1. I'm raising five kids,
and I didn't miss last week.
Copy !req
2. What's your excuse?
Copy !req
3. Carl!
Copy !req
4. My son is in jail,
Copy !req
5. and it is your fault.
Copy !req
6. I told them it was Carl,
Copy !req
7. and I told Chuckie
to tell them it was Carl.
Copy !req
8. Pack your shit and get out.
Copy !req
9. I hope they throw
the book at Carl.
Copy !req
10. MPs.
They're coming.
Copy !req
11. They're coming to get me.
Copy !req
12. We got to get you to a fucking
clinic to get some meds.
Copy !req
13. How long do I need
to take these for?
Copy !req
14. 30, 40 years.
Copy !req
15. And you're interested in
critical theory?
Copy !req
16. - Absolutely.
- Come to my office later,
Copy !req
17. and I'll decide whether or not
you can take my class.
Copy !req
18. - Sweetheart?
- That's my husband.
Copy !req
19. - Who's this?
- This is Lip.
Copy !req
20. Hungry?
How would you like your omelet?
Copy !req
21. I don't want you as my friend.
I want you as my boyfriend.
Copy !req
22. Look at me!
I'm nice, funny, smart,
Copy !req
23. and I'd fuck up anyone
that hurts you.
Copy !req
24. We start up
the ice cream truck again.
Copy !req
25. Except this time
without the truck.
Copy !req
26. - You okay?
- Yeah. Just sad.
Copy !req
27. Can you, uh, be sad and roll
joints at the same time?
Copy !req
28. I hate that I hurt you,
and I want to make it right.
Copy !req
29. I need to get out.
Think a little.
Copy !req
30. - I need a drink.
- What's the occasion?
Copy !req
31. - Cancer.
- Every day is an opportunity
Copy !req
32. - you don't get back.
- Best two days of my life.
Copy !req
33. - Thanks to you.
- Nicole's moving to Pittsburgh.
Copy !req
34. - What about Will?
- He's going with her.
Copy !req
35. - You don't get a say?
- According to the state
Copy !req
36. - of Illinois.
- Your PO say something?
Copy !req
37. - Travel restrictions.
- For Pittsburgh?
Copy !req
38. Can't leave.
Copy !req
39. 12 gauge on my waist
'bout to waste your cousin
Copy !req
40. fade away in the fog
you a memory dog.
Copy !req
41. It's not working.
Sorry, man.
Copy !req
42. - Fucking meds.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
43. It could also be the toddler
staring at us from the corner
Copy !req
44. or the jacked-up teenage girl
down the hall.
Copy !req
45. Whatever.
Try again later, man.
Copy !req
46. All right, breakfast of champs.
Copy !req
47. We got your mood stabilizer,
Copy !req
48. anti-depressant.
Copy !req
49. - Fucking nurse now?
- Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
50. Take the pills, bitch.
Copy !req
51. Hey, no caffeine.
On your meds.
Copy !req
52. Hey.
How are you feeling?
Copy !req
53. - Not feeling.
- That's an improvement.
Copy !req
54. At least you're not swinging
baseball bats at my head.
Copy !req
55. Stinks in here.
Copy !req
56. Yeah, that's 'cause
the milk went bad.
Copy !req
57. Nobody put it away?
Copy !req
58. That milk is part
of the Gallagher household,
Copy !req
59. of which I am no longer
a member,
Copy !req
60. and therefore not responsible.
Copy !req
61. Then why are you still here?
Copy !req
62. Apartment listings.
Calling around today.
Copy !req
63. What's up with
the water faucet?
Copy !req
64. Guess nobody paid
the water bill.
Copy !req
65. But I took a shower
this morning.
Copy !req
66. Lucky you.
They must have just shut it off.
Copy !req
67. Nobody made breakfast?
Copy !req
68. What's it look like?
Copy !req
69. What about groceries?
Copy !req
70. When is the last time
anyone went shopping?
Copy !req
71. Who melted my spatula?
Copy !req
72. That's fine.
Don't claim responsibility.
Copy !req
73. For anything.
Copy !req
74. - That's the Gallagher way.
- Fuck.
Copy !req
75. - I'm not eating that.
- Eat it.
Copy !req
76. Take all those pills
on an empty stomach
Copy !req
77. and you're going to have
diarrhea real bad.
Copy !req
78. I gotta poop.
Copy !req
79. Oh. So how do you like
your crepes?
Copy !req
80. Savory or sweet?
Copy !req
81. Uh, no, you know,
I'm still pretty stuffed
Copy !req
82. from last night's dinner,
so I'm okay.
Copy !req
83. It's no trouble.
I love to cook.
Copy !req
84. Because I'm good at it.
Copy !req
85. We generally enjoy doing the
things we're skilled at, right?
Copy !req
86. - Uh, right.
- So, the new boy, huh?
Copy !req
87. You do look like
a Schiele portrait.
Copy !req
88. - Good morning, Dr. Wallace.
- Good morning, love.
Copy !req
89. - Tea?
- Please.
Copy !req
90. You're not eating?
Copy !req
91. - No, no, not really hungry.
- Theo makes a mean crepe.
Copy !req
92. Yeah, I gotta go
to the library anyway, so...
Copy !req
93. - This must be strange for you.
- A little bit, yeah.
Copy !req
94. It's, uh,
it's a little strange.
Copy !req
95. What can we do
to make it more comfortable?
Copy !req
96. I'm not sure.
Copy !req
97. - You have questions?
- No, uh, no, no, not really.
Copy !req
98. Boundaries that you feel
warrant discussion?
Copy !req
99. No, uh, nothing I can think of.
Copy !req
100. Okay, just let us know.
Copy !req
101. Sure.
Copy !req
102. And I'll be
in my office this afternoon
Copy !req
103. if you'd like to stop by.
Copy !req
104. On a Saturday?
Copy !req
105. You have some
catching up to do.
Copy !req
106. Let's start with
Foucault's discursive regime,
Copy !req
107. and we'll go from there.
Copy !req
108. Okay.
Copy !req
109. Uh, it was nice
seeing you again, Dr. Wallace.
Copy !req
110. Oh, ho-ho-ho.
Copy !req
111. - Oh, I taste throw up.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
112. You puked.
About 3:00 AM.
Copy !req
113. For a gal who's never been
drunk or high before,
Copy !req
114. you went at it hard.
Copy !req
115. Here. Peas for the noggin,
Aspirin for the muscles,
Copy !req
116. honey-lemon for the tummy.
