1. Previously on Shogun.
Copy !req
2. Your father treasures you.
Copy !req
3. We're prisoners to that woman.
Copy !req
4. You must stop these games.
Copy !req
5. Promise to release the hostages.
Copy !req
6. I now wish to forge
allegiances benefiting this country.
Copy !req
7. I just need a new banner to sail under.
Copy !req
8. You wish to sail
on Yabushige-sama's behalf?
Copy !req
9. Which is more important?
Copy !req
10. Survival of our clan, or Japan?
Copy !req
11. Do not give up on our lord.
Copy !req
12. Even when it appears
he has given up on himself.
Copy !req
13. Hiromatsu...
Copy !req
14. knew his duty well.
Copy !req
15. Now are you ready to do your part?
Copy !req
16. I'm ready.
Copy !req
17. She's been caught
three times now.
Copy !req
18. Her father was
the treacherous Akechi Jinsai.
Copy !req
19. She's the last of his line.
Copy !req
20. Her husband showed her mercy,
yet still she seeks death.
Copy !req
21. May I sit with her alone?
Copy !req
22. Mariko-sama, is it?
Copy !req
23. In my culture, we would say Maria.
Copy !req
24. A beautiful name.
Copy !req
25. You are too young to be this sad.
Copy !req
26. I'm not much older.
Copy !req
27. I've known sadness and loss too.
Copy !req
28. But I believe God spared me for a purpose.
Copy !req
29. And now he's spared you.
Copy !req
30. Our Father, who art in heaven,
Copy !req
31. hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
Copy !req
32. thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Copy !req
33. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil...
Copy !req
34. For when you have no words...
Copy !req
35. and you just need something to hold onto.
Copy !req
36. Well, we're making our approach.
Copy !req
37. Yes.
Copy !req
38. Why did he send you here?
Copy !req
39. It has nothing to do with you.
Copy !req
40. We are simply traveling
to Osaka at the same time.
Copy !req
41. Well, my life is mine and yours is yours.
Copy !req
42. Ah, your friends are back from Macao
Copy !req
43. with the overpriced silk they traded for
criminally underpriced Japanese silver.
Copy !req
44. True friends of the Jappos.
Copy !req
45. Tell him as soon as we arrive at
the castle we'll be met by Ishido's men.
Copy !req
46. He's to remain close.
Copy !req
47. You are instructed to stay close
once you are met by Ishido-sama's men.
Copy !req
48. You translated honestly?
Copy !req
49. I did.
Copy !req
50. I hate this fucking city.
Copy !req
51. Lord Ohno's family.
Copy !req
52. Everyone in the castle is
now a hostage to Ishido-sama.
Copy !req
53. If a member from every noble family is
trapped here, none can oppose him.
Copy !req
54. We'll meet Lord Ishido tomorrow.
Copy !req
55. I want you there with me.
Copy !req
56. No.
Copy !req
57. We'll make our proposal then.
Copy !req
58. Understand?
Copy !req
59. - Uh— Lord Ishido.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
60. Mmm.
Copy !req
61. Tomorrow. Yes.
Copy !req
62. Yabushige, thank you for trusting me.
Copy !req
63. When I deliver to you the Catholic gold,
you won't regret it.
Copy !req
64. Do you understand?
Copy !req
65. Certainly.
Copy !req
66. Mmm.
Copy !req
67. Well, we're together again.
Copy !req
68. Get some rest, Anjin-sama.
Copy !req
69. It's true... you're here.
Copy !req
70. I apologize for the tight quarters.
Copy !req
71. We had to give up rooms
for Lord Otomo's family.
Copy !req
72. I'm so sorry for what you've endured.
Copy !req
73. And Lady Shizu,
welcoming a son in this cruel place.
Copy !req
74. I wish I could have been with you.
Copy !req
75. Is there word from Lord Toranaga?
Copy !req
76. Let's hope this works.
Copy !req
77. You are certain it was the heretic?
Copy !req
78. It's hard to miss the foul smell
coming off of the galley.
Copy !req
79. Whole escort of Jappers with him.
Copy !req
80. And the lady translator too.
Copy !req
81. - Lady Maria?
- Mmm. Your little friend.
