1. Why did you wanna hide this?
Copy !req
2. - Who is it?
- Porter.
Copy !req
3. Two secs.
Copy !req
4. Thanks.
Copy !req
5. I'm guessing he had his skull crushed in
with the butt of his own shotgun.
Copy !req
6. It couldn't have been easy.
Copy !req
7. Marnes was made of iron, anger and spite.
Copy !req
8. Who are you?
Copy !req
9. - This is Paul Billings. He's your—
- Oh.
Copy !req
10. That's the guy you wanted to be sheriff.
Copy !req
11. He's your new Chief Deputy.
Copy !req
12. The old one's not even cold.
Copy !req
13. Well, Marnes was right.
Someone really wanted him dead.
Copy !req
14. Do we have control of this?
Copy !req
15. - His door was open. A neighbor found him.
- Can we keep a lid on it?
Copy !req
16. We could try.
Copy !req
17. If we don't, we're fucked.
Copy !req
18. This could've all been avoided
if our new sheriff had posted someone
Copy !req
19. - to watch Marnes tonight.
- Your new sheriff offered, and he said no.
Copy !req
20. - So I heard. You should've ignored him.
- Oh, you heard, huh?
Copy !req
21. Yeah. I stopped by
and saw him and his bloody nose.
Copy !req
22. - Who gave him a bloody nose?
- One of his many fans.
Copy !req
23. It's the mortuary team.
Copy !req
24. All right, let's go to my office.
Copy !req
25. My new office.
Copy !req
26. Can you tell them to give me a minute?
Copy !req
27. One minute.
Copy !req
28. Hey, uh, you can go in.
Copy !req
29. I'm only gonna be mayor for a few months,
Copy !req
30. so I'm gonna try to drink as much
of Mayor Jahns's liquor as I can.
Copy !req
31. Hmm.
Copy !req
32. So...
Copy !req
33. What do we do?
Copy !req
34. Just keeping pumping the official line.
Copy !req
35. Two older people walked the Silo,
it was too much for them.
Copy !req
36. - See your doctor—
- No, we bury them together.
Copy !req
37. Sorry, what?
Copy !req
38. One funeral. One grave.
Conservation of resources.
Copy !req
39. Times like this, people don't
give a shit about conservation.
Copy !req
40. But...
Copy !req
41. - we could say they were in love.
- Were they?
Copy !req
42. The way they nagged
at each other, I always wondered.
Copy !req
43. Mmm. Doesn't matter, though.
Copy !req
44. I don't know if there's anything
in the Pact about a double funeral.
Copy !req
45. - Paul?
- For a married couple, but, um—
Copy !req
46. - The mayor can make an exception.
- Why would the mayor do that?
Copy !req
47. So it becomes the story, Rob.
Copy !req
48. A couple of old servants of the Silo,
enjoying a late bloom of love,
Copy !req
49. looking to spend
their golden years together,
Copy !req
50. only to have their lives
cut tragically short.
Copy !req
51. If they were in a relationship,
it was unsanctioned.
Copy !req
52. At their age, who gives a fuck?
Copy !req
53. And if people do care, it's even better.
Gets people talking about forbidden love.
Copy !req
54. Anything but murder.
Copy !req
55. We need a distraction.
Copy !req
56. It's a good idea, Sheriff.
Copy !req
57. For a distraction, the judge suggested
we offer a Forgiveness Holiday.
Copy !req
58. - It's good for morale.
- It's good for Judicial.
Copy !req
59. Now, let's push
the story that they were in love.
Copy !req
60. Then I am going to announce
a Race to the Top.
Copy !req
61. Say Mayor Jahns loved a good footrace.
Copy !req
62. Award the Jahns trophy to the victor.
Copy !req
63. People love an excuse
to drink beer and yell.
Copy !req
64. Jahns hated those races.
Copy !req
65. She always thought
they would get out of hand.
Copy !req
66. Hmm.
Copy !req
67. I'll let you two go. Get some sleep.
Copy !req
68. Sheriff, would you stay a minute?
Copy !req
69. You know, you're the reason
I stopped by to see Marnes last night.
Copy !req
70. I said we should make Paul sheriff now.
Copy !req
71. Marnes said to wait.
Copy !req
72. Not because he thought you'd succeed.
Copy !req
73. He figured you'd realize
you were in over your head
Copy !req
74. and slink back down
to Greasetown on your own.
