1. She's still in that uniform,
still wearing that badge.
Copy !req
2. It's not hard for her to get in a door.
Copy !req
3. Everyone, please go back inside.
Copy !req
4. Thank you.
Copy !req
5. Yeah, it's all right. Everything's okay.
Copy !req
6. Paul.
Copy !req
7. How'd she get away?
Copy !req
8. You think I let her go?
Copy !req
9. - Why would he let her go?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
10. - I sent him home for the time being.
- Where the fuck is she?
Copy !req
11. Amundsen and his team searched the level,
Copy !req
12. every apartment, every closet,
under every bed—
Copy !req
13. What, has she mastered
the art of invisibility?
Copy !req
14. 'Cause that's a skill
I'd really love to learn.
Copy !req
15. It's possible she circled around
Copy !req
16. or climbed up or down
the far side of the shaft.
Copy !req
17. - Have you searched that level?
- We did.
Copy !req
18. I also brought in all off-duty watchers.
We have eyes on every screen.
Copy !req
19. Have them track her movement yesterday.
Maybe that'll tell us something.
Copy !req
20. I think we have to assume
she somehow got off that level,
Copy !req
21. maybe made it back to the stairs.
Copy !req
22. I'm gonna have Amundsen talk to anyone
who might give her shelter.
Copy !req
23. Rob, I hope you understand
what we're facing here.
Copy !req
24. Go.
Copy !req
25. Talk to her friends, family.
See if anyone's hiding her.
Copy !req
26. I'm gonna need an escort.
Copy !req
27. Paul.
Copy !req
28. Honey.
Copy !req
29. I lost my grip.
Copy !req
30. - It's not your fault.
- No.
Copy !req
31. It is my fault.
Copy !req
32. You ask me if I'm okay, I feel fine.
Copy !req
33. Physically, I feel normal,
but look at this.
Copy !req
34. Even now, my hands won't stop.
Copy !req
35. All these medicines and herbs—
Copy !req
36. At this point, I'd rather people just know
I have the Syndrome
Copy !req
37. than think I'm incompetent.
Copy !req
38. You're not incompetent.
Copy !req
39. You worked hard to get where you are.
Copy !req
40. But maybe it's time.
Copy !req
41. - For what?
- To go back to Judicial.
Copy !req
42. They liked you there.
Copy !req
43. You did well and it didn't have
the same kinds of requirements.
Copy !req
44. I'm not going back to Judicial.
Copy !req
45. Your plan is to tell them
you have the Syndrome
Copy !req
46. and hope they look past it,
ignore the Pact?
Copy !req
47. I wasn't being serious, Kat.
I was just saying how I feel.
Copy !req
48. You lied, Paul.
Copy !req
49. Yes, you earned the job that you have,
Copy !req
50. but by not telling them
about your condition.
Copy !req
51. So if going back to Judicial
is what allows you
Copy !req
52. - to move forward—
- I am more than qualified to do this job.
Copy !req
53. I am not saying that you're not!
Copy !req
54. But one sheriff was already sent out
to clean and the other was on their way,
Copy !req
55. and neither of them had children!
Copy !req
56. So when you think of your secrets
Copy !req
57. and your pride
about what you're qualified to do,
Copy !req
58. picture your daughter
growing up without you.
Copy !req
59. Think about that.
Copy !req
60. Kat, that's not fair.
Copy !req
61. It's the truth.
Copy !req
62. When I was 17, there was another kid,
Copy !req
63. Justin Carlson, who had the Syndrome.
Copy !req
64. Most kids didn't know, but I knew.
Copy !req
65. I saw him trying to hide it
the same way I did.
Copy !req
66. And he knew I had it too.
Copy !req
67. One day, he approached me
and asked me about it
Copy !req
68. like he was trying to make a friend.
Copy !req
69. I hit him so hard,
I knocked one of his teeth out.
Copy !req
70. I told him if he ever told anyone,
or if he ever talked to me again,
Copy !req
71. I'd hit him harder.
Copy !req
72. That's how important it was
for me to keep that secret,
Copy !req
73. to keep people from knowing
that I had some defect,
Copy !req
74. that I was someone the Pact said
could only have a job
Copy !req
75. with no physical requirement
because I was different.
Copy !req
76. I am not limited by what others think
Copy !req
77. - I'm capable of...
