1. Hey, back up.
Copy !req
2. What do I look like,
the information lady?
Copy !req
3. Hell, no.
I'm a law enforcement officer,
Copy !req
4. emphasis on the enforcement.
Copy !req
5. You need to know what happened
last week on Shameless?
Copy !req
6. Better go find someone
who actually gives a shit.
Copy !req
7. City of Chicago says
Copy !req
8. all bars are closed
until further notice.
Copy !req
9. Hail, 'rona survivors!
Where is everyone?
Copy !req
10. The mayor shut us all down
again on Tuesday.
Copy !req
11. Well, who the hell
can keep track?
Copy !req
12. I made
a big mistake, son.
Copy !req
13. I rented this house
without asking
Copy !req
14. your mommy first,
Copy !req
15. and now I'm basically
her bitch.
Copy !req
16. Holy shit!
Copy !req
17. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
18. Hands off, Frank.
Copy !req
19. We're not offering credit
Copy !req
20. on cannabis products.
Payment up front only.
Copy !req
21. Debbie needs her share
of the utilities.
Copy !req
22. Want me to get
some shitty-ass
Copy !req
23. minimum-wage job like you,
Copy !req
24. hauling boxes
around a warehouse?
Copy !req
25. What the fuck is this?
Copy !req
26. I go and get our money,
Copy !req
27. all I find is IOUs.
Copy !req
28. You spent all our money
from the wedding?
Copy !req
29. Did you eat all the brownies?
Copy !req
30. I had three,
Copy !req
31. and Tommy had four.
Copy !req
32. We were hungry.
Copy !req
33. With the loss of
so many officers to the 'rona,
Copy !req
34. the bosses are willing
to put you on the street.
Copy !req
35. It's not a tough call
to give you a badge.
Copy !req
36. Busting heads
is a man's job,
Copy !req
37. and you are a natural born
ass kicker.
Copy !req
38. Congratulations, Gallagher.
Copy !req
39. You're gonna get to be one
of the best of the best,
Copy !req
40. a goddamn Chicago
police officer.
Copy !req
41. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
42. Watch out, crackheads.
Coming back for you later.
Copy !req
43. Making a mental note
of your face, shitbag.
Copy !req
44. Watch it, ladies.
Copy !req
45. Might haul your asses
down to the station.
Copy !req
46. Yeah, that's right.
You're looking at the po-po.
Copy !req
47. First day on the job.
Copy !req
48. My birthday!
Copy !req
49. Wake up!
Copy !req
50. Wake up!
I'm five!
Copy !req
51. Hey, hey.
Look who it is.
Copy !req
52. The birthday girl.
Copy !req
53. Presents?
Copy !req
54. Oh, no, no.
Copy !req
55. It's not like Christmas,
Copy !req
56. You're gonna get your presents
Copy !req
57. tonight at your party.
Copy !req
58. Oh.
Copy !req
59. Hey.
Copy !req
60. Come on.
Copy !req
61. Let's go make some breakfast,
Copy !req
62. Whoof!
Copy !req
63. Go sit!
Copy !req
64. Yo, what up?
Copy !req
65. Why'd you guys
sleep here last night?
Copy !req
66. Oh, the fumes at our new place
Copy !req
67. from resurfacing the bathtub.
Copy !req
68. Good morning, Franny.
Happy birthday.
Copy !req
69. Thank you.
Copy !req
70. These up for grabs?
Copy !req
71. - No, don't touch.
- Why?
Copy !req
72. I'm gonna sell them for cheap
to the lunch debt kids.
Copy !req
73. What's a lunch debt kid?
Copy !req
74. Kids who run out
of money on their food account.
Copy !req
75. Can't eat the hot lunch
till they pay up.
Copy !req
76. Is that even legal?
Copy !req
77. Don't public schools
have to feed the kids?
Copy !req
78. Yeah, but the lunch lady
serves them gross shit
Copy !req
79. like stale bread,
Copy !req
80. government cheese,
chunky pudding.
Copy !req
81. So you're capitalizing
on the misfortunes of others
Copy !req
82. by selling them
your peanut butter sandwiches?
Copy !req
83. The American way.
See you.
Copy !req
84. Hey, there's
my sweet birthday princess!
Copy !req
85. Who is five today?
Copy !req
86. - Me!
- You? Ah!
Copy !req
87. I don't know!
She looks like a big girl.
Copy !req
88. Did you grow overnight?
Copy !req
89. Are you sure you're not 15?
Copy !req
90. I am!
I am!
Copy !req
91. Yeah, I knew you were.
Copy !req
92. Are you excited
for your princess party?
Copy !req
93. I hate princesses!
Copy !req
94. What?
No, you don't.
Copy !req
95. I'm with Frans
on this one.
Copy !req
96. Hey, no.
I invited your entire class.
Copy !req
97. There's gonna be
a bouncy house.
Copy !req
98. We're gonna get
a bunch of decorations
Copy !req
99. at the dollar store.
It's gonna be great.
Copy !req
100. Hey, can I tag along
to the dollar store?
Copy !req
101. - Sure.
- Homeboy needs more diapers.
Copy !req
102. - Is that me?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
103. Hey, hey, hey, birthday Franny.
Copy !req
104. Hey, look what I got you
from work.
Copy !req
105. They let us keep stuff if it's
past its expiration date.
Copy !req
106. There's so much stuff
that just gets
Copy !req
107. thrown away into a dumpster.
Copy !req
108. Oh, great job, man.
Free old cereal.
Copy !req
109. Yeah, at least I have
a real job.
Copy !req
110. Get off my back.
Copy !req
111. Hey, Debs,
I'm finally gonna get
Copy !req
112. my first paycheck later,
Copy !req
113. so I can start paying
for my part of the bills.
Copy !req
114. - Great.
- Wait, what?
Copy !req
115. I didn't plan on supporting
a husband.
Copy !req
116. You gotta pull your weight.
Copy !req
117. I told you, I am still
on my honeymoon.
Copy !req
118. We need money for food, rent.
Copy !req
119. Great.
I could go get money
Copy !req
120. in 30 fucking seconds.
Copy !req
121. Legal money.
Copy !req
122. Look, they're hiring
over at my warehouse.
Copy !req
123. You could go over there today
and apply.
Copy !req
124. Thanks, no thanks.
Copy !req
125. All right, if you don't get
a real job today,
Copy !req
126. you're not getting
any more sex.
Copy !req
127. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
128. Oh, no, please.
Copy !req
129. I don't give a shit, man.
Copy !req
130. I don't need
your disgusting-ass dick.
Copy !req
131. Ah, you guys been married what,
like, 50 years now?
Copy !req
132. - 5-0!
- Oh, fuck, it's the cops!
Copy !req
133. - Hey, I'm unarmed!
- Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Copy !req
134. Ha, ha, ha, very funny,
Copy !req
135. Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'ma go load
Copy !req
136. these bad boys up
with armor-piercing rounds
Copy !req
137. so I can keep
the mean streets safe
Copy !req
138. for fuck-heads like you guys.
Copy !req
139. Watch out, Chicago!
Copy !req
140. You're going down.
Copy !req
141. - Here you go, Kerm.
- Thanks, Kev.
Copy !req
142. May there be many more
where this comes from.
Copy !req
143. Hey, Tommy.
Copy !req
144. Kev.
Copy !req
145. Kermit.
Copy !req
146. Tommy.
Copy !req
147. Why are you two sitting
so far apart from each other?
Copy !req
148. - Social distancing.
- Take a beer, Kev.
Copy !req
149. Yeah, sure, of course.
Copy !req
150. Okay, call me
when you have more.
Copy !req
151. Elijah from the dispensary
Copy !req
152. doesn't have weed either, Kev.
Copy !req
153. Shit.
Copy !req
154. Whole city's run out.
Copy !req
155. Another symptom
of economic anxiety:
Copy !req
156. everyone's self-medicating.