Copy !req
82. Toranaga is planning something.
Copy !req
83. We have got to find out what it is.
Copy !req
84. I do not think the heretic is
here on Toranaga's behalf.
Copy !req
85. When I was in Edo, he had been cut loose.
Copy !req
86. Toranaga has given up.
Copy !req
87. Or you are blind to their trickery.
Copy !req
88. This felt different.
Copy !req
89. His most loyal vassal killed himself
right in front of him.
Copy !req
90. If John Blackthorne is here,
Copy !req
91. it is only because he is trying
to find his own way out.
Copy !req
92. Tempest in a bottle.
Copy !req
93. War is coming.
Copy !req
94. What a handsome gift.
Copy !req
95. Show me your bow.
Copy !req
96. No, not like that.
Copy !req
97. If we're going to win over our enemies,
Copy !req
98. the least you can do is bow right.
Copy !req
99. Your back, here! That's it.
Copy !req
100. What are you doing?
Copy !req
101. You show him how.
Copy !req
102. Good, great! Great. That's it.
Copy !req
103. - Why...
- Mmm.
Copy !req
104. Now, don't speak.
Copy !req
105. And don't disappoint.
Copy !req
106. Ah, Yabushige.
I see you made good time from Edo.
Copy !req
107. How kind of you to return my prisoner.
Copy !req
108. My pleasure.
Copy !req
109. But he isn't for you.
Copy !req
110. He wishes to pledge himself to Ishido.
Copy !req
111. After all, no one lord should possess
all the guns in Japan...
Copy !req
112. wouldn't you agree?
Copy !req
113. It won't matter.
Copy !req
114. The barbarian will soon be
at the mercy of the Church.
Copy !req
115. Carry on with your boring
Christian squabbles.
Copy !req
116. But don't wrinkle him.
Copy !req
117. He's mine.
Copy !req
118. Good evening.
Copy !req
119. I am Kiyama Ukon Sadanaga.
Copy !req
120. Member of the Council of Regents.
Copy !req
121. Ah, yes. The most humble servant
of the Lord on high.
Copy !req
122. And a servant of the Portuguese.
Copy !req
123. Which comes first?
God or your purse strings?
Copy !req
124. I don't trouble myself too much
with the matters of faith.
Copy !req
125. I am, however, a student of trade.
Copy !req
126. And I can tell you that
Copy !req
127. we have quite enough pirate merchants
in this country already.
Copy !req
128. Your kind arrived here too late.
Copy !req
129. My kind?
Copy !req
130. But I'm not a pirate.
Copy !req
131. Welcome, Yabushige.
Copy !req
132. On Lord Toranaga's behalf,
I surrender to the Council.
Copy !req
133. And offer my condolences for the death
of the Taikō's brilliant wife.
Copy !req
134. Hollow words from a traitor.
Copy !req
135. As I once explained to Nebara Jozen,
Copy !req
136. I was deceived into leading Toranaga
out of Osaka.
Copy !req
137. Was that before or after you were deceived
into killing him?
Copy !req
138. If you wish for my head,
you shall have it.
Copy !req
139. But before that,
might you take a look at my gift.
Copy !req
140. The Anjin was once
Toranaga's prized hatamoto.
Copy !req
141. Now he is loyal to me.
Copy !req
142. He's well-trained,
Copy !req
143. and an excellent sea captain.
Copy !req
144. The Heir has no interest in a barbarian.
Copy !req
145. Dismissed.
Copy !req
146. Bow.
Copy !req
147. Move back.
Copy !req
148. We tried, Anjin. I don't know...
Copy !req
149. Welcome back to Osaka,
Lady Mariko.
Copy !req
150. I congratulate you and Ochiba no kata
Copy !req
151. on your joyous engagement.
Copy !req
152. I'm surprised you joined
this spineless traitor on his journey.
Copy !req
153. Do you bring news
of Toranaga's progress from Edo?
Copy !req
154. Only that my lord still mourns.
Copy !req
155. Naturally, he has been devastated
by the death of his son.
Copy !req
156. He has others.
Copy !req
157. It's a pleasure to see you, Mariko.
Copy !req
158. It's been too long.
Copy !req
159. Yes.
Copy !req
160. Since we were girls.
Copy !req
161. Mariko and I spent many years
in Azuchi together.
