1. Where are we going?
Copy !req
2. Not much further, Bean. Okay.
Copy !req
3. You said you'd be on time.
Copy !req
4. And alone.
Copy !req
5. My daughter can keep a secret.
Copy !req
6. Unless you'd rather I find another
taker for these.
Copy !req
7. You get caught,
I'm gonna say you found it.
Copy !req
8. No one's getting caught.
Copy !req
9. Don't be so sure. The Silo always wins.
Copy !req
10. I can carry it.
Copy !req
11. Okay.
Copy !req
12. You got me a rabbit?
Copy !req
13. It's not a pet, okay?
Copy !req
14. - We're not gonna eat it.
- No, we're not gonna eat it.
Copy !req
15. It's barely moving. I think it's sick.
Copy !req
16. That's the point, Bean.
Copy !req
17. We're not looking for a baby.
Copy !req
18. Please.
Copy !req
19. Won't be much longer.
Copy !req
20. Come on, I need to sleep.
Copy !req
21. I know.
Copy !req
22. I can't stay in here.
Copy !req
23. Miss Hildebrandt.
Copy !req
24. You weren't very cooperative
with my agents.
Copy !req
25. I hope you'll be more cooperative
with me, Gloria.
Copy !req
26. You're the security man.
Copy !req
27. Your wife had a miscarriage.
Copy !req
28. Your memory is sharp.
Copy !req
29. That bodes well for us.
Copy !req
30. You two were about to give up on a family,
but you still had time on your lottery.
Copy !req
31. And then I got you some f...
Copy !req
32. - Folic acid.
- Folic acid. That's it.
Copy !req
33. One drop in her tea every night.
Did it work?
Copy !req
34. Our boy turns six next month.
Copy !req
35. I need your help.
Copy !req
36. If you cooperate
and give me what I'm looking for,
Copy !req
37. I'll personally guarantee
you're never kept from your dreams again.
Copy !req
38. If I don't help you?
Copy !req
39. You gonna send an old woman out to clean?
Copy !req
40. No.
Copy !req
41. I'll leave her in this room unmedicated
Copy !req
42. to spend the rest of her days
staring at these walls.
Copy !req
43. Why should I trust you?
Copy !req
44. Because thanks to you, I have my son.
Copy !req
45. I take no pleasure
in putting you in this position.
Copy !req
46. But now the situation
is of grave importance to the Silo.
Copy !req
47. Juliette Nichols paid you a visit.
Copy !req
48. Took something out of that vent.
Copy !req
49. I need to know what that was.
Copy !req
50. A bag.
Copy !req
51. Did Sheriff Holston hide it in there?
Copy !req
52. Yes.
Copy !req
53. What was inside the bag?
Copy !req
54. Give her the good stuff.
Every dose, every day.
Copy !req
55. Anyone try to pull her out,
they go through me.
Copy !req
56. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
57. Thank you, Miss Hildebrandt.
Copy !req
58. For everything.
Copy !req
59. Do you really think you'll win?
Copy !req
60. We have to.
Copy !req
61. Cameras had her on the stairs
below here going down,
Copy !req
62. but then we lost her.
Copy !req
63. Stair coverage gets pretty spotty
below Medical.
Copy !req
64. When you find her, secure her.
She has a red-level relic with her.
Copy !req
65. Tell your team nobody touches it.
Copy !req
66. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
67. What's gonna happen?
Copy !req
68. Well, I think there could be
a small hole in his heart.
Copy !req
69. - Like Jacob had?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
70. And I'm gonna find it and sew it up.
Copy !req
71. - How are you gonna see it?
- With this.
Copy !req
72. All right, bring him over.
Copy !req
73. Now, this next part's gonna be scary.
Copy !req
74. - Are you sure you want to stay?
- Yeah, I wanna watch it all.
Copy !req
75. Okay, then.
Copy !req
76. You wanna see his heart?
Copy !req
77. Come on, then.
Copy !req
78. It's gigantic.
Copy !req
79. My darling Bean, this is a magnifier.
Copy !req
80. It's the first one in the Silo.
It makes tiny things appear big.