Copy !req
157. Why are you two sitting apart?
Copy !req
158. - No reason.
- Nothing.
Copy !req
159. I think
they're having a fight.
Copy !req
160. A fight?
About what?
Copy !req
161. Saying something
under your breath means
Copy !req
162. "keep it quiet."
Copy !req
163. Hello!
I'm here.
Copy !req
164. Oh, Frank!
Copy !req
165. You gotta use the secret knock.
Copy !req
166. Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
167. Top of the morning to you.
Copy !req
168. So what you got for me
to sample today
Copy !req
169. in the wonderful world of weed,
Copy !req
170. Master Kev, Mistress V?
Copy !req
171. What are—why are you guys
sitting so far apart?
Copy !req
172. One of you fart or something?
Copy !req
173. - Just because.
- Stop asking.
Copy !req
174. Jesus, fine.
Copy !req
175. Sit in your own stank,
for all I care.
Copy !req
176. They won't tell us either.
Copy !req
177. Oh.
Copy !req
178. Where are the goods?
Copy !req
179. Sold out.
Copy !req
180. Impressive.
Copy !req
181. But our suppliers
are out of product now.
Copy !req
182. Ever since the 'rona,
there's been a rush on weed.
Copy !req
183. They were not prepared
for the demand.
Copy !req
184. - Everyone's out.
- It's a blessing in disguise.
Copy !req
185. - Pot is dangerous.
- Amen to that.
Copy !req
186. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Copy !req
187. That's impossible.
There's no such thing
Copy !req
188. as a rush on weed.
It's in abundance.
Copy !req
189. There's
three different dispensaries
Copy !req
190. - we use for our product.
- They're all out.
Copy !req
191. Dispensaries?
Copy !req
192. You know what kind
of a markup they've got?
Copy !req
193. I can get you more product.
Copy !req
194. Where?
Copy !req
195. Yeah, illegal shit.
Copy !req
196. Marijuana's
basically just a weed.
Copy !req
197. The government has
no more right
Copy !req
198. to regulate it
than they do sunflowers.
Copy !req
199. Or making us wear masks.
Copy !req
200. Exactly!
Copy !req
201. Don't worry.
I can get you more product.
Copy !req
202. We can go in on this
together, partners.
Copy !req
203. - Yes.
- No!
Copy !req
204. I am not going
into the weed business
Copy !req
205. with Frank Gallagher.
Copy !req
206. Frank Gallagher's
the best person to go
Copy !req
207. - in the weed business with.
- Shh.
Copy !req
208. I was whispering so that
means to talk quietly.
Copy !req
209. Well, now you know
how it feels.
Copy !req
210. Veronica, I understand
your reluctance.
Copy !req
211. I would feel the same
if I were going
Copy !req
212. into business with me.
Copy !req
213. May I suggest we do
a trial run today?
Copy !req
214. Give me a chance
to prove myself.
Copy !req
215. I will find you weed,
Copy !req
216. I will teach you how to make
the best edibles in the city,
Copy !req
217. and then I will help you
sell those edibles
Copy !req
218. at a premium.
Copy !req
219. I was born to do this.
Copy !req
220. I've been training for it
my whole fucking life.
Copy !req
221. Frank Gallagher really is
an illegal drug connoisseur, V.
Copy !req
222. Fine, a trial run
just for today.
Copy !req
223. Elijah should have
some legal product in stock
Copy !req
224. in a couple of days.
Copy !req
225. You will not regret this.
Copy !req
226. - Oh.
Copy !req
227. Nah, it's...
Copy !req
228. Look at those virgins.
Copy !req
229. This is the freshest meat
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
230. Yanez, over here.
Copy !req
231. I'ma Denzel Washington
your ass today.
Copy !req
232. Officer Tipping,
Carl Gallagher.
Copy !req
233. I believe I'm your partner.
Copy !req
234. Stand down, son.
No need for formality.
Copy !req
235. - Bring it in.
- Uh, really?
Copy !req
236. We've all been tested.
You wouldn't be here
Copy !req
237. if you were positive.
Now bring it in.
Copy !req
238. Welcome to the Chicago
police force.
Copy !req
239. All right, first thing
we're gonna do:
Copy !req
240. we're gonna open up
all the windows,
Copy !req
241. air out the house.
That way, we don't inhale
Copy !req
242. any of the fumes.
Copy !req
243. It's a good idea, right?
Copy !req
244. "Yeah, Daddy.
You're brilliant."
Copy !req
245. I know.
Then we're gonna count
Copy !req
246. all the mismatched
light switches,
Copy !req
247. see which ones
need to be replaced,
Copy !req
248. and I need you
on bathroom tile duty.
Copy !req
249. Think you can do that for me?
Copy !req
250. Go through and see
where I need to add more grout.
Copy !req
251. "Yeah, Daddy."
You can?
Copy !req
252. Well, that's great.
Thank you so much, buddy.
Copy !req
253. What the actual fuck?
Copy !req
254. Now you're probably wondering,
Copy !req
255. "Why do they call it
'More or Less'?"
Copy !req
256. - Here's why.
- Okay.
Copy !req
257. We're gonna start off
Copy !req
258. with these wireless speakers,
Copy !req
259. four of them.
Copy !req
260. $450.
Copy !req
261. Is the actual price
Copy !req
262. more or less than $450...
Copy !req
263. Who cares how much
the speakers cost?
Copy !req
264. Just steal 'em.
Copy !req
265. Is—
is this a problem?
Copy !req
266. Okay.
Copy !req
267. I won't tell if you won't.
Copy !req
268. Shit, yeah.
Copy !req
269. Oh, come on, man.
I need more time than that.
Copy !req
270. What are you doing
sitting on the couch?
Copy !req
271. Watching TV?
Wasting your life?
Copy !req
272. I'm not wasting my life.
Copy !req
273. Do you even have a job?
Copy !req
274. Do you have a college degree?
Copy !req
275. No, you don't, do you?
Why not?
Copy !req
276. 'Cause everything's
an excuse with you, isn't it?
Copy !req
277. Why don't you mind your own
fucking business, Jerome?
Copy !req
278. "I'll apply to school
next year."
Copy !req
279. What's wrong with right now?
Copy !req
280. Stop disappointing
the people you love.
Copy !req
281. Get off the couch
Copy !req
282. and go make something
of yourself.
Copy !req
283. All—all right, okay.
Copy !req
284. Consider me
like your guardian angel.
Copy !req
285. Fine.
Copy !req
286. You can thank me later.
Copy !req
287. Now call or email us today.
Copy !req
288. - Do it!
- Shut the fuck up, Jerome.
Copy !req
289. This stuff's all expired.
Copy !req
290. Toss it in the dumpster.
Copy !req
291. Those guys have it made, huh?
Copy !req
292. Sitting on their asses all day.
Copy !req
293. You're telling me.
Copy !req
294. You know they make
ten bucks more an hour
Copy !req
295. than we do, don't you?
Copy !req
296. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
297. Yeah.
Copy !req
298. How do I apply to be
a forklift driver?
Copy !req
299. Well, you don't,
Copy !req
300. unless you're Black,
Copy !req
301. or you're Mexican,
Copy !req
302. or you got a twat
between your legs.
Copy !req
303. You got a twat
between your legs?
Copy !req
304. Uh, not the last time
I checked.
Copy !req
305. The days are over
when guys like you and me
Copy !req
306. got all the opportunities
for advancement.
Copy !req
307. Sucks to be a white male
in America these days.
Copy !req
308. Life Saver?
Copy !req
309. - Huh?
- Wintergreen.
Copy !req
310. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
311. So I made a list
of everything that I saw
Copy !req
312. in my neighborhood
this morning.
Copy !req
313. Lot of illegal activity.
Copy !req
314. Guns, drugs, car theft.
Copy !req
315. You ever bite one of these
in the dark
Copy !req
316. using your back teeth?
Copy !req
317. - Excuse me?