- Paul, honey.
Copy !req
78. and I'm allowed to make mistakes.
Copy !req
79. I'm allowed to make mistakes.
Copy !req
80. What are you doing?
Copy !req
81. I'm gonna catch the person I let go.
Copy !req
82. I'm gonna make this right.
Copy !req
83. - Hank.
- Walker.
Copy !req
84. This about Jules?
Copy !req
85. I tried to tell 'em
Mechanical runs like a fine-oiled machine
Copy !req
86. 'cause of the hardworking citizens who
put the safety of the Silo above all else.
Copy !req
87. Yet, here they are.
Copy !req
88. Yeah.
Copy !req
89. Well, come on in.
Copy !req
90. I ain't got shit to hide.
Copy !req
91. She didn't wake up
for her 5:00 a.m. feeding.
Copy !req
92. I'm so tired.
Copy !req
93. I didn't wake up until 6:00 and I—
Copy !req
94. Denise, it's okay.
Copy !req
95. - I'm a terrible mother.
- No. No, you're not.
Copy !req
96. You're just exhausted.
Copy !req
97. Look. Claudia's just fine.
Copy !req
98. - What are you doing?
- Peter Nichols.
Copy !req
99. - We're in the middle of a—
- Do you know where your daughter is?
Copy !req
100. - You'll wake the baby.
- Do you know where your daughter is?
Copy !req
101. No. Now please leave.
Copy !req
102. I think you better do as he says.
Copy !req
103. If you wake the baby,
this poor woman might just kill you.
Copy !req
104. I remember when getting our boy to sleep
was the highest achievement of the day.
Copy !req
105. What do you want with my daughter?
Copy !req
106. Dr. Nichols,
Copy !req
107. I imagine Juliette is the most
important person in the world to you,
Copy !req
108. but for the sake of everyone in the Silo,
Copy !req
109. I need you to tell me where she might be.
Copy !req
110. She is the most important person to me,
Copy !req
111. but I don't know how she thinks
or where she might go.
Copy !req
112. Until this week, I hadn't seen her
in 20 years.
Copy !req
113. - What happened?
- She said she wanted to go out.
Copy !req
114. Now the whole Silo is looking for her.
Copy !req
115. Help me find her
before some overeager raider does.
Copy !req
116. If that's meant to be a warning,
I don't need it. I know all about them.
Copy !req
117. I guess you do.
Copy !req
118. There's a spot
halfway around the level one balcony
Copy !req
119. where the railing is worn smooth
Copy !req
120. by all the people who have
gripped it tight before going over.
Copy !req
121. I never imagined
my wife would be one of them.
Copy !req
122. But thanks to your raiders,
Jules is all I have left.
Copy !req
123. Let me ask you, Mr. Sims,
if you were in my position,
Copy !req
124. would you help
the people hunting your child?
Copy !req
125. I would,
Copy !req
126. 'cause no one person is more important
than the 10,000 or the thousands to come.
Copy !req
127. I have no idea where she is.
Copy !req
128. Why did they close school?
Copy !req
129. It's just a special day, honey.
I don't have to go to work either.
Copy !req
130. It'll just be you and me.
Grilled cheese for lunch.
Copy !req
131. Is Daddy coming home?
Copy !req
132. Daddy is gonna be very busy today.
Copy !req
133. I made something for him.
Copy !req
134. That's lovely.
Copy !req
135. Just gonna make one for your dad
and not your mom?
Copy !req
136. I made one for you too, Mom.
Copy !req
137. - Mrs. Sims?
- Yes?
Copy !req
138. Your husband sent us
to escort you both home from school.
Copy !req
139. Well, you're a little late.
Copy !req
140. - Our door is right here.
- Apologies, ma'am.
Copy !req
141. Could we at least
make sure you get in okay?
Copy !req
142. All right.
Copy !req
143. Okay. We're in.
Copy !req
144. - You mind if we check inside?
- You're not setting foot inside my home.
Copy !req
145. But you can tell my husband
you did your job.
Copy !req
146. - Ma'am.
- I was a raider for 12 years
Copy !req
147. before I moved over to IT.
I can take care of myself.
Copy !req
148. Yes, ma'am, but we'd really feel better—
Copy !req
149. You two drew a lot of attention
running up, yelling my name.
