1. For Chrissake.
Copy !req
2. I don't have time
for this, all right?
Copy !req
3. Just run the damn thing
so these fuckin' idiots
Copy !req
4. can remember what happened
last season.
Copy !req
5. Jesus.
Copy !req
6. The building is
a real fixer-upper,
Copy !req
7. but it's got good bones.
Copy !req
8. I'm considering a purchase.
Apartment building.
Copy !req
9. It's no crazier
than you buying the Laundromat,
Copy !req
10. you know,
and you pulled that off.
Copy !req
11. Yeah, it's my second meeting.
Copy !req
12. You really want
to stop drinking?
Copy !req
13. - I mean, do you really want to?
- Yes.
Copy !req
14. You like bikes?
Copy !req
15. I don't really know
much about 'em.
Copy !req
16. Help me, uh, put this wheel
on this bike.
Copy !req
17. - I love you.
- Then get in the fucking car.
Copy !req
18. It's not—
This isn't me anymore.
Copy !req
19. I've been texting you
the past couple of days.
Copy !req
20. Where have you been?
Copy !req
21. I was with Mickey.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
22. - You gonna come home?
- Why should I?
Copy !req
23. When I could tell DCFS
that we have a home
Copy !req
24. and source of income?
Copy !req
25. - "We"?
- Neil's great with kids.
Copy !req
26. He'll take care of me,
and he'll make sure
Copy !req
27. my baby won't ever
get taken away from me.
Copy !req
28. The public school system
Copy !req
29. is being gutted
by you sending your kid
Copy !req
30. to this expensive
private school.
Copy !req
31. What would you say
if I offered Liam
Copy !req
32. a place here
at Hopkins Academy?
Copy !req
33. Oh.
Copy !req
34. I want to go to military school.
Copy !req
35. I need some direction.
Copy !req
36. One thing I do know is,
I can take a punch
Copy !req
37. and hit harder back.
Copy !req
38. Hopefully I can put that
to some use.
Copy !req
39. So you want to be a welder?
Copy !req
40. I can apprentice with someone
Copy !req
41. while I'm still in school,
Copy !req
42. get certified
in under two years,
Copy !req
43. and make up to 20 bucks
an hour to start.
Copy !req
44. I am new owner of Alibi.
Copy !req
45. She told us we were signing
adoption forms,
Copy !req
46. but really it was papers
making her
Copy !req
47. the owner of the Alibi.
Copy !req
48. You are big lovable papa,
but you are stupid manager.
Copy !req
49. I let Svetlana take my—
Copy !req
50. Don't you even think
of saying her name.
Copy !req
51. I let that backstabbing cunt
take my balls.
Copy !req
52. I'm gonna support this family,
Copy !req
53. and I'm gonna get my balls back.
Copy !req
54. Come on.
Copy !req
55. Come on, open your eyes.
Come on!
Copy !req
56. I know you didn't
think much of her,
Copy !req
57. but she loved you.
Copy !req
58. Holy shit.
Copy !req
59. Frank found
seven pounds of meth
Copy !req
60. that Monica had,
and now he wants to sell it.
Copy !req
61. Give me liberty,
or give me meth!
Copy !req
62. Fuck you, Mom.
Copy !req
63. No.
Copy !req
64. "No" what?
Copy !req
65. - Fuck am I doing?
- Wait.
Copy !req
66. Your profile made it seem
like you'd be down for this.
Copy !req
67. I'm sorry, I just...
Copy !req
68. I just—I really...
Copy !req
69. I can't do this anymore.
Copy !req
70. Uh...
we got kind of far along here.
Copy !req
71. You think you could put
your mouth on it or something?
Copy !req
72. Here.
Copy !req
73. Knock yourself out.
Copy !req
74. Jesus.
Copy !req
75. What the hell time is it?
Copy !req
76. Oh five thirty.
Copy !req
77. Uh, you gotta use
that alarm?
Copy !req
78. Staying on military time.
Copy !req
79. Can't get soft
over the summer.
Copy !req
80. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
81. Early bird catches the worm?
Copy !req
82. Carl.
Copy !req
83. Oh, God,
that bugle alarm again?
Copy !req
84. Yep.
Copy !req
85. You just getting home,
alley cat?
Copy !req
86. Yeah, but I'm turning over
a new leaf.
Copy !req
87. Yeah, what leaf is that?
Copy !req
88. No more sex with anonymous men
Copy !req
89. chosen for their
abdominal fitness.
Copy !req
90. - Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
91. Closing my Tinder account.
Copy !req
92. I'm done with meaningless
sexual gratification.
Copy !req
93. I want... connection,
Copy !req
94. conversation,
shared interests.
Copy !req
95. That's good for you.
Copy !req
96. Where you going?
Copy !req
97. I woke up feeling
like a drink,
Copy !req
98. so I decided
I'd run to work instead.
Copy !req
99. Gotta be at least
five miles.
Copy !req
100. It's actually closer to seven.
Hope you're hungry.
Copy !req
101. Sergeant York is in there
cooking breakfast again.
Copy !req
102. Discipline.
Copy !req
103. In bed.
Lights out at 2100.
Copy !req
104. Up at 0530.
Copy !req
105. In the field at 0630.
Copy !req
106. The warrior way.
Copy !req
107. Is that grits?
Copy !req
108. And eggs, flapjacks,
Copy !req
109. sausage and biscuits,
Copy !req
110. and breakfast meats.
Copy !req
111. Whoa.
Copy !req
112. Gotta stay strong
to man the gates.
Copy !req
113. Preserve America for all those
fat-ass coastal elites
Copy !req
114. taking our liberties
for granted.
Copy !req
115. What gates?
Copy !req
116. The gates that protect us
from tyranny and oppression.
Copy !req
117. How are you gonna eat
all that?
Copy !req
118. I gotta stay combat ready
for the fall.
Copy !req
119. I'm a cadet corporal now.
Copy !req
120. Corporals deal with hell week.
Copy !req
121. Oh, I can't wait to torture
Copy !req
122. those little
seventh grade fuckers.
Copy !req
123. Espresso?
Copy !req
124. You buy that with some
of your Monica meth money?
Copy !req
125. - Yeah.
