1. Hey, this is Grace. Leave me a message.
Copy !req
2. Grace, hey. It's Jimmy. Again.
But you know that, right?
Copy !req
3. That's why you sent me straight
to voice mail.
Copy !req
4. So give me a call, okay? Bye.
Copy !req
5. Hey, Derek.
Copy !req
6. Morning, Jimmy.
Copy !req
7. Hey, what are you doing?
Copy !req
8. Liz hogs the bathroom in the morning,
so sometimes I come out here to pee.
Copy !req
9. Not a bad way to start the day,
peeing in the rain.
Copy !req
10. It's a great way.
Copy !req
11. Feels like the wind's coming
from the east.
Copy !req
12. Hey, I heard you went
to that cornhole bar.
Copy !req
13. Was it amazing?
- It was fine.
Copy !req
14. They had booze and mediocre food.
Copy !req
15. Two cornhole stations.
- Two? Awesome.
Copy !req
16. Derek, are you out there peeing again?
Copy !req
17. No, just talking to Jimmy.
Copy !req
18. The wink made it weird.
Copy !req
19. You got good eyes, Jimmy.
Copy !req
20. Did he seem mad at me?
Copy !req
21. Nope, you're good.
Copy !req
22. Okay. Stop peeing in the flowers.
Copy !req
23. It's just a little tinkle.
- Stop it.
Copy !req
24. Just a little tinkle.
Copy !req
25. These are apology bagels.
I didn't mean to narc on you.
Copy !req
26. When I ran into Paul,
I assumed he knew that Sean had moved in.
Copy !req
27. Yeah. You really fucked me.
Copy !req
28. I mean, it's fine, but you fucked me.
Copy !req
29. It's fine. But yeah, you fucked me.
Copy !req
30. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
31. I hate getting people
in trouble when they don't deserve it.
Copy !req
32. And when they do deserve it?
- Well, that's my favorite thing.
Copy !req
33. Honestly, don't sweat it.
Paul never stays mad at me. It'll be fine.
Copy !req
34. I'm glad. See ya.
- Okay. But you fucked me!
Copy !req
35. I got it.
Copy !req
36. Yeah. I'm excited to see you.
Copy !req
37. Come by the office,
and then we'll go over to the apartment.
Copy !req
38. All right. See you then. Bye, sweetheart.
Copy !req
39. Who's your sweetheart?
And is she a sexy bitch?
Copy !req
40. She's my daughter.
Copy !req
41. My bad.
Copy !req
42. Hey, is she single?
'Cause, you know, since the divorce,
Copy !req
43. I've been thinking
about trying some new thangs.
Copy !req
44. I'm just kidding.
I'm trying to make you uncomfortable.
Copy !req
45. You're very good at that.
- Thank you. Now get in the car.
Copy !req
46. Can we play that song I like?
Copy !req
47. Where should we start?
Copy !req
48. Why do we come all the way here
when we could just talk at home?
Copy !req
49. Sean,
Copy !req
50. my notebook's here.
Copy !req
51. Have you told your folks
that you're crashing with me?
Copy !req
52. Nah. They'd be pretty weirded out
if they knew I lived with my therapist.
Copy !req
53. Yeah, I'll acknowledge
it's pretty fucking weird.
Copy !req
54. Okay. I gotta say, man,
you seem lighter, energized.
Copy !req
55. Let's dig a little deeper?
- Nah.
Copy !req
56. I'm sorry. That's totally my fault
for making that sound like a question.
Copy !req
57. I meant to go down at the end.
Let's dig a little deeper.
Copy !req
58. Sean, we haven't talked at all
about your time in Afghanistan.
Copy !req
59. I ain't gonna lie, Jimmy,
I've been feeling pretty fucking good.
Copy !req
60. Okay? Like, why would we fuck with that?
Copy !req
61. That's my job, dude.
I got a degree in Fucking With That.
Copy !req
62. From the University
of All Up In Your Business.
Copy !req
63. It's actually a junior college. I'll stop.
Copy !req
64. Look, we can't run from this forever.
Copy !req
65. Not yet.
Copy !req
66. Okay.
Copy !req
67. Thank you.
- We'll get there. No pressure.
