1. Oh, God.
Copy !req
2. You seriously don't remember
Copy !req
3. what happened last week
on Shameless?
Copy !req
4. Roll the tape.
Copy !req
5. My God's a faggot.
Copy !req
6. My God's a dyke, a whore!
Copy !req
7. If I pass out,
keep going.
Copy !req
8. Do not stop until
you cut off all three.
Copy !req
9. Two left.
Copy !req
10. Better hope you tire out soon.
Copy !req
11. Here.
Copy !req
12. - The fuck is this?
- This is a piece of shit
Copy !req
13. that you're gonna turn into
Copy !req
14. I've always wanted
to ride a Jet Ski.
Copy !req
15. Dylan said I could
use the yellow one.
Copy !req
16. What does Dylan's father do
Copy !req
17. that he has a yacht
and a private plane?
Copy !req
18. Wanna grab breakfast?
Copy !req
19. Gotta get to the crib.
My niece is getting dropped off.
Copy !req
20. Freelania,
you have everything.
Copy !req
21. Vera made this for me.
Copy !req
22. How did you make this
all happen?
Copy !req
23. Jesus.
Copy !req
24. What do you got in there,
a dead body?
Copy !req
25. I do not believe she's dead yet.
Copy !req
26. Don't forget dinner
at The Grill.
Copy !req
27. I wanna show off
my beautiful bride-to-be.
Copy !req
28. Yes, I'll marry you!
Copy !req
29. Fucking hell yes!
Copy !req
30. What the fuck?
You cut up all my uniforms?
Copy !req
31. been okay with me
going back to school now
Copy !req
32. - 'cause we're married!
- I will never be okay
Copy !req
33. with being away from you, bae!
Copy !req
34. I let you stay in
my apartment and you sue me?
Copy !req
35. So what's the worst case?
Copy !req
36. You're gonna be lucky
if they don't put you in jail.
Copy !req
37. Rusty!
Copy !req
38. They are going down.
Copy !req
39. Where are you going?
Copy !req
40. I'm going to work.
Go back to sleep, all right?
Copy !req
41. I'm proud of you.
Copy !req
42. - What?
- This last year...
Copy !req
43. you're strong.
Copy !req
44. I didn't know that before.
Copy !req
45. Thanks.
Copy !req
46. Can we stay at my place tonight?
Copy !req
47. Uh... yeah.
Copy !req
48. Yeah, sure.
That'd be good, all right?
Copy !req
49. I love you.
Copy !req
50. I love you too.
Copy !req
51. Get some sleep.
Copy !req
52. Close the fucking door!
Copy !req
53. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
54. I gotta run some errands
and she's already downstairs.
Copy !req
55. I gotta get clothes
and a new duffel.
Copy !req
56. - She tore up all my old shit.
- Right.
Copy !req
57. When you go down, tell her
I'm in the shower, okay?
Copy !req
58. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, how long...
Copy !req
59. Morning!
Copy !req
60. Hey.
Copy !req
61. Oh, uh, Carl's in the shower.
Copy !req
62. I'm whipping up waffles.
Copy !req
63. Oh, um... Liam is asleep
out in the backyard.
Copy !req
64. Is that normal?
Copy !req
65. Hey.
Copy !req
66. Hey, Liam.
Copy !req
67. Hey, buddy.
Copy !req
68. I think you were
sleepwalking again.
Copy !req
69. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
70. Hey, are those my keys?
Copy !req
71. I don't know.
Copy !req
72. What is it with you
and keys, huh?
Copy !req
73. All right, come on.
Copy !req
74. Let's get you inside.
Copy !req
75. There you go, Papa Frank.
Copy !req
76. Thank you,
favorite daughter-in-law.
Copy !req
77. Only daughter-in-law.
Copy !req
78. Liam.
Copy !req
79. Hey, uh,
would you save Lucas a waffle?
Copy !req
80. I gotta go to work
Copy !req
81. and he and Sierra
spent the night.
Copy !req
82. - Yeah.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
83. - Mm-hmm.
- I met your friend Dylan's dad.
Copy !req
84. You tell him I can go on
Copy !req
85. the yacht vacation
with them tomorrow?
Copy !req
86. I looked the man up.
Copy !req
87. He makes nothing.
He creates nothing.
Copy !req
88. He buys businesses,
tears them apart,
Copy !req
89. sells the pieces,
Copy !req
90. and then discards
the employees like trash.
Copy !req
91. He's a legal thief.
Copy !req
92. Here you are, Liam.
Copy !req
93. - Thank you so much.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
94. He wants the companies to fail.
Copy !req
95. The world's not just, Liam.
Copy !req
96. No one's gonna take care of us
in our old age.
Copy !req
97. We have a moral duty
to rip this asshole off.
Copy !req
98. You know how to take photos
with this?
Copy !req
99. - Mm-hmm.
- What is keeping Carl?
Copy !req
100. His bacon's getting cold.
Copy !req
101. What's with the boot?
I cauterized the stumps.
Copy !req
102. They were still bleeding,
Copy !req
103. so I went to the ER.
Copy !req
104. Waste of money.
Copy !req
105. Cauterization has been used
Copy !req
106. since the Egyptians were
building pyramids.
Copy !req
107. Are those waffles?
Copy !req
108. So can I go on the cruise
with Dylan's family or not?
Copy !req
109. Well... are we partners?
Copy !req
110. Yeah.
Copy !req
111. Okay, good.
Copy !req
112. I'm very proud
to be your partner.
Copy !req
113. And your job, partner,
Copy !req
114. is to go to the Caribbean
and have a great time.
Copy !req
115. After you get the code.
Copy !req
116. - The code?
- To turn off the alarm.
Copy !req
117. And pics of their valuables
Copy !req
118. and of the security system.