- The Life Saver.
Copy !req
318. Uh, no, not that I know of,
Copy !req
319. but I was thinking that
we could drive by the area.
Copy !req
320. You know,
there's still probably
Copy !req
321. a lot of activity going on.
Copy !req
322. Maybe bust some heads
Copy !req
323. and drag some bangers
down to the station.
Copy !req
324. Makes a spark
Copy !req
325. when you bite the Life Saver
in the dark.
Copy !req
326. I do it for my kids sometimes.
Copy !req
327. They get a real kick out of it.
Copy !req
328. - You have kids?
- I'm 19.
Copy !req
329. About when I started.
Copy !req
330. I have a 17 year old
gonna start community college,
Copy !req
331. and twin eight year olds
with the second wife.
Copy !req
332. She's not much older than you.
Copy !req
333. You wanna check this out, sir?
You know...
Copy !req
334. take a look at the list
for yourself?
Copy !req
335. Well, if you bust a right
down here on Cermak,
Copy !req
336. go down about three blocks,
Copy !req
337. you still might see some
of those guys—
Copy !req
338. Let me share some things
with you, Carl.
Copy !req
339. I've been on the police force
15 years.
Copy !req
340. Do you know how many times
I've been shot?
Copy !req
341. I don't know.
Copy !req
342. Zero.
Copy !req
343. Wait, you've never been shot?
Copy !req
344. Never been shot,
never shot at.
Copy !req
345. You know why?
Copy !req
346. I don't leave the car.
Copy !req
347. Seriously?
Copy !req
348. Personal safety
is no joking matter.
Copy !req
349. What if something's going on
out there,
Copy !req
350. like, you know, the street?
Copy !req
351. Carl, we can do more
for the neighborhood
Copy !req
352. by staying right here
inside this car
Copy !req
353. and being a presence.
Copy !req
354. So you're not gonna do anything
about those prostitutes
Copy !req
355. over there?
Copy !req
356. Do you see blood?
Copy !req
357. - No.
- Anyone crying,
Copy !req
358. begging for their life?
Copy !req
359. Not that I can see.
Copy !req
360. Then we let them know
we're here...
Copy !req
361. and we go on our way.
Copy !req
362. Okay.
Copy !req
363. Another Life Saver?
Copy !req
364. Are we seriously gonna buy
illegal weed
Copy !req
365. from some random dude
on the street?
Copy !req
366. They're not random.
Copy !req
367. That's Scotty in the beanie.
Copy !req
368. Lori L. on the stoop.
Copy !req
369. That guy doing ballet
over there
Copy !req
370. probably has some good stuff.
Copy !req
371. Who, Herman?
Copy !req
372. Yeah, his product isn't bad,
Copy !req
373. when he has it.
Copy !req
374. Usually by mid-morning,
he's smoked it all up.
Copy !req
375. On disability.
Got hit by an Uber.
Copy !req
376. Tiny Tod over there
has the cheapest weed,
Copy !req
377. but it's mostly stems.
Copy !req
378. I don't know about this.
Copy !req
379. These folks aren't doing
any harm.
Copy !req
380. It's the
law-abiding rich people
Copy !req
381. who decided
to legalize marijuana
Copy !req
382. who are messing up a system
Copy !req
383. that's been in place
for decades.
Copy !req
384. Trust me, these folks
have good product.
Copy !req
385. Let's buy from Gina.
Copy !req
386. Who, Twitchy McGee?
Copy !req
387. Exactly.
She's jonesing.
Copy !req
388. Probably H.
She's desperate.
Copy !req
389. Has to score soon,
Copy !req
390. so she'll want to make
a quick sale.
Copy !req
391. All right, I'm going in.
Copy !req
392. Cash, please.
Copy !req
393. Better not run away
with our money, Frank.
Copy !req
394. Veronica, please.
Copy !req
395. This is good.
Copy !req
396. This'll probably get us
four ounces.
Copy !req
397. Then back to your place.
Copy !req
398. We'll cook up some goodies.
Copy !req
399. What happened?
Copy !req
400. We never talked
about our split.
Copy !req
401. What split?
Copy !req
402. As business partners.
Copy !req
403. Temporary business partners.
Copy !req
404. I think 50/50's fair.
Copy !req
405. Sounds reasonable to me.
Copy !req
406. Fuck that.
There's two of us
Copy !req
407. and one of you.
A three-way split.
Copy !req
408. Sounds reasonable to me.
Copy !req
409. Got yourselves a deal.
Copy !req
410. Go get 'em, tiger.
Copy !req
411. Gina, did you miss me?
Copy !req
412. Ooh, they have tiaras
and magic wands.
Copy !req
413. You guys, where are you?
They have fairy dust.
Copy !req
414. En garde!
Copy !req
415. Take that, bad guy.
Copy !req
416. Ah, this is my land.
You'll never win the battle.
Copy !req
417. Get her, Franny.
Copy !req
418. I got her!
I got her!
Copy !req
419. Look, I can dress like a
unicorn princess for the party.
Copy !req
420. Huh?
Copy !req
421. Hi-yah!
Copy !req
422. - Oh.
Copy !req
423. Hi, babe.
Copy !req
424. Uh, your sister is going psycho
for the princess crap.
Copy !req
425. Uh, hey.
So, um, you know how you're mad
Copy !req
426. I'm spending a lot of money
we don't have on the house?
Copy !req
427. Yes.
Accept defeat, warrior!
Copy !req
428. Well, someone broke
our two front windows.
Copy !req
429. What the serious fuck?
Copy !req
430. That's what I said.
Copy !req
431. How do we feel about
this mermaid princess look?
Copy !req
432. Uh, okay, so we gotta call
the cops.
Copy !req
433. No, the cops won't do anything
about a broken window.
Copy !req
434. We'd have to lie and tell them
Copy !req
435. there was
a murder or something.
Copy !req
436. Hey.
Why are you hitting me?
Copy !req
437. She switched sides.
Us against you now.
Copy !req
438. So I was thinking I'm gonna
change out the windows,
Copy !req
439. and, uh, I was actually
gonna replace them
Copy !req
440. - with double glaze anyway.
- Double glaze?
Copy !req
441. They more expensive
than regular?
Copy !req
442. Okay, stop.
This is the safe zone.
Copy !req
443. I am in the safe zone.
Do not come closer.
Copy !req
444. That sounds expensive, Lip.
Is it?
Copy !req
445. A little bit.
Not much.
Copy !req
446. Ugh, we gotta stop
hemorrhaging money.
Copy !req
447. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
448. I'm just saying
we're spending—
Copy !req
449. No, no, no, I'm sorry.
I wasn't talking to you.
Copy !req
450. Someone just dumped
a bunch of trash
Copy !req
451. in our new yard
and in our planters.
Copy !req
452. Why?
Copy !req
453. I don't know.
I don't see anyone.
Copy !req
454. It must've been
some punk-ass kids.
Copy !req
455. I gotta put a sign up,
let people know...
Copy !req
456. a Gallagher lives here!
Copy !req
457. Then they won't mess
with us anymore.
Copy !req
458. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
459. Um, how's Fred?
Copy !req
460. Oh, uh, good.
Copy !req
461. Good.
Happy. Good.
Copy !req
462. I gotta go.
Copy !req
463. - Bye.
- Okay, I found it.
Copy !req
464. I'll be a fairy princess
for the party.
Copy !req
465. Isn't this the perfect dress?
Copy !req
466. So you worked five years
at Home Depot,
Copy !req
467. three at Lowe's,
Copy !req
468. and served two active duties
in Afghanistan.
Copy !req
469. - Yep.
- Impressive.
Copy !req
470. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
471. Whoops.
Uh, you forgot to put
Copy !req
472. your Social Security number
on the application.
Copy !req
473. Yeah, it's, uh,
Copy !req
474. three... seven... 22.
