1. "Previously on Smallville"
Copy !req
2. "I knew you would
return my son"
Copy !req
3. I felt as if something
was calling me home.
Copy !req
4. Everything we've been
trough with Jor-El...
Copy !req
5. I just wanted to close
that chapter in my life.
Copy !req
6. There is a darkness in me
that I can't always control.
Copy !req
7. Well, you've certainly
seen me at my worst.
Copy !req
8. And at your best.
Copy !req
9. Three relics...
Copy !req
10. hidden around
the world...
Copy !req
11. by scientifically advanced
ancient cultures...
Copy !req
12. Water and this
one means fire...
Copy !req
13. and the one up
there that air.
Copy !req
14. Put them together...
Copy !req
15. Where is it?
Copy !req
16. God help me.
Copy !req
17. By now you'd
know that Lana...
Copy !req
18. is nothing more than
my mothers pawn.
Copy !req
19. Martha, Clark still
feels responsible...
Copy !req
20. for my heart problems.
Copy !req
21. If you'd found
out something...
Copy !req
22. Something someone
didn't want you...
Copy !req
23. to know about them...
Copy !req
24. Would you tell them?
Copy !req
25. What did I do?
Copy !req
26. You trusted me.
Copy !req
27. I can't let you
walk out, not again...
Copy !req
28. That's why this
time it'll be different.
Copy !req
29. This time?
Copy !req
30. You are an amazing
young man, Clark,
Copy !req
31. you make life and death
decisions every day.
Copy !req
32. Trust your gut!
Copy !req
33. Greed will drive others
to hunt the Stones...
Copy !req
34. and will drive the
world to famine...
Copy !req
35. war and the earth's
ultimate destruction.
Copy !req
36. Where is the stone?
Copy !req
37. I gave it to Lana.
Copy !req
38. She is the chosen one
and we all know that.
Copy !req
39. Clark's more connected
to this than any of us.
Copy !req
40. It's Clark, he's...
Copy !req
41. A man can't deny
his true nature.
Copy !req
42. It's time to fulfill
my destiny.
Copy !req
43. I am the villain
of the story.
Copy !req
44. And now Season
Finale of Smallville.
Copy !req
45. I have to applaud
you, Lana.
Copy !req
46. I raised my son...
Copy !req
47. to have a willpower...
Copy !req
48. that couldn't be
broken by anything.
Copy !req
49. Except his love
for you, apparently.
Copy !req
50. What do you
want from me?
Copy !req
51. The stone.
Copy !req
52. That one
Lionel gave you.
Copy !req
53. Lionel?
Copy !req
54. He never gave me the...
Copy !req
55. I'm gonna find it whether
you help or not.
Copy !req
56. Clark!
Copy !req
57. It's okay, it's just
a bad dream.
Copy !req
58. You scared the daylights
out of us yelling like that.
Copy !req
59. What?
Copy !req
60. You kept yelling
"It's coming!" over and over.
Copy !req
61. 4x22 Commencement
Copy !req
62. She was coming at me,
it happened so quickly.
Copy !req
63. I don't even
remember stabbing her.
Copy !req
64. Lana, I want you to take a
deep breath and try to relax.
Copy !req
65. Lex, a woman is
dead because of me.
Copy !req
66. I killed her.
No, no!
Copy !req
67. You had no choice.
Copy !req
68. You did what anyone would
do if their life was at stake.
Copy !req
69. I have to tell Jason.
Copy !req
70. She was his mother.
Copy !req
71. I'll deal with Jason.
Copy !req
72. Lex, there's a body
in my apartment.
Copy !req
73. I have to go the police.
Copy !req
74. I have to tell them
what happened.
Copy !req
75. Lana, I'm not sure
that's such a wise idea.
Copy !req
76. Genevieve Teague
was a powerful woman,
Copy !req
77. married to an extremely
powerful lawyer.
Copy !req
78. Even though it's
clearly self defense...
Copy !req
79. Edward Teague is
gonna make sure...
Copy !req
80. the jury sees otherwise.
Copy !req
81. What's gonna
happen to me?
Copy !req
82. I'm gonna go to prison.
Copy !req
83. No.
Copy !req
84. I'll hire one of the best
defense attorneys...
Copy !req
85. in the country.
Copy !req
86. And once he arrives
from New York,
Copy !req
87. we'll go to
the authorities.