Copy !req
162. Do you remember how we used to compete
in poetry competitions?
Copy !req
163. I remember.
Copy !req
164. In Daiyoin's memory,
Copy !req
165. there will be a poetry competition.
Copy !req
166. If you could choose the first line,
Copy !req
167. it would be a great honor.
Copy !req
168. I think it should be...
Copy !req
169. While the snow remains
Copy !req
170. Veiled in the haze of cold evening
Copy !req
171. A leafless branch...
Copy !req
172. Excellent.
Copy !req
173. If a bit bleak.
Copy !req
174. It will give us something
to look forward to
Copy !req
175. amidst all this death and treachery.
Copy !req
176. Unfortunately, I won't be competing.
Copy !req
177. What are you saying?
Copy !req
178. I'm sorry,
Copy !req
179. but I will not be here.
Copy !req
180. I'm leaving Osaka tomorrow
with Kiri no kata and Shizu no kata.
Copy !req
181. Leaving for where, Mariko?
Copy !req
182. To meet our liege lord in Edo.
Copy !req
183. He has requested I escort them myself.
Copy !req
184. He—
Copy !req
185. Toranaga will be here in a few weeks,
as you said.
Copy !req
186. It's been months since
the Lady Shizu has seen Lord Toranaga.
Copy !req
187. And my lord hasn't yet seen
his newest son.
Copy !req
188. Lady Mariko—
Copy !req
189. Let's find another time
to discuss this private matter.
Copy !req
190. Perhaps you can call on us—
Copy !req
191. Thank you, but no.
Copy !req
192. I am leaving tomorrow.
Copy !req
193. You forget your manners!
Copy !req
194. Forgive me,
Copy !req
195. that was the last thing I intended.
Copy !req
196. I will return with my lord on the day
we are required to be in Osaka.
Copy !req
197. Unless we are confined here.
Copy !req
198. No one is confined here.
Copy !req
199. But since you choose to speak
in this outrageous fashion,
Copy !req
200. it is my duty to ask the Regents
for a formal review.
Copy !req
201. Lord Kiyama?
Copy !req
202. What do you think?
Copy !req
203. I agree.
Copy !req
204. Good.
Copy !req
205. Mariko will remain here until then.
Copy !req
206. I would be honored...
Copy !req
207. However...
Copy !req
208. my first duty is to my liege lord,
and I am ordered to leave.
Copy !req
209. You will be patient!
Copy !req
210. I cannot delay my departure,
even for a little time.
Copy !req
211. The matter is closed!
Copy !req
212. The matter is closed...
Copy !req
213. when you have the manners
to let me finish.
Copy !req
214. I am no peasant to be trodden on.
Copy !req
215. I am daughter of the great Lord...
Copy !req
216. Akechi Jinsai.
Copy !req
217. My line has been samurai
for a thousand years,
Copy !req
218. and I will never be captive,
or hostage, or confined.
Copy !req
219. I am free to go as I please...
Copy !req
220. as is anyone.
Copy !req
221. You will await the meeting of the Regents.
Copy !req
222. There is nothing more to discuss.
Copy !req
223. What in the name
of all gods possessed you?
Copy !req
224. Has your mind left you?
Copy !req
225. And is this body of yours... stupid?
Copy !req
226. So sorry.
Copy !req
227. Tonight was unexpected.
Copy !req
228. You knew exactly what you were doing.
Copy !req
229. On Toranaga's behalf.
Copy !req
230. I know it, Ishido knows it...
Copy !req
231. What are Toranaga's plans?
Copy !req
232. I can help him, we can do this together.
Copy !req
233. Tell me your orders!
Copy !req
234. - Yabushige.
- What is it!
Copy !req
235. It is not my intention
to disrupt your peace.
Copy !req
236. Or any peace.
Copy !req
237. I suppose this one's part of it.
Copy !req
238. The Anjin is here on his own business.
Copy !req
239. I'm sorry, but please excuse me.
Copy !req
240. I am very tired from the day.
Copy !req
241. "Leafless branch"-- what a terrible poem.