- Then no.
Copy !req
126. - You sell my meth yet?
- Moved Debbie's yesterday.
Copy !req
127. Next, Lip's.
Then yours.
Copy !req
128. - Jesus.
- Hey, I can't move it
Copy !req
129. all at once—could attract
cartel attention.
Copy !req
130. - Mm-hmm.
- What happened to ramrod-ready
Copy !req
131. American patriot Corporal Carl?
Copy !req
132. The most American thing
is the pursuit
Copy !req
133. of free enterprise, Fiona.
Copy !req
134. - Where's my meth?
- You don't get any.
Copy !req
135. And your brothers shouldn't
have taken any either.
Copy !req
136. Okay, well,
I guess you won't want to be
Copy !req
137. luxuriating
in my AquaRest Bubble Master
Copy !req
138. later today, then.
Copy !req
139. Your what?
Copy !req
140. Carl bought a hot tub
with his Monica money.
Copy !req
141. Sixteen jets and a waterfall.
Copy !req
142. Gets delivered this morning.
Copy !req
143. Do I have to go to all those
birthday parties tomorrow?
Copy !req
144. - How many'd you get invited to?
- Four.
Copy !req
145. Oh, they gonna have goodie bags
like the parties last weekend?
Copy !req
146. Those Avengers DVD sets
were pretty cool.
Copy !req
147. Mm, and the GameStop
gift cards.
Copy !req
148. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
149. Oh, hey, go get dressed,
Liam, okay?
Copy !req
150. It's almost time for school.
Copy !req
151. Gotta raise the colors.
Copy !req
152. We have colors?
Copy !req
153. - He put up a flagpole.
- What?
Copy !req
154. Just one left, my love.
Copy !req
155. One rock.
Copy !req
156. And then I must...
Copy !req
157. return to life.
Copy !req
158. Here's looking at you, kid.
Copy !req
159. Morning, Berta.
How was your night?
Copy !req
160. Shitty.
Copy !req
161. Drunk asshole showed up
around three.
Copy !req
162. His credit card was declined.
He didn't have any cash.
Copy !req
163. Jesus, you let him out?
Copy !req
164. No, I told him
to walk his drunk ass
Copy !req
165. to an ATM and get some cash.
Copy !req
166. And then he went
all mental on me
Copy !req
167. and rammed the gate,
Copy !req
168. tried to beat me
with the broken arm.
Copy !req
169. - What'd you do?
- Pepper-sprayed him.
Copy !req
170. Called the damn cops.
Copy !req
171. Hope you have a better day,
Copy !req
172. Oh, you bet I will.
Copy !req
173. Don't get stuck
in this job, kid.
Copy !req
174. It'll suck your soul dry.
Copy !req
175. - You like going to school here?
- It's okay.
Copy !req
176. - I'm not in class much.
- Really? How come?
Copy !req
177. I'm on the playground a lot.
Copy !req
178. Why?
Copy !req
179. Mm, don't know.
Copy !req
180. Good morning, Liam.
Copy !req
181. Bye.
Copy !req
182. Love you.
Copy !req
183. We strongly discourage parents
from allowing children to ride
Copy !req
184. in the front seat.
Copy !req
185. It's not safe.
Copy !req
186. Middle of the back, okay?
Copy !req
187. Oh, sure, I—
Copy !req
188. Hey, I need a new filter
for the 48.
Copy !req
189. Thanks.
Copy !req
190. So wait, is that
your Sportster 883
Copy !req
191. parked out front?
Copy !req
192. Th-that's a SuperLow, right?
Copy !req
193. I wouldn't.
Copy !req
194. Wouldn't what?
Copy !req
195. Eddie.
Copy !req
196. She took on a bouncer
at the Three Aces.
Copy !req
197. - That big Samoan fucker?
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
198. Ended up in the hospital
a couple weeks.
Copy !req
199. No shit, that Samoan could do
some serious damage.
Copy !req
200. No, knucklehead,
Eddie fucked up the bouncer.
Copy !req
201. You run to work again?
Copy !req
202. Rough night?
Copy !req
203. It was average.
Copy !req
204. Got you something.
Copy !req
205. Here.
Copy !req
206. Oh, fidget spinner?
Copy !req
207. Use it
when you feel like a drink.
Copy !req
208. Uh, takes your mind off it.
Copy !req
209. I always feel like a drink.
Copy !req
210. It's gonna get
a lot of use, then.
Copy !req
211. - Enjoy.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
212. - So no more Tinder?
- Nope, V, I'm done with it.
Copy !req
213. No more pointless sex
bent over a dirty sink
Copy !req
214. in a club bathroom
Copy !req
215. or scraping my ass
on a rusty alley dumpster
Copy !req
216. with my underwear pushed down
around my ankles.
Copy !req
217. Eat your quinoa.
Copy !req
218. A few weeks ago,
I had this joker.
Copy !req
219. He comes,
and then he bursts out crying.
Copy !req
220. Turns out his wife
had just dumped him.
Copy !req
221. I was stuck there
for, like, an hour
Copy !req
222. consoling him,
when all I really wanted
Copy !req
223. was to go home to my own bed.
Copy !req
224. You could have just left.
Copy !req
225. What kind of person would I be
Copy !req
226. if I just left him there
like that?
Copy !req
227. The kind of person
who uses Tinder
Copy !req
228. to intentionally avoid intimacy
on an almost daily basis.
Copy !req
229. It's not daily.
Copy !req
230. I just—
I-I can't be that person
Copy !req
231. who wakes up in the wet spot
of some guy whose name
Copy !req
232. I can't even remember's
bed again.
Copy !req
233. I would kill for a wet spot.
Copy !req
234. With Kev on nights
and me on days,
Copy !req
235. we barely see each other,
Copy !req
236. much less make a mess
in the sheets.
Copy !req
237. What if I run over Svetlana
with Kevin's truck?
Copy !req
238. It'd be vehicular manslaughter,
Copy !req
239. I'd get, what, eight years?
Copy !req
240. Probably do four.
I could do four years.
Copy !req
241. It's enough already
Copy !req
242. with the "killing Svetlana"
Copy !req
243. Tragic bathroom slip and fall?
Copy !req
244. I hide in the shower,
Copy !req
245. hit her on the top of the head
with the toilet lid.