Copy !req
81. Now, if this works,
we can use it to help other people.
Copy !req
82. Okay.
Copy !req
83. Billings to Sheriff.
Copy !req
84. Billings to Sheriff.
Copy !req
85. What is it, Billings?
Copy !req
86. You need to come to the office.
Copy !req
87. Hey! What the fuck are you doing?
Copy !req
88. - You need to wait here until we finish.
- No. This is our office.
Copy !req
89. How can they do this?
Copy !req
90. Meadows ordered a search
for unregistered relics.
Copy !req
91. What?
Copy !req
92. Sounds like a load of rat shit to me.
Copy !req
93. The real question is why she did it.
Copy !req
94. Why are you looking at me? I don't know.
Copy !req
95. Sims took the last relic.
I don't think anything's come in since.
Copy !req
96. Uh-huh. What happened at your little visit
with her yesterday?
Copy !req
97. Nothing happened. I brought her eggs
and bacon like you said.
Copy !req
98. She's sick as a dog.
Copy !req
99. Hey! Take it easy, Howey.
Copy !req
100. You realize this is a blatant violation
of the Pact, right?
Copy !req
101. Law enforcement premises cannot be
searched without extreme probable cause.
Copy !req
102. Do you hear what I'm saying?
Copy !req
103. Make sure you check under the flooring.
Copy !req
104. Do you know how lost I felt?
Copy !req
105. This was the one thing that I could do.
Copy !req
106. Imagine if we'd had something like this
for Jacob. We— I mean, we could...
Copy !req
107. All I want is to stop other families
from going through the same thing.
Copy !req
108. You don't think I felt lost too?
Copy !req
109. But that doesn't mean you can start
making unsanctioned devices.
Copy !req
110. That device could help fix heart defects.
It could save lives.
Copy !req
111. Why is a magnifier even illegal
in the first place?
Copy !req
112. I don't know, but there are rules.
Copy !req
113. You're good at following rules.
I'll give you that.
Copy !req
114. - What's that supposed to mean?
- No one else knew what I was doing
Copy !req
115. besides you and Jules.
Copy !req
116. What, you think I told Judicial?
Copy !req
117. I'm sure there's something in the Pact
about reporting your family.
Copy !req
118. How can you even suggest that?
Copy !req
119. How else could they have known?
Copy !req
120. Because there are fucking whisperers
Copy !req
121. You haven't exactly been subtle.
Copy !req
122. Glass and metal deliveries to our door,
Copy !req
123. taking our daughter to the farm
after hours.
Copy !req
124. Please, Hanna.
Just give them what they want
Copy !req
125. before they tear down our entire home.
Copy !req
126. Juliette's room is— Please.
Copy !req
127. I hope whatever you're getting out
of this is worth it.
Copy !req
128. Stop.
Copy !req
129. I'll give it to you.
Copy !req
130. Stand down.
Copy !req
131. What is all this?
Copy !req
132. No!
Copy !req
133. Now the animal.
Copy !req
134. Tell us where it is,
Copy !req
135. and we'll drop the charges
against the farmer.
Copy !req
136. It died.
Copy !req
137. We ate the meat, composted the rest.
Copy !req
138. The Judicial Department thanks you
for your time and your cooperation.
Copy !req
139. I swear to you, I didn't.
Copy !req
140. It's okay. I've got this.
Copy !req
141. - We need to check that.
- That's not gonna happen.
Copy !req
142. Little help here?
Copy !req
143. Are you fucking kidding me?
Copy !req
144. Fine.
Copy !req
145. There. You happy, asshole?
Copy !req
146. Let's go.
Copy !req
147. And you used to work with these people?
Copy !req
148. I was in administration, not one
of these overcompensating fuckwads.
Copy !req
149. What? I cuss.
Copy !req
150. Either way, this doesn't feel
like a regular toss and turn.
