1. How the hell'd
you get in here?
Copy !req
2. Hey, I'm not gonna tell you
Copy !req
3. what happened last week
on Shameless, all right?
Copy !req
4. Go look it up
on goddamn Wikipedia.
Copy !req
5. I don't want you
to sell the house.
Copy !req
6. Me, Ian, Carl, Liam—
we're movin' out.
Copy !req
7. I want Franny
to have what I had.
Copy !req
8. I want her to grow up
with family.
Copy !req
9. How about this one?
It's got a heated pool,
Copy !req
10. - gym, garden.
It's on the fuckin'
Copy !req
11. - West Side.
Can we just talk
Copy !req
12. to the lady,
take a look at the lease?
Copy !req
13. I'm not moving here.
Copy !req
14. Signed the lease.
Copy !req
15. - You did what?
- It'll be good for us, Mick.
Copy !req
16. Hey, who's that?
Copy !req
17. The landlord. He's the guy
who called this in.
Copy !req
18. Need you to step out
the vehicle, sir.
Copy !req
19. - Ha ha ha. What?
- I said,
Copy !req
20. - step out of the vehicle!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
21. Hey, you gotta be kidding me.
Hey, get off of me, man!
Copy !req
22. I'm arresting you for
assaulting a police officer.
Copy !req
23. You and your fancy S-Class
and shiny shoes
Copy !req
24. are goin' down!
Copy !req
25. Kev and V
are still in Louisville
Copy !req
26. helping V's mom settle in.
Copy !req
27. I accidentally
got a bartending job.
Copy !req
28. I maybe got offered
a job today, too.
Copy !req
29. We should sell the Alibi,
move down here, and make bank.
Copy !req
30. If you weren't all
Mr. Fuckin' Fix It,
Copy !req
31. I wouldn't be movin'
to the goddamn West Side.
Copy !req
32. What the fuck are you gonna do?
Copy !req
33. Mama's really gonna miss
her family.
Copy !req
34. - You have dementia.
- Have you all talked about
Copy !req
35. what to do with me
when it gets bad?
Copy !req
36. No. But it'll probably
be up to me to figure it out.
Copy !req
37. Who else is gonna do it?
They all hate you.
Copy !req
38. Right.
Copy !req
39. Don't look so glum, kid.
Copy !req
40. Everybody dies sooner or later.
Copy !req
41. I lived a good life.
Copy !req
42. I got to live it my way.
Copy !req
43. What do you think?
Copy !req
44. It's perfect.
Copy !req
45. Shit.
Copy !req
46. - Stupid fuckin' moon.
Copy !req
47. Last call, guys.
Copy !req
48. Another round
of appletinis, please.
Copy !req
49. Give me your keys
or at least call an Uber.
Copy !req
50. I'm good, I'm goo—
I'm fine.
Copy !req
51. Yeah, gluten-free.
Copy !req
52. Oh, for health.
They smell really good, right?
Copy !req
53. Bars are closing.
Let's go have an after-party.
Copy !req
54. Okay. All right.
Copy !req
55. Fuckin' West Side.
Copy !req
56. Hey.
Copy !req
57. Hey.
Copy !req
58. - Thought you moved out.
- Go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
59. - Mornin'.
Copy !req
60. You stay up all night again?
Copy !req
61. Indeed, I have, Officer.
Copy !req
62. Yeah, I'm an officer,
but what does that even mean?
Copy !req
63. All I see is lazy cops
who do nothing
Copy !req
64. or hard-ass cops who don't give
a shit about the community.
Copy !req
65. It's like I don't wanna be
either one of those,
Copy !req
66. so what's the point?
Copy !req
67. What?
Copy !req
68. - Nothing. Never mind.
- No, no.
Copy !req
69. Look, I'm sorry, man,
I do, I wanna listen to you,
Copy !req
70. but could we do it
another time?
Copy !req
71. My brain can't switch gears
right now.
Copy !req
72. - That's fine.
Copy !req
73. Jesus—loud!
Copy !req
74. Yeah, well, I gotta try
and get this finished.
Copy !req
75. I wanna list the house
by the end of the week.
Copy !req
76. Great. Can't wait
to get kicked out soon.
Copy !req
77. We still having
this conversation?
Copy !req
78. Are you still uprooting
my daughter and I
Copy !req
79. from the only home
we've ever known?
Copy !req
80. No, No. I'm selling our home
Copy !req
81. so everybody
can have a nest egg
Copy !req
82. and buy their own homes.
Copy !req
83. Whatever.
I'll still be all alone.
Copy !req
84. Then go find somebody
to be with.
Copy !req
85. It's not that easy!
I suck at relationships.
Copy !req
86. I can't take care of you
anymore, Debs.
Copy !req
87. Of course not.
Copy !req
88. Look, I got my own family
to worry about.
Copy !req
89. - So do I!
- We're adults now, okay?
Copy !req
90. This is what adults do.
They move on, all right?
Copy !req
91. Guess I'll go off and find some
random old person to marry.
Copy !req
92. - You should do that.
Copy !req
93. - I'll be out of your hair
soon enough—don't worry.
Copy !req
94. Fuck.
Copy !req
95. Ohh—gross!
Copy !req
96. Ew! Ass fuck.
Copy !req
97. You shit yourself, Frank.
Copy !req
98. What the fuck?
Copy !req
99. Frank.
- I just shat the bed
Copy !req
100. and pissed myself.
Copy !req
101. - Ew!
- I'm lost.
Copy !req
102. Spent. Used up.
Copy !req
103. - You're just being dramatic.
- I'm hopelessly wandering
Copy !req
104. in a world I don't recognize.
Copy !req
105. It's just
a bad morning for you.
Copy !req
106. Happens to the best of them.
Copy !req
107. What are you doing today?
Copy !req
108. Uh... nothing.
Copy !req
109. Me neither.
Copy !req
110. Let's have some fun.
Copy !req
111. - I don't feel like it.
- Come on.
Copy !req
112. It's like you used to
always tell me.
Copy !req
113. Either you run the day,
or the day runs you.
Copy !req
114. I said that?
Copy !req
115. Just get in the shower.
Copy !req
116. We're gonna do
some Frank things.
Copy !req
117. Frank things?
Copy !req
118. Yeah.
Copy !req
119. Drinking, scamming—
you know, Frank things.
Copy !req
120. Okay.
Copy !req
121. Hey, morning.
Copy !req
122. Hey.
Copy !req
123. Where you been?
Copy !req
124. I, uh, just woke up early,
went for a walk.
Copy !req
125. Oh.
Copy !req
126. I slept great last night.
Copy !req
127. The moon's really fuckin'
bright over here.
Copy !req
128. I'm pretty sure
it's the same everywhere.
Copy !req
129. I... guess so.
Copy !req
130. You wanna check out
the amenities in this place?
Copy !req
131. I'm gonna get
some laundry done.
Copy !req
132. Sure you don't wanna
hit up the gym...