Copy !req
119. One more big score,
I can retire in style.
Copy !req
120. Carl!
You motherfucker!
Copy !req
121. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
122. Marital bliss.
Copy !req
123. - So now what?
- Well,
Copy !req
124. I steal her wedding dress,
I take her place at wedding
Copy !req
125. and marry rich old man
with saggy diaper.
Copy !req
126. You don't think he's gonna
notice the difference?
Copy !req
127. He thought I was her.
He is weak in the head.
Copy !req
128. What about the wedding guests?
Copy !req
129. I wear a veil.
No one will see.
Copy !req
130. - Kev.
- What?
Copy !req
131. - Get her phone.
- You get her phone.
Copy !req
132. I get it.
Hold machete.
Copy !req
133. She tries anything,
you cut her face, okay?
Copy !req
134. No way.
I'm not slashing her face
Copy !req
135. if she tries
to make a run for it.
Copy !req
136. "Zlata"?
Copy !req
137. Shit.
Copy !req
138. Her mother is coming
to the wedding.
Copy !req
139. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
140. She's gonna know Svetlana
isn't her daughter, right?
Copy !req
141. You yell one more time,
I will shave your head,
Copy !req
142. I will cut off your nipples,
Copy !req
143. and I will sell you
to the Mexican cartel
Copy !req
144. for big fun, okay?
Copy !req
145. When is Zlata coming?
Copy !req
146. Today.
Copy !req
147. I am supposed to pick her up
at airport.
Copy !req
148. And I need to pee.
Copy !req
149. Get a bowl.
Copy !req
150. What?
Copy !req
151. Use it for her to pee.
Copy !req
152. Through her pants?
Copy !req
153. Take the pants off!
Get a bowl.
Copy !req
154. - You know her mother?
- Ah, Zlata.
Copy !req
155. Scary old Soviet.
Copy !req
156. Survived Stalingrad
as a young girl
Copy !req
157. by eating human flesh.
Copy !req
158. She was a cannibal?
Copy !req
159. - Oh, hey, Fiona.
- Hey.
Copy !req
160. Just back for a shower
and a quick change of clothes.
Copy !req
161. Jesus.
Copy !req
162. What happened to your toes?
Copy !req
163. Frank cut 'em off.
Copy !req
164. He what?
Copy !req
165. It's no big deal.
I asked him to.
Copy !req
166. You get rid of
the squatters yet?
Copy !req
167. Ah... no.
Copy !req
168. Uh, Ford and Nessa are
watching the building
Copy !req
169. while I go to a lawyer thing.
Copy !req
170. Burn 'em out.
Copy !req
171. It's the oldest trick
Copy !req
172. in the slumlord's handbook:
Copy !req
173. You set a good blaze,
they got two choices:
Copy !req
174. run out
of the building screaming
Copy !req
175. or burn to death,
Copy !req
176. and you get to the collect
the insurance.
Copy !req
177. Has anyone seen my other boot?
Copy !req
178. I'm not gonna
burn my building down, Frank.
Copy !req
179. Why not?
Being a landlord sucks.
Copy !req
180. Tenants who won't pay
their rent,
Copy !req
181. toilets clogged with...
Copy !req
182. massive after-Thanksgiving
Copy !req
183. oh, there it is.
Copy !req
184. You need to get in touch
with Pyro Paulie.
Copy !req
185. - Who?
- Paulie Paterniski.
Copy !req
186. Best firebug on the South Side.
Copy !req
187. I think he works
at the Handy Mart now.
Copy !req
188. Don't let his looks scare you.
Copy !req
189. He had a trigger fuse
Copy !req
190. on a bucket of jet fuel
go sideways on him.
Copy !req
191. The doctors used
skin from his ass
Copy !req
192. to rebuild his face.
Copy !req
193. Okay, I'm off to
the city planner's office.
Copy !req
194. I gotta go too.
Copy !req
195. I'm going to a birthday party
with Franny
Copy !req
196. for Derek's great-great-grandma
who's turning, like,
Copy !req
197. 200 years old or something.
Copy !req
198. I was gonna ask you if you think
I should go or not.
Copy !req
199. - But I think I should.
- Okay.
Copy !req
200. Don't hog the bathroom, okay?
Copy !req
201. - I gotta take a shower.
- Okay.
Copy !req
202. Hey, uh, is Ian around?
Copy !req
203. I don't know.
I just got here.
Copy !req
204. He's not here.
Copy !req
205. I don't think
he came home last night.
Copy !req
206. Well, have the police
been here yet?
Copy !req
207. They have a warrant
for his arrest.
Copy !req
208. What the fuck happened?
Copy !req
209. Things got out of hand.
Copy !req
210. Is he off his meds?
Copy !req
211. I have no idea.
Copy !req
212. Ian, hi.
It's Fiona.
Copy !req
213. - Call me back, okay?
- What the fuck?
Copy !req
214. You name it yet?
Copy !req
215. Your bike.
Copy !req
216. I haven't really
thought about it.
Copy !req
217. Is it a boy or a girl?
Copy !req
218. He's definitely a dude.
Copy !req
219. Then... what about...
Copy !req
220. Why Keith?
Copy !req
221. I just like the name Keith.
Copy !req
222. Can I help?
Copy !req
223. Uh... sure, yeah.
Copy !req
224. There's, um... a box of pegs
on Brad's desk.
Copy !req
225. Thanks.
Copy !req
226. Hey.
Copy !req
227. Still nothing from her mom?
Copy !req
228. Hell no.
Copy !req
229. I'm so done
with her fucking shit.
Copy !req
230. There's no box on the desk.
Copy !req
231. Oh?
Copy !req
232. All right, I'll go take a look.
Copy !req
233. Keep an eye on that, all right?
Copy !req
234. Yo, where's that, uh,
box of pegs?
