1. Fuck.
Copy !req
2. It's creepy how you always sit alone
in the dark.
Copy !req
3. I cannot condemn you to live
in the bowels of hell for all eternity.
Copy !req
4. I love you too much.
Copy !req
5. What?
- Gary Oldman? Dracula?
Copy !req
6. No?
- No.
Copy !req
7. Hey, I gotta go bail Sean out
of jail before work.
Copy !req
8. But I have a meeting
with your counselor later.
Copy !req
9. What's he gonna tell me about you?
Copy !req
10. He might ask, "How's Alice feeling after
you getting beat up at her soccer game?"
Copy !req
11. Unless, maybe he doesn't even know
about it.
Copy !req
12. He was holding an ice pack to your face.
Copy !req
13. Malik. I like that guy.
Copy !req
14. He was tender.
Copy !req
15. Hey, if you wanna have dinner tonight...
Copy !req
16. I'm busy. It's Taco Tuesday.
Copy !req
17. Yes. My favorite
vaguely racist weekly food holiday.
Copy !req
18. Who you having tacos with?
Copy !req
19. Got it.
Copy !req
20. You know, if you ever do wanna have
dinner, I'm around.
Copy !req
21. I'll be here,
Copy !req
22. right in my corner.
Copy !req
23. Bye.
Copy !req
24. Love you.
Copy !req
25. Have a great day.
- I'm sure it'll be awesome.
Copy !req
26. Say it.
- Not everyone here is a fucking idiot.
Copy !req
27. Attagirl.
Copy !req
28. Morning, Jimmy.
- Hey, man.
Copy !req
29. So I did just what you told me.
I didn't pressure her or anything.
Copy !req
30. I just casually asked her to have dinner
with me, and guess what?
Copy !req
31. She basically told me to go fuck myself.
Copy !req
32. Could we have this conversation
after I have my coffee?
Copy !req
33. Nope. Look, I know you said
Copy !req
34. I'm supposed to let her come to me,
but I'm starting to lose hope.
Copy !req
35. Well, it's understandable.
Copy !req
36. You've been trying this approach
for almost ten minutes.
Copy !req
37. Good sarcasm, Paul.
Copy !req
38. You can't force it.
You were checked out for almost a year.
Copy !req
39. I just let you know that I would
be there for you when you were ready.
Copy !req
40. Alice will have dinner with you
when she's ready.
Copy !req
41. Until then, you just wait.
Copy !req
42. That's how it is
with people that you love.
Copy !req
43. You just said you love me.
Copy !req
44. No, I did not.
Copy !req
45. Well, it sounded like you did.
Copy !req
46. I'm not ready to say it back
just yet, but—
Copy !req
47. What's with the sirens? Where are you?
Copy !req
48. All right, look, Paul, I'm just gonna be
completely honest with you...
Copy !req
49. You've been very supportive lately,
Copy !req
50. so I decided I was
gonna bring you doughnuts.
Copy !req
51. Then I got down here to the doughnut shop
Copy !req
52. and apparently,
this place has been robbed.
Copy !req
53. There's shattered glass
and blood everywhere.
Copy !req
54. Could be jelly. It's probably jelly.
Copy !req
55. Anyways, looks like
today's not doughnut day for us, Paul,
Copy !req
56. but I'll see you at work.
Copy !req
57. Okay. Bye.
Copy !req
58. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
59. Now I want a doughnut.
Copy !req
60. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
61. Morning.
- Fuck you.
Copy !req
62. How come your folks didn't come
bail you out?
Copy !req
63. I never called 'em.
Copy !req
64. Hey, do you know any lawyers?
This dude is definitely coming after me.
Copy !req
65. Yes, I know one.
Copy !req
66. Is he like an asshole or something?
Copy !req
67. No. He is the best.
- Great.
Copy !req
68. I've just been hiding from him for a year.
Copy !req
69. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
70. Look.
Copy !req
71. What do I do?
- Answer it.
Copy !req
72. I'm not ready.
- You are.
Copy !req
73. How do I look?
- Great, but it's just a phone call.