Copy !req
88. Ok.
Copy !req
89. Thank you.
Copy !req
90. You have to trust me.
Copy !req
91. Until the lawyer arrives,
Copy !req
92. I want you to stay here
and talk to no one.
Copy !req
93. My purse.
Copy !req
94. Where's my purse?
Copy !req
95. Don't worry.
Copy !req
96. It's still there.
Copy !req
97. I'd never take it from you.
Copy !req
98. Mr. Luthor.
Copy !req
99. We have a situation.
Copy !req
100. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
101. I can't help but feel this
is some kind of warning.
Copy !req
102. Clark, it was nothing
but a bad dream.
Copy !req
103. You used to have
nightmares all the time...
Copy !req
104. when you were
little, remember?
Copy !req
105. This time is different.
Copy !req
106. It felt so real.
Copy !req
107. And if it is a warning
I need to do something.
Copy !req
108. Yeah, what
you need to do...
Copy !req
109. is you need to get
some shuteye..
Copy !req
110. so that you're not
half asleep tomorrow...
Copy !req
111. when they hand
you that diploma.
Copy !req
112. Your dad's right,
Copy !req
113. Don't let a nightmare spoil
your high school graduation.
Copy !req
114. Nightmare?
Copy !req
115. So that's what all this
commotion is about?
Copy !req
116. Lois.
Copy !req
117. You know, if it makes
you feel any better...
Copy !req
118. I have'em all the time.
Copy !req
119. I had this one last week...
Copy !req
120. really scary!
Copy !req
121. This, uh,
Copy !req
122. guy wearing a red cape.
Copy !req
123. Oh, that sounds
horrible, Lois.
Copy !req
124. Yeah!
Copy !req
125. There's something I wanted
to tell all you guys,
Copy !req
126. I just didn't know
when to,
Copy !req
127. so I guess 2 A.M.
in the morning...
Copy !req
128. is good as time as any.
What is it, Lois?
Copy !req
129. Oh, The general
recruited me...
Copy !req
130. on a recon mission
to track down my sister,
Copy !req
131. the grifter, in Europe.
Copy !req
132. So, we are headed
for Heidelberg tomorrow.
Copy !req
133. Oh, I'm sorry
to hear that.
Copy !req
134. Clark, I know how
devastated you must be...
Copy !req
135. but if you could just...
Copy !req
136. keep your tears to a
minimum, I'd appreciate it.
Copy !req
137. I'll try.
Copy !req
138. Thanks.
Copy !req
139. Mr. and Mrs. Kent,
Copy !req
140. I just wanted to say
thanks for everything.
Copy !req
141. You guys are...
Copy !req
142. like the mom and dad I've
always wanted to have.
Copy !req
143. Lois, we want you
to know that...
Copy !req
144. you are welcome
back here any time.
Copy !req
145. Actually...
We'll all miss you, Lois.
Copy !req
146. I'll miss you all, too.
Copy !req
147. Him...
Copy !req
148. not so much.
Copy !req
149. I'd thought I do
Miss Lang a favor and...
Copy !req
150. tidy up the place a bit.
Copy !req
151. She left a quite
a mess, quite a mess.
Copy !req
152. What are you
looking for, dad?
Copy !req
153. The good housekeeping
seal of approval?
Copy !req
154. You know, for a
woman without a heart...
Copy !req
155. Genevieve Teague certainly
did have a lot of blood.
Copy !req
156. You didn't come here
to do a postmortem...
Copy !req
157. on Genevieve Teague.
Copy !req
158. What is it you want?
Copy !req
159. I'd like to offer a trade.
Copy !req
160. Lana Lang's freedom...
Copy !req
161. in exchange for the, hmm,
Copy !req
162. artifact she has
in her possession.
Copy !req
163. Dad, don't you
think your search...
Copy !req
164. for these three
ancient stones...
Copy !req
165. is starting to border
on the fanatical?
Copy !req
166. Let me remind you, Lex,
Copy !req
167. it was you who looted
the ruins of Egypt...
Copy !req
168. to get your hands on
one of those stones.
Copy !req
169. Trust me, Lana Lang has
nothing to do with this.
Copy !req
170. Oh, so
chivalrous of you.
Copy !req
171. You are the gallant
hero trying...
Copy !req
172. to protect the
damsel in distress.
Copy !req
173. I'm warning you.
Copy !req
174. Leave her alone!
Copy !req
175. But all your life
you've had a, uh,
Copy !req
176. a tendency
to let the damsel...
Copy !req
177. lead you straight into
the mouth of the dragon.