Copy !req
68. See you at home, man.
Copy !req
69. Hi, I'm Gaby. I'm a therapist here.
Copy !req
70. You were originally referred to me,
Copy !req
71. and then I actually referred you to Jimmy.
Copy !req
72. Okay.
- Okay.
Copy !req
73. So, how's it going?
Copy !req
74. Good. Initially,
I didn't really like this therapy shit,
Copy !req
75. but now I kinda like it.
Copy !req
76. I am so glad.
Copy !req
77. So how come you ditched me on to him?
Copy !req
78. Honestly, I felt like you guys
would be a good fit for each other.
Copy !req
79. And, like, maybe you guys
could help each other out.
Copy !req
80. Cool. Always wanted to help out
a wealthy, middle-aged white guy.
Copy !req
81. Well, it's good to give back, so...
Copy !req
82. Hey. Morning. You a potato girl?
Copy !req
83. No, Paul.
I am a strong, Black, potato woman.
Copy !req
84. What are we doing here?
Copy !req
85. My farm box came
with way too many potatoes.
Copy !req
86. Wait, you get your produce delivered
to the office now?
Copy !req
87. I have so many questions.
Copy !req
88. Are you a secret chef?
Do you, like, cook here? Can you teach me?
Copy !req
89. Do you want the fucking potatoes, or not?
Copy !req
90. What the hell I'ma do with two potatoes?
Copy !req
91. I'll take potatoes
if you're giving them out.
Copy !req
92. There you go. Hey, take two.
- All right.
Copy !req
93. Hey, so I was just in there with Sean,
Copy !req
94. and I feel like it's time
to start unpacking his PTSD.
Copy !req
95. But he won't talk about any of it.
Copy !req
96. Oh, yeah. I mean,
that's pretty common with veterans.
Copy !req
97. I'm just— I'm wondering when he'll feel
comfortable opening up, you know?
Copy !req
98. That's easy. Never.
Copy !req
99. You fucked up.
Created a dual relationship.
Copy !req
100. He thinks of you as his friend/roommate,
instead of his therapist.
Copy !req
101. Well, do you think it might be helpful
if I ask him to reset our boundaries—
Copy !req
102. Sorry— Did you just buzz at me?
Copy !req
103. I did.
Copy !req
104. I told you not to go down that path
with your patients and you did anyway.
Copy !req
105. Fine. Doesn't mean I have to go with you.
Copy !req
106. I'm not gonna talk to you about any of it.
Copy !req
107. But you'll talk to me about potatoes.
Copy !req
108. All day long. Enjoy them spuds, bud.
Copy !req
109. Boil 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em,
Copy !req
110. rub 'em together and make a fire.
I don't care.
Copy !req
111. Maybe I'll just eat them
like an apple, Paul.
Copy !req
112. Stop.
Copy !req
113. Woof.
Copy !req
114. Electrolytes.
Copy !req
115. I didn't ask.
Copy !req
116. What's he doing here?
Copy !req
117. New plant?
What is that, a fern? Is that a—
Copy !req
118. I have no idea.
- Okay.
Copy !req
119. Great.
Copy !req
120. Why are you here?
Copy !req
121. Yeah. Just dropping off the revisions
I've done to your estate plan
Copy !req
122. since in the last three years, you haven't
returned a call, e-mail or text.
Copy !req
123. That's not something to be proud of.
Copy !req
124. Should we go over this now?
Copy !req
125. It's not really a good time.
My daughter's coming by.
Copy !req
126. Girl dad! Love it.
Copy !req
127. Nothing? Nothing to add? Okay.
Copy !req
128. She's giving a talk on alternative energy.
Copy !req
129. She's got a quick turnover,
Copy !req
130. so she's only got a few hours
to spend with me.
Copy !req
131. Well, this is serendipitous.
One of my favorite words.
Copy !req
132. I'll wait here, and have her sign
your medical power of attorney.
Copy !req
133. I don't think so.
- What? No.
Copy !req
134. Well, given your diagnosis,
I don't recommend stalling on that.
Copy !req
135. Is attorney-client privilege only
for criminal lawyers,
Copy !req
136. or is it for pretend lawyers as well?
