1. We do not know why we are here.
Copy !req
2. We do not know
who built the Silo.
Copy !req
3. We do not know why everything
outside the Silo is as it is.
Copy !req
4. Good morning, Sheriff.
Copy !req
5. Hey, Sam. You awake yet?
Copy !req
6. I'm about halfway there.
Copy !req
7. We do not know when it
will be safe to go outside.
Copy !req
8. We only know that day...
Copy !req
9. is not this day.
Copy !req
10. Hey.
Copy !req
11. You're in early.
Copy !req
12. Yeah, I couldn't sleep.
Got the damn leg cramps.
Copy !req
13. When you get your coffee,
meet me in holding 3.
Copy !req
14. Three?
Copy !req
15. You want some coffee?
Copy !req
16. What are you doing?
Copy !req
17. I wanna see her.
Copy !req
18. No, Sheriff.
Copy !req
19. I should've done it three
years ago. But I couldn't listen.
Copy !req
20. Hey. Stop.
Copy !req
21. Come on out of there.
Let's talk about this.
Copy !req
22. I made up my mind,
or I wouldn't be in here.
Copy !req
23. I'm sorry, Sam.
Copy !req
24. You're gonna say this to me
after all we've been through?
Copy !req
25. Want me to wait
till Sandy gets in?
Copy !req
26. I don't want you to say it.
Copy !req
27. Please, Sheriff. Don't say it.
Copy !req
28. - Deputy Marnes...
- Please, Sheriff.
Copy !req
29. I wanna go out.
Copy !req
30. While you get things rolling,
I think I'm gonna lie down.
Copy !req
31. Are you getting coffee?
Copy !req
32. I am, I am!
Copy !req
33. Okay. I'll take milk, please.
Actually, no milk. I don't... I don't...
Copy !req
34. I don't need any milk. No.
Copy !req
35. - Come on. It's almost 8:00.
- Okay.
Copy !req
36. - Please.
- Okay, coming.
Copy !req
37. Thanks.
Copy !req
38. I don't know why
we're doing this.
Copy !req
39. We're not gonna get
it. We had two tries.
Copy !req
40. I can't believe it.
Copy !req
41. Third time's a charm.
Copy !req
42. You're just excited
to have sex every day.
Copy !req
43. Hey, you could be
pregnant a month from now.
Copy !req
44. Please let it be more than that.
Copy !req
45. You know I love
you no matter what.
Copy !req
46. Shut up. We're
doing this. Let's go.
Copy !req
47. Allie, his office doesn't
open for an hour.
Copy !req
48. Yeah. Well, we can
get some breakfast.
Copy !req
49. We can talk about baby names.
Copy !req
50. Which will be me just humoring
you, because obviously,
Copy !req
51. if I'm giving birth
to this little critter,
Copy !req
52. I'm naming it
whatever the hell I want.
Copy !req
53. Okay.
Copy !req
54. - Good luck.
- Oh, thanks.
Copy !req
55. - Congratulations.
- Yeah. Thank you.
Copy !req
56. Thanks.
Copy !req
57. Hi.
Copy !req
58. Oh, hi. Congrats.
Copy !req
59. Hi.
Copy !req
60. I really hate this part.
Copy !req
61. People are just happy for us.
Copy !req
62. Oh, I just wish
everyone didn't know.
Copy !req
63. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
64. Sheriff, Mrs. Becker.
Copy !req
65. I... I don't mean to intrude.
Copy !req
66. So don't.
Copy !req
67. There's your famous
tell-it-like-it-is manner.
Copy !req
68. Why everyone likes you.
Copy !req
69. If everyone likes me,
I'm not doing my job.
Copy !req
70. Mrs. Becker, your husband might
not be interested in what I have to say...
Copy !req
71. What I'd be really interested in
Copy !req
72. - is you leaving us alone, Gloria.
- Holston.
Copy !req
73. But whatever our
sheriff may have told you,
Copy !req
74. I provide fertility
Copy !req
75. Oh, yeah? Like what?
Copy !req
76. Your husband's waiting
for me to say something
Copy !req
77. I'm not legally allowed to say.
Copy !req
78. - Such as?