Copy !req
235. Uh, in that pile right there.
Copy !req
236. All right.
Copy !req
237. That a yoga mat?
Copy !req
238. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
239. My sponsor thought I might
wanna give it a try.
Copy !req
240. - Oh.
- What?
Copy !req
241. Supposed to be relaxing.
Copy !req
242. So, gonna ask me how I am today?
Copy !req
243. Go on.
Ask me how I am today.
Copy !req
244. Okay.
Copy !req
245. How are you today?
Copy !req
246. Fan-fucking-tastic.
Copy !req
247. - Yeah?
- I got laid last night.
Copy !req
248. Oh!
Copy !req
249. Yeah, asshole, Cami.
My fiancée.
Copy !req
250. How was it?
Copy !req
251. I don't know, exactly.
Copy !req
252. I mean, I came so fast
Copy !req
253. I don't think
she enjoyed it much,
Copy !req
254. but, uh...
Copy !req
255. I'm back in the bed.
Copy !req
256. That's, uh... that's great.
Copy !req
257. Man, congrats.
Copy !req
258. Yeah.
Copy !req
259. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
260. Small victories, right?
Copy !req
261. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
262. Have a nice day.
Copy !req
263. Cocaine or cash?
Copy !req
264. - What?
- The duffel.
Copy !req
265. Oh.
Military school uniforms,
Copy !req
266. field supplies...
Copy !req
267. Has Kassi been around here
looking for me?
Copy !req
268. No. Called a couple dozen times,
Copy !req
269. You can't tell her I was here.
Copy !req
270. Wanna tell me what's going on?
Copy !req
271. Well, I have to go back
to military school tomorrow.
Copy !req
272. Kassi doesn't want me to.
Copy !req
273. Cut up all my old shit
with a carpet knife.
Copy !req
274. Had to buy new shit
Copy !req
275. and can't afford
to replace it again.
Copy !req
276. Sounds like true love.
Copy !req
277. It is.
And I love her too.
Copy !req
278. But I also love my brothers
Copy !req
279. in 2nd Squad, Bravo Platoon
just as much.
Copy !req
280. I mean, why can't she
understand that?
Copy !req
281. You can love two things at once
Copy !req
282. if you're not fucking
them both, right?
Copy !req
283. Yeah, make sure no one
smokes back here.
Copy !req
284. You get a spark too close
to that,
Copy !req
285. could take out
the whole block.
Copy !req
286. Really think
this is gonna work?
Copy !req
287. No fucking idea.
Copy !req
288. What if she doesn't drink?
Copy !req
289. She's Russian.
She drinks.
Copy !req
290. What if she doesn't
come with us?
Copy !req
291. Why wouldn't she come with us?
Copy !req
292. What if she's hungry?
Copy !req
293. I mean, what do cannibals eat
other than people?
Copy !req
294. Do they like pizza?
We could stop and get a pizza.
Copy !req
295. - There.
- Where?
Copy !req
296. There.
Ms. Zlata?
Copy !req
297. - I'll take that for you.
- Jesus.
Copy !req
298. Mm...
Copy !req
299. Yep.
Copy !req
300. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
301. What's up?
You sounded upset.
Copy !req
302. Have you seen Ian?
Copy !req
303. No, not for a couple days.
Copy !req
304. The cops are looking for him.
Copy !req
305. What?
Copy !req
306. All this
Gay Jesus shit
Copy !req
307. he's mixed up in—
they set a van on fire.
Copy !req
308. Look,
he hasn't called me back
Copy !req
309. and no one seems
to know where he is, so...
Copy !req
310. if you talk to him,
tell him to come right home
Copy !req
311. and we'll figure something out,
Copy !req
312. - I gotta go.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
313. Sorry, it's a...
a family thing.
Copy !req
314. Well. I spoke
to the Latham's attorney.
Copy !req
315. That guy is
a real piece of work.
Copy !req
316. I think your roofer
found his name
Copy !req
317. on the back of a bus bench.
Copy !req
318. But they are prepared
Copy !req
319. to settle.
Copy !req
320. Really?
Copy !req
321. For $3 million.
Copy !req
322. They offered to remove you
from the suit
Copy !req
323. and pursue litigation solely
with your insurance company
Copy !req
324. if you're prepared
to make a few concessions.
Copy !req
325. Like what?
Copy !req
326. Sign the title of the building
over to them.
Copy !req
327. You gotta be fuckin' kidding me.
Copy !req
328. And they want...
Copy !req
329. "Sparkles."
They want Sparkles back.
Copy !req
330. My dog, Rusty?
They want my fucking dog?
Copy !req
331. They said their kids
got very attached
Copy !req
332. and they're, quote,
"crying themselves to sleep,"
Copy !req
333. end-quote,
ever since you stole him.
Copy !req
334. I stole him?
Copy !req
335. They stole him from me!
Copy !req
336. They're motherfuckers!
Copy !req
337. Tell them to get
their own goddamn dog.
Copy !req
338. There's another option.
Copy !req
339. You sell the building—now,
Copy !req
340. before it goes to trial—
Copy !req
341. and spend the money.
Copy !req
342. Go to Vegas.
Copy !req
343. Take a trip around the world.
Copy !req
344. And then just
declare bankruptcy.
Copy !req
345. Bankruptcy?
Copy !req
346. Yeah.
Copy !req
347. It's better than letting them
Copy !req
348. take everything you own.
Copy !req
349. Gail, me and you?
Copy !req
350. Ah, no, wait!
Guys, wait up!
Copy !req
351. - Gotta take a leak.
- 'Kay.
Copy !req
352. What's that panel thing
with all the numbers
Copy !req
353. next to the front door?
Copy !req
354. Oh.
Our security system.