Copy !req
137. Estate law is real law. I'm a real lawyer.
Copy !req
138. Yes or no?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
139. Cone of silence.
Copy !req
140. Meg doesn't know that I have Parkinson's.
Copy !req
141. So, are you two not on good terms?
Copy !req
142. Cone of silence.
Copy !req
143. Stop saying that.
- Okay.
Copy !req
144. Her mother and I split
when she was little.
Copy !req
145. They moved to the East Coast. We drifted.
Copy !req
146. It was hard to keep in touch.
Copy !req
147. Why? Was it before phones
or planes existed?
Copy !req
148. Sorry.
You're opening up, and I'm ruining it.
Copy !req
149. Your self-awareness
is your best characteristic.
Copy !req
150. So you really think it's important
that I do this now?
Copy !req
151. Yeah.
Copy !req
152. Okay.
I'll tell her, and I'll get these signed.
Copy !req
153. Great. Do you wanna
mail these documents back to me,
Copy !req
154. or drop them off at my office downtown?
Copy !req
155. No, actually, I'd rather have somebody
come by my place and pick 'em up
Copy !req
156. and spare me the hassle.
- Okay.
Copy !req
157. But I can have my assistant, Kevin, do it.
Copy !req
158. Kevin. Kevin!
Copy !req
159. Kevin.
Copy !req
160. I'm Kevin, aren't I?
Copy !req
161. Okay. I will see you soon.
Copy !req
162. Thanks for dropping in.
Copy !req
163. My pleasure.
- Unannounced.
Copy !req
164. Oh, well, I did. I called,
emailed and texted.
Copy !req
165. So...
Copy !req
166. Hey, cutie.
- Hey.
Copy !req
167. I heard you dribbling. I'm open.
- Okay.
Copy !req
168. Nice!
- Three boys.
Copy !req
169. Actually, Connor's coming home
from college tonight.
Copy !req
170. Tell him I said what's up.
- I will.
Copy !req
171. Hey, Liz. Hi.
- Hey, Gab.
Copy !req
172. Just gonna shoot around with Alice
with the new basketball I got her.
Copy !req
173. Oh, right.
Copy !req
174. I remember the basketball you
said you got her.
Copy !req
175. That's right.
- That's great.
Copy !req
176. Well, you guys have fun.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
177. Yeah, cool. It's really good to see you.
Copy !req
178. Oh, my God. Great to see you.
Copy !req
179. Yeah. Nice kicks.
- Thank you. They're Jordans.
Copy !req
180. Great. Good for you.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
181. See you guys.
Copy !req
182. Pleasure.
- Just a plesh.
Copy !req
183. Holy shit. You guys hate each other.
Copy !req
184. Shut up and shoot the ball.
Copy !req
185. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
186. This is it.
Do you mind taking your shoes off?
Copy !req
187. It's not an OCD thing,
I used to live in Japan, so...
Copy !req
188. Pretty sure you told me
you never left Pasadena.
Copy !req
189. Okay, fine. It is an OCD thing,
but you know, the Japanese are no dummies.
Copy !req
190. Okay.
Copy !req
191. Here I go.
Copy !req
192. I'm gonna sit on your sofa
in the same jeans
Copy !req
193. that I just wore
to sit on that park bench. Okay?
Copy !req
194. Now it's your turn.
- I need to put on my inside clothes.
Copy !req
195. These are outside clothes. I just can't.
Copy !req
196. It's—
- Hey. Yes, you can.
Copy !req
197. Just come sit here next to me. Come on.
- Okay.
Copy !req
198. Open your eyes.
- I'm scared.
Copy !req
199. I know you are,
but I'm right here with you.
Copy !req
200. How's that feel?
- It's okay.
Copy !req
201. I mean, shit, Wally.
Copy !req
202. Looks like you might be able
to do anything.
Copy !req
203. Wally, you are incredible.
Copy !req
204. Oh, no. Okay. Wait.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
205. I didn't see it coming.
- I'm so sorry!
Copy !req
206. I'm so dumb.
Copy !req
207. Don't panic.
- I don't know what I was thinking.
Copy !req
208. I think I misread the signs
because you came over
Copy !req
209. and then you called me incredible,
and I know that I'm not incredible. It's—
Copy !req
210. Hey, hold on. Wally, you are incredible.
Copy !req
211. And I— No, Wally. Not again.
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
212. This is the worst day of my life.
Copy !req
213. You know, it used to be shitting my pants
in a Whole Foods,
Copy !req
214. and I mean it went everywhere, okay?