Copy !req
150. You think my husband would like that?
Copy !req
151. Okay. Come on.
Copy !req
152. There we go.
Copy !req
153. Everything okay, Mommy?
Copy !req
154. Yeah.
Copy !req
155. Yeah, baby. Everything's fine.
Copy !req
156. You just stay in here
and get your homework out.
Copy !req
157. I'll make you a snack, okay?
Copy !req
158. - Yeah.
- Excuse me?
Copy !req
159. - Yes, Mommy.
- Okay.
Copy !req
160. I'm not gonna hurt you
but I will if I have to.
Copy !req
161. I love it, baby.
Copy !req
162. Why don't you hang on to it for me, okay?
Copy !req
163. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
164. I'm gonna close the door,
but everything's all right.
Copy !req
165. I just need to talk to
this person from work.
Copy !req
166. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
167. - You know how to use that?
- No, not really.
Copy !req
168. I figured you're so close,
it doesn't really matter.
Copy !req
169. There's only one shot in there.
Copy !req
170. How many will I need?
Copy !req
171. Look, I'm not here to hurt you.
Copy !req
172. - You said that.
- I'm saying it again.
Copy !req
173. - Are these mine?
- Yeah. Your husband took mine.
Copy !req
174. Cuff yourself to the rail in the bathroom.
Copy !req
175. No.
Copy !req
176. Look. Me firing this gun,
whether I hit you or not,
Copy !req
177. it's gonna be enough to give your son
nightmares for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
178. You want that?
Copy !req
179. I'm not going any place where I can't see
both you and the door to my son's bedroom.
Copy !req
180. Kitchen. Now.
Copy !req
181. Really?
Copy !req
182. I've done more with less.
Copy !req
183. By the sound of it, so have you.
Copy !req
184. What are you doing?
Copy !req
185. Deputy, you can't come in here.
Copy !req
186. The judge said only Judicial investigators
are allowed inside.
Copy !req
187. As acting sheriff, I have a responsibility
to conduct an investigation
Copy !req
188. into anyone who requests to go outside.
Copy !req
189. And I have orders to arrest anyone
who tries to get past me.
Copy !req
190. Sir, I don't know if you remember me,
Copy !req
191. but I took your class on the Pact
last year.
Copy !req
192. - Jean?
- Robinson.
Copy !req
193. Look, if it was up to me,
I'd let you inside, but I can't.
Copy !req
194. As you know, I don't have a choice.
I have to do what they say.
Copy !req
195. - Can you tell me if she left a note?
- No note. This place was a mess.
Copy !req
196. I was just thinking if I found out
why she said she had to go out,
Copy !req
197. maybe I could figure out where she is.
Copy !req
198. I don't know.
Copy !req
199. But you should go, sir.
Copy !req
200. So, who was it that gave you nightmares?
Copy !req
201. That's not something you say
if you don't have them yourself.
Copy !req
202. You said you were a raider.
Copy !req
203. You know, when I was a little girl
about the same age your son is now,
Copy !req
204. someone like you broke down our door.
Copy !req
205. They destroyed our apartment, my family.
Copy !req
206. That's Judicial. That's who you used to
work for and who your husband works for.
Copy !req
207. My husband works for the good of the Silo.
Copy !req
208. - You believe in the good of the Silo?
- I do.
Copy !req
209. But not enough to let two raiders
into your apartment where your son sleeps.
Copy !req
210. Even though your husband sent them.
Copy !req
211. My husband's not in control of
everything that happens in the Silo.
Copy !req
212. And he's certainly not responsible
Copy !req
213. for something that happened to you
when you were a child.
Copy !req
214. You have no idea
what your husband is responsible for.
Copy !req
215. And what do you think will happen
when he finds out where you are right now?
Copy !req
216. Come in.
Copy !req
217. I spoke to her father. Our Down Deep team
checked out her friends in Mechanical.
Copy !req
218. None of them have her.
Copy !req
219. Did you send teams anywhere else?
Copy !req
220. Just those places for now.
Copy !req
221. The watchers tracked
where Nichols went yesterday.
Copy !req
222. Most of it normal
until she went to the Dispatch on ten.
Copy !req
223. Hired a porter to deliver a message.
Copy !req
224. The sheriff's department
has its own porters.
Copy !req
225. Yeah, I know.
I sent an agent up to check it out.
Copy !req
226. The message was delivered
to someone in the cafeteria.