Copy !req
75. All right. All right, that's enough.
Give it a rest, Rob.
Copy !req
76. You don't like it.
Copy !req
77. I'm installing Billings as Chief Deputy
without your say-so.
Copy !req
78. Have you read the Pact?
Copy !req
79. Yeah, some of it.
Copy !req
80. Start with the section on your department.
Copy !req
81. It doesn't explicitly say
that a sheriff should kiss Judicial's ass,
Copy !req
82. but it's pretty much
the subtext on every page.
Copy !req
83. Um...
Copy !req
84. This morning, I ran a program
Copy !req
85. to create a data set
of Silo residents under the age of 46.
Copy !req
86. A number I arrived at
by taking 40 and adding 6.
Copy !req
87. Forty being the amount of years
that Ruth Jahns served as mayor,
Copy !req
88. and six being the age
of basic societal awareness,
Copy !req
89. giving a total...
Copy !req
90. of 5,496 Silo residents
Copy !req
91. out of the current population of 10,112,
Copy !req
92. for whom Ruth Jahns
was the only mayor they ever knew.
Copy !req
93. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
94. Mayor Jahns was a trusted
and beloved leader
Copy !req
95. because she knew
the residents of the Silo,
Copy !req
96. and they knew her.
Copy !req
97. Thankfully, I am but an interim mayor
Copy !req
98. until someone can be elected
Copy !req
99. to fill Ruth Jahns's very large shoes.
Copy !req
100. Um, and not her literal shoes
because she—
Copy !req
101. Actually, her feet were rather small.
Copy !req
102. Hmm.
Copy !req
103. Uh, Sheriff.
Copy !req
104. Would you like to say a few words
about Deputy Marnes?
Copy !req
105. Um...
Copy !req
106. I honestly don't know
what to say about Marnes.
Copy !req
107. He and I didn't exactly, um, hit it off.
Copy !req
108. He, uh, he didn't want me as, um, sheriff.
Copy !req
109. I think he shared that
with a lot of people, I guess.
Copy !req
110. I didn't want the job at first.
Copy !req
111. But then I was told that if
the mayor asks you to serve,
Copy !req
112. you-you serve.
Copy !req
113. And here I am,
speaking at Marnes's burial,
Copy !req
114. in front of people
who knew him better than I did.
Copy !req
115. Sad people.
Copy !req
116. I'm not— I'm not sad.
Copy !req
117. I, um— I mean, it's—
it's sad that he died, of course.
Copy !req
118. But his—
His life, their lives, they, um—
Copy !req
119. they're worth celebrating.
Copy !req
120. They dedicated their lives to the Silo,
like we all do every day.
Copy !req
121. Like everyone does,
from the Up Top to the Down Deep.
Copy !req
122. Hear us, oh, Founders.
Copy !req
123. Ruth Jahns and Samuel Marnes
served your Silo with their spirit,
Copy !req
124. and now will serve with their flesh.
Copy !req
125. Death into life.
Copy !req
126. Circle without end.
Copy !req
127. Hank?
Copy !req
128. - Jules.
- Hey.
Copy !req
129. - Hey.
- What are you doing here?
Copy !req
130. Oh, I, uh— I got an invite to the burial.
Copy !req
131. Really? I didn't see you there.
Copy !req
132. Yeah. Um, funerals aren't really my thing.
Copy !req
133. Yeah, they're not really anyone's thing.
Copy !req
134. I'll pay my respects heading back down.
Copy !req
135. Walk said that, uh,
Copy !req
136. you found somebody
to help with the George stuff?
Copy !req
137. Yeah, we buried him today.
Copy !req
138. - Marnes?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
139. Shit.
Copy !req
140. Hey. Are, um—
those supposed to be for me?
Copy !req
141. - Oh, yeah.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
142. Look, you can't send a guy up 144 levels
with a tin of hush puppies
Copy !req
143. - and not expect him to eat a couple.
- There's one left.
Copy !req
144. - I'm a big guy.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
145. - How are you?
- Good. Yeah, I'm okay.
Copy !req
146. Walk sent you, didn't she?
Copy !req
147. Yeah, and Shirley.
Copy !req
148. Yeah. 'Cause they're worried about me?
Copy !req
149. Jules,
everybody's worried about everything.