Copy !req
74. Oh, my God.
- Just answer it.
Copy !req
75. Jimmy?
Copy !req
76. Hello?
- Hi, Brian!
Copy !req
77. That was normal.
Copy !req
78. Paul cannot know about this shit.
Copy !req
79. God, you look like ass, Jimmy.
- Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
80. Is Sean okay?
Copy !req
81. Sean is fine,
but my patient's husband got fucked up.
Copy !req
82. What?
Copy !req
83. What happened to you?
- I fell, man.
Copy !req
84. How?
- How?
Copy !req
85. I got these new shoes here, and I—
They got no grip.
Copy !req
86. I should've got ones with grip.
Copy !req
87. These non-grippy shoes,
they'll fuck you up.
Copy !req
88. So, you fell onto your eye?
- Yes.
Copy !req
89. You got very close to me. Okay.
Copy !req
90. Because of your non-grippy shoes?
Copy !req
91. Yeah. Right on it.
Copy !req
92. Like...
Copy !req
93. I did this like a cartoon, Paul.
- That's crazy.
Copy !req
94. And then he went right into a side table.
Copy !req
95. Do you have any side
or little tables, Paul?
Copy !req
96. I do.
- That's cool.
Copy !req
97. Do you have a TV where you can just watch
tennis matches with people?
Copy !req
98. As in one of the old ones, the deep, old,
square ones that are very heavy?
Copy !req
99. Like a Zenith?
Copy !req
100. Look, I don't have people in my home.
It's not that I'm antisocial.
Copy !req
101. I'd argue that that's the definition
of antisocial.
Copy !req
102. I know you do this to shame me
'cause I'm a somewhat private person,
Copy !req
103. but it just strengthens my resolve.
Copy !req
104. "Somewhat private"?
Copy !req
105. I've known you for years. I've never
been inside your apartment, house,
Copy !req
106. I have no idea. Never met your daughter.
Copy !req
107. Yeah, what is she like?
- She lives in Connecticut.
Copy !req
108. Wow. It's like she's in the room.
Copy !req
109. Look, I'm pro-boundaries.
Copy !req
110. I'm always there for my patients,
Copy !req
111. just not for my very needy colleagues.
Copy !req
112. Oh, shit.
- No.
Copy !req
113. He means you.
- That was you.
Copy !req
114. No. Nuh-uh.
- He meant you.
Copy !req
115. He did.
- I'm sorry about her.
Copy !req
116. My family is for me.
Copy !req
117. My home is my Fortress of Solitude.
Copy !req
118. Fortress of Solitude
should be the name of your memoir.
Copy !req
119. I'm never gonna tell you
the name of my memoir.
Copy !req
120. Very spicy today.
- Well, he's mad because I said,
Copy !req
121. "memoir," and clearly it's...
- "Mem-wah."
Copy !req
122. "... mem-wah."
- That would make a lot of people mad.
Copy !req
123. Yeah. This is my peepaw,
and this is my "mem-wah."
Copy !req
124. My sister and I have been acting
like teenagers again.
Copy !req
125. Drinking too much, staying up late.
Copy !req
126. Oh, my God. Last night we prank called
our old high school principal.
Copy !req
127. Turns out he's dead, so not that fun.
- How'd he die?
Copy !req
128. He was murdered by the guidance counselor.
Copy !req
129. Wow. That's a surprise.
Copy !req
130. Why are you hiding from me?
Copy !req
131. Can you move your camera?
I can't see your whole face.
Copy !req
132. Yeah.
Copy !req
133. How's that? Is that better?
Copy !req
134. It's like your chair's moving,
but you're not moving your camera.
Copy !req
135. That's weird.
My chair is staying totally still.
Copy !req
136. It must be some sort of weird optical
illusion, or maybe it's a filter.
Copy !req
137. Grace, our time is up.
- What?
Copy !req
138. But I did wanna tell you
you're doing really great, okay?
Copy !req
139. We'll talk again next week. Bye.
Copy !req
140. So, the place is, like, hopping
like I've never seen it, okay?
