1. Wow.
Copy !req
2. You look great.
Copy !req
3. Thanks.
Never hurts to change it up a little bit.
Copy !req
4. Except for the ring.
Copy !req
5. Never gonna take that off.
It's my sparkly little ball and chain.
Copy !req
6. Any second thoughts
about your girls' night out?
Copy !req
7. Clark, my swinging single days
have swung.
Copy !req
8. It's just all this wedding stuff
is very wedding-y.
Copy !req
9. I never thought I'd be that gal.
Copy !req
10. Ahem. Lois?
- I think there's something missing.
Copy !req
11. Ta-da! Your bachelorette superpower-up.
Copy !req
12. Not bad.
I thought I'd be spending the night...
Copy !req
13. cuffed to a blowup doll
while wearing a dog collar.
Copy !req
14. So with this thing...
Copy !req
15. - ... I will be drinking free all night long.
- Yes, she will.
Copy !req
16. Oh. Got it.
Copy !req
17. After all the years that I've known you,
I don't think I've seen you this happy.
Copy !req
18. Well, it wouldn't be the same
without you being here.
Copy !req
19. I just wish I could freeze this moment
in time forever.
Copy !req
20. Me too.
Copy !req
21. Unfortunately, the limo is here,
so we should go.
Copy !req
22. Oh, but before we do, a toast.
Copy !req
23. Oh, right. A toast. Sorry.
Forgot that one.
Copy !req
24. To the bride and groom.
Copy !req
25. You know, to friends.
Copy !req
26. You two amazing people have been the
best friends I could have ever asked for.
Copy !req
27. And we want you to know...
Copy !req
28. that we are here for you...
Copy !req
29. to support you...
Copy !req
30. as you begin
your happily-ever-after adventure.
Copy !req
31. And tonight
is all about celebrating you.
Copy !req
32. And I hope you boys have fun
Copy !req
33. but don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Copy !req
34. No. No, we wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
35. Okay. To the bride and groom.
Copy !req
36. - Cheers.
- Cheers.
Copy !req
37. Chloe?
Copy !req
38. Clark?
Copy !req
39. What did you do?
Copy !req
40. What did we do?
Copy !req
41. Stay!
Copy !req
42. Okay, he can just hang tight in there
while we figure this out.
Copy !req
43. - You don't think that we—?
- Exchanged vows?
Copy !req
44. - I mean—
- Said "I do"?
Copy !req
45. - Both—
- Did the deed? Oh, God.
Copy !req
46. Don't say the word "consummate."
The answer has to be no.
Copy !req
47. Okay.
What if these are just costumes?
Copy !req
48. Right. We went to a costume party...
Copy !req
49. dressed like the top
of a wedding cake? Clark.
Copy !req
50. Looks like things
got a little out of control.
Copy !req
51. Okay, before we go DEFCON 1
on the stag party snafu...
Copy !req
52. let's just take a step back. Whoa.
Copy !req
53. I can't, Chloe. I have no memory
of what happened...
Copy !req
54. which is weird, because alcohol—
Copy !req
55. Yeah, well,
my memory Etch A Sketch is blank too.
Copy !req
56. Must be more than champagne
in these bottles.
Copy !req
57. I didn't realize this was a gift.
Copy !req
58. "Congrats, Clark.
You deserve a real party.
Copy !req
59. Hugs, Zatanna."
Copy !req
60. She must have put a spell on these.
Copy !req
61. Complete with a memory-erase.
Copy !req
62. If Zatanna's mind-wipe affected you,
it could've affected Oliver.
Copy !req
63. It could have affected all of us.
Copy !req
64. Lois.
Copy !req
65. Where's your phone?
Copy !req
66. Lois?
Copy !req
67. Yes, this is Clark Kent.
Copy !req
68. You have my wallet downtown?
Copy !req
69. If your wallet was on the hood...
Copy !req
70. that throws
the costume party theory out.
Copy !req
71. There's no sign of a driver.
Copy !req
72. You know,
maybe there's a number we can call.
Copy !req
73. - Whoa.