Copy !req
150. On the way up,
I said hey to my cousin on 72,
Copy !req
151. and he asked if, um,
it's safe for his kids to go to school.
Copy !req
152. - It's a dangerous time in the Silo and—
- And you're wondering if I can do this.
Copy !req
153. No, that's not what I'm saying.
Copy !req
154. - It's what it sounds like.
- Hey, would you listen to me?
Copy !req
155. I know you can do anything
you put your mind to.
Copy !req
156. But I also know
that none of us can do any of this alone.
Copy !req
157. Now, look, I've never won
Deputy of the Year or nothing,
Copy !req
158. but if you need anything,
Copy !req
159. I'm just a tin of hush puppies away.
Copy !req
160. Deputy.
Copy !req
161. Sheriff.
Copy !req
162. - Hey, Hank.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
163. I don't like you.
Copy !req
164. - I got that.
- You're not qualified to be sheriff.
Copy !req
165. Can't disagree. Anything else?
Copy !req
166. Holston Becker was
the best sheriff this Silo's ever seen.
Copy !req
167. Marnes told me that something happened
between you two,
Copy !req
168. and that's why Holston went out to clean.
Copy !req
169. Hmm. Well, Marnes was wrong.
Copy !req
170. You took this job to find out
who killed George Wilkins.
Copy !req
171. When Wilkins died,
the Down Deep deputy sent a message.
Copy !req
172. Said an engineer named Nichols
claimed Wilkins was murdered.
Copy !req
173. Now the first thing you do when you
get up here is ask for Wilkins' file.
Copy !req
174. Here's the deal.
Everything in this office goes through me.
Copy !req
175. Yeah, you wanna get anything done,
Copy !req
176. whether it's find out who killed Wilkins
or get a new pencil,
Copy !req
177. you're gonna do what I want.
Copy !req
178. What's that?
Copy !req
179. Find out who killed Marnes.
Copy !req
180. Right. That's my job, so...
Copy !req
181. I don't mean just going along
with whatever patsy Judicial serves up.
Copy !req
182. - I mean, find out who really did it.
- Why would Judicial serve up a patsy?
Copy !req
183. Because Judge Meadows
doesn't give a shit about the truth.
Copy !req
184. No, the only thing she cares about
is maintaining order.
Copy !req
185. And when a mayor
and a deputy get murdered,
Copy !req
186. things could get disorderly fast.
Copy !req
187. No, they're gonna wanna find
the nearest warm body to pin it on.
Copy !req
188. Expect you to go along with it,
Copy !req
189. so you can keep the shiny badge
and the nice apartment.
Copy !req
190. But that would be a mistake on your part,
Copy !req
191. because they also wanna get you out
and Billings in.
Copy !req
192. Isn't that what you want?
Copy !req
193. Honestly, I may want you
to find out who killed Marnes,
Copy !req
194. but Marnes, he wouldn't give a shit.
Copy !req
195. He just wouldn't want
Judicial sending some poor bastard
Copy !req
196. out to clean that doesn't deserve it.
Copy !req
197. I'll be back after lunch.
Copy !req
198. Where are you going?
Copy !req
199. I'm gonna try and figure out
who killed Marnes.
Copy !req
200. Well, you should take
Deputy Billings with you.
Copy !req
201. He knows the Pact, and you don't.
Copy !req
202. If you get this wrong,
even if you get who did it,
Copy !req
203. Judicial will throw it out.
Copy !req
204. Let's go.
Copy !req
205. Hey.
Copy !req
206. You Charles Martin?
Copy !req
207. What if I am?
Copy !req
208. You rob a string of apartments
15 years ago?
Copy !req
209. I did my time.
Copy !req
210. We just wanna know
where you were last night.
Copy !req
211. - You asking if I killed Marnes?
- Didn't say anything about—
Copy !req
212. Don't tell me he died naturally.
Copy !req
213. If Marnes just had a heart attack,
then life really sucks.
Copy !req
214. But it wasn't me.
Copy !req
215. I've been down on 62, getting tests.
Copy !req
216. Okay.
Copy !req
217. Thank you.
Copy !req
218. Even if he wasn't in the hospital,
Copy !req
219. I'm sure he wouldn't have
been a match for Marnes.