Copy !req
475. That's only four numbers.
Copy !req
476. How many is it supposed to be?
Copy !req
477. Why don't you just
text it to me later?
Copy !req
478. - Yeah.
- So Mr. Milkovich,
Copy !req
479. let's do a little role-play.
Copy !req
480. Oh, I'm not
into that shit anymore.
Copy !req
481. I got married.
Copy !req
482. No, no.
Professional role-play.
Copy !req
483. - Oh, yeah.
- Let's say
Copy !req
484. you're working at the register.
Copy !req
485. I'm a customer who comes in,
and I wanna return a saw.
Copy !req
486. What are some questions
you might wanna ask me?
Copy !req
487. Okay.
Copy !req
488. How many times you use it?
Copy !req
489. Where'd you steal that from?
Copy !req
490. You think you can scam me?
Copy !req
491. You think
I'm fucking stupid?
Copy !req
492. Is there blood on that shit?
Copy !req
493. Uh, not exactly
what I was looking for.
Copy !req
494. Hey, okay.
You know, hey.
Copy !req
495. I-I'm really good at scaring
the crap out of people,
Copy !req
496. so I can say whatever
you want me to say
Copy !req
497. so people stop returning shit.
Copy !req
498. Good—good to know.
Copy !req
499. Maybe dealing directly
with the customers
Copy !req
500. is not the best job for you.
Copy !req
501. Look...
Copy !req
502. I-I really want
to make it work here, so...
Copy !req
503. W-w-what are they doing?
Can I do that job?
Copy !req
504. Oh, yeah.
Inspecting the expiration dates
Copy !req
505. on our stored food supply.
Copy !req
506. Anything doesn't meet
our high standard of freshness
Copy !req
507. is disposed of.
Copy !req
508. - So thrown out?
- That's right.
Copy !req
509. Why don't you just tell me
a little bit more
Copy !req
510. about yourself?
Copy !req
511. What assets do you think
you bring to the workplace?
Copy !req
512. Bro, I can bring whatever
Copy !req
513. you fucking want
to the workplace.
Copy !req
514. I got, like...
What—what do you need?
Copy !req
515. Glocks? Nunchucks?
Fuck, I got bayonets.
Copy !req
516. I got whatever you want.
I got you—
Copy !req
517. or I know who does, okay?
Copy !req
518. I'm—I'm sorry, Mr. Milkovich.
Copy !req
519. I don't think this job's
the right fit for you.
Copy !req
520. What do you mean?
Copy !req
521. You know what?
Goddamn right, it's not.
Copy !req
522. I don't need to be out here,
making minimum-ass wage,
Copy !req
523. tossing out
perfectly good food,
Copy !req
524. getting blisters
all over my hands
Copy !req
525. so I can clock out
with a bunch of fucking bozos,
Copy !req
526. go home smelling
like a rotten fucking pig.
Copy !req
527. This is your fault
for making me do this shit.
Copy !req
528. Fuck you, and fuck you,
Copy !req
529. and especially fuck you.
Copy !req
530. Okay, it's your part.
Copy !req
531. Attention,
all officers.
Copy !req
532. Thank God.
Copy !req
533. Damn, we almost got through
the whole thing.
Copy !req
534. That song makes me feel
kind of badass.
Copy !req
535. - You too?
- Uh, sure.
Copy !req
536. Attention,
all officers,
Copy !req
537. we have a 312 in progress.
Copy !req
538. - 700 block of Riverside.
- Hell yeah.
Copy !req
539. Convenience store
Copy !req
540. Four suspects,
armed and dangerous.
Copy !req
541. Any and all officers
in the area, please respond.
Copy !req
542. It's go time.
Copy !req
543. Whoa, whoa, whoa, cowboy.
What are you doing there?
Copy !req
544. Have you learned nothing today?
Copy !req
545. We're so close.
Copy !req
546. No, no, no, there's officers
much closer than we are.
Copy !req
547. We're, like, two blocks away.
Copy !req
548. I've seen this before.
By the time we get there,
Copy !req
549. someone will have gotten shot,
Copy !req
550. and Homicide will take over
the case.
Copy !req
551. So let's just stay
out of their crime scene.
Copy !req
552. But it's our duty
to take the call.
Copy !req
553. Trust me on this one.
We're partners.
Copy !req
554. Need to stick together,
be a united front,
Copy !req
555. have each other's back.
Copy !req
556. Okay.
Copy !req
557. You'll thank me one day.
Copy !req
558. Fucking bored shitless.
Copy !req
559. Now can we get back
to our song?
Copy !req
560. All due respect, Veronica,
Copy !req
561. your brownies were awful.
Copy !req
562. Really?
Copy !req
563. Did you fry the marijuana
in butter first?
Copy !req
564. No, she didn't.
Copy !req
565. What difference does that make?
Copy !req
566. It's the difference
between a ghetto pot brownie
Copy !req
567. and a culinary delight.
Copy !req
568. By frying the weed,
Copy !req
569. you activate the cannabinoids.
Copy !req
570. Here, stir this for me,
will you?
Copy !req
571. Also, the lipids in the butter
Copy !req
572. bond with the weed to form
Copy !req
573. the perfect cannabis infusion.
Copy !req
574. Yeah, V.
Copy !req
575. Now, let's see
how our first batch looks.
Copy !req
576. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
577. Oh, those smell amazing.
Copy !req
578. Eh?
Copy !req
579. Kev, my fine feathered friend,
Copy !req
580. I need you to cut
that pan of brownies
Copy !req
581. into two-by-two squares.
Copy !req
582. Each square has to be
equal size and shape.
Copy !req
583. I want ten perfect brownies.
Copy !req
584. Aye-aye, captain.
Copy !req
585. That's $200 worth of heaven
right there.
Copy !req
586. $200?
Copy !req
587. That's, like, a lot of money
for each brownie.
Copy !req
588. 20 bucks a brownie, Kev.
Copy !req
589. Holy shit.
Copy !req
590. The going rate is ten, Frank.
Copy !req
591. Nobody's gonna dish out 20.
Copy !req
592. That's because no one
has tasted
Copy !req
593. Frank Gallagher's masterpiece
Copy !req
594. of psychedelic goodness yet.
Copy !req
595. Hey, Kendall.
What can I do you for?
Copy !req
596. Back up.
Keep your distance.
Copy !req
597. What's up?
Copy !req
598. Can't eat this crap
the lunch lady gave me.
Copy !req
599. How much for
a peanut butter sandwich, Liam?
Copy !req
600. Donations only.
Whatever you got.
Copy !req
601. Um...
Copy !req
602. stole this Red Bull
from the corner store.
Copy !req
603. That'll work.
Copy !req
604. Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
605. This is not an open-air market.
Copy !req
606. It is a liability
for you to sell food
Copy !req
607. on school property.
Copy !req
608. That's mine.
Copy !req
609. I'm not selling it.
Donating it.
Copy !req
610. Well, you can't do that,
Copy !req
611. What, share my lunch?
Copy !req
612. No.
Copy !req
613. So it's okay
for these underprivileged kids
Copy !req
614. to starve
because they don't want
Copy !req
615. to eat the slop you give them?
Copy !req
616. Until they pay
their lunch debt,
Copy !req
617. that's all they get.
Copy !req
618. Now close it down.
Copy !req
619. Sorry, everyone.
Copy !req
620. Loraine won't let me donate
sandwiches to you anymore.
Copy !req
621. - That sucks!
Copy !req
622. I know, I know.
Copy !req
623. It hurts me just as much
as it hurts you.
Copy !req
624. I didn't grow up
with money, either,
Copy !req
625. but ever since
I was a little kid,
Copy !req
626. it's been my passion
to give to those
Copy !req
627. less fortunate than myself.
Copy !req
628. - Yeah!
- You're the man, Liam.