Copy !req
246. Make it look like an accident.
Copy !req
247. Hi! Welcome to Patsy's.
Copy !req
248. Veronica still figuring out ways
to go postal on Svetlana?
Copy !req
249. Oh, yeah.
I don't know.
Copy !req
250. Maybe you and I
just ambush the Russki bitch.
Copy !req
251. A couple quick hammer hits
to the head.
Copy !req
252. I'm in.
Copy !req
253. Hey, you want to swing
by the youth center
Copy !req
254. on the way back to the station,
Copy !req
255. see if anybody needs anything?
Copy !req
256. "Anybody"?
Copy !req
257. He doesn't want you.
Copy !req
258. He's made that
pretty damn clear.
Copy !req
259. You ran off
with an ex-boyfriend.
Copy !req
260. You disappear for days.
Copy !req
261. You're banging like bunnies.
Copy !req
262. I wouldn't want you back either.
Copy !req
263. You're an asshole.
Copy !req
264. It's not about seeing Trevor.
Copy !req
265. The shelter kids don't have
access to health care.
Copy !req
266. All right, Mother Teresa.
Copy !req
267. We can go hang at the shelter
until we get a call.
Copy !req
268. But don't kid yourself
about Trevor.
Copy !req
269. You fucked that pooch,
and good.
Copy !req
270. So you the new slumlord?
Copy !req
271. Uh, new owner, yeah.
Copy !req
272. Nessa Chabon.
Copy !req
273. Hi. Fiona Gallagher.
Copy !req
274. If you're here to meet
the gas company,
Copy !req
275. he's been and gone.
Copy !req
276. - Oh, shit.
- Nah. I let him in.
Copy !req
277. He checked the meter and split.
Copy !req
278. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
279. You're welcome.
Copy !req
280. I do a lot of things
around the building.
Copy !req
281. Lightbulbs,
clogged toilets,
Copy !req
282. leaky faucets,
stuff like that.
Copy !req
283. The previous owner
didn't do shit.
Copy !req
284. Are you a... handyman?
Copy !req
285. Handy, but not a man.
Copy !req
286. Nah, I'm an accountant.
Copy !req
287. United Airlines.
Copy !req
288. What about you?
Where are you from?
Copy !req
289. Humboldt Park?
Copy !req
290. Making a small real estate play
to jazz up your 401?
Copy !req
291. Hardly.
Copy !req
292. I'm South Side,
through and through.
Copy !req
293. - You?
- Immigrant
Copy !req
294. from distant shores—
Oak Brook.
Copy !req
295. That's nice.
Copy !req
296. What brings you down here
Copy !req
297. to live among
the great unwashed?
Copy !req
298. I'm a pilgrim
Copy !req
299. escaping gender persecution.
Copy !req
300. Local country club ladies
weren't too pleased
Copy !req
301. with my choice
of dance partners.
Copy !req
302. So have you met
any of the other tenants yet?
Copy !req
303. No.
Copy !req
304. Well, the old lady with cancer
Copy !req
305. and cats has been living in 1C
Copy !req
306. since the South seceded
from the Union.
Copy !req
307. Vet with PTSD in 2D
always has really good weed.
Copy !req
308. And the junkie couple in 1D
fight a lot
Copy !req
309. and occasionally
set shit on fire.
Copy !req
310. And the woman
with the couple dozen kids
Copy !req
311. from a couple dozen
different dads in 1A.
Copy !req
312. The kids are a terror.
Copy !req
313. Think it's too late to ask
the bank for my deposit back?
Copy !req
314. So are you gonna
move in here yourself
Copy !req
315. or rent this one out?
Copy !req
316. Gonna rent it.
Copy !req
317. How much?
Copy !req
318. Not sure.
Area's up and comin'.
Copy !req
319. Urban homesteaders
and all that.
Copy !req
320. Yeah. Lincoln Square lumberjacks
are definitely migrating south.
Copy !req
321. I'm not—
I'm not gay.
Copy !req
322. Oh, cool, I'm not looking.
Copy !req
323. And you're not my type anyway.
Copy !req
324. - What's your type?
- Blonde and bitchy.
Copy !req
325. I'm a masochist—
not physical pain,
Copy !req
326. but emotional turmoil
is my thing.
Copy !req
327. Jesus, Nessa.
Copy !req
328. What the hell
is taking so long?
Copy !req
329. We were supposed to be there,
like, ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
330. Mel, our new landlady,
Copy !req
331. Fiona's an endangered species.
Copy !req
332. Genuine South Side.
Copy !req
333. Come on.
We're late.
Copy !req
334. Nessa, now!
Copy !req
335. Blonde and bitchy,
what can I say?
Copy !req
336. Borrow Liam?
Only be a minute.
Copy !req
337. All right, go play.
Copy !req
338. Right up front.
Copy !req
339. - They're kindergartners.
- Go.
Copy !req
340. Racial, economic,
and cultural diversity
Copy !req
341. is one of the hallmarks
of a Hopkins Academy education.
Copy !req
342. If you choose to entrust us
with your child,
Copy !req
343. they will be in a school
community committed
Copy !req
344. to nurturing loving,
Copy !req
345. and healthy children
Copy !req
346. in a diverse
academic environment.
Copy !req
347. Good morning, Liam.
Copy !req
348. Three for you.
Copy !req
349. Hey, Susie.
Copy !req
350. All right,
how many you want, Jamie?
Copy !req
351. Ten.
Copy !req
352. Well, you can have
as many as you want,
Copy !req
353. as long as you aren't back
working that corner.
Copy !req
354. - Nah, I got a new boyfriend.
- Oh.
Copy !req
355. Hey.
Copy !req
356. Maybe I should take 20.
Copy !req
357. Hey, don't get greedy,
all right?
Copy !req
358. Hey.
Copy !req
359. Hey!
Copy !req
360. The city giving you free condoms
to distribute now?
Copy !req
361. No, he buys them himself.
Copy !req
362. He's gonna go broke
trying to sheathe
Copy !req
363. South Side Chicago's
teenage libido
Copy !req
364. in lubricated latex.