Copy !req
151. - This feels—
- No, this is personal.
Copy !req
152. Fuck.
Copy !req
153. Meadows didn't do this.
She's not behind this.
Copy !req
154. - She signed the warrant.
- No, when I was there,
Copy !req
155. something didn't feel right.
Copy !req
156. I don't think she's the one
calling the shots.
Copy !req
157. - Then who is?
- Sims.
Copy !req
158. - Robert?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
159. He enforces the Pact.
He's not some power-hungry—
Copy !req
160. No, he's wanted to get rid of me
ever since I arrived.
Copy !req
161. This here, this is just a warm-up.
Copy !req
162. He's not gonna stop until I'm either
in that cell or over the fucking rail.
Copy !req
163. Fuck.
Copy !req
164. You said this was an illegal search
and seizure, right?
Copy !req
165. They skipped about ten steps.
Copy !req
166. There should have been an initial notice,
a request for evidence—
Copy !req
167. - You're coming with me to Judicial.
- To do what?
Copy !req
168. Does this look like a hard drive to you?
Copy !req
169. No, sir.
Copy !req
170. How about this?
Copy !req
171. - Does it plug into a computer?
- No, sir.
Copy !req
172. Did the warrant say to bring back
useless fucking office supplies?
Copy !req
173. That's all we found in her office.
Copy !req
174. Then you didn't look hard enough!
Copy !req
175. New plan.
Copy !req
176. I want you to find every porter
who worked between level one and 50.
Copy !req
177. Find out if she handed off anything
or talked to anyone. That's what—
Copy !req
178. I'm sorry. I tried to stop them.
Copy !req
179. Miss Nichols,
you can't just barge into my...
Copy !req
180. - Robert Sims, you're under arrest.
- ... office like this.
Copy !req
181. Wait, this is about your office.
Copy !req
182. - I told Meadows you'd be pissed—
- Fuck Meadows.
Copy !req
183. You're under arrest
for breaking Pact investigation protocol.
Copy !req
184. - What, are we making up crimes now?
- Deputy Billings.
Copy !req
185. Section 14, subsection three,
paragraph 12B.
Copy !req
186. - And illegal search and seizure.
- Section 23, subsection 19, paragraph six.
Copy !req
187. All those Pact Bees you won
while you were a kid
Copy !req
188. finally paid off, huh, Paul?
Copy !req
189. Seems that way.
Copy !req
190. Miss Nichols, I had nothing
to do with that search order.
Copy !req
191. Your agents broke protocol,
and I'm holding you responsible.
Copy !req
192. You don't like it,
you can take it up with Meadows.
Copy !req
193. Cuff him and take him upstairs.
Copy !req
194. Are you sure you want to do this?
Copy !req
195. Want's got nothing to do with it.
She's the boss.
Copy !req
196. For the moment.
Copy !req
197. Take all this back upstairs
and put it where you found it.
Copy !req
198. Hey! Do you wanna join your boss in jail?
I've got more cuffs.
Copy !req
199. - You'll regret this.
- I doubt that.
Copy !req
200. Great. Place better look like you
were never there.
Copy !req
201. Jules?
Copy !req
202. Is everything okay?
Copy !req
203. Why didn't you want mom
to build a magnifier?
Copy !req
204. Look, I know you have
very strong feelings about—
Copy !req
205. No, I wanna know why she killed herself.
Copy !req
206. I know I wasn't willing to listen before.
I am now.
Copy !req
207. I really need to know.
Copy !req
208. Wasn't about the magnifier.
Copy !req
209. What do you mean?
Copy !req
210. A couple of times a year,
Copy !req
211. I have to break the news to a young,
happy couple that their newborn has died.
Copy !req
212. It's my job.
Copy !req
213. But it's not the hardest part.
Copy !req
214. The hardest is running into that father
and mother in the years after
Copy !req
215. and seeing what it's done to them.