Copy !req
629. Please.
Copy !req
630. If I had extra money,
Copy !req
631. I'd give it
to all my friends here
Copy !req
632. so they could buy hot lunch,
Copy !req
633. but since I don't,
Copy !req
634. I thought the next best thing
would be
Copy !req
635. is to donate food
from my family's kitchen.
Copy !req
636. - Yeah, Liam!
Copy !req
637. Please, please, please.
Copy !req
638. I'm just one man
trying to make a difference.
Copy !req
639. I won't take up
any more of your time.
Copy !req
640. - Bye, Loraine.
Copy !req
641. Go, Liam.
Copy !req
642. Now, who wants a sandwich?
Copy !req
643. This one is when the twins
dressed like salt and pepper
Copy !req
644. for Halloween.
Copy !req
645. The condiments,
not the hip-hop group.
Copy !req
646. You do realize people
just keep photos
Copy !req
647. - on their phone now, right?
Copy !req
648. Ooh, I got some rumbles
in my tumbles.
Copy !req
649. You hungry?
Copy !req
650. For police action.
Copy !req
651. What about for eggplant pea?
Copy !req
652. Best this side of Milwaukee.
Copy !req
653. - I guess.
- Let's do this.
Copy !req
654. Dispatch,
Copy !req
655. this is Officers Tipping
and Gallagher.
Copy !req
656. Go for dispatch.
Copy !req
657. A concerned citizen
just stopped us...
Copy !req
658. What are you talking about?
We've been at—
Copy !req
659. and reported
a suspicious person
Copy !req
660. over on Hemlock Street.
Copy !req
661. We're gonna investigate.
Copy !req
662. Copy that.
Copy !req
663. Report back your findings
and if you need backup.
Copy !req
664. Will do.
Copy !req
665. What the hell
was that all about?
Copy !req
666. Buys us more time for lunch.
Copy !req
667. Eggplant pea, here we come.
Copy !req
668. So let me get this straight.
Copy !req
669. We don't respond
to real crimes in progress,
Copy !req
670. but we do respond
to fake crimes
Copy !req
671. that aren't even happening?
Copy !req
672. You're getting the hang
of this.
Copy !req
673. This is so
not what I signed up for.
Copy !req
674. Your tum-tum will thank me.
Copy !req
675. Right on time.
Copy !req
676. Nice truck, fatty.
Copy !req
677. Ding Dongs for a ding-dong.
Copy !req
678. Ugh, smelly fucking fat-ass.
Copy !req
679. I'm gonna get pinkeye
Copy !req
680. from all the farts
in this thing.
Copy !req
681. - Ugh.
Copy !req
682. Jack-fucking-pot.
Copy !req
683. Later, Jabba the Hutt!
Copy !req
684. Hey.
Hey, hey!
Copy !req
685. Hey, get the door for me,
would you, Val Kilmer?
Copy !req
686. Asshole!
Copy !req
687. Did you and Tommy
get in a fight about something?
Copy !req
688. - Just drop it.
- Oh.
Copy !req
689. He owe you money?
Copy !req
690. Has for years,
but that's not it.
Copy !req
691. What, did you wreck his car?
Copy !req
692. I wish it were something
so simple.
Copy !req
693. - Yeah?
- Hi.
Copy !req
694. We heard
you're selling edibles here,
Copy !req
695. and we were told to ask
Copy !req
696. for the marijuana magician.
Copy !req
697. Come on in!
He's right here.
Copy !req
698. I'll show you to him.
Copy !req
699. Didn't catch your names.
Copy !req
700. Barry, and he's Ryan.
Copy !req
701. Sure.
Copy !req
702. The one and only Frank.
Copy !req
703. Have a seat, gentlemen.
Copy !req
704. How can the Frank
help you today?
Copy !req
705. Selection looks impressive.
Copy !req
706. So what do you have here?
Copy !req
707. I've arranged
my products
Copy !req
708. in descending order of THC.
Copy !req
709. Starting here at the top tier,
Copy !req
710. I call this "Can't-Get-Off-
The-Couch Cookie."
Copy !req
711. - Yowza.
- I don't want that.
Copy !req
712. I still need to do work
every day.
Copy !req
713. Uh, you and me both, brother.
Copy !req
714. Continuing down the line,
Copy !req
715. we reduce the THC
until we get
Copy !req
716. to the bottom shelf
Copy !req
717. and our homemade suckers,
Copy !req
718. which are basically all CBD.
Copy !req
719. What do you think is best
to give me a buzz
Copy !req
720. but also help my sciatica?
Copy !req
721. I would stick somewhere here
in the middle.
Copy !req
722. These chocolate walnut brownies
Copy !req
723. have the perfect amount of THC
Copy !req
724. to give you a little euphoria,
Copy !req
725. and the CBD
Copy !req
726. to relieve that pain
in your ass.
Copy !req
727. Should we get two?
Copy !req
728. We're going to that foam party
this weekend.
Copy !req
729. Let's make it four, then.
Copy !req
730. Four it is.
If you would pay
Copy !req
731. my sales clerks behind the bar,
Copy !req
732. I will bag these up for you.
Copy !req
733. Excellent, gentlemen.
Copy !req
734. Four brownies.
So that's, uh...
Copy !req
735. $80.
Copy !req
736. Well, this is fucking vile.
Copy !req
737. Morning, Lip.
Copy !req
738. Hey, Marsha.
How's Georgia doing?
Copy !req
739. Got into a bowl
of butterscotch candy
Copy !req
740. I have out for guests.
Copy !req
741. Didn't you?
Ate the wrappers and all.
Copy !req
742. That right?
Copy !req
743. I'll be picking up
poopy candy bits for days.
Copy !req
744. Hey, uh, you didn't see
Copy !req
745. who did any of this,
did you?
Copy !req
746. What?
Copy !req
747. Oh, broke my front window,
Copy !req
748. you know, put all this trash
in the yard.
Copy !req
749. I thought the house
was always like this.
Copy !req
750. Yeah, when Mr. Shaw lives here,
Copy !req
751. but I've been trying
to fix it up.
Copy !req
752. You buy the place?
Copy !req
753. No, just renting.
Copy !req
754. Spending a lot of money
if it's not yours.
Copy !req
755. Yeah, well, I want
some nice things in my life
Copy !req
756. for a change.
Copy !req
757. Well, good for you.
Copy !req
758. - Thank you.
- Da-da.
Copy !req
759. Hey, Marsha.
Copy !req
760. You see any punk-ass kids
running around here,
Copy !req
761. you let me know?
Copy !req
762. You got it, Lip.
Copy !req
763. Thanks.
Copy !req
764. Thanks, Ma.
Copy !req
765. Of course, sweetie.
Copy !req
766. Oh, that's Arthur
Copy !req
767. on his honeymoon
with his first wife, Nadine.
Copy !req
768. Oh, you people sure are
into hard copy photos, huh?
Copy !req
769. I loved Nadine.
Copy !req
770. I really do miss her.
Copy !req
771. Ma, she cheated on me,
Copy !req
772. with five different
police officers—five.
Copy !req
773. Well, she certainly had a type.
Copy !req
774. You gotta give her that.
Copy !req
775. Oh, Carl, can I give you
another serving?
Copy !req
776. Oh, no, Mrs. Tipping, I—
Copy !req
777. Oh, Rhoda.
Copy !req
778. You're part of the family now.
Copy !req
779. Okay.
Uh, no thank you, uh, Rhoda.
Copy !req
780. I'm not too big
on heavy lunches.
Copy !req
781. Besides, we gotta get
back out to the streets.
Copy !req
782. Oh, right, right, right,
right, right.
Copy !req
783. Thanks for reminding me.
Copy !req
784. Dispatch, come in, please.
Copy !req
785. You've got dispatch.
Copy !req
786. This is Officer Tipping.
Officer Gallagher and I
Copy !req
787. have located the suspect,
Copy !req
788. and we are now proceeding
with questioning.
Copy !req
789. Copy that.
Copy !req
790. I am so proud of you, Arty.
Copy !req
791. - Oh, both of you.