But now this is it.
Copy !req
215. And I'm just freaking out!
- Okay, don't freak out. You know why?
Copy !req
216. Because this happens all the time.
- Really?
Copy !req
217. Nope, never happened before in my life.
But that's okay, we're good.
Copy !req
218. Oh, my God. I'm a demented freak.
- You are not. Hey, stop it!
Copy !req
219. It's okay because I'm fucking proud
of what we accomplished today.
Copy !req
220. Goddamn it and son of a bitch.
Copy !req
221. Listen, you don't need to be upset.
Copy !req
222. Do I look upset?
- No.
Copy !req
223. But I don't trust it.
It's too much eye contact.
Copy !req
224. Fuck!
Copy !req
225. You just forgot your shoes, so...
- Thanks.
Copy !req
226. That's why I yelled, "Fuck!"
- Okay, bye.
Copy !req
227. Here, boo.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
228. Who's Connor?
Copy !req
229. Nosy.
- Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
230. Liz's son.
Copy !req
231. God. Of course she has a son named Connor.
Copy !req
232. Yeah, he's home from college.
Copy !req
233. He's a college boy?
- College boy.
Copy !req
234. Is he a certified hottie?
Copy !req
235. Are you thinking about
giving him a little smooch?
Copy !req
236. Been there, done that.
- Really?
Copy !req
237. Yeah.
- What base?
Copy !req
238. I fucked him.
Copy !req
239. So last base?
- Yeah, it was my idea.
Copy !req
240. We were studying in Connor's room,
and Liz was making lasagna.
Copy !req
241. And I was like,
Copy !req
242. "Hey, do you wanna maybe lose our
virginities so we can get it over with?"
Copy !req
243. And he was like,
"Cool. Do you want me to light a candle?"
Copy !req
244. Oh, no. Come on, Connor, not a candle.
- I know.
Copy !req
245. But it's whatever. I'm glad it happened.
Copy !req
246. That's good. Great.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
247. Your mom had the sex talk with you, right?
Copy !req
248. Like, she told you stuff like, you know,
make sure you pee afterward.
Copy !req
249. Stuff like that? Good.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
250. Mom talked to me about it all.
Copy !req
251. Like, birth control
and making sure you're emotionally ready.
Copy !req
252. And she also said that
if the penis is weird,
Copy !req
253. you can change your mind.
- Yes, that is true.
Copy !req
254. 'Cause there are a lot
of weird peepees out there.
Copy !req
255. Yeah, your mom was the best.
Copy !req
256. Did she tell you that,
if things are taking too long,
Copy !req
257. you could always end things
with a finger in the butt?
Copy !req
258. I'm sorry, what?
Copy !req
259. Is that his butt or my butt?
Copy !req
260. Any butt involved.
Copy !req
261. Hi. Sorry. I'm looking for Paul Rhoades.
Copy !req
262. So there's a waiting room
just around the corner.
Copy !req
263. If you flick a switch,
it'll let him know you're here.
Copy !req
264. I'm not a patient. He's my dad. I'm Meg.
Copy !req
265. Holy shit!
Copy !req
266. You're Connecticut Meg.
Copy !req
267. Hi. Wow. I'm Jimmy.
Copy !req
268. Pasadena Jimmy.
Copy !req
269. Okay. Sure. Yeah.
Copy !req
270. It's so good to finally meet you.
- You too.
Copy !req
271. Oh, my God. I've heard a ton about you.
Not really, but I would've liked to.
Copy !req
272. Paul's the office next door.
Copy !req
273. Thank you.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
274. Why do you have potatoes on your table?
Copy !req
275. Well, Meg, your dad threw 'em at me.
Copy !req
276. So you guys are close?
- Hard to say.
Copy !req
277. Yeah, I understand.
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
278. There's a bite out of one of them.
Copy !req
279. He made me real mad,
Copy !req
280. and so I ate one passive
aggressively raw, like an apple.
Copy !req
281. Paul! Look who I found.
Copy !req
282. Hi, Dad.
- Meg.