Copy !req
117. A little touch or bourbon.
Hair of the dog.
Copy !req
118. Did we have sex?
Copy !req
119. Oh! No.
Copy !req
120. I slept on the floor.
I wanted to make you breakfast.
Copy !req
121. All I could find was old
Chinese food
Copy !req
122. and three jars of
peanut butter.
Copy !req
123. Yeah. I eat it off a spoon
for dinner.
Copy !req
124. Well, no wonder you got cancer.
Copy !req
125. Come on.
Let's go grab a bite.
Copy !req
126. I know this divey joint
that serves military-style
Copy !req
127. shit-on-a-shingle—
Copy !req
128. the greatest hangover remedy
known to man.
Copy !req
129. - Cream chipped beef—
- Stop. Out.
Copy !req
130. - Yes. Let's go.
- You. Now.
Copy !req
131. What? Why?
Copy !req
132. Don't be ashamed.
You are downright luminous.
Copy !req
133. - You need to go.
- Oh, come on.
Copy !req
134. We had a blast.
Didn't we?
Copy !req
135. You're my favorite
dying person I've ever met.
Copy !req
136. Please.
Copy !req
137. Our chemistry
is off the charts.
Copy !req
138. Don't try to deny it.
Copy !req
139. Okay.
Thank you for yesterday.
Copy !req
140. - Hold on.
- Good-bye.
Copy !req
141. No, no, come on.
We're just getting—
Copy !req
142. Hey, come on.
You know what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
143. Wait, just a—
Copy !req
144. God damn it.
Copy !req
145. Hey. I was just thinking
about you.
Copy !req
146. Fun sexy stuff
or mean hurty stuff?
Copy !req
147. Uh, neither.
Copy !req
148. - Where are you?
- I'm at your place.
Copy !req
149. Watering your plants.
Copy !req
150. Not smelling your shirt.
Copy !req
151. - Which one?
- Pere Ubu?
Copy !req
152. What... Say it again?
Copy !req
153. Fuck off.
Copy !req
154. It's nice to hear your voice.
Copy !req
155. Yeah, you too.
Copy !req
156. How are you doing?
Copy !req
157. In general or, like, about us?
Copy !req
158. Us.
Copy !req
159. Confused.
Copy !req
160. A little. You?
Copy !req
161. Same.
Copy !req
162. Where are you?
Copy !req
163. A rest stop somewhere
in ass-butt USA.
Copy !req
164. Nice.
Copy !req
165. I got a gig at
a little college tonight.
Copy !req
166. - Should be fun.
- Cool.
Copy !req
167. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
168. Hey, the van's taking off.
So you want to talk later?
Copy !req
169. We could Skype if you want.
Copy !req
170. Yeah, I get in the dorms
like 4:30 or 5:00, try you then?
Copy !req
171. Okay.
I'll wear something nice.
Copy !req
172. Nice like...
hot nice?
Copy !req
173. Sure.
You want to have Skype sex?
Copy !req
174. Yeah, I guess.
Copy !req
175. Could be fun.
Copy !req
176. Could be hot.
Copy !req
177. All right, look, I gotta run.
Copy !req
178. All right?
We'll talk later.
Copy !req
179. Bye.
Copy !req
180. You're so damn adorable.
Copy !req
181. So are you.
The adorable-est.
Copy !req
182. And you're an adora-babe.
Copy !req
183. I made you this.
Copy !req
184. It's from the parking lot
of the supermarket
Copy !req
185. where you saved me
from getting my butt kicked.
Copy !req
186. I used nail polish
instead of paint.
Copy !req
187. - I want you.
- You have me.
Copy !req
188. No, I want to have sex
with you.
Copy !req
189. Oh.
Copy !req
190. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
191. Wow.
That's awesome.
Copy !req
192. - Are you sure?
- Totally.
Copy !req
193. Because the last time I did it,
Copy !req
194. things got confusing.
Copy !req
195. I'm not confused.
Are you?
Copy !req
196. No. I'm happy.
Copy !req
197. - When?
- Tonight.
Copy !req
198. Okay. Where?
Copy !req
199. Wherever you want.
Except my house.
Copy !req
200. My parents don't let me
have girls in my room.
Copy !req
201. We can do it at my house.
Nobody cares what I do.
Copy !req
202. - What time?
- After dinner.
Copy !req
203. Come eat with us.
We're doing barbecue.
Copy !req
204. - Okay.
- Cool.
Copy !req
205. Cool.
Copy !req
206. Can you turn
that crappy music down
Copy !req
207. and tell those fucking
babies to shut up?
Copy !req
208. Hey, watch your
mouth, college boy.
Copy !req
209. I got babies here.
Copy !req
210. Just one little bite.
Come on.
Copy !req
211. Just one little bite.
Copy !req
212. One of my breast pumpers'
boobies dried up,
Copy !req
213. so we'll be tight on funds
until I find a replacement.
Copy !req
214. Okay, well, you know what?
I hooked up with some
Copy !req
215. cheap-ass herb the other day,
so I'll try to move it quick.
Copy !req
216. Oh, and Gemma, I don't know,
Copy !req
217. but she had a little
sniffle earlier.
Copy !req
218. I think she's sick.
Copy !req
219. Can you, uh, use the
nasal aspirator on her
Copy !req
220. before she goes to bed tonight?
Copy !req
221. Will do.
Copy !req
222. Dude, I gotta study!
Copy !req
223. Oh, it sounds like
you have your hands full.
Copy !req
224. Yeah, kinda.
I gotta go.
Copy !req
225. - Okay.
- All right, talk soon.
Copy !req
226. Come on, bro.
I was up all night, man.
Copy !req
227. They slept horribly
too, you know?
Copy !req
228. The guy next door screams like a
Polish grandma when he comes.
Copy !req
229. Why'd you bring 'em here?
Copy !req
230. Where else am I
supposed to bring 'em?
Copy !req
231. I live here, bro.
It's only one night a week.
Copy !req
232. - Are you even a student?
- Not exactly.
Copy !req
233. I'm more like a refugee
who sells weed.
Copy !req
234. Drug dealers don't get
to live on campus.
Copy !req
235. Oh, yeah?
Where does it say that?
Copy !req
236. Hey, Charlie Brown,
go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
237. Linus is the one
with the blanket.
Copy !req
238. Well, they both can suck dicks.
Copy !req
239. They're talking about
turning your ass in.