Copy !req
133. go for a little dip
in the pool after?
Copy !req
134. No. I wanna check to see
Copy !req
135. when our furniture's
gettin' here.
Copy !req
136. Meet up after, then.
Copy !req
137. Yeah, sure.
Not goin' anywhere.
Copy !req
138. Okay. Yeah, good.
Copy !req
139. I'm glad we rented this place.
Copy !req
140. Carl, morning.
Copy !req
141. Beiser's husband
made pound cake.
Copy !req
142. It's in the break room.
Grab some before it's gone.
Copy !req
143. Or I could just eat
the crumbs off your vest.
Copy !req
144. Mm? Oopsy-doopsy.
Copy !req
145. Got a dog at home, eats up
all the crumbs on the floor.
Copy !req
146. Know what we call her?
Copy !req
147. Um... Hoover?
Copy !req
148. Oh, my God, that would
have been genius.
Copy !req
149. No, her name's Millie.
Copy !req
150. Gallagher.
Copy !req
151. Sergeant Stamps.
Copy !req
152. Need you to apologize
to Mr. McManus, Carl.
Copy !req
153. That the guy with
the Merce-Benz?
Copy !req
154. He's filing a
brutality claim against you.
Copy !req
155. - Me? What? Why?
- I'm gonna go with
Copy !req
156. door number two—slamming
the guy against his car.
Copy !req
157. This can all go away.
Copy !req
158. Say a few words, "I'm sorry,"
blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
159. Seriously?
- Most likely,
Copy !req
160. he'll drop the claim.
Copy !req
161. - It'll save the department 50K.
So what?
Copy !req
162. Every time someone complains,
Copy !req
163. we just apologize
and it goes away?
Copy !req
164. If the person's a rich a-hole
with an attorney.
Copy !req
165. Ready?
Copy !req
166. You got this, Carl.
Copy !req
167. Mr. McManus,
Copy !req
168. Officer Gallagher
has something to say to you.
Copy !req
169. Excuse me
if I don't, uh, do a jig.
Copy !req
170. I got two dislocated discs
in my neck, thanks to you.
Copy !req
171. I'm very sorry about that, sir.
Copy !req
172. I was out of line,
and it won't happen again.
Copy !req
173. Well, I hope we can all
put this behind us.
Copy !req
174. Officer Gallagher,
you may go back to work now.
Copy !req
175. Thank you, ma'am.
Copy !req
176. That's it?
You're gonna let him
Copy !req
177. - get off that easily?
Gallagher, hold up.
Copy !req
178. I'm a victim here.
Copy !req
179. Yes. Yes, you are, sir.
Copy !req
180. I was simply double-parked
in front of my building,
Copy !req
181. and you slammed my body
up against my car.
Copy !req
182. I'm sorry about that.
Copy !req
183. Well, now I know
Copy !req
184. how every Black person
in America feels.
Copy !req
185. Did you actually
just say that?
Copy !req
186. Say what?
That you, a privileged
Copy !req
187. piece of shit who evicts people
from their apartments
Copy !req
188. can relate to how
Black people feel,
Copy !req
189. who are literally murdered
Copy !req
190. at the hands
of the police department?
Copy !req
191. Well, yes, as a matter of fact,
Copy !req
192. - I do relate to them.
No, stop.
Copy !req
193. I was fine apologizing
to your entitled ass
Copy !req
194. to make this all go away,
Copy !req
195. but I can't play this game
Copy !req
196. I spent the last few months
trying to figure out
Copy !req
197. what kind of cop I wanna be,
Copy !req
198. and I'll say this,
Sergeant Stamps:
Copy !req
199. I haven't met a lot of
good role models here.
Copy !req
200. - Why don't we regroup and—
- But this jagoff
Copy !req
201. made me realize what
kind of cop I wanna be now.
Copy !req
202. I'm not sure
you'll have much of a choice
Copy !req
203. - at this point.
- I wanna be the type a cop
Copy !req
204. who stands up for those
who don't have a voice—
Copy !req
205. the lost, the forgotten.
Copy !req
206. They deserve a fair share,
Copy !req
207. even if that means rich pricks
like you, Mr. McManus,
Copy !req
208. have to pay the price
Copy !req
209. in order to rebalance
the scales of justice.
Copy !req
210. So, with that being said,
Copy !req
211. I take my apology back.
Copy !req
212. Mm-hmm.
I'll see you in court, dickwad.
Copy !req
213. Gallagher.
Copy !req
214. Last piece of pound cake!
Copy !req
215. Goin' once, goin' twice,
Copy !req
216. sold to Arthur Tipping.
Copy !req
217. All right.
All the way down.
Copy !req
218. All the way down.
Copy !req
219. Hope I don't see
you here again.
Copy !req
220. I ain't never comin'
back to this shithole.
Copy !req
221. Then don't try to
kill no more cops or nothin'.
Copy !req
222. I'll see what I can do
about that.
Copy !req
223. Really didn't think I was gonna
like it there that much,
Copy !req
224. but everybody's
so friendly and nice.
Copy !req
225. How can Louisville be nice
Copy !req
226. if they don't even have
pro sports teams?
Copy !req
227. They have good college B-ball.
Copy !req
228. - That doesn't count.
Copy !req
229. It happened.
Copy !req
230. Oh, fuck, please don't tell me
Copy !req
231. that that picture with me
with a turtleneck
Copy !req
232. - resurfaced on the Internet.
- I don't know about that.
Copy !req
233. But the money came through,
deposited into our account.
Copy !req
234. Look.
Copy !req
235. Holy shit.
Copy !req
236. - That's a lot of numbers.
- Eighty large!
Copy !req
237. - How'd ya score that?
- We sold our house.
Copy !req
238. You got $80,000
for that piece of shit?
Copy !req
239. Actually, we got $175,000.
Copy !req
240. - What?
Copy !req
241. But we had to pay off
the bank loan.
Copy !req
242. How'd ya sell it so fast?
Copy !req
243. Developer left us a note
on our door
Copy !req
244. sayin' she wanted to buy it.
Copy !req
245. It's official.
We're movin' to Louisville.
Copy !req
246. Holy shit, it's official.
We're movin' to Louisville.
Copy !req
247. Are we really doin' this, V?
Copy !req
248. Of course we're really
doin' it.
Copy !req
249. - You sellin' the bar, too?
I guess so.
Copy !req
250. - Absolutely.
- And everything in it, V?
Copy !req
251. I mean, what about this?
What about Hulu Lamp Girl?
Copy !req
252. I love her.
Copy !req
253. You didn't even know
she was here, Kev.
Copy !req
254. I knew exactly where she—
Copy !req
255. No! Hulu Lamp Girl!
Copy !req
256. Hey, you guys.
Copy !req
257. Hey. We sold our house.
Copy !req
258. Wait. What?
Copy !req
259. Yeah, they're gonna
become college basketball fans.
Copy !req
260. Hey, Tommy,
don't ever say that again.