Chloe, look.
Copy !req
74. I got a text message from last night.
And it's from Lois.
Copy !req
75. It says, "l just need more time."
Copy !req
76. What if she doesn't wanna be found?
Copy !req
77. What if all this got to her
and pushed her away?
Copy !req
78. Clark, okay, all of the taffeta and lace
and goofy traditions in the world...
Copy !req
79. are not gonna give Lois jitters.
Copy !req
80. This is not the first time...
Copy !req
81. that she has bailed
when things got real between us.
Copy !req
82. First time I kissed her she left town.
Copy !req
83. When she found out I was the Blur,
she went to Egypt.
Copy !req
84. Clark, your relationship
is at a different level right now.
Copy !req
85. Not to mention the fact that Lois knows
that you are the proverbial one.
Copy !req
86. And besides that,
weddings just aren't that scary.
Copy !req
87. I hope you're right.
Copy !req
88. Are those Emil's pants?
Copy !req
89. - Yeah, I found it in the back seat.
- What's that?
Copy !req
90. It looks like half
of a wedding certificate.
Copy !req
91. Missing one of the names.
Copy !req
92. Holy matrimony. That's my signature.
Copy !req
93. Clark, we really are married.
Copy !req
94. Emil. He wasn't drinking.
Copy !req
95. He'll have answers.
I'll call you after I find our friends.
Copy !req
96. Oh! Clark.
Copy !req
97. Are you okay?
Copy !req
98. Chloe, this killer headache
is affecting my abilities.
Copy !req
99. This might be more difficult
than I thought.
Copy !req
100. I just got an idea of where to start.
Copy !req
101. Excuse me.
Copy !req
102. Where did you get those shirts?
Copy !req
103. I had a gun in my hand
Copy !req
104. Drinkin' forty pounds for dinner
Till I met a big man
Copy !req
105. And the man said
Copy !req
106. One night and he's already famous.
Copy !req
107. Emil always was an overachiever.
Why don't you go take care of that...
Copy !req
108. and I'm gonna call Oliver,
and I'll meet you at the Watchtower.
Copy !req
109. Okay.
Copy !req
110. Let me tell you something
Copy !req
111. I was a hard drinkin' sinner
And I had blood on my hands
Copy !req
112. I was a hard drinkin' sinner
I had a gun in my hand
Copy !req
113. Drinkin' forty pounds for dinner
Till I met a big man
Copy !req
114. And the man said
How do we do
Copy !req
115. - Well, I pulled a lot of triggers
- Baby
Copy !req
116. Shot a lotta good men
Broke a lotta hearts
Copy !req
117. - Oh, yeah
- Hearts that never will mend
Copy !req
118. - But now I'm at the station
- That's my girl
Copy !req
119. - And I have made a new friend
- Oh
Copy !req
120. And my friend says
How do we do
Copy !req
121. How do we do
How do we do
Copy !req
122. How do we do
Copy !req
123. Oh, the man said
How do we do
Copy !req
124. And I'm feelin' reborn
I feel I'm anew
Copy !req
125. 'Cause the man said
How do we do
Copy !req
126. Shake it, baby.
Copy !req
127. Oh, yeah
Copy !req
128. The one guy I counted on
remaining sober.
Copy !req
129. Do we know each other?
Copy !req
130. So you did have fun last night.
Copy !req
131. I'm looking for the girl
that came with me last night.
Copy !req
132. She insulted you more than once.
Copy !req
133. She was there when I dropped you off
but was gone when I picked you up.
Copy !req
134. At the Chapel of Love.
Copy !req
135. The man said
How do we do
Copy !req
136. And I'm feelin' reborn
Copy !req
137. Honey pie, come on over here.
Copy !req
138. How do we do
How do we do
Copy !req
139. Emil Hamilton,
can you step off the stage, please?
Copy !req
140. We got questions about an armored car
that was stolen last night.
Copy !req
141. Thank you very much, gentleman,
I plead innocent to all charges.
Copy !req
142. - I'm but a humble entertainer.
- Funny.