- Clever.
Copy !req
79. I have no desire to be
sent out. Thank you, Sheriff.
Copy !req
80. Mrs. Becker, if you have
an open mind, come see me.
Copy !req
81. I wish you both the very best.
Copy !req
82. What does she do exactly?
Copy !req
83. She goes right to the edge
of promising people a baby
Copy !req
84. if they do what she says,
which is fraud. And it's cruel.
Copy !req
85. I'll let that go numb.
Copy !req
86. Now, after I remove the birth
control, it'll take two to three weeks
Copy !req
87. for your hormones to reset.
Copy !req
88. Now, that said, some
couples do become pregnant
Copy !req
89. within days of
getting clearance.
Copy !req
90. But then, you know all this.
Copy !req
91. Is this your, uh...
your second time?
Copy !req
92. - Third.
- And last.
Copy !req
93. I'm almost thirty-eigh... eight.
Copy !req
94. Can you feel this?
Copy !req
95. Just pressure.
Copy !req
96. Well, even though you're
numb, it's still gonna feel weird.
Copy !req
97. We make sure the capsule's
implanted quite deep
Copy !req
98. so it never gives
you any trouble.
Copy !req
99. But not for long, as I am done.
Copy !req
100. And there it is.
Copy !req
101. You are no longer
under birth control.
Copy !req
102. You are now free to make a baby.
Copy !req
103. Thank you, Mrs. Flores.
Copy !req
104. I swear if one more
person congratulates us...
Copy !req
105. Impregnate me. Now.
Copy !req
106. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
107. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.
- Mmm. What?
Copy !req
108. Remember last time?
Copy !req
109. At some point, this is
gonna start feeling like work.
Copy !req
110. Best work ever.
Copy !req
111. We tried, like, four times
before we finally got clearance,
Copy !req
112. so now's your time.
Copy !req
113. Yeah, let's hope.
Copy !req
114. My cousin Charlene,
Copy !req
115. she convinced her husband
he had to dye his unit blue.
Copy !req
116. Did it work?
Copy !req
117. They got pregnant.
Copy !req
118. But I'm sure his blue dick
had nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
119. She was just fucking with him.
Gives you a clue to that marriage.
Copy !req
120. - Hello, Bernard.
- Morning, Bernard.
Copy !req
121. Karen. Allison.
Copy !req
122. I see you posted an article
Copy !req
123. on our BBS about
recovering deleted files.
Copy !req
124. - I did.
- You do know you need to get my approval
Copy !req
125. for any IT-related content
before it goes wide.
Copy !req
126. Well, I figured we could
cut down on service calls
Copy !req
127. if people could handle
some things on their own.
Copy !req
128. Hmm. I took it down. Your post.
Copy !req
129. I have no doubt your
intentions were good,
Copy !req
130. but our reporting structure
is there for a reason.
Copy !req
131. - Got it.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
132. Fucking asshole.
Copy !req
133. Did you know you
were breaking the rules?
Copy !req
134. No. Maybe. Kind of.
Copy !req
135. There's too many rules.
Copy !req
136. Well, you wanted to work in IT.
Copy !req
137. It's not just IT.
It's everywhere.
Copy !req
138. We blame the rebels for
erasing our history, right?
Copy !req
139. Yes.
Copy !req
140. So why can't we ask
questions about that stuff?
Copy !req
141. And if losing our history is so bad,
why can some goons from Judicial
Copy !req
142. send you down to the mines
Copy !req
143. if you happen to have a
relic from the before times?
Copy !req
144. Allison.
Copy !req
145. Really?
Copy !req
146. You're gonna use your
sheriff voice with me?
Copy !req
147. Honey, the Pact is the
only history we have.
Copy !req
148. What if a bunch of rule-breakers
decide they wanna see for themselves
Copy !req
149. what it's like aboveground?
Copy !req
150. They somehow manage to
open that door, we are done.
Copy !req
151. Part of my job is making
sure that doesn't happen.
Copy !req
152. I got my period.
Copy !req
153. I know, I know.
We still have time.