Copy !req
261. We're movin' to Louisville.
Copy !req
262. No! Why is everybody
leaving me?
Copy !req
263. Oh, you can come visit.
Copy !req
264. We're gonna have plenty of room
in our new house.
Copy !req
265. Why do you guys have
such a good relationship?
Copy !req
266. - We work on it.
- Sex.
Copy !req
267. I can't even find a partner.
Copy !req
268. Kev, what's wrong with me?
Copy !req
269. Uh...
Copy !req
270. Never ask a guy that question.
Copy !req
271. There is nothin'
wrong with you.
Copy !req
272. Not true.
Copy !req
273. Everybody I've ever dated
has treated me like shit.
Copy !req
274. That's because
you treat yourself like shit.
Copy !req
275. You have to love yourself
Copy !req
276. before anyone else
is gonna love you.
Copy !req
277. Cute.
And total bullshit.
Copy !req
278. - No, it isn't.
- It is.
Copy !req
279. That's just what people say
when they can't find a partner.
Copy !req
280. - Where are you goin'?
Copy !req
281. Find somebody who can
give me a better answer.
Copy !req
282. Spare some change.
Copy !req
283. Any little bit will help.
Copy !req
284. - Please.
Copy !req
285. Anything will help.
Copy !req
286. - Spare change, please!
Get out of the street!
Copy !req
287. Spare change.
Help me feed my family.
Copy !req
288. We're homeless.
Copy !req
289. Hey, Frank, isn't this is fun?
Copy !req
290. Yeah.
Copy !req
291. Yo, yo, yo, yo!
Copy !req
292. What are you fellas doin'?
Gonna get smushed!
Copy !req
293. Wait, wh-who is this?
Oh, what's goin' on?
Copy !req
294. Name's Lester.
I'm not gonna hurt ya.
Copy !req
295. Did he say Chester?
Copy !req
296. Lester.
Copy !req
297. You were out in the middle
of the street.
Copy !req
298. Here, take this.
Copy !req
299. Promise me
you'll go home now.
Copy !req
300. C-can I lead you
in the right direction?
Copy !req
301. Twenty bucks is not gonna
cut it—we got bills to pay.
Copy !req
302. How'd ya know it was a 20?
Copy !req
303. I have a keen sense of—
Copy !req
304. My father has partial vision
in his left eye.
Copy !req
305. Come on, son, we gotta
go get some more money.
Copy !req
306. - Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Copy !req
307. Aw, jeez.
Here's a hundy.
Copy !req
308. Is this enough to keep you guys
out of traffic?
Copy !req
309. Uh...
Copy !req
310. - yes, it is.
Copy !req
311. Great. Now, please, go home.
Copy !req
312. Stay safe!
Copy !req
313. Well, that was fun.
Copy !req
314. Hey, let's go spend some money.
Copy !req
315. How's it goin'?
Copy !req
316. This treadmill taken?
Copy !req
317. What?
Copy !req
318. Nothin'.
Copy !req
319. You just go back
to workin'
Copy !req
320. those ripped, sweaty abs.
Copy !req
321. Okay, let's see, uh...
Copy !req
322. cross-country running?
Copy !req
323. Sure.
Copy !req
324. Incline... five.
Copy !req
325. Speed... 20?
Copy !req
326. Okay.
Copy !req
327. Shit!
Copy !req
328. Never put the speed higher
than eight on these new ones.
Copy !req
329. - Thanks.
Copy !req
330. Virgin?
Copy !req
331. Only at fancy treadmills.
Copy !req
332. Just move in?
Copy !req
333. I did.
Copy !req
334. Think you'll like it here.
Copy !req
335. I think I will, too.
Copy !req
336. Me and my ripped, sweaty abs
Copy !req
337. will see ya around some time.
Copy !req
338. Shitty-ass moon.
Copy !req
339. Eh. Looks good.
Copy !req
340. Morning!
- Jesus!
Copy !req
341. Or is it afternoon already?
Copy !req
342. Your dog's wearing a diaper.
Copy !req
343. Miss Suzannah.
She's a breeding dog.
Copy !req
344. It's her time of the month.
Copy !req
345. That's fuckin' weird.
Hey, you know where
Copy !req
346. I can find the laundry
in this shithole?
Copy !req
347. You know, I couldn't help
but notice
Copy !req
348. that you just hanged
some sort of... curtain?
Copy !req
349. Sorry. Who are you again?
Copy !req
350. Melanie Runkin,
on-site manager.
Copy !req
351. We met after your husband
signed the lease.
Copy !req
352. From the South Side, right?
Copy !req
353. - What about it?
- They probably do things
Copy !req
354. differently down there, but
here at the Arlington Grove,
Copy !req
355. we have a...
a whites-only policy.
Copy !req
356. That's some racist-ass shit.
Copy !req
357. - I'm talking about curtains.
- Oh.
Copy !req
358. You can read the guidelines
in the CCNRs.
Copy !req
359. - Come on, Miss Suzannah.
- The CCN what?
Copy !req
360. Bye!
Copy !req
361. Poor fucking dog.
Copy !req
362. It's about
1,600 square feet,
Copy !req
363. not counting
the back storage area.
Copy !req
364. Two blocks away from the El.
Copy !req
365. Kev, we're not keeping
those things.
Copy !req
366. Yes, we are!
Copy !req
367. Okay? Yes.
Copy !req
368. That would be great.
Copy !req
369. All right, I'll see you there.
Copy !req
370. That was our commercial
real-estate agent.
Copy !req
371. He's coming by
to check out the Alibi.
Copy !req
372. He said it should sell
pretty easily.
Copy !req
373. That's our cue to go.
Copy !req
374. What? Why?
Copy !req
375. If you're selling, we need to
start dating other bars.
Copy !req
376. We gotta find our new home.
Copy !req
377. Wait, so th-that's it?
You're just leavin' us?
Copy !req
378. See ya.
Copy !req
379. V, we need to slow down
a little bit here.
Copy !req
380. We are moving forward.
Copy !req
381. All of this
is in our rearview mirror!
Copy !req
382. Not mine!
Copy !req
383. Yo. What up?
Copy !req
384. - Hey, I'm glad to see you.
- Hey, yeah, I, uh, came by
Copy !req
385. to grab the sink
from Stan's old apartment?
Copy !req
386. You guys said I could
have it for the remodel?
Copy !req
387. Yeah, yeah, come on.
I'm really glad you're here.
Copy !req
388. I... I need a guy chat
right now, I'm—
Copy !req
389. I-I need some support.
Copy !req
390. Well, I'm kind of pressed
for time—can it wait?
Copy !req
391. Not really.
Copy !req
392. Hey, Lip.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
393. You can ransack our place.
Take whatever you need.
Copy !req
394. - What do you mean?
- We sold our house.
Copy !req
395. Wait, wait, wait—you what?
Copy !req
396. Uh-huh. Yeah.
Copy !req
397. We did.
Copy !req
398. I'm just hearin'
about this now?