Copy !req
143. You can tell the judge
how you made it vanish into thin air.
Copy !req
144. Into thin air.
Copy !req
145. Oh, Clarkie. Oh.
Copy !req
146. There's only one person that I know...
Copy !req
147. that can make an armored car adios
in seconds.
Copy !req
148. Take those.
Copy !req
149. Clark.
Copy !req
150. Hey. Hey, watch it, buster.
Copy !req
151. - Sorry.
- Roll.
Copy !req
152. Hi.
Copy !req
153. Morning.
Copy !req
154. - Sorry.
- Good morning. It's okay.
Copy !req
155. Whoa, my head is pounding
like a mosh pit...
Copy !req
156. and my mouth tastes like armpit. Hmm.
Copy !req
157. Hey.
Copy !req
158. What happened?
Copy !req
159. I think the jury's still out...
Copy !req
160. but I'd say we just survived
the world's greatest bachelor party.
Copy !req
161. Ugh, ha.
No offense, but speak for yourself.
Copy !req
162. My dream soiree
would end waking up...
Copy !req
163. with someone a little taller, darker
and a different kind of handsome.
Copy !req
164. Well, no surprise there. How the hell
did we end up here, anyway?
Copy !req
165. Oh, I have no idea.
Copy !req
166. But in that green getup of yours, we're
gonna stand out like a hooker in church.
Copy !req
167. - What?
- Heh. Ha-ha-ha.
Copy !req
168. - Yeah.
- What is this?
Copy !req
169. You know what? I thought my drunken
blackout days were behind me—
Copy !req
170. Tell me about it.
Lanes can usually hold our liquor...
Copy !req
171. but I don't have a single memory
of my big night.
Copy !req
172. So we'd better drop a line
to Clark and Chloe. They'll be worried.
Copy !req
173. Oopsie. I just realized something.
Copy !req
174. When I changed my pants,
I forgot all the important things.
Copy !req
175. Yeah. My cell phone's gonzo too.
Copy !req
176. A bummer, since this isn't
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
Copy !req
177. It's okay. It's all right.
You know what we're gonna do?
Copy !req
178. We're gonna find one of those
phone booths of yours...
Copy !req
179. and call Clark,
everything's gonna be great.
Copy !req
180. Can't call Clark.
Copy !req
181. Sometimes, I don't understand—
What—? What's the problem, huh?
Copy !req
182. My engagement ring is gone.
Copy !req
183. Any luck on that armored car
it looks like I stole?
Copy !req
184. We don't have much time.
Emil is in prison now because of me.
Copy !req
185. Still searching for missing vehicles.
Copy !req
186. God, I feel terrible, I'm the one that
convinced him to drink that champagne.
Copy !req
187. Not your fault, Tess. Lois? Oliver?
Check their cell phones, credit cards?
Copy !req
188. Clark, the nanosecond that they use
technology, we'll have their number.
Copy !req
189. Oh. Looks like your get up and go-go
is long gone.
Copy !req
190. There's a gang breaking rocks
in my head, but I can make a sentence.
Copy !req
191. Chloe, do you wanna take this?
Copy !req
192. No, I think it's in good hands.
Copy !req
193. So no sign of Oliver.
Copy !req
194. And I just tried calling
the Chapel of Love, no answer.
Copy !req
195. I may have one.
Copy !req
196. An armored car company
that lost a vehicle.
Copy !req
197. From their security footage,
the same that Emil's accused of stealing.
Copy !req
198. Can you track this?
Copy !req
199. Yeah. I can activate the truck's
alarm system remotely, I think.
Copy !req
200. Clark, listen for a high-pitched tone.
Copy !req
201. - I hear it.
- Yeah, I can too.
Copy !req
202. You— You're beeping, Clark.
Copy !req
203. - Uh...
Copy !req
204. Uh—
Copy !req
205. I got it this time.
Copy !req
206. The morning-after mind-swipe
was a stinger...
Copy !req
207. but the sweet smell of sewage
is clearing my head.
Copy !req
208. Lois, we're gonna find them, okay?
Copy !req
209. If Clark's with Chloe,
he'll take care of her too.
