1. Man, sometimes I'm just going about my day
Copy !req
2. and there's a sound or a smell,
and I'm back there.
Copy !req
3. And I don't mean like a memory.
Copy !req
4. I mean I'm really fucking back there...
Copy !req
5. hurting those people.
Copy !req
6. So these types of flashbacks
you're describing, super common.
Copy !req
7. That's our brain's way
of processing trauma.
Copy !req
8. Yeah, my brain is an asshole.
Copy !req
9. Your brain's a whole boardroom full
of assholes.
Copy !req
10. You got the judge. You got the critic.
Copy !req
11. You got that guy in the back of the room
who's saying "Eat more hot wings,"
Copy !req
12. even though you just had a huge dinner.
I hate that fucking guy.
Copy !req
13. To ever move forward,
you're gonna have to...
Copy !req
14. I'm sorry. All I can think
about right now are hot wings.
Copy !req
15. Morning. What are you guys up to?
Copy !req
16. Doing the work, like you said.
Copy !req
17. How's that going?
Copy !req
18. It sucked donkey dick.
Copy !req
19. I just told my daughter
about the Parkinson's.
Copy !req
20. How did it go?
Copy !req
21. Well, she's flying down here next week
to make sure I get the best possible care.
Copy !req
22. So it's kinda donkey dickish.
Copy !req
23. At least you're facing the pain.
Copy !req
24. It's important.
Copy !req
25. 'Cause if you don't face the pain,
Copy !req
26. eventually it'll come back and get you
when you least expect it.
Copy !req
27. Are you talking to me or Sean?
- I'm talking to Sean.
Copy !req
28. 'Cause you're looking directly at me.
- I can look anywhere I want.
Copy !req
29. You're doing a great job, kid.
Copy !req
30. Thanks.
Copy !req
31. Still Sean.
Copy !req
32. So needy. Jesus.
Copy !req
33. But that one was for me, Paul.
- Yep.
Copy !req
34. Schwing.
Copy !req
35. Sorry. It's just, Rick, I like you,
Copy !req
36. but the eye contact is, like, so dramatic.
Copy !req
37. I feel like I'm in a—
like a perfume commercial or something.
Copy !req
38. It's all good. We can loosen it up.
Copy !req
39. Okay, yeah.
- Yeah. All right.
Copy !req
40. You okay?
Copy !req
41. I snorted, which I don't think
I've ever done before.
Copy !req
42. Sorry.
Copy !req
43. Maybe you should just kiss my neck.
I love that.
Copy !req
44. Just kiss it.
- Okay. Let's go to the neck.
Copy !req
45. Let's go to it.
Copy !req
46. Do you like it? Yeah?
- No.
Copy !req
47. I'm sorry, it's not you. I was thinking
about how, like, grody lip bacteria is.
Copy !req
48. It's actually kinda gross,
when you really think about it,
Copy !req
49. 'cause it's, like, a whole ecosystem.
Copy !req
50. Well, thank you so much.
Copy !req
51. Oh, wow. Okay.
Copy !req
52. You shook hands?
Copy !req
53. Yes, I know. That's usually something
that I reserve for after sex.
Copy !req
54. What a nice gesture.
Copy !req
55. May I say that I'm flattered
that you chose to call me about this?
Copy !req
56. Yeah, all my other girls know Nico.
Copy !req
57. I can't have him hearing I'm trying to
Copy !req
58. take all these dudes
to pound town right now, you know?
Copy !req
59. All I heard was
that I'm one of your girls.
Copy !req
60. This guy was so hot.
Copy !req
61. I just couldn't—
Copy !req
62. God, why is there no female version
of "get it up"?
Copy !req
63. Because "juiced" was stolen by steroids.
Copy !req
64. What the fuck is wrong with me?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
65. You tried to have morning sex.
Who has sex in the morning?
Copy !req
66. You're not trying to trick him
into marrying you.
Copy !req
67. Okay.
Copy !req
68. Liz is picking me up again.
Copy !req
69. Liz.
Copy !req
70. She raw dogged me at the cheese store.
Copy !req
71. What do you think raw dogging means?
Copy !req
72. To talk to somebody
that doesn't want to talk to you.