Copy !req
154. What are you so afraid of?
Copy !req
155. I'm afraid some drunken, pyromaniac
adolescent with a cherry bomb
Copy !req
156. is gonna start a fire
that sets off a stampede.
Copy !req
157. Are you done? Is it
safe for me to speak?
Copy !req
158. Since you've been wearing the
sash and we've been wearing a badge,
Copy !req
159. Freedom Day has gone off without
a hitch. And that's a long damn time.
Copy !req
160. All deputies will be on patrol,
Copy !req
161. and we'll have fire
teams on every tenth level.
Copy !req
162. It's getting harder to see
with every passing month.
Copy !req
163. A long time between cleanings
means things are going well.
Copy !req
164. No one wants a cleaning,
Copy !req
165. but people need to see
what it's like out there.
Copy !req
166. - Mrs. Becker.
- Oh.
Copy !req
167. - Hi.
- I was looking for you.
Copy !req
168. - Are you pregnant?
- Um, not yet.
Copy !req
169. But I'm afraid I won't be
needing your assistance.
Copy !req
170. - Take care.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Copy !req
171. That's not why I was looking for you.
I'd like to ask you a question in private.
Copy !req
172. Oh, I hate that term,
"Freedom Day." So simplistic.
Copy !req
173. "Put Down the Rebellion
Day" would be more accurate.
Copy !req
174. Ma'am, you said you
wanted to ask me a question.
Copy !req
175. Why'd you do that?
Copy !req
176. Because I don't
want them to hear.
Copy !req
177. Who?
Copy !req
178. Well, who's got listeners?
Copy !req
179. Judicial?
Copy !req
180. Have you ever wondered what
was on the servers they erased?
Copy !req
181. In the books they burned? If it
was even the rebels that did it?
Copy !req
182. - I should get to work.
- Oh, please.
Copy !req
183. I didn't ask you here on a whim.
Copy !req
184. I've heard you're
someone who also
Copy !req
185. wonders.
Copy !req
186. Who told you that?
Copy !req
187. Why do we live underground?
Copy !req
188. What actually
happened out there?
Copy !req
189. - I'm going now.
- One last thing.
Copy !req
190. Do you really think you're the kind
of person they want having children?
Copy !req
191. Three times with no success?
Copy !req
192. She just said it... It started
to feel a little intentional.
Copy !req
193. Okay. Now she has officially
descended from eccentric oddball
Copy !req
194. to completely fucking crazy.
Copy !req
195. I should send the psych team
Copy !req
196. - to pay Gloria a visit.
- Don't. She just...
Copy !req
197. Just what? Said
something that upsets you?
Copy !req
198. She and her husband
couldn't have a baby.
Copy !req
199. She wants you to find out why.
Copy !req
200. You had your birth
control removed, Allie.
Copy !req
201. We have the same shot at making a
baby as anyone who has clearance.
Copy !req
202. Okay?
Copy !req
203. Okay.
Copy !req
204. You're not gonna like this.
Copy !req
205. Our buddy George submitted another
ticket. Guess whose turn it is to take it.
Copy !req
206. He's a programmer in the Mids
with a repair stall in the market.
Copy !req
207. - Why do you have to go?
- Everybody's taking off for Freedom Day.
Copy !req
208. And because you're working,
I figured I would just be on call.
Copy !req
209. But he wants me to be
there first thing in the morning,
Copy !req
210. which means I have to go down
tonight and get a room in the hostel.
Copy !req
211. Also means that we will be
missing this evening's entertainment.
Copy !req
212. - Honey.
- I know, I know. I'll be quiet.
Copy !req
213. - Not here.
- Yeah, here.
Copy !req
214. - Honey. Marnes is...
- Let's be quick.
Copy !req
215. Okay.
Copy !req
216. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
217. Holy shit.
Copy !req
218. If I don't get pregnant
from that, I never will.
Copy !req
219. We'll beat you to the top and
open the door to the outside,
Copy !req
220. letting all the
poison into the Silo!
