1. Hey!
Copy !req
2. Hey.
Copy !req
3. For those of you who watched
last week
Copy !req
4. and don't have
drug-induced brain damage,
Copy !req
5. you can skip
the next 30 seconds.
Copy !req
6. You don't have
to watch that shit.
Copy !req
7. - The rest of you losers...
Copy !req
8. here you go.
Copy !req
9. Sparky, Shelly.
Shelly, Sparky.
Copy !req
10. She's your boss.
Copy !req
11. Well, vice boss.
Copy !req
12. I made a little arrangement
with Larry.
Copy !req
13. - So you're mine now.
- You were right.
Copy !req
14. We got to kill her.
Copy !req
15. If you want Todd,
Copy !req
16. you're gonna have
to go through me.
Copy !req
17. His manager.
That's who.
Copy !req
18. Do you want to go upstairs?
Copy !req
19. We could kick off these heels,
Copy !req
20. raid the minibar,
and check out the view.
Copy !req
21. I left you a little something
on the nightstand.
Copy !req
22. Saw an old lady get shot
Copy !req
23. at the Ashcroft bus stop
last night.
Copy !req
24. You know,
the streetlights were out.
Copy !req
25. You did a good thing,
Citizen Carl.
Copy !req
26. Got involved.
Copy !req
27. Made a change.
Copy !req
28. Do you want to join me?
Copy !req
29. - Faye Donahue.
- Frank Gallagher.
Copy !req
30. Let's go to my place
and eat this Greek food.
Copy !req
31. You live in your car?
Copy !req
32. Indeed I do.
Copy !req
33. You?
Copy !req
34. What the fuck
are you doing here?
Copy !req
35. Hey, hey, what the fuck, man?
Copy !req
36. Good morning.
Copy !req
37. Where—where's Fred?
Copy !req
38. He passed out while nursing.
Copy !req
39. We've got six
to eight minutes tops.
Copy !req
40. Mm.
Copy !req
41. Oh, and one of us has
to go to the store today
Copy !req
42. and get more diaper cream
Copy !req
43. 'cause his rash
is now halfway up his back.
Copy !req
44. Oh, yeah.
Talk dirty to me.
Copy !req
45. Wait.
Copy !req
46. Wait. You said it's worse
than yesterday.
Copy !req
47. What?
Copy !req
48. Fred's rash.
Copy !req
49. Uh, no, it's fine.
Copy !req
50. Hey. No.
His ass is fine.
Copy !req
51. And your ass is fine.
Copy !req
52. Yeah. It's just—sorry.
Copy !req
53. It's just, the new daycare says
Copy !req
54. they can't take him
if he's sick.
Copy !req
55. It's diaper rash.
Copy !req
56. It's not the bubonic plague.
All babies have diaper rash.
Copy !req
57. - Okay.
Copy !req
58. Mm.
Copy !req
59. Mm, maybe we should get it
checked out, though.
Copy !req
60. - Lip.
- You know? Yeah.
Copy !req
61. Lip, he's gonna be at daycare
for four hours total.
Copy !req
62. - Get a grip.
Copy !req
63. Look, we don't have a choice.
You want to—
Copy !req
64. Look at my chart.
Copy !req
65. Yeah, but it's
his first day.
Copy !req
66. You've got AA.
Then you're at work till four.
Copy !req
67. I'm at the salon at noon.
Copy !req
68. So there's a four-hour gap
in child care.
Copy !req
69. Yeah. So Brad'll let me
out of work early.
Copy !req
70. We need the cash.
Copy !req
71. Well...
Copy !req
72. I mean, we need the cash
so we can afford daycare.
Copy !req
73. Doesn't that seem
a little ass-backwards?
Copy !req
74. No.
Copy !req
75. Ass-backwards
is the Gallagher method,
Copy !req
76. where the next-oldest kid
just keeps kind of a vague eye
Copy !req
77. on the rest of the herd.
Copy !req
78. Well, it's free.
Copy !req
79. Liam is ten.
Copy !req
80. He's not watching our baby.
Copy !req
81. Liam?
Copy !req
82. I was gonna say Franny.
Copy !req
83. - Oh, Franny?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
84. - No.
- Fuck.
Copy !req
85. get some fuckin' flapjacks.
Copy !req
86. Ian Gallagher?
Mikhailo Milkovich?
Copy !req
87. Yeah, I'm Ian Gallagher.
Can I help you, Officer?
Copy !req
88. Got some bad news for you.
Copy !req
89. Your PO was found dead
this morning.
Copy !req
90. Paula's dead?
Copy !req
91. Fell out of
a third-floor window.
Copy !req
92. Detectives want you both to
come down to the station today,
Copy !req
93. make statements.
Copy !req
94. Why?
Copy !req
95. We don't know anything
about that.
Copy !req
96. Whenever a PO dies, detectives
interview all the parolees,
Copy !req
97. especially
if the death was suspicious.
Copy !req
98. Suspicious?
Copy !req
99. Well, people usually
open a window
Copy !req
100. before they jump out it.
Copy !req
101. See you at the station.
Copy !req
102. Bring Milkovich.
Copy !req
103. Good.
Copy !req
104. Go. Get your backpacks.
Copy !req
105. - Get your book, Amy.
Copy !req
106. Let's go! Let's go, people!
Copy !req
107. Kev, get dressed!
We leave in three.
Copy !req
108. V, look at this.
Copy !req
109. - What is it?
- IRS.
Copy !req
110. Oh, no!
Copy !req
111. Sweet baby Jesus.
No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
112. Our day just got shitty.
Copy !req
113. Did we not pay
our taxes on time?
Copy !req
114. Are you asking me?
Copy !req
115. How do I know?
You do the taxes.
Copy !req
116. No, I know—I know—
I know we did.
Copy !req
117. I-I paid the check,
Copy !req
118. and I did
the amend B-59X whatever.
Copy !req
119. I know I paid it.
Copy !req
120. What do you want me to do?
Flush it? Burn it?
Copy !req
121. No.
We got to face it head-on.
Copy !req
122. Hold Mommy's hand, girls.
Copy !req
123. No way.
A check for $825?
Copy !req
124. $825?
Copy !req
125. What?
Give me that.
Copy !req
126. "Tax credit," blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
127. From when I worked
at the nursing home?
Copy !req
128. I vote Jet Ski.
Copy !req
129. And I vote no!
Copy !req
130. Come on, girls.
We got to go to school.
Copy !req
131. - Kev, you coming?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
132. - Kev!
- Shh.
Copy !req
133. - Come on, girls.
- Let me have this.
Copy !req
134. Mickey?
Copy !req
135. Mickey! Hey, come on out.
Cops are gone.
Copy !req
136. The fuck they want?
Copy !req
137. Paula's dead.
Copy !req
138. No shit.
Is it Christmas?
Copy !req
139. It's not funny.
Copy !req
140. Someone threw her out a window.
Copy !req
141. You kidding me?
That's extremely funny.
Copy !req
142. There's, like,
a fucking verb for that
Copy !req
143. I-I'm serious, Mickey.
Copy !req
144. They want us to go into
the station for questioning.
Copy !req
145. You know anything about this?
Copy !req
146. Nah. Fuck, no.
I didn't kill her.
Copy !req
147. Wait. Do you know
something about this?
Copy !req
148. No.
Copy !req
149. - That what you're telling me?
- Of course not.
Copy !req
150. Got it.
Copy !req
151. Good strategy.
Copy !req
152. Wait, what stra—
I-I didn't kill her.
Copy !req
153. - Little bit, you did, though.
- No. Not little bit.
Copy !req
154. I did zero murdering
of my PO last night, Mickey.
Copy !req
155. - Okay.
- I'm not the one
Copy !req
156. who came home late without
any sort of explanation.
Copy !req
157. I did explain.
I was with my dad.
Copy !req
158. No. You didn't explain
why you were with your dad.
Copy !req
159. Exactly.
Copy !req
160. Okay, so, to be clear,
you didn't kill her,
Copy !req
161. or, you know,
you "didn't" kill her"?
Copy !req
162. Why are you putting shit in
weird fucking air quotes?
Copy !req
163. Because I didn't
fucking kill her.
Copy !req
164. Okay. Me neither.
Copy !req
165. We both know
what we know we know...
Copy !req
166. that we know.
Copy !req
167. What the fuck does that mean?
Copy !req
168. - Hey. Where you going?
Copy !req
169. Wouldn't you like to know?
Copy !req
170. I-I-I would.
Copy !req
171. I would like to know!
Copy !req
172. All right.
Pick your poison.