Copy !req
242. Who writes about leafless branches
in the spring?
Copy !req
243. Come on, idiot!
Copy !req
244. Why have you done this?
Copy !req
245. I need rest.
Copy !req
246. I must leave in the morning.
Copy !req
247. But you can't leave.
Copy !req
248. They'll stop you.
Copy !req
249. Judging by the armed guards
everywhere I look, probably by force.
Copy !req
250. Then Ishido-sama would be admitting
I remain here by force.
Copy !req
251. As well as every lord and lady
being kept prisoner in this castle.
Copy !req
252. You'd walk into a sword
just to prove the blade is sharp.
Copy !req
253. Please, Anjin-sama,
Copy !req
254. you must not involve yourself.
Copy !req
255. Can you do this...
Copy !req
256. for the sake of everything
we have been through?
Copy !req
257. As your son,
Copy !req
258. I am concerned for our house.
Copy !req
259. I am only doing my duty.
Copy !req
260. To whom?
Copy !req
261. Your family?
Copy !req
262. It's difficult to explain.
Copy !req
263. What about your duty to God?
Copy !req
264. Please, Lord Kiyama's a fellow Christian
of highest rank.
Copy !req
265. He asks you to remain in Osaka.
Copy !req
266. He says that our families are one
under the banner of God
Copy !req
267. which is why I am to become betrothed
to his granddaughter.
Copy !req
268. We serve Toranaga-sama.
Copy !req
269. You will marry as our lord instructs.
Copy !req
270. I am tired of being in this family.
Copy !req
271. These things they say about your name,
I am always ashamed.
Copy !req
272. And for what?
Copy !req
273. What have I done?
Copy !req
274. We have nothing to be ashamed of.
Copy !req
275. Then stop this.
Copy !req
276. If you try to leave today, you'll be held.
Copy !req
277. And if you are disgraced...
Copy !req
278. then I am no longer your son.
Copy !req
279. My Lady, are you ready?
Copy !req
280. Let's go.
Copy !req
281. Everyone get ready!
Copy !req
282. We're leaving.
Copy !req
283. Excuse me, Lady Mariko,
Copy !req
284. do you have a permit to leave?
Copy !req
285. Excuse me, but we require none.
Copy !req
286. Lord Ishido has instituted orders
throughout the castle.
Copy !req
287. You must have a permit.
Copy !req
288. I have been ordered by my lord
to escort his ladies to Edo.
Copy !req
289. Please let us pass.
Copy !req
290. I'm sorry, but without a permit,
no lord or his retinue
Copy !req
291. may leave Osaka Castle.
It is Lord Ishido's order.
Copy !req
292. You leave me no choice.
Copy !req
293. Please kill him.
Copy !req
294. The Lady will leave now!
Copy !req
295. Miyai, would you please take charge?
Copy !req
296. It would be an honor, my Lady.
Copy !req
297. Kill them!
Copy !req
298. I'm honored to have served you.
Copy !req
299. Lord Kiyama, Lord Ohno...
Copy !req
300. Please order these men out of my way.
Copy !req
301. They are not ours to order.
Copy !req
302. Those men belong to Lord Ishido.
Copy !req
303. We are powerless.
Copy !req
304. Then it's true we are all being kept
here against our will.
Copy !req
305. I will call for a meeting!
Copy !req
306. I am a vassal of Lord Toranaga
and my orders are clear.
Copy !req
307. I must be permitted to obey my lord.
Copy !req
308. Mariko-sama.
Copy !req
309. Please get out of my way.
Copy !req
310. Lady Mariko must not be harmed!
Copy !req
311. It is not possible
to fight through all these men.
Copy !req
312. We must go back.
Copy !req
313. However...
Copy !req
314. these men have prevented me
from doing my duty to my liege lord
Copy !req
315. and I cannot live with the offense.
Copy !req
316. I will take my life at sunset.
Copy !req
317. Lord Kiyama.
Copy !req
318. As a Christian, you understand
Copy !req
319. it is a mortal sin to take my own life.
Copy !req
320. I formally ask that you be my second.
Copy !req
321. I am obligated to her
as a fellow Christian.