Copy !req
221. Not so fast, rebel!
Copy !req
222. In the name of the Founders!
Copy !req
223. Allison Becker?
Copy !req
224. I am. You must be...
Copy !req
225. I've been looking forward to
meeting you for a long time.
Copy !req
226. Sorry about getting you
down here on Freedom Day.
Copy !req
227. I'm on call. My
husband's working, so...
Copy !req
228. That's what I figured,
him being the sheriff.
Copy !req
229. Why I thought I might get you.
Copy !req
230. I don't understand.
How can I help you?
Copy !req
231. Yeah. I... I read your post on
how to retrieve deleted files.
Copy !req
232. I had a feeling it wouldn't
stay up long, so I printed it.
Copy !req
233. - That must have cost you a fortune.
- Yeah, worth every credit.
Copy !req
234. It got me a long way.
Copy !req
235. But I needed to see you in
person, so I put in a repair request
Copy !req
236. hoping I'd get you.
Copy !req
237. Of course, they sent everyone but
you. So then I thought with the holiday...
Copy !req
238. Why didn't you just ask for me?
Copy !req
239. I didn't wanna arouse suspicion.
Copy !req
240. From who?
Copy !req
241. Who wrote the law on relics?
Copy !req
242. You're worried about Judicial?
Copy !req
243. Isn't everybody?
Copy !req
244. Is this about a relic?
Copy !req
245. That's just it. I don't know.
Copy !req
246. A guy came in with this
Copy !req
247. about a year ago.
Copy !req
248. Said he found it under
the carpet in a closet.
Copy !req
249. I fired it up, and it... It
looked like it was empty.
Copy !req
250. Then I tried what you posted...
Copy !req
251. and I was able to
check the memory.
Copy !req
252. It... It says most of the drive is
in use, but I can't find any files.
Copy !req
253. There's something on there. I
just don't know how to get to it.
Copy !req
254. Could just be
old family recipes.
Copy !req
255. Then they're very
old family recipes.
Copy !req
256. I checked the log in IT.
Copy !req
257. There's no record
of this serial number.
Copy !req
258. Course, the log starts
after the rebellion.
Copy !req
259. You think this drive
is over 140 years old?
Copy !req
260. That's impossible. All the drives
were destroyed in the rebellion.
Copy !req
261. Could just be an entry error.
Copy !req
262. Or not.
Copy !req
263. It might be as simple as just
figuring out the name on the directory.
Copy !req
264. - May I?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
265. Is there anything I can...
Copy !req
266. Not talking would be great.
Copy !req
267. - Happy Freedom Day.
- Happy Freedom Day, Mayor.
Copy !req
268. Very nice to see you all.
Copy !req
269. Any idea what the 18 means?
Copy !req
270. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
271. - Do you have a magnifying glass?
- Um, yep.
Copy !req
272. Six minutes
Copy !req
273. and six seconds
Copy !req
274. past six o'clock
Copy !req
275. on this day
Copy !req
276. 140 years ago.
Copy !req
277. That is the moment we
regained our freedom.
Copy !req
278. We are gathered
on the anniversary
Copy !req
279. to remember the
terror of the rebellion.
Copy !req
280. If they had succeeded,
Copy !req
281. if they had opened the
door to the outside world,
Copy !req
282. none of us would
be here right now.
Copy !req
283. They didn't succeed,
thank the Founders.
Copy !req
284. But they did manage
to take away our history.
Copy !req
285. Got anything more powerful?
Copy !req
286. That's as powerful as they get.
Copy !req
287. It's letters, but...
Copy !req
288. I think it says "library."
Copy !req
289. They destroyed
our computer drives.
Copy !req
290. They shredded our files and
burned all the books in our libraries.
Copy !req
291. Um...
Copy !req
292. Um...
Copy !req
293. But they were stopped.
Copy !req
294. Our heroic forebears
won the day.
Copy !req
295. Look at this.
Copy !req
296. I won't.
Copy !req
297. You shouldn't either.
Copy !req
298. You should bury this.
Copy !req
299. Bury it? Are you
kidding? This is the great...
Copy !req
300. This is a relic. It's against
the law to even have it.
Copy !req
301. But this could be the key
to everything we don't know.