Copy !req
178. Your feelings for Miss Lang,
Copy !req
179. don't let them cripple
your common sense, son.
Copy !req
180. I expect to see that
stone by noon tomorrow.
Copy !req
181. It would be a shame if,
um, Genevieve's corpse...
Copy !req
182. were delivered
to the sheriff...
Copy !req
183. with Lana Lang's
DNA as postage.
Copy !req
184. Sir,
Copy !req
185. you better take a look
at the right ascension.
Copy !req
186. How long has
there been activity?
Copy !req
187. There was not anything
there 10 seconds ago.
Copy !req
188. It just came out
of nowhere.
Copy !req
189. My God,
Copy !req
190. it's headed
straight for Earth!
Copy !req
191. I realize hand-eye
Copy !req
192. isn't one of your
best qualities.
Copy !req
193. Here,
Copy !req
194. let me help
you with that.
Copy !req
195. Lois, I'm not sure what
I'm gonna do without you.
Copy !req
196. Ah, come on, Clark,
Copy !req
197. your future is laid out
right in front of you.
Copy !req
198. You're gonna go
to community college,
Copy !req
199. major in agriculture, probably
minor in law enforcement.
Copy !req
200. And then you
and Lana gonna have...
Copy !req
201. a nice little
church wedding.
Copy !req
202. Excuse me?
Copy !req
203. It's written in the
stars and you know it.
Copy !req
204. It's only a
matter of time...
Copy !req
205. before you join
the bowling league...
Copy !req
206. and take over the family
farm, and then, well,
Copy !req
207. you and Lana can bring little
Clark Jr. into the world.
Copy !req
208. I think you're
Copy !req
209. No. Hallucinating
would be imagining...
Copy !req
210. Clark Kent going
off to the...
Copy !req
211. big city to make his
mark in the world.
Copy !req
212. I'm just being realistic.
Copy !req
213. Lois,
Copy !req
214. what are your big
plans after Europe,
Copy !req
215. you're gonna go
back to school?
Copy !req
216. Maybe actually stay
a little while?
Copy !req
217. I have a feeling that if I'm
gonna get an education,
Copy !req
218. it's gonna be
in the real world.
Copy !req
219. And I took this career
test in some magazine.
Copy !req
220. It said that my perfect
job would be, uh,
Copy !req
221. radio disc jockey.
Copy !req
222. That makes sense,
you talk enough,
Copy !req
223. there won't be
any dead air.
Copy !req
224. You mock me now Smallville,
but you just wait and see.
Copy !req
225. Journalism,
Copy !req
226. do you ever thought
about that?
Copy !req
227. You wrote some
half decent articles...
Copy !req
228. in your short lived
career at the Torch.
Copy !req
229. Naw, kill me first.
Copy !req
230. Even if I could spell,
Copy !req
231. the last thing
I'd wanna do...
Copy !req
232. is spent my time
in a newsroom.
Copy !req
233. With my luck I'd probably
end up across the desk...
Copy !req
234. from the most bumbling
reporter on the masthead.
Copy !req
235. You know what?
Copy !req
236. You actually look
handsome for a change.
Copy !req
237. I'll take that
as a compliment.
Copy !req
238. Look, I know we've had our
disagreements in the past.
Copy !req
239. And I will be the
first to admit...
Copy !req
240. that I've made
own little hobby...
Copy !req
241. to bust your chops.
Copy !req
242. Gotten used to it.
Copy !req
243. Besides, I know I haven't
been the most gracious host.
Copy !req
244. Look, I just want
you to know, Clark,
Copy !req
245. that when I'm sitting in
the audience today...
Copy !req
246. at your graduation...
Copy !req
247. and you stand up
on that stage...
Copy !req
248. in front of all
those people...
Copy !req
249. I wanna be looking up at
you and thinking one thing.
Copy !req
250. What's that?
Copy !req
251. Please, god,
don't let him trip!
Copy !req
252. See you.
Copy !req
253. Garon Cooper.
Copy !req
254. Caroline Creese.
Copy !req
255. Cody Davis.
Copy !req
256. Erica Feldman.
Copy !req
257. Lauren Feldman.
Copy !req
258. Did you see Lana yet?
Copy !req
259. Still no sign.
Copy !req
260. I'm starting to get worried.
Copy !req
261. Lana's never so much
as had a tardy day.
Copy !req
262. She's not gonna miss her
high school graduation.