Copy !req
355. How does it work?
Copy !req
356. When you leave,
Copy !req
357. you punch in the code
Copy !req
358. and, uh, if anyone tries
to break in,
Copy !req
359. it makes a noise
and the police come.
Copy !req
360. Put in the code
and we set it off,
Copy !req
361. scare Consuela?
Copy !req
362. Dios mío, qué raqueta!
Copy !req
363. Nine... seven... eight.
Copy !req
364. No es gracioso, pequeño!
Copy !req
365. It's not funny!
Copy !req
366. Come on, let's go
finish the movie,
Copy !req
367. then go bowling in the basement.
Copy !req
368. Six, one, nine, seven...
Copy !req
369. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
370. What happened to your foot?
Copy !req
371. Accident at work.
No biggie.
Copy !req
372. My mom tell you
Pepa and I are getting married?
Copy !req
373. I'd like you to consider...
Copy !req
374. letting me share custody
of Franny.
Copy !req
375. I can afford
to pay child support
Copy !req
376. and... I know you could
use the money.
Copy !req
377. Go fuck yourself, Derek.
Copy !req
378. Okay, everybody's here!
Copy !req
379. Let's go.
Bisabuela's awake.
Copy !req
380. Let's take the photo.
Copy !req
381. You look great.
That's a cute dress.
Copy !req
382. Hi, baby!
Copy !req
383. Let's take a picture.
Come on.
Copy !req
384. Ah!
Cute dress.
Copy !req
385. At least think about it?
Copy !req
386. Okay?
Copy !req
387. Here we are, Ms. Zlata!
Copy !req
388. I know you must be thirsty
after your long trip.
Copy !req
389. Jesus, who's the corpse
in the Phyllis Diller wig?
Copy !req
390. Don't get too close.
Copy !req
391. She has the taste
for human flesh.
Copy !req
392. How many Valium
are we supposed to give her?
Copy !req
393. What the hell are you wearing?
Copy !req
394. How many of them have you
already crushed up?
Copy !req
395. Four, maybe?
Five, I think.
Copy !req
396. All right, add two
for good measure.
Copy !req
397. What the hell is she doing here?
Copy !req
398. Svetlana's friend Freelania
Copy !req
399. is supposed to marry
this super rich old guy,
Copy !req
400. but Svetlana's gonna
marry him instead.
Copy !req
401. So we're gonna drug the mother
so she doesn't realize
Copy !req
402. that it's Svetlana marrying him,
not Freelania.
Copy !req
403. We don't think it's a good plan
but we're gonna go along
Copy !req
404. and just hope that we don't
get arrested for kidnapping.
Copy !req
405. I honestly don't understand
a single word you just said.
Copy !req
406. Here we are.
Copy !req
407. Vodka.
Copy !req
408. Vodka.
Copy !req
409. Old gal can really
hold her hooch, huh?
Copy !req
410. Where have you been?
Copy !req
411. Oh, uh... I went out
and got you these.
Copy !req
412. - Flowers?
- For our anniversary.
Copy !req
413. No it's not.
Copy !req
414. - Two months?
- No.
Copy !req
415. You sure?
Copy !req
416. We met one month,
eighteen days,
Copy !req
417. six hours
and twelve minutes ago.
Copy !req
418. Oh.
Copy !req
419. I woke up thinking about you
so I got you these.
Copy !req
420. Oh. Wow.
Copy !req
421. How sweet.
Copy !req
422. You know,
I've got a little surprise
Copy !req
423. for you too.
Copy !req
424. Mm.
Copy !req
425. Do you love me?
Copy !req
426. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
427. - How much?
- A lot.
Copy !req
428. Mm...
Copy !req
429. Ow, what the hell?
Copy !req
430. How stupid do you think
I am, Carl?
Copy !req
431. - Come on, Kassidi.
- The army-navy surplus store?
Copy !req
432. You followed me?
Copy !req
433. "Find my Phone," Carl!
Copy !req
434. I have to go back!
Copy !req
435. My men in my platoon
are counting on me!
Copy !req
436. No, no!
Copy !req
437. I'll give you 60 grand for it,
right now, sight unseen.
Copy !req
438. I have over 80 in it.
Copy !req
439. Yeah, but I'll take over
the mortgage,
Copy !req
440. and you can pocket that cash
and just walk away.
Copy !req
441. I was hoping for 90.
Copy !req
442. - 50.
- 50?
Copy !req
443. 40.
Copy !req
444. Jesus, I called to see
if you'd be interested
Copy !req
445. in buying my building,
not to get bent over a fence.
Copy !req
446. Well, it's a distressed sale.
Copy !req
447. 30.
Copy !req
448. 20.
Copy !req
449. - 10.
- You know what?
Copy !req
450. Go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
451. Good girl.
Copy !req
452. What?
Copy !req
453. Sit down.
Copy !req
454. Come on, sit down.
Copy !req
455. You don't wanna sell.
Copy !req
456. The whole neighborhood's
on the way up.
Copy !req
457. You're gonna make a killing
in a couple years.
Copy !req
458. They're suing me for 6 million.
Copy !req
459. There's always some lazy bastard
staring up at you
Copy !req
460. from down in the shit.
Copy !req
461. So what do I do?
Copy !req
462. Well, you make them
a final offer
Copy !req
463. that doesn't kill you
and that they think
Copy !req
464. is a winning lottery ticket.
Copy !req
465. Like how much?
Copy !req
466. Five grand.
Copy !req
467. Can you excuse me a minute?
Copy !req
468. - Hey.
- Anything?
Copy !req
469. No, he hasn't called me back.
Copy !req
470. You seen the clip?
Copy !req
471. It's already got,
like, 30,000 views.
Copy !req
472. My God's a dyke.
Copy !req
473. - My God is trans...
- He looks fuckin' nuts.