Copy !req
283. Got a great daughter here, Paul.
Copy !req
284. I'm so relieved you think so.
Copy !req
285. Fucking guy.
Copy !req
286. I'm just saying, nobody should be allowed
to leave the table
Copy !req
287. unless everybody's eaten. You know?
- Agreed.
Copy !req
288. Full three-course meal.
Snack, snack, snack.
Copy !req
289. What are you guys talking about?
- The female orgasm.
Copy !req
290. Well, those aren't real.
Copy !req
291. Thank God you laughed at that. Yeah.
Copy !req
292. How did you stumble into that topic?
Copy !req
293. I think maybe, actually,
he could handle this.
Copy !req
294. And maybe you should give him
a chance to be cool dad.
Copy !req
295. I have had such a crappy day.
Copy !req
296. You have no idea how badly I need
to be cool dad right now.
Copy !req
297. I can do it.
I'm gonna fucking nail it. Let's go.
Copy !req
298. Okay.
Copy !req
299. Okay. I was just telling Gaby about
Copy !req
300. how before Connor went to college,
we sort of slept together.
Copy !req
301. And you're okay of it— with it?
Copy !req
302. Yeah.
Copy !req
303. Did you use protection?
Copy !req
304. Of course.
Copy !req
305. And did he use protection?
Copy !req
306. Yes. Yeah. Yes.
Copy !req
307. I appreciate you two telling me
about that.
Copy !req
308. Thanks, Cool Dad.
Copy !req
309. I didn't nail it.
Copy !req
310. I'm honestly— I'm just glad you told him.
Copy !req
311. Really? Why?
Copy !req
312. 'Cause it was either you or me.
Copy !req
313. Hey, Jimmy.
Copy !req
314. Christ, you're everywhere.
Copy !req
315. If only.
Copy !req
316. Are you okay?
Copy !req
317. Not now. Not now, Liz.
Copy !req
318. Well, I can see you're upset.
Copy !req
319. Hello?
Copy !req
320. Hello over there?
- You can't help yourself, can you?
Copy !req
321. You gotta butt in.
Copy !req
322. Okay. All right. Let's do this, Liz.
Copy !req
323. You know how you're always
criticizing me about my parenting?
Copy !req
324. Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay.
Copy !req
325. Guess what I just found out?
Copy !req
326. Somebody had sex with Alice.
Copy !req
327. I can't tell you who
because I don't want to betray her trust,
Copy !req
328. but I'll let you guess.
Copy !req
329. It was Connor.
Copy !req
330. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
331. "Oh, boy." Is that all you got? "Oh, boy."
Copy !req
332. I don't know. It makes sense.
Copy !req
333. They spent so much time together.
Copy !req
334. I mean—
- My head fucking hurts, Liz.
Copy !req
335. And lately,
every time it hurts, it's because of you.
Copy !req
336. Except for once, I hit my head
on the medicine cabinet. That was me.
Copy !req
337. The rest, you. Thank you.
Copy !req
338. Thank you for having my little daughter
over there all the time.
Copy !req
339. I appreciate it. She was vulnerable.
Your son took advantage of her!
Copy !req
340. That is not fair. Connor is so not the—
- You know what? I'm not done yet.
Copy !req
341. Work was a shit show today too.
Copy !req
342. I got one patient avoiding me.
Copy !req
343. I got one who won't open up to me.
I got one who made out with me.
Copy !req
344. I know you're not
a mental health specialist, Liz,
Copy !req
345. but that's not good.
Copy !req
346. Normally,
I would figure this out with Paul.
Copy !req
347. But because of you,
he's only talking to me about potatoes!
Copy !req
348. You forgave me for that!
Copy !req
349. You're unforgiven.
Copy !req
350. Stay on your side of the fence, Liz.
Copy !req
351. You know what? From now on,
you're banned from my house.
Copy !req
352. Banned?
- You're banned!
Copy !req
353. You are banned and unforgiven.
Copy !req
354. I have to go inside now
because I'm marching and pounding.
Copy !req
355. And I'm so, so mad!
Copy !req
356. Jimmy.
- I am so mad, Liz.
Copy !req
357. Whatever you are looking for,
it's not here.
Copy !req
358. Liz? Liz's purpose?
Copy !req
359. Liz's purpose, are you here?
Liz's purpose?
Copy !req
360. It's not here! Go find your own purpose,
your own friends.