Copy !req
263. She'll be here.
Copy !req
264. Michael Hall.
Copy !req
265. Holy Harold.
Copy !req
266. Tanya Hart.
Copy !req
267. Kate Horton.
Copy !req
268. Michael Hoover.
Copy !req
269. Hannah Jacobs.
Copy !req
270. Michelle Jewel.
Copy !req
271. Oh, there's Clark.
Copy !req
272. Clark Kent.
Copy !req
273. Lana Lang.
Copy !req
274. Have you seen her?
Copy !req
275. Lana Lang.
Copy !req
276. Attention!
Copy !req
277. Stay calm!
Copy !req
278. By order of the Federal
Emergency Dekret:
Copy !req
279. All non-essential personnel
should evacuate...
Copy !req
280. the area within a
50 miles radius.
Copy !req
281. In approximately 3 hours,
Copy !req
282. a meteor shower is
predicted in Smallville.
Copy !req
283. Oh, My God.
Copy !req
284. Not again.
Copy !req
285. Please stay calm.
Copy !req
286. There's no
need to panic.
Copy !req
287. Please seal your home and
carry only necessary items.
Copy !req
288. Hey, Clark.
Copy !req
289. can you believe it?
Copy !req
290. Twice in 16 years,
Copy !req
291. I mean, this is just crazy!
Copy !req
292. Smallville's gotta
have some sort...
Copy !req
293. of extraterrestrial
bulls eye!
Copy !req
294. That's pretty weird, eh?
Copy !req
295. There's gotta be some kind
of connection in the cosmos.
Copy !req
296. I mean this is not
just a coincidence.
Copy !req
297. Yeah, I'm sure there is
some sort of explanation.
Copy !req
298. Well, there's just
something in Smallville...
Copy !req
299. that is screaming
for celestial attention.
Copy !req
300. I mean, lightening not strike
twice in the same place...
Copy !req
301. without some kind
of lightning rod, right?
Copy !req
302. I just wonder
what that is.
Copy !req
303. I-I'm not sure, but we
don't much time,
Copy !req
304. we need to find Lana.
Copy !req
305. You're right, and if
anyone can find her...
Copy !req
306. with moments to
spare, it's you, Clark.
Copy !req
307. Why did you say that?
Copy !req
308. I don't know, because
you have a way...
Copy !req
309. of getting things
done in half the time...
Copy !req
310. a normal person
gets anything done.
Copy !req
311. And I'm not normal?
Copy !req
312. No, of course you
are normal, Clark.
Copy !req
313. You're as normal
as they come.
Copy !req
314. Now, let's hurry
and to find Lana.
Copy !req
315. Looks, I'm sure she's
already out of town.
Copy !req
316. They've evacuated
half of the county.
Copy !req
317. They probably saw
her running in late...
Copy !req
318. and told her
to leave town.
Copy !req
319. That's exactly you two
need to do, right now.
Copy !req
320. Thanks for the tip.
Now listen to me, Smallville,
Copy !req
321. If there's one thing that the
General has taught me...
Copy !req
322. is that you
cannot panic...
Copy !req
323. in times of crisis.
Do you hear me?
Copy !req
324. Okay, whatever happens,
Copy !req
325. you have to stay calm.
You cannot panic.
Copy !req
326. Because if you
lose your cool...
Copy !req
327. Lois! What?
You're panicking.
Copy !req
328. Fine.
Copy !req
329. Clark, where the
hell have you been?
Copy !req
330. We gotta pack up.
Copy !req
331. I've been looking for
Lana everywhere.
Copy !req
332. I can't find her.
Copy !req
333. Sweetheart, she's probably
already been evacuated.
Copy !req
334. I want you to go up to
your room and pack...
Copy !req
335. everything that's
Copy !req
336. Your mom and I will take
care of everything down here.
Copy !req
337. No, I gotta
do something first.
Copy !req
338. Don't think for a
second this is your fault.
Copy !req
339. I came to Smallville
in a meteor shower.
Copy !req
340. Now it's happening again
and it's all because of me.
Copy !req
341. Clark, there is
absolutely nothing you...
Copy !req
342. could have done
to prevent this.
Copy !req
343. We don't know that.
Copy !req
344. There's gotta be
something I can do.
Copy !req
345. Clark, you don't have time.
Copy !req
346. I don't have a choice.
Copy !req
347. Lex, what are
you doing here?
Copy !req
348. I wanted to offer to
you and your parents...
Copy !req
349. a safe passage out of
here in a LuthorCorp jet.