Copy !req
474. A junkie... a whore!
Copy !req
475. What does that say?
Copy !req
476. "Gay Jesus speaks the truth."
Copy !req
477. Is he off his meds?
Copy !req
478. How the hell would I know?
Copy !req
479. Shit.
Copy !req
480. I went by the center
and Trevor's had people
Copy !req
481. out looking for him all day.
Copy !req
482. I gotta go back to my building.
Copy !req
483. Kicked out those deadbeats yet?
Copy !req
484. No, Ford's been watching
my building all day.
Copy !req
485. - No, no, Charlie!
- How many more times
Copy !req
486. - can I say I'm sorry?
- Can you...?
Copy !req
487. How many times
do I have to say no?
Copy !req
488. Yo, guys!
Copy !req
489. I said
fucking no, Charlie.
Copy !req
490. Joshua is his brother.
Copy !req
491. Half-brother!
Copy !req
492. What does that matter?
Copy !req
493. Okay, Lucas wants to meet him
Copy !req
494. and I said he could.
Copy !req
495. - You've been talking to Lucas?
- He's my son.
Copy !req
496. I can call my son any goddamn—
Copy !req
497. - Fuck you!
- Shit.
Copy !req
498. You can't call him
any time you want,
Copy !req
499. - because he's fucking—
- Calm the fuck down!
Copy !req
500. - Yo.
- Calm!
Copy !req
501. - Asshole!
- You're fucking crazy!
Copy !req
502. - You're crazy!
- Just stop it! Hey!
Copy !req
503. Someone's gonna
call the cops, all right?
Copy !req
504. - Both of you.
- He's my kid too!
Copy !req
505. - Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
Copy !req
506. Stop!
Copy !req
507. Charlie!
Go, all right?
Copy !req
508. Yeah, go back to your whore.
Copy !req
509. Have her pop out another
fucking baby for you.
Copy !req
510. Yeah, yeah,
Copy !req
511. Fuck it.
Copy !req
512. - Hey.
- No.
Copy !req
513. Kev!
Can you come up for a sec?
Copy !req
514. Hey,
Freelania is crazy powerful.
Copy !req
515. She's using some Jedi mind trick
voodoo shit on me down there.
Copy !req
516. Holy shit.
Copy !req
517. - You look...
- Incredible, right?
Copy !req
518. You need to try on your tux.
Copy !req
519. I have to wear a tux?
Copy !req
520. You are giving away
the bride.
Copy !req
521. - I am?
- Yeah, I have no father.
Copy !req
522. So you do it.
Copy !req
523. - Wow, really?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
524. I'm honored.
Copy !req
525. I also need you there
Copy !req
526. for muscle,
in case things go wrong.
Copy !req
527. What are we gonna do
with Freelania
Copy !req
528. after the wedding?
Copy !req
529. I'm selling her
to an old friend.
Copy !req
530. Works freighters out of Minsk.
Copy !req
531. - And what about her mom?
- Oh, she's too old for sailors.
Copy !req
532. Probably just put rocks
in her pockets
Copy !req
533. and dump her in the lake.
Copy !req
534. Wow.
Copy !req
535. Father of the bride.
Copy !req
536. That's a nice silver service.
Copy !req
537. Uh-huh, Rolex, Cartier,
Copy !req
538. Can we maybe find
another house to rob?
Copy !req
539. What?
Copy !req
540. This is perfect.
Copy !req
541. They'll be gone.
We know the code.
Copy !req
542. You got the code, right?
Copy !req
543. Yeah, but Dylan's my friend.
Copy !req
544. Do we steal from our friends?
Copy !req
545. No, we don't,
and we're not.
Copy !req
546. Dylan's our friend.
Copy !req
547. We're not gonna take
anything from him.
Copy !req
548. It's his criminal father
that we're bringing to justice.
Copy !req
549. But they're taking me on
their vacation and everything.
Copy !req
550. Eh, just to assuage
their ruling-class guilt.
Copy !req
551. You're like the old clothes
rich people donate to Goodwill—
Copy !req
552. something they don't need,
Copy !req
553. but they can pat themselves
on the back for anyway.
Copy !req
554. Hey.
Copy !req
555. We have the chance
to do the right thing here.
Copy !req
556. You need to see
the bigger picture.
Copy !req
557. He's a robber baron,
Copy !req
558. stealing food from the mouths
of working-class children.
Copy !req
559. Are you gonna give
the stuff we steal
Copy !req
560. to hungry children?
Copy !req
561. It's a metaphor.
Copy !req
562. We can never undo the damage
Copy !req
563. that Dylan's dads have done.
Copy !req
564. But we can right the scales
in our own small way
Copy !req
565. and strike a chord
Copy !req
566. for below-the-poverty-line folks
Copy !req
567. It's the ethical thing to do.
Copy !req
568. Take that.
Copy !req
569. Detective Clark,
Chicago Police Department.
Copy !req
570. Looking for Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
571. - Who?
- Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
572. Never heard of him.
Copy !req
573. You have to eat.
Copy !req
574. Trevor's here.
He wants to talk.
Copy !req
575. How'd you find me?
Copy !req
576. Bic.
Copy !req
577. The cops are looking for you
Copy !req
578. and they came
by the center twice today.
Copy !req
579. What are you planning to do?
Copy !req
580. I don't know yet.
Copy !req
581. Well, they're threatening
to send cops to the center
Copy !req
582. to round up kids,
throw them into group homes,
Copy !req
583. send 'em back to their parents.
Copy !req
584. They want you to give Blake
back to his parents
Copy !req
585. and for you and Bic
to turn yourselves in.
Copy !req
586. I'm making a difference here.
Copy !req
587. I feel good.
Copy !req
588. Fiona and Lip
are trying to find you.
Copy !req
589. They're worried about you.
Copy !req
590. They think that you might
be off your meds.