Copy !req
365. No, I shoplift them mostly.
Copy !req
366. No, he doesn't.
Copy !req
367. Hey, I'm heading to happy hour
at Jeffrey's after work.
Copy !req
368. You busy?
Copy !req
369. I have a date.
Copy !req
370. Bring him.
Copy !req
371. I can't.
It's drinks and a movie.
Copy !req
372. Oh.
Copy !req
373. Cool, uh,
what are you gonna see?
Copy !req
374. Don't know yet.
Copy !req
375. Lots of good movies out now.
Copy !req
376. Seventy-six. Auto versus auto.
Copy !req
377. Possible injuries.
Eighty-sixth and Cermak.
Copy !req
378. All right. Let's go, cowboy.
That's us.
Copy !req
379. Gotta go.
Copy !req
380. "Lots of good movies
out there now"?
Copy !req
381. - That was goddamn lame.
- Shut it.
Copy !req
382. You were tapping that
and you let it go?
Copy !req
383. It got complicated.
Copy !req
384. Why? Because he fucked
an old boyfriend?
Copy !req
385. Grow up, dude.
Copy !req
386. Hello, sir.
May I have your ticket?
Copy !req
387. Uh, I lost it, but I've only
been here a couple minutes.
Copy !req
388. Lost ticket pays
full price, sir.
Copy !req
389. $24, please.
Copy !req
390. I'm not giving you $24.
Copy !req
391. We take Visa, Mastercard,
and American Express.
Copy !req
392. I came in ten minutes ago,
right there beside you.
Copy !req
393. - You didn't see me?
- No, sir.
Copy !req
394. My job requires that I focus
on the exiting vehicles.
Copy !req
395. Have you tried
retracing your steps,
Copy !req
396. see if you can find where you
may have lost your ticket?
Copy !req
397. I'm not retracing anything,
Copy !req
398. Take the goddamn money.
Copy !req
399. Please watch
your language, sir.
Copy !req
400. My language?
Copy !req
401. You want me to get out
of this truck
Copy !req
402. and fuck you up?
Copy !req
403. No, sir. I don't.
Copy !req
404. Because if you were
to get out of your truck,
Copy !req
405. I would have to Tase you
Copy !req
406. and then superglue
your mouth and eyelids shut
Copy !req
407. until the police arrive.
Copy !req
408. Now, will that be cash
or credit, sir?
Copy !req
409. Liam.
Copy !req
410. Go ahead.
Copy !req
411. Diversity
is central to our mission
Copy !req
412. of pursuing
academic excellence
Copy !req
413. alongside a commitment
to nurturing
Copy !req
414. loving, responsible,
and healthy children
Copy !req
415. in a diverse
academic environment.
Copy !req
416. Good morning, Liam.
Copy !req
417. Namaste, namaste, namaste!
Copy !req
418. Where the hell have you been?
Copy !req
419. In mourning and meditation
after the death of your mother.
Copy !req
420. Acceptance, resurrection,
Copy !req
421. enlightenment.
Copy !req
422. And...
Copy !req
423. we have to deny the existence
of a permanent entity
Copy !req
424. that remains constant
behind the changing
Copy !req
425. corporeal or incorporeal
components of a living being.
Copy !req
426. All things are in
a constant state of flux.
Copy !req
427. All is changing,
Copy !req
428. and no permanent state
exists by itself.
Copy !req
429. Your mother—
Holy Buddha rest her soul—
Copy !req
430. stole my chakra
when I was 20 years old,
Copy !req
431. and she kept it until her death,
Copy !req
432. and now she's gone.
Copy !req
433. And I'm free.
Copy !req
434. Can I use the shower?
Copy !req
435. Or-or—but—
unless you were planning
Copy !req
436. to take a shower soon.
Copy !req
437. No. Uh, I'm good.
Copy !req
438. Want me to sell
any of that meth?
Copy !req
439. Soon as I sell Ian's,
I could find a buyer for yours.
Copy !req
440. No need. I smoked it.
Copy !req
441. An entire pound?
Copy !req
442. What?
Copy !req
443. No, like, half.
Copy !req
444. I gave the rest away
to the needy.
Copy !req
445. Damn.
Copy !req
446. Nasty side effects, though.
Copy !req
447. My Bubble Master.
Copy !req
448. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
449. You used your mother's
inheritance to buy that?
Copy !req
450. Yeah.
Copy !req
451. She'd love it, son.
Copy !req
452. Eight blocks north,
up by the park.
Copy !req
453. One-bedrooms are going
for a thousand.
Copy !req
454. Eight blocks north
up by the park
Copy !req
455. has an El stop, a Starbucks,
Copy !req
456. and they're building
a Whole Foods.
Copy !req
457. Hey, Sierra.
Copy !req
458. Can you take
the girls out back
Copy !req
459. and get some
chili cheese nachos,
Copy !req
460. extra cheese,
Copy !req
461. and some Mountain Dew,
but no refills?
Copy !req
462. So I just walked
by the Alibi...
Copy !req
463. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
464. And it's not called
the Alibi anymore.
Copy !req
465. - What?
- Putin's Paradise.
Copy !req
466. Bunch of Russian flags
out front,
Copy !req
467. and it was crowded—
I peeked.
Copy !req
468. That bitch is gettin' rich
Copy !req
469. and we can barely put food
on the table?
Copy !req
470. We have to go back
to the lawyer.
Copy !req
471. Oh, V, the lawyer said
Copy !req
472. there's nothing
they can do for us.
Copy !req
473. Then we have to find
new lawyers.
Copy !req
474. Svetlana's Russian.
Copy !req
475. Russians always win.
Copy !req
476. That's not true.
Miracle on Ice?
Copy !req
477. Well, they usually win,
Copy !req
478. what with the winners
in the KGB
Copy !req
479. and them pumping their athletes
full of so much steroids
Copy !req
480. that their women grow beards
and their testicles drop.
Copy !req
481. You think I could ask for 900?
Copy !req
482. - No.
- For what?
Copy !req
483. One-bedroom apartment.
Copy !req
484. From that dump
you just bought?
Copy !req
485. - No. Five hundred, tops.
- Five hundred?
Copy !req
486. Jesus.
Copy !req
487. - All right, I gotta go to work.