Copy !req
220. You saw his hand? He's got the Syndrome.
Copy !req
221. Where next?
Copy !req
222. - What?
- Where— Where do you live?
Copy !req
223. - A couple levels down.
- Okay. Why don't you go home for lunch?
Copy !req
224. I'm sure your wife and your daughter
would love to see you.
Copy !req
225. It's only 11:00.
Copy !req
226. I know. It's just...
Copy !req
227. it's been a lot, and, um, I need a moment.
Copy !req
228. I'm gonna grab a sandwich, read the Pact.
I hear great things about it.
Copy !req
229. I'll be back in the office by 1:00.
Copy !req
230. I stopped by and saw him
and his bloody nose.
Copy !req
231. Who gave him a bloody nose?
Copy !req
232. One of his many fans.
Copy !req
233. Patrick, we all knew she was headed
for the farm the minute she met you.
Copy !req
234. Patrick Kennedy, it's the sheriff.
Can you open up?
Copy !req
235. Who are you looking for?
Copy !req
236. Patrick Kennedy.
Copy !req
237. He's not here.
Copy !req
238. "... serious violations,
Copy !req
239. both of which
will be initially investigated
Copy !req
240. by the Department of the Sheriff, being
reported to Judicial within one hour."
Copy !req
241. Read the part about accountability.
Copy !req
242. - Yes?
- It's Paul Billings.
Copy !req
243. Come in, Paul.
Copy !req
244. Paul, you know Doug Trumbull.
Copy !req
245. - Of course.
- Doug's a candidate to be my shadow.
Copy !req
246. We'll get to the rest of this later.
Copy !req
247. Doug Trumbull? Your shadow?
Copy !req
248. I only said he's a candidate.
Copy !req
249. He asked if he could be considered.
I didn't have the heart to say no.
Copy !req
250. Besides, it's always good
to have an excuse to read the Pact.
Copy !req
251. Our new sheriff okay with you coming back
to Judicial your first day on the job?
Copy !req
252. She thinks I went home for lunch.
Copy !req
253. What can I do for you?
Copy !req
254. - Hey, Kennedy.
- Hey, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
255. Maintenance said
this is where I'd find you.
Copy !req
256. Mmm.
I was sad to hear about Deputy Marnes.
Copy !req
257. I'm kidding. I was fucking giddy.
Copy !req
258. Yesterday you said there were two reasons
why we were stupid
Copy !req
259. for wanting to talk to your wife.
Copy !req
260. First was, she's dead.
Uh, what's the second one?
Copy !req
261. You know what, I'm a little confused.
Are you arresting me?
Copy !req
262. - Nope.
- Then what are you doing?
Copy !req
263. I'm putting you somewhere safe.
Copy !req
264. - Hey, Sandy.
- Hi.
Copy !req
265. - How's it going?
- Slowly.
Copy !req
266. As much as I revere that thing,
if I can't sleep,
Copy !req
267. - I read a couple pages and I'm out.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
268. - How was lunch?
- Can I sit?
Copy !req
269. I didn't go home. I went to Judicial.
Copy !req
270. Oh, wow. Reporting to Sims already?
Copy !req
271. I didn't know
I'd fucked up that badly yet.
Copy !req
272. I know it's gonna take a lot
to earn your trust,
Copy !req
273. and this might not be the best first step.
Copy !req
274. But I wanted to see
how their investigation was going.
Copy !req
275. Judicial has its own investigation?
Copy !req
276. They get level rep reports first.
Copy !req
277. And they get reports from people
who don't officially exist.
Copy !req
278. Right, listeners.
Copy !req
279. Not what we call them, but yeah.
Copy !req
280. - What do you call them?
- Friends of the Silo.
Copy !req
281. Hmm.
Copy !req
282. None of what they say
is admissible in court.
Copy !req
283. But...
Copy !req
284. They can provide suggestions.
Copy !req
285. - Wow, you look in pain just saying that.
- It's not in the Pact, so I don't like it.
Copy !req
286. Hmm. Who are the friends suggesting?
Copy !req
287. Ralf Melby.
Copy !req
288. He works down in Paper, first shift.
Copy !req
289. He could've made it to the Mids
to poison their water,
Copy !req
290. he could've made it up last night
to get Marnes.
Copy !req
291. "Gambler, thief, two minor assaults."