Copy !req
173. - Cereal or toast.
- Pass.
Copy !req
174. Todd's biggest game
of the season is today.
Copy !req
175. Got to stay sharp, stay hungry.
Copy !req
176. Shouldn't you be doing
fun kid stuff this summer?
Copy !req
177. Like Slip 'N Slide in the yard?
Copy !req
178. Talent management is fun, Tami,
Copy !req
179. if it's the kill that you love.
Copy !req
180. - Excuse me.
Copy !req
181. It's the coast.
Copy !req
182. Go for Todd.
Copy !req
183. Good. You're still here.
Copy !req
184. - Hey.
- I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
185. Uh, okay.
Copy !req
186. I met this awesome woman last
night at a hotel bar, right?
Copy !req
187. - Okay. Yeah.
- Claudia.
Copy !req
188. She's older than me,
but not in a rape-y way.
Copy !req
189. She's got this beautiful smile
and these bright eyes
Copy !req
190. and these sexy
little Lisa Loeb glasses.
Copy !req
191. Debs. Hey.
Copy !req
192. So, anyways, we spent the night
together last night.
Copy !req
193. - Yeah.
- And then she gave me this.
Copy !req
194. I'm really confused.
Copy !req
195. Why would she give me
1,000 bucks?
Copy !req
196. Um...
Copy !req
197. I'm not.
She, uh—
Copy !req
198. She thinks
you're a prostitute.
Copy !req
199. - What?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
200. But it was voluntary
hooking up.
Copy !req
201. I liked the sex.
I think she did, too.
Copy !req
202. Yeah.
I like fixing bikes.
Copy !req
203. But it's my job because
someone gives me cash to do it.
Copy !req
204. - But we really hit it off.
Copy !req
205. It wasn't like a gross
sex worker situation at all.
Copy !req
206. Who's a sex worker?
Copy !req
207. - Debbie.
- No.
Copy !req
208. This is a misunderstanding
Copy !req
209. that will be cleared up
Copy !req
210. Okay.
Copy !req
211. - Tami.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
212. Could you wake up Franny
in 20 minutes
Copy !req
213. and watch her till I get back?
Copy !req
214. I can for a little while,
Copy !req
215. but then I got to take Fred to
daycare, get to work by noon.
Copy !req
216. - Cool. I owe you.
- Wait, wait, wait, Debs.
Copy !req
217. How much do you owe her?
Copy !req
218. Because you have to be clear
about terms up front.
Copy !req
219. - Shut up, dick.
- You know?
Copy !req
220. Oh, thank fuck you're here.
Copy !req
221. - Hey.
- I need to talk you.
Copy !req
222. - You're popular this morning.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
223. Hey, Tami, uh, it's kind of
a brothers-only situation.
Copy !req
224. Thanks.
Copy !req
225. What's up?
Copy !req
226. I think Mickey killed
our parole officer.
Copy !req
227. - You what?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
228. She got thrown
out a window last night,
Copy !req
229. and he hates her,
and he was out late.
Copy !req
230. Plus, he's
a psychopath, so...
Copy !req
231. Yeah, but you-you really think
Copy !req
232. Mickey would kill
a parole officer?
Copy !req
233. We just had
this whole conversation
Copy !req
234. where he said
he basically did it,
Copy !req
235. you know, in his Mickey way
of not saying he did it
Copy !req
236. but totally saying
he did it.
Copy !req
237. - You know?
- No.
Copy !req
238. Well, I don't know what
the fuck to do.
Copy !req
239. I mean, I'm supposed to make
a statement to the police,
Copy !req
240. and—I mean, do I lie and say
he was here all night?
Copy !req
241. - Or—
- Yes.
Copy !req
242. You're a Gallagher, right?
Copy !req
243. Always lie.
Copy !req
244. Why are you squirming so much?
Copy !req
245. - Something wrong with you?
- I'm not squirming.
Copy !req
246. The point is, V,
Copy !req
247. when you have the money,
you got to spend it.
Copy !req
248. - Five-dollar scratchers.
- No, Kev.
Copy !req
249. But we have $800.
Copy !req
250. We could buy a million
five-dollar scratchers.
Copy !req
251. What about Disneyland,
Copy !req
252. a once-in-a-lifetime experience
for our children?
Copy !req
253. Fuck that mouse.
Copy !req
254. I'll take another
Sea Breeze, please.
Copy !req
255. Or we go to the Indian casino,
and we double down on craps.
Copy !req
256. Let it ride.
Copy !req
257. What do real people do
with money?
Copy !req
258. That's what I want to do.
Copy !req
259. - Invest it.
- In what?
Copy !req
260. You know who
you should talk to?
Copy !req
261. My buddy Gerald's daughter.
She is a money genius.
Copy !req
262. She—she invested
in this Korean company,
Copy !req
263. selling their products
from home.
Copy !req
264. Now she's got a Mercedes.
Copy !req
265. I want a Mercedes.
Copy !req
266. We could sell Korean stuff, V.
Copy !req
267. We could sell
the shit out of Korean stuff.
Copy !req
268. We don't have a ton to invest.
Copy !req
269. Well, neither did she.
Copy !req
270. She was a waitress.
Copy !req
271. Want me to get
her number for you?
Copy !req
272. - Good morrow, friends.
Copy !req
273. Chums. Old pals.
Copy !req
274. I'm gonna use the ladies' room.
Copy !req
275. - Hurry back, bunny.
Copy !req
276. Mm, hop, hop, hop.
Copy !req
277. Is it
a beautiful morning or what?
Copy !req
278. - Stop gloating, Frank.
- Oh, shut up.
Copy !req
279. You and the lady friend
are getting tight, huh, Frank?
Copy !req
280. Wait. I don't care.
Copy !req
281. We are getting tight, V.
Thank you for asking.
Copy !req
282. Only thing that's
a little bit odd is,
Copy !req
283. she appears
to live in a Rolls-Royce.
Copy !req
284. A Rolls?
Copy !req
285. You see, I don't want her
to feel uncomfortable
Copy !req
286. that she's homeless.
Copy !req
287. We've all been there.
Copy !req
288. - Never.
- We've never been there.
Copy !req
289. I'm probably homeless
right now.
Copy !req
290. Got to check with
the kids about that.
Copy !req
291. Are you sure she's homeless,
Copy !req
292. The Rolls-Royce
doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
293. Yeah,
have you actually asked her,
Copy !req
294. "Do you have a house, Faye?"
Copy !req
295. Got to play the long game
with a woman like this.
Copy !req
296. Let her dole out
the info at her own pace.
Copy !req
297. Peel back the onion
Copy !req
298. and reveal her ripe fruit to me
when she's ready.
Copy !req
299. Hey, Faye, do you have a house?
Copy !req
300. Yes. Why?
Copy !req
301. Staff meeting.
Copy !req
302. Now in session.
Copy !req
303. All right.
Copy !req
304. We got a special today.
Copy !req
305. Shrimp tater tots.
Copy !req
306. Part tater, part shrimp.
Copy !req
307. I'ma throw up.
Copy !req
308. Looks like you fried
a turd, Lori.
Copy !req
309. Serving these beauties
up with a slice of lemon
Copy !req
310. and a dollop of tartar jizz.
Copy !req
311. Seven-fifty
with a combo drink and fries.
Copy !req
312. Jesus.
Copy !req
313. You getting all this, Carl?
Copy !req
314. - Yeah. I got it.
- What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
315. He's questioning
his life choices.
Copy !req
316. Going through his "wants to do
good for the world" phase.
Copy !req
317. It'll pass.
Copy !req
318. Why would you want to do good?
Copy !req
319. I don't know.
Copy !req
320. Guess it felt good saving lives
and fixing streetlights.
Copy !req
321. Felt like I had a purpose
on this earth, you know?
Copy !req
322. - Join the military.
- I can't.
Copy !req
323. I'm banned.
Copy !req
324. So gain 50 pounds
and be a cop, then.
Copy !req
325. I'm too young to apply.
Copy !req
326. Guess this is my fate—
serving shrimp taters.
Copy !req
327. Let me tell you
something, Carl.
Copy !req
328. You think I always wanted
to do this with my life?
Copy !req
329. Serving up fried turd balls
with a bunch of ex-cons?
Copy !req
330. I'm a vet, Lori.
Two tours!
Copy !req
331. This wasn't my dream.
I wanted to be a teacher.
Copy !req
332. But cocaine tasted so good,
I just did that instead.
Copy !req
333. The point is,
you got to have dreams.