Copy !req
302. - We have to look...
- They can send you out to clean for this.
Copy !req
303. Are... Are you gonna
tell your husband?
Copy !req
304. Just get rid of it.
Copy !req
305. And their great victory
Copy !req
306. should be celebrated
with cheers.
Copy !req
307. It should be
celebrated with horns.
Copy !req
308. Where the hell does that go?
Copy !req
309. And it should be
remembered in silence.
Copy !req
310. Uh, sorry. Sorry. I'm just...
Copy !req
311. I'm just really exhausted
from that climb.
Copy !req
312. I think... if I didn't sit on my
ass all day, I'd be more fit.
Copy !req
313. Mmm.
Copy !req
314. It's okay.
Copy !req
315. Just saying I'm tired.
Copy !req
316. Yeah.
Copy !req
317. Are you 70-levels tired,
Copy !req
318. or are you...
Copy !req
319. tired?
Copy !req
320. We still have some time.
Copy !req
321. This can't be fun
for you anymore.
Copy !req
322. It's not about fun.
Copy !req
323. I wanna have a baby.
Copy !req
324. So did I.
Copy !req
325. How'd it go with George?
Copy !req
326. Couldn't help him.
Copy !req
327. I think he's just lonely.
Copy !req
328. Wants to converse with
other computer geeks.
Copy !req
329. Hmm.
Copy !req
330. You know, I don't know
if it's... something I ate
Copy !req
331. or if I'm catching a cold,
but I don't feel great.
Copy !req
332. Then go home. I'll tell Bernard.
Copy !req
333. Thanks.
Copy !req
334. Feel better soon.
Copy !req
335. Oh. Come in, come in.
Copy !req
336. I hoped you'd be back.
Copy !req
337. Why wouldn't they
want us to have children?
Copy !req
338. - Bernard behaving himself?
- I didn't see him.
Copy !req
339. I think I'm gonna take
tomorrow off. Go to the market.
Copy !req
340. What do you need?
I... I can send a porter.
Copy !req
341. I just wanna look.
Copy !req
342. Get some exercise.
Copy !req
343. Take my mind off...
Copy !req
344. Sure. Yeah.
Copy !req
345. Sounds like a good idea.
Copy !req
346. I wanna see everything.
Copy !req
347. My brain is fried.
Copy !req
348. Needless to say, we shouldn't
tell anybody about this.
Copy !req
349. Uh... Needless to say.
Copy !req
350. When can you come back?
Copy !req
351. I don't know.
Copy !req
352. What's this?
Copy !req
353. I don't know.
Copy !req
354. Last one?
Copy !req
355. Hey! Keep right.
Copy !req
356. It's late.
Copy !req
357. I lost track.
Copy !req
358. You go on a shopping
spree? Spend all our credits?
Copy !req
359. Oh, yeah. I wish. Next time.
Copy !req
360. I got a message from the doctor.
Copy !req
361. The only time he
can see us is at 11:00.
Copy !req
362. But, uh, you never know. We
technically still have a few hours.
Copy !req
363. That's fine.
Copy !req
364. I'm gonna sleep in a
little, so I'll meet you there.
Copy !req
365. Hey. Are you okay?
Copy !req
366. No.
Copy !req
367. But I will be.
Copy !req
368. - Hey, Karen.
- Hey.
Copy !req
369. Where's Allison?
Copy !req
370. Oh. She sent a note by porter
saying she wasn't feeling well.
Copy !req
371. - Thanks.
- Sure.
Copy !req
372. We need to talk.
Copy !req
373. - What's going on?
- Sit.
Copy !req
374. - Are you okay?
- Sit, please.
Copy !req
375. I was gonna talk
to you last night,
Copy !req
376. but I wasn't sure you were gonna
be able to hear what I had to say.
Copy !req
377. You don't always listen, honey.
Copy !req
378. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
379. - I always listen...
- Talking is not listening.
Copy !req
380. Because you're the lawman, I
figured I needed to give you some proof.
Copy !req
381. Proof of what?
Copy !req
382. I can't tell you how
I know this, but...