Copy !req
591. If they raid
the center tomorrow,
Copy !req
592. it'll be all over the news.
Copy !req
593. My donors will disappear.
The city will probably yank
Copy !req
594. my permits and I'll have
to shut down.
Copy !req
595. Would you look at me?
Copy !req
596. Are you even listening?
Copy !req
597. Look at me!
Copy !req
598. These kids believe in you,
Copy !req
599. but this isn't about
you helping them anymore.
Copy !req
600. This is about you loving
all of the attention
Copy !req
601. and the hero worship.
Copy !req
602. If you care about these kids—
I mean truly care about them—
Copy !req
603. you'll turn yourself in
before anyone gets hurt.
Copy !req
604. That's what a real leader
would have the courage to do.
Copy !req
605. Debbie!
Copy !req
606. Oh, hey, Carl.
Copy !req
607. Grab your torch
and cut me out of here.
Copy !req
608. I can't.
My gear's in Farhad's truck.
Copy !req
609. Damn.
Copy !req
610. Kassidi really doesn't want you
to go back to school, huh?
Copy !req
611. Please.
There's not much time.
Copy !req
612. She's in the shower.
Copy !req
613. Derek's getting married to Pepa.
Copy !req
614. He wants shared custody
of Franny.
Copy !req
615. There's a hacksaw
in the basement.
Copy !req
616. You could saw them off.
Copy !req
617. On the plus side,
he'd pay child support.
Copy !req
618. And he says Marine kids
have really good healthcare.
Copy !req
619. You only have
to cut through one.
Copy !req
620. I can cut the others!
Copy !req
621. On the minus side, I wanna stab
him in the head every time
Copy !req
622. I see him and
that skinny bitch Pepa together.
Copy !req
623. I think
Kassidi put the keys
Copy !req
624. in her pants pocket.
Copy !req
625. Try to go in and sneak in there
while she's in the shower.
Copy !req
626. And then Franny will
be spending time with Pepa!
Copy !req
627. And what will she call Pepa?
Copy !req
628. - "Mother"?
- Deb, will you please...
Copy !req
629. "Mama"?
Copy !req
630. Oh!
Hello, Debbie.
Copy !req
631. Oh, hey, Kassidi.
Copy !req
632. Hey, thanks again
for the waffles this morning.
Copy !req
633. Oh, no problem.
I'm thinking about
Copy !req
634. making eggs Benedict tomorrow.
Copy !req
635. Sounds delicious.
Copy !req
636. Hey, thanks for listening, Carl.
Copy !req
637. Really helps sometimes
to be able to talk things out.
Copy !req
638. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
639. Lucas asleep?
Copy !req
640. A while ago.
Copy !req
641. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
642. - About what?
- The Charlie thing.
Copy !req
643. And the way that asshole
gets to pretend
Copy !req
644. like nothing ever happened.
Copy !req
645. Oh, fuck.
I forgot.
Copy !req
646. I'm sorry.
I'll get rid of these.
Copy !req
647. - I-it's cool.
- No, it's definitely not cool.
Copy !req
648. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
649. It's all right.
Copy !req
650. Fuck.
I'll go brush my teeth.
Copy !req
651. No...
Copy !req
652. it's all right, okay?
Copy !req
653. Okay?
Copy !req
654. I think I might
be a little drunk.
Copy !req
655. How'd the lawyer meeting go?
Copy !req
656. I'm thinking of
leaving the country.
Copy !req
657. And where are you
thinking of going?
Copy !req
658. I haven't been
much anywhere.
Copy !req
659. Then go to the airport,
get on
Copy !req
660. whatever international
flight's taking off next,
Copy !req
661. leave it to fate.
Copy !req
662. You coming with me?
Copy !req
663. You want me to?
Copy !req
664. That's not an answer.
Copy !req
665. Okay, then.
Copy !req
666. I don't know what this is.
Copy !req
667. "This"?
Copy !req
668. Us.
Copy !req
669. What do you want it to be?
Copy !req
670. You really have to stop
Copy !req
671. answering my questions
with a question.
Copy !req
672. Is that bothering you, is it?
Copy !req
673. What should I say
Copy !req
674. when I talk about you
to other people?
Copy !req
675. Tell them whatever you want.
Copy !req
676. Am I your girlfriend?
Copy !req
677. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Copy !req
678. Are you sleeping
with anybody else?
Copy !req
679. No.
Copy !req
680. And I'd tell you
before that happened.
Copy !req
681. I'm happy...
Copy !req
682. with what this is.
Copy !req
683. And I'm willing
to make adjustments
Copy !req
684. if you let me know
what you want.
Copy !req
685. I want you to be
madly in love with me.
Copy !req
686. I'm not 17 years old.
Copy !req
687. I don't fall madly in love
with people anymore.
Copy !req
688. Ever?
Copy !req
689. I've fallen madly in love.
Copy !req
690. Didn't work out so well.
Copy !req
691. Who was she?
Copy !req
692. Do you really wanna know?
Copy !req
693. No.
Copy !req
694. I just can't see myself...
picking up and leaving.
Copy !req
695. Chicago's my home.
Copy !req
696. I like it here.
Copy !req
697. Back to the murder scenarios?
Copy !req
698. No.
Copy !req
699. It's time to go Gallagher.
Copy !req
700. Do you need to use
the bedpan again?
Copy !req
701. No, I'm all right.
Copy !req
702. I know you want to go back
to that school,
Copy !req
703. but now we can start
our lives together
Copy !req
704. as newlyweds.
Copy !req
705. Oh, first thing we need to do
is get an apartment.
Copy !req
706. Nothing too big, you know.
Copy !req
707. Maybe we'll get lucky
Copy !req
708. and we'll find something
in the projects.
Copy !req
709. You know, one of those buildings
where the elevator never works
Copy !req
710. and...