Copy !req
141. So, I'm thinking
I'm just gonna skate on through,
Copy !req
142. but guess who just stops everything
and asks me how my day is going?
Copy !req
143. I bet I know, Dan.
Copy !req
144. The barista.
- Yeah!
Copy !req
145. The fucking barista.
Copy !req
146. Again.
- Again.
Copy !req
147. Why don't you just make my fucking coffee?
Copy !req
148. Absolutely.
Copy !req
149. Or you could just answer his question.
Copy !req
150. I mean, I'm just— Thoughts?
- Have a couple. "Fuck" and "that."
Copy !req
151. Why should I make small talk
with this guy?
Copy !req
152. You know, maybe it gives him joy.
Copy !req
153. Hearing about my fucking day
would give him joy, really?
Copy !req
154. It's definitely my happy place, Dan.
Copy !req
155. You wanna know what I think?
Copy !req
156. I think maybe this whole
"I hate everyone" shtick,
Copy !req
157. it's led to you living
a pretty isolated life.
Copy !req
158. Aren't you getting tired of being lonely?
Copy !req
159. 'Cause I'll tell you something.
I'm fucking lonely, Dan.
Copy !req
160. I really am quite lonely.
Copy !req
161. Sucks.
Copy !req
162. Yeah.
Copy !req
163. It does.
Copy !req
164. You feel like some coffee, Dan?
I feel like some coffee.
Copy !req
165. Hey there. How may I help you?
- Stan.
Copy !req
166. His name's Dan. Your names rhyme.
Copy !req
167. That's pretty fun, huh?
Copy !req
168. I will fucking kill you.
Copy !req
169. Just a couple Americanos, please.
Copy !req
170. No problem. How's your day going?
Copy !req
171. My day started out slow,
but now it's picking up.
Copy !req
172. Dan?
Copy !req
173. My day was going okay, but now it's bad.
Copy !req
174. Tell me about it.
Copy !req
175. We ran out of oat milk.
Everyone here is losing their shit.
Copy !req
176. Fuck oat milk.
- Yes.
Copy !req
177. Thank you.
Copy !req
178. I'll get those drinks going.
Copy !req
179. Hated that.
- I don't believe you.
Copy !req
180. Oh, shit. I gotta run.
Copy !req
181. Session's over. Have fun.
Copy !req
182. Wait. You said you were gonna pay.
Copy !req
183. Hello. Sorry I'm late.
Copy !req
184. I was with a patient, but I'm here.
Copy !req
185. We started without you.
Copy !req
186. I didn't know if Liz was filling in
permanently or...
Copy !req
187. No. Just the two times.
- Three times.
Copy !req
188. Three times? Okay.
Copy !req
189. I should go. Should I go?
Copy !req
190. No. It's fine. The more, the merrier.
Copy !req
191. Happy to be here.
- It's quite a shiner.
Copy !req
192. I mean, obviously, yesterday was a lot.
Copy !req
193. I agree.
Copy !req
194. Thank you for cradling my head,
by the way.
Copy !req
195. I was just telling Liz
that Alice dropped off the debate team.
Copy !req
196. She didn't feel like she had the time,
'cause of soccer and everything,
Copy !req
197. and I— You go.
Copy !req
198. Me? Sure.
Copy !req
199. Well, I agree with Liz.
Copy !req
200. She's currently very focused
on the sport of soccer.
Copy !req
201. Her English teacher, Mr. Alto,
tells me she isn't very social anymore.
Copy !req
202. Mr. Alto sounds like a narc.
Copy !req
203. I don't care for him either.
Copy !req
204. He's my husband.
Copy !req
205. Oh, my gosh.
- I think he's great.
Copy !req
206. Congratulations.
- I just meant she's distracted
Copy !req
207. probably cause he's so handsome.
- Yeah, that's it.
Copy !req
208. Has Alice started to look at colleges?
Copy !req
209. No, I asked her if she wanted to go
to a big state school or a small—
Copy !req
210. I'm sorry. You go.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
211. Her mom and I took her to the East Coast
last year,
Copy !req
212. and she fell in love
with a few small liberal arts colleges.