Copy !req
334. Go be a cop.
Copy !req
335. Can't apply till I'm 21.
Copy !req
336. Uh, you ever heard of
faking a birth certificate
Copy !req
337. using a dead guy's name?
Copy !req
338. Some big people here today.
Am I right?
Copy !req
339. - Yep.
- Whose your boy?
Copy !req
340. Sixteen.
Copy !req
341. You got Todd Bryerson?
Copy !req
342. Nice.
Copy !req
343. I'm with 22.
Copy !req
344. Cordel Jackson.
Copy !req
345. Yeah, we're positioning him to
take a third endorsement today.
Copy !req
346. Timbo Keller,
RCE Sports Management.
Copy !req
347. - And you are?
- You're not poaching my boy.
Copy !req
348. Whoa, little man.
I was just gonna say—
Copy !req
349. Walk away.
Copy !req
350. - Wow. You're paranoid.
- I've seen you eye him.
Copy !req
351. Walk away.
Copy !req
352. Listen, buddy.
Got a strategy.
Copy !req
353. Check it.
Copy !req
354. The new Apollos?
Not out yet.
Copy !req
355. They're gonna be huge.
Copy !req
356. New lace technology.
Copy !req
357. Self-tightens.
Copy !req
358. Apollos?
Copy !req
359. That's all you can get me?
Copy !req
360. Cordel's got Air Jordans,
and RCE signed him.
Copy !req
361. Trust me.
Copy !req
362. Get photographed in these.
Boom, leverage.
Copy !req
363. What's leverage?
Copy !req
364. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
365. Trust me.
Copy !req
366. Hey, Officer Berto.
Can we talk for a second?
Copy !req
367. I haven't seen your dad.
Buzz off.
Copy !req
368. Wait, wait.
It's not about my dad.
Copy !req
369. - It's about lawyers.
- Worse.
Copy !req
370. - I'm on my break.
- Great.
Copy !req
371. When you got arrested
Copy !req
372. for beating the shit
out of that Cardinals fan,
Copy !req
373. who was the lawyer
that got you off?
Copy !req
374. Danny Alvarez.
Copy !req
375. Best lawyer around.
Copy !req
376. Five hundred an hour.
Worth every penny.
Copy !req
377. Yeah, I thought I was fucked
when Tina wouldn't marry me,
Copy !req
378. but Danny saved my ass.
Copy !req
379. Got me off scot-free.
Copy !req
380. Wouldn't marry you?
Copy !req
381. What's that got to do
with anything?
Copy !req
382. Oh, 'cause married people
can't testify
Copy !req
383. against each other
in a court of law.
Copy !req
384. It's called spousal privilege.
Copy !req
385. That's why I tried
to get Tina to marry me,
Copy !req
386. but the bitch said, no,
she wouldn't cover for me.
Copy !req
387. So I had to hire Danny.
Copy !req
388. Married people can't testify
against each other? Ever?
Copy !req
389. Nope.
Copy !req
390. Any knowledge you have
Copy !req
391. of each other's shit
is strictly confidential.
Copy !req
392. It's what we
in the biz call a loophole.
Copy !req
393. What's his blood type?
Copy !req
394. What? They need
to know his blood type
Copy !req
395. so he can do tummy time?
Copy !req
396. Mm.
Copy !req
397. I'm just gonna put "red."
Copy !req
398. Who's his emergency contact?
Copy !req
399. That's easy.
Copy !req
400. Who are they supposed to call
if we're both unreachable
Copy !req
401. and Fred's having a seizure?
Copy !req
402. Seizure? Jesus.
Copy !req
403. What are they gonna do
to him in this place?
Copy !req
404. Cami.
Copy !req
405. No. Your sister? No.
No, no, no.
Copy !req
406. Uh... Ian.
Copy !req
407. Ian the felon?
Copy !req
408. Uh, uh, Debbie, then.
Copy !req
409. The prostitute.
Copy !req
410. Okay. Um...
Copy !req
411. look, why don't we just
leave it blank, huh?
Copy !req
412. You can't leave it blank.
So Cami.
Copy !req
413. She and Brad are gonna be
Fred's legal guardians anyway.
Copy !req
414. What? Since when?
Copy !req
415. Why wouldn't they be?
Copy !req
416. Uh, because
Brad fell off the wagon so hard
Copy !req
417. that we had to pick him up
out of a ditch last year,
Copy !req
418. and you hate your sister?
Copy !req
419. - I don't hate my sister.
- Yes, you do.
Copy !req
420. And we all do.
Copy !req
421. Fine.
Um, my Aunt Oopie, then.
Copy !req
422. Aunt Oop—no.
Fuck, no. What?
Copy !req
423. Okay.
Copy !req
424. Who did you have in mind
to be Fred's legal guardian?
Copy !req
425. I don't know.
Can we just do this later?
Copy !req
426. A Gallagher, though, right?
Copy !req
427. Honestly, I hadn't even
thought about it.
Copy !req
428. Bye, buddy!
Copy !req
429. Hey. We will be
talking about this later.
Copy !req
430. Yes.
Copy !req
431. - Bye!
Copy !req
432. Debbie?
Copy !req
433. Hey. Uh...
Copy !req
434. I was just wondering why
you gave me this last night.
Copy !req
435. Oh, I'm sorry.
Was it not enough?
Copy !req
436. Here, come in.
Come in.
Copy !req
437. Just, um—
my wallet's right over there.
Copy !req
438. Just take
whatever your rate is.
Copy !req
439. - I wasn't sure.
Copy !req
440. Claudia, I don't have a rate.
Copy !req
441. I'm not a prostitute.
Copy !req
442. You're not?
Copy !req
443. Why were you sitting
with all the prostitutes, then?
Copy !req
444. You know, they call that
Ho Corner.
Copy !req
445. I did not know that.
Copy !req
446. I just met you,
and I thought I liked you.
Copy !req
447. So I was a freebie?
Copy !req
448. No, you weren't a freebie,
Copy !req
449. because you're not a john
and I'm not a prostitute.
Copy !req
450. I just thought we hit it off.
Copy !req
451. Oh!
Copy !req
452. Well, I thought
we had a connection, too.
Copy !req
453. So this is a misunderstanding?
Copy !req
454. Big mistake. Huge.
Copy !req
455. Great.
Copy !req
456. Um, I have to get to work,
Copy !req
457. but can I take you out
on a proper date later?
Copy !req
458. Sure.
Copy !req
459. How long are you in town?
Copy !req
460. I live here.
Up in Lake Forest.
Copy !req
461. I just get a hotel room
Copy !req
462. when I have a late meeting
in the city
Copy !req
463. or I'm too fucked up on,
you know, and looking for a...
Copy !req
464. So, uh, dinner?
Copy !req
465. How about
seven o'clock tonight?
Copy !req
466. - Sure. Sounds good.
- Okay.
Copy !req
467. And here,
I'm gonna return this.
Copy !req
468. Oh, no, no, no.
Keep it, as a gift.
Copy !req
469. It's the least I can do
for insulting you.
Copy !req
470. Oh!
Copy !req
471. And if you're free today,
Copy !req
472. why don't you just
enjoy the room?
Copy !req
473. I mean, I have to go to work,
Copy !req
474. but I can arrange
for a late checkout.
Copy !req
475. I mean, just order up
some room service
Copy !req
476. or a spa treatment.
Copy !req
477. Well, thanks.
Copy !req
478. I don't understand.
Copy !req
479. If you have a house,
why didn't we sleep in it?
Copy !req
480. It's embarrassing.
Copy !req
481. You'll think I'm crazy.
Copy !req
482. There is zero percent chance
that I'll think you're crazy.
Copy !req
483. What's embarrassing?
You got bedbugs?
Copy !req
484. You know what?
Let's change the subject.
Copy !req
485. Come on.
Copy !req
486. Tell Frank.
Copy !req
487. You got a husband back home?
Copy !req
488. Much worse than that.
Copy !req
489. Children?
Copy !req
490. It's haunted, Frank.
Copy !req
491. I'm terrified
to be there alone.
Copy !req
492. That's why I sleep in my car.
Copy !req
493. "Haunted"?
Copy !req
494. Every floor,
Copy !req
495. every room,
Copy !req
496. including the ballroom
and servants' quarters.
Copy !req
497. How big is this house?
Copy !req
498. Twenty-two thousand nine
hundred eleven square feet.
Copy !req
499. On the lake.
Copy !req
500. Nine bedrooms,
including the master.
Copy !req
501. But that's mostly just storage
Copy !req
502. for my father's
single-malt scotch collection.