Copy !req
383. they were never gonna
let us have children.
Copy !req
384. - What?
- We...
Copy !req
385. I'm not the type of person
they want having kids.
Copy !req
386. Who... Who's "they"?
Copy !req
387. The enforcers of the Pact.
Copy !req
388. They want docile,
obedient people.
Copy !req
389. I saw Dr. Leonard take
out your birth control.
Copy !req
390. - No, you didn't.
- I was there.
Copy !req
391. He was behind a curtain.
Copy !req
392. - You didn't see what he was doing.
- Allison...
Copy !req
393. I can assure you,
Copy !req
394. he didn't take out
my birth control.
Copy !req
395. How do you know that?
Copy !req
396. Because I just did.
Copy !req
397. What did you do?
Copy !req
398. Keep pressure on
it and don't move.
Copy !req
399. Hey.
Copy !req
400. - Hey.
- Whoa!
Copy !req
401. - You gotta come.
- What?
Copy !req
402. It's Allison.
Copy !req
403. - Oh, good. Sheriff!
- I can't. Allison's hurt.
Copy !req
404. Allison's in the cafeteria.
Copy !req
405. None of this is
real. Do you see?
Copy !req
406. They wanna keep you in
here, so they're lying to you.
Copy !req
407. It's green out there. There's
green trees. There's blue skies.
Copy !req
408. There's things
flying in the air.
Copy !req
409. Is no one listening to me?
Copy !req
410. They're keeping us here.
Copy !req
411. - This display is a lie.
- Allison.
Copy !req
412. - Allison. Allison. Come with me.
- They... They want us to... No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
413. - Listen to me.
- We tried...
Copy !req
414. - We tried three times. I know it's hard.
- I'm not crazy!
Copy !req
415. - Why are you treating me like I'm crazy?
- Of course not. Of course not.
Copy !req
416. Allison, I've known several
patients who have had breakdowns.
Copy !req
417. I'm not having a breakdown.
Copy !req
418. You are bleeding, honey.
Copy !req
419. - And you need to come...
- No!
Copy !req
420. No. No. Just... I've been
thinking about this a lot, okay?
Copy !req
421. Please. Just know
there's no other way.
Copy !req
422. I'm sorry, honey.
Copy !req
423. It's... It's okay.
Copy !req
424. - It's okay.
- I want to go out!
Copy !req
425. I want to go out.
Copy !req
426. Oh, God.
Copy !req
427. - There has to be something.
- There isn't.
Copy !req
428. We could say she was distressed or
that she misspoke or people misheard.
Copy !req
429. There were people there.
They heard what they heard.
Copy !req
430. - Maybe we could...
- We can bribe them, kill them.
Copy !req
431. No, goddamn it.
Copy !req
432. The Pact says you can request a
hearing if you feel you have been misheard.
Copy !req
433. Allison does not feel
she was misheard.
Copy !req
434. Don't you want to at
least look at the possibility?
Copy !req
435. Of course I do!
Copy !req
436. Don't you think I've gone over it again
and again? There is nothing I can do.
Copy !req
437. If you boil the Pact
down to one rule,
Copy !req
438. it's do not say you want to go
outside or you will fucking go outside.
Copy !req
439. Did anyone else play a part in
this? Steer her in this direction?
Copy !req
440. She talked to a fertility counselor
on 17. Gloria Hildebrandt.
Copy !req
441. And what did she say?
Copy !req
442. She admits she put
the bug in Allison's ear
Copy !req
443. about us not being the
kind they want having kids.
Copy !req
444. Who's "they?"
Copy !req
445. She doesn't know.
Copy !req
446. She's just mad she and her
husband couldn't have kids.
Copy !req
447. Do your talking at the station.
Copy !req
448. We also hauled up the guy from
the marketplace, George Wilkins.
Copy !req
449. He runs a computer repair stall.
Copy !req
450. Allison gave him tech
support on the holiday.
Copy !req
451. She went shopping yesterday. I
thought maybe she'd gone to see him.
Copy !req
452. But Wilkins said that
Allison never came back.
Copy !req
453. A Judicial team searched his
stall, but they didn't find anything.