Copy !req
216. Loss affects people differently.
Copy !req
217. Sometimes it shrinks your world,
draws you inward.
Copy !req
218. And that's how it was for me
after we lost your brother.
Copy !req
219. I spent a lot more time in here
Copy !req
220. when I should have been there
for you and your mother.
Copy !req
221. I'll always regret that.
Copy !req
222. And I'm sorry.
Copy !req
223. But your mother...
Copy !req
224. grief turned her outward,
pushed her toward dangerous things.
Copy !req
225. She so desperately wanted answers,
Copy !req
226. she stopped caring about the lines
she had to cross to get them.
Copy !req
227. But she still wanted to help people.
Copy !req
228. And I wanted to help her, protect her.
Copy !req
229. That's all I cared about.
Copy !req
230. Not the magnifier. Not anything else.
Copy !req
231. But it wasn't enough.
Copy !req
232. I should have stopped them...
Copy !req
233. Judicial, when they came into our home.
Copy !req
234. I should have done something
besides bowing to their will.
Copy !req
235. When those agents crushed her machine,
they crushed her spirit.
Copy !req
236. And I tried to bring her back,
but she didn't wanna listen to me.
Copy !req
237. I gave up.
Copy !req
238. I failed her.
Copy !req
239. That's why I left you in Mechanical.
Copy !req
240. You're like your mom
in so many ways, Jules.
Copy !req
241. When you went down there, it wrecked me.
Copy !req
242. But I knew it was for the best,
even if it meant you'd hate me.
Copy !req
243. I knew that down there,
Copy !req
244. you could put your talent
into fixing real things in front of you
Copy !req
245. instead of chasing impossible answers
like your mother did.
Copy !req
246. And yet here I am.
Copy !req
247. Here you are.
Copy !req
248. And she blamed you, you know?
Copy !req
249. She thought you had reported her.
I did too.
Copy !req
250. I know. And I swear to you, I never. Ever.
Copy !req
251. No, I know.
Copy !req
252. Judicial, they were watching Mom
with sensors through the mirrors.
Copy !req
253. I found her file.
Copy !req
254. - What do you mean?
- They have their own cameras.
Copy !req
255. That's— And they listen,
not just with porters and other people,
Copy !req
256. they have devices.
Copy !req
257. That's how they knew about the magnifier.
Copy !req
258. That's how they know everything.
Copy !req
259. She never believed me.
Copy !req
260. I know.
Copy !req
261. I do.
Copy !req
262. Oh, Juliette.
Copy !req
263. I know. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
264. I still miss her so much.
Copy !req
265. I do too.
Copy !req
266. - Sorry to interrupt.
- It's okay.
Copy !req
267. Maintenance is here.
Copy !req
268. - What for?
- Something about checking the vents.
Copy !req
269. He's very insistent.
Copy !req
270. - Did you send for a work order?
- No.
Copy !req
271. - Did you?
- No.
Copy !req
272. Can you tell him to come back later?
Copy !req
273. Please.
Copy !req
274. Okay.
Copy !req
275. When we brought Gloria here, you said
you thought there were no listeners.
Copy !req
276. - Uh-huh.
- There are no cameras.
Copy !req
277. This maintenance guy,
he's here to put one in.
Copy !req
278. Right now, this is a dead spot for them.
Copy !req
279. - What's that?
- A hard drive.
Copy !req
280. - What's on it?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
281. I tried using your computer
to find out, but I couldn't open it.
Copy !req
282. It requires some authorization.
Copy !req
283. I'm gonna take it to Walk.
If anyone can get around it, she can.
Copy !req
284. Could you just—
Could you let her know I'll be coming?
Copy !req
285. I should be able to be there by 6:00.
Copy !req
286. Yeah. Jules, you be safe. Please.
Copy !req
287. Yeah, I will.
Copy !req
288. Okay.
Copy !req
289. ID. Next. ID.
Copy !req
290. Come on.
Copy !req
291. - ID. Bag check.
- Shit.