Copy !req
73. No.
Copy !req
74. Hey, Paul.
- Hey, Liz.
Copy !req
75. I have something for you.
Copy !req
76. For me?
Copy !req
77. Gummy bears?
Copy !req
78. My Pilates instructor's cousin's aunt
has Parkinson's,
Copy !req
79. and she says these really helped
with anxiety and tremors.
Copy !req
80. Well, as long as it's scientific.
Copy !req
81. "Stankadelic."
Copy !req
82. Look, best-case scenario, it helps.
Copy !req
83. Worst-case scenario, you get a little high
and you buy another one of those hats.
Copy !req
84. Just don't take it after drinking
Copy !req
85. or you'll vom.
Copy !req
86. Hey, Liz.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
87. One more thing.
Copy !req
88. Don't raw dog me again, all right?
Copy !req
89. But—
Copy !req
90. What does he think that means?
- I don't know
Copy !req
91. but he says it so confidently.
Copy !req
92. Wow. You finally bought it.
Copy !req
93. Tell us.
Copy !req
94. We will react correctly this time.
- That's right.
Copy !req
95. I'm gonna ask Charlie to marry me!
Copy !req
96. Yeah!
Copy !req
97. I believe you!
Copy !req
98. Wow. You little monogamous slut! Wow!
- Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
99. So, how you gonna do it, man?
Copy !req
100. Okay, I'm gonna invite
all of our friends someplace,
Copy !req
101. and then I'm gonna pop the question
in front of them.
Copy !req
102. Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
103. If he says yes, surprise engagement party.
Copy !req
104. What are you gonna do if he says no?
- Then I have all my friends there
Copy !req
105. to console me.
Copy !req
106. Either way, I'm the center of attention.
Copy !req
107. Unfortunately our place
isn't big enough for a party.
Copy !req
108. If only I knew somebody
with a house, you know?
Copy !req
109. Why didn't you just say
we'd have the party here?
Copy !req
110. I don't know. This place hasn't
had much of a party vibe lately.
Copy !req
111. And honestly, I'm not sure I'm ready
to open our house up to the world yet.
Copy !req
112. But we're doing so much better.
Copy !req
113. We? Like—
Copy !req
114. Like, "we" like each of us as individuals
Copy !req
115. or "we" like a daddy-daughter unit?
Copy !req
116. I see your face.
I shouldn't have said "daddy."
Copy !req
117. Father. Father-daughter unit.
Copy !req
118. I get it. You don't like it
when I say "unit".
Copy !req
119. Nope.
- Got it.
Copy !req
120. Come on. You and Mom used to throw parties
all the time. Mom loved parties.
Copy !req
121. Pulling the mom card, huh?
Copy !req
122. Okay, fine. Yes, let's do it.
- Really?
Copy !req
123. Oh, wow.
Copy !req
124. Wait, so how do surprise
engagement parties work anyways?
Copy !req
125. Here's how it's gonna work.
Copy !req
126. Charlie thinks the party is because
you won Therapist of the Year.
Copy !req
127. Wow, that's insane.
How would they even judge that, Bri?
Copy !req
128. Yeah, that's why it's insane.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
129. He thinks I'm coming over early
to help you set up. Much better.
Copy !req
130. So, when he arrives, that's your cue
to sit down at the piano.
Copy !req
131. And then you'll start to play.
Copy !req
132. Great.
- And I will sing our song,
Copy !req
133. "You Are So Beautiful."
- Thanks, but what's the song?
Copy !req
134. "You Are So Beautiful."
Copy !req
135. You were doing a bit, but I missed it.
Copy !req
136. I'm off. Should we postpone?
Copy !req
137. Don't. Hey, you're panicking.
Copy !req
138. Breathe, breathe, breathe, Bri. Come on.
Copy !req
139. Everything goes your way, right?
Copy !req
140. See? This is why
you're Therapist of the Year.
Copy !req
141. Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
142. Do you think anyone would care
if I skipped this party?