Copy !req
210. I know.
I was just checking out my single hand.
Copy !req
211. - My no-longer-engaged hand.
- Lois, you're still engaged.
Copy !req
212. You may just have to let go of the ring.
I tell you what.
Copy !req
213. My corporation, I may have lost it, but I'm
gonna buy you an identical rock, okay?
Copy !req
214. The last thing I wanna go around with
for the rest of my life...
Copy !req
215. - ... is a lie propagated by my ex-boyfriend.
- Oh.
Copy !req
216. The ring Clark gave me was a symbol
of our love, of our future together.
Copy !req
217. It wasn't just any ring, it was the ring.
The big kahuna.
Copy !req
218. I waited to find somebody
who would get this wacky world view...
Copy !req
219. and care enough to give me the ring,
and I lose it.
Copy !req
220. He's gonna understand.
He always does.
Copy !req
221. We cannot tell Clark.
Copy !req
222. I'll do whatever it takes
to get that ring back.
Copy !req
223. Relax, all right?
You're starting to do that twitchy thing.
Copy !req
224. There's something stuck in my bra—
Copy !req
225. That's not my territory anymore,
all right?
Copy !req
226. Cha-ching. Well, that's a first.
Copy !req
227. "Fortune Casino"?
Copy !req
228. Let me see that.
Copy !req
229. Oh, look at that.
Copy !req
230. Your pointer sisters gave us our clue
as to where we were.
Copy !req
231. - Yeah, right.
- Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
232. Come on, hop in.
Thank you. Oh.
Copy !req
233. I can't believe on my first
drunken night out I lose Lois...
Copy !req
234. commit a felony,
and I land my friend in jail.
Copy !req
235. So reckless.
Copy !req
236. But oddly, Clark, very human.
Copy !req
237. And when this happens
to grooms the world over...
Copy !req
238. his friends rally around him
and help make it all right.
Copy !req
239. Speaking of which, I just found
some very interesting information...
Copy !req
240. down at the police station.
Copy !req
241. No Emil.
Copy !req
242. And no trace of his name
in any of the police records.
Copy !req
243. If Emil wasn't arrested...
Copy !req
244. who were those cops?
Copy !req
245. Where's the money?
Copy !req
246. One more Elvis cover out of you...
Copy !req
247. and you'll be eating
those blue suede shoes.
Copy !req
248. I do believe it's fair to say
that you are not the authorities.
Copy !req
249. And you are not the king of rock.
Copy !req
250. But you'll be just as dead
if you don't cough up the cash.
Copy !req
251. Listen, I already told you,
you got the wrong Elvis.
Copy !req
252. I— I didn't—
I didn't steal any armored car.
Copy !req
253. No, no, no. I got the right mug.
Copy !req
254. It was lady luck
that brought you to me.
Copy !req
255. I mean, what are the odds, huh?
Copy !req
256. That you would be
an overnight sensation...
Copy !req
257. on the same night
that I was looking for you?
Copy !req
258. I mean—
Copy !req
259. It's a fallacy.
Copy !req
260. Just because the two events
are connected sequentially...
Copy !req
261. - ... doesn't mean they are causally.
- No, no. You are connected, my friend.
Copy !req
262. I mean, I didn't believe these yahoos
when they told me they were duped...
Copy !req
263. but then I saw it for myself.
Copy !req
264. What?
Copy !req
265. A monkey. Hee-hee-hee!
Copy !req
266. What is this?
Copy !req
267. EMlL What you wearing?
Don't move.
Copy !req
268. Watch this.
Copy !req
269. Ta-da!
Copy !req
270. It's you.
Copy !req
271. Here, let me bring it up.
Copy !req
272. Ahh! Ha-ha-ha.
Copy !req
273. Oh, pretty fancy smoke and
mirrors that you pulled off.
Copy !req
274. It's just— I—
Copy !req
275. I don't know what burns me more...
Copy !req
276. the fact that you took my money
or the fact that you—
Copy !req
277. You took my lucky lemur.
Copy !req
278. It appears to me...
Copy !req
279. that someone was trying
to prevent a robbery, not commit one.