Copy !req
503. Your father collects scotch?
Copy !req
504. Did. Yes.
Copy !req
505. He's dead now.
Copy !req
506. He has hundreds of bottles
of the stuff in that room.
Copy !req
507. I mean...
Copy !req
508. Not that I'm brave enough
to go in there.
Copy !req
509. You know, Faye,
I believe in ghosts.
Copy !req
510. I see them.
I hear them.
Copy !req
511. And I can exorcise them.
Copy !req
512. We're simpatico.
Copy !req
513. I could help you get rid of 'em
for good.
Copy !req
514. Really?
Copy !req
515. Who else you gonna call?
Copy !req
516. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
517. let's all stand
for the national anthem.
Copy !req
518. "Southside Kid Finally
Takes a Stand."
Copy !req
519. Boom.
Copy !req
520. Man, let me ask you something.
Copy !req
521. Who's your kid's guardian?
Copy !req
522. You, I think.
Copy !req
523. No.
I'm just kidding.
Copy !req
524. It's, uh, some Bible-thumping
aunt on Cami's side.
Copy !req
525. Oh, and you're okay with that?
Copy !req
526. I mean, it not being someone
in your own family?
Copy !req
527. You've clearly never met
my family.
Copy !req
528. Guardian stuff's up
to the mother anyway.
Copy !req
529. Everything is.
Copy !req
530. Sooner you accept that,
the better your life will be.
Copy !req
531. Remote control, up to her.
Copy !req
532. Temperature of every room,
up to her.
Copy !req
533. Your balls, up to her.
Copy !req
534. Oh.
Copy !req
535. Yo. What's up?
Copy !req
536. Hey. The new daycare
wouldn't take Fred.
Copy !req
537. What?
Copy !req
538. The daycare wouldn't take Fred
because of his rash.
Copy !req
539. Oh. Is that right?
Copy !req
540. Well, not his rash,
Copy !req
541. but because of his stupid rash,
they took his temperature,
Copy !req
542. and it's point-two degrees
higher than it should be,
Copy !req
543. so they sent him home.
Copy !req
544. Okay.
Where are you now?
Copy !req
545. Uh, I'm almost home.
Copy !req
546. Aunt Oopie is meeting me there,
and then, hopefully,
Copy !req
547. I will still make it
to work on time.
Copy !req
548. Oh, your-your-your aunt
I've never met?
Copy !req
549. She's available.
Copy !req
550. You know, you can meet her
when you get home.
Copy !req
551. Oh, and can you pick up
some baby aspirin?
Copy !req
552. Mwah.
Copy !req
553. Ah, f... uck me.
Copy !req
554. We're getting close.
Copy !req
555. Oh, Frank.
Copy !req
556. I'm in a cold sweat.
Copy !req
557. Let's talk about
these spirits for a second.
Copy !req
558. Uh, can you see them,
or are they more of a presence?
Copy !req
559. A presence.
Copy !req
560. Like a cold hand on my neck.
Copy !req
561. Okay. Right here.
Copy !req
562. It's the worst
when I'm in bed.
Copy !req
563. They hover over me.
Copy !req
564. Oh, God.
Copy !req
565. Oh, God.
Copy !req
566. Fr...
Copy !req
567. I-I-I...
Copy !req
568. I can't do this.
Copy !req
569. Give me your hand.
Copy !req
570. It's like
our black president said,
Copy !req
571. "Yes, we can."
Copy !req
572. Come on.
Copy !req
573. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
574. It's just a house.
Copy !req
575. A very expensive house,
but nothing we can't handle.
Copy !req
576. Let's start
Copy !req
577. with the scotch-collection room
and go from there.
Copy !req
578. Which way?
Copy !req
579. Up the stairs.
Copy !req
580. Uh, for whatever it's worth,
Copy !req
581. my spidey sense is really not
picking up any spirits.
Copy !req
582. Right?
Copy !req
583. No ghosts in here, right?
Copy !req
584. I can't.
Copy !req
585. I literally can't
go up the stairs, Frank.
Copy !req
586. Faye, take my hand.
Copy !req
587. I want you to really hear
what I'm about to tell you.
Copy !req
588. I've got you.
Copy !req
589. And you're safe with me.
Copy !req
590. Aw.
Copy !req
591. Is that you?
Copy !req
592. Yes.
Copy !req
593. At high-school graduation...
Copy !req
594. right before
everything changed forever...
Copy !req
595. when my life still had promise.
Copy !req
596. - You're late. Grab an AK.
Copy !req
597. - What's up, Mickey?
- Hey, the large file
Copy !req
598. works best on serial numbers.
Copy !req
599. Yo, I heard about
that bitch PO going down.
Copy !req
600. Yeah, who's the lucky
parolee that gets that trophy?
Copy !req
601. I bet he's loving life
right now.
Copy !req
602. Why you make me
ask you twice?
Copy !req
603. Sit. File.
Copy !req
604. I'm not really here
to work, Pops.
Copy !req
605. "Not here to work," he says.
Copy !req
606. You helped us move 'em
last night.
Copy !req
607. - Now you got cold feet?
- No. I just...
Copy !req
608. I need advice, actually.
Copy !req
609. - What the fuck?
- Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
610. Look, I'm pretty sure Ian
popped that PO.
Copy !req
611. Who's Ian?
Copy !req
612. Fuck you, man.
Don't start with that shit.
Copy !req
613. Hey,
I'm just fucking with you.
Copy !req
614. No way in hell that little
gay carrot boy shot her.
Copy !req
615. No. She didn't get shot.
Copy !req
616. She got... pushed out a window.
Copy !req
617. Did he tell you he did it?
Copy !req
618. In so many words, yeah.
Copy !req
619. Shit.
Were you wearing a wire?
Copy !req
620. Anyone else hear
the conversation?
Copy !req
621. No. Look, cops want us to
come in and answer questions.
Copy !req
622. Fuck! All right.
Go get packed.
Copy !req
623. George, call Benny.
Tell him to get the van.
Copy !req
624. We got to take some cargo
to Canada.
Copy !req
625. No. No. I'm not running.
I need to protect him.
Copy !req
626. What are my options here?
Copy !req
627. Oh, you want options?
Copy !req
628. He wants options.
Copy !req
629. - God damn it!
Copy !req
630. You're a Milkovich.
Copy !req
631. Cops gonna pin this
on you so fast,
Copy !req
632. you'll be back in the pen
Copy !req
633. before lights out
in cellblock C.
Copy !req
634. Nothing else you can do
but run.
Copy !req
635. Oh,
unless you got married.
Copy !req
636. See, you can't testify
against each other in court
Copy !req
637. if you're mister and mister.
Copy !req
638. Milkovich men marry vaginas,
Copy !req
639. He's gay, Terry.
Copy !req
640. I'm gay. People are gay.
Do you want a beer?
Copy !req
641. Shut your filthy mouth.
Copy !req
642. Hey, marriage isn't about
sexual orientation anyway.
Copy !req
643. We like pussy, right, Snook?
Copy !req
644. Fucking love pussy.
Copy !req
645. Can't get enough pussy.
Copy !req
646. We're both zero percent gay.
Copy !req
647. Yeah, we're
not even prison gay.
Copy !req
648. But technically,
Copy !req
649. we've been legally married
for what, George?
Copy !req
650. - Nine years?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
651. Thirteen federal court
Copy !req
652. Never testified against
each other once.
Copy !req
653. H-hold on.
So you're saying that
Copy !req
654. if Ian and I get married,
Copy !req
655. then anything that happens
between us is a secret?
Copy !req
656. You marry someone
with a cock,
Copy !req
657. I will bludgeon you dead
in your sleep.
Copy !req
658. Good talk, Dad.
Copy !req
659. Product conviction.
That is what it is about.
Copy !req
660. You have got to have
conviction in your product.
Copy !req
661. Equals sales, equals profit,
equals new Mercedes.
Copy !req
662. I don't sell Escargold.
Copy !req
663. Escargold sells itself.
Copy !req
664. I get to sit back and wax
my 'Cedes with an Hermes scarf.
Copy !req
665. Mm!
Copy !req
666. Kev knows
what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
667. - Kev knows!
Copy !req
668. Can you talk some more
about the marketing tiers?
Copy !req
669. What exactly is that?
Copy !req
670. Multitier marketing.
Copy !req
671. It's like—
You know what it's like, Kev?
Copy !req
672. Sports.
Copy !req
673. I'm the captain of my team,
Copy !req
674. and I want you two
to play for me
Copy !req
675. because you're gonna
be great players.