Copy !req
292. - What's going on?
- I should be asking you.
Copy !req
293. Can't you get them to speed this up?
Copy !req
294. If I'm late for my next job,
I'm late for every one after.
Copy !req
295. Yeah, sure, I'll look into it.
Copy !req
296. Hey, Jerry.
Copy !req
297. - Yes, sir?
- Could I trouble you for a cup of coffee?
Copy !req
298. Black. No sugar, no cream.
Copy !req
299. Right.
Copy !req
300. Thanks.
Copy !req
301. Also, could you do me a favor?
Copy !req
302. Let me use your radio a second.
Copy !req
303. - Mr. Sims, sir— I just—
- Just one call.
Copy !req
304. I just— I really think we need to wait,
Copy !req
305. you know, until someone gets back.
Copy !req
306. If that's all right.
Copy !req
307. Sheriff? Or Billings?
Copy !req
308. Yeah, you're right. I understand.
Copy !req
309. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
310. I won't hold it against you.
Copy !req
311. Hey, you.
Copy !req
312. - I missed her again, didn't I?
- I just put her down.
Copy !req
313. Busy day?
Copy !req
314. You have no idea.
Copy !req
315. Dinner's almost ready.
Copy !req
316. Are you okay?
Copy !req
317. - Sorry, I just—
- Don't be. I'll get it later.
Copy !req
318. The tremors have gotten worse
since you went upstairs.
Copy !req
319. I'm fine.
Copy !req
320. - This job is—
- It's not the job.
Copy !req
321. I like the job. I just—
Copy !req
322. She put me in a position today where I had
to choose between her and Sims.
Copy !req
323. - How is that even a choice?
- It's complicated.
Copy !req
324. People are saying she's laying
the groundwork for another rebellion.
Copy !req
325. - Where'd you hear that?
- Everyone's on edge.
Copy !req
326. Everything that's been happening,
all these deaths in a week.
Copy !req
327. - It's not normal.
- If you're worried about me—
Copy !req
328. I am.
Clearly, the stress is making it worse.
Copy !req
329. Honey, I'll be fine. I promise you.
Copy !req
330. Hello?
Copy !req
331. Hello? Is anyone around?
Copy !req
332. Hello?
Copy !req
333. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
334. - Hello?
- Walk?
Copy !req
335. What's going on?
Copy !req
336. - Have you seen Jules?
- Should I have?
Copy !req
337. She was supposed to be here an hour ago.
Copy !req
338. - Can you let me know if you see her?
- Will do.
Copy !req
339. Lukas Kyle?
Copy !req
340. Yes.
Copy !req
341. For you.
Copy !req
342. You see it?
Copy !req
343. I see a "W."
Copy !req
344. Hi. Get in.
Copy !req
345. - Were you followed?
- No.
Copy !req
346. In about five minutes,
Judicial raiders are gonna be here.
Copy !req
347. I've got three to talk.
Copy !req
348. Why are you—
Copy !req
349. They can hear us. Okay? Don't.
Copy !req
350. Okay, I don't understand what you're—
Copy !req
351. Look, I've got this.
Copy !req
352. - An old hard drive?
- Yeah, and I need to get into it,
Copy !req
353. but it requires some kind of authorization
I don't have.
Copy !req
354. Okay, what kind of authorization?
Copy !req
355. Sys— something.
Copy !req
356. - Sysop?
- Yeah. What's that?
Copy !req
357. That's, like, reserved
for the head of IT, Judicial security.
Copy !req
358. - That's not—
- And the sheriff?
Copy !req
359. - Yes.
- I tried it. It didn't work.
Copy !req
360. That's because you need to take it up
to your workplace computer.
Copy !req
361. No, I can't go there.
Copy !req
362. Is there any way
that you can work around it?
Copy !req
363. Please.
Copy !req
364. I think this drive holds
the answers to a lot of questions.
Copy !req
365. What kind of questions?
Copy !req
366. Like why Holston's wife went out to clean.
Copy !req
367. What happened to George.
Why Jahns and Marnes were killed.