Copy !req
361. I mean, shit, Liz. Get a life!
Copy !req
362. Oh, g— Great.
Copy !req
363. So, how's your mom? Yeah.
- She's good.
Copy !req
364. She's bouncing around
with her guy in Europe.
Copy !req
365. Am I gonna have to learn this one's name?
- They've been married for six years.
Copy !req
366. I'll just call him "buddy."
Copy !req
367. I brought you a new photo of Mason.
Copy !req
368. Wow.
Copy !req
369. He's a handsome kid.
- Yeah. He looks like his dad.
Copy !req
370. No. He looks like you.
Copy !req
371. That's what I was fishing for.
- Beautiful.
Copy !req
372. Yeah.
- I'll take it.
Copy !req
373. It's been too long.
Copy !req
374. How about if I find some time next month,
Copy !req
375. then I could stay with you guys for a bit?
Copy !req
376. Yeah, well, that would be...
Copy !req
377. that would be great.
Copy !req
378. But Mason's got lacrosse camp,
Copy !req
379. and Dave's mom is staying with us
until her foot heals.
Copy !req
380. What's wrong with her foot?
- Nobody knows.
Copy !req
381. Hey, look, I really would like
to see more of you guys.
Copy !req
382. Okay. Well, we will find the time.
Copy !req
383. My car is almost here.
Copy !req
384. So, how is everything else?
Are you feeling okay?
Copy !req
385. Everything good healthwise?
Copy !req
386. Everything's great. Just great.
Copy !req
387. Good. And are you still dating
that art history professor?
Copy !req
388. No.
- Oh, no! What happened?
Copy !req
389. She sounded nice.
- She wanted me to go to Burning Man.
Copy !req
390. How dare she?
Copy !req
391. Can I—
I'm gonna clean up before I go. Okay?
Copy !req
392. No. I got it. Leave it.
- Are you sure?
Copy !req
393. Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks.
- Bye.
Copy !req
394. Bye.
- Bye.
Copy !req
395. You want me to kick Jimmy's ass?
Copy !req
396. No, it's okay.
Copy !req
397. Good, I love that guy.
Copy !req
398. Hey! There he is. How's it going, buddy?
- Hey, Dad.
Copy !req
399. Hey, Mom.
- Hi.
Copy !req
400. That's a long hug.
Copy !req
401. I'm just so happy to see you.
Copy !req
402. And I'm making your favorite pasta
for dinner.
Copy !req
403. I was thinking
I was gonna hit the Jacuzzi,
Copy !req
404. and then grab some tacos with the boys
and go to Theo's.
Copy !req
405. Yeah, of course. Have fun.
Copy !req
406. Hey, what's the new dog's name?
- That is Shit Rat.
Copy !req
407. Who's a good little Shit Rat? It's you.
Copy !req
408. Yeah. Awesome.
Copy !req
409. Great to see him. Needs a haircut.
Copy !req
410. What?
Copy !req
411. I've just never seen a grown man
on a trampoline before.
Copy !req
412. Not even at Cirque du Soleil?
Copy !req
413. Knee drop.
Copy !req
414. Wow.
Copy !req
415. I'm just trying to work out
some fucking simmering rage.
Copy !req
416. Aight. Anything I can do to help?
Copy !req
417. Yeah.
Copy !req
418. What happened to you
when you were overseas?
Copy !req
419. What?
Copy !req
420. Look, I cannot help you
if you don't talk to me.
Copy !req
421. I'm tired of you not opening up.
Copy !req
422. Let's do this.
Copy !req
423. What happened to "no pressure"?
Copy !req
424. I don't know, man. Come on.
Copy !req
425. I just really need a win today.
Copy !req
426. What do you say?
Copy !req
427. Fuck you. That's what I say.
Copy !req
428. Fuck me?
- I know you heard me, James. Fuck you.
Copy !req
429. You know what?
Copy !req
430. If I wasn't your therapist,
I'd say fuck you too!
Copy !req
431. I can do it. I can do it both ways.
Copy !req
432. Jumping. Jumping. Fuck you. Jumping.
Copy !req
433. Hey, Liz.
Copy !req
434. Hey.
Copy !req
435. Hey, Gaby.
- This is cool.