Copy !req
213. Williams, Amherst, Vassar.
Copy !req
214. Jimmy, you got this.
Copy !req
215. I'm gonna leave you to it.
- Okay.
Copy !req
216. It's so good that you're here.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
217. It's great that you're leaving.
Copy !req
218. Do you know if Alice plans
on taking any AP courses next year?
Copy !req
219. Liz!
- I'm back.
Copy !req
220. Thanks.
- Yes?
Copy !req
221. AP courses?
Copy !req
222. Well, she loves science,
so I was thinking physics with Ms. Amend.
Copy !req
223. Yes, exactly. I love that.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
224. Maybe we could do, like, a powwow...
- Powwow.
Copy !req
225. and we'll think of how to talk
to the coaches.
Copy !req
226. Yes.
- She has— does the soccer
Copy !req
227. and then she'll ease on to debate...
- Ease on to debate.
Copy !req
228. when the season's over.
- Right.
Copy !req
229. We can circle back.
- Yeah, we'll circle back.
Copy !req
230. It was so humiliating. Like, I get it.
Copy !req
231. Liz has been absolutely amazing
with Alice.
Copy !req
232. At the same time, Alice is my fucking kid.
Copy !req
233. Hey, anybody that helps us
raise our kids with love and respect,
Copy !req
234. we should be grateful.
Copy !req
235. That's true, but also, somebody's gotta
tell this white lady she needs
Copy !req
236. to back up a little bit, you know?
Copy !req
237. I should point out I am also white.
Copy !req
238. You are so white.
Copy !req
239. Okay, so are you, Paul.
Copy !req
240. No, I'm not. I'm a silver fox.
Copy !req
241. That's true.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
242. You know, I actually met Liz with Tia
before her last son left for college.
Copy !req
243. She is a real mama bear type.
- Right?
Copy !req
244. For realsies. You need to tell her
she's not the mama.
Copy !req
245. You the mama.
Copy !req
246. I'm the mama.
- Say it like you mean it.
Copy !req
247. You the mama!
- I'm the mama.
Copy !req
248. You the mama.
- You the mama.
Copy !req
249. I'm the mama.
- You're the mama.
Copy !req
250. I'm the fucking mama!
Copy !req
251. Yep. Now, go get her ass.
Copy !req
252. Thank you! I'm the mama!
Copy !req
253. You are the mama.
- Go get her.
Copy !req
254. Is there any way he'll say that
to her face?
Copy !req
255. No.
Copy !req
256. My client has a fractured cheekbone and is
suffering from severe emotional distress.
Copy !req
257. Let's not waste each other's time.
Unless you drop the assault charges—
Copy !req
258. Why the fuck would I do that?
Copy !req
259. Because I have 30 eyewitnesses
Copy !req
260. who saw you walk straight
up to a well-respected therapist
Copy !req
261. and viciously attack him
in an unprovoked assault.
Copy !req
262. What my client did was stop his therapist
from being killed.
Copy !req
263. There's no crime here.
Copy !req
264. And if you wanna discuss damages,
Copy !req
265. the therapist in question
is willing to testify
Copy !req
266. that due to your client's violent attack,
Copy !req
267. he is now suffering from headaches.
Copy !req
268. My head hurts and I can't focus,
Copy !req
269. and I'm— Well,
I'm pretty close to shitting my pants.
Copy !req
270. Oh, God.
Copy !req
271. What does— Did the meeting start yet?
Copy !req
272. Yeah, bud. This is it.
Copy !req
273. It's okay. You're doing great.
Copy !req
274. Tragic.
Copy !req
275. Keep walking.
Copy !req
276. Yeah! Holy shit. That was incredible.
Copy !req
277. Love threatening bullies.
Copy !req
278. That guy's a bully, right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
279. We destroyed them.
Copy !req
280. What'd I tell you? Everything goes my way.
Copy !req
281. He says that a lot.
Copy !req
282. It's kinda my mantra.
Everything goes my way.
Copy !req
283. Well, you fucking killed that shit, man.
How often do you do that?