Copy !req
350. The roads will be
pretty ugly soon.
Copy !req
351. Thanks, but I think
we'll be okay.
Copy !req
352. Clark, why take the risk?
Copy !req
353. The first meteor
shower caused me...
Copy !req
354. irrevocable damage.
Trust me,
Copy !req
355. you don't want to be near
here when the next one hits.
Copy !req
356. Thanks, Lex, but
I think my dad's...
Copy !req
357. gonna wanna
pack up the truck...
Copy !req
358. with as much
as we can take.
Copy !req
359. I understand.
Copy !req
360. Some things simply
can't be replaced.
Copy !req
361. Clark, my scientists
have identified...
Copy !req
362. what seems to be
an inner chamber...
Copy !req
363. inside the cave wall.
Copy !req
364. Really?
Copy !req
365. I was wondering if your
research into the cave...
Copy !req
366. might have turned up
anything similar.
Copy !req
367. No. Lex, why are
you so interested...
Copy !req
368. in the caves
when there's...
Copy !req
369. a natural disaster
headed our way?
Copy !req
370. Clark, if anything in this
town is irreplaceable...
Copy !req
371. it's those caves.
Copy !req
372. They've been around
for thousands of years...
Copy !req
373. and they can very well be
destroyed in the next...
Copy !req
374. Well, let's hope
they're not.
Copy !req
375. I really need to get to help
my parents. Good luck, Lex.
Copy !req
376. Thanks, Clark, but
I don't believe in luck.
Copy !req
377. It's our wits and our
fortitude to keep us safe.
Copy !req
378. And I'm sure you have
more than enough of both.
Copy !req
379. Stay safe.
Copy !req
380. You're my father.
Copy !req
381. Talk to me.
Copy !req
382. Tell me what you've done!
Copy !req
383. "It was you who brought
this upon yourself, Kal-El. "
Copy !req
384. What did I do?
Copy !req
385. "I sent you here to
unite the 3 elements. "
Copy !req
386. The stones? They have
nothing to do with me!
Copy !req
387. "But they do, Kal-El.
For the knowledge...
Copy !req
388. of the universe is
meant for you only. "
Copy !req
389. "Yet you chose
to deny your heritage. "
Copy !req
390. "Today, you will witness
the consequences. "
Copy !req
391. Then you send
the meteor shower?
Copy !req
392. "I have done nothing, Kal-El.
Copy !req
393. "Human blood has
stained one of the elements...
Copy !req
394. and awakened
a great danger...
Copy !req
395. from the darkness
of the space. "
Copy !req
396. What can I do to stop it?
Copy !req
397. "There is nothing
you can do...
Copy !req
398. to prevent what is
already in motion. "
Copy !req
399. "But the meteor shower
is just beginning, Kal-El. "
Copy !req
400. "I warned you that the
elements could not fall"
Copy !req
401. "into the hands of a human.
The three must become one. "
Copy !req
402. "It is the only way to save
Earth from total annihilation. "
Copy !req
403. I don't know where they are!
I don't have time to find them!
Copy !req
404. "If you don't unite them
at once, you, my son,"
Copy !req
405. "will be seared by
a fire from the sky"
Copy !req
406. "even you can't survive.
The future of mankind"
Copy !req
407. "rests in your hands, Kal-El. "
Copy !req
408. Please.. help me!
I can't do this alone!
Copy !req
409. I can't believe
I almost forgot this!
Copy !req
410. That's great,
Copy !req
411. I almost have the
truck all loaded up.
Copy !req
412. Great.
Copy !req
413. Shelby, load up.
Copy !req
414. Clark, great. Would you
help me secure the truck?
Copy !req
415. You have to
go without me.
Copy !req
416. What?
Copy !req
417. Do I have to
remind you, Clark,
Copy !req
418. that the last time we
had a meteor shower,
Copy !req
419. was full of kryptonite.
Copy !req
420. If the same happens
today it could kill you.
Copy !req
421. You have to
come with us.
Copy !req
422. I spoke to Jor-El.
Copy !req
423. He told me I have to find the
other two stones right now.
Copy !req
424. And unite them with
the one in the cave.
Copy !req
425. No.
You are my son.
Copy !req
426. You're not gonna go on
some kind of suicide mission.
Copy !req
427. Clark, you might be
stronger than steel,
Copy !req
428. but you're not invincible.
Copy !req
429. I know, dad. But I'm the
only one who can do this.