Copy !req
399. Well, that's what
I wanted to talk to you about.
Copy !req
400. You know? I'm feeling
a little unmoored here.
Copy !req
401. You guys didn't even do
any renovations.
Copy !req
402. No, buyers are just gonna
knock it down.
Copy !req
403. Fuck me.
Who is this person?
Copy !req
404. Developer.
Left a note in our door.
Copy !req
405. I'm sure she left one
in yours, too.
Copy !req
406. They wanna buy three houses
on the block.
Copy !req
407. You serious? I been bustin' my
ass to fix the place to sell,
Copy !req
408. and you guys get an offer
just like that?
Copy !req
409. 175 large.
Copy !req
410. Shit.
Copy !req
411. - You still got that note?
- I should. Let me check.
Copy !req
412. Hey, Lip?
Copy !req
413. - Lip.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
414. Guy chat? Kitchen sink?
Copy !req
415. Yeah, shit, I'm sorry, Kev.
Copy !req
416. This is kind of a lot
for me to process right now.
Copy !req
417. - Yeah, how do ya think I feel?
- Ah, here it is.
Copy !req
418. Yeah.
Copy !req
419. All right, I'ma call her
right now.
Copy !req
420. And, Kev, I'll call you
later, all right?
Copy !req
421. Yeah, sure thing.
Great talk. Thanks.
Copy !req
422. Bye.
Copy !req
423. Fuck.
Copy !req
424. You guys aren't gonna be
my neighbors anymore.
Copy !req
425. Despite all of this
potentially turning
Copy !req
426. into a major lawsuit
for the department,
Copy !req
427. I was very inspired
by your speech.
Copy !req
428. Thank you, sir—
uh, ma'am.
Copy !req
429. Ha. Reminded me of why
I became a police officer
Copy !req
430. - in the first place.
- Really?
Copy !req
431. Your words—
mm, mm, mm—
Copy !req
432. brought a tear to my eye.
Copy !req
433. - Is that so?
- Yes.
Copy !req
434. It was beautiful.
But you made the wrong choice.
Copy !req
435. Went against the department.
Copy !req
436. So you're gonna fire me?
Copy !req
437. Oh, no, no, no, no.
I can't fire you.
Copy !req
438. Union won't let me.
But I can demote you.
Copy !req
439. - Demote me?
- Hmph.
Copy !req
440. Welcome to your new job,
Meter Maid Gallagher.
Copy !req
441. Ha ha.
Copy !req
442. Mmm.
Copy !req
443. Oh. Ahh.
Copy !req
444. I missed your fucking green
little leprechaun ass.
Copy !req
445. Jack-fuckin'-pot, baby.
Copy !req
446. Hey, Tami.
Copy !req
447. Hey.
We were just talking
Copy !req
448. about all the hair you grow
during a pregnancy.
Copy !req
449. Oh, God,
don't remind me.
Copy !req
450. whenever I would shave
my thighs,
Copy !req
451. it would grow back
the next day.
Copy !req
452. It was like I was
living in hair shorts.
Copy !req
453. Kids are a pain
in the ass.
Copy !req
454. Uh, what are you doin' here?
Need a haircut?
Copy !req
455. I need a life.
I'm trying to figure out
Copy !req
456. how to find a relationship
that lasts.
Copy !req
457. You single?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
458. Ooh, lucky!
Copy !req
459. No. I hate it.
Copy !req
460. Why?
Copy !req
461. I mean,
I don't want to be alone.
Copy !req
462. Well, I wish I were
Copy !req
463. Ooh, me too!
Copy !req
464. How can you guys say that?
Copy !req
465. Easier.
- Yeah, you get to make
Copy !req
466. all the decisions yourself.
Copy !req
467. Don't have to deal
with anybody else's baggage.
Copy !req
468. - Exactly.
Copy !req
469. I want someone
to share a life with.
Copy !req
470. I mean, I wanna
take care of someone.
Copy !req
471. I don't know, Debs.
Copy !req
472. I-it's possible
Copy !req
473. you might be alone
the rest of your life.
Copy !req
474. What the hell
is that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
475. I just mean that your parents
were really shitty role models.
Copy !req
476. Yeah, they were
pretty shitty.
Copy !req
477. Yeah. They didn't
teach you how to connect,
Copy !req
478. be vulnerable,
Copy !req
479. resolve conflict,
communicate, compromise.
Copy !req
480. Damn, that's some real talk!
Copy !req
481. I didn't even know those were
things I was supposed to do.
Copy !req
482. Yeah, and it's not your fault
Copy !req
483. that you don't know
those things.
Copy !req
484. Yeah. It's Frank's fault.
Copy !req
485. Yeah. It is.
Copy !req
486. I mean, he ruined love for me.
Copy !req
487. Thank you, doll.
Copy !req
488. See you soon, Frank.
Copy !req
489. Bye.
Copy !req
490. Sounds like everything
worked out okay
Copy !req
491. in the romance department.
Copy !req
492. I don't know about romance,
Copy !req
493. but I'm still
really good at fucking.
Copy !req
494. Frank Gallagher's still got it.
Copy !req
495. Mm.
Copy !req
496. Whoo.
Copy !req
497. Forgot your towel?
Copy !req
498. Yeah, I didn't even
think of it.
Copy !req
499. Here. We have extras.
They're clean.
Copy !req
500. - Thank you.
- We're in apartment 203.
Copy !req
501. Just bring it back some time.
Copy !req
502. Washed.
- Alan. Of course
Copy !req
503. he's gonna wash it
before he returns it.
Copy !req
504. I don't know—he didn't shower
before he jumped in the pool.
Copy !req
505. - Oh—
- Don't listen to him.
Copy !req
506. He's a stickler for rules.
Copy !req
507. - It's written right there.
- Sorry about that.
Copy !req
508. Didn't see it,
but won't happen again.
Copy !req
509. I promise, Alan.
Copy !req
510. I'll let it go this time.
Copy !req
511. - Thanks.
- You just move in?
Copy !req
512. I did. With my husband.
Copy !req
513. Here.
Copy !req
514. Sit, sit.
Copy !req
515. I'm Jill.
And Alan, of course.
Copy !req
516. - Ian.
So, Ian,
Copy !req
517. what do you do,
besides contaminate our pool?
Copy !req
518. Stop, Alan!
Copy !req
519. It has chlorine in it.
Copy !req
520. He's only joking with you.
Copy !req
521. That's okay, I don't mind.
Copy !req
522. I, uh, have actually
Copy !req
523. never lived in a place
like this before,
Copy !req
524. so this is all new to me.
Copy !req
525. I grew up on the South Side
my whole life.
Copy !req
526. Well, you're gonna love it
on the West Side.
Copy !req
527. There's so much to do
over here.
Copy !req
528. The restaurants, cafes...
Copy !req
529. yoga studios.
Copy !req
530. - Hey, buddy.
- Hey, what are you doin' here?
Copy !req
531. Came by to see how your first
day in the new job was.