Copy !req
284. Never. I'm an estate attorney.
Copy !req
285. That was the biggest rush of my life.
Copy !req
286. I am Atticus Finch.
I am Julianna Margulies. I am Elle Woods!
Copy !req
287. We should do something.
Copy !req
288. Should we go clubbing? It's 2:00 p.m.
Copy !req
289. Should we get ice cream?
- Fuck yeah.
Copy !req
290. Guys, I can't.
Copy !req
291. You never say no to ice cream.
- I know, but I gotta get back to work.
Copy !req
292. But, Brian, truly incredible.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
293. Wait. We're playing pickleball tonight.
Copy !req
294. You're coming. 8:00 p.m.
Same place. Be there.
Copy !req
295. I can't.
- Come on, man. It'll be like the old days.
Copy !req
296. I know.
Copy !req
297. Aren't y'all, like, best friends
or something?
Copy !req
298. What'd you do?
Copy !req
299. I don't know.
Copy !req
300. What the fuck is pickleball?
Copy !req
301. Fastest-growing sport in America.
Don't get left behind.
Copy !req
302. Maybe for white people.
Copy !req
303. Hey. You wanna come out with me tonight?
Don't say no right away.
Copy !req
304. Why? What's happening?
Copy !req
305. "Drinks Under the Bridge."
Copy !req
306. Come on. Literally everyone will be there.
Copy !req
307. Mark has White Claws and if, like,
one of us pretends we wanna fuck him,
Copy !req
308. he said he'd save a black cherry for us.
Copy !req
309. And we can drink a lot.
Like, I wanna throw up.
Copy !req
310. Yeah, no.
Copy !req
311. I swear it's gonna be fun,
and we're gonna dance, we're gonna move,
Copy !req
312. and then we could take pictures
that are, like, really blurry,
Copy !req
313. and I could caption it, "Low-quality pics
with high-quality friends."
Copy !req
314. Isn't that good?
Copy !req
315. Am I selling you at all? Please.
Copy !req
316. Bye.
- It's gonna be f— Bye, see you there.
Copy !req
317. Summer's so dumb.
Copy !req
318. She wants me to go to this thing called
Drinks Under the Bridge.
Copy !req
319. What is that?
Copy !req
320. It's where they go and have drinks
under a bridge.
Copy !req
321. Well, then it's a very good name for it.
Copy !req
322. They just all act so immature.
Copy !req
323. Well, they are immature.
They're teenagers.
Copy !req
324. They haven't been through
what you've been through.
Copy !req
325. Well, then, they're lucky.
Copy !req
326. For now.
Copy !req
327. Nobody gets through this life unscathed.
Copy !req
328. Not you, not me, Mr. Shaky Hands.
Copy !req
329. But then you're left with a choice.
Copy !req
330. Are you gonna let your grief drown you,
Copy !req
331. or are you gonna face it
and come through the other side?
Copy !req
332. I just miss her,
Copy !req
333. and no one gets it.
Copy !req
334. I know someone who does.
Copy !req
335. He's tall and he calls me too much.
Copy !req
336. Nice shot.
Copy !req
337. He wants to do dinners now.
Copy !req
338. What a dick.
Copy !req
339. I can't just all of a sudden pretend
that everything's okay between us.
Copy !req
340. You ever heard of
"fake it till you make it"?
Copy !req
341. Play the part of his daughter for—
Give it an hour.
Copy !req
342. An hour?
Copy !req
343. I've decided therapy sucks.
Copy !req
344. This isn't therapy.
Copy !req
345. These are just chats
that your dad should never know about.
Copy !req
346. Why not?
Copy !req
347. Because he'll make a big fucking deal
out of it.
Copy !req
348. And he'll wanna hug me
or something like that.
Copy !req
349. Yeah, he would.
Copy !req
350. So, what do you think?
Copy !req
351. One dinner.
Copy !req
352. Go get some sandwiches
from that Nashville chicken place.
Copy !req
353. And then afterwards,
you can go by the bridge
Copy !req
354. and judge some stupid teenagers.