Copy !req
436. So, how does this work?
Copy !req
437. The whole rock tumbling thing?
Copy !req
438. I go for hikes,
Copy !req
439. hunt for agates, bring 'em home,
rinse 'em off,
Copy !req
440. pick out the good ones,
cut them with my saw,
Copy !req
441. tumble them for two months,
Copy !req
442. and then I put them in glass jars
in my bathroom
Copy !req
443. because it looks pretty
when the light comes in.
Copy !req
444. I get it. So, like,
for you this is all just like meditating.
Copy !req
445. No. It's not like meditating.
It's like rocks.
Copy !req
446. What do you want?
Copy !req
447. I overheard Jimmy
Copy !req
448. ripping into you earlier,
Copy !req
449. and you didn't deserve that.
Copy !req
450. Everyone thinks I'm just a mom. I'm not.
Copy !req
451. I'm super cool.
Copy !req
452. I take photographs only on film.
Copy !req
453. People want my playlists.
Copy !req
454. I have tiny tattoos.
Copy !req
455. This one's my favorite.
It's a Belgian loafer.
Copy !req
456. That's actually really fucking sick, Liz.
Copy !req
457. Thank you. And I do have friends.
Copy !req
458. It's just that my best friend
got divorced and moved to Australia.
Copy !req
459. And we try to keep in touch,
Copy !req
460. but I don't know
what fucking time it is over there.
Copy !req
461. Do you?
- Yeah. No. Who cares, also?
Copy !req
462. And that's okay, 'cause I have Derek.
Copy !req
463. And I love Derek so much.
But he's retiring soon,
Copy !req
464. and I can only love him for, like,
an hour and 45 minutes a day.
Copy !req
465. It can't just be him following me
from room to room,
Copy !req
466. asking me stupid questions
about how things in the house work.
Copy !req
467. And maybe I did get too invested in Alice.
Copy !req
468. Maybe I did. I just don't understand
Copy !req
469. how stepping in
and looking after a young girl,
Copy !req
470. who no one was taking care of,
makes me the asshole.
Copy !req
471. Look, that's a lot. Okay?
Copy !req
472. You wanna get fucking drunk?
- Very badly.
Copy !req
473. Gotta get this off my chest. I lied.
Copy !req
474. I didn't have a basketball that day.
Copy !req
475. Thank you. I lied.
Copy !req
476. Doing rocks is exactly like meditating.
Copy !req
477. I know, honey. I know.
- Okay.
Copy !req
478. I know what you did.
Copy !req
479. I kept out all the medical power
of attorney forms.
Copy !req
480. Everything else is signed.
Copy !req
481. So you weren't able to tell her?
Copy !req
482. It got complicated.
Copy !req
483. Yeah?
Copy !req
484. Don't sit down. It's over.
- Right.
Copy !req
485. Hey, I'm no therapist, but I have dealt
with this kind of an issue
Copy !req
486. with a lot of my clients.
- Have you?
Copy !req
487. And— May I say one thing?
Copy !req
488. Speak.
- Can I— Is it o—
Copy !req
489. Is it okay—
- Oh, Jesus. Sit.
Copy !req
490. Yeah, thanks. I'll be—
Copy !req
491. If you're worried
that she won't come through for you,
Copy !req
492. it's better to find out now.
Copy !req
493. No, that's not it.
Copy !req
494. What I— Well, what is it, then?
Copy !req
495. Off you go. Thanks.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
496. You know, I actually think
that this piece gonna go right— Sorry.
Copy !req
497. I'm sorry, Mr. Laird.
Copy !req
498. We were responsible, I promise.
Copy !req
499. That's good. That's nice to hear.
- Okay, good.
Copy !req
500. We were just studying, and it happened.
Copy !req
501. Really just getting all the details.
Copy !req
502. She's just so pretty and cool.
Copy !req
503. And really assertive. You know?
Copy !req
504. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
505. You didn't do anything wrong, Connor.
Copy !req
506. Just because I don't like it
so, so, so much
Copy !req
507. doesn't mean that it was wrong.
Copy !req
508. Still, I should've asked your permission.
- No, don't do that.
Copy !req
509. Don't ever do that. No.
Copy !req
510. So,
Copy !req
511. she won't return my calls
or texts or really anything.