Copy !req
532. I think I'm gonna like it—
Copy !req
533. drill on the street
and whatnot.
Copy !req
534. Finally feel like
I have a purpose.
Copy !req
535. Good for you.
Copy !req
536. What are you doin'
in that thing?
Copy !req
537. Sometimes I like to take it
for a little joy ride.
Copy !req
538. Usually people take out
a Landi or a 'Stang
Copy !req
539. for a joy ride.
Copy !req
540. Arthur Tipping takes out
the meter maid vehicle.
Copy !req
541. Hey, I know you don't think
I'm very adventurous.
Copy !req
542. - True statement.
- But I can prove you wrong.
Copy !req
543. How? You gonna steal a doughnut
from 7-Eleven?
Copy !req
544. Break up a fight
on a playground?
Copy !req
545. Talk too loud in church?
Copy !req
546. I happen to have
a very wild side.
Copy !req
547. Ha ha!
Copy !req
548. You know
the "Renegade" Challenge?
Copy !req
549. Yeah? What of it?
Copy !req
550. You and me, let's go.
Copy !req
551. We're officers of the law.
Copy !req
552. And I'm on duty.
Copy !req
553. What's that I hear?
You're a scared little pussy?
Copy !req
554. Bitch, you don't know
what you're talkin' about.
Copy !req
555. And you're not on TikTok.
Copy !req
556. Oh, ho ho.
Copy !req
557. That's my song!
Copy !req
558. Fuck you.
Copy !req
559. Watch and learn, nerd.
Copy !req
560. - Hey.
Copy !req
561. - You Lip?
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
562. - Hey, Flavia.
- Hi.
Copy !req
563. - Thanks for reaching out.
- Yeah, yeah, you got it.
Copy !req
564. So, uh, look, I got the note
you left on our door,
Copy !req
565. and, uh, the Balls said
you bought their house?
Copy !req
566. Oh, my boss did.
I'm just helpin' her out.
Copy !req
567. She's lookin' for three
houses in a row on this block,
Copy !req
568. and we just acquired that one.
Copy !req
569. Oh, the old Milkovich house.
Copy !req
570. So—so my house
would be the third.
Copy !req
571. If you're willin' to sell.
Copy !req
572. Could offer you 200K
for the land.
Copy !req
573. New development goin' up.
Copy !req
574. Oh, you're pushin' people
out, huh?
Copy !req
575. You know folks have lived
here for generations.
Copy !req
576. - Be unrecognizable soon.
- I got another appointment
Copy !req
577. in, uh, ten minutes, so...
Copy !req
578. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
579. I could, uh, send over
the paperwork for you to sign.
Copy !req
580. Money would be wired
into your account
Copy !req
581. in under two weeks.
Copy !req
582. Look, since I'm
the last man standing
Copy !req
583. and, uh, you need my house
to finish the project,
Copy !req
584. seems only fair
I get more than $200.
Copy !req
585. Well, how much you thinkin'?
Copy !req
586. I couldn't see myself selling
for less than $300.
Copy !req
587. We could, uh, probably
make $250 work.
Copy !req
588. Two seventy-five?
Copy !req
589. You drive a hard bargain,
Mr. Gallagher.
Copy !req
590. Let me talk to my boss.
Copy !req
591. Thank you.
Copy !req
592. Get out of the road, Grandma!
Copy !req
593. What the fu—
Copy !req
594. I can go faster than you
with my eyes closed
Copy !req
595. - and my dick in my hand.
- Yeah, very, very funny.
Copy !req
596. All right, nothin' to see.
Move along.
Copy !req
597. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
598. Please, please, please,
I'm right here, I'm right here.
Copy !req
599. Sorry. Meter's expired.
Copy !req
600. I know. I remembered
when I was already in line.
Copy !req
601. I didn't wanna leave
and lose my spot, man.
Copy !req
602. Come on, you know how long
it takes in the post office.
Copy !req
603. Look, I'm just doin'
my job, buddy.
Copy !req
604. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
605. How much is the ticket?
Copy !req
606. I got furloughed last week,
Copy !req
607. Hey, shit for brains,
better not ticket my car.
Copy !req
608. Seriously, have you nothing
better to do
Copy !req
609. than be a bottom-feeding
Copy !req
610. who can't make a living
any other way?
Copy !req
611. You know what?
You can go, son.
Copy !req
612. - What?
Copy !req
613. Seriously, no ticket for you.
Copy !req
614. - Seriously?
- Seriously.
Copy !req
615. I'm the type a cop
who gives the poor man a break
Copy !req
616. every single time,
no questions asked.
Copy !req
617. Okay, great.
Thank you.
Copy !req
618. However, as for you,
Copy !req
619. I'm going to make
people like you pay
Copy !req
620. every single time.
Copy !req
621. You rich fucks are goin' down.
Copy !req
622. Hey, girls, I need
to tell you somethin'.
Copy !req
623. Sometimes
change needs to happen,
Copy !req
624. and when it does,
at first, it's really hard.
Copy !req
625. But in the long run,
Copy !req
626. it's always for the best.
Copy !req
627. Well, not always. I mean,
I had to change foster families
Copy !req
628. from the Butterfields
to the Carrias,
Copy !req
629. and that wasn't so great.
Copy !req
630. The Carrias liked to
beat me with belts
Copy !req
631. and slippers and hairbrushes.
Copy !req
632. Yeah, come to think of it...
Copy !req
633. change is really, really bad.
Copy !req
634. Kev, what are you doin'?
Just tell them.
Copy !req
635. Girls, we are leaving Chicago
Copy !req
636. and moving to Louisville.
Cool? Cool.
Copy !req
637. That's exactly what
I was doing,
Copy !req
638. but I was trying to
do it in a delicate way.
Copy !req
639. - Well, it wasn't workin'.
Copy !req
640. Afternoon,
my fellow Americans.
Copy !req
641. Hey, Frank!
The finest beer
Copy !req
642. - for me and my son.
I'll take a Coke.
Copy !req
643. Hey, Frank.
Been waitin' for you.
Copy !req
644. - Ohh!
Copy !req
645. Hey, are you okay?
Debbie, the hell you doing?
Copy !req
646. Back up, Liam!
You ruined love for me!
Copy !req
647. I'll be alone
the rest of my life!
Copy !req
648. That's true!
Copy !req
649. The only way
you'll ever have love
Copy !req
650. is to find someone who's even
a bigger loser you are.
Copy !req
651. Then they won't leave you!
Copy !req
652. Ah! Jesus!
Get off!
Copy !req
653. Come on, Franny.
Copy !req
654. Are you okay
She break anything?
Copy !req
655. You all right there, Frank?
Copy !req
656. Never better.
Copy !req
657. Guess we can scratch
bar fight off the list.
Copy !req
658. Mm—God!
Copy !req
659. Kev, there's something
wrong with the beer.
Copy !req
660. - I tapped it this morning.
- It tastes like poison.
Copy !req
661. It's fine.
Maybe try bottled beer.