Copy !req
368. - They were— I'm sorry, they were what?
- Yeah, they were murdered.
Copy !req
369. Why? And who's George?
Copy !req
370. He was a friend.
Copy !req
371. A friend?
Copy !req
372. - Well, that explains a lot.
- No, I don't have time for this.
Copy !req
373. - To use me? Clearly.
- Yeah. You know what?
Copy !req
374. Right now I'm using you
'cause I have no other choice.
Copy !req
375. And you should want to help me.
Copy !req
376. You're the one sitting
in the cafeteria every single night,
Copy !req
377. wondering what's out there.
Copy !req
378. What if the answers
to your questions are on this drive?
Copy !req
379. Well, I don't think
that I should be trying to open something
Copy !req
380. - that I'm not authorized to open.
- No, but I am.
Copy !req
381. Yes, Juliette,
but the rules apply to everyone.
Copy !req
382. What the fuck?
Copy !req
383. Look at this.
Copy !req
384. A sensor. A camera.
Copy !req
385. This is how they look at us.
This is how they control us.
Copy !req
386. - These are in our homes?
- These are everywhere.
Copy !req
387. And if we don't figure out the truth,
no one else will.
Copy !req
388. So, please help me.
Copy !req
389. - Please.
- I—
Copy !req
390. Even if I could, my mom—
Copy !req
391. - I'm the only one—
- Your mom?
Copy !req
392. Yes, I'm the only one
taking care of her right now.
Copy !req
393. - If something happens to me, I can't—
- It's—
Copy !req
394. Time's up.
Copy !req
395. You better leave too. For your mom's sake.
Copy !req
396. Juliette.
Copy !req
397. Fuck. Juliette.
Copy !req
398. Juliette Nichols. By Judicial
order, open the door immediately.
Copy !req
399. ID and bag, please.
Copy !req
400. - Bag was checked upstairs. I'm in a hurry.
- ID and bag, please.
Copy !req
401. Are you serious? Do you know who I am?
Copy !req
402. - Ma'am.
- This is my ID.
Copy !req
403. - Open your bag.
- Where is your supervisor?
Copy !req
404. - Are you fucking kidding me?
- Wherever they are, they won't be pleased.
Copy !req
405. This is your sheriff, and she's with me.
Copy !req
406. But—
Copy !req
407. Now you're questioning the mayor too?
Copy !req
408. You arrested Sims.
Now there's checkpoints.
Copy !req
409. - What the fuck is going on, Sheriff?
- You were right. Okay?
Copy !req
410. Judicial is planning a takeover,
but Meadows is not the one behind it.
Copy !req
411. - It's Sims.
- Can't be.
Copy !req
412. Robert is so by the book.
Copy !req
413. We can't talk here.
Copy !req
414. - I know a place. It's a bit of a walk.
- Okay.
Copy !req
415. Okay.
Copy !req
416. We're about as alone as we can get
in the Silo.
Copy !req
417. Walk me through it.
Copy !req
418. You think Sims
is secretly running Judicial?
Copy !req
419. Yeah. It's not the judge.
Copy !req
420. - Well, what does Sims want?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
421. Control the Silo? Cover up a crime?
Copy !req
422. I don't know.
Whatever it is, he wants me gone.
Copy !req
423. And after you, me.
Copy !req
424. I never wanted this fucking job.
Copy !req
425. What are they looking for?
Copy !req
426. What do you mean?
Copy !req
427. Well, they searched your apartment.
Now there's checkpoints everywhere.
Copy !req
428. What do you have that's so threatening?
Copy !req
429. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
430. The clock is running, Juliette.
There isn't much time left.
Copy !req
431. If you have the hard drive, then—
Copy !req
432. Fuck me.
Copy !req
433. I said, "hard drive."
Copy !req
434. How would I know that it's a hard drive?
Copy !req
435. Oops.
Copy !req
436. You. You're the one.
Copy !req
437. I'm sorry, Sheriff Nichols.
Did you just say you want to go outside?