- No BJs, Kev.
Copy !req
488. Feeling up only,
and nothing below the waist.
Copy !req
489. V, we could really use
the money.
Copy !req
490. No.
Copy !req
491. Five hundred? Really?
Copy !req
492. Kev doesn't know
what he's talking about.
Copy !req
493. Kevin never knows
what he's talking about.
Copy !req
494. You can do it for at least 6.
Copy !req
495. Six...
Copy !req
496. Borrow Liam.
Copy !req
497. - Hey, guys.
- Hi.
Copy !req
498. Usual? Coffee and a slice
of every pie we've got?
Copy !req
499. And a couple rice puddings.
Copy !req
500. What kind of Jell-O
you got today?
Copy !req
501. Strawberry and lime.
Copy !req
502. Two of each.
Extra whipped cream.
Copy !req
503. Okay.
Copy !req
504. No.
Copy !req
505. "No" what?
Copy !req
506. You just got sober.
Copy !req
507. Yeah, well, we're friends.
Copy !req
508. I call bullshit.
Copy !req
509. No new relationships.
Copy !req
510. Yeah, it's not new.
Copy !req
511. She broke up with you
because of your drinking.
Copy !req
512. If you really think
she's the one,
Copy !req
513. just tell her you need
six months to work the steps.
Copy !req
514. All right, six months, huh?
Copy !req
515. Tell her that if you don't
work the steps,
Copy !req
516. you're gonna fuck it up
and drink
Copy !req
517. next time
you guys are in a fight.
Copy !req
518. I'm gonna ask for 850.
Copy !req
519. I can always go lower later.
Copy !req
520. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
521. ICE!
Copy !req
522. ICE! This is not a drill!
Copy !req
523. ICE! ICE! ICE!
Copy !req
524. Hi! Can I help you?
Copy !req
525. U.S. Custom
and Immigration Services.
Copy !req
526. - Everyone freeze.
- Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
527. All right.
V, you're on the register.
Copy !req
528. Lip, Sierra,
looks like we're cooking.
Copy !req
529. - I'd like to apologize, son.
- For what?
Copy !req
530. For whatever I've done to you
that I can't remember.
Copy !req
531. What do you remember?
Copy !req
532. Um, honestly, not much.
Copy !req
533. I'm making amends
to all the people I've harmed
Copy !req
534. the three decades
your mother had me
Copy !req
535. under her intoxicating spell.
Copy !req
536. So is there anything
that you can think of
Copy !req
537. that I should apologize
to you for?
Copy !req
538. Kind of a long list.
Copy !req
539. Well, let me just apologize...
Copy !req
540. for all of it, huh?
Copy !req
541. I'm sorry, son.
Copy !req
542. Thank you.
Copy !req
543. I'm off to find others
in need of my amends.
Copy !req
544. I made a list.
Copy !req
545. That's it?
Copy !req
546. No, it's just the beginning.
Copy !req
547. Once I begin making amends
for the things I do remember,
Copy !req
548. it'll jog my memory
for all the rest.
Copy !req
549. Jesus, thank God.
Copy !req
550. What the hell happened
in here?
Copy !req
551. Half-price drinks to anybody
who can order in Russian.
Copy !req
552. It took me a week
to learn pivo pozhaluysta,
Copy !req
553. and I still think
I'm saying it wrong.
Copy !req
554. She only plays Red Army parades
on the TV.
Copy !req
555. Won't even change it
for the Sox games.
Copy !req
556. So...
Copy !req
557. you come back.
Copy !req
558. - It's about time.
- We need to talk.
Copy !req
559. No shit.
Copy !req
560. I want you to do
the right thing.
Copy !req
561. - Which is what?
- Give us our bar back.
Copy !req
562. - We'll be thruple again?
- Hell no.
Copy !req
563. Then no.
Copy !req
564. You and big,
handsome Kevin husband
Copy !req
565. are stupid people.
Copy !req
566. You need caring for
like babies.
Copy !req
567. We trusted you,
and you lied to us.
Copy !req
568. You would have lost
the bar.
Copy !req
569. You would have lost
Copy !req
570. You didn't pay taxes
for two years.
Copy !req
571. I stayed up all night
doing books while you two sleep.
Copy !req
572. You should be in here
thanking me
Copy !req
573. instead of whining
like little baby.
Copy !req
574. You want to go back
to old way, fine.
Copy !req
575. Otherwise, get your chorny ass
out of my bar.
Copy !req
576. Should we try to stop them?
Copy !req
577. Not until some
clothes come off.
Copy !req
578. Hi, uh, I-I'm Frank Gallagher.
Copy !req
579. I'm here to make amends.
Copy !req
580. In 1995, I think
I broke into your house
Copy !req
581. and-and-and stole your TV.
Copy !req
582. I didn't live here in 1995.
Copy !req
583. - Really?
- No.
Copy !req
584. Uh...
Copy !req
585. Could've been, uh, '96?
Copy !req
586. Did anyone ever try
to rob you?
Copy !req
587. Woke up to a guy trying
to climb in bed with me once.
Copy !req
588. No. That wasn't me.
Copy !req
589. Wait, did you used
to be a redhead?
Copy !req
590. Hi.
Copy !req
591. Davita was late, and I couldn't
leave until she showed.
Copy !req
592. Something about her bunions.
Copy !req
593. And now I'm gonna
be late for school.
Copy !req
594. Suppose I could get
something to eat at school.
Copy !req
595. They have burritos
in the vending machine.
Copy !req
596. Tuna fish too, but I don't know.
Copy !req
597. Tuna from a vending machine?
Copy !req
598. How do you know how long
it's been in there for?
Copy !req
599. I made rice and chicken
for Franny.
Copy !req
600. It's in a Tupperware
on the bottom shelf.
Copy !req
601. And, Neil, don't forget to cut
up her chicken into tiny bites
Copy !req
602. so she doesn't choke
on her food.
Copy !req
603. Oh, and, uh, Neil,
Franny needs a bath.
Copy !req
604. And I'm going for drinks
with friends from school
Copy !req
605. after class.
Copy !req
606. Here.
Copy !req
607. Here you go,
and try to get Franny into bed
Copy !req
608. no later than 7:30, okay?