Copy !req
322. Otherwise she faces eternal damnation.
Copy !req
323. That is her choice.
Copy !req
324. It's a bluff.
Copy !req
325. She won't forfeit
her eternal soul with suicide.
Copy !req
326. You're all wrong.
Copy !req
327. Lady Mariko will do as she says.
Copy !req
328. It is her vengeance.
Copy !req
329. On fate.
Copy !req
330. On all of us.
Copy !req
331. She will die to be free of the disgrace
that has burdened her.
Copy !req
332. And then all of Osaka will be disgraced
for letting her die.
Copy !req
333. A bit extreme, don't you think?
Copy !req
334. What is your counsel?
Copy !req
335. I have no counsel for you, Lord Ishido.
Copy !req
336. If you allow her to die,
Copy !req
337. there will be a revolt
from every high family in Osaka.
Copy !req
338. If you allow her to leave,
Copy !req
339. the hostages will also demand to leave.
Copy !req
340. Ishido's men began locking
all the palaces...
Copy !req
341. we managed to leave just in time.
Copy !req
342. We ask for the honor of joining you
in waiting for Lady Mariko.
Copy !req
343. We are pleased to have you.
Copy !req
344. The Anjin has been summoned
for an audience with the Heir.
Copy !req
345. I'm told your Japanese is decent.
Copy !req
346. Can you understand me?
Copy !req
347. Yes.
Copy !req
348. But I respectfully request
you use simple words.
Copy !req
349. A prepared phrase.
Copy !req
350. Smart of you.
Copy !req
351. I wonder if Mariko taught you that.
Copy !req
352. Thank you for coming.
Copy !req
353. The Heir requested an audience
with the Anjin.
Copy !req
354. As we need a translator,
I asked you to come.
Copy !req
355. She asks of me to translate.
Copy !req
356. It is a ruse to bring me before her.
Copy !req
357. Please let her speak.
Copy !req
358. It would be an honor
if I can be of use.
Copy !req
359. The Anjin thanks the Heir
for this audience.
Copy !req
360. These games must stop.
Copy !req
361. I play no games.
Copy !req
362. I have only my duty to uphold.
Copy !req
363. You can't bring nobility
to your lord's warmongering.
Copy !req
364. By being a worm on Toranaga's lure,
Copy !req
365. you will not win your freedom.
Copy !req
366. So sorry, but you're mistaken.
Copy !req
367. My lord wishes only to end this fight.
Copy !req
368. Would you translate
for the Anjin?
Copy !req
369. I want him to understand
the relationship we once had.
Copy !req
370. When we were girls,
Mariko did everything well.
Copy !req
371. She always knew where to stand,
Copy !req
372. when to leave the room
without being asked.
Copy !req
373. It was easy for her.
Copy !req
374. She talks about our childhood together.
Copy !req
375. She and I grew up like sisters.
Copy !req
376. But our fathers were
enemies, you see.
Copy !req
377. Their misery was ours.
Copy !req
378. Wars raged, even in our castle.
Copy !req
379. But I had Mariko.
Copy !req
380. She was my happiness.
Copy !req
381. And then she was sent away.
Copy !req
382. For years, I couldn't recognize
this woman I was told she'd become...
Copy !req
383. That Mariko, in her father's name,
Copy !req
384. wished to become a martyr...
Copy !req
385. But I see her now.
Copy !req
386. The girl who did everything right,
Copy !req
387. with anger growing in her chest.
Copy !req
388. All she seeks is destruction.
Copy !req
389. Aren't you tired of all this?
Copy !req
390. What should I do?
Copy !req
391. Surrender to some pointless death?
Copy !req
392. Wither like your "leafless branch"?
Copy !req
393. Only you can end the games
you accuse me of playing.
Copy !req
394. I don't have that power.
Copy !req
395. I don't exist, except to protect my son.
Copy !req
396. Tell me, how will piercing your heart
protect your son?
Copy !req
397. We should go now.
Copy !req
398. Accepting death isn't surrender.
Copy !req
399. Flowers are only flowers
because they fall.
Copy !req
400. Toranaga has thousands
of warriors at his disposal.
Copy !req
401. Vassals coming out of his kosode.
Copy !req
402. It's the mark of a coward
to send a woman to do his bidding.