Copy !req
240. Oh, are they now?
Copy !req
241. Okay.
Copy !req
242. Okay, I'll just pack
my shit and go.
Copy !req
243. Yeah.
But wait a minute.
Copy !req
244. What am I supposed to do
with all these dime bags
Copy !req
245. that I was gonna sell
for half price
Copy !req
246. for the next ten minutes?
Copy !req
247. Cheap weed!
Copy !req
248. Cheap weed, down here!
Copy !req
249. Whoo!
Copy !req
250. Five bucks for a dime bag?
Copy !req
251. - I want some.
- Thin walls.
Copy !req
252. Here you go.
Copy !req
253. No, no, no.
No weapons in juvie.
Copy !req
254. Pop rocks and fire ants.
Copy !req
255. Figure Carl could use
them for self defense.
Copy !req
256. - Is that a thing?
- Who knows?
Copy !req
257. I want to go to
Planned Parenthood today.
Copy !req
258. I need you to come with.
Copy !req
259. For the pill?
Copy !req
260. Well, I thought that messed
with your training.
Copy !req
261. It's whatever.
Copy !req
262. Are you and Derek having sex?
Copy !req
263. Not yet.
Copy !req
264. Well, why rush?
I mean, it's been what,
Copy !req
265. - a few weeks.
- I want to.
Copy !req
266. It's my body, it's my decision.
Copy !req
267. Debs.
Copy !req
268. I've been dating him longer
than you even knew Gus
Copy !req
269. before you got married.
Copy !req
270. - I'll make an appointment.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
271. Oh, FYI, water got shut off.
Copy !req
272. You should probably
pay the bill.
Copy !req
273. Fuck!
Copy !req
274. You okay, man?
Copy !req
275. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
276. Damn.
Copy !req
277. Take this.
Copy !req
278. How'd that happen?
Copy !req
279. Yo, you need me to get
you the first aid kit?
Copy !req
280. Why are women such
capricious devils?
Copy !req
281. Is it simple biology?
Copy !req
282. They get emotional whiplash from
all the hairpin hormonal turns?
Copy !req
283. - Harder, baby, yeah.
- Okay, okay, okay, yeah.
Copy !req
284. Or are they just trying
so hard to "lean in"
Copy !req
285. and "have it all"
Copy !req
286. they lose sight of
their own humanity?
Copy !req
287. - Right there.
- Okay.
Copy !req
288. Yeah. Yeah.
Or, fuck.
Copy !req
289. What if evolutionarily
they're programmed
Copy !req
290. to hold onto the past in order
to educate their offspring
Copy !req
291. about the perils
of going out—
Copy !req
292. Jesus!
Copy !req
293. Don't. Wait, wait.
You stopping?
Copy !req
294. Yes, Captain Perceptive.
Copy !req
295. I bought you a boilermaker.
Copy !req
296. You'd have to buy me ten
to suffer through that.
Copy !req
297. You gotta help me to get
this woman out of my system.
Copy !req
298. Go stick your dick
in an ice cream cake
Copy !req
299. and nurture your inner child.
Copy !req
300. I'm not your fucking therapist.
Copy !req
301. Trust a woman
to do a man's job.
Copy !req
302. Water got shut off.
Copy !req
303. We gotta use your bathroom.
I paid the fucking bill
Copy !req
304. but it takes two days for
them to turn it back on.
Copy !req
305. You look pretty.
Copy !req
306. Having Skype sex
with Gus later.
Copy !req
307. This distance
thing is bullshit.
Copy !req
308. You're telling me.
This is the longest I've gone
Copy !req
309. without seeing Kev
since I met him.
Copy !req
310. About to burst into flames.
Copy !req
311. You guys talk
about anything yet?
Copy !req
312. Sure.
Copy !req
313. "How was Gemma's
tummy time?"
Copy !req
314. "When did Amy's
hiccups stop?"
Copy !req
315. You stuff, I mean.
Like, what you both want.
Copy !req
316. From each other.
Copy !req
317. I want the old Kev back.
Copy !req
318. The one who looked at me like
the world stopped spinning.
Copy !req
319. He's there.
He's just preoccupied.
Copy !req
320. Okay, ladies, listen up.
Copy !req
321. - I need help.
- That's my cue.
Copy !req
322. Let's go.
Poop time!
Copy !req
323. This woman is just
tearing me up.
Copy !req
324. I just can't shake her.
Copy !req
325. Why are you a country song?
Copy !req
326. I treated her with respect
Copy !req
327. and she shat me out
like yesterday's cheese steak.
Copy !req
328. The only thing you ever
treated with respect
Copy !req
329. had a label and the word
"Proof" on it.
Copy !req
330. Wait.
Copy !req
331. This that doctor
from the other day?
Copy !req
332. Maybe.
Copy !req
333. What's the scam?
Copy !req
334. What kind of a man
do you think I am?
Copy !req
335. There's always a scam, Frank.
Copy !req
336. All right, yes.
I'm very good
Copy !req
337. at sticking it to the man,
Copy !req
338. but this woman...
Copy !req
339. I don't want to stick
anything to her.
Copy !req
340. Except myself,
but she won't let me.
Copy !req
341. Why would anybody
want to be with you?
Copy !req
342. Well, why wouldn't they?
Copy !req
343. Chlamydia and herpes
for starts.
Copy !req
344. Poor hygiene, alcoholism,
lack of a moral compass.
Copy !req
345. Fine. But my good qualities
vastly outweigh my bad ones.
Copy !req
346. Name one.
Copy !req
347. How about, uh, a lust for
adventure, a bottomless libido?
Copy !req
348. - Jesus.
- I show up with drugs,
Copy !req
349. companionship,
pro-bono sex.
Copy !req
350. What more could
a dying woman want?
Copy !req
351. This is for real?
Copy !req
352. How the hell should I know?
Copy !req
353. Make it like the world stops
spinning when you look at her.
Copy !req
354. I tried that.
It didn't work.
Copy !req
355. What else you got?
Copy !req
356. Well, thanks, people.
Copy !req
357. Hmm.
Copy !req
358. You were a big fucking help.
Copy !req
359. Hey.
Copy !req
360. What the hell's
going on out there?
Copy !req
361. Yeah, I don't know.
Saturday, I guess.
Copy !req
362. Look at you all
studious in here.
Copy !req
363. - Get your tuition sorted?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
364. I'm on all rosters and
fully matriculated.