Copy !req
454. Then why?
Copy !req
455. Allison feels things strongly.
Copy !req
456. But not being able
to have a baby...
Copy !req
457. I think it was just too much.
Copy !req
458. Holston, you don't have
to be here for the rest.
Copy !req
459. I'm the sheriff.
Copy !req
460. Sure you don't
want to step aside?
Copy !req
461. - I took an oath when I took the job.
- I know, but everyone will...
Copy !req
462. What's the value of swearing an oath
if you only stick to it when it's easy?
Copy !req
463. Two-day holiday,
except for essential.
Copy !req
464. Open rooms Up Top for visitors.
Copy !req
465. We expect this'll attract a larger
crowd than usual, as it's been a while.
Copy !req
466. We'll hold a lottery for
attendance in the cafeteria.
Copy !req
467. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
468. Me too.
Copy !req
469. I didn't go all crazy.
Copy !req
470. You cut something out
of your body with a knife.
Copy !req
471. Yeah, and it hurt like hell.
Copy !req
472. I took the capsule
back to Dr. Leonard.
Copy !req
473. Oh, yeah? What'd he say?
Copy !req
474. It was in there to hold
a spot, prevent infection.
Copy !req
475. Something like that, right?
Copy !req
476. Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
477. I have to tell you something.
Copy !req
478. But I need you to sit close.
Copy !req
479. - I don't want anybody to hear.
- We're alone.
Copy !req
480. Please.
Copy !req
481. Please.
Copy !req
482. First of all, I love you.
Copy !req
483. - That is the most important thing.
- Is it?
Copy !req
484. I know you're
angry. I would be too.
Copy !req
485. If I could wind back the clock
and not know what I know, I would.
Copy !req
486. Ugh. In a heartbeat.
Copy !req
487. But what I found out,
what they told us isn't true.
Copy !req
488. Why we're here, what
happened 140 years ago,
Copy !req
489. why and who gets to have children.
And that's not even the big thing...
Copy !req
490. So?
Copy !req
491. - So?
- You find out something like that,
Copy !req
492. you bring it to me, to
Mayor Jahns, to Judicial.
Copy !req
493. You let everyone
in the Silo know.
Copy !req
494. What you don't do is say the words
that get you sent out there to die.
Copy !req
495. But that's the big thing I
found out. I won't die out there.
Copy !req
496. Listen, they have the ability to
change what we see on the screens.
Copy !req
497. In the cafeteria, throughout
the Silo, everywhere.
Copy !req
498. - What are you talking about?
- They take an image,
Copy !req
499. and... and they
alter it somehow.
Copy !req
500. So, what we see is
not what's out there.
Copy !req
501. It's what they want
us to think is out there.
Copy !req
502. - What's that? Right there.
- Holston.
Copy !req
503. And that.
Copy !req
504. The last three
people who cleaned.
Copy !req
505. Or maybe that's not what it is.
Copy !req
506. - What if it's just rocks and bushes?
- I know what I'm seeing.
Copy !req
507. Not if it's just what the
computer wants you to see.
Copy !req
508. - Why would they do that?
- To keep us in here.
Copy !req
509. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
510. If it's so wonderful outside, why
would they not want us to go out?
Copy !req
511. I don't know.
Copy !req
512. - I don't know.
- O... Okay.
Copy !req
513. But I'm gonna
find out. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
514. - You keep saying that. I... I...
- Okay.
Copy !req
515. Just one more thing I
want you to think about,
Copy !req
516. and then you should
get some sleep.
Copy !req
517. Not going anywhere.
Copy !req
518. Why do people clean?
Copy !req
519. To get the dust and
grime off the sensors
Copy !req
520. - so we can see.
- No. No.
Copy !req
521. Why do they go through with it?
Copy !req
522. Most people swear
they're not gonna do it.
Copy !req
523. When you arrested Brent, he said
you'd have to put a bullet through his head
Copy !req
524. and throw him down the stairs
'cause he wasn't gonna clean.
Copy !req
525. - And then what did he do?
- He cleaned.