Copy !req
280. Nice masks, boys.
Copy !req
281. Yeah. Big mistake.
Copy !req
282. You trying to protect your friends,
smart guy.
Copy !req
283. Break him.
Copy !req
284. This $500 baby here means
we were probably gambling.
Copy !req
285. And knowing you, blackjack, right?
Copy !req
286. That's my game.
I was three-time champ at Fort Dix.
Copy !req
287. Oh, my God, what if I bet the ring?
Copy !req
288. I don't think that would've happened.
Copy !req
289. I told you
never to come back here again.
Copy !req
290. No kidding. Huh.
Copy !req
291. Listen, I got a question for you,
my friend here...
Copy !req
292. she lost a ring last night.
Do you have any idea—?
Copy !req
293. Your little card shark here,
she bet her engagement ring, yeah.
Copy !req
294. - Oh.
- Did I call it, or did I call it?
Copy !req
295. She was raking it in,
trash-talking the boss...
Copy !req
296. so he won the ring off her.
Copy !req
297. I don't wanna take you
for another ride.
Copy !req
298. No, no, wait.
Oliver, this isn't possible.
Copy !req
299. Not in this lifetime.
Copy !req
300. The only conceivable way that I would
bet the ring was if it was a sure thing.
Copy !req
301. No such thing in life as a sure thing.
Copy !req
302. Oh, yeah? What are you trying to say?
Copy !req
303. Was I scammed?
Copy !req
304. Let me guess,
your boss stacked the deck, right?
Copy !req
305. There is no way
I'm gonna let that creep...
Copy !req
306. cheat me
out of my happily-forever-after.
Copy !req
307. - Here comes the bride.
- No.
Copy !req
308. Hey!
- Easy does it.
Copy !req
309. Please put your hands together
for the Fortune Showgirls.
Copy !req
310. Come with me.
Copy !req
311. It's all right.
Copy !req
312. Ahh. I was so close, I could have ripped
my ring off his chubby little finger.
Copy !req
313. Not really feeling
your jewelry malfunction right now.
Copy !req
314. - It was so much more than that, Oliver.
- I know.
Copy !req
315. And now, to get out of this poker game,
we need a get-out-of-jail-free card.
Copy !req
316. - You think?
- You see that pole over there?
Copy !req
317. - We're going there. Okay?
- A little tied up right now.
Copy !req
318. You're a comedienne.
You're gonna lean against me.
Copy !req
319. All right? And we're gonna shuffle
over there in one, two, shuffle.
Copy !req
320. Go, go.
Copy !req
321. I should have known all this bridal
hoopla was too good to be true.
Copy !req
322. - Keep working.
- My prenuptial bliss...
Copy !req
323. was just one right click away
from bridal apocalypse.
Copy !req
324. Oh. Okay.
Copy !req
325. You should really ease up on yourself,
Lois. You haven't ruined anything.
Copy !req
326. You still don't get it.
Copy !req
327. I did not wanna be the bride waving
her freak flag down the aisle, okay?
Copy !req
328. I wanted this to be perfect.
Not my normal mess.
Copy !req
329. We're all a mess, okay? Let's be fair.
Copy !req
330. Not Clark.
Copy !req
331. No, Clark would never lose his ring.
Copy !req
332. Have any idea
how much pressure there is...
Copy !req
333. being engaged
to a walking perfection?
Copy !req
334. You have any idea how much pressure
there is fighting crime next to perfection?
Copy !req
335. You're free. Let's blow this pop stand.
Copy !req
336. No. Oh—
Copy !req
337. We're not leaving without my ring.
Copy !req
338. I thought we were past that.
Copy !req
339. Well, we're not.
Copy !req
340. Oh. Okay. Get back in, get back in.
Copy !req
341. - You got it? Okay.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
342. We'll be lucky to get out.
Copy !req
343. I didn't bring my Green Arrow gear
to the bachelor party.