Copy !req
365. How'd you pull that off?
Copy !req
366. Deus ex machina, as they say.
Copy !req
367. Hmm.
Copy !req
368. And how's the lovely
Ms. Muff Bulldagger.
Copy !req
369. - Fiery and full of lust.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
370. Like a coked-up
Amish teenager.
Copy !req
371. - Oh, that sounds exhausting.
- Oh, you have no idea.
Copy !req
372. I'm thinking of going
strictly dickly for a while.
Copy !req
373. You free later?
Copy !req
374. No, actually, uh,
I got this thing.
Copy !req
375. Um, a school thing
or a sex thing?
Copy !req
376. Um, uh, both.
Copy !req
377. Meaning?
Copy !req
378. I-I kinda got this situation
with one of my professors.
Copy !req
379. Uh-oh.
Which class?
Copy !req
380. It's crit theory.
Copy !req
381. - Professor Wallace.
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
382. Her and her hubby, they have
this, uh, agreement, you know?
Copy !req
383. - They're— they're evolved.
- Wait, her husband?
Copy !req
384. Yeah, yeah.
It's actually— it's kinda great.
Copy !req
385. So you're having a relationship
Copy !req
386. - with a married woman?
- No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
387. It's— it's not
a relationship.
Copy !req
388. We just— we hang out.
Copy !req
389. Uh, she shows me art and stuff.
Copy !req
390. Hmm, are you falling for her?
Copy !req
391. No. No, I'm just
having fun.
Copy !req
392. Well, then ditch her
Copy !req
393. and come play naked
go fish with me.
Copy !req
394. I would, um,
Copy !req
395. just I got all this—
all this shit to do.
Copy !req
396. No prob.
Copy !req
397. I'll see you around.
Copy !req
398. Okay.
Copy !req
399. Oh, PS I need my car back
at some point.
Copy !req
400. Oh, God.
Copy !req
401. I'm trippin' out, man.
Copy !req
402. Hey, are you okay, man?
Copy !req
403. I love God...
and icebergs.
Copy !req
404. What— what the fuck's
wrong with him?
Copy !req
405. It's that trip-weed
your friend sold us.
Copy !req
406. It wasn't normal shit.
Copy !req
407. It was synthetic marijuana,
Copy !req
408. Laced with all sort of crap.
It makes you lose your mind.
Copy !req
409. Oh, God.
Copy !req
410. What happened to your hand?
Copy !req
411. - Uh, burned myself.
- Hold on.
Copy !req
412. - That's our lamp.
- It's ugly and no one uses it.
Copy !req
413. Come here.
Copy !req
414. Come on.
I'm not gonna bite.
Copy !req
415. Did you run it
under cool water?
Copy !req
416. No.
Copy !req
417. Well, then you are shit
out of luck in this house.
Copy !req
418. No water.
Copy !req
419. Ooh.
Copy !req
420. Gonna have a nice, fat scar.
Copy !req
421. It'll match the one
I got in the army.
Copy !req
422. How'd you get that one?
Copy !req
423. I tried to hotwire
a helicopter.
Copy !req
424. Burned myself on the starter.
Copy !req
425. You can hotwire a helicopter?
Copy !req
426. Not very good, apparently.
Copy !req
427. Got caught trying to steal
government property
Copy !req
428. and that's why the
MPs are after me.
Copy !req
429. Well, that and going AWOL.
Copy !req
430. And enlisting under
a false identity.
Copy !req
431. And maybe other stuff.
Copy !req
432. Wow.
Pretty hardcore.
Copy !req
433. No, just mentally ill.
Copy !req
434. God, this place
brings back memories.
Copy !req
435. You've been here before?
Copy !req
436. Monica brought me here
when I needed to go on the pill.
Copy !req
437. She was completely strung out
on E.
Copy !req
438. She offered to give my doctor
a blowjob.
Copy !req
439. - A female doctor.
- How is that possible?
Copy !req
440. Well, obviously she didn't
get very far.
Copy !req
441. Doctor was pretty butch.
Honest mistake.
Copy !req
442. Everything looks good.
Copy !req
443. I'm gonna set you up
on some starter pills.
Copy !req
444. Great.
Copy !req
445. Now hold up a second
'cause this is no joke.
Copy !req
446. These don't begin to work
for 48 hours.
Copy !req
447. So if you plan to have
intercourse before then,
Copy !req
448. you must use
alternate protection.
Copy !req
449. Okay.
Copy !req
450. I'll get those pills.
Copy !req
451. Really?
Copy !req
452. They're free.
Copy !req
453. Yo.
Copy !req
454. - Jesus.
- Fucking amazing.
Copy !req
455. What the fuck is wrong
with these kids?
Copy !req
456. The fucking weed you sold them.
Copy !req
457. Some shit called Spice.
Copy !req
458. That was Spice?
Copy !req
459. Oh, no wonder I got a discount.
Copy !req
460. This shit can last
for hours, all right?
Copy !req
461. We need to keep everybody
in the room,
Copy !req
462. lock the door,
just wait it out.
Copy !req
463. Can you go sweep the hall,
check for any stragglers?
Copy !req
464. Yeah, I got it.
Copy !req
465. All right, find any
unopened bags, toss them.
Copy !req
466. If you have any left,
get rid of it, all right?
Copy !req
467. Yeah.
Aye-aye, Captain.
Copy !req
468. That's gotta be
a metaphor for something.
Copy !req
469. This was the only straggler.
Copy !req
470. I think he's trying to find
a portal.
Copy !req
471. All right, just close the door
and lock it, yeah?
Copy !req
472. I am made of fire.
Copy !req
473. Look, if we call 911,
we could go to jail.
Copy !req
474. I mean,
we could both go to jail.
Copy !req
475. Why? We didn't force them
to do anything.
Copy !req
476. A tiny floating sun.
Copy !req
477. They're grown-ups
who made grown-up decisions.
Copy !req
478. No, most of these kids
are minors.
Copy !req
479. Swirling ball of hot gases.
Copy !req
480. I can fly!
Copy !req
481. Hey!
Copy !req
482. What the fuck?
Copy !req
483. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
484. I think I broke my rhinoceros!
Copy !req
485. God damn it!
Copy !req
486. The one day all year
I gotta shower, the water's off.
Copy !req
487. Give me your deodorant.
Copy !req
488. - Ran out.
- Well, of course you did.
Copy !req
489. Why would anyone in this house
make things easy on me?