Copy !req
355. Summer just wants to go
because we'd be celebrities.
Copy !req
356. Why?
Copy !req
357. Dude, the soccer game.
Copy !req
358. Dad's psycho patient started
that crazy brawl,
Copy !req
359. and now it's all anyone wants
to talk about.
Copy !req
360. This again?
Copy !req
361. You looked at the clock
Copy !req
362. and so now you have to hold your breath
until the minute changes.
Copy !req
363. Okay.
Copy !req
364. Look, I know you feel like
this compulsion—
Copy !req
365. The minute changed.
Copy !req
366. I know you feel like this compulsion
is gonna help keep
Copy !req
367. bad things from happening,
but that's called magical thinking.
Copy !req
368. Well, I like magic.
- So do I.
Copy !req
369. Look, the world,
it's an unpredictable place.
Copy !req
370. But I promise you, my office,
it's a completely safe space.
Copy !req
371. Are you fucking kidding me?
- Hello.
Copy !req
372. You asked me to keep your friend
out of jail.
Copy !req
373. Which I do, miraculously, by the way.
Copy !req
374. I didn't mean to interrupt,
but this is a whole thing.
Copy !req
375. And then you just walk away?
Copy !req
376. How fucking dare you?
Copy !req
377. I didn't mean to swear.
Copy !req
378. I just feel this very passionately.
I'm paying for this session.
Copy !req
379. Not you. I'm not paying you.
But you, definitely. I'll get your Venmo.
Copy !req
380. And you are fucking playing pickleball.
Copy !req
381. Brian.
Copy !req
382. I told you that I can't tonight.
Copy !req
383. You're seriously passing on spending time
with your best friend,
Copy !req
384. so that you can sit in the dark
with a whiskey in a Santa mug.
Copy !req
385. That's so sad, man. That is so... sad.
Copy !req
386. I think you're very rude
and I deserve better. And so do you.
Copy !req
387. Once again, so sorry. Good day.
Copy !req
388. Breathe, Wally.
Copy !req
389. You're gonna die.
- We're all gonna die.
Copy !req
390. What are you doing?
- Tumbling my rocks.
Copy !req
391. So I found this cool restaurant
Copy !req
392. where you can play cornhole
while you have your appetizers.
Copy !req
393. You wanna go tonight?
- I don't wanna go ever.
Copy !req
394. Anyway, it's Taco Tuesday
and Alice is coming over.
Copy !req
395. Oh, right. The kid that's not our kid.
Am I invited?
Copy !req
396. Yes, but don't come.
Copy !req
397. Enjoy your rocks.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
398. Excuse me! Liz?
Copy !req
399. Hi.
Copy !req
400. Gaby, right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
401. I hadn't seen you since Tia's—
Copy !req
402. Well, how are you?
- I'm good.
Copy !req
403. I'm just in the area dropping off
a new basketball for Jimmy and Alice.
Copy !req
404. He wants to start shooting with her again.
Copy !req
405. Cool.
- Very cool.
Copy !req
406. Well, it's good to see you.
- You too.
Copy !req
407. Oh, my gosh. By the way,
Copy !req
408. Jimmy has been telling me
how awesome you've been with Alice.
Copy !req
409. I'm happy to help. She's such a great kid.
Copy !req
410. She's just the best.
Copy !req
411. Did you know I'm her godmom?
- I didn't.
Copy !req
412. Yeah, it's cool. I love it.
Copy !req
413. So, Jimmy, you know, he's been trying.
Copy !req
414. You know, he wants
to really start showing up for her again,
Copy !req
415. which is totally great, right?
- For sure.
Copy !req
416. That's what we all want, right?
- Yes, absolutely.
Copy !req
417. Yeah. So,
Copy !req
418. maybe we can all just, you know,
back off and just let them be.
Copy !req
419. Almost like, you know, the more
you're there, the less Jimmy can be.
Copy !req
420. Where's the new basketball you got them?
Copy !req
421. It's over in the driveway.
Copy !req
422. Show it to me.
- Wow.
Copy !req
423. You actually have
some serious trust issues.