Copy !req
676. MVPs. Top-draw producers.
Copy !req
677. So I'm gonna take
a little percentage
Copy !req
678. of your sales off the top
because I recruited you.
Copy !req
679. - Mm-hmm.
- But once you are up
Copy !req
680. and running and you have
Copy !req
681. quadrupled
your initial investment—
Copy !req
682. Which takes how long?
Copy !req
683. Six months
if you've got hustle.
Copy !req
684. You good with Insta?
Snap? Twitter?
Copy !req
685. So good.
Copy !req
686. So what's
your capital investment?
Copy !req
687. Because for 2,500,
Copy !req
688. we can get your inventory
set up, and we can play ball.
Copy !req
689. We have 825.
Copy !req
690. For 825,
Copy !req
691. we can get your inventory
set up, and we can play ball.
Copy !req
692. So why don't you two follow me
out to my 'Cedes?
Copy !req
693. And we are gonna load you up.
Copy !req
694. I still don't know
what the product is.
Copy !req
695. - What is Escargold?
- Yeah. What does it do?
Copy !req
696. Now, I know
what you're thinking:
Copy !req
697. "This is just some Korean
skincare fad."
Copy !req
698. And the answer is no.
Copy !req
699. Escargold eyepatches
minimize wrinkles
Copy !req
700. and de-puff eyes.
Copy !req
701. Using a special ingredient—
Copy !req
702. snail mucus.
Copy !req
703. Snail? Like slugs?
Copy !req
704. No.
Copy !req
705. Snail like expensive.
Copy !req
706. - Mm-hmm.
- Very rare.
Copy !req
707. They're really popular
all over Europe
Copy !req
708. and parts of France, guys.
Copy !req
709. They really do work.
Copy !req
710. Ingredients are all-natural
and organic.
Copy !req
711. Yeah, 'cause they're snails.
Copy !req
712. Free samples coming around.
Copy !req
713. Once you try it,
you are sure to buy a case
Copy !req
714. for our special
introductory price
Copy !req
715. of $29.99.
Copy !req
716. V, what the hell are we
supposed to do again?
Copy !req
717. Make a face story
on graham cracker?
Copy !req
718. Why don't you let me handle
the social media?
Copy !req
719. Afternoon, sir.
Name's Carl Gallagher.
Copy !req
720. I'm here to join
the police academy,
Copy !req
721. dedicate my life
to law enforcement,
Copy !req
722. and here is my ID
that says I'm 21.
Copy !req
723. How old are you really, son?
Copy !req
724. - How old do you need me to be?
- The age you actually are.
Copy !req
725. I'm 21. Just look at my ID.
Copy !req
726. Well, this says your name
is Lewis McGillicutty, Carl.
Copy !req
727. Born 1947.
Copy !req
728. But this just shows how much
I want it.
Copy !req
729. - Out.
- Oh, come on.
Copy !req
730. How many minors do you get in
here begging to join the force?
Copy !req
731. Begging to make shit money
and get called a pig?
Copy !req
732. This is my calling.
Copy !req
733. Punishing the oppressors
of the underclass
Copy !req
734. is what I'm all about.
Copy !req
735. I have three skills
to offer you, sir:
Copy !req
736. I like to choke things,
I'm good with weapons,
Copy !req
737. and I got a buttload
of rage in my heart.
Copy !req
738. Hey, Cody.
Come on out.
Copy !req
739. What?
Copy !req
740. Now, it's not exactly
the academy, Carl,
Copy !req
741. but it might be up your alley.
Copy !req
742. Uh, this is Carl—I think
he'd be a great candidate
Copy !req
743. for the kids thing that we do.
What are we calling it—
Copy !req
744. what the hell
you talking about?
Copy !req
745. The youth thing we do for—
Copy !req
746. uh, mentorship
for the teenagers.
Copy !req
747. Oh, we're still doing
that bullshit?
Copy !req
748. It's called the Youth Committee
Copy !req
749. to Investigate Youthful Comm—
uh, something like that.
Copy !req
750. Yeah, that's it.
Copy !req
751. And it's for students
who are interested
Copy !req
752. in a career in law enforcement.
Copy !req
753. I'm interested.
What does it entail, sir?
Copy !req
754. Eh, not much, just a couple
hours after school every week.
Copy !req
755. Um...
Copy !req
756. there's usually a flash grenade
demonstration at some point.
Copy !req
757. Flash grenades?
What about real grenades?
Copy !req
758. Oh, he's gonna fit right in.
Copy !req
759. In today's segment
Copy !req
760. - of "Snowflake Central"...
Copy !req
761. we focus on the latest
victim of the liberal agenda—
Copy !req
762. an elementary-school gun show.
Copy !req
763. Dallas resident Sandra Benson
Copy !req
764. was looking forward
to sharing...
Copy !req
765. Hey.
Copy !req
766. Hi, hi, hi, hi.
Copy !req
767. a fourth
grader who couldn't wait...
Copy !req
768. Uh, hello?
Copy !req
769. Oh, hello.
Aunt Oopie here.
Copy !req
770. - Hey.
- Not gonna call you Lip.
Copy !req
771. Hope that's okay.
Copy !req
772. Gonna call you by your lovely
God-given name, Phillip.
Copy !req
773. Okay.
Copy !req
774. - After the prophet.
- Right.
Copy !req
775. Oopie Tamietti
at your service.
Copy !req
776. Is that O-O-O-pie?
Copy !req
777. No, it's Oopie. Like "loopy."
Copy !req
778. Okay.
Copy !req
779. Uh, well, thank you—
Copy !req
780. thanks for watching Fred
for us, you know?
Copy !req
781. Honestly, I'm just so happy
to be able to spend time
Copy !req
782. with that creamy little
Alfredo sauce!
Copy !req
783. - Yeah.
- He's the best baby on Earth.
Copy !req
784. He is.
Copy !req
785. He is.
Um, has he been resting long?
Copy !req
786. - I'd say about 40 minutes.
- Okay.
Copy !req
787. Uh, so I did
two loads of laundry,
Copy !req
788. - caught up on my Hannity...
- I saw that.
Copy !req
789. roasted a chicken for
supper, and made sweet rolls.
Copy !req
790. Do you like sweet rolls,
Copy !req
791. Come on. Sit down.
Copy !req
792. You've had a long day at work,
I'm sure.
Copy !req
793. Have a seat.
Copy !req
794. So listen, I have to insist
Copy !req
795. that Fred not go back
to that filthy daycare center.
Copy !req
796. Oh.
Copy !req
797. Because why would he,
when Aunt Oopie is free?
Copy !req
798. Yeah, I just—Tami and I,
we should really, uh,
Copy !req
799. - maybe discuss—
- Here. Try this.
Copy !req
800. You're gonna love it, Phillip.
Copy !req
801. - Am I right?
Copy !req
802. - Am I right or am I right?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
803. Yeah, you're—you're right.
Copy !req
804. That's delicious.
Copy !req
805. Here we are...
Copy !req
806. the master bedroom.
Copy !req
807. This is full of promise.
Copy !req
808. Jesus H Christ in Heaven,
my Lord,
Copy !req
809. thank You for this gift
Copy !req
810. - of daily stuff.
Copy !req
811. He organized them
by year and distillery.
Copy !req
812. His lifelong passion.
Copy !req
813. This one...
Copy !req
814. - looks really old.
Copy !req
815. This is the scary room?
Copy !req
816. There's nothing in here.
A bed and some air.
Copy !req
817. That's 'cause
you're not on the bed.
Copy !req
818. - That's where they torment.
- Uh...
Copy !req
819. Cheers, to us.
Copy !req
820. This bed?
Copy !req
821. Nothing here.
Copy !req
822. I'll take another one, doll.
Copy !req
823. That's 'cause you have to lie
on the bed.
Copy !req
824. - Ah.
- Close your eyes.
Copy !req
825. You'll see.
Copy !req
826. Mm.
Copy !req
827. Eh?
Copy !req
828. - Now lay very still.
- Okay.
Copy !req
829. - Don't move a muscle.
Copy !req
830. Eyes shut tight.
Copy !req
831. And listen.
Copy !req
832. - You hear that?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
833. I think you may have
scared the spirits away.
Copy !req
834. Do you like to play, Frank?
Copy !req
835. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
836. Then let's play.
Copy !req
837. Open your eyes.
Copy !req
838. What?
Copy !req
839. Boo!
Copy !req
840. Whoo!
Copy !req
841. Todd! Todd! Todd! Todd!
Copy !req
842. - You're Todd's manager, right?
- Guilty.
Copy !req
843. His kneeling photo
is blowing up.