Copy !req
490. It's no substitute
for cleanliness,
Copy !req
491. but this will have to do.
Copy !req
492. I may have to scrub my junk
at the Citgo.
Copy !req
493. Wish me luck.
Copy !req
494. Good luck scrubbing your junk.
Copy !req
495. Not with my junk.
Copy !req
496. You're a dumb-ass,
you know that?
Copy !req
497. Hey.
I didn't know which Bs to get,
Copy !req
498. so I just got all
the fucking Bs.
Copy !req
499. I got B-complex,
super B-complex, B-12, B-6.
Copy !req
500. Whoa.
Copy !req
501. The hell happened to your hand?
Copy !req
502. Hey.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
503. We're going out.
Copy !req
504. Did a doctor take care of that?
Copy !req
505. Come on, Mickey.
Copy !req
506. You can't go anywhere unless
you get that looked at, man.
Copy !req
507. - Come on.
- Okay, listen.
Copy !req
508. Either you can stay here
and jerk off into your vitamins
Copy !req
509. or you can come with me.
Copy !req
510. It's your call.
Copy !req
511. Yes?
Copy !req
512. Frank Gallagher.
Copy !req
513. Jesus.
Copy !req
514. Hey.
Copy !req
515. You must be the homeless guy.
Copy !req
516. I have a home.
Copy !req
517. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
518. Bianca's sister.
Copy !req
519. Party's over, asshole.
Copy !req
520. Go crawl back to your mattress
beneath the overpass
Copy !req
521. and leave the sick girl alone.
Copy !req
522. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You have no idea
Copy !req
523. who you're dealing with, lady.
Copy !req
524. I am indefatigable.
I take "Yes" for an answer.
Copy !req
525. I am tough as a buzzard.
Copy !req
526. Just you watch me!
Copy !req
527. Motherfuck!
Copy !req
528. Open your fucking window!
Copy !req
529. Open the window!
Copy !req
530. I can't offer you much,
Copy !req
531. but what I can do is—
is be your chauffeur
Copy !req
532. on the limousine ride
to the pearly gates.
Copy !req
533. My what?
Copy !req
534. I know how it feels to live like
you're gonna die tomorrow.
Copy !req
535. I've been there.
Copy !req
536. I make each day
feel like a wild ride
Copy !req
537. through the heart
of the rapids at midnight.
Copy !req
538. If you want to squeeze
every last drop of gratification
Copy !req
539. out of this world
before you croak,
Copy !req
540. I'm your man.
Copy !req
541. - Frank, I'm—
- Stick with me, woman,
Copy !req
542. and you will not go gentle
into that good night.
Copy !req
543. Bianca?
Copy !req
544. Come on.
Copy !req
545. Oh, great.
Copy !req
546. Cock-blocking Laura Bush.
Copy !req
547. Fine!
Copy !req
548. You see this bottle of vodka?
Copy !req
549. I'm gonna sit over there
Copy !req
550. and I'm gonna sip it.
Copy !req
551. If you don't join me
by the time I'm done,
Copy !req
552. consider my offer revoked.
Copy !req
553. - What time is it?
- Just after 5:00.
Copy !req
554. Okay, listen.
I know that you're not
Copy !req
555. - being intentionally rude—
- Well, this is an emergency.
Copy !req
556. Can you get your husband,
Copy !req
557. What's the matter?
Copy !req
558. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
559. Come on.
Copy !req
560. Easy.
Copy !req
561. Jesus.
What happened?
Copy !req
562. Hey, it's me.
Copy !req
563. The house is quiet.
Copy !req
564. Computer's on.
Copy !req
565. I'm wearing
my lacy green thong.
Copy !req
566. Hit me back.
Copy !req
567. Hey, don't you have anything
better to do with your time?
Copy !req
568. I'm supposed to be having
hot Skype sex
Copy !req
569. with my husband, but he's MIA.
Copy !req
570. Tragic. What else?
Copy !req
571. I cleaned the house,
Copy !req
572. which was in shambles
because that bitch
Copy !req
573. that claims to be
my older sister
Copy !req
574. has been boycotting
her domestic duties.
Copy !req
575. Oh, and I had to take Debbie to
get fucking birth control today.
Copy !req
576. Holy shit.
I'm glad I have a son.
Copy !req
577. How's he doing?
Copy !req
578. His mom called. Um,
wanted to pick him up early.
Copy !req
579. Found an earlier flight.
Copy !req
580. He's just packing up
some of the crap
Copy !req
581. I keep around here
for him, you know?
Copy !req
582. Toys and stuff.
Copy !req
583. Oh, no.
When is she coming?
Copy !req
584. In like 15 minutes.
Copy !req
585. I had to step outside
just to keep—
Copy !req
586. just to keep my shit together.
Copy !req
587. Do you want me to come over?
Copy !req
588. No, I'm good.
Copy !req
589. - You don't sound it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
590. Well, I don't have a choice.
Copy !req
591. Hey, you know what, I gotta go.
Copy !req
592. - Where is he?
- Who?
Copy !req
593. Your husband, the doctor.
Copy !req
594. That's why you brought
this boy here?
Copy !req
595. Yeah, yeah.
I thought he could help.
Copy !req
596. He's a doctor of theology,
not medicine.
Copy !req
597. Fuck!
Copy !req
598. Well, what were you
doing in there?
Copy !req
599. I called 911.
Copy !req
600. Hang tight, honey, okay?
They're sending an ambulance.
Copy !req
601. Come here, come here,
come here, come here.
Copy !req
602. - Why did you do that?
- What did you expect me to do?
Copy !req
603. He's on drugs, okay?
Copy !req
604. He could get
kicked out of school,
Copy !req
605. and my friend
who sold him the drugs,
Copy !req
606. he's staying illegally
in the dorms.
Copy !req
607. He could go to jail, all right?
Copy !req
608. - He's got three kids.
- This boy is suffering.
Copy !req
609. He needs help,
regardless of the consequences.
Copy !req
610. No, no, no.
I gotta cover their asses.
Copy !req
611. Why?
Copy !req
612. - South Side rules.
- You know what?
Copy !req
613. Drop the whole "noble thug"
Copy !req
614. You're covering your own ass
and you know it.
Copy !req
615. You— you have a choice
right now.
Copy !req
616. To recognize that you are a
promising young college student,
Copy !req
617. not some ghetto outlaw.
Copy !req
618. You stop behaving like
the world is out to get you
Copy !req
619. when it is so clearly
dropping gifts at your feet.