Copy !req
609. Seven thirty, Neil.
Copy !req
610. Oh, and don't let Franny
fall asleep
Copy !req
611. with her pacifier in her mouth.
Copy !req
612. It's bad for her teeth.
Copy !req
613. Bye.
Copy !req
614. Aldo.
Copy !req
615. Been a while.
I'm here to make amends.
Copy !req
616. Uh, January 1989.
Copy !req
617. You and I were under
the freight tracks.
Copy !req
618. Jesus, Frank, '89?
Copy !req
619. We'll be here till Christmas.
Copy !req
620. Get to the more recent shit.
Copy !req
621. Really?
Copy !req
622. How about the shit
Copy !req
623. the statute of limitations
hasn't run out on yet?
Copy !req
624. How long is that?
Copy !req
625. Seven years for everything
except murder and kidnapping.
Copy !req
626. All right, um...
Copy !req
627. November 2010.
Copy !req
628. We were at 63rd Street Beach
doing glue.
Copy !req
629. Mad Dog and you
had blacked out.
Copy !req
630. I had shit my pants,
Copy !req
631. so I stole yours.
Copy !req
632. - That was you?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
633. You're a fucking asshole.
Copy !req
634. Don't I know it.
Copy !req
635. Uh, January 2011.
Copy !req
636. Remember that little dog
you used to have?
Copy !req
637. Debbie.
Copy !req
638. Remember, watch your bevel,
and be careful about the width.
Copy !req
639. And maintain control
of your rod.
Copy !req
640. Okay. Sure.
Copy !req
641. - Never gonna happen.
- What?
Copy !req
642. His rod.
Copy !req
643. A girl can dream, right?
Copy !req
644. So I got my Monica
inheritance money.
Copy !req
645. Can you borrow
your brother's truck tomorrow?
Copy !req
646. You really want to do that?
Copy !req
647. Absolutely.
Copy !req
648. It's time for me
to stop focusing
Copy !req
649. on what others did to me
in the past.
Copy !req
650. My mom. Frank.
My asshole baby daddy, Derek.
Copy !req
651. I am woman, and I am strong.
Copy !req
652. I'm leaning in, Farhad.
I'm leaning in.
Copy !req
653. I can pay it all by the 15th.
Copy !req
654. No, I can't do it all right now.
Copy !req
655. Uh...
Copy !req
656. how about 50?
Copy !req
657. Sure. No problem.
Copy !req
658. Thanks.
Copy !req
659. Shit.
Copy !req
660. The phone company?
Copy !req
661. Electric.
Copy !req
662. Order up!
Copy !req
663. Hey, Tanya.
Copy !req
664. Seriously?
Copy !req
665. No, if you can't, you can't.
Copy !req
666. I'm not mad.
Copy !req
667. Jesus.
What is with this day?
Copy !req
668. Is Tanya all right?
Copy !req
669. She was supposed to sit
for Lucas tomorrow night,
Copy !req
670. but they changed her shift
at Popeyes.
Copy !req
671. Ah.
Copy !req
672. I could babysit.
Copy !req
673. I mean, I haven't
seen Lucas in forever, so...
Copy !req
674. I don't think
that's a good idea.
Copy !req
675. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
676. Order pizza.
Copy !req
677. Kick his ass in Mario Kart.
Copy !req
678. I need a sitter tomorrow night
because I have a date.
Copy !req
679. I figured.
Copy !req
680. With Charlie.
Copy !req
681. Sorry, I-I thought
you'd given up on Charlie.
Copy !req
682. He's back in NA,
Copy !req
683. trying to get himself
straight again.
Copy !req
684. He's Lucas' father,
so I figure I have to give him
Copy !req
685. a second chance.
Copy !req
686. Yeah, that's good.
Copy !req
687. Oh, I still want to babysit.
Copy !req
688. Uh, you know, I-I miss Lucas.
Copy !req
689. You know, and, uh...
Copy !req
690. I'm cheap.
Copy !req
691. Yeah? How cheap?
Copy !req
692. Like, absolutely free
kinda cheap.
Copy !req
693. Maybe.
Copy !req
694. Bullshit.
Thirty-six eighteen an hour?
Copy !req
695. Overtime, medical, pension.
Copy !req
696. Pension
we're never going to see.
Copy !req
697. We might.
We might.
Copy !req
698. The company bellied up.
They're not paying us shit.
Copy !req
699. What'd you used to do?
Copy !req
700. Pressman. Union work.
Copy !req
701. Newspapers.
Copy !req
702. People used to read 'em
before you were born.
Copy !req
703. I know what a newspaper is.
Copy !req
704. Was.
Copy !req
705. You ever bought one?
Copy !req
706. No.
Copy !req
707. Exactly.
Copy !req
708. What are you training
to be now?
Copy !req
709. He's home health care,
Copy !req
710. and I'm air-conditioning
and heating repair.
Copy !req
711. Them bastards will probably
figure out a way
Copy !req
712. to outsource wiping wrinkly
elderly butt to Mexico too.
Copy !req
713. They already have.
Copy !req
714. It's called
illegal immigration.
Copy !req
715. You have beautiful hair.
Copy !req
716. Thanks.
Copy !req
717. Duran. Beauty school.
Copy !req
718. Do you dye it
to get it that color?
Copy !req
719. Uh, no. It's all me.
Copy !req
720. Can I—
can I cut off a sample?
Copy !req
721. - I'd love to try and match it.
- Mm-mm.
Copy !req
722. Don't let him near your hair
with a pair of scissors, honey.
Copy !req
723. This man's a menace.
Copy !req
724. Dental hygienists
are back at it.
Copy !req
725. Do they all smoke?
Copy !req
726. They're trying to get
their teeth really yellow
Copy !req
727. so they can practice
whitening them in class.
Copy !req
728. Son of a bitch.
Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
729. Uber!
Copy !req
730. Uber!
Copy !req
731. You motherfuckers!
Fuck you!
Copy !req
732. Farhad and Wendell
were taxi drivers.
Copy !req
733. Uber wiped them out.
Copy !req
734. - You want a beer?
- Um...