- Mm.
Copy !req
792. Mm.
Copy !req
793. Family.
Copy !req
794. Goodbye, boys.
Copy !req
795. You know what I like to do
after a big meal?
Copy !req
796. Oh, I don't know.
Do your job?
Copy !req
797. Catch some rapists?
Copy !req
798. Take a nap
over at the Best Buy.
Copy !req
799. Have you ever sat in one
Copy !req
800. of the massage recliners
they have there?
Copy !req
801. No, but I'm sure I will now.
Copy !req
802. My lower lumbar
could really use some kneading.
Copy !req
803. Dispatch, the suspect
has directed us
Copy !req
804. to an abandoned house
Copy !req
805. that has a suspicious smell
emanating from it.
Copy !req
806. Officer Gallagher and I
will investigate further.
Copy !req
807. Copy that.
Copy !req
808. Hey, it's starting
to look
Copy !req
809. like a magic castle in here.
Copy !req
810. Or like a Care Bear
took a giant shit.
Copy !req
811. Or Strawberry Shortcake
fucked My Little Pony.
Copy !req
812. Yeah, or Glinda the Good Witch
Copy !req
813. just, like,
projectile vomited—
Copy !req
814. Okay, I get it.
Stop making fun of me.
Copy !req
815. This is gonna be
the best party ever.
Copy !req
816. Yeah, for you.
Copy !req
817. What do you mean?
It's Franny's birthday.
Copy !req
818. You just seem
a little more into it
Copy !req
819. than Franny does, babe.
Copy !req
820. That is so not true.
Franny's so into it.
Copy !req
821. I mean, what little girl
doesn't want a princess party?
Copy !req
822. I never wanted one.
Copy !req
823. Me neither.
Copy !req
824. I did.
Copy !req
825. Well, that explains it.
Copy !req
826. Explains what?
Copy !req
827. Why you're so obsessed
with all this shit.
Copy !req
828. I am not obsessed.
Copy !req
829. The magic wands don't go there.
On the coffee table.
Copy !req
830. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
831. I just—I never got
the princess manual.
Copy !req
832. I was always into G.I. Joes
and shit when I was a kid,
Copy !req
833. so that's the kind of parties
I had.
Copy !req
834. Yeah, well, every birthday,
one of my uncles
Copy !req
835. would just get me drunk
and let me shoot his gun.
Copy !req
836. The bounce house is here!
Copy !req
837. - Yes!
- Hell yeah!
Copy !req
838. Love a bounce house.
Copy !req
839. - Whoo!
- I've never been in one.
Copy !req
840. What?
Copy !req
841. Uh, none of the adults
were sober enough
Copy !req
842. to make me a cake,
never mind
Copy !req
843. get a bounce house.
Copy !req
844. You were seriously
raised by wolves.
Copy !req
845. It's supposed to be
a princess castle.
Copy !req
846. You sure?
Copy !req
847. Paperwork says Dracula's Lair.
Copy !req
848. Oh, she's sure.
Copy !req
849. Now why would I order
Dracula's Lair
Copy !req
850. for a five-year-old girl's
birthday party?
Copy !req
851. I love it!
Copy !req
852. I need a princess castle.
Get me a princess castle.
Copy !req
853. Sorry, ma'am,
we don't have
Copy !req
854. anything extra on the truck.
Copy !req
855. Well, this is
the worst thing ever.
Copy !req
856. I think it's kind of cool.
Come on!
Copy !req
857. It says "Bounce-ilvania," Debs.
Copy !req
858. What could be more fun
than that?
Copy !req
859. Okay, all bets in?
Copy !req
860. Shit.
Copy !req
861. I got nothing.
Pair of tens.
Copy !req
862. Full house.
Sorry about that, boys.
Copy !req
863. Crap.
Copy !req
864. How is it
the new kid always wins?
Copy !req
865. Beginner's luck.
Copy !req
866. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
867. - Franklin Pierce...
- Loitering...
Copy !req
868. - James Buchanan...
- Littering.
Copy !req
869. - Abraham Lincoln.
- Actual B&E.
Copy !req
870. Andrew Johnson.
Copy !req
871. Defacing property.
Copy !req
872. Ulysses S. Grant.
Copy !req
873. Ah, shoot, I can't remember
who was next.
Copy !req
874. - Who's the 19th president?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
875. I didn't even know
there was 19 presidents.
Copy !req
876. - Pfft.
- Ah, more loitering.
Copy !req
877. Battery.
Copy !req
878. Oh, my God, what is that?
Copy !req
879. What? Where?
What is it?
Copy !req
880. - Go time, is what it is.
Copy !req
881. This car has a siren?
Copy !req
882. Let's move it, people!
Copy !req
883. And a megaphone?
Copy !req
884. Hang on, partner.
Copy !req
885. This is what I'm talking about!
Copy !req
886. Go.
Copy !req
887. Put these on.
Copy !req
888. What's going on?
What's happening?
Copy !req
889. - Where are we going?
- Traffic light is out.
Copy !req
890. Good thing
we were in the vicinity.
Copy !req
891. You stand on that side.
I'll stay here.
Copy !req
892. - Out of the road, asshole!
Copy !req
893. Yo, what up, Jose?
Copy !req
894. Looking good, man.
Copy !req
895. Yeah, you too.
I'm not used to seeing
Copy !req
896. your cracker ass
on this side of the wire.
Copy !req
897. So what's this deal
you got for me?
Copy !req
898. Right here.
Copy !req
899. A dumpster?
Copy !req
900. Man, what kind of idiot
you think I am?
Copy !req
901. No, no, ain't like that.
Look, check it out.
Copy !req
902. Boom!
Copy !req
903. Damn.
Copy !req
904. Uh-huh.
I told you.
Copy !req
905. Wait, what is all this?
Copy !req
906. It's food.
The fuck you think it is?
Copy !req
907. No, I mean,
where did you get it?
Copy !req
908. Difference does that make?
I got it, didn't I?
Copy !req
909. I could really use
some of this shit.
Copy !req
910. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
911. Pasta, oatmeal...
Copy !req
912. flour.
Copy !req
913. How much you want?
Copy !req
914. Hey, for you,
give you a good price.
Copy !req
915. Wait a minute.
This is expired.
Copy !req
916. - So what?
- It says 2019.
Copy !req
917. It's fucking pasta, man.
Doesn't go bad.
Copy !req
918. Yeah, well, I hate the guys
in this joint
Copy !req
919. just as much as anybody,
but I'm not trying to give them
Copy !req
920. salmonella or some shit.
Copy !req
921. Will you quit being a bitch?
Those dates don't mean shit,
Copy !req
922. and you know it.
Copy !req
923. You—you're a fucking asshole.
Copy !req
924. Hey, a'ight, man.
Copy !req
925. No problem.
Copy !req
926. All good.
Copy !req
927. Got plenty other cooks
out there
Copy !req
928. willing to take this off
my hands for...
Copy !req
929. oh, half what they usually pay
for their bulk items.
Copy !req
930. Charge their boss
the same amount,
Copy !req
931. and guess what?
They just pocket the rest.
Copy !req
932. Uh-huh.
You interested now.
Copy !req
933. Ah, there you go.
Copy !req
934. Hmm.
Copy !req
935. All right.
Copy !req
936. There you go, Framingham.
Copy !req
937. Oh, gee, thanks.
Copy !req
938. Pretty boy.
Copy !req
939. Thanks.
Copy !req
940. Hey, uh, you want to get
a couple of drinks,
Copy !req
941. piss away our paychecks?
Copy !req
942. Ah, not tonight.
Thank you.
Copy !req
943. All right, suit yourself.
Copy !req
944. Yeah.
Copy !req
945. Hey, George.
Hey, wait up.
Copy !req
946. What's going on?
Copy !req
947. Who do I talk to about
a mistake with my paycheck?