Copy !req
143. What's your deal?
Copy !req
144. My deal is old people asking me
what I do for a living.
Copy !req
145. So?
- Oh, yes.
Copy !req
146. I'm currently unemployed,
Copy !req
147. and I'm living
in my therapist's pool house
Copy !req
148. because my violent outbursts
put me in jail.
Copy !req
149. But how are you, Alice?
How was your summer?
Copy !req
150. My mom suddenly died,
so I spent it scream-crying.
Copy !req
151. Sounds very fun. We went to Maine.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
152. You should still come.
Copy !req
153. I mean, If somebody asks you
a tough question,
Copy !req
154. I'll just change the subject.
I've got your back.
Copy !req
155. Okay.
Copy !req
156. Go get dressed.
- I am dressed.
Copy !req
157. I'll go get dressed.
Copy !req
158. Who the fuck shows up early to a party?
Copy !req
159. Hey. You're the first to arrive.
Copy !req
160. Wanted to beat the traffic.
Copy !req
161. I had to rush putting up my hair
Copy !req
162. so I could hear that joke again.
Copy !req
163. Come on. I haven't made that joke before.
Copy !req
164. Have I, Jimmy?
Copy !req
165. Wanted to beat the traffic.
Copy !req
166. Well, someone's
gotta get the party started.
Copy !req
167. Yeah. Come on in.
Copy !req
168. You see? Even Jimmy hates the joke.
Copy !req
169. You gave him sad face.
- Ugh, it's just face. Come on in.
Copy !req
170. Ugh.
Copy !req
171. Hey, Dad.
Copy !req
172. Wow. You look... so beautiful.
Copy !req
173. Thanks.
Copy !req
174. Okay, do you think you can stop
before you overdo it?
Copy !req
175. You look like a princess.
- Why?
Copy !req
176. Let's go get a drink.
- So pretty.
Copy !req
177. Hey, Liz.
- Hi!
Copy !req
178. Hey, Liz's husband.
Copy !req
179. You look amazing.
- She doesn't like that.
Copy !req
180. You look like a princess.
Copy !req
181. Oh, my God. Thank you.
- What the fuck?
Copy !req
182. Almost everyone I invited said yes.
Only two noes. Bernadette Peters—
Copy !req
183. He's never met her.
- Right.
Copy !req
184. It still stung.
Copy !req
185. And the other no is Paul.
Copy !req
186. He says he has something important
to do tonight.
Copy !req
187. How you doin'?
Copy !req
188. So, what have you been up to lately, Sean?
Copy !req
189. Hey, what was it like in the '70s?
Copy !req
190. Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
191. Okay, well, put your seat belts on
Copy !req
192. because this guy had a perm.
Copy !req
193. I was pretty groovy.
Copy !req
194. Also, we didn't use seat belts.
It's the truth.
Copy !req
195. Nobody cared.
Copy !req
196. The number one candy in the country
was a pack of candy cigarettes.
Copy !req
197. Kids loved 'em.
Copy !req
198. It was amazing. I had a motorcycle.
Copy !req
199. Hey, Jimmy.
- Hey.
Copy !req
200. Jimmy.
Copy !req
201. Hey! Oh, my gosh. Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
202. It's been forever.
- Yeah. Yeah, no kidding.
Copy !req
203. Yeah. We haven't seen you
since the funeral.
Copy !req
204. Eric. I'm sorry. He's an idiot.
How are you?
Copy !req
205. I'm doing pretty good.
Copy !req
206. Glad to hear it.
- Really?
Copy !req
207. You and Tia were such an amazing couple.
- Indeed.
Copy !req
208. It's so great to see you.
- Oh, my God. You too.
Copy !req
209. Is Nico here too?
- We actually got divorced.
Copy !req
210. Oh, no. Oh, no, no.
Copy !req
211. No, no, no.
- No, no. It's good.
Copy !req
212. Hey, that's a lot of noes.
Copy !req
213. That's a lot of noes. We're good.
- No.