Copy !req
662. Yeah, can you get him
a Heisler, V?
Copy !req
663. What the hell, Frank?
Copy !req
664. My body's rejecting alcohol.
Copy !req
665. Jesus, Frank.
Copy !req
666. Here, try these.
Copy !req
667. - I'm scared.
- It's just like you told me.
Copy !req
668. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Copy !req
669. I said that?
Copy !req
670. I'm sure you intended to
at some point.
Copy !req
671. It's no use, son.
Copy !req
672. Who am I without alcohol?
Copy !req
673. You're Frank Gallagher!
Copy !req
674. It's my one true love.
Copy !req
675. But now she's rejecting me.
Copy !req
676. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
677. You again.
Copy !req
678. Well, I am the on-site manager.
Copy !req
679. - How can I help you?
- Haven't gotten
Copy !req
680. - our furniture yet.
- Okay.
Copy !req
681. You know when it's comin'?
Copy !req
682. I'm not exactly sure
why I would know that.
Copy !req
683. Where did you order it from?
Copy !req
684. Order it? No.
It's the shit you guys had.
Copy !req
685. I want to help you,
but I'm very confused.
Copy !req
686. The furniture,
like in the apartment
Copy !req
687. on the tour you showed us—
where's ours?
Copy !req
688. Oh!
Copy !req
689. I get it now.
Copy !req
690. The apartments,
they don't come with furniture.
Copy !req
691. - Wait, what?
- They're unfurnished.
Copy !req
692. Why the hell'd you show us
one that had furniture, then?
Copy !req
693. Uh, that was a model.
Copy !req
694. Huh?
Copy !req
695. An example of how an apartment
can look.
Copy !req
696. Okay, hold on.
So we don't get any furniture.
Copy !req
697. No, I'm sorry.
But that is very cute.
Copy !req
698. I've never had anyone
ask me that before.
Copy !req
699. It's not fucking cute, lady,
you should've told us that shit
Copy !req
700. before we signed
the stupid-ass lease.
Copy !req
701. You and your fuckin'
weird-ass dog.
Copy !req
702. Don't tell me I'm fuckin' cute
Copy !req
703. for your fuckin' bullshit,
Copy !req
704. Fuck it!
You owe me some chairs.
Copy !req
705. Excuse me.
Copy !req
706. - You can't take those.
- Like hell I can't, bitch!
Copy !req
707. But they're
for everyone.
Copy !req
708. Well, guess they shouldn't
charge so much rent
Copy !req
709. for an apartment don't
have no fuckin' furniture!
Copy !req
710. You gotta put
the chair back, Mickey.
Copy !req
711. What the hell are you
doin' in the pool?
Copy !req
712. This is Jill and Alan.
Copy !req
713. I don't give a shit
if it's Siegfried & Roy.
Copy !req
714. I'm out here gettin' harassed
left and right
Copy !req
715. from everybody in this dump,
Copy !req
716. and you're in the pool playin'
fuckin' footsie with these two!
Copy !req
717. It's fine.
Copy !req
718. Hey, you can't take the chairs.
Copy !req
719. We're gonna get fined
or evicted.
Copy !req
720. You know,
I don't give a shit!
Copy !req
721. You know what? Fuck you
and the horse you rode in on,
Copy !req
722. just like everybody else
in the fuckin' West Side!
Copy !req
723. This place blows!
I'm out of here!
Copy !req
724. That your husband?
Copy !req
725. Yep.
Copy !req
726. Passionate.
Copy !req
727. Yep.
Copy !req
728. All right, just
a couple more minutes, love.
Copy !req
729. Hey! Hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
730. - Guess what.
- Hey, babe.
Copy !req
731. Brought back
the cleaning supplies.
Copy !req
732. Don't need it anymore.
We're sellin' the house.
Copy !req
733. I know, that's... that's why
you've been spending
Copy !req
734. - so much time on it.
- No, I mean we're selling
Copy !req
735. the house, like, right now,
Copy !req
736. I just talked to a realtor
who works for a developer
Copy !req
737. who wants to buy up
three houses on the block.
Copy !req
738. She already got two, including
Kev's—she gave him $175.
Copy !req
739. All cash.
Offered me $200.
Copy !req
740. I said I wouldn't do it
for less than $275.
Copy !req
741. - Isn't that amazing?
- Okay, whoa, slow down.
Copy !req
742. - What?
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
743. Well, I'm talkin' about us
finally having enough money
Copy !req
744. to buy our own place.
Copy !req
745. Yeah, but you turned down
Copy !req
746. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
so I could make $275.
Copy !req
747. Right?
Copy !req
748. I mean, it was a tactic.
I was workin' her over.
Copy !req
749. You should've seen me.
You would've been impressed.
Copy !req
750. - I was good.
- Okay, but I'm confused.
Copy !req
751. So she—she gave you
the $275?
Copy !req
752. No, no, no, not yet,
but she will,
Copy !req
753. and the best part is,
I don't have to spend
Copy !req
754. any more money
workin' on the house, right?
Copy !req
755. I mean, developer's
just gonna tear it down.
Copy !req
756. Look, you know what?
Copy !req
757. I'm gonna tear out
some a the new shit
Copy !req
758. I put in the house.
Copy !req
759. I'm gonna sell it, all right?
Copy !req
760. Oh, shit, it's Heidi.
Copy !req
761. That's right, cockroaches!
Copy !req
762. Heidi's back.
Copy !req
763. Thank you for your hospitality.
Copy !req
764. That don't make up for you
being a shitty mama, though.
Copy !req
765. You want me to put
Copy !req
766. your TV program on for you?
Copy !req
767. There ya go.
Copy !req
768. Those fucking rat-ass
neighbors of yours!
Copy !req
769. Don't be sad
if I shoot some of them.
Copy !req
770. You are excused
for being a shitty car.
Copy !req
771. Shitty car.
Shitty car.
Copy !req
772. You, however, are not.
Copy !req
773. Pow!
Copy !req
774. Oh, no, please,
hey, come on.
Copy !req
775. I'm right here.
Don't give me a ticket, hey.
Copy !req
776. Sorry, miss.
The meter's expired.
Copy !req
777. Wha—Carl!
Copy !req
778. Tish. You're pregnant.
Copy !req
779. You're a meter maid.
Copy !req
780. You have a Lexus?
Copy !req
781. It's my boss's.
Copy !req
782. She lets me borrow it
Copy !req
783. The driver's seat in my car
Copy !req
784. doesn't really go back
far enough.
Copy !req
785. The steering wheel
digs into my belly.
Copy !req
786. Oh. Yeah.
Copy !req
787. Are you still gonna
give me a ticket?
Copy !req
788. Of course not.
If I didn't know you, I would.
Copy !req
789. That's my new mission in life—
fuck over the rich.
Copy !req
790. - That's a good mission.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
791. How long you been
a meter maid?
Copy !req
792. I really hate that name.
I prefer something else.