Copy !req
403. You misunderstand him.
Copy !req
404. No, I understand perfectly.
He's taking advantage of your loyalty.
Copy !req
405. Your life is worth more than this.
Copy !req
406. Life and death are the same.
Copy !req
407. Both can have value and purpose.
Copy !req
408. Only one is permanent.
Copy !req
409. You have nothing to prove to these people.
Copy !req
410. You've made your point.
Copy !req
411. There's no need to die for it.
Copy !req
412. There is every need.
Copy !req
413. It is the very reason
my father kept me alive.
Copy !req
414. What I'm asking—
Copy !req
415. What I'm begging is,
if not for good sense,
Copy !req
416. if not for God,
then will you consider living for me?
Copy !req
417. A message from Lord Ishido.
Copy !req
418. Your offer of service instead of death—
Copy !req
419. he accepts.
Copy !req
420. But he has a request...
Copy !req
421. All these years,
you still have your cross with you.
Copy !req
422. Your mind is set again.
Copy !req
423. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
424. I wish to be confessed.
Copy !req
425. Then speak it here.
Copy !req
426. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
Copy !req
427. But I can only confess
that I am not worthy to confess.
Copy !req
428. Daughter of God,
I wish I could say proper Mass for you.
Copy !req
429. But here we have no altar or vestments.
Copy !req
430. Then let us drink cha from an empty cup
Copy !req
431. for all the years we have known each other
and for the little time that is left.
Copy !req
432. I, Toda Mariko,
Copy !req
433. daughter of Akechi Jinsai,
Copy !req
434. leave this poem as my final statement.
Copy !req
435. Lord Kiyama,
please come forward to second me.
Copy !req
436. I will do it.
Copy !req
437. Hell is no place I haven't already known.
Copy !req
438. Let it from your mind.
Copy !req
439. Please wait until I have fallen.
Copy !req
440. Your permits.
Copy !req
441. Stupid as it is
to have to come right back,
Copy !req
442. you are free to leave in the morning.
Copy !req
443. Lord Ishido!
Copy !req
444. I also ask to leave.
Copy !req
445. And me. With my family.
Copy !req
446. May we expect safe passage too?
Copy !req
447. Are we jailers?
Copy !req
448. No one is hostage in this castle.
Copy !req
449. If you wish to leave, then apply
for your permits and it will be done.
Copy !req
450. A mere woman, threatening her own suicide,
Copy !req
451. and flouting the Heir's welcome...
Copy !req
452. Disgusting.
Copy !req
453. I'm all right, Setsu.
Copy !req
454. Lord, if you'd like to rest,
we have the watch covered.
Copy !req
455. I was going to sleep,
Copy !req
456. but those hens unearthed
all the saké in the castle.
Copy !req
457. I suspect they'll be up all night.
Copy !req
458. I can understand
their desire to celebrate.
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459. Go ahead, drink.
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460. I insist.
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461. Good.
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462. Huh?
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463. What is it?
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464. Intruders!
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465. Intruders!
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466. Come quick!
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467. Intruders!
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468. Wake everyone!
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469. Who are they?
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470. Shinobi. They have come for me.
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471. It's Ishido...
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472. he'll never let us leave alive.
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473. They've infiltrated the castle.
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474. Quiet!
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475. Listen.
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476. Tell them to move back.
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477. Step aside.
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478. Look out!
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479. We should go to the dozo.
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480. Its doors will protect us.
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481. No, we should go to the gate!
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482. I will not risk being captured.
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483. Outside, there is a storehouse
with heavy doors.
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484. Yabushige-sama!
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485. There's nowhere for us to go.
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486. Ready the fuses!
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487. They're going to blow it open.
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488. An explosion will kill us all!
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489. Yabushige-sama, help me.
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490. Yabushige-sama.
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491. For the love of God, get over here and
help me push this against the damn door!
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492. Anjin-sama.
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493. Let it come.
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494. For God's sake,
help me push this against the door!
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495. I, Akechi Mariko...
- Mariko-sama, get away from the door.
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496. protest
this shameful attack by Lord Ishido...
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497. Lady Mariko, get over here!
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498. And by my death...
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499. Mariko-sama!
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