Copy !req
948. Oh, let me see this.
Copy !req
949. What's the mistake?
Copy !req
950. Look at here.
It says I worked 39 hours.
Copy !req
951. I worked 45.
I should be getting overtime.
Copy !req
952. Yeah, that's what they do.
They dock you for lunch,
Copy !req
953. the time it takes
to go to the head,
Copy !req
954. anything to keep it
under 40 hours.
Copy !req
955. - You serious?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
956. That way, they don't have
to give you benefits.
Copy !req
957. - They get away with that?
- They do.
Copy !req
958. Oh, even at 39 hours,
the money's not adding up.
Copy !req
959. Ah, dude, they take out
all kinds of crap.
Copy !req
960. Locker fees, safety vests,
you name it.
Copy !req
961. It's usually about four months
Copy !req
962. before you're even getting
a full paycheck.
Copy !req
963. Welcome to a working man's
America, Kemosabe.
Copy !req
964. Yo, Gallagher,
how'd it go today?
Copy !req
965. Damn, what happened to you?
Copy !req
966. Broke his cop cherry.
Copy !req
967. Best day of my life.
Kicked so much ass.
Copy !req
968. - Jesus.
- Senior officers
Copy !req
969. are taking us to the cop bar
across the street.
Copy !req
970. Celebrate you tadpoles
becoming real women.
Copy !req
971. Hell yeah.
I'm in.
Copy !req
972. Hey, you not coming?
Copy !req
973. Gotta see the fam.
Copy !req
974. Yeah, don't even bother
with Lady Arthur over there.
Copy !req
975. He's allergic to fun.
Copy !req
976. Hurry up and get changed,
Copy !req
977. Meet us over there.
Copy !req
978. I suggest you get
some rest, Carl.
Copy !req
979. Hey, why would I get
some rest?
Copy !req
980. We didn't do shit today.
All we did was rest.
Copy !req
981. I wanted to have
an action-packed day
Copy !req
982. like Yanez did,
Copy !req
983. not sing along to Eminem.
Copy !req
984. A security guard would've had
more fun than we did.
Copy !req
985. But I put up with it.
Know why?
Copy !req
986. Because you said we gotta have
each other's backs,
Copy !req
987. be a united front.
I was bored shitless today.
Copy !req
988. I don't care, 'cause I wanna be
the best partner that I can be.
Copy !req
989. So the least you can do
is walk across that street
Copy !req
990. and buy me a damn drink.
Copy !req
991. All right, partner.
One drink.
Copy !req
992. Damn.
Copy !req
993. Your partner seems pretty wild.
Copy !req
994. Yeah, first I've seen that.
Copy !req
995. Oh, shit.
I think he's married.
Copy !req
996. Oh, that's okay.
Tina doesn't care.
Copy !req
997. So first day, huh?
Copy !req
998. Yeah.
What do you do?
Copy !req
999. I'm over
at the leather factory.
Copy !req
1000. Mm.
Like coats and stuff?
Copy !req
1001. No, not as glamorous.
Copy !req
1002. We make bullet bags
and rifle slings.
Copy !req
1003. It sucks.
I stink like cow shit
Copy !req
1004. and chemicals all the time.
Smell me.
Copy !req
1005. Uh, well...
Copy !req
1006. Yeah, smell—
smells great to me.
Copy !req
1007. Aw, you're sweet.
Copy !req
1008. If I'm still at the factory
in five years,
Copy !req
1009. I give you permission
to shoot me.
Copy !req
1010. Okay.
Copy !req
1011. No, seriously.
Copy !req
1012. Take that big old gun of yours
and shoot me.
Copy !req
1013. And what would you rather
be doing instead?
Copy !req
1014. Mm, marry a cop,
Copy !req
1015. be his wife,
Copy !req
1016. have a bunch of his kids.
Copy !req
1017. Uh...
Copy !req
1018. Don't worry, bunny.
We're just having fun.
Copy !req
1019. So why'd you want to be po-po?
Copy !req
1020. Um, you know,
make a difference,
Copy !req
1021. do something for the community,
Copy !req
1022. be a part of the solution.
Copy !req
1023. - Uh, when I was a kid—
- Wanna fuck?
Copy !req
1024. - Wait, what?
- Come on.
Copy !req
1025. Okay.
Copy !req
1026. Oh, leave it.
We'll be right back.
Copy !req
1027. Your place close?
Copy !req
1028. Yeah, but we're not
going there.
Copy !req
1029. Me and my ex
still live together.
Copy !req
1030. Randy, guard our drinks.
Copy !req
1031. Let's go.
Copy !req
1032. Where are you guys going?
Copy !req
1033. Bathroom.
Come with?
Copy !req
1034. - Want to?
- No.
Copy !req
1035. Yes.
Copy !req
1036. I can't believe we sold
all that product in one day.
Copy !req
1037. Ye of little faith.
Copy !req
1038. No one even flinched
at the high prices.
Copy !req
1039. Guys, weed is in my blood,
Copy !req
1040. literally and figuratively.
Copy !req
1041. I know the business
inside and out.
Copy !req
1042. Guess you were right, Frank.
Copy !req
1043. I don't hear that often enough.
Copy !req
1044. We made $3,400.
Copy !req
1045. - What?
- Course we did.
Copy !req
1046. Mm, mm, mm,
that's $1,133 apiece.
Copy !req
1047. Take your pile.
Copy !req
1048. Oh, it's been lovely
doing business with you.
Copy !req
1049. Shall we do it again tomorrow?
Copy !req
1050. I don't see why not.
Copy !req
1051. Until our suppliers
are back up and running, sure.
Copy !req
1052. Excellent.
Copy !req
1053. I shall see you
bright and early...
Copy !req
1054. and by that, I mean noon.
Copy !req
1055. And I liked helping you out
Copy !req
1056. with your emergency,
Copy !req
1057. but the trial run is over.
Copy !req
1058. From this point
going forward,
Copy !req
1059. the cut will be 60/40.
I'm the 60.
Copy !req
1060. - Seems fair to me.
- No way.
Copy !req
1061. I got the raw materials.
I did the manufacturing.
Copy !req
1062. You were simply the retail.
Copy !req
1063. Toodle-oo.
Copy !req
1064. And whatever you guys
are going through,
Copy !req
1065. you gotta kiss and make up.
Copy !req
1066. Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Copy !req
1067. Feel good, baby?
Copy !req
1068. I feel—yes,
baby feels very good.
Copy !req
1069. Hey, can you guys keep it down
in there, please?
Copy !req
1070. Yeah, yeah,
sure, bud.
Copy !req
1071. My—my legs
are kind of getting wobbly.
Copy !req
1072. If you put one foot
up on the toilet,
Copy !req
1073. it usually works better.
Copy !req
1074. Oh, wow,
what are you doing to me?
Copy !req
1075. Want me to stop, Arthur?
Copy !req
1076. No, no, no.
Copy !req
1077. There you go.
That's better, right?
Copy !req
1078. I guess.
I'm a little distracted,
Copy !req
1079. but I'm fine.
Copy !req
1080. You get used
to these close quarters.
Copy !req
1081. - You've done this before?
- Yeah, dozens of times.
Copy !req
1082. Oh.
Copy !req
1083. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.
Copy !req
1084. Okay, I gotta stop.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1085. This is getting
a little weird.
Copy !req
1086. - Really?
Copy !req
1087. What the hell?
What's going on in there?
Copy !req
1088. I think he's dead.
Copy !req
1089. My vagina killed him.
Copy !req
1090. Whoa.
Copy !req
1091. Fuck, Arthur.
Copy !req
1092. Shit.
Copy !req
1093. Another mom said her kid
can't come to the party.
Copy !req
1094. It might have something to do
with your ankle bracelet, babe.
Copy !req
1095. Well, whatever.
That's too bad.
Copy !req
1096. We don't need
Franny's school friends.
Copy !req
1097. We'll still have fun.
Copy !req
1098. Okay, everybody grab
your song lyrics.