Copy !req
620. Or you keep doing what
you're doing
Copy !req
621. and you end up in a cell
somewhere angry
Copy !req
622. and out of options.
Copy !req
623. No one at the K-Mart
knows about my baloney.
Copy !req
624. You know what?
Go back to your dorm.
Copy !req
625. If the paramedics ask
any questions,
Copy !req
626. I'll say I walked out
and he was just here.
Copy !req
627. Just help me move him.
Copy !req
628. - Are you sure?
- Come on.
Copy !req
629. Okay, you have any
neck or back pain?
Copy !req
630. - Come on, Joaquin.
- All right, give me your hand.
Copy !req
631. - Come on.
- Okay, come on.
Copy !req
632. They're gonna
feel weird at first.
Copy !req
633. You're not gonna be able
to tie your shoes,
Copy !req
634. put on jewelry,
type on the computer,
Copy !req
635. but you'll get used to it.
Copy !req
636. Coins are the worst.
Copy !req
637. Try it.
Copy !req
638. Damn, Derek,
your girl is quick.
Copy !req
639. She's a straight-A student
Copy !req
640. Is that right?
Copy !req
641. - I like school.
- Me too.
Copy !req
642. Well, I used to anyways.
Copy !req
643. I had to drop out
'cause of Miles.
Copy !req
644. Ever wish you could go back?
Copy !req
645. Nah.
Copy !req
646. That little munchkin is
the light of my life.
Copy !req
647. And this family.
When Jake went into the army,
Copy !req
648. they took me in
and loved me like their own.
Copy !req
649. But you're not Derek's sister?
Copy !req
650. I call her that
'cause she's like a sister.
Copy !req
651. But Jake's my actual bro.
Copy !req
652. I don't get along
with my family.
Copy !req
653. My dad's in prison.
My mom's a drunk.
Copy !req
654. I wanted so bad to belong
to something warm and whole,
Copy !req
655. like these guys.
Copy !req
656. Nine months later, bam.
I was in.
Copy !req
657. So you chose your own family.
Copy !req
658. Kind of.
Copy !req
659. Though I like to think
that Miles chose all of us.
Copy !req
660. Hey, give me the bag.
Copy !req
661. Jesus, haven't been here
since that time we banged.
Copy !req
662. Let's do some pull-ups.
Copy !req
663. Your hand, man.
Copy !req
664. I'm out of shape.
Copy !req
665. - Shotgun.
- No, no.
Copy !req
666. Look, you're not supposed
to drink on lithium.
Copy !req
667. It makes your blood
fucking toxic,
Copy !req
668. and it gets you hammered
in like two seconds flat.
Copy !req
669. You can't—
Copy !req
670. What the fuck, Ian?
Copy !req
671. I'm sick of your whiny,
pussy crap.
Copy !req
672. I don't need
a fucking caretaker, all right?
Copy !req
673. I need the shit-talking
Copy !req
674. piece of South Side trash
I fell for.
Copy !req
675. Where is he?
Copy !req
676. - The fuck is he, Mickey?
- Fuck you.
Copy !req
677. Fuck me for giving a shit,
you prick.
Copy !req
678. Give all the shits you want,
Copy !req
679. but the next time my dick
is limp from all the meds,
Copy !req
680. don't go all, "Oh, it's okay,
wah wah."
Copy !req
681. Just suck it harder,
you faggot.
Copy !req
682. Fuck you!
Copy !req
683. You fucking dick!
Copy !req
684. That was the first time
I've felt anything since, uh...
Copy !req
685. You look like
a fucking wet rat.
Copy !req
686. Here we go.
Copy !req
687. I'm gonna throw it
in the trunk.
Copy !req
688. Fiona, right?
Copy !req
689. You are so great
to help Sean through this.
Copy !req
690. Of course.
We're— we're buddies.
Copy !req
691. I really hate doing this
to them, but I need the job.
Copy !req
692. It's got benefits
and paid vacations.
Copy !req
693. Okay, punk.
Say good-bye to daddy.
Copy !req
694. I love you.
Copy !req
695. It's only like three months,
all right?
Copy !req
696. Won't be too bad.
Copy !req
697. Watch your fingers.
Copy !req
698. - Take good care of him, huh?
- Okay.
Copy !req
699. Not the first place
I would have hit
Copy !req
700. for a booze-free night.
Copy !req
701. Why not?
Copy !req
702. Great jukebox, surly bartenders,
cork dartboard.
Copy !req
703. It's nirvana.
Drink your coke.
Copy !req
704. How you doing?
Copy !req
705. - You keep asking me that.
- You keep not answering.
Copy !req
706. I've said I'm fine.
A lot.
Copy !req
707. - I don't believe you.
- You don't have to believe me.
Copy !req
708. It's not your job.
Copy !req
709. It doesn't have to be my job.
Copy !req
710. You make it your job, though.
Copy !req
711. It's what you do.
Copy !req
712. You mean with my family?
Copy !req
713. Yeah, with everyone.
Your family,
Copy !req
714. Jackie, your husband
kinda-not-really or whatever.
Copy !req
715. 'Cause I give a shit.
Copy !req
716. 'Cause when you focus on
Copy !req
717. other people's problems it's
a lot easier to ignore your own.
Copy !req
718. What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
719. Nothing.
Just— just some NA bullshit.
Copy !req
720. I'm here because I like you,
Copy !req
721. You know, it's as if
no one's ever said "No" to you,
Copy !req
722. and you can't stand it.
Copy !req
723. Now, you wait until
your target's vulnerable,
Copy !req
724. - then you pounce.
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
725. Tell me what
you're here for, Fiona.
Copy !req
726. - I just did.
- Right.
Copy !req
727. You're worried.
Copy !req
728. It has nothing to do
with the fact
Copy !req
729. that I wouldn't fuck you
months ago?
Copy !req
730. Okay, if you're in
a shitty place
Copy !req
731. and you feel like
you gotta lash out, I get that,
Copy !req
732. but I am not the enemy here,
so back the fuck off.
Copy !req
733. You heard the lady.
Copy !req
734. She don't want
to go home with you.
Copy !req
735. Mind your business, dumb-ass.
Copy !req
736. You just call me a dumb-ass?
Copy !req
737. Bartender, can you serve
this melonhead some IQ points?
Copy !req
738. - Sean.
- What?
Copy !req
739. You got a real mouth
on you, pal.