Copy !req
214. She loved you so much.
Copy !req
215. You were so great together.
Copy !req
216. You two were such an inspiration.
Copy !req
217. Look at that. I'm fresh out.
Copy !req
218. Another tequila, please.
Copy !req
219. Make it two. I don't think
I was ready for a party.
Copy !req
220. People are fucking idiots.
Copy !req
221. God, you are preaching to the "choi-choi."
Copy !req
222. I went out with three dudes last week,
all hot as shit, okay?
Copy !req
223. And I couldn't lady-get-it-up
for any of 'em.
Copy !req
224. I've been trying to think
of a term for that.
Copy !req
225. Last night we had Mexican food
Copy !req
226. and I came up with "guac the taco."
Copy !req
227. Oh, no. I don't like that.
Copy !req
228. Look, maybe I'm just
not a sexual person anymore.
Copy !req
229. You know you're being batshit, right?
Libidos change.
Copy !req
230. Here you go, hon.
Copy !req
231. Derek, remember when I used to
want to fuck all the time?
Copy !req
232. Yes. The salad days.
Copy !req
233. Now, my sex window
is between 3:00 and 3:20 p.m.,
Copy !req
234. and Derek needs not
to have annoyed me that day.
Copy !req
235. Okay.
- It does not happen often.
Copy !req
236. I think it's Charlie.
Copy !req
237. Should we hide?
- Not that kind of surprise, Liz's husband!
Copy !req
238. I thought you were busy tonight.
Why are you here?
Copy !req
239. I don't know.
- Okay. Come in.
Copy !req
240. Come on.
Copy !req
241. Look who's here, everyone.
Copy !req
242. She tried to kill me.
- What?
Copy !req
243. She tried to kill me.
Copy !req
244. Liz, can you...
Copy !req
245. I didn't— Hi, hi, hi.
- Nah. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
246. I didn't try to kill him.
- Okay.
Copy !req
247. All right. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
248. Come with me.
- I'm leaving.
Copy !req
249. No. Don't go. Come on in.
- No, you can stay.
Copy !req
250. No, I'm—
- Come on.
Copy !req
251. Come stay. Let's get some food.
- Get a plate.
Copy !req
252. Yeah. We're gonna get a plate.
- Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
253. 3:00 to 3:20
is a really tight window, Derek.
Copy !req
254. Yeah, tell me about it.
Copy !req
255. Jimmy.
Copy !req
256. Ben! Hey, Ben, Ben, Ben.
Copy !req
257. Good hug. Good hug.
- Shh. Don't say anything.
Copy !req
258. Hey, have you met
my new girlfriend, Kiara?
Copy !req
259. Nope.
Copy !req
260. Hey. Wow. Hi. Hello. Good to meet you.
Copy !req
261. How did you guys
make this meaningful soul connection?
Copy !req
262. Funny story.
Copy !req
263. We met in church.
Copy !req
264. That is a funny story.
You're right. You called it.
Copy !req
265. Well, it's good to see you, Kiara,
for the first time ever.
Copy !req
266. Nice meeting you.
Copy !req
267. We're actually jealous of your marriage.
Copy !req
268. Truth be told, Kim and I are
kind of relieved this year is over with.
Copy !req
269. It's been a rough stretch for us.
Copy !req
270. Bet that doesn't happen when you have
a therapist in the family.
Copy !req
271. You'd be surprised.
Copy !req
272. I can't believe I used to do this for fun.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, pot has gotten
much stronger since the '70s.
Copy !req
274. Who's this fucking guy?
Copy !req
275. Let's do this.
Copy !req
276. That's much better.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
277. I am so parched.
Copy !req
278. What can we get you to drink?
Copy !req
279. A Popsicle?
- Go get Paul a Popsicle.
Copy !req
280. What if they don't have any Popsicles?
- Then go get one from the house.
Copy !req
281. One of my good ones?
Copy !req
282. Fine.
Copy !req
283. That waiter's a dick.
Copy !req
284. Hey. How's Cheech doing?
Copy !req
285. Not good.
Copy !req
286. This is on you too, you know.
Copy !req
287. What did I do?
Copy !req
288. You told me
I had to tell Meg that I had Parkinson's.