Copy !req
735. Believe me, sweetie,
Copy !req
736. nobody in this rat hole
gives a shit.
Copy !req
737. - Oh. Sure, thanks.
- Here's to second careers.
Copy !req
738. To second careers!
Copy !req
739. Or third.
Copy !req
740. Yo.
Copy !req
741. What up? Hop in.
Copy !req
742. - It's nice, huh?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
743. Got your Monica Franklins.
Copy !req
744. - Any trouble?
- No, my guys are chill.
Copy !req
745. Hey.
Don't worry, you're next.
Copy !req
746. Yo. Liam.
Copy !req
747. - How was school today?
- Okay.
Copy !req
748. Some cracker told me
my life matters.
Copy !req
749. Whoa!
Copy !req
750. It came out great, Carl!
Copy !req
751. Where the hell
have you been?
Copy !req
752. Smoked up all my meth,
Copy !req
753. got over your mother,
and now I'm a new man.
Copy !req
754. I'm making amends
to those people I've hurt.
Copy !req
755. Can I make amends
to you guys tomorrow?
Copy !req
756. - Uh...
- Yeah, that's fine.
Copy !req
757. Fuckin' whatever.
Copy !req
758. May I?
Copy !req
759. Sure.
Copy !req
760. All right,
gold lamé doesn't come off.
Copy !req
761. You can get your face near it,
but I'm not gonna get hard
Copy !req
762. no matter how much
you blow on it.
Copy !req
763. Yeah, you can smell it
if you want.
Copy !req
764. You only have 45 seconds left
in the song,
Copy !req
765. so use it wisely.
Copy !req
766. When's the last time
you did a self-exam?
Copy !req
767. A what?
Copy !req
768. You have a lump.
Copy !req
769. - I do?
- It's not my area of expertise.
Copy !req
770. I'm a cardiologist.
Copy !req
771. But I can refer you
to an excellent oncologist.
Copy !req
772. Okay.
Copy !req
773. I gotta go meet potential
renters at my building
Copy !req
774. this morning,
but I'm gonna be back in time
Copy !req
775. to take you
to your birthday parties, okay?
Copy !req
776. Well, uh,
Copy !req
777. wish me luck, my family.
Copy !req
778. I'm off to deliver
more amends.
Copy !req
779. My beautiful daughter Fiona.
Copy !req
780. For whatever I've done
to harm you all these years,
Copy !req
781. I am truly sorry.
Copy !req
782. I fell in love with your mother
when I was 20 years old,
Copy !req
783. and off we went,
down Alice's famed rabbit hole,
Copy !req
784. but now I am released,
Copy !req
785. emotionally stunted,
but still a young man,
Copy !req
786. in many ways.
Copy !req
787. Twenty-one at most.
Copy !req
788. My whole young life,
Copy !req
789. spread out in front of me.
Copy !req
790. So I am off to learn how
to try to be a grown-up.
Copy !req
791. He smoked half a pound of meth.
Copy !req
792. Could be major brain damage.
Copy !req
793. Too early to tell.
Copy !req
794. Hi, how you doing?
Copy !req
795. I'd like to pay an overdue bill.
Copy !req
796. Account number?
Copy !req
797. Uh, no, but I have
a name and address.
Copy !req
798. You gonna keep it a secret?
Copy !req
799. Oh, sorry.
It's, uh, Sierra Morton.
Copy !req
800. It's, uh, 5879 West 68th.
Copy !req
801. Apartment six.
Copy !req
802. If you're hoping
for renters to show up,
Copy !req
803. you're gonna have to do more
than just put up a sign.
Copy !req
804. Oh, I put it online.
Copy !req
805. A few people called already.
Copy !req
806. How much are you asking?
Copy !req
807. Eight fifty.
Copy !req
808. That's a bit pricey
for this neighborhood.
Copy !req
809. If I don't get a taker,
I can always lower it,
Copy !req
810. but at 850,
I'll have a few bucks left over
Copy !req
811. to put back into the building.
Copy !req
812. - Hi!
- Hello.
Copy !req
813. Welcome. Come on in.
Have a look around.
Copy !req
814. I'm here if you have
any questions.
Copy !req
815. Thank you.
Copy !req
816. Paint's new.
And the fridge.
Copy !req
817. Laundry?
Copy !req
818. In the basement.
It's coin-op.
Copy !req
819. - Hi, welcome.
- Hey, what's up?
Copy !req
820. Uh, there's, uh, alternate side
parking on the street,
Copy !req
821. and there's a space out back
that comes with the apartment.
Copy !req
822. I only have my bike.
Copy !req
823. So 850?
Copy !req
824. Yep. Plus first, last,
Copy !req
825. and a one-month
security deposit.
Copy !req
826. What are you thinking?
Copy !req
827. I like it.
Copy !req
828. Okay. We'll take it.
Copy !req
829. Really?
Copy !req
830. Great!
Copy !req
831. Eight seventy-five.
Copy !req
832. Nine hundred.
Copy !req
833. Nine fifty.
Copy !req
834. Uh...
Copy !req
835. You paid her electric bill?
Copy !req
836. Gonna pay me back when she can.
Copy !req
837. You're spending your mom's
dirty meth money
Copy !req
838. on your ex-girlfriend
who doesn't want you anymore.
Copy !req
839. And now you want
to go over there
Copy !req
840. and babysit her kid.
Copy !req
841. His name's Lucas.
Copy !req
842. I don't know.
We're buddies.
Copy !req
843. You're just praying
that she comes back
Copy !req
844. from her date horny
and you can be there to step in.
Copy !req
845. Go ahead.
Deny it.
Copy !req
846. You can't.
Copy !req
847. Your girl's on the phone again.
Copy !req
848. Needs you to run to the CVS
Copy !req
849. for more Preparation H.
Copy !req
850. Christ.
Copy !req
851. This bed rest shit
is running me fucking ragged.
Copy !req
852. Damn baby can't come
soon enough.
Copy !req
853. - Hi.
- Fuck off, runt.
Copy !req
854. shouting in Mandarin
Copy !req
855. Sir, yelling
isn't gonna solve anything.
Copy !req
856. We are authorized officers
Copy !req
857. from the Department
of Homeland Security,
Copy !req
858. here on behalf
of the chief executive
Copy !req
859. of these United States.