Why— Why now?
Copy !req
292. Have to ask him.
Copy !req
293. Hey, Sandy,
can you get me an arrest warrant?
Copy !req
294. - For who?
- Patrick Kennedy.
Copy !req
295. - What? No. Ralf Melby.
- Kennedy first.
Copy !req
296. And then can you call me
on the radio once you have it?
Copy !req
297. - Where are you going?
- You got messages. Um. Hey.
Copy !req
298. Hey.
Copy !req
299. Nichols, can you just stop?
Copy !req
300. - Hey.
- I don't have time for messages—
Copy !req
301. I don't have any fucking messages.
I just— I need to know what's going on.
Copy !req
302. Billings went to his friends in Judicial
and came back with a name. Ralf Melby.
Copy !req
303. They want me to waste my time
arresting Melby
Copy !req
304. while they get their patsy.
Copy !req
305. - Patrick Kennedy.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
306. That's gonna make me look incompetent,
Copy !req
307. they'll send me back to Mechanical,
and Billings gets the badge.
Copy !req
308. You sure they're setting up Kennedy?
Copy !req
309. I know a search is gonna turn up
rat poison
Copy !req
310. and a drawing from Marnes's wall.
Copy !req
311. How do you know that?
Copy !req
312. If he's their patsy,
you requesting an arrest warrant
Copy !req
313. means Judicial's gonna send a goon
to get him right away.
Copy !req
314. That's why I'm going.
Copy !req
315. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Copy !req
316. All the best to competitors.
Copy !req
317. Judicial. Open up.
Copy !req
318. Looking for Patrick Kennedy?
Copy !req
319. Yeah, it took a while for Housing
to find out his wife died last year.
Copy !req
320. They moved him to a single, like,
six months ago
Copy !req
321. and moved an older couple in here.
Copy !req
322. Maybe that's why Judicial's database
still has this down as his place.
Copy !req
323. I don't know.
Copy !req
324. I only know this 'cause Marnes and I
came here yesterday.
Copy !req
325. I guess everyone makes mistakes, right?
Copy !req
326. Yours was planting evidence
in the wrong apartment.
Copy !req
327. Hey!
Copy !req
328. Watch it!
Copy !req
329. Go! Get out—
Copy !req
330. - What are you doing? Asshole.
- Hey! What the fuck?
Copy !req
331. Mommy, look.
Copy !req
332. - There's someone up there.
- Watch out!
Copy !req
333. Somebody help her!
Copy !req
334. - Somebody help her!
- Hey, somebody help her!
Copy !req
335. Go.
Copy !req
336. I think I know who it was
you were chasing.
Copy !req
337. Doug Trumbull, Judicial Security.
I'll get an arrest warrant.
Copy !req
338. I wish you waited for me to come with you.
Copy !req
339. Well, I was just gonna
check out Kennedy's apartment.
Copy !req
340. I didn't think someone was gonna try
and throw me over the rail.
Copy !req
341. Hey, what apartment number
did you have for Kennedy?
Copy !req
342. 2215, why?
Copy !req
343. I think maybe Kennedy didn't have
anything to do with this.
Copy !req
344. Douglas. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
345. - I followed you once.
- Ah, that shows initiative.
Copy !req
346. Skill.
Copy !req
347. And a very troubling insubordination.
Copy !req
348. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
349. Do you have any idea
what's behind this door?
Copy !req
350. - No, sir.
- Good.
Copy !req
351. If I choose you to shadow me,
you will know.
Copy !req
352. What happened to your hand?
Copy !req
353. - You have the note?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
354. Good. I think there's still a way
to make this work.
Copy !req
355. - How?
- Let me figure that out.
Copy !req
356. This is my favorite time.
Copy !req
357. So quiet, so still.
Copy !req
358. Now, Douglas, that door I came out of,
Copy !req
359. first time I saw it,
my father showed it to me.
Copy !req
360. He was a janitor.
Copy !req
361. People looked down on him. On our family.
Copy !req
362. We all know the philosophy of the Pact.
Copy !req
363. Everyone contributes
to the survival of the Silo.
Copy !req
364. But a janitor's still a janitor.
Copy !req
365. And I was just a janitor's boy.
Copy !req
366. My mother treated my father
like he was nothing,
Copy !req
367. and he said nothing in return.