Copy !req
793. Like what?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
794. Meter Master maybe.
Copy !req
795. Oh! How about, um...
Ticket Titan?
Copy !req
796. Ah, that's good, too.
Parking Punisher?
Copy !req
797. Oh, sexy.
Sultan of the Summons.
Copy !req
798. I am the Lord of the Late Fees.
Copy !req
799. I gotta get back to work.
Copy !req
800. Hey, Tish.
Copy !req
801. - Is that my baby?
Copy !req
802. Thanks for not giving me
a ticket.
Copy !req
803. - Wee whoo, wee whoo, wee whoo.
Copy !req
804. Yeah. I hear
the sirens, too, Franny.
Copy !req
805. Maybe Grandpa was right.
Copy !req
806. - Why?
Copy !req
807. Mommy's a loser.
What can I say?
Copy !req
808. Mama's a loser.
Copy !req
809. It's true.
Copy !req
810. If I find a bigger loser
than me,
Copy !req
811. maybe then
they won't leave me.
Copy !req
812. Wouldn't that be nice,
Copy !req
813. - Having another mommy?
- I want two mommies!
Copy !req
814. - Me too.
Copy !req
815. If only I can find a loser
bigger than me,
Copy !req
816. - then I won't be alone—
- Don't say a fucking word.
Copy !req
817. Everything's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
818. Just go along
with what I'm about to do,
Copy !req
819. otherwise I'll shoot your kid.
in the head.
Copy !req
820. That was nice.
Copy !req
821. Yeah. Kind of was.
Copy !req
822. I'm Heidi.
Copy !req
823. Debbie.
Copy !req
824. Honey, we're home.
Did you miss us?
Copy !req
825. Well, if it isn't
Judas and Brutus.
Copy !req
826. Sorry, V.
We should never have left you
Copy !req
827. for another bar—
beer, please.
Copy !req
828. Me too.
Where's Kev?
Copy !req
829. We wanna apologize to him, too.
Copy !req
830. Brought the girls
to a playdate,
Copy !req
831. Trying to see all their friends
before we leave.
Copy !req
832. I'm not gonna lie, V.
It was brutal out there.
Copy !req
833. Other bars are chargin'
$12 a drink.
Copy !req
834. And they have
all kinds of rules.
Copy !req
835. Couldn't take off my shoes.
Copy !req
836. No napping.
- Wouldn't let us run a tab.
Copy !req
837. Two-drink minimum.
Copy !req
838. Can't sit down
unless you order food.
Copy !req
839. One place wouldn't even let us
in without a valid I.D.
Copy !req
840. And that one bar
that wanted a credit card
Copy !req
841. before we even ordered
Copy !req
842. - Total scam.
- Well, I hope you two
Copy !req
843. learned your lesson.
Copy !req
844. - Please forgive us.
Copy !req
845. Well...
Copy !req
846. look who's back.
Copy !req
847. Benedict and Arnold.
Copy !req
848. Kev.
Copy !req
849. Sorry.
Copy !req
850. - How are the girls, babe?
- Great. They're gonna have
Copy !req
851. dinner over there,
watch the Trolls movie,
Copy !req
852. and Calise's mom's
gonna drop 'em off later.
Copy !req
853. Where'd you get
these books from?
Copy !req
854. - The library.
- What?
Copy !req
855. Yeah, near Calise's house.
Can you believe it?
Copy !req
856. We're about to move, and I find
out we live next to a library.
Copy !req
857. Who knew?
Copy !req
858. - Well, what'd ya get it?
- Well, I went in there
Copy !req
859. to ask that woman
who works there...
Copy !req
860. - The librarian?
- Long gray hair, glasses,
Copy !req
861. oversized corduroy jumper?
Copy !req
862. - Yeah, that's her.
That's her.
Copy !req
863. - That's the one.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
864. Okay, well, I asked her
if she had books on Kentucky,
Copy !req
865. and check it out—
I'm gonna learn everything
Copy !req
866. there is to know about
that dumb old state.
Copy !req
867. Oh, babe, you're the best!
Copy !req
868. I know.
Copy !req
869. Hey, do you know the guy
on the penny
Copy !req
870. - was born in Kentucky?
- Abe Lincoln.
Copy !req
871. You read these books, too?
Copy !req
872. Shit.
Copy !req
873. Hey, Howie, here, let me, uh,
let me give a hand
Copy !req
874. with that, man.
Copy !req
875. Here ya go, man.
Copy !req
876. Give ya $200 for it.
Copy !req
877. Yeah, good, good.
Copy !req
878. - Wife's gonna love it.
- Cool, thanks, man.
Copy !req
879. Yo, knuckleheads,
get over here.
Copy !req
880. Yo, Lip.
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
881. - You selling that microwave?
- Yeah, everything.
Copy !req
882. - Everything's gotta go.
- How much?
Copy !req
883. Uh, I paid $150 for it,
so just give me 100 for it.
Copy !req
884. - Hundred?
- Thanks, man.
Copy !req
885. Hey, Lip.
Thank—thank you.
Copy !req
886. Hey. Hey, there ya are.
Copy !req
887. I was, uh, I was waitin'
on your call,
Copy !req
888. - but in person's even better.
- Yeah, the, uh,
Copy !req
889. the guy carrying out
your stove
Copy !req
890. said I could find you
back here.
Copy !req
891. Yeah, yeah, we're ju—we're
getting rid of everything,
Copy !req
892. you know,
especially if your boss
Copy !req
893. - is gonna tear the place down.
- Oh, yeah, um, about that.
Copy !req
894. Yeah. What's up?
Copy !req
895. Uh, she doesn't wanna
buy your house now.
Copy !req
896. What?
Copy !req
897. Y-you said she needs
three houses, right?
Copy !req
898. Yeah, she got them.
Copy !req
899. Uh... I don't understand.
Copy !req
900. The man who lives
on the other side of the Balls,
Copy !req
901. he closed his deal.
Copy !req
902. Old man Jefferson
sold his house?
Copy !req
903. For $200,000.
Copy !req
904. I-I didn't even know
you made him an offer.
Copy !req
905. It's business.
My boss is very savvy.
Copy !req
906. I encouraged you
to take her offer earlier.
Copy !req
907. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
908. All right, well, look, look,
Copy !req
909. I'll just take
the original offer, uh,
Copy !req
910. that's $200, that's good.
Copy !req
911. Sorry.
Copy !req
912. How much for
the fridge, Lip?
Copy !req
913. Um...
Copy !req
914. You okay, Frank?
Copy !req
915. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
916. It's like the doctor said.
Copy !req
917. You have good days
and bad days, right?
Copy !req
918. That's right, son.
Copy !req
919. I had a fun time with you.
Copy !req
920. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
921. What'd we do?
Copy !req
922. I don't think
you ate enough today.
Copy !req
923. Probably right.
Copy !req
924. I'm gonna get food.
Copy !req
925. Back at it again tomorrow?
We'll do more Frank things.