Copy !req
344. Uh...
Copy !req
345. Unless...
Copy !req
346. The facial-recognition
from the security footage showed...
Copy !req
347. the fake cops have criminal histories
linking them to this casino.
Copy !req
348. That is if they work
for this fearless Fortune.
Copy !req
349. Fortune Showgirls.
Copy !req
350. That means Emil could be in danger.
Copy !req
351. But all I see is a hothouse full
of chumps, suckers and high rollers.
Copy !req
352. I'll check the other room.
Try to blend in.
Copy !req
353. Lois.
Copy !req
354. Oliver?
Copy !req
355. Give it up for the Fortune Showgirls.
Copy !req
356. Hey, big daddy.
Wanna give this girl some loving?
Copy !req
357. Do something.
Copy !req
358. Well, luck be a lady tonight.
Copy !req
359. You are an eyeful.
Copy !req
360. You know, like the tower in Paris.
Copy !req
361. You put these other hothouse girls
to shame.
Copy !req
362. Thanks, man.
Copy !req
363. That's her. The blond!
Copy !req
364. One of the crew
that stole the money.
Copy !req
365. Chloe, run!
Copy !req
366. - Get her! Get her!
- Hey.
Copy !req
367. Yes!
Copy !req
368. Yes. Come to mama, sweetheart.
Copy !req
369. Come on.
Copy !req
370. Oh. There's my sparkly girl.
Copy !req
371. Come to mama.
Copy !req
372. I swear I will never bet you again.
Copy !req
373. You think I'm gonna let you run off
with my lucky ring?
Copy !req
374. I won so big today.
Copy !req
375. The only one getting lucky here tonight
is yours truly.
Copy !req
376. - Way to go all in, gorgeous.
- Back at you, hot stuff.
Copy !req
377. And we have a winner.
Copy !req
378. Wait, wait, wait.
I told you, gentlemen...
Copy !req
379. I don't remember anything.
It's all a blank.
Copy !req
380. Yeah, you did,
but, you see, that's what they all say.
Copy !req
381. In the end, everybody names names.
It's just the business.
Copy !req
382. Business?
Copy !req
383. Wait a minute, that's it.
Copy !req
384. That's why Fortune
had you robbing his truck.
Copy !req
385. No, if my calculations are correct,
it's a scam. Right?
Copy !req
386. He reports the crime, and then the
insurance company doubles his money.
Copy !req
387. Except this time,
somebody actually stole his money.
Copy !req
388. Yeah, that was you, smart guy.
Copy !req
389. Oh, I really wish I didn't understand
the physics of this.
Copy !req
390. - Are you all right?
Copy !req
391. Clark.
Copy !req
392. You're safe now.
Copy !req
393. Look, I need some answers
about what happened last night.
Copy !req
394. Get in line.
Copy !req
395. Chloe?
Copy !req
396. Congratulations on surviving
your boffo bachelor party...
Copy !req
397. and the million-dollar
morning-after mistake.
Copy !req
398. There's still one thing we have do.
Well, undo.
Copy !req
399. I got through to the chapel
and they told me...
Copy !req
400. the friend masquerading
as the bride-to-be...
Copy !req
401. was just a drunk prank, so...
Copy !req
402. - That's a relief.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
403. It was a fun ride while it lasted.
Copy !req
404. Kind of reminded me
of the good old days.
Copy !req
405. Yeah, but your new partner-in-crime's
got you covered.
Copy !req
406. Lois and I are pretty good together.
Copy !req
407. It's funny, it almost sounded
like you were saying goodbye.
Copy !req
408. I forget how well you know me.
Copy !req
409. My heart and my head
have been playing tug-of-war lately.
Copy !req
410. But I made my decision.
Copy !req
411. I have to break it to Oliver, but I won't
let a hero give up his world for me.
Copy !req
412. Chloe, you just got back.
Copy !req
413. You're the heart and soul
of Watchtower.
Copy !req
414. Yeah,
but I can't be Watchtower anymore.
Copy !req
415. I've already been the ghost
in the machine once...
Copy !req
416. I can't do it again.
Copy !req
417. You know you've always been
much more than that to me.