Copy !req
438. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
439. I distinctly heard you say you want
to go outside.
Copy !req
440. - Robert, did you hear that?
- Sure did.
Copy !req
441. No.
Copy !req
442. That's two sheriffs in as many weeks.
Copy !req
443. What is it about being sheriff these days?
Copy !req
444. You're the one.
Meadows isn't afraid of him.
Copy !req
445. She's afraid of you.
Copy !req
446. Yeah.
Copy !req
447. The Founders knew someone
would have to make the hard decisions
Copy !req
448. to keep our Silo alive.
Copy !req
449. A person that possessed the knowledge,
the intelligence,
Copy !req
450. the information about everything
that happens here.
Copy !req
451. Lucky me.
Copy !req
452. Why would you kill all those people?
I don't understand.
Copy !req
453. Miss Nichols,
throughout our entire existence,
Copy !req
454. problems have arisen
that must be taken care of.
Copy !req
455. The needs of the many
require the sacrifices of the few.
Copy !req
456. For what?
Copy !req
457. For a hard drive
and some fucking heat tape?
Copy !req
458. This isn't about heat tape.
Copy !req
459. This is about survival.
Copy !req
460. And that hard drive threatens the lives
of everyone in this Silo.
Copy !req
461. And you are the greatest threat
to our home in 140 years.
Copy !req
462. Well, you were.
Copy !req
463. Where are her friends?
Copy !req
464. Her sister. Her aunt.
Copy !req
465. - You know why they're not—
- They're cowards.
Copy !req
466. That's not—
Copy !req
467. If she'd died of a heart attack,
they'd all be here.
Copy !req
468. I know it feels
like more should be done, but—
Copy !req
469. But nothing.
Copy !req
470. They're cowards.
Copy !req
471. So was she.
Copy !req
472. Jules.
Copy !req
473. Go on. Leave!
Copy !req
474. Leave! Leave, damn it! Leave!
Copy !req
475. I told you you'd regret arresting me.
Copy !req
476. You got this from Hank?
Copy !req
477. All of the sheriff's stations
got a message ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
478. No, it doesn't make any sense.
Look, she was on her way here.
Copy !req
479. - Who were the witnesses?
- The mayor.
Copy !req
480. Some Judicial raiders.
Copy !req
481. Yeah, let's believe them.
They never lied to us before.
Copy !req
482. I'm just telling you what I heard, Walk.
Copy !req
483. All right. You're right.
I'm sorry, Shirley. I'm just—
Copy !req
484. I know.
Copy !req
485. Knox said they'd eventually punish us
for the rebellion.
Copy !req
486. I always thought he was crazy.
Copy !req
487. So? What happens next?
Copy !req
488. Wait, Paul. Please, just listen to me.
Copy !req
489. - No. I'm done trying to make sense of you.
- I never— No, listen! You need—
Copy !req
490. You want me to enforce the Pact
when it suits you...
Copy !req
491. - No.
- ... and not to when it doesn't?
Copy !req
492. - I never said that I wanted to go out.
- I can't do that.
Copy !req
493. - I heard it.
- No.
Copy !req
494. - As did the mayor and my agents.
- No.
Copy !req
495. More than enough evidence,
I'd think, Sheriff Billings.
Copy !req
496. - I'm not sheriff until we finish—
- No. They're trying to set me up.
Copy !req
497. - Shut up!
- You're lying!
Copy !req
498. Hey! If you believe you were misheard,
you have the right to request a hearing.
Copy !req
499. - Do I? With who?
- Yes!
Copy !req
500. With Judicial? He's fucking Judicial!
Copy !req
501. I said shut up!
Copy !req
502. That was uncalled for, Robert!
Copy !req
503. I warned her.
Make sure you mention that in your report.
Copy !req
504. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
505. Hey.
Copy !req
506. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
507. Don't!
Copy !req