Copy !req
289. And now she's flying down here tomorrow
to take charge of my care.
Copy !req
290. You know, I've been wanting
to spend more time with her,
Copy !req
291. but she's so busy.
Copy !req
292. And then I tell her that I'm sick,
and she drops everything
Copy !req
293. because she feels she has to.
Copy !req
294. It's emotional blackmail.
Copy !req
295. Like you springing this proposal
on Charlie in front of all these people.
Copy !req
296. No, my thing is not emotional blackmail.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
297. Is it?
Copy !req
298. It's not not that.
Copy !req
299. See?
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
300. What are you laugh—
- Sorry.
Copy !req
301. I'm sorry. I took a gummy too.
Copy !req
302. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
303. No. Remember? We talked.
Copy !req
304. Ties are for wearing, remember?
We talked a lot about the tie.
Copy !req
305. I like tequila with Sprite.
Copy !req
306. Gas station margarita, huh?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
307. Gaby! Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
308. Can I freshen your drink?
- No,
Copy !req
309. I think I need to slow down, actually.
Copy !req
310. This is my friend, Kiara.
Copy !req
311. Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
312. She helped me through a tough time.
Copy !req
313. I used to be a sex worker.
Copy !req
314. We mostly played Uno, though,
'cause I couldn't get an erection.
Copy !req
315. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
316. We also watched Top Chef.
- That's true.
Copy !req
317. But I'm retired.
Now I let Ben pay for everything.
Copy !req
318. Ben? You're trying to tell me
you can lady-get-it-up for that guy?
Copy !req
319. You mean grease the peach?
Copy !req
320. Now, that I like. That—
Copy !req
321. Liz. Grease the peach.
Copy !req
322. Love it.
Copy !req
323. Ain't they cute?
- Too far.
Copy !req
324. I told you, though, old people love
talking about themselves, it's like—
Copy !req
325. Hello?
Copy !req
326. Pull over.
Copy !req
327. Uh-oh, pull over.
- What the fuck?
Copy !req
328. Seems like you're drinking.
Copy !req
329. Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, Dad.
- It isn't?
Copy !req
330. Oh, my God. Are you okay?
Do you need water? Like—
Copy !req
331. What's up?
Copy !req
332. I understand that you are trying
to look cool
Copy !req
333. in front of Sean.
- I'm not trying to look cool.
Copy !req
334. I'm not trying to look cool
in front of Sean.
Copy !req
335. Sweetie, angel,
Copy !req
336. I know that you think
that he is beautiful...
Copy !req
337. I heard it.
Copy !req
338. I heard it when you whispered.
Copy !req
339. Okay.
Copy !req
340. Hey.
- Yes?
Copy !req
341. What did you just say to her, man?
Copy !req
342. I said,
"How fast can you run up the stairs?"
Copy !req
343. That's cute.
Copy !req
344. Hi.
- What the hell was that?
Copy !req
345. I don't know.
Copy !req
346. What's the problem?
Copy !req
347. I've had a lot of fucking people
come up to me at this stupid party
Copy !req
348. and tell me that... Tia and I were
some sort of perfect couple.
Copy !req
349. Gaby, we were not.
Copy !req
350. At the end,
we were fighting about everything.
Copy !req
351. When I left to visit my mom,
you forgot to pick up Alice from school.
Copy !req
352. I did not forget! I was late.
Stop saying I forgot. I was late.
Copy !req
353. My God, Jimmy, you don't even know
what's going on around this house.
Copy !req
354. You are so obsessed with your work.
Copy !req
355. You know, it would be great if, for once,
I was the person who got to leave.
Copy !req
356. Are we back here again?
Then go to work, Tia. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
357. Keep your voice down.
Copy !req
358. I think I'm feeling
like a fucking fraud, Gab.
Copy !req
359. You're not a fraud.
Copy !req
360. Now, you and I both know that
no relationship is perfect, all right?
Copy !req
361. That's how we make our living.
Copy !req
362. It was shitty for months before Tia died.
Copy !req
363. I'm sorry that you're so unhappy,
I truly am,
Copy !req
364. but I'm really sick of being your excuse
for why you're not happy with your life.