Copy !req
926. You got it, son.
Copy !req
927. - Hiya, Frank.
- Hey.
Copy !req
928. What's goin' on in here?
Copy !req
929. Oh, uh, the renovations.
Copy !req
930. You know, I'm fixing up
the house to—
Copy !req
931. I know what you're doing.
Copy !req
932. Yeah?
Copy !req
933. You're looking
for that brick of gold we hid
Copy !req
934. when you were 12 years old,
aren't you?
Copy !req
935. I, uh...
Copy !req
936. I-I was.
Copy !req
937. - I knew it!
- Busted.
Copy !req
938. Ha ha ha!
Copy !req
939. Son!
Copy !req
940. Don't you remember?
Copy !req
941. Uh, what's that?
Copy !req
942. - We buried it.
- Right. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
943. - In the backyard.
- No, that's—that's right.
Copy !req
944. So no one would find it,
except you and me.
Copy !req
945. Now—now—now I remember.
Copy !req
946. Good thing I'm here.
Copy !req
947. I guess I'm gonna put
the kitchen back together now.
Copy !req
948. We're gonna be rich tomorrow.
Copy !req
949. Shit.
Copy !req
950. You're adorable.
Copy !req
951. I feel the same way about you.
Copy !req
952. There's a lot
about me, though,
Copy !req
953. that you probably
aren't gonna like.
Copy !req
954. Oh, God, don't even
get me started.
Copy !req
955. Me too.
Copy !req
956. - Like what?
- Pfft, for starters,
Copy !req
957. teen mom, uh...
Copy !req
958. raped a guy once.
Copy !req
959. Stole a baby.
Copy !req
960. Almost drowned a girl.
Copy !req
961. I beat the shit out of...
Copy !req
962. so many people.
Copy !req
963. Once I drugged my half-sister
Copy !req
964. and locked her
in a shipping crate.
Copy !req
965. Aw. Child's play.
Copy !req
966. - Really?
- Hell, yeah.
Copy !req
967. - None of that bothers me.
- Good.
Copy !req
968. How about you?
Copy !req
969. - Oh, okay, you ready for this?
- Go.
Copy !req
970. Okay, let's start—
when I'm six, uh,
Copy !req
971. I bit a chunk off my mom's
boyfriend's face
Copy !req
972. while he was sleeping.
Copy !req
973. Hey.
Copy !req
974. What are you doin' over here?
Copy !req
975. Watchin' a bunch a jackasses
try the cinnamon challenge.
Copy !req
976. You comin' back
to the apartment?
Copy !req
977. I like it better
on the South Side.
Copy !req
978. You haven't really given
the West Side a shot.
Copy !req
979. Look, I don't fit in
over there, man.
Copy !req
980. Neither do I.
Copy !req
981. But... you know,
I'd like to try.
Copy !req
982. Guess that's the difference
between you and me.
Copy !req
983. We paid first, last,
and security.
Copy !req
984. And they were supposed to
give us some fuckin' furniture.
Copy !req
985. - We could buy our own.
- We're not gonna
Copy !req
986. agree on anything—we'll have
different tastes and shit.
Copy !req
987. So you're gonna stay here,
and I'm gonna live over there.
Copy !req
988. Looks like it.
Copy !req
989. It's nicer there.
Copy !req
990. Well, I guess
I don't like nice.
Copy !req
991. - Don't you want a better life?
- No.
Copy !req
992. - Why?
- 'Cause it's too much—
Copy !req
993. It's too much fuckin'
pressure, all right?
Copy !req
994. Okay.
I understand.
Copy !req
995. Shit makes me feel
Copy !req
996. Fine.
Copy !req
997. Ahh.
Copy !req
998. Fine what?
Copy !req
999. Fine, we'll stay here, then.
Copy !req
1000. Why?
Copy !req
1001. Well, 'cause you're my husband.
Copy !req
1002. If you're not happy there,
then we don't have to be there.
Copy !req
1003. Don't do that shit.
Copy !req
1004. Don't do what?
Copy !req
1005. - Guilt trippin' me.
- I'm not.
Copy !req
1006. Yeah, you are—
you're doing the whole
Copy !req
1007. reverse fuckin' psychiatric
whatever the fuck.
Copy !req
1008. I swear... I'm not.
Copy !req
1009. What cinnamon challenge
things are you watching?
Copy !req
1010. God damn it.
All right, we'll go back.
Copy !req
1011. What?
Copy !req
1012. I'm not changin'
for anybody, though.
Copy !req
1013. Nobody wants you to change.
Copy !req
1014. Those gentrifyin'
motherfuckers do.
Copy !req
1015. All right,
maybe you could change
Copy !req
1016. an eensy, teensy little bit
Copy !req
1017. and not steal anything
in the apartment complex.
Copy !req
1018. That's what I'm sayin'.
I feel fuckin' handcuffed!
Copy !req
1019. That's all I'm asking for.
Copy !req
1020. You can do anything else
you want.
Copy !req
1021. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1022. Can I piss in the pool?
Copy !req
1023. - Ugh. Really?
- Yep.
Copy !req
1024. All right, fine, but I want you
to come to a yoga class.
Copy !req
1025. - Yo—no fuckin' way!
- All right, Whole Foods
Copy !req
1026. so we can stare
at the organic fruit.
Copy !req
1027. Jesus, really? That's what
you wanna fuckin' do?
Copy !req
1028. I'm letting you piss
in the pool.
Copy !req
1029. Fine.
Copy !req
1030. You are such a fuckin'
Copy !req
1031. Thank you.
Copy !req
1032. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
1033. That's why they call it
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Copy !req
1034. Learn something new
every day.
Copy !req
1035. - You ready, babe? I'm tired.
- Yeah, let's do it.
Copy !req
1036. Do you know that two women
from Louisville
Copy !req
1037. invented
the "Happy Birthday" song?
Copy !req
1038. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
1039. - Look at this.
- What?
Copy !req
1040. - Photo...
- Oh.
Copy !req
1041. Of you, me, and Stan.
Copy !req
1042. That's when we first
started workin' here.
Copy !req
1043. How long ago
you think this was?
Copy !req
1044. It's at least 15 years ago.
Copy !req
1045. Wow.
Copy !req
1046. I cannot believe we're
uprooting our entire life.
Copy !req
1047. Everything we worked
so hard for.
Copy !req
1048. Oh...
Copy !req
1049. I knew there was emotion
in there.
Copy !req
1050. We're leaving
everything behind.
Copy !req
1051. - Hey, V.
Copy !req
1052. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
1053. Wait a minute.
Are you faking?
Copy !req
1054. Totally.
Rearview mirror, Kev.
Copy !req
1055. Let's go.
Copy !req
1056. That was just mean.
Copy !req
1057. Sh—
Copy !req
1058. Fuck!
Copy !req
1059. Oh, fuck!
Copy !req
1060. Hey, Kev.
Copy !req
1061. V!
Copy !req
1062. Ah, that's so much better.
Copy !req