Copy !req
227. Cafeteria worker?
Copy !req
228. No, someone who was just sitting there.
Copy !req
229. Lukas Kyle, works in IT.
Copy !req
230. We don't know what the message said,
Copy !req
231. but we do know what Mr. Kyle did
after he got it.
Copy !req
232. He went to Nichols's apartment.
Copy !req
233. Would you consider yourself
a curious person, Mr. Kyle?
Copy !req
234. No—
Copy !req
235. I mean, not more than anyone else is, sir.
Copy !req
236. But I understand that you like to
go up to the cafeteria at night
Copy !req
237. and chart the lights in the sky.
Is that true?
Copy !req
238. It's just a hobby to pass the time.
Copy !req
239. I would say that
I am more analytical than curious.
Copy !req
240. Analytical?
Copy !req
241. It's why I like working here in IT.
Copy !req
242. You know, here I get to use—
Copy !req
243. Do you have any idea what they are?
Copy !req
244. The lights.
Copy !req
245. No, sir.
Copy !req
246. Any guesses?
Copy !req
247. What about Sheriff Nichols?
Copy !req
248. Does she have any idea
what the lights are?
Copy !req
249. Lukas, yesterday when the sheriff
sent you a message by porter,
Copy !req
250. you went directly to her apartment
where you had a conversation.
Copy !req
251. It was hard to hear
over the water that she left running.
Copy !req
252. Nichols then broke her mirror,
Copy !req
253. destroying the air quality monitor
behind it.
Copy !req
254. A criminal offense.
Copy !req
255. And then on top of that,
she showed you a hard drive.
Copy !req
256. A restricted one.
Copy !req
257. And what did you do?
Copy !req
258. I— Well, nothing. I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
259. Exactly.
Copy !req
260. The sheriff showed you
a restricted red-level relic,
Copy !req
261. and you told no one.
Copy !req
262. A Judicial security team
even came to her apartment,
Copy !req
263. giving you the opportunity to alert them,
Copy !req
264. and you slinked away.
Copy !req
265. I didn't know
that it was a red-level relic, sir. I—
Copy !req
266. Tell me, you're an analytical person.
Copy !req
267. So, what do you think the consequences
should be for such an inaction?
Copy !req
268. Sir, the consequences?
Copy !req
269. Come on. You're a smart man.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be in IT.
Copy !req
270. I mean, before today,
while I wouldn't have known your face,
Copy !req
271. I am certainly familiar
with your performance numbers,
Copy !req
272. and they are quite high.
Copy !req
273. So, consequences.
Copy !req
274. How about the scavenge room?
Copy !req
275. The mines?
Copy !req
276. Considering the scope of your betrayal,
Copy !req
277. maybe a cleaning would be
more appropriate.
Copy !req
278. Mr. Holland, please, I—
Copy !req
279. With 10,000 of your fellow citizens
depending on your judgment,
Copy !req
280. you turned a blind eye.
Copy !req
281. Why?
Copy !req
282. Because of a... crush?
Copy !req
283. I'm not sure
I see another way out for you...
Copy !req
284. unless you help us find her.
Copy !req
285. I have no idea where she is.
Copy !req
286. What did she want from you?
Copy !req
287. Just help with the hard drive,
but I didn't help her.
Copy !req
288. Describe it to me.
The hard drive, describe it to me.
Copy !req
289. - It's old—
- What else?
Copy !req
290. It's beat-up. It—
Copy !req
291. Was there a serial number?
Copy !req
292. - I didn't look at it that closely.
- Bullshit!
Copy !req
293. You're lying to me. What else?
Copy !req
294. There was a number on it.
Copy !req
295. Not a serial number, just a n—
Copy !req
296. Yes. What number?
Copy !req
297. A number, 18.
Copy !req
298. Put him somewhere.
Don't let him talk to anyone.
Copy !req
299. - What is it?
- Come with me.
Copy !req
300. I need a system-wide scan
for a hard drive.
Copy !req
301. Serial number 18.
Copy !req
302. Sir, serial numbers have nine digits.
Copy !req
303. This has two, a one followed by an eight,
otherwise known as 18. Find it!
Copy !req
304. You okay?
Copy !req
305. I've been very negligent
in appointing a shadow.