Copy !req
424. Show me the basketball.
Copy !req
425. Okay, don't clap at me.
Copy !req
426. I don't like to— Stop. Don't clap at me.
I'm too grown for that. Liz.
Copy !req
427. I'ma lose my sh— I'ma lose my shit. Stop!
Copy !req
428. I don't wanna start a fight with you,
Copy !req
429. You've been amazing,
Copy !req
430. and I'm sure that Alice is really excited
about Taco fucking Tuesday, okay?
Copy !req
431. And this might be the therapist in me,
but maybe,
Copy !req
432. because all of your boys are gone,
you're trying to fill this hole.
Copy !req
433. But, you know, maybe we need
to start filling it with other activities.
Copy !req
434. Okay.
Copy !req
435. I'm just here
trying to tumble my goddamn rocks.
Copy !req
436. Who the fuck are you?
- I'm trying to be a fucking friend.
Copy !req
437. I thought you were the godmother.
Where have you been?
Copy !req
438. I have my own stuff to deal with.
Copy !req
439. I'm so sorry. That must be so hard
'cause none of us have stuff.
Copy !req
440. And I'm not over-involved.
Copy !req
441. So, you'll be okay if Alice backs off?
Copy !req
442. I know what you think of me.
Copy !req
443. You know...
Copy !req
444. I once overheard you and Tia talking
in the driveway about me,
Copy !req
445. and you said, "She's such a mom."
Copy !req
446. You are a mom.
- You didn't mean it as a compliment.
Copy !req
447. You know you fucked up, right?
- Yes.
Copy !req
448. Why would you lie to me?
Copy !req
449. I mean, the truth was so bad.
Copy !req
450. This is just unacceptable in my practice.
Copy !req
451. You know who the most important person
in your life is right now?
Copy !req
452. You.
- No, you shithead.
Copy !req
453. Your daughter.
- Right, that's what I meant.
Copy !req
454. I'm second.
- Okay.
Copy !req
455. Do not let your professional life bleed
into your personal.
Copy !req
456. Alice has a hard enough road, and she will
run like hell if you're not careful.
Copy !req
457. I'm speaking from experience here.
Copy !req
458. I hear you.
- Do not jeopardize her well-being. Got it?
Copy !req
459. A nod is not enough. I want a promise.
- Okay.
Copy !req
460. Jesus, man.
Copy !req
461. Say the word.
Copy !req
462. Promise.
- Promise.
Copy !req
463. Is this yours?
- Nope.
Copy !req
464. Woof.
- Thanks, Paul.
Copy !req
465. I really appreciate you. Okay.
Copy !req
466. Come on. Again?
Copy !req
467. You doing a dance now?
Copy !req
468. You feeling yourself, huh?
Copy !req
469. Hey, yo, Graham, can you give us a moment?
Copy !req
470. Okay.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
471. What's up?
Copy !req
472. We can't have you staying here, Sean.
Copy !req
473. Come on. Are you serious?
- We warned you.
Copy !req
474. We said one more time, and you're out.
Copy !req
475. It's not good for Graham.
- But this wasn't even a bar fight.
Copy !req
476. You spent the night in jail.
Copy !req
477. You need money, Son?
Copy !req
478. Nah, I don't need anything.
- I can get you some money.
Copy !req
479. I don't need anything.
Copy !req
480. Hola guapa, qué tal?
- Hola, Liz. I'm gonna speak English.
Copy !req
481. Thank God, 'cause I took French
in high school like a ding-dong.
Copy !req
482. Come on in.
- Hey, I was thinking tonight,
Copy !req
483. I might have dinner with my dad,
if that's okay?
Copy !req
484. Okay. That's great.
Copy !req
485. You should definitely do that.
- Hope you didn't go to any trouble.
Copy !req
486. No. Go be with your dad. Say hi for me.
Copy !req
487. Thanks for being so cool.
Copy !req
488. Shit.
Copy !req
489. Fuck.
Copy !req
490. You motherfucker.
Copy !req
491. Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
492. Where you going?
- Where do you think?