Copy !req
740. Yeah, most humans
with a face do.
Copy !req
741. Why don't you go on back
and keep banging your buddy?
Copy !req
742. I'm busy.
Copy !req
743. Oh! Shit.
Copy !req
744. Okay. Hey.
Copy !req
745. Hey!
Copy !req
746. - God!
- Fuck. Stop.
Copy !req
747. Stop.
Copy !req
748. Stop.
Come on.
Copy !req
749. Hey, stop.
Stop it!
Copy !req
750. Hey.
Stop. Stop.
Copy !req
751. Stop.
Copy !req
752. You okay?
Copy !req
753. - Ow.
- This is funny?
Copy !req
754. No.
Oh, fuck, he got me good.
Copy !req
755. You wanted to get
your ass kicked?
Copy !req
756. Yeah.
Copy !req
757. Yeah. God.
Just get out of here.
Copy !req
758. Fuck off, asshole.
Get out of here.
Copy !req
759. Shit.
Copy !req
760. Jesus Christ.
Took long enough.
Copy !req
761. Are we good?
No cops?
Copy !req
762. - No. No, not yet.
- Bullet dodged.
Copy !req
763. Man, that shit
was fucking crazy.
Copy !req
764. How's the Sun God?
Copy !req
765. I don't know.
I'm gonna go check on him later.
Copy !req
766. Hey, listen, man,
there's something—
Copy !req
767. No, I know what
you're gonna say.
Copy !req
768. And I got it,
from now on, clean bud only.
Copy !req
769. I'm gonna do
quality control myself.
Copy !req
770. Yeah, no, no.
It's just—
Copy !req
771. You know, I got
my tuition covered now.
Copy !req
772. - That's awesome.
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
773. So, you know, I-I don't really
need this extra income.
Copy !req
774. So, what?
I can keep your cut?
Copy !req
775. Fucking awesome, man.
You know, it's so cool of you
Copy !req
776. to let me crash here
when you ain't
Copy !req
777. getting nothing out of it.
Copy !req
778. That's— that's actually
Copy !req
779. what I wanted to talk
to you about.
Copy !req
780. Oh, shit, what?
You're kicking me out?
Copy !req
781. Kinda.
Copy !req
782. For good?
Copy !req
783. Kinda.
Copy !req
784. Come on, man.
It was a minor mistake, okay?
Copy !req
785. - It won't happen again.
- I know, I know.
Copy !req
786. And I'm— I'm sorry.
Copy !req
787. Dude, you asked me to come
out here and sell drugs.
Copy !req
788. - I was doing my job.
- Look, this place
Copy !req
789. is actually starting
to mean something to me.
Copy !req
790. - Good!
- Okay, and I—
Copy !req
791. I don't want to screw that up.
Copy !req
792. Well, can I just
crash here and not sell weed?
Copy !req
793. What are you gonna do?
You just gonna keep boning coeds
Copy !req
794. until, you know,
somebody reports us?
Copy !req
795. I don't have to bone anyone.
Copy !req
796. But, you know,
people like me here.
Copy !req
797. I can be everybody's big bro.
Copy !req
798. They can come to me
for real world advice.
Copy !req
799. Like, uh, gangster shit.
Copy !req
800. Crabs.
Copy !req
801. - I got nowhere else to go.
- Go home.
Copy !req
802. You can hang with your kids.
You can make up with your wife.
Copy !req
803. It's time.
Copy !req
804. I do.
Copy !req
805. I don't know how you can be
so selfish.
Copy !req
806. Elizabeth, don't.
Just don't leave.
Copy !req
807. You're not gonna.
Copy !req
808. - So selfish.
- Oh, come on.
Copy !req
809. How can you say I'm—
Copy !req
810. Call me, okay?
Copy !req
811. What'd you do to her?
Copy !req
812. I told her I wasn't
interested in chemo...
Copy !req
813. over and over.
Copy !req
814. And over.
Copy !req
815. Oh, I've literally never been
this tired in my life.
Copy !req
816. It's not body-tired.
It's like a psychic exhaustion.
Copy !req
817. Like I'm carrying the weight
of this bloated irony.
Copy !req
818. "Woman dedicates practice
to saving lives.
Copy !req
819. Can't save her own."
Copy !req
820. That is a cosmic fuck you.
Copy !req
821. My family keeps telling me
to fight.
Copy !req
822. Stay strong.
Be brave.
Copy !req
823. It's all battle language.
Copy !req
824. I've seen what chemo
does to a body.
Copy !req
825. It's not a battle.
That's a lost cause.
Copy !req
826. But truthfully, I am fighting.
Copy !req
827. For my goddamn dignity.
Copy !req
828. Why can't they see that?
Copy !req
829. For whatever it's worth,
I think you're pretty brave.
Copy !req
830. You don't know me.
Copy !req
831. At all.
Copy !req
832. I know.
Copy !req
833. I have a shelf life.
Copy !req
834. I am aware.
Copy !req
835. Then why are you doing this?
Copy !req
836. I'm not exactly sure.
Copy !req
837. But I will never, ever
ask you to do chemo.
Copy !req
838. Ugh!
Copy !req
839. What about
"Think healing thoughts"?
Copy !req
840. Nope.
Copy !req
841. Or say, "You can beat this"?
Copy !req
842. Nope.
Copy !req
843. Or tell me
how much you love me?
Copy !req
844. No fucking way.
Copy !req
845. Thank God.
Copy !req
846. Let's go get tattoos.
Copy !req
847. You sure your family doesn't
mind if we have sex up here?
Copy !req
848. We could have sex on the kitchen
table while they eat.
Copy !req
849. Nobody cares.
Copy !req
850. That's crazy.
Copy !req
851. Yeah. This is not
a normal family.
Copy !req
852. Took me a while
to figure that out.
Copy !req
853. I love yours.
Copy !req
854. I love you, too, I think.
Copy !req
855. Really?
Copy !req
856. I think so.
Copy !req
857. That's so sweet.
Copy !req
858. You're the sweetest.
Copy !req
859. Thanks.
Copy !req
860. How am I gonna get dressed
every morning?
Copy !req
861. You'll have to call me
to come over and help.
Copy !req
862. - Every day?
- Sure, why not?
Copy !req
863. What about now?
Copy !req
864. You ready?
Copy !req
865. We don't need that.
Copy !req
866. I'm on the pill.
Copy !req
867. Okay.
Copy !req
868. Well, the swelling's
going down.