Copy !req
368. When I was 14, I got into a conflict
with one of my classmates.
Copy !req
369. Richard Elliot. Ah, he tormented me.
Copy !req
370. My father found out,
Copy !req
371. and I was terrified he was gonna try to do
something about it and only make it worse.
Copy !req
372. But he didn't.
Copy !req
373. Part of me was disappointed.
Copy !req
374. Then one day, I get to school
Copy !req
375. and Richard Elliot's crying.
Copy !req
376. Seems his father's been reassigned
to a job on 125, and they have to move.
Copy !req
377. Just like that, my problem went away.
Copy !req
378. I was wondering if...
Copy !req
379. if maybe my dad
had something to do with it.
Copy !req
380. But he was just a janitor. Right?
Copy !req
381. Then, one morning, he says to me,
Copy !req
382. "Any more problems with that bully?"
Copy !req
383. I just looked at him.
It was something in the way he said it.
Copy !req
384. I just looked at him and asked, "How?"
Copy !req
385. He said he wanted to show me something.
He took me to that door.
Copy !req
386. He said if I wanted to shadow him,
Copy !req
387. I would have to make a decision
that would change my life forever.
Copy !req
388. If I went through that door,
Copy !req
389. I could never tell anyone
what was on the other side.
Copy !req
390. Not my friends, not my family,
not my wife.
Copy !req
391. They might think that I was nothing
more than a bookkeeper, or a clerk,
Copy !req
392. or a janitor.
Copy !req
393. But I would know the truth.
Copy !req
394. That the people behind that door
Copy !req
395. do the most important work of the Silo.
Copy !req
396. Work that keeps 10,000 people alive.
Copy !req
397. You fucked up, Doug.
Copy !req
398. Twice. Very badly.
Copy !req
399. - You fucked up with George Wilkins...
- You know what happened?
Copy !req
400. and you fucked up with Patrick Kennedy.
Copy !req
401. But I've fucked up worse. Many times.
Copy !req
402. We're human beings doing the best we can.
Copy !req
403. What I'm looking for in a shadow
is drive and dedication.
Copy !req
404. I've made my decision.
Copy !req
405. Douglas Trumbull, do you, of clear mind
and conscience, pledge to be my shadow?
Copy !req
406. Yes.
Copy !req
407. Are you willing to do anything to serve
and protect the people of the Silo?
Copy !req
408. Yes.
Copy !req
409. Are you willing
to give everything you have
Copy !req
410. to serve and protect
the people of the Silo?
Copy !req
411. Yes.
Copy !req
412. Good.
Copy !req
413. No!
Copy !req
414. Douglas Trumbull
killed Mayor Jahns and Deputy Marnes,
Copy !req
415. and he wanted to frame Patrick Kennedy
for the murders.
Copy !req
416. His intent wasn't only to, uh,
frame Kennedy,
Copy !req
417. but to kill him
and make it look like suicide.
Copy !req
418. So when I confronted Trumbull
Copy !req
419. about planting evidence in an apartment
no longer occupied by Kennedy, he ran.
Copy !req
420. Last night,
knowing his arrest was inevitable,
Copy !req
421. Trumbull took his own life.
Copy !req
422. There's a— There's a note in there
that we, uh, found in his pocket.
Copy !req
423. We think he was gonna plant it on Kennedy.
Strangely, it kinda works for him too.
Copy !req
424. We, um, we don't know—
Copy !req
425. Why.
Copy !req
426. You don't know why
a seven-year employee of Judicial
Copy !req
427. would want to murder the mayor and Marnes.
Copy !req
428. Well, no, but we—
Copy !req
429. I didn't work closely with Trumbull,
but I saw no sign of it.
Copy !req
430. Mr. Sims, did you see any indication?
Copy !req
431. I mean, Marnes was deputy in the Mids back
in the day when Trumbull was growing up.
Copy !req
432. Maybe— Maybe they had some
rough encounters back then.
Copy !req
433. I don't know. We're gonna look into it.
Copy !req
434. Don't spend any more time on him.
Copy !req
435. We have the killer of Mayor Jahns
and Deputy Marnes, and...
Copy !req
436. he's dead.
Copy !req
437. This should quell the rumors
and conspiracy theories.