Copy !req
711. there's always gangs out
in the stairwell.
Copy !req
712. We'll have to get
an extra bedroom too—
Copy !req
713. for the kids.
I want six.
Copy !req
714. Don't you?
Copy !req
715. We can have three boys
and three girls.
Copy !req
716. And their names will start
with a C and a K
Copy !req
717. just like us.
Copy !req
718. Charlie and Kristin...
Copy !req
719. Karen... Katherine...
Copy !req
720. Cody, Cole, Cooper...
Copy !req
721. Oh, we can call him little Coop.
Copy !req
722. We'll shower once a week.
Copy !req
723. And...
Copy !req
724. and we can, uh, eat fast food
and get really fat.
Copy !req
725. We'll be like real people, Carl.
Copy !req
726. Six-one-nine-seven...
Copy !req
727. Looking for Paulie.
Copy !req
728. In the back.
Copy !req
729. You Pyro Paulie?
Copy !req
730. Yes.
Copy !req
731. Fiona Gallagher.
Copy !req
732. Geneva.
Copy !req
733. Wake up.
Copy !req
734. I know what I have to do now.
Copy !req
735. And it's big.
Copy !req
736. Up.
Copy !req
737. Up! Up!
Everyone up!
Copy !req
738. Come on!
I need sheets.
Copy !req
739. I need... lots
and lots of sheets!
Copy !req
740. Whoa.
Copy !req
741. Sent a limo, huh?
Copy !req
742. Son?
Copy !req
743. The code?
Copy !req
744. Sir.
Copy !req
745. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
746. Oh.
Father of the bride.
Copy !req
747. - Really?
- Well, no, no.
Copy !req
748. I'm not the father.
I'm a friend, but, uh...
Copy !req
749. but I get to give her away.
Copy !req
750. Fucking fantastic.
Copy !req
751. Oh, hey, Dad.
Big day, huh?
Copy !req
752. Whoa.
Where are your shoes?
Copy !req
753. - What?
- Your shoes.
Copy !req
754. You can't get married
in slippers, right?
Copy !req
755. Jesus Christ, Everett.
Go find his goddamn shoes,
Copy !req
756. would you, please?
Copy !req
757. Did you see
who's here, Dad?
Copy !req
758. Arthur.
Copy !req
759. Came all the way
from Palm Beach.
Copy !req
760. - Who?
- Arthur.
Copy !req
761. You started the company
with him.
Copy !req
762. You wanted him to be
your best man.
Copy !req
763. Yeah.
Copy !req
764. Wedding's gonna start
Copy !req
765. any minute, Dad.
Copy !req
766. Oh, great.
I'm starving.
Copy !req
767. Jesus, what a shit show.
Copy !req
768. Well, I better go get the bride.
Copy !req
769. Thank God there's
a prenup, right?
Copy !req
770. Is that a pipe bomb?
Copy !req
771. Smoke bomb.
Copy !req
772. Pyro Paulie swears
it won't explode
Copy !req
773. - or start a fire.
- "Pyro Paulie"?
Copy !req
774. Name doesn't inspire
a whole lot of confidence.
Copy !req
775. You should see his face.
Copy !req
776. Ready?
Copy !req
777. Shit.
Copy !req
778. Fucking bitch!
Copy !req
779. Whoa!
Copy !req
780. - Bitch!
- Apartment door's open.
Copy !req
781. You might wanna vacate
the premises
Copy !req
782. before you die
of smoke inhalation.
Copy !req
783. Pick up the girl, come on!
Copy !req
784. I'm gonna call the police.
You could've killed us.
Copy !req
785. Here's the deal, shitheads.
Copy !req
786. This is $4,000.
Copy !req
787. And I will give it to you...
right now.
Copy !req
788. If you get in your shitty car,
point yourselves west,
Copy !req
789. and don't stop till you hit
the Pacific Ocean.
Copy !req
790. - Go fuck yourself.
- You haven't heard
Copy !req
791. the whole offer yet, Trina.
Copy !req
792. When you get
to the Pacific Ocean,
Copy !req
793. you call me
and you give me an address
Copy !req
794. so that every month
for the next year—
Copy !req
795. assuming you drop
your bullshit lawsuit—
Copy !req
796. I can send you a money order
for $500.
Copy !req
797. Go to hell.
Copy !req
798. Think about it, Rodney.
Copy !req
799. Lawsuits can take years
before they get to court.
Copy !req
800. And who knows?
In the end, you might lose.
Copy !req
801. We won't lose.
Copy !req
802. Maybe yes, maybe no.
Copy !req
803. My lawyer thinks I'm gonna win.
Copy !req
804. Rodney.
Copy !req
805. Oops.
Copy !req
806. Offer just went down $200.
Copy !req
807. So that's $3,800.
Copy !req
808. All righty, then.
Copy !req
809. No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
810. - Rodney...
- Goddammit.
Copy !req
811. We'll take the cash.
Copy !req
812. Okay.
Copy !req
813. Sign this.
Copy !req
814. Come on, turn around.
Copy !req
815. How do we know
you'll send us the money
Copy !req
816. like you promise?
Copy !req
817. 'Cause I gave you my word.
Copy !req
818. And around here,
that means something.
Copy !req
819. Is that real money
you just burned?
Copy !req
820. Yeah, and it
just about fucking killed me.
Copy !req
821. Fuck.
Copy !req
822. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
823. Thought you left for work.
Copy !req
824. Yeah, I just, um...
Copy !req
825. I wanted to talk to you.
Copy !req
826. I'm really sorry
about last night.
Copy !req
827. I was just so fucking pissed,
you know?
Copy !req
828. I think you should give Charlie
one last chance.
Copy !req
829. What?
Copy !req
830. I mean, you know,
he fucked up, but, uh...