Copy !req
365. Yeah, I'm sick of it too.
Copy !req
366. The last party we had here,
she had a look on her face.
Copy !req
367. I fucking saw it.
Copy !req
368. I don't think that
she loved me anymore, Gaby.
Copy !req
369. I'm not even sure that she liked me.
Copy !req
370. She was thinking of leaving me, Gab.
Copy !req
371. This is all based on some fucking look?
Are you serious, man? Really, all of this?
Copy !req
372. Yes, it's about a look. It's the
worst fucking look I ever saw in my life.
Copy !req
373. Okay, listen, I know you guys had
a rough patch. I know about that.
Copy !req
374. But she was not thinking about
leaving you. She would've told me.
Copy !req
375. She would not have told you.
- Yes, she would have.
Copy !req
376. She knows you and I were close.
She would not have told you.
Copy !req
377. You have to listen to me, seriously.
Tia fucking loved you. I mean it.
Copy !req
378. Prove it.
Copy !req
379. Prove it?
How the fuck am I supposed to prove it?
Copy !req
380. Exactly.
Copy !req
381. You are acting like it's a bad thing to
expect your kids to come through for you.
Copy !req
382. Fuck that.
I'm gonna text my eldest, Matthew.
Copy !req
383. "I'm sad and blue, and if you
don't call me, I'll be so, so mad."
Copy !req
384. Send.
Copy !req
385. Decline.
Copy !req
386. Baller move.
Copy !req
387. Look, I wiped their butts,
I looked over their homework,
Copy !req
388. I went to all their long-ass,
boring baseball games.
Copy !req
389. I love baseball.
Copy !req
390. Baseball's awful.
Copy !req
391. I was there for them,
so they better be there for me.
Copy !req
392. I've earned it.
Copy !req
393. Well, I didn't earn it.
Copy !req
394. She was so little
when her mom and I split.
Copy !req
395. I should've been there for her,
but I wasn't.
Copy !req
396. Okay, it sounds like you fucked up.
Copy !req
397. She's showing up for you anyway.
Copy !req
398. If I were you, I wouldn't be feeling
sorry for myself. I'd be feeling grateful.
Copy !req
399. Yeah.
Copy !req
400. Good. Done.
Copy !req
401. I need something crunchy
and cheese-flavored.
Copy !req
402. Derek?
Copy !req
403. Who's Derek?
- The waiter.
Copy !req
404. Derek?
Copy !req
405. Hey, wanna talk about it?
Copy !req
406. Nope.
- Cool. Neither do I.
Copy !req
407. Okay.
This song will definitely cheer you up.
Copy !req
408. Charlie, you're finally here!
Copy !req
409. I stopped to buy Jimmy a card.
Copy !req
410. So nice.
Copy !req
411. Ow. What is happening?
Copy !req
412. All will be revealed.
Copy !req
413. Where the fuck is Jimmy?
Copy !req
414. Hey-oh. Here we go. Ready?
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415. Jimmy, now. It's showtime.
Copy !req
416. I'm here.
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417. Okay. All right.
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418. Charlie,
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419. tonight is a celebration,
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420. but it's not what you think.
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421. Okay. Ready?
Copy !req
422. Here we go.
Copy !req
423. You are so beautiful
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424. Come on. A little faster.
Here we go, buddy.
Copy !req
425. To me
- To me
Copy !req
426. You are so beautiful
- You are so beautiful
Copy !req
427. Not a duet.
Copy !req
428. To me
- To me
Copy !req
429. Can't you see?
- Can't you see?
Copy !req
430. You're everything I hoped for
- You're everything I hoped for
Copy !req
431. You're everything I need
Copy !req
432. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
433. I threw up.
Copy !req
434. We know, bud.
Copy !req
435. Okay, we're gonna need a minute to re—
Copy !req
436. Oh, my God.
- Holy schnikes.
Copy !req
437. Never mind. Everything's ruined.
Yeah, tha— Party's over.
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438. Wasn't that nice?
Copy !req
439. Okay. Everybody needs to look away.
Come on.
