Copy !req
291. you're invited
to fly the Luthor skies.
Copy !req
292. This is just
a friendly gesture.
Copy !req
293. Right.
Copy !req
294. Hmm.
Copy !req
295. Look —
another friendly gesture.
Copy !req
296. Card's for you.
Copy !req
297. Lionel can be
a very generous man.
Copy !req
298. I'm not interested
in a relationship with Lionel —
Copy !req
299. or anyone.
Copy !req
300. Really?
Copy !req
301. Yes.
Copy !req
302. Or are you just worried
about how Clark would take it?
Copy !req
303. Okay. Enough said.
Copy !req
304. Lex!
Copy !req
305. Lex!
Copy !req
306. You'll never find him.
Copy !req
307. Lana, he's in trouble.
Copy !req
308. I suppose you're gonna tell me
you came here to help?
Copy !req
309. I don't want anything
to happen to him.
Copy !req
310. Like what?
Copy !req
311. Having your best friend
turn against you?
Copy !req
312. I heard you and Chloe talking
about killing Lex.
Copy !req
313. I don't know how you knew he was
gonna come back different,
Copy !req
314. but I guess
I shouldn't be surprised.
Copy !req
315. Lana, you can't stay with him.
He's not what you think.
Copy !req
316. He told me his secret,
Copy !req
317. and it doesn't change
the way that I feel about him.
Copy !req
318. What's happened to him —
it doesn't scare you?
Copy !req
319. I am not going to
abandon Lex.
Copy !req
320. Neither am I.
Copy !req
321. Listen, fine would not
give him powers
Copy !req
322. without expecting something
in return.
Copy !req
323. It's not over, Lana.
Copy !req
324. I can help him
if you tell me where he is.
Copy !req
325. And how do I know
you won't hurt him?
Copy !req
326. You know me.
Copy !req
327. No. I don't.
Copy !req
328. You have all these different
sides to you,
Copy !req
329. and I can't tell
if any of them is the real you.
Copy !req
330. If you have ever
really cared about me...
Copy !req
331. Tell me what's happening
to Lex.
Copy !req
332. Lana, please —
Copy !req
333. you don't trust me.
Copy !req
334. You've never trusted me,
have you?
Copy !req
335. I don't know how
I could have ever loved you.
Copy !req
336. And to think...
Copy !req
337. Her loyalty
could have been yours
Copy !req
338. if you'd been honest
with her.
Copy !req
339. I'm sure Zod will cherish
her allegiance.
Copy !req
340. Leave Lana out of this.
Copy !req
341. It's your own fault,
Copy !req
342. You were supposed to be
the vessel,
Copy !req
343. but your father's spirit
was too strong in you.
Copy !req
344. If you'd have released Zod
the first time,
Copy !req
345. they would have been
Copy !req
346. I'm giving you
one more chance.
Copy !req
347. Nothing can make me release
a monster like Zod.
Copy !req
348. Except maybe
your one weakness —
Copy !req
349. humans.
Copy !req
350. They're so fragile.
Copy !req
351. They'll never survive
without their technology,
Copy !req
352. no matter how crude.
Copy !req
353. Take that away,
Copy !req
354. and they'll devolve back
to the animals they really are.
Copy !req
355. And you can't save
all of them.
Copy !req
356. I'll never do
what you want.
Copy !req
357. Then it begins.
Copy !req
358. Enjoy the show.
Copy !req
359. Chloe!
Copy !req
360. Chloe?
Copy !req
361. What's going on?
All the streetlights are out.
Copy !req
362. You tell me.
Copy !req
363. It's already
reached Metropolis.
Copy !req
364. You know where it started?
Copy !req
365. Smallville.
Copy !req
366. Fine did something
to one of Lex's computers.
Copy !req
367. I thought if anyone could figure
out what it was, it'd be you.
Copy !req
368. It's some sort
of an electronic virus,
Copy !req
369. and it's spreading faster
than I can track it.
Copy !req
370. After it scaled
every firewall
Copy !req
371. and knocked down
all the communication,
Copy !req
372. it's now infecting most
of the city's infrastructure.
Copy !req
373. All because of me.
I refused to release Zod.
Copy !req
374. Now fine's trying
to force my hand.
Copy !req
375. Well, he's definitely
playing hardball.
Copy !req
376. I mean, elevators,
gas mains, subways —
Copy !req
377. the entire city
is shutting down.
Copy !req
378. I mean,
it's like y2k on acid.
Copy !req
379. The complete and sudden collapse
of the city's infrastructure
Copy !req
380. has caused havoc and panic
throughout Metropolis.
Copy !req
381. Scores of citizens
have been injured
Copy !req
382. and at least five deaths
have been confirmed.
Copy !req
383. Cities throughout the midwest
Copy !req
384. are experiencing similar
Copy !req
385. Reports are coming in
as far west as Denver.
Copy !req
386. Clark...
If this continues...
Copy !req
387. Every major city in the world
is gonna be infiltrated.
Copy !req
388. Clark, there's no use.
Copy !req
389. You can't save everyone.
Copy !req
390. And I can't release Zod.
Copy !req
391. Well,
what if Jor-El was right?
Copy !req
392. I mean, what if the only way
to stop Zod and stop fine
Copy !req
393. and stop all of this is
to just destroy that vessel?
Copy !req
394. What if something goes wrong?
I don't want to leave you here.
Copy !req
395. You have to.
Copy !req
396. Clark...
Copy !req
397. I don't know if I'm ever
gonna see you again.