Copy !req
418. I know.
Copy !req
419. In every epic tale there's always
one person who believes in the hero first.
Copy !req
420. Someone who helps inspire them
to greatness.
Copy !req
421. You know,
maybe it wasn't just a fluke with you.
Copy !req
422. I've been thinking
that's my true calling.
Copy !req
423. Finding heroes
and helping them realize...
Copy !req
424. their true potential
beyond the reach of Watchtower.
Copy !req
425. You're not alone, Clark Kent.
Copy !req
426. In all my globetrotting
I have met several others like you.
Copy !req
427. A billionaire with high-tech toys...
Copy !req
428. and a wondrous woman
who is gonna throw you for a loop.
Copy !req
429. Well, all that sounds amazing...
Copy !req
430. and a bit lonely.
Copy !req
431. Well, that's why
I'm following your lead, Clark.
Copy !req
432. I've created a double identity
for myself.
Copy !req
433. You're looking
at the Star City Register's newest hire.
Copy !req
434. By day, of course.
Copy !req
435. I always knew that you were destined
for big things, Chloe.
Copy !req
436. And I know, no matter what,
we'll still be in each other's lives.
Copy !req
437. You know I'll always be here for you.
Copy !req
438. You know that, right?
Copy !req
439. I do.
Copy !req
440. Hey, hound dog.
Copy !req
441. You really rocked this town.
Copy !req
442. I suppose
that's supposed to be humorous?
Copy !req
443. It's just—
Copy !req
444. Well, it was a nice surprise...
Copy !req
445. to see our mild-mannered doctor
have a special power of his own.
Copy !req
446. I haven't done something like that
Copy !req
447. Well, since my wife passed away.
Copy !req
448. She used to love
to hear me sing to her.
Copy !req
449. Don't give it up.
Copy !req
450. She wouldn't have wanted you to.
Copy !req
451. All right. Listen up.
I have the smoking gun.
Copy !req
452. I haven't laid eyes on the footage yet
but I suspect...
Copy !req
453. that inside this little puppy are
the answers to our burning questions.
Copy !req
454. - My camera. Of course. I forgot I that l—
Ahem. This looks really damaged.
Copy !req
455. —was documenting the entire evening.
Copy !req
456. See if we can play this thing.
- Maybe—
Copy !req
457. I found it in a puddle of champagne
in the limo.
Copy !req
458. You know what we should do?
Copy !req
459. - No, no.
Absolutely not.
Copy !req
460. There's sparkling cider in the fridge...
Copy !req
461. which I am certain
Zatanna has not charmed.
Copy !req
462. We got this.
Copy !req
463. I got it.
- Oh.
Copy !req
464. Uh— I'm so gun shy,
I don't even know if I can try it.
Copy !req
465. Here's the thing, Clark. I, uh...
Copy !req
466. I bet the ring.
Copy !req
467. I mean, I got it back, but...
Copy !req
468. Please forgive me.
Copy !req
469. Lois, there's nothing to forgive.
Copy !req
470. The ring is not what's important.
Copy !req
471. You are.
Copy !req
472. But I have a bit
of a confession myself.
Copy !req
473. When I woke up
and you were gone...
Copy !req
474. I thought that I'd scared you away
Copy !req
475. Yeah, I'm sorry, I know that I have
the runaway girlfriend thing to—
Copy !req
476. Look, if all this wedding mess
is getting to be too much, then—
Copy !req
477. No, it's not that.
Copy !req
478. It's...
Copy !req
479. hard to explain.
Copy !req
480. You don't need to explain.
Copy !req
481. I just want you to know...
Copy !req
482. that if you're having doubts inside...
Copy !req
483. or you're not 100 percent sure
that this is the right thing to do...
Copy !req
484. I will understand.
Copy !req
485. I'm gonna wanna marry you
in five days or in five years.
Copy !req
486. That was the perfect thing to say.
Copy !req
487. Oh, and we're rolling.
Copy !req
488. File's corrupted,
but we'll see what we've got.