Copy !req
860. You in charge here?
Copy !req
861. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
862. I have a load of illegals
I need rounded up.
Copy !req
863. - Oh, yeah? Who?
- Bunch of Russians.
Copy !req
864. Russians aren't really
a priority, ma'am.
Copy !req
865. Why the hell not?
Copy !req
866. You really have to ask that?
Copy !req
867. They're involved
in human trafficking
Copy !req
868. and prostitution.
Copy !req
869. You sure?
Copy !req
870. Load 'em up quick, boys!
Copy !req
871. We got Russian prostitutes.
Copy !req
872. Kevin Ball?
Copy !req
873. - Nice hot tub.
- It's my brother's.
Copy !req
874. What's all that shit?
Copy !req
875. My welding gear.
Copy !req
876. Is that what you spent
your Monica money on?
Copy !req
877. Yep.
Copy !req
878. What the hell is it for?
Copy !req
879. The future.
Copy !req
880. Immigration! Nobody move!
Copy !req
881. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
882. That's her. She's the leader.
Copy !req
883. You don't give up easy,
do you?
Copy !req
884. Patience is a virtue.
Copy !req
885. You try buying him
something nice?
Copy !req
886. Like what?
Copy !req
887. A car or something?
Copy !req
888. A car?
Copy !req
889. Might do it.
Copy !req
890. Huh.
Copy !req
891. Let's go.
Copy !req
892. You're getting
quite a fan club.
Copy !req
893. What can I say?
I'm irresistible.
Copy !req
894. Hmm.
Copy !req
895. No.
Copy !req
896. "No," I'm not irresistible?
Copy !req
897. Uh, no, I'm not going to do
whatever it is
Copy !req
898. you're about to ask me to do.
Copy !req
899. - Take you out for a drink?
- No.
Copy !req
900. - What if I throw in a car?
- What?
Copy !req
901. Jamie thinks
I should buy you a car.
Copy !req
902. Wh-what kind of car?
Copy !req
903. Probably have to be used.
Copy !req
904. Mm.
Copy !req
905. I really am sorry.
Copy !req
906. How-how are you doing?
Copy !req
907. Okay.
Copy !req
908. Your mom?
Copy !req
909. I miss her.
Copy !req
910. It's weird, huh?
Copy !req
911. Never around
when she was alive,
Copy !req
912. and I never thought
about her, and...
Copy !req
913. now she's gone, and I think
about her all the time.
Copy !req
914. Come on.
Copy !req
915. One drink. Hmm?
Copy !req
916. I... I gotta go.
Copy !req
917. I'm coming back tomorrow.
Copy !req
918. There is a four-centimeter mass
in your right breast.
Copy !req
919. We need to do a biopsy
Copy !req
920. I should have called
an ambulance, Dave.
Copy !req
921. I know that now.
Copy !req
922. Honestly...
Copy !req
923. I thought
you were just floating.
Copy !req
924. Holy shit.
Copy !req
925. Jackson?
Copy !req
926. Well...
Copy !req
927. two birds with one stone.
Copy !req
928. Um...
Copy !req
929. Hey, Jacks.
Copy !req
930. Wow.
Copy !req
931. When you're right, you're right.
Copy !req
932. I should've let you drive.
Copy !req
933. Fuck.
Copy !req
934. Hey.
Copy !req
935. When did he fall asleep?
Copy !req
936. Uh, maybe half an hour ago.
Copy !req
937. How was your dinner?
Copy !req
938. It was fine.
Copy !req
939. I was about to
carry him into bed,
Copy !req
940. you know, if you want to
relax or whatever.
Copy !req
941. No. No, thanks.
Copy !req
942. No, really, I mean,
I probably should've
Copy !req
943. taken him to bed
a while ago, so...
Copy !req
944. Hey.
Copy !req
945. Hey.
Copy !req
946. I found a spot for your car.
Copy !req
947. Around the corner.
Copy !req
948. Is that cool?
Copy !req
949. Yeah.
Copy !req
950. Uh, I should get going.
Copy !req
951. There's, uh, leftover pizza
in the refrigerator.
Copy !req
952. - Thanks for watching Lucas.
- Yeah, it's no problem.
Copy !req
953. - Can I pay you something?
- No. No, it's fine.
Copy !req
954. - Really, I should do—
- Honest, no, it's fine.
Copy !req
955. Night.
Copy !req
956. A thousand bucks?
Copy !req
957. Don't go thinking
you can raise our rent, now.
Copy !req
958. You have a lease.
Copy !req
959. For another six months.
Copy !req
960. We negotiating already?
Copy !req
961. - Hell yes.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
962. And I always win.
Copy !req
963. I do not doubt it.
Copy !req
964. You got a great job.
Copy !req
965. Why did you never buy
this place?
Copy !req
966. It's a shithole.
Copy !req
967. Oh, jeez.
Copy !req
968. That guy from the other night,
Copy !req
969. he sent me a dick pic.
Copy !req
970. Oh, my gosh, that is so nasty!
Copy !req
971. You actually let those things
near you? Ugh.
Copy !req
972. Well, they look a little better
when you're drunk.
Copy !req
973. I've never been that drunk.
Copy !req
974. - What? Never?
- Nope.
Copy !req
975. Never.
Copy !req
976. Jesus, Nessa,
Copy !req
977. are you planning
on coming to bed,
Copy !req
978. or are you gonna sit out there
Copy !req
979. hitting on our landlady
all night?
Copy !req
980. My Juliet beckons.
Copy !req
981. Nessa, now.
Copy !req
982. I'm coming!
Copy !req
983. I'm coming,
for Chrissakes.
Copy !req
984. Hi.
Copy !req
985. Um...
Copy !req
986. What's this?
Copy !req
987. I'm paying you back,
you know, for the rehab.
Copy !req
988. It's 9,000 there.
I don't have it all,
Copy !req
989. but I can get you something
every week
Copy !req
990. now that I'm working.
Copy !req
991. You don't have to pay me back.
Copy !req
992. I want to.
Copy !req
993. Thanks for the rehab.
Copy !req
994. America first, motherfuckers.
Copy !req