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440. Gaby?
- What?
Copy !req
441. I threw up.
- I know. I saw it, and I can smell it.
Copy !req
442. Let's go, wiener.
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443. I'm too high for this shit.
- I'm not high enough.
Copy !req
444. Poor Jimmy. And on his big night.
Copy !req
445. Fuck Jimmy.
This was supposed to be our big night.
Copy !req
446. That was supposed to be
a surprise proposal.
Copy !req
447. This whole night was hell to plan.
Barely anybody helped me.
Copy !req
448. Bernadette Peters sent
an obvious form email
Copy !req
449. that she probably sends to all
the gay guys who invite her to parties,
Copy !req
450. and then Jimmy turned into the girl
from the goddamn Exorcist.
Copy !req
451. What a giant fucking disaster.
Copy !req
452. Yes.
Copy !req
453. Yes? Yes,
it's a giant fucking disaster, or...
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454. I will marry you.
Copy !req
455. Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
456. Wait, I was supposed to
show you this first.
Copy !req
457. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
458. Put it on.
Copy !req
459. Congratulations.
Copy !req
460. You want some advice about
how to keep your marriage together
Copy !req
461. and keep your daughter
from becoming estranged?
Copy !req
462. No, I don't—
- You know—
Copy !req
463. Stay open, stay open.
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464. If your defenses come up, you're fucked.
Copy !req
465. But two vulnerable people
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466. will always find a way to connect.
Copy !req
467. Sean, I'm fine.
You don't have to stay. Go have fun.
Copy !req
468. I am having fun. This is fun.
I'm with you.
Copy !req
469. And where is this?
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470. Alice.
- I'm sorry. It's cool, it's cool.
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471. I just thought—
- Hey, you're just a kid.
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472. I should go.
Copy !req
473. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
- I'm gonna go.
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474. It's okay.
- I really didn't—
Copy !req
475. No, no, no, no, fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
Copy !req
476. Fuck!
Copy !req
477. Hello?
Copy !req
478. Hi.
Copy !req
479. You good?
Copy !req
480. I feel great.
- Good. Okay, good.
Copy !req
481. I gargled.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
482. I showered, and I took a bath.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
483. Good.
- I might've fallen asleep in there.
Copy !req
484. I think you did.
You've been up here for an hour, so...
Copy !req
485. Oh, good. Maybe everyone forgot.
- No. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
486. It was just a murder scene down there.
- Fuck.
Copy !req
487. Anyway, now that you seem to be coherent
and better,
Copy !req
488. maybe you might wanna munch on this shit.
Copy !req
489. That was my birthday.
It was two weeks before Tia died.
Copy !req
490. Look at the love in her eyes.
She's, like, obsessed with you.
Copy !req
491. You're so worried about a look?
How about that look?
Copy !req
492. And you know what?
It's fucking baby-bitch bullshit
Copy !req
493. that you think that
she wouldn't have told me.
Copy !req
494. I knew it all, Jimmy,
and not just, like, the good stuff.
Copy !req
495. She told me about how you didn't
pull your weight when Alice was born.
Copy !req
496. Yeah.
- She told me about that couple
Copy !req
497. you guys almost hooked up with
at that alien-themed bar in Reno.
Copy !req
498. Oh, ye— That was...
- What?
Copy !req
499. gonna be fun.
Copy !req
500. I'm just saying if she was gonna
leave you, she would've told me.
Copy !req
501. All right? So you gotta stop torturing
yourself with this shit, you know?
Copy !req
502. I honestly think
that this is just another thing
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503. that's easier for you to focus on
Copy !req
504. other than the sad fact that Tia is gone.
Copy !req
505. But Jimmy, she loved you
Copy !req
506. so much.
Copy !req
507. This photo's the proof.
Copy !req
508. Thanks. Thanks so much.
- Of course.
Copy !req
509. Come here.
- It's all so fucking stupid.
Copy !req
510. No, it's okay. Come here. It's good.
Copy !req
511. Thanks. You're an amazing friend.
Copy !req
512. No, I know. No shit.
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