Copy !req
306. And I know you think
it should be you, Robert,
Copy !req
307. but earlier today, you had Amundsen
send agents
Copy !req
308. to accompany your wife when she
walked your son home from school.
Copy !req
309. We are facing extinction,
Copy !req
310. and you chose
to protect your family before the Silo.
Copy !req
311. I suppose that
is completely understandable.
Copy !req
312. But now I wonder
whether making you my shadow
Copy !req
313. would be fair to you, your wife,
your son, or the Silo.
Copy !req
314. Got it.
Copy !req
315. That drive is connected to a computer
in an apartment on level 17.
Copy !req
316. - Seventeen?
- Yes, sir. Apartment 114.
Copy !req
317. Gotta be fucking kidding me.
Copy !req
318. Clear the stairs all the way to level 17!
Copy !req
319. Get every available raider,
levels above and below.
Copy !req
320. With me. Come with me!
Copy !req
321. - Hey, Jules.
- What?
Copy !req
322. Pretty crazy, right? This is a video.
Copy !req
323. Or at least that's what they called it
in the before-times.
Copy !req
324. I'm making it
on an old camera that I found.
Copy !req
325. It was on its last legs, but
I got it working, because I'm a genius.
Copy !req
326. Hopefully, you're watching this
and I'm right next to you,
Copy !req
327. watching your reaction. But if not,
Copy !req
328. and you're watching without me—
Copy !req
329. Well, first off, that means you found
all the clues I left behind.
Copy !req
330. But if you're watching it alone,
that also means
Copy !req
331. that Judicial found out
that I have the hard drive,
Copy !req
332. and things haven't gone the way I wanted.
Copy !req
333. Please know that I never meant
to put you in any danger.
Copy !req
334. But, Jules, there is stuff on this drive
that people need to see.
Copy !req
335. The truth.
Copy !req
336. Stop.
Copy !req
337. Stop.
Copy !req
338. You should also know that I...
Copy !req
339. The second you connected that drive,
they knew where you were.
Copy !req
340. You can either run right now,
or keep watching and die.
Copy !req
341. - Let's go.
- Come on!
Copy !req
342. Shit. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
343. All the alleyway cameras
are going dark too.
Copy !req
344. Wait.
Copy !req
345. Hey, you all right? Are you okay?
Copy !req
346. Anthony, are you okay?
Copy !req
347. How does she keep getting away?
Copy !req
348. Next.
Copy !req
349. - Travel restrictions remain in effect.
- Yeah, I'm IT.
Copy !req
350. How is IT travel essential today?
Copy !req
351. Well, it isn't to me,
but it is to my boss.
Copy !req
352. Thank you.
Copy !req
353. - Hey.
- This better be important, Patrick.
Copy !req
354. I had to lie my way past a bunch
of fucking checkpoints.
Copy !req
355. You think I'm gonna spend ten credits
Copy !req
356. on a message if it wasn't important?
No. Get in.
Copy !req
357. Come on.
Copy !req
358. I promised my asshole boss
I'd work weekends for m—
Copy !req
359. Patrick, why is the sheriff here?
Copy !req
360. - I'm pretty sure she's the ex-sheriff now.
- Better question, why am I here?
Copy !req
361. 'Cause you're a part of a ring
that hacks the Silo's security network
Copy !req
362. and fences stolen goods
from the marketplace.
Copy !req
363. - You traitorous fuck!
- Hey, I said you were the best.
Copy !req
364. - Why are you helping a cop?
- I saved his life.
Copy !req
365. She likes to think that that's why,
but really, I'm doing it for that watch.
Copy !req
366. I've got a job for you.
Copy !req
367. - You got another watch for me?
- No.
Copy !req
368. - Well, then I'm not interested.
- Yeah, you are.
Copy !req
369. - Oh, shit. George Wilkins.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
370. There's a file I need
to finish looking at.
Copy !req
371. - Why do you need me for that?
- Needs a computer with SysOp clearance,
Copy !req
372. - and they wouldn't give one to a criminal...
- Wow.
Copy !req
373. Not easy, but I can get around it.
Copy !req
374. And they're looking for that drive,
so as soon as you plug it in,
Copy !req
375. they'll come running.
Copy !req
376. - That's a little harder but doable.
- There.
Copy !req
377. I can make 'em think it's coming
from somewhere else in the Silo.
Copy !req
378. Anywhere you want
to send a team of raiders?