Copy !req
512. Would you wanna tell her
that I can't stop thinking about her?
Copy !req
513. Zero chance.
Copy !req
514. Should I— Okay.
- Yeah, a hundred percent.
Copy !req
515. She kinda uses it as, like, a retreat.
- Hey, Liz?
Copy !req
516. Yeah?
Copy !req
517. I'm sorry. I was really out of line.
Copy !req
518. That's okay.
Copy !req
519. I think I just had a really bad day.
Copy !req
520. Me too.
Copy !req
521. Liz, did I ever really thank you
for everything that you did for Alice?
Copy !req
522. And for me?
Copy !req
523. No.
Copy !req
524. Thank you.
Copy !req
525. You're welcome.
Copy !req
526. That was beautiful, Jimmy.
Come drink with us.
Copy !req
527. Come.
Copy !req
528. Derek and I didn't think Connor
would lose his virginity till,
Copy !req
529. like, his mid-30s.
Copy !req
530. Yeah, Connor definitely wasn't driving
that bus.
Copy !req
531. But you know what?
Copy !req
532. The one you should be worried
about is Sean.
Copy !req
533. Totally.
Copy !req
534. They have an energy. I have seen it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
535. Sean is a nice kid, okay?
Copy !req
536. He's not like that. So—
- Yeah, but he's not the issue.
Copy !req
537. Listen, Jimmy. You got a teenage girl.
Copy !req
538. We were those once.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
539. And we were horny as fuck.
Copy !req
540. So horny as fuck.
Copy !req
541. Think about it.
Copy !req
542. You got a beautiful Black man back there,
all that cacao skin,
Copy !req
543. glistening over in the pool house?
With easy access?
Copy !req
544. Easy access?
Copy !req
545. If you have any empathy,
Copy !req
546. you will stop this conversation right now.
Copy !req
547. You know, I had a Sean once.
- Motherfucker.
Copy !req
548. His name was Allen.
Copy !req
549. He was my dad's paralegal.
Copy !req
550. And I gave him a really powerful hand job
at the family brunch.
Copy !req
551. Under or over the pants?
Copy !req
552. Both.
Copy !req
553. And I used pancake butter.
Copy !req
554. It was amazing.
Copy !req
555. My Sean's name was Billy Worth.
Copy !req
556. Was it?
- He worked in a yogurt shop.
Copy !req
557. And my mom found so many
rainbow-colored sprinkles in my panties
Copy !req
558. that she thought
I was banging a leprechaun.
Copy !req
559. Okay. You're wrong.
Copy !req
560. You're both wrong. I'll tell you why.
One, you're both perverts, both of you.
Copy !req
561. Two, I'm taking this glass.
I'll bring it back.
Copy !req
562. Three, no one wants a powerful hand job.
Copy !req
563. Four, I'm canceling any future brunches.
Copy !req
564. Number five, Sean is not beautiful.
- He is.
Copy !req
565. Number six, fuck you.
Copy !req
566. Jimmy! Teenage girls be fucking!
Copy !req
567. They fuck.
Copy !req
568. Babe, Connor got laid.
Copy !req
569. Derek, don't be crude.
Copy !req
570. Okay. Have you seen the scissors?
Copy !req
571. Did you look in the drawer
where we always keep them?
Copy !req
572. Great idea.
Copy !req
573. You know,
my ex was addicted to painkillers.
Copy !req
574. That's way worse.
Copy !req
575. Hey. I need a little guy energy.
Copy !req
576. You watching the game?
- 3-2 Dodgers.
Copy !req
577. Grab a seat.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
578. Here's the ninth hitter. Brunson stops.
Copy !req
579. Hey, about earlier...
Copy !req
580. Look, I know it must be frustrating
when I don't—
Copy !req
581. No, I made it about me.
Copy !req
582. That was some weak shit.
Copy !req
583. You know why I like living here?
Copy !req
584. When I was staying at my parents' crib,
Copy !req
585. they made me feel guilty
for not getting better.
Copy !req
586. I never got that here.
- Until today.
Copy !req
587. I fucked that up. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
588. You have a good night.
Copy !req
589. This game's going into extras,
in case you wanna stay.
Copy !req
590. Sean, you up?
Copy !req
591. God, you're beautiful.
Copy !req