Copy !req
844. 120,000 likes already.
Copy !req
845. And Jay-Z commented,
"We're past this."
Copy !req
846. Your guy is famous.
Copy !req
847. Well, it's easy to represent
Copy !req
848. someone who takes
such a strong stand.
Copy !req
849. What are you doing
after the game?
Copy !req
850. Excuse me, ladies.
Copy !req
851. Business calls.
Copy !req
852. Dude, you're trending.
Copy !req
853. Time to decide
what you took a knee for.
Copy !req
854. - Huh?
- Lots of options.
Copy !req
855. Race, Trump, being poor,
Copy !req
856. bad food in schools,
kids with leukemia.
Copy !req
857. Got to pick.
Copy !req
858. I was just fixing my shoes.
Copy !req
859. You want sponsorships or not?
Copy !req
860. Thanks.
Copy !req
861. Thanks for meeting up with me.
Copy !req
862. No problem.
Let me just take my Plan B.
Copy !req
863. Totally screwed
the pooch last night.
Copy !req
864. A guy I boned was legit poor.
Copy !req
865. Like, works at goddamn Macy's
Copy !req
866. and is not even
associate manager.
Copy !req
867. His tie had a snipped-in-half
label on the back.
Copy !req
868. Fuck my life.
Copy !req
869. How about you?
How'd you make out?
Copy !req
870. Yeah. So that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Copy !req
871. I think I might be
a prostitute.
Copy !req
872. Yas, queen!
Copy !req
873. So I didn't go off with
that old rich guy last night.
Copy !req
874. I met someone else.
Her name is Claudia.
Copy !req
875. We went up to her room
and hooked up,
Copy !req
876. and now she's buying me dresses
and giving me cash
Copy !req
877. and gonna take me
to a nice dinner.
Copy !req
878. I'm really conflicted.
Copy !req
879. You hit the jackpot.
Copy !req
880. Or...
Copy !req
881. the mother lode.
Copy !req
882. Get it?
Copy !req
883. You don't think
it's a little slutty?
Copy !req
884. Having a sugar mama?
Fuck, no.
Copy !req
885. It is a true unicorn.
Copy !req
886. You got no dusty dicks.
No dangling balls.
Copy !req
887. You get actual orgasms
all night.
Copy !req
888. You ride her
Copy !req
889. all the way to a college fund
for Franny, girl.
Copy !req
890. I look like a rabid raccoon.
Copy !req
891. My eyes!
Copy !req
892. The pain comes in waves!
Copy !req
893. Your snail piss
burned our skin off!
Copy !req
894. Fuck!
Copy !req
895. This sucks!
Copy !req
896. We hear your concerns.
Copy !req
897. Obviously,
we have the same concerns
Copy !req
898. about our product as you do.
Copy !req
899. Aloe gel coming around.
Copy !req
900. Put it on the burned area
with our deep apologies.
Copy !req
901. You need to call
that bitch back again.
Copy !req
902. We got to return this shit
and get our money back.
Copy !req
903. I have called her 20 times.
Copy !req
904. She keeps sending us
to voice mail.
Copy !req
905. Give me the phone—I know
how to get her coward ass here.
Copy !req
906. "Girl, we need more product.
Sold out inventory."
Copy !req
907. Smiley face emoji.
Copy !req
908. She's coming right over.
Copy !req
909. Uh, you know, we usually just
kind of all grab something
Copy !req
910. and eat
clustered around the sink.
Copy !req
911. Well, that's a bunch of crazy.
Copy !req
912. You want to keep this great
country of ours great,
Copy !req
913. it starts at the home,
Copy !req
914. with prayers
to our Lord Jesus
Copy !req
915. - and three square meals a day.
Copy !req
916. - Hello!
- Hey!
Copy !req
917. - Hi. Oopie!
Copy !req
918. Little Tami!
Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
919. I love this baby so much.
Copy !req
920. And this man of yours—
Copy !req
921. a fixer-upper, for sure...
Copy !req
922. but that house
has good bones.
Copy !req
923. Well, thank you so much
for coming
Copy !req
924. on such short notice,
Aunt Oopie.
Copy !req
925. Of course, honeybun.
Now, let's see.
Copy !req
926. Fred has probably got
another hour or so
Copy !req
927. before I wake him up
for supper.
Copy !req
928. - Okay.
- I can do bath time.
Copy !req
929. So why don't you two
go have a date?
Copy !req
930. Aunt Oopie's got everything
covered here.
Copy !req
931. - Date?
- A date?
Copy !req
932. Yeah. Or a nap
or just an adult conversation.
Copy !req
933. Go on, now.
Copy !req
934. I'm gonna teach Fred
and that little colored boy
Copy !req
935. about the Gettysburg Address
after supper.
Copy !req
936. I'm sorry.
Wha-what was that part?
Copy !req
937. - A date.
- She just—
Copy !req
938. - A date.
- No, I heard—
Copy !req
939. That's great.
Thanks, Aunt Oopie.
Copy !req
940. Go on, now.
Enjoy yourselves.
Copy !req
941. - No, see, the other part—
- It's good to go out
Copy !req
942. and participate in the economy
Copy !req
943. so we don't have to give
Copy !req
944. to those welfare cheats and...
Copy !req
945. - Okay!
- ... illegal immigrants.
Copy !req
946. - Yeah. I just—
- All right. Bye.
Copy !req
947. Please. Come on.
Copy !req
948. - Have fun.
Copy !req
949. Hey.
Copy !req
950. - Hey.
Copy !req
951. Thanks for meeting me.
Copy !req
952. Yeah.
Sure thing, Formal.
Copy !req
953. Let's order.
I'm fucking starving.
Copy !req
954. You, uh,
get your new PO assignment?
Copy !req
955. I'm back
with Larry fucking Seaver—
Copy !req
956. I think we should get married.
Copy !req
957. What?
Copy !req
958. We should get married.
Copy !req
959. Then we can't testify
against each other...
Copy !req
960. in a court of law.
Copy !req
961. You know,
in case one of us, uh...
Copy !req
962. had something on the other.
Copy !req
963. It's called spousal privilege.
Copy !req
964. Yeah. Yeah.
I, uh, heard of it.
Copy !req
965. It's for both of
our protection, you know?
Copy !req
966. Just help us keep things clean,
Copy !req
967. help us toe the line
a little bit.
Copy !req
968. So what are you thinking?
Copy !req
969. I think staying out of jail's
a crap reason to get married.
Copy !req
970. No. We fucking love each other.
Copy !req
971. That's why
we're gonna get married.
Copy !req
972. The legal stuff,
it's just... bonus.
Copy !req
973. I mean,
this is marriage, though, man.
Copy !req
974. It's kind of a... big step,
don't you think?
Copy !req
975. I love you.
Copy !req
976. And...
Copy !req
977. and I trust you.
Copy !req
978. Do you love
and trust me, too?
Copy !req
979. - Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
980. Okay.
Copy !req
981. So maybe this decision
isn't that hard.
Copy !req
982. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
983. You proposing to me
over fucking patty melts?
Copy !req
984. Yeah.
I guess I am.
Copy !req
985. So what do you say?
You want to fit it in?
Copy !req
986. Fuck it.
I do.
Copy !req
987. There he is.
The slayer!
Copy !req
988. - Way to slay.
Copy !req
989. I got you six more cases,
you killer.
Copy !req
990. Well, psych!
'Cause we don't want any more.
Copy !req
991. You burned
our customers' faces off.
Copy !req
992. Look at 'em.
Like a bunch of linebackers.
Copy !req
993. We want a full refund,
and we want it now.
Copy !req
994. You know,
as I always tell my teammates,
Copy !req
995. a life in sales means
good days and bad.
Copy !req
996. Sometimes your products
Copy !req
997. are just gonna fly off the
shelves, and other times—
Copy !req
998. Oh, cut the shit, Tessa.
Copy !req
999. Our eyes feel like
liquid molten lava.
Copy !req
1000. Eight hundred and twenty-five
dollars, now.
Copy !req
1001. Look, I really want to give
you guys your money back,
Copy !req
1002. but the thing is,
Copy !req
1003. my hands are tied.
Copy !req
1004. There are absolutely no refunds
of Escargold.
Copy !req
1005. It is a firm company policy.
Copy !req
1006. And you two did...
Copy !req
1007. e-sign the agreement.
Copy !req
1008. What the fuck are we gonna do
with nine cases of slug burn?
Copy !req
1009. I don't know.
Be inventive.
Copy !req
1010. Here we go.
Copy !req
1011. These are the Youths
Discovering Leadership Laws
Copy !req
1012. or whatever.