Copy !req
1099. It's time to sing
the princess song.
Copy !req
1100. Kay, Franny.
Copy !req
1101. Sit right here.
Copy !req
1102. Okay.
Copy !req
1103. One, two, three.
Copy !req
1104. Ho, ho, ho!
Happy birthday, Franny.
Copy !req
1105. Look what I bought you.
These are from me, okay?
Copy !req
1106. Only me, your favorite uncle.
Copy !req
1107. - Yay, guns!
- Guns!
Copy !req
1108. That is not
a princess gift.
Copy !req
1109. - Tough titties.
- Let's play!
Copy !req
1110. You got it, kid.
Copy !req
1111. Okay, shoot!
Copy !req
1112. - No, no, Uncle Mickey!
- Sorry, Debs.
Copy !req
1113. - No, no, go ahead,
go ahead, shoot me—
Copy !req
1114. I'm gonna get you!
Copy !req
1115. Blow my brains out,
kid. Come on.
Copy !req
1116. - Okay, okay.
- Go ahead.
Copy !req
1117. I got you,
you're dead! I shot you!
Copy !req
1118. - Yeah.
- Watch your step.
Copy !req
1119. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
1120. I'm really sorry again, sir,
that you had a heart attack.
Copy !req
1121. You know,
I somehow feel responsible.
Copy !req
1122. Maybe you shouldn't had
all those pitchers of beer.
Copy !req
1123. Well, back at it again
in the morning, right, sir?
Copy !req
1124. Or maybe not.
Copy !req
1125. Oh, God.
Copy !req
1126. I ate too much cake.
Copy !req
1127. Oh, yeah, I didn't go anywhere
near that pink frosting shit.
Copy !req
1128. Hey, what kind of party
you think Fred's gonna want
Copy !req
1129. when he's older?
Copy !req
1130. A Terminator party.
Copy !req
1131. Why?
Is that what you wanted
Copy !req
1132. when you were a kid?
Copy !req
1133. - Yeah?
- Maybe.
Copy !req
1134. Hey!
Yo, hey, whoa!
Copy !req
1135. Whoa, what the hell?
Copy !req
1136. Marsha?
Copy !req
1137. Lip.
Copy !req
1138. What, you fucked up
our house before?
Copy !req
1139. The three of us.
Copy !req
1140. Why?
Copy !req
1141. You're making your house
look too good.
Copy !req
1142. So?
Copy !req
1143. Our property tax will go up.
Copy !req
1144. What, because we planted
a couple flowers?
Copy !req
1145. And put in new windows
and mulch,
Copy !req
1146. cleaned up the trash.
Copy !req
1147. People are gonna wanna do
the same as you.
Copy !req
1148. White folk will drive
around the city
Copy !req
1149. looking for a new place
to live,
Copy !req
1150. never imagine themselves
down here.
Copy !req
1151. Then they see your house,
call the realtors.
Copy !req
1152. Rent will go up.
Copy !req
1153. Property tax.
Copy !req
1154. We've been here
our whole lives,
Copy !req
1155. and now we're being pushed out.
Copy !req
1156. Where will we go then?
Copy !req
1157. Franny did not like her party.
Copy !req
1158. Yeah, not so much.
Copy !req
1159. You were right.
I mean...
Copy !req
1160. I only did this for myself.
Copy !req
1161. I just—I always dreamed
of having a princess party
Copy !req
1162. as a kid.
Copy !req
1163. I'm sorry, babes.
Copy !req
1164. Not that I would do it
differently or anything.
Copy !req
1165. Really?
Copy !req
1166. I mean, fuck no.
It's like,
Copy !req
1167. Franny's only five.
Copy !req
1168. It's not like
she's gonna remember
Copy !req
1169. any of this shit.
Copy !req
1170. Even if she does,
a little bit of disappointment
Copy !req
1171. is good for her.
Copy !req
1172. I mean, I would do anything
for that kid, but...
Copy !req
1173. sometimes I just...
Copy !req
1174. it's gotta be about me.
Copy !req
1175. Wow, it gets sketchy here
at night.
Copy !req
1176. Yeah, we should probably
go home.
Copy !req
1177. She's down there.
Come on.
Copy !req
1178. - You sure about this?
- Fuck Frank.
Copy !req
1179. Why should we give him
2/3 of our money?
Copy !req
1180. 'Cause he's our partner.
Copy !req
1181. We can do everything he did.
Copy !req
1182. I'm not sure I can make
those pineapple lollipops.
Copy !req
1183. Go, ask.
Copy !req
1184. Hey, um, how you doing?
Copy !req
1185. We're looking
to, um, buy some weed—
Copy !req
1186. ganja, smoke, marijuana.
Copy !req
1187. - Kev...
- I know you?
Copy !req
1188. - No.
- Yeah, you do.
Copy !req
1189. Our friend was here earlier.
Copy !req
1190. I should say our partner.
Frank Gallagher?
Copy !req
1191. Sorry, I don't got nothing.
Copy !req
1192. What, seriously?
Copy !req
1193. You know anyone else
who's selling?
Copy !req
1194. Nope.
Copy !req
1195. Come on,
how's that possible?
Copy !req
1196. That's because I bought it all
from her...
Copy !req
1197. with my earnings from today.
Copy !req
1198. - Hey, Frank!
- Hey.
Copy !req
1199. I wanted to get a jump start
on tomorrow's work.
Copy !req
1200. Little did I know my partners
Copy !req
1201. would be going behind my back.
Copy !req
1202. Just for the record,
I was hesitant about this.
Copy !req
1203. I think from now on,
Copy !req
1204. our cut's gonna be 70/30.
Copy !req
1205. I'm the 70.
Copy !req
1206. Guess the interview
didn't go so good?
Copy !req
1207. Nah.
I don't do normal.
Copy !req
1208. It's boring as fuck, man.
Copy !req
1209. I don't want to end up
a monkey like you anyway.
Copy !req
1210. Just trying to be
a mature adult.
Copy !req
1211. That's all.
Copy !req
1212. Well...
Copy !req
1213. I, uh, like doing things
my way.
Copy !req
1214. So we gonna fuck, or what?
Copy !req
1215. Nope.
Copy !req
1216. You didn't get a real job.
Copy !req
1217. Fine by me, man.
See if I care.
Copy !req
1218. In fact,
Copy !req
1219. I might just jerk off
with all my money.
Copy !req
1220. Yeah.
Come here, guys.
Copy !req
1221. Mm...
Copy !req
1222. Mm, mm, yeah.
Copy !req
1223. Ooh, yeah, come here.
Copy !req
1224. Suck that dick,
Benjamin Franklin.
Copy !req
1225. Come on now.
Copy !req
1226. Got a little three-way with—
whoever the fuck that is.
Copy !req
1227. Mm, mm.
Yeah, you like that?
Copy !req
1228. What if we, uh, add—
Copy !req
1229. hey, fuck off,
George Washington,
Copy !req
1230. cheap-ass motherfucker.
Copy !req
1231. Oh, I like that.
Copy !req
1232. Uh-huh, keep going.
Copy !req
1233. God, money really does
buy happiness, huh?
Copy !req
1234. We really have to do this?
Copy !req
1235. Yes, we have to maintain
a negative curb appeal.
Copy !req
1236. But I love our house.
Copy !req
1237. Hey, me too.
I wanna stay in it
Copy !req
1238. with you and Fred forever.
Copy !req
1239. Well,
Copy !req
1240. what do you think?
Copy !req
1241. Nice.
Copy !req
1242. How about mine?
Copy !req
1243. Wow.
Copy !req
1244. That's perfect.
You did good
Copy !req
1245. for the neighborhood, babe.
Copy !req
1246. Anything to help our family.
Copy !req
1247. Even a giant squirting penis.
Copy !req
1248. Exactly.
Copy !req
1249. Muah.
Copy !req