Copy !req
526. I think people clean
because they hope somehow
Copy !req
527. that they can show people
the truth that that is a lie.
Copy !req
528. When I get out there, if that's
what it's really like, I won't clean.
Copy !req
529. I'll wave goodbye, because I would
have made the biggest mistake of my life.
Copy !req
530. But if I'm right...
Copy !req
531. and it's green and
lush and beautiful,
Copy !req
532. I'll pull out my wool and I'll
start to clean. And you'll know.
Copy !req
533. And then I'll walk over the hill,
and I'll find out what's going on.
Copy !req
534. And then I'll come back for you.
Copy !req
535. Okay?
Copy !req
536. "Allison Becker."
Copy !req
537. You have been charged
with and convicted of violating
Copy !req
538. the cardinal law of our society.
Copy !req
539. Any spoken request to
leave the Silo is granted,
Copy !req
540. but it is irrevocable.
Copy !req
541. Once uttered, it
is determinative.
Copy !req
542. You have been asked to clean
Copy !req
543. and have been provided
with materials to do so.
Copy !req
544. But you cannot be
forced into cleaning.
Copy !req
545. "Once outside the air lock,
you are outside the law."
Copy !req
546. "We do not know
why we are here."
Copy !req
547. We do not know
who built the Silo.
Copy !req
548. We do not know why everything
outside the Silo is as it is.
Copy !req
549. We do not know...
Copy !req
550. when it will be
safe to go outside.
Copy !req
551. We only know that
day is not today.
Copy !req
552. Allison Becker.
Copy !req
553. On behalf of the people of the
Silo, I hope that you will clean
Copy !req
554. so that we will better see the
world outside our sanctuary as it is
Copy !req
555. and thereby be reminded
Copy !req
556. "that here is safe
and there is not."
Copy !req
557. Have you any last words?
Copy !req
558. I love you.
Copy !req
559. I love you.
Copy !req
560. Yes!
Copy !req
561. Something you should see.
Copy !req
562. George Wilkins, he's the one
Allison went to help in the marketplace.
Copy !req
563. - We hauled him up and...
- Yeah, I know who he is.
Copy !req
564. He got a transfer to
Mechanical last year.
Copy !req
565. Okay.
Copy !req
566. He's dead. Went over the rail
somewhere around level 120.
Copy !req
567. Accident? Suicide?
Copy !req
568. I don't know.
Copy !req
569. - What does Hank say?
- Eh. He didn't say much.
Copy !req
570. No one saw him go over.
Copy !req
571. Get to the part
you're not telling me.
Copy !req
572. There's an engineer down
there that says it's murder.
Copy !req
573. Where's the engineer?
Copy !req
574. Uh, she couldn't make it.
Copy !req
575. It took us a day to walk down here.
She could have cleared her schedule.
Copy !req
576. Something came up.
Copy !req
577. Okay.
Copy !req
578. Meeting with us
isn't optional, Hank.
Copy !req
579. She says this guy was
murdered. We need to speak to her.
Copy !req
580. What came up?
Copy !req
581. The generator. It's
been giving her fits.
Copy !req
582. What does she do?
Copy !req
583. Well, she pretty much keeps
everyone in the Silo alive.
Copy !req
584. That's her.
Copy !req
585. - What's her name?
- What?
Copy !req
586. What's her name?
Copy !req
587. Juliette. Juliette Nichols.
Copy !req
588. What happened
between you and her?
Copy !req
589. For two years, you
were dead inside.
Copy !req
590. Then you met Juliette Nichols.
Copy !req
591. - I finally started listening is all.
- To what?
Copy !req
592. To Allison. To what
she was trying to tell me.
Copy !req
593. I'm not gonna tell
you what that was.
Copy !req
594. All you need to know
is, I'm gonna go find her.
Copy !req
595. You want to find her?
Copy !req
596. She's right there.
Copy !req
597. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
598. As much as I love
you, you old bastard,
Copy !req
599. I love Allison more.
Copy !req
600. If that really is her
out there or not,
Copy !req
601. either way, I'm done.
Copy !req
602. I've gotta know the truth.
Copy !req