Copy !req
1013. Youths! This is Carl.
Copy !req
1014. Whoa.
Copy !req
1015. What the shit is this?
Copy !req
1016. Our youth leader program.
Copy !req
1017. Uh, that's Wilder,
Copy !req
1018. Hemingway,
Copy !req
1019. Penelope, Hunter—
Copy !req
1020. - Stop.
Copy !req
1021. These are
our future police?
Copy !req
1022. Mm, doubt it.
Copy !req
1023. Uh, most do it
for their college applications.
Copy !req
1024. They put it next to ski club,
yearbook committee..
Copy !req
1025. - Oh, no, no, no.
- ... Habitat for Humanity—
Copy !req
1026. Who's in charge here?
Copy !req
1027. Well, we had a lieutenant
running things for a while,
Copy !req
1028. but he's out recovering
from a heart attack.
Copy !req
1029. So, for now,
they're kind of on their own.
Copy !req
1030. Just give me
24 hours with them, sir.
Copy !req
1031. I'll whip 'em into shape.
Copy !req
1032. Hey, uh, I don't think
we're supposed to...
Copy !req
1033. Hold up.
I got a link from Larry.
Copy !req
1034. In what now appears
Copy !req
1035. to have been
a lover's quarrel,
Copy !req
1036. Michelle "Shelly" Demeter
has been arrested and charged
Copy !req
1037. for the aggravated murder
of Paula Bitterman.
Copy !req
1038. What the fuck?
Copy !req
1039. An eyewitness account
has confirmed that Demeter...
Copy !req
1040. Wait. Is that the lady
from the ambulance company?
Copy !req
1041. Bitterman was
just 47 years old.
Copy !req
1042. You didn't kill Paula.
Copy !req
1043. I told you I didn't.
I thought you killed Paula.
Copy !req
1044. Told you I didn't.
Copy !req
1045. But you kept talking about
how you wanted her dead.
Copy !req
1046. You said you
wanted her dead, too,
Copy !req
1047. and then you were with
your fucking dad all night.
Copy !req
1048. Doesn't mean I just went
and murdered somebody.
Copy !req
1049. I just got out of prison.
Copy !req
1050. I just got
out of prison, too.
Copy !req
1051. Mr. Gallagher
and Mr. Milkovich?
Copy !req
1052. Mr. Gallagher
and Mr. Milkovich.
Copy !req
1053. - Yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
1054. Okay, everybody, time to think
outside the snail box.
Copy !req
1055. What could we
use these guys for?
Copy !req
1056. What secret use do they have?
Copy !req
1057. Garbage can liner.
Copy !req
1058. For a 10% cut
of our total sales,
Copy !req
1059. what else could these little
gold bitches be used for?
Copy !req
1060. All right?
Best idea wins.
Copy !req
1061. Come on, guys.
Be creative.
Copy !req
1062. They're small and sparkly.
Copy !req
1063. They reduce puffiness
and cause burning.
Copy !req
1064. Mm, might work for herpes.
Copy !req
1065. I hear herpes.
Do I have a counter?
Copy !req
1066. Well, if you put
16 of them on your chest,
Copy !req
1067. it'll help you quit smoking.
Copy !req
1068. - Okay, good.
- Glue stick.
Copy !req
1069. - Paint thinner.
- Just smoke the shit.
Copy !req
1070. Cure for snoring,
'cause your nose is burned off.
Copy !req
1071. I like it, yeah.
What else?
Copy !req
1072. What's the main ingredient
in 'em?
Copy !req
1073. Uh, Korean, Korean, Korean,
and caffeine.
Copy !req
1074. Caffeine?
Copy !req
1075. That's the main ingredient
in Preparation H.
Copy !req
1076. Not that I know anything
about hemorrhoids,
Copy !req
1077. because I do not.
Copy !req
1078. I can't believe
you thought I did it!
Copy !req
1079. I can't believe
you thought I did it.
Copy !req
1080. I'm not the one
fucking prone to murder here.
Copy !req
1081. "Prone to m—"
Copy !req
1082. Name me one person
I've murdered!
Copy !req
1083. Is this the only reason
you proposed to me?
Copy !req
1084. - No.
- It is.
Copy !req
1085. 'Cause you thought
I was fucking guilty.
Copy !req
1086. There's plenty
of fucking reasons.
Copy !req
1087. But, yeah, I'd say
it came up today
Copy !req
1088. 'cause not testifying
against you is
Copy !req
1089. a pretty big plus, Mickey.
Copy !req
1090. So, uh, Misters Gallagher
and Milkovich,
Copy !req
1091. um, shall I proceed with the
marriage license application?
Copy !req
1092. Yeah, please, proceed.
Copy !req
1093. Okay, great.
Copy !req
1094. So, Mr. Milkovich,
if you could just sign
Copy !req
1095. right on that line there.
Copy !req
1096. And now, Mr. Gallagher.
Copy !req
1097. - Just sign...
- Yep.
Copy !req
1098. Yep, right on that line
right there.
Copy !req
1099. That's good.
Copy !req
1100. Mr. Gallagher?
Copy !req
1101. - You're fucking kidding.
- Can we just talk for—
Copy !req
1102. Fuck.
Copy !req
1103. Hey, can we have
our paperwork back, please?
Copy !req
1104. Sorry, sorry
to waste your time.
Copy !req
1105. Hey, Mickey!
Copy !req
1106. Hey.
Copy !req
1107. Hey.
Oh, did the silk dress not fit?
Copy !req
1108. Uh...
Copy !req
1109. Look, Claudia, I really like
free gifts and free money—
Copy !req
1110. Oh, good,
because I have one more thing
Copy !req
1111. I'd like you to have.
Copy !req
1112. What's this?
Copy !req
1113. Just open it.
Copy !req
1114. It's a luggage tag.
Copy !req
1115. You put your name
and address on there,
Copy !req
1116. and then you attach it
to your luggage,
Copy !req
1117. which you should pack,
Copy !req
1118. We're going on a girls' trip
to Kennebunkport.
Copy !req
1119. Beach weekend.
Copy !req
1120. I don't even own a suitcase.
Copy !req
1121. But even if I did, it's hard
for me to accept this from you.
Copy !req
1122. It's all making me
feel like a prostitute.
Copy !req
1123. Oh, God, uh, come here.
Sit down.
Copy !req
1124. I am—I am so, so sorry.
Copy !req
1125. Uh, that was
not my intention at all.
Copy !req
1126. I-I mean, yes, I did think
you were a prostitute
Copy !req
1127. when I picked you up
on Ho Corner,
Copy !req
1128. but I see now that
you are much more than that.
Copy !req
1129. Uh...
Copy !req
1130. You make me feel
Copy !req
1131. all flustered
and tongue-tied and—
Copy !req
1132. I am sorry about the gifts.
Copy !req
1133. The truth is, it's the only way
I know how to show affection.
Copy !req
1134. I am working on it
with my therapist
Copy !req
1135. because my father was
a withholding narcissist,
Copy !req
1136. but, truly, I am sorry.
Copy !req
1137. No.
Copy !req
1138. Hey, I-I'm sorry, too.
Copy !req
1139. I can see you were
just trying to be nice.
Copy !req
1140. And trust me,
I'm fucked up, too.
Copy !req
1141. I see your withholding
narcissist parent
Copy !req
1142. and raise you a set
of drug-addicted alcoholics.
Copy !req
1143. Let's have a true do-over.
Copy !req
1144. We could even
go dutch on dinner.
Copy !req
1145. Does dutch mean
that you'll pay?
Copy !req
1146. 'Cause I doubt I could afford
anything at this restaurant.
Copy !req
1147. Do you remember
Kyle Holmes, Frank?
Copy !req
1148. What?
Where am I?
Copy !req
1149. Why does my head hurt?
Copy !req
1150. I drugged your scotch.
Copy !req
1151. That's Holmes, Frank.
Copy !req
1152. H-O-L-M-E-S.
Copy !req
1153. What?
Copy !req
1154. Do you remember
Kyle Holmes, Frank?
Copy !req
1155. Why am I handcuffed?
What the hell is this?
Copy !req
1156. Kyle Holmes was my fiancé...
Copy !req
1157. when my life
was full of promise.
Copy !req
1158. We were gonna get married...
Copy !req
1159. until you ruined it.
Copy !req
1160. Who are you?
Who is this Kyle guy?
Copy !req
1161. You know what you did!
Copy !req
1162. I don't!
I swear.
Copy !req
1163. Summer of 1995.
Copy !req
1164. It doesn't ring a bell?
Copy !req
1165. Let's see if we can
jog your memory.