Copy !req
379. Old boyfriend? Boss?
Copy !req
380. How about that asshole on 98?
Copy !req
381. One who turned you in on the counterfeit?
Copy !req
382. Done.
Copy !req
383. I spent years trying to crack this drive
before I sold it to Regina.
Copy !req
384. It was just collecting dust
by the time she offered me a trade.
Copy !req
385. Then she gave it to George.
Holston's wife did these?
Copy !req
386. Yeah.
Copy !req
387. Data recovery.
No wonder she went out to clean.
Copy !req
388. She got around the directory problem.
George couldn't crack it.
Copy !req
389. Wow. There's, like,
thousands and thousands of files here.
Copy !req
390. How am I supposed to know where to start?
Copy !req
391. How about there?
Copy !req
392. Yeah, that's actually very helpful.
Copy !req
393. Hey, Jules. Pretty crazy, right?
This is a video.
Copy !req
394. What the actual fuck?
Copy !req
395. Got it. It's on 98.
Copy !req
396. She was on 17.
How the fuck did she get to 98?
Copy !req
397. The truth. Since I'm being honest,
Copy !req
398. you should also know
that I transferred to Mechanical
Copy !req
399. so that I could find someone
to use as a guide down here.
Copy !req
400. And it didn't take long for me to realize
that the know-it-all down here is you.
Copy !req
401. My plan was to get all
the knowledge you could provide,
Copy !req
402. and then leave you behind.
Copy !req
403. But then the most annoying thing happened.
Copy !req
404. I fell in love with you.
Copy !req
405. Anyway...
Copy !req
406. I wanted to tell you today
Copy !req
407. at Cooper's shadow party that I found
the door I've been looking for.
Copy !req
408. It's huge. Maybe 15 feet high. Metal.
Copy !req
409. I can't get through it. Maybe you can.
Copy !req
410. I'm guessing you're wondering
what I did about the water.
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411. Well, turns out
it was nothing to worry about.
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412. Anyway, Jules, the important thing
is the door is down there.
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413. You have to find it.
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414. I—
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415. I'm recording this video
in case I don't make it,
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416. but people need to know
why Allison Becker went out to clean.
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417. Remember what she said
when she asked to go out?
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418. On here, look for the file labeled
"Jane Carmody Cleaning."
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419. You'll see why.
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420. I wish I had gotten here sooner.
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421. It's a good thing you didn't.
I let her go, Rob.
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422. You what? Why would you do that?
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423. - Just listen.
- To what?
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424. You had her right here and you let her go?
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425. I knew you were coming with a bunch
of raiders with their fingers on triggers.
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426. - No, I gave them orders not to fire.
- I've been given those orders.
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427. I know what can happen.
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428. We have one goal, one ambition,
and we will not lose sight of that.
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429. - What?
- Bernard, he—
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430. he found out I had an escort
bringing you and Anthony home,
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431. and now he's wondering
if I'm the wrong person to shadow him.
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432. Tell me exactly what he said, Rob.
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433. I can't get into that now.
I have to get back.
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434. Dad.
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435. Anthony, honey,
I told you to stay in your room.
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436. Everything is okay now, Son. Promise.
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437. Daddy's not gonna let anything
happen to you.
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438. You want your father
to protect us, don't you?
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439. So do I.
We have to let him go so he can do that.
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440. Are you gonna send that lady out to clean?
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441. - We'll see.
- I hope you do.
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442. I don't ever want her to ever come back.
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443. I gotta go hide this drive
and then head back up.
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444. One more thing before I go,
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445. I'm so happy that I got
to be the lucky bastard
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446. in this fucked-up place who got
to be with you.
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447. So in case I wasn't clear enough earlier,
I love you, Juliette Nichols.
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448. I love you.
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449. - Hey, how's Camille? How's your boy?
- Scared, both of them.
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450. I heard the drive popped up down on 98.
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451. It's not there.
She has someone bouncing the address.
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452. They're good, but I'm better.
We will find it, and we will get her.
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453. Oh, my—
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454. - It's so— I—
- Guys, you gotta see this.
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455. It's so beautiful. It's so beautiful.
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456. Can anyone hear me? Can anyone hear me?
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457. The display in the cafeteria—
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458. People have to know. They have to see.
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459. Allison was right.
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460. The display is a lie.
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