Copy !req
493. I'm going to the club.
Copy !req
494. Gonna get crunk.
Copy !req
495. No, I'm gonna play pickleball with Brian.
Copy !req
496. Are those chicken sandwiches?
- Yeah. It's whatever.
Copy !req
497. Did you get those for us?
You wanna have dinner with me?
Copy !req
498. 'Cause, wait, if you do,
Copy !req
499. I'm telling you,
I will cancel pickleball like that.
Copy !req
500. No, I already told you I have plans.
They're for me and Liz.
Copy !req
501. Right, yeah. Of course they are.
Copy !req
502. No problemo. Got excited for a second.
Copy !req
503. Like,
"Yeah, chicken sandwiches with Alice."
Copy !req
504. Go. Have fun.
- Thanks. If you're sure.
Copy !req
505. Oh, my God. So sure. Yeah, see ya.
Copy !req
506. Bye.
Copy !req
507. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
508. Hey, you only invited two other guys.
Copy !req
509. You were that sure I'd show, huh?
- Everything goes my way.
Copy !req
510. I hate it when you say that.
- I'm aware.
Copy !req
511. Okay, let's do this.
You're with me. Come on.
Copy !req
512. Come on in.
Copy !req
513. I can't believe he made up
a stupid game just to get away from me.
Copy !req
514. I mean, what the hell is pickleball?
Copy !req
515. It's only the fastest-growing sport
in America. That's all.
Copy !req
516. Whatever. I can't believe he shot me down.
Copy !req
517. Well, did you tell him that you were there
to have dinner with him?
Copy !req
518. I mean, I feel like it was pretty obvious.
I was there, and I had dinner.
Copy !req
519. again, got three maneuvers for two.
Copy !req
520. Yeah!
Copy !req
521. Who are those people?
Copy !req
522. Stop looking around and watch the game.
Copy !req
523. Were you ever married?
Copy !req
524. Whoa.
Copy !req
525. What? I just wanna s— Okay.
- No.
Copy !req
526. That's you. Nice!
Copy !req
527. Pickle, bitch.
Copy !req
528. Nice.
Copy !req
529. Me! Bri! Bri! Cover me.
Copy !req
530. That's me again. That's me, Brian!
Copy !req
531. Yes! Yeah!
Copy !req
532. Oh, shit. Are you okay?
- No, I'm fine.
Copy !req
533. So, we ever gonna talk for real?
Copy !req
534. Not tonight. Let's serve it up.
Copy !req
535. Okay.
Copy !req
536. If you can't be real,
what are we even doing?
Copy !req
537. Fuck.
Copy !req
538. You ghosted me for a year.
I wanna know why.
Copy !req
539. I don't know, Brian.
Copy !req
540. Yes, you do. Just tell me.
Copy !req
541. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
542. Can we just not do this?
- Tell me.
Copy !req
543. You were drowning!
Copy !req
544. I was there trying to pull you out,
and then you just cut me off.
Copy !req
545. I was your best friend.
Copy !req
546. I'm a goddamn ray of light.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
547. I am human Zoloft.
- Yes, I know!
Copy !req
548. And you wouldn't let me
be fucking miserable, Brian.
Copy !req
549. I needed to hit rock bottom
and you wouldn't fucking let me.
Copy !req
550. You couldn't read the fucking room.
Copy !req
551. I'm not trying to make you feel bad,
but it's not fun to be around somebody
Copy !req
552. who says, "Everything goes my way,"
when their wife has died.
Copy !req
553. Okay?
Copy !req
554. My wife died, Brian.
Copy !req
555. I never said everything goes your way.
Copy !req
556. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
557. I— That's my thing.
Copy !req
558. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
559. Sorry.
Copy !req
560. I have to go.
Copy !req
561. It's okay.
Copy !req
562. Love you.
- Yeah, love you, too.
Copy !req
563. See you in a year.
- Go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
564. What the fuck?
Copy !req
565. Hey, Alice. It's okay.
Copy !req
566. This is Sean. He needs a place to crash.
Copy !req
567. Sean, this is my daughter, Alice.
- Hey, Alice.
Copy !req