Copy !req
430. All right.
Copy !req
431. But I want you to listen
to me right now.
Copy !req
432. All the years that
your mother and I...
Copy !req
433. spent raising
you from that...
Copy !req
434. wide-eyed tattler running
around on this farm...
Copy !req
435. to the man who is standing
in front of me right now...
Copy !req
436. was for this moment.
Copy !req
437. You do this, son.
You make us proud.
Copy !req
438. Those meteors can
kill him, Jonathan.
Copy !req
439. I know that, sweetheart.
Copy !req
440. But we have
faith in our son,
Copy !req
441. then we can't let
that faith waver now.
Copy !req
442. Lana, I thought you
already evacuated.
Copy !req
443. Are you okay?
Copy !req
444. I'm scared.
Copy !req
445. Lana, I know this
meteor shower...
Copy !req
446. must bring up some
painful memories for you...
Copy !req
447. but this time is different.
Copy !req
448. We have warning
and we'll be safe.
Copy !req
449. No, I'm not so sure.
Copy !req
450. Clark, I don't know what's
going to happen to me.
Copy !req
451. I want you to have this.
Copy !req
452. Where did you get this?
Copy !req
453. In China.
Copy !req
454. Whatever it is,
whatever it means, I...
Copy !req
455. I somehow know
that it's meant for you.
Copy !req
456. Is this blood?
Copy !req
457. Remembers all those
times that I asked you...
Copy !req
458. for an explanation, but you
said you couldn't me one.
Copy !req
459. That I had to trust you?
Copy !req
460. Well, this time
I need you to trust me.
Copy !req
461. Lana, my parents are
about to leave right now.
Copy !req
462. Go with them.
You'll be safe.
Copy !req
463. I can't.
You have to.
Copy !req
464. Clark, I need you to know...
Copy !req
465. that whatever happens,
I will never forget you.
Copy !req
466. Lana, you're talking like
we never gonna see...
Copy !req
467. each other again.
Copy !req
468. I love you.
Copy !req
469. I love you, too.
Copy !req
470. Good-bye.
Copy !req
471. Chloe, even though you
won't hear from me for a while,
Copy !req
472. I want you to know
that I'm okay.
Copy !req
473. I thought we'd agreed you
wouldn't talk to anyone.
Copy !req
474. I have to let my friends
know that I'm all right.
Copy !req
475. Lana, I understand you
not want anyone to worry,
Copy !req
476. but you have to trust me.
Copy !req
477. Now, I assume the
stone is still safe.
Copy !req
478. As safe as can be.
Copy !req
479. Well, let's keep it this way.
I'll put it in my vault.
Copy !req
480. Why?
Copy !req
481. A chopper is being fueled to
evacuate you to Metropolis,
Copy !req
482. where you'll stay at a hotel
until your lawyer arrives.
Copy !req
483. It's probably best not to travel
with the murder weapon.
Copy !req
484. I understand that, Lex,
but I'd rather hold on to it.
Copy !req
485. Lana, that object is what
prosecutors fondly refer to...
Copy !req
486. as the smoking gun.
Copy !req
487. Now, I'll do anything
I can to protect you...
Copy !req
488. including supporting
Copy !req
489. story of self-defense
you want to run with.
Copy !req
490. It's not a story, Lex.
Copy !req
491. I would never
murder somebody.
Copy !req
492. Of course not.
Copy !req
493. Lana, I trust you.
Copy !req
494. Now you have to trust
me with that stone.
Copy !req
495. Sorry, Lex,
but I can't do that.
Copy !req
496. Jason?
Copy !req
497. Jason!
Copy !req
498. Shelby, no.
Copy !req
499. I'm having what you
could call a rough day.
Copy !req
500. Why don't you just
calm down, son?
Copy !req
501. Where is Clark?
Copy !req
502. He's not here.
Copy !req
503. Look, why don't you
put down the shotgun,
Copy !req
504. and we'll talk about it?
Copy !req
505. Tell me where he is!
Copy !req
506. Why would Lana be
at the Lex's mansion...
Copy !req
507. when she's suppose
to evacuate?
Copy !req
508. I don't know,
but it could swear...
Copy !req
509. that was Lex's voice
in the background.
Copy !req
510. She sounds like
she's in trouble, Lois.
Copy !req
511. I can't abandon
her, I mean,
Copy !req
512. the mansion is
just around that bend.
Copy !req
513. Unless you have a
jet pack in your purse...