Copy !req
831. we all fuck up, so...
Copy !req
832. I told you I was sorry.
Copy !req
833. You two weren't together
Copy !req
834. when he got
that other girl pregnant.
Copy !req
835. You know, and he didn't
wanna lose you.
Copy !req
836. Where the fuck
is this coming from?
Copy !req
837. You don't love me.
Copy !req
838. I've been drunk...
Copy !req
839. Or high almost every day
since I was 12 years old.
Copy !req
840. And Brad was off the wagon
and Youens died...
Copy !req
841. - Do you fucking love me?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
842. I want to.
Copy !req
843. You know, I really do,
but I-I've been sleepwalking
Copy !req
844. through my life for years,
Copy !req
845. you know, I've been so loaded,
Copy !req
846. I-I haven't known what I want...
Copy !req
847. you know, or who I wanna be,
Copy !req
848. or-or-or be with,
and I just...
Copy !req
849. Fuck!
Copy !req
850. Just leave.
Copy !req
851. I was drunk on our first date.
Copy !req
852. - Lip...
- I was drunk
Copy !req
853. almost the entire time
that we were together.
Copy !req
854. I don't know how
to be with myself,
Copy !req
855. let alone someone else.
Copy !req
856. Man, I don't know
what I want, but I...
Copy !req
857. I know I have to be
honest with you.
Copy !req
858. - J...
- Okay?
Copy !req
859. And it's because
I care about you—
Copy !req
860. Just go, Lip!
Copy !req
861. Please!
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
862. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
863. Don't!
Copy !req
864. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
865. God is Gay
and he loves you!
Copy !req
866. God is Gay
and he loves you!
Copy !req
867. God is Gay and he loves you!
Copy !req
868. God is Gay
and he loves you!
Copy !req
869. This might just make CNN.
Copy !req
870. Showtime.
Copy !req
871. God is gay and he loves you.
Copy !req
872. Take a look
in front of me...
Copy !req
873. We are gay and we love you.
Copy !req
874. We are trans and we love you.
Copy !req
875. We are lesbians
Copy !req
876. and we love you.
Copy !req
877. We are the city of Chicago
and we love you.
Copy !req
878. - Gay Jesus!
- We are queer...
Copy !req
879. and we love you.
Copy !req
880. We are bisexual and we love you.
Copy !req
881. That's him.
Copy !req
882. Ian Gallagher, we have a warrant
for your arrest.
Copy !req
883. We are your cops.
We are your neighbors.
Copy !req
884. We are your doctors.
Copy !req
885. Gallagher, get down
from the truck. Now.
Copy !req
886. He's not Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
887. I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
888. No.
Copy !req
889. I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
890. I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
891. I'm Ian Gallagher.
I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
892. I'm Ian Gallagher!
Copy !req
893. All right.
Arrest them all.
Copy !req
894. I'm Ian Gallagher.
I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
895. Excuse me, son.
Copy !req
896. I'm Ian Gallagher.
I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
897. - Excuse me.
- I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
898. I'm Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
899. I'm Ian Gallagher!
Copy !req
900. Come on, Dad, over here.
Copy !req
901. Come on. Jesus.
Right—right here.
Copy !req
902. We are joined here today
Copy !req
903. to share
with Freelania and Rupert
Copy !req
904. - an important moment...
- There's a prenup.
Copy !req
905. What?
Copy !req
906. There's a prenup.
Copy !req
907. A prenup?
Copy !req
908. Shh!
Copy !req
909. By the power vested in me
Copy !req
910. by the state of Illinois,
Copy !req
911. I now pronounce you
man and wife.
Copy !req
912. You may kiss the bride.
Copy !req
913. You gonna get that?
Copy !req
914. No.
Siri, decline the call.
Copy !req
915. Fuck!
Copy !req
916. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
917. Where do you think
that old man went?
Copy !req
918. I don't know.
Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
919. Looks about done.
Copy !req
920. Yeah.
Copy !req
921. You gonna keep it or sell it?
Copy !req
922. Keep it, I think.
Copy !req
923. You okay?
Copy !req
924. Uh...
Copy !req
925. I was honest with Sierra.
Copy !req
926. But I think it really
fucked her up.
Copy !req
927. Nobody ever said being honest
would be painless.
Copy !req
928. Where's Eddie?
Copy !req
929. She quit.
Copy !req
930. Took off for Cabo with
some guy she met at Sturgis.
Copy !req
931. She coming back for the kid?
Copy !req
932. She called Social Services
to come pick her up.
Copy !req
933. So Eddie split, huh?
Copy !req
934. Hey, why don't you come
stay with me for a couple days?
Copy !req
935. Just till we find out
where she went.
Copy !req
936. Yeah?
Copy !req
937. That'd be cool.
Copy !req
938. Cool.
Copy !req
939. Um...
Copy !req
940. Look, my bike's done.
Copy !req
941. Um...
Copy !req
942. you wanna take Keith
off the stand,
Copy !req
943. see if the piece of shit
actually runs?
Copy !req
944. Yeah?
Copy !req
945. Carl!
Copy !req
946. Stop! Get off the bus!
Copy !req
947. Get off the bus, Carl!
Copy !req
948. Carl, come back!
Copy !req
949. I love you!
Copy !req
950. Carl!
Copy !req
951. Have a blessed day.
Copy !req
952. All right.
Copy !req
953. We are getting
reports of multiple arrests
Copy !req
954. this morning at a rally
led by...
Copy !req
955. Holy shit.
Copy !req
956. I hope he's all right.
Copy !req
957. Police have identified the man
as Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
958. We have information
that his organization...
Copy !req
959. - Not a fucking word.
- ... explosion on south side
Copy !req
960. of the city earlier this week.
Copy !req
961. You can see him here
with the megaphone moments...
Copy !req