Copy !req
869. You can just tell people
you got hit by a bus.
Copy !req
870. Yeah.
Good thinking.
Copy !req
871. Oh, easy.
Copy !req
872. Yeah.
No, it's—
Copy !req
873. Something about intense pain
Copy !req
874. makes everything else
come into focus.
Copy !req
875. I bet there's better ways
to get that.
Copy !req
876. Drugs.
Copy !req
877. I'm kidding.
Copy !req
878. You're acting exactly like
I was acting
Copy !req
879. when you called me
a chaos junkie
Copy !req
880. and said you didn't want
to be with me.
Copy !req
881. Well, I don't doubt it.
Copy !req
882. Yeah, I appreciate
the patch up.
Copy !req
883. Um, I'm good.
You can go now.
Copy !req
884. No way.
Copy !req
885. No, seriously.
Thanks for the company.
Copy !req
886. You're great, but you—
you can't baby-sit me forever.
Copy !req
887. I wasn't planning on forever.
Copy !req
888. How long were you planning on?
Copy !req
889. Until I feel like you're
not gonna head
Copy !req
890. to Maypole and Kilpatrick
the second I leave.
Copy !req
891. Okay. What if you never
feel like that?
Copy !req
892. I'm not gonna leave
until I know you're okay.
Copy !req
893. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
894. Fiona, I'm not— not okay.
Copy !req
895. I'm never gonna be okay.
Copy !req
896. It's a sickness.
Copy !req
897. It's permanent.
Copy !req
898. Nod— nod if you understand.
Copy !req
899. Thank you.
Copy !req
900. Go home.
Copy !req
901. Hey.
Copy !req
902. Hey, man.
Copy !req
903. How you feeling?
Copy !req
904. I'm doped up
on a bunch of stuff.
Copy !req
905. Yeah, it— it could be worse.
Copy !req
906. Hey, man.
Copy !req
907. The guy they brought in
before me?
Copy !req
908. He had his dick chopped off
by his wife in his sleep.
Copy !req
909. Shit.
Copy !req
910. So I'd say
I'm doing pretty well.
Copy !req
911. Comparatively speaking.
Copy !req
912. Yeah.
Copy !req
913. How bad's the leg?
Copy !req
914. It's a clean break.
Copy !req
915. Doctor said it will heal
in ten weeks.
Copy !req
916. You know, my mom's coming in
from Texas.
Copy !req
917. Oh, yeah?
Is she— she freaking out?
Copy !req
918. Nah.
Copy !req
919. Broke my other leg
when I was 15.
Copy !req
920. She's been through it before.
Copy !req
921. Hey, listen, man, did anybody
come and ask you anything?
Copy !req
922. Well, the cops came by.
Copy !req
923. They wanted to know
where I got the drugs.
Copy !req
924. Right.
Copy !req
925. I told them your buddy
sold them to me.
Copy !req
926. - You did?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
927. What was I supposed to do?
I don't want to go to jail.
Copy !req
928. You know, they said
he could get 40 to life.
Copy !req
929. Also, they're arresting
his babies
Copy !req
930. for not shutting the fuck up.
Copy !req
931. Fuck you.
Copy !req
932. You should have seen your face.
Copy !req
933. No, you got me.
Copy !req
934. Cops here gotta deal
with dickless chumps
Copy !req
935. and gunshot wounds.
Copy !req
936. They don't care about some
college idiot who got stoned
Copy !req
937. and fell out of a window.
Copy !req
938. Right, right, right.
Copy !req
939. Thank you.
Copy !req
940. For what?
Copy !req
941. Well, you know,
for not ratting us out.
Copy !req
942. It's all good.
Copy !req
943. Hey, where I come from,
we got each other's backs.
Copy !req
944. Yeah!
Copy !req
945. Stand!
Copy !req
946. Yeah!
Copy !req
947. You got fucking trashed
off one beer, bitch.
Copy !req
948. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
949. Finally something good
about this fucking disease.
Copy !req
950. Holy shit, I just
realized something.
Copy !req
951. What's up?
Copy !req
952. We've never actually
been on a real date.
Copy !req
953. - Bullshit.
- No, I'm serious.
Copy !req
954. Like, like, a date
where you sit down
Copy !req
955. and you go to a nice restaurant
Copy !req
956. and you put on a nice shirt,
and you, like,
Copy !req
957. eat with utensils.
Copy !req
958. - You want to do that?
- Yeah. Why not?
Copy !req
959. Like at Sizzler's?
Copy !req
960. - Sure.
- You mean now?
Copy !req
961. Now before I sober up
and get all fucking weird again.
Copy !req
962. - Come on.
- All right.
Copy !req
963. Can I borrow a fucking shirt,
then, please?
Copy !req
964. Yeah, you can borrow a shirt.
Copy !req
965. Good.
Copy !req
966. - Hi, Ian.
- Hey.
Copy !req
967. - We're going on a date.
- Fuck, yes, we are.
Copy !req
968. I'm gonna get a steak so rare,
Copy !req
969. it's gonna scream
when I bite it.
Copy !req
970. Like...
Copy !req
971. Listen, listen, Ian,
I want you to know
Copy !req
972. you are a really good kid
with a big heart.
Copy !req
973. You have some hard times
ahead of you,
Copy !req
974. but you're gonna do great.
Copy !req
975. Okay.
Copy !req
976. Gentlemen, this is
Ian Gallagher.
Copy !req
977. I think they're ready
to take him to jail now.
Copy !req
978. Why, Sammi?
Copy !req
979. Get the fuck—
get the fuck off him.
Copy !req
980. Get off me, you son of a bitch!
Copy !req
981. Fuck.
Copy !req
982. Don't move.
Copy !req
983. - Behind your back!
- Aah!
Copy !req
984. - You good?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
985. Don't move.
Copy !req
986. You bitch!
Copy !req
987. Fuck!
Copy !req
988. You can't just drag
him out of his fucking house!
Copy !req
989. - What the fuck is going on?
- He's sick, for fuck's sake!
Copy !req
990. - Fuck!
- Look! Look!
Copy !req
991. - Where are you taking him?
- Whoa, hey, hey!
Copy !req
992. - Just fucking— Look!
- Ian!
Copy !req
993. Tell me where the fuck
you're taking him!
Copy !req
994. - He didn't do anything!
- Ian!
Copy !req
995. It's a shame when someone
you love gets taken away,
Copy !req
996. isn't it?
Copy !req