Copy !req
514. we're not going anywhere.
Copy !req
515. Emergency vehicles only.
Copy !req
516. Turn the car
around immediately.
Copy !req
517. Well, our friend could
be trapped inside.
Copy !req
518. We just gonna go grab her
and then come right back.
Copy !req
519. I'm sorry, mam.
Nobody gets trough.
Copy !req
520. We're way too
close to turn away.
Copy !req
521. Hey, soldier!
Copy !req
522. Is this a road block or...
Copy !req
523. a lemonade stand
you got here?
Copy !req
524. Wait a second,
I recognize you.
Copy !req
525. You're the...
Copy !req
526. Daughter of General Lane.
You might have heard of him.
Copy !req
527. He talks really loud,
smokes a stogy.
Copy !req
528. Hey!
Copy !req
529. Hey, this barricade...
Copy !req
530. it should be
perpendicular to the road.
Copy !req
531. Those channelizers
should be further apart...
Copy !req
532. and, unless I need glasses,
Copy !req
533. there should be
reflectors on those cones.
Copy !req
534. Yes, mam, I understand,
but I can't let you trough.
Copy !req
535. You're a cub scout
out here soldier.
Copy !req
536. Where's your den mother?
Baking brownies?
Copy !req
537. What happened to your
survival instincts, dad?
Copy !req
538. Fire and brimstone are
about to rain down...
Copy !req
539. from the sky and you're
sipping a cocktail...
Copy !req
540. like it's Sunday
at the country club.
Copy !req
541. I am aware of the
imminent danger, Lex,
Copy !req
542. but I'm not
about to leave...
Copy !req
543. without knowing that
my son is all right...
Copy !req
544. Come on, who's
kidding who?
Copy !req
545. You're not about to leave
without the element.
Copy !req
546. I hate to disappoint you,
Copy !req
547. but I haven't even
seen Lana Lang.
Copy !req
548. She's probably on the run...
Copy !req
549. halfway to
Costa Rica by now.
Copy !req
550. Oh, a face like Lana
Lang's isn't easy to hide.
Copy !req
551. It's just a matter
of time before...
Copy !req
552. she catches the attention
of some customs official.
Copy !req
553. All right.
Copy !req
554. Agree to leave
her alone,
Copy !req
555. and I'll give you something
you desperately need.
Copy !req
556. I am a blessed man, Lex,
I need very little in life.
Copy !req
557. I wonder,
Copy !req
558. what good is a key if you
don't know where the lock is?
Copy !req
559. Wise observation,
Copy !req
560. why do you think any
of this applies to me?
Copy !req
561. You have one of
the elements, dad.
Copy !req
562. That much is clear.
Copy !req
563. What you don't have is the
knowledge of where it belongs.
Copy !req
564. I can help you, take
you there right now.
Copy !req
565. I wish I'd were true, Lex,
but I don't have the stone.
Copy !req
566. Mr. Luthor,
what happened?
Copy !req
567. Get J.D and take
my father upstairs.
Copy !req
568. Mr. Luthor we're evacuating...
Do it!
Copy !req
569. Can you hear me, dad?
Copy !req
570. Before you leave this
earth, I want you to know...
Copy !req
571. You did create the
son you always wanted.
Copy !req
572. Come on, hurry up!
Copy !req
573. Jason, why don't
you let Martha go?
Copy !req
574. She doesn't know
anything about any of this.
Copy !req
575. Oh, a mother always knows
her sons deep, dark secrets.
Copy !req
576. Now, where does
he keeps the stones?
Copy !req
577. Why would Clark
know anything...
Copy !req
578. about ancient stones?
Copy !req
579. All right.
Let's see,
Copy !req
580. when I ran into your
son in Shanghai,
Copy !req
581. I decided to do a little
homework on my own.
Copy !req
582. And the more I dogged the
more Clark Kent's name...
Copy !req
583. just got popping up.
Copy !req
584. Sit down!
Was it coincidence...
Copy !req
585. that the symbols were
burned into your field?
Copy !req
586. I don't know what
you're talking.
Copy !req
587. Jason!
Copy !req
588. What about Clark's connection
with Bridgette Crosby?
Copy !req
589. I don't know.
I don't know.
Copy !req
590. She had one
of the artifacts!
Copy !req
591. I suppose that was
just a coincidence, too.
Copy !req
592. None of that makes
any difference now.
Copy !req
593. You know, when my
mother came to Smallville...
Copy !req
594. she thought the Luthors
would lead her to the stones...