Copy !req
489. Ready for this?
Copy !req
490. Clark!
Sorry, you said you were cold.
Copy !req
491. Hey, uh...
Copy !req
492. Lois, if you're watching this
20 years from now...
Copy !req
493. just know
that you are the love of my life.
Copy !req
494. Uh— I'm really feeling this.
Copy !req
495. Mm. Mm. You— Oh!
Copy !req
496. Alcohol doesn't even affect me.
Copy !req
497. That's not what I was imagining.
Copy !req
498. - Hey, Emil.
- Merry Christmas. Drink it.
Copy !req
499. Drink it. Drink it.
Copy !req
500. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
501. - I mean, are you really made of steel?
Copy !req
502. Oh!
- Aah!
Copy !req
503. That was not—
Copy !req
504. Ha-ha-ha.
Copy !req
505. - Oh, this is good. How about this one?
- Well, we're two different—
Copy !req
506. You're not thinking this through.
Copy !req
507. These are— What the—?
How much did this cost you?
Copy !req
508. - Nothing.
- That's a woman's ring. All right?
Copy !req
509. Rings out of a vending machine.
Copy !req
510. She deserves better than that.
Copy !req
511. Right?
Copy !req
512. How about a little privacy there,
Blair Witch? Now.
Copy !req
513. I wouldn't be caught dead
in that thing.
Copy !req
514. Beautiful.
- Looks so nice. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
515. - I need your help.
- Okay. Shh.
Copy !req
516. Oliver? Where are you going?
Copy !req
517. What? Ha-ha-ha.
Copy !req
518. Yes.
Copy !req
519. - You know what, l— I can't—
- No, no. Stay.
Copy !req
520. Bravo, sir.
- Monkey.
Copy !req
521. Monkey?
Copy !req
522. A monkey. Hee-hee-hee!
Copy !req
523. Oh!
Copy !req
524. Hey. Don't move.
What are you wearing?
Copy !req
525. Don't move.
Copy !req
526. Watch this.
Copy !req
527. Ta-da!
Copy !req
528. Clark saves the day.
- All right, all right. Here we go.
Copy !req
529. Check it out. Check it out.
Copy !req
530. I'd like to introduce you to somebody.
Copy !req
531. What's his name?
This is, uh— The doctor—
Copy !req
532. Who?
The lemur.
Copy !req
533. Let me tell you something, Tess.
Let me tell you something.
Copy !req
534. With being the king
comes a lot of responsibility.
Copy !req
535. Uneasy lies the head
that wears the crown.
Copy !req
536. You know what I'm saying?
Copy !req
537. Oh, look at you.
- Oh, no.
Copy !req
538. Don't be coy.
Copy !req
539. No, no, no.
Copy !req
540. What you got?
- Oh, you can't handle what I got.
Copy !req
541. Yeah!
Copy !req
542. Cut it out, get over here, baby doll.
See what you got. Oh.
Copy !req
543. Oh, don't be coy, honey. Come on.
Give me some—
Copy !req
544. - Okay. Okay.
Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
545. - Okay, okay.
- Maybe now would be—
Copy !req
546. Hey, hey, hey. No, no.
A good time to hit the power button.
Copy !req
547. - You know where the power button is?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
548. That's great stuff.
I'm real proud of you.
Copy !req
549. Do you know where the power—?
Do you know where the power—?
Copy !req
550. Hey.
Copy !req
551. Where you running off to so quick?
Copy !req
552. What are you doing?
Copy !req
553. I thought we were rendezvousing
at your place later.
Copy !req
554. You're leaving again, right?
Copy !req
555. - Oliver, I—
- It's okay, I can read between the lines.
Copy !req
556. Chloe, I never expected you
to sit up in that Watchtower...
Copy !req
557. for the rest of your life.
Copy !req
558. I know better than that.
Copy !req
559. I have something— Wait.
Copy !req
560. I don't know what you're thinking...
Copy !req
561. but I hope it's not that you're
gonna run off without your husband.
Copy !req
562. I hope you didn't take a job
in my hometown for nothing.
Copy !req
563. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req