Copy !req
398. Hello, Clark.
I heard you want to see me.
Copy !req
399. You'd tell me if I had drool
all over my face, wouldn't you?
Copy !req
400. What time is it?
Copy !req
401. It's about 10 minutes
to 9:00.
Copy !req
402. And we aren't there yet?
Copy !req
403. We should be strolling down
Pennsylvania Avenue by now.
Copy !req
404. You're right.
I lost track of the time.
Copy !req
405. We must have hit
some strong headwinds.
Copy !req
406. More like Gale force.
Copy !req
407. We should have landed
an hour ago.
Copy !req
408. Lois, relax.
Copy !req
409. There are a million reasons
why we could have been delayed.
Copy !req
410. I'm sure everything's okay.
Copy !req
411. I might have flunked geography,
but the last time I checked,
Copy !req
412. the east coast —
it didn't look like this.
Copy !req
413. So, what did you decide,
Copy !req
414. Are you gonna kill me?
Copy !req
415. You can't blame me
for this, Lex.
Copy !req
416. You did this to yourself.
Copy !req
417. Oh, come on, Clark!
Copy !req
418. You love it!
Copy !req
419. Ever since that day
on the bridge,
Copy !req
420. you've always seen yourself
as my savior —
Copy !req
421. the one thing
that would pull me off
Copy !req
422. the dark path I'd started.
Copy !req
423. See, that's why you cling
to the idea
Copy !req
424. that there's still
some good in me.
Copy !req
425. You don't want to face the fact
that you might have failed.
Copy !req
426. Maybe I just can't believe
Copy !req
427. someone would have
so little willpower.
Copy !req
428. It's a little hard to compete
with the iron willpower it takes
Copy !req
429. to kill
one of your best friends.
Copy !req
430. How did you know
I was gonna come back like this?
Copy !req
431. You don't realize
how much danger you're in.
Copy !req
432. I used to think you had
this... Strong inner core.
Copy !req
433. You were so virtuous.
Copy !req
434. And yet you lie
all the time —
Copy !req
435. to me, to Lana,
Copy !req
436. to all the people
who cared about you.
Copy !req
437. What kind of sick person
would do that?
Copy !req
438. If you thought this friendship
was doomed from the beginning,
Copy !req
439. then why did you fight
so hard to keep it?
Copy !req
440. Because I wanted everything
you had —
Copy !req
441. the family,
the inconspicuous life,
Copy !req
442. the loyal girlfriend.
Copy !req
443. Well,
at least I walked away
Copy !req
444. with the part
you loved the most.
Copy !req
445. You're not yourself.
Copy !req
446. Or maybe I finally am.
Copy !req
447. I knew there was something
different about you.
Copy !req
448. Do it, Clark.
Copy !req
449. Let's see if you're really
your father's son.
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450. What have I done?
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451. You've opened the portal
for Zod.
Copy !req
452. Aah!
Copy !req
453. Lex?
Copy !req
454. Lex?
Copy !req
455. You have
your father's eyes.
Copy !req
456. Hello, Kal-El.
Copy !req
457. Where's Lex?
Copy !req
458. Lex is dead.
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459. Why are you here?
Copy !req
460. For the same reason
as anyone
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461. who'd been imprisoned
like a beast —
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462. revenge.
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463. Your father banished me
to an eternal hell
Copy !req
464. trying to save
a doomed race.
Copy !req
465. And in the end,
Copy !req
466. the only survivor
of his pathetic crusade...
Copy !req
467. Was his son.
Copy !req
468. Then this is between us.
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469. These people did nothing
to harm you.
Copy !req
470. No.
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471. But you feel no pain greater
than to see others in agony.
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472. I won't let you destroy this
planet like you did Krypton.
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473. You don't have a choice.
Copy !req
474. Unless you join me.
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475. I'll never join you.
Copy !req
476. Well, I hope that's a decision
you'll be able to live with...
Copy !req
477. Forever.
Copy !req
478. Open the door!
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479. Lois,
I'm not feeling well.
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480. Neither am I.
Copy !req
481. I can't breathe.
Copy !req
482. Wait a minute, Mrs. Kent.
Copy !req
483. The air pressure.
We need oxygen.
Copy !req
484. Open the door!
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485. Mrs. Kent...
Copy !req
486. Mrs. Kent, wake up!
Copy !req
487. You have to stay awake.
Copy !req
488. Help!
Please! Let me in!
Copy !req
489. Help! Help!
Copy !req
490. Get in.
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491. Ron, get us out of here.
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492. Ron?
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493. Oh, my God!
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494. Mr. Luthor!
Copy !req
495. Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
496. No! No! No!
Copy !req
497. Aah!
Copy !req
498. Lex.
Copy !req
499. You know,
part of me thought
Copy !req
500. this was just
another one of your tests.
Copy !req
501. You've been abandoned
and betrayed so many times.
Copy !req
502. How could you know
that I wouldn't be next?
Copy !req
503. Well, I'm not.
Copy !req
504. I'm here.
Copy !req
505. In spite of everything
that's happening out there,
Copy !req
506. I'm here.
Copy !req
507. I don't know what it is
you and I have,
Copy !req
508. but...
Copy !req
509. I'm here because
I want to find out.
Copy !req
510. Do you?
Copy !req
511. — Captions by vitac —
Copy !req
512. captions paid for by
Warner bros. Television
Copy !req