Copy !req
438. Indeed.
Copy !req
439. - Thank you.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
440. I'll take the rat poison to the farms,
you take the rest to the office?
Copy !req
441. Yep.
Copy !req
442. You already knew that the drawing
and the rat poison
Copy !req
443. were in the apartment before we looked.
Copy !req
444. - Mm-hmm.
- When did you go in?
Copy !req
445. When you were talking
to your Judicial friends.
Copy !req
446. - How'd you get in?
- I learned some things in Mechanical.
Copy !req
447. You clearly
didn't read the section of the Pact
Copy !req
448. - about illegal search and seizure.
- No, I did.
Copy !req
449. Why didn't you tell me
what you were doing?
Copy !req
450. - 'Cause I didn't trust you.
- Do you now?
Copy !req
451. Yeah. Sure. As much as you trust me.
Copy !req
452. So you don't worry what happened
to me tomorrow, I've been reassigned.
Copy !req
453. - What?
- To the station on 105.
Copy !req
454. Why?
Copy !req
455. I requested it.
Copy !req
456. 'Cause of me?
Copy !req
457. No, I've got family down there.
Copy !req
458. Wait, so when—
when you said if I wanted your help,
Copy !req
459. I had to find out who killed Marnes.
Copy !req
460. Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't think
you'd be able to do that, really.
Copy !req
461. Any chance you'd change your mind?
Copy !req
462. No, I've had enough of the Up Top.
Copy !req
463. You know,
there are a few things I'll miss,
Copy !req
464. but I won't miss the feeling
I'm being watched.
Copy !req
465. By who?
Copy !req
466. I don't know by who.
Copy !req
467. Or how.
Copy !req
468. Hey. You know, when I got here, you said
you didn't know what Down Deepers ate.
Copy !req
469. You got family on 105?
Copy !req
470. That's lower Mids, not Down Deep.
Copy !req
471. - Right.
- Our kind don't eat babies.
Copy !req
472. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
473. You did a good thing.
Copy !req
474. I mean, Patrick Kennedy's an awful
human being but he didn't deserve to die.
Copy !req
475. - Not for something he didn't do.
- I'm just happy that I didn't—
Copy !req
476. Don't make a big deal out of it.
I still don't like you.
Copy !req
477. Sheriff.
Copy !req
478. Can I pour you a drink?
Copy !req
479. I'm going through Mayor Jahns's collection
pretty fast.
Copy !req
480. - No, I'm good. Thanks.
- You sure?
Copy !req
481. - Yeah.
- Have a seat.
Copy !req
482. Now, as much as I hate to give Sims
the satisfaction,
Copy !req
483. I think he may have been right.
Copy !req
484. The Race to the Top was a good tonic,
Copy !req
485. but what we really need
is a Forgiveness Holiday.
Copy !req
486. People go a little wild when we have one,
Copy !req
487. so I'm gonna need you
and your deputies everywhere.
Copy !req
488. Okay.
Copy !req
489. That's not the only thing
I wanted to discuss.
Copy !req
490. I wanted to say that I was wrong
about you.
Copy !req
491. I didn't see why Holston would want you
to be sheriff, but now I think I do.
Copy !req
492. So, for as long as I'm mayor,
Copy !req
493. which I sincerely hope won't be
for more than a few months,
Copy !req
494. I wanna help you in any way I can.
Copy !req
495. Is there anything you need now?
Copy !req
496. - Two days off.
- You've been sheriff for a minute?
Copy !req
497. I need to get back down to Mechanical.
Copy !req
498. I didn't think I'd last
so, I didn't pack much, so...
Copy !req
499. We have porters that can do that.
Copy !req
500. I'd like to say goodbyes
and stuff, you know?
Copy !req
501. All right. We'll see you in a couple days.
Copy !req
502. Thanks.
Copy !req
503. Hey.
Copy !req
504. Hey.
Copy !req
505. What are you working on?
Copy !req
506. You wanna come see?
Copy !req
507. So, when it's clear at night,
there are these lights in the sky.
Copy !req
508. Hmm. What are they?
Copy !req
509. I have no idea.
Copy !req
510. But I've been watching them long enough
to see these patterns.
Copy !req
511. They repeat, like they're, uh,
like they're traveling in this big circle.