Copy !req
1166. It is an epidemic that we are
facing in this country.
Copy !req
1167. Street drugs, like crack,
Copy !req
1168. ensnaring young American boys
like you,
Copy !req
1169. from good American families.
Copy !req
1170. That is why there is a war
on drugs in this country.
Copy !req
1171. Is that him?
Copy !req
1172. That's you, asshole.
Copy !req
1173. Instead of punishing
this poor man,
Copy !req
1174. the victim, who was seduced
Copy !req
1175. into using
illegal street drugs,
Copy !req
1176. we're gonna punish
the hoodlums, the miscreants
Copy !req
1177. for perpetuating
this dark epidemic.
Copy !req
1178. Frank Gallagher,
Copy !req
1179. this court reduces your charge
to a misdemeanor,
Copy !req
1180. and you are sentenced
to 30 days in rehab.
Copy !req
1181. Thank you, Your Honor.
Copy !req
1182. You have a good day now.
Copy !req
1183. As for you, the deviant thug
Copy !req
1184. that tried to rob and steal
Copy !req
1185. this bright young man's
Copy !req
1186. you are hereby sentenced
to 45 years
Copy !req
1187. for drug possession
of crack cocaine.
Copy !req
1188. Society's gonna be a lot safer
Copy !req
1189. without you super predators
out on the streets.
Copy !req
1190. Twenty-four years
he's been rotting in prison,
Copy !req
1191. his entire adult life
behind bars.
Copy !req
1192. I-I-I mean,
that's very unfortunate.
Copy !req
1193. The '90s were a racist time.
Copy !req
1194. But this feels like
a "not me" problem.
Copy !req
1195. This feels like
a "not you" problem?
Copy !req
1196. - You really don't remember.
- I don't remember!
Copy !req
1197. Look, admittedly,
I was on crack at the time.
Copy !req
1198. - Ouch.
Copy !req
1199. I'm going to the hardware store
for supplies.
Copy !req
1200. Why don't you watch the video
a few dozen more times?
Copy !req
1201. - It's on a loop.
- It is an epidemic...
Copy !req
1202. What kind of supplies?
Copy !req
1203. The kind that might
make you remember.
Copy !req
1204. Wait, no, can't we—
Copy !req
1205. ensnaring
young American boys like you.
Copy !req
1206. All right, flashlights.
Copy !req
1207. - Check.
- Walkie-talkies.
Copy !req
1208. Check.
Copy !req
1209. - Tire irons!
- Check.
Copy !req
1210. - Tasers.
- Check.
Copy !req
1211. - Chains.
- Check.
Copy !req
1212. Do we have to keep saying
"check" every time?
Copy !req
1213. Because my throat's
getting dry—
Copy !req
1214. Sorry, sir.
Copy !req
1215. - Gloves.
- Check.
Copy !req
1216. - Roll of coins.
- Check.
Copy !req
1217. - Map of the South Side.
- Check.
Copy !req
1218. All right, let's review.
Copy !req
1219. You, you're gonna take
half the platoon due west.
Copy !req
1220. Your mission—
police this neighborhood
Copy !req
1221. between point A and B.
Copy !req
1222. I will take the other half
due east.
Copy !req
1223. We meet back at Camp Carl
at 0600.
Copy !req
1224. If someone fucks with you,
you fuck back!
Copy !req
1225. You will not sleep,
Copy !req
1226. you will not eat
until your zones are secure.
Copy !req
1227. Am I clear?
Copy !req
1228. - Yes, Carl!
- Good.
Copy !req
1229. Head on swivel.
Radios on.
Copy !req
1230. On my command, move out.
Copy !req
1231. Go, go, go, go!
Copy !req
1232. Hi, there.
I'm Kevin at the Alibi.
Copy !req
1233. Hi.
I'm Veronica at the Alibi.
Copy !req
1234. And we struggle
with hemorrhoids.
Copy !req
1235. Shh, Kev, that's embarrassing.
Copy !req
1236. Why, there's nothing to be
embarrassed about, V,
Copy !req
1237. not when there's
such an affordable and easy way
Copy !req
1238. to cure hemorrhoids, for
a very low introductory price
Copy !req
1239. at the Alibi on the South Side.
Copy !req
1240. That's right,
Escargold Butt Patches.
Copy !req
1241. Safe and easy to use.
Copy !req
1242. You just rip open the package
Copy !req
1243. and put 'em on your butt crack.
Copy !req
1244. Wow, that is so easy.
But does it work, Kev?
Copy !req
1245. Why, yes, Veronica, it does.
Copy !req
1246. Just listen to some of our
happy customer's testimonials.
Copy !req
1247. I used to have hemorrhoids.
Now I don't.
Copy !req
1248. Thanks, Escargold Butt Patches!
Copy !req
1249. So come see us
at the Alibi.
Copy !req
1250. Your butt
will thank you.
Copy !req
1251. - Okay.
Copy !req
1252. Posted!
Copy !req
1253. How long you think before
Copy !req
1254. people will come
through the door?
Copy !req
1255. Oh, that door is gonna
bust open any second now.
Copy !req
1256. Here we go.
Copy !req
1257. - Shot?
- Sure.
Copy !req
1258. Any second now.
Copy !req
1259. I guess not.
Copy !req
1260. Well, fuck, we tried.
Copy !req
1261. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
1262. today I take a knee
Copy !req
1263. in support
of the following causes—
Copy !req
1264. PETA's Lobster Empathy Center,
Copy !req
1265. The Cigar Rights of America,
Copy !req
1266. the Asperger Pride Movement,
Copy !req
1267. Parents Who Are
Against Miralax,
Copy !req
1268. Parents Who Are
Against Spelling Bees,
Copy !req
1269. and Association
for Canine Spirituality.
Copy !req
1270. Thanks.
Copy !req
1271. Todd! Todd! Todd! Todd! Todd!
Copy !req
1272. Mickey, come on, hold up.
Copy !req
1273. Leave me alone, Gallagher.
Copy !req
1274. It's just
that I hadn't really thought
Copy !req
1275. this marriage shit through.
Copy !req
1276. I don't know, I didn't think
we were gonna be
Copy !req
1277. having this fucking
conversation today.
Copy !req
1278. Then why the fuck
did you bring it up?
Copy !req
1279. The whole thing was
your fucking idea!
Copy !req
1280. - You talked me into this shit!
- I know!
Copy !req
1281. I know!
Copy !req
1282. Frank and Monica aren't exactly
Copy !req
1283. the fucking picture
of marital bliss, okay?
Copy !req
1284. I don't really have
a frame of reference
Copy !req
1285. to connect this shit to.
Copy !req
1286. - Oh, poor fucking you.
- It's not personal.
Copy !req
1287. - It's fine, it's fine.
- It's not personal.
Copy !req
1288. Mickey, I love you!
Copy !req
1289. It's—it's marriage that I
don't know if I love, you know?
Copy !req
1290. Maybe, I-I—
I don't know.
Copy !req
1291. But you're right, it is—it is
really fucking important,
Copy !req
1292. so can we just talk about it
for one second, please?
Copy !req
1293. I—
Copy !req
1294. I want to know
how you feel, you know?
Copy !req
1295. Fucking really, Mickey?
Copy !req
1296. Fuck.
Copy !req
1297. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
1298. Okay, so Aunt Oopie...
Copy !req
1299. she can't be
Fred's guardian, Tami.
Copy !req
1300. No, yeah.
I know.
Copy !req
1301. She's racist as fuck.
Copy !req
1302. I thought it would get
more subtle with age, but...
Copy !req
1303. What's with the third person?
Copy !req
1304. "Aunt Oopie's here."
Copy !req
1305. "Aunt Oopie baked."
Copy !req
1306. I know.
Copy !req
1307. She's weird and sad.
Copy !req
1308. Doesn't mean that Aunt Oopie
can't babysit, right?
Copy !req
1309. It's not like Fred understands
what she's saying.
Copy !req
1310. I don't think his hearing
even works yet.
Copy !req
1311. What if something
happens to us?
Copy !req
1312. We don't have anyone
to be Fred's guardian.
Copy !req
1313. So nothing'll happen to us.
Copy !req
1314. Make a deal right now...
Copy !req
1315. neither one of us will die.
Copy !req
1316. Deal.
Copy !req
1317. Hey, jaywalking's illegal.
Copy !req
1318. Buzz off.
Copy !req
1319. You sure you want
to say that to me?
Copy !req
1320. Beat it before you get hurt.
Copy !req