Copy !req
595. But she was wrong.
It was a farm boy.
Copy !req
596. The one who has no
record of ever been born.
Copy !req
597. He's more connected to
those stones than any of us.
Copy !req
598. There is a meteor shower
about to tear this town apart!
Copy !req
599. You need to get to your
mother, get her to safety!
Copy !req
600. Don't you think I know that?
I can't find her anywhere!
Copy !req
601. But I'll tell you one thing.
When I do find my mother,
Copy !req
602. I finally be able to give
her the one thing...
Copy !req
603. she's been searching
for all these years.
Copy !req
604. Now tell me where
the stones are!
Copy !req
605. I'll meet you in Metropolis.
What? You're not coming?
Copy !req
606. I have a pressing
matter to take care of.
Copy !req
607. Now, Lana,
for your own safety:
Copy !req
608. I need that stone.
Copy !req
609. Look, we all have a need
to cling on to things,
Copy !req
610. but eventually...
Copy !req
611. you have to
loosen your grip.
Copy !req
612. It's too dangerous to you.
Copy !req
613. I don't have it!
Copy !req
614. Lies don't become you.
Copy !req
615. It's the truth, Lex.
I don't have it.
Copy !req
616. Trust me it's safe,
I promise!
Copy !req
617. Where is it?
Copy !req
618. That was never about
my safety, was it?
Copy !req
619. This is about you getting
your hands on that stone!
Copy !req
620. Lana... your safety is more
important than any of this.
Copy !req
621. You mean a lot more
to me than you know.
Copy !req
622. We can't wait any
longer, Mr. Luthor.
Copy !req
623. We got to go!
Copy !req
624. Lana?
Copy !req
625. Oh my God, Clark.
Copy !req
626. Lex, I was
looking for Lana.
Copy !req
627. She's already left.
What happened?
Copy !req
628. I don't know,
I just walked in.
Copy !req
629. You know more than
you're telling me, Chloe.
Copy !req
630. Who did this?
Copy !req
631. Lex, honestly, I just
came to find Lana.
Copy !req
632. Your curiosity seems
to always have a way...
Copy !req
633. of landing you in
precarious conditions.
Copy !req
634. Only this time you are on
a very narrow ledge...
Copy !req
635. with only one-way back!
Copy !req
636. Now, who took
the element?
Copy !req
637. Lex, I swear it, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
638. But I think we need to
get out of Smallville...
Copy !req
639. before the meteor
shower hits.
Copy !req
640. We'll find that
stone, Chloe,
Copy !req
641. even if that means dodging
a few meteors in the process.
Copy !req
642. You're coming with me.
Copy !req
643. I don't...
Let's go!
Copy !req
644. Lex, I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
645. I swear to God,
Copy !req
646. if you don't start talking
I'm gonna blow her brains out.
Copy !req
647. Sweetheart,
it's no good.
Copy !req
648. Go ahead, tell him
what he wants to know.
Copy !req
649. Tell him where
the stones are.
Copy !req
650. Tell me what
I want to know.
Copy !req
651. Go upstairs to
Clark's room.
Copy !req
652. Oh my God.
Copy !req
653. You're not my daddy.
Copy !req
654. Come here, come here.
Copy !req
655. Go! Go!
Copy !req
656. Thank you.
Thank you!
Copy !req
657. Why do I get the feeling we're
not in this cave for cover?
Copy !req
658. You know as well as do.
It's the epicenter.
Copy !req
659. Of what?
Come on, Chloe!
Copy !req
660. You're the town purvey
of all things unexplained!
Copy !req
661. You know damn well about
this cave and the stones.
Copy !req
662. Lex, what's
wrong with you?
Copy !req
663. If you didn't break into my
library, you know who did?
Copy !req
664. Who are you
trying to protect?
Copy !req
665. No one.
Is it Clark?
Copy !req
666. Clark?
Of course not.
Copy !req
667. What does Clark have
to do with any of this?
Copy !req
668. You tell me.
Copy !req
669. You know Clark a lot
longer than I have.
Copy !req
670. In fact, you might know
him better than anyone.
Copy !req
671. You are right, Lex, I do.
And the Clark Kent I know...
Copy !req
672. would be the last
person to go super thief...
Copy !req
673. on your library for some
stupid piece of rock.
Copy !req
674. What is that?
Copy !req
675. Lex, be careful.
It might be dangerous.
Copy !req
676. To be continued...
Copy !req