Copy !req
512. Here.
Copy !req
513. Here.
Copy !req
514. You see it?
Copy !req
515. I see a "W".
Copy !req
516. - Never noticed that before.
- Yeah, well, now you have.
Copy !req
517. I'll just add it to the list of
things we don't know anything about.
Copy !req
518. Did you know there are lights
in the sky at night?
Copy !req
519. How do you mean?
Copy !req
520. Well, the display in the Up Top cafeteria
is better than ours.
Copy !req
521. - What a surprise.
- There are lights in the night sky.
Copy !req
522. Yeah, what are they?
Copy !req
523. I thought maybe you'd know.
Copy !req
524. You know, Hank ate all
but one of the hush puppies you sent.
Copy !req
525. Hmm? I kinda thought he'd eat 'em all.
Copy !req
526. He's a big guy.
Copy !req
527. How old is this?
Copy !req
528. What day is it?
Copy !req
529. So, how's it going in that fancy new job
of yours up there?
Copy !req
530. - Fine.
- Fine? Really?
Copy !req
531. - Mm-hmm.
- You know, Tommy Marshall
Copy !req
532. was working on a ventilation fan
at the foot of the stairs.
Copy !req
533. This missed his head by an inch.
Copy !req
534. People saw you hanging from the rails.
Copy !req
535. Jules, you don't think that kind of story
gets around? What the fuck is going on?
Copy !req
536. - I can't tell you.
- You can't tell me—
Copy !req
537. No, I can't.
Copy !req
538. Goddamn it.
This isn't supposed to be the deal.
Copy !req
539. We're supposed to go about our business,
keeping the Silo humming,
Copy !req
540. and they're not supposed to do things
like murder people.
Copy !req
541. Bodies start falling,
people start asking questions.
Copy !req
542. Pretty soon, asking questions turns
into demanding answers,
Copy !req
543. - and if folks don't like the answers—
- Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
544. You're talking about rebellion?
I'm right here. I'm sheriff.
Copy !req
545. Ridiculous.
Copy !req
546. Anyway, did you find
that hard drive you were looking for?
Copy !req
547. No, not yet. Holston hid a file on George,
Copy !req
548. but there was nothing in it
that I didn't already know.
Copy !req
549. Did you make headway
with the thing I left you?
Copy !req
550. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
551. So, I recognized the type of lens
Copy !req
552. from those cameras they use
to make pictures for ID's.
Copy !req
553. But those are very simple.
This— This is not simple.
Copy !req
554. Take a look.
Copy !req
555. This help you?
Copy !req
556. No. You got anything more powerful?
Copy !req
557. Like the thing your mother made?
Lining up two lenses?
Copy !req
558. Yeah, like we used on the rabbit.
Copy !req
559. Yeah, and Judicial destroyed it.
Do you know why Judicial destroyed it?
Copy !req
560. - No.
- Have you read the Pact?
Copy !req
561. No, and you're, like,
the tenth person to ask me that.
Copy !req
562. Well, this is the real reason
why I wanted you to come down.
Copy !req
563. For me, there are two big mysteries
about the Pact.
Copy !req
564. One.
Copy !req
565. They stipulate that we can't mechanize
the way we go up and down in the Silo.
Copy !req
566. - Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- No lifts, no pulleys.
Copy !req
567. Two.
No magnification beyond a certain power.
Copy !req
568. So, a relic like this is gonna get you
more than a slap on the wrist.
Copy !req
569. Something with wiring this small,
Copy !req
570. the effect is gonna be
a lot more dramatic.
Copy !req
571. And from what you're not telling me,
seems to me there's a long list of people
Copy !req
572. who've died recently
under questionable circumstances.
Copy !req
573. What's to stop you being
the next one on the list?
Copy !req
574. I'll be careful.
Copy !req
575. Put the badge in an envelope,
give it to a porter.
Copy !req
576. I need to find out what happened.
Copy !req
577. Two days ago, Bernard wanted nothing
more than to send me out to clean
Copy !req
578. for snagging two boxes
of shitty heat tape.
Copy !req
579. I solve two murders, and he can't wait
to work with me. They trust me, Walk.
Copy !req
580. I need to open up an investigation
Copy !req
581. that allows me to look into
what happened to George.
Copy !req
582. And how are you gonna do that
without tipping them off?
Copy !req
583. I gotta use the right bait.
Copy !req