1. - Hey,
- Beat it.
Copy !req
2. You got it.
Copy !req
3. Yes, sir. Someone's gonna be getting
Copy !req
4. an extra serving of Vitagruel.
Copy !req
5. Uh, me.
Copy !req
6. Amos.
Copy !req
7. I-I'm getting it.
Copy !req
8. Hi, friend.
Copy !req
9. Nutritious and tested.
Copy !req
10. Mmm. Mmm.
Copy !req
11. Oh!
Copy !req
12. Sprats!
Copy !req
13. Hey.
Copy !req
14. Mister, what's that say?
Copy !req
15. Uh, I can't do...
Copy !req
16. words.
Copy !req
17. Trust me, son,
Copy !req
18. you don't want no part of this job.
Copy !req
19. I'm an orphan on garbage duty.
Copy !req
20. Ain't a lot of jobs I won't do.
Copy !req
21. Okay, then.
Copy !req
22. It says: "
Copy !req
23. Test subjects for Auntie Cleo
Brand Research and Development.
Copy !req
24. Numa Experimental Station needs
your body more than you do."
Copy !req
25. Numa? Did you say Numa station?
Copy !req
26. Um. That F-word— that a name?
Copy !req
27. Yeah, says here the lead scientist
is one Dr. Felicity Karo.
Copy !req
28. Hello? Please? Help.
Copy !req
29. Name's Felicity.
Copy !req
30. Nice to meet you, Amos.
Copy !req
31. Don't hurt?
Copy !req
32. Well, it feels like I got my skin
peeled off and rolled in salt.
Copy !req
33. Here, try this.
Copy !req
34. Ooh! Well, that...
Copy !req
35. that tingles.
Copy !req
36. But it feels better already.
Copy !req
37. Really? You're not just saying that?
Copy !req
38. Oh, I never lie.
Copy !req
39. Because I made it myself.
Copy !req
40. What? That's wonderful.
Copy !req
41. You're wonderful.
Copy !req
42. Felicity.
Copy !req
43. Law, you made it.
Copy !req
44. Are you talking to me, son?
Copy !req
45. Excuse me.
Copy !req
46. - Hey, watch it.
- Thank you, sir!
Copy !req
47. I want to do this.
The testing for Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
48. Look, you can't just walk in here
Copy !req
49. demonstrating that kind of malfeasance.
Copy !req
50. Sorry, my what now?
Copy !req
51. Tearing down company property.
Copy !req
52. Of course, the wind
could've just blown it down,
Copy !req
53. in which case, you were just
helping clean up the place.
Copy !req
54. Oh, no, I was the one tore it down.
Copy !req
55. Then you can't apply for this job
Copy !req
56. until you reimburse
the company for stolen property,
Copy !req
57. trademark abuse, misappropriation.
Copy !req
58. Just say the wind blew it down.
Copy !req
59. Nope, I tore it down.
I'm no good at lying.
Copy !req
60. I can see that.
Copy !req
61. How much?
Copy !req
62. 75 bits.
Copy !req
63. 'Tween you and me,
Copy !req
64. nobody with a lick of sense
is signing up for a job such as this.
Copy !req
65. Well, in a month's time,
I'm gonna walk in here
Copy !req
66. and pay you to give me that job.
Copy !req
67. Like I said,
Copy !req
68. nobody with a lick of sense.
Copy !req
69. - Good luck to you, son.
- I don't need luck.
Copy !req
70. - Three more credits.
- ♪ Always on the sunny side...
Copy !req
71. She's the smartest person
I ever did meet,
Copy !req
72. and so pretty and so funny.
Copy !req
73. And here I was, thinking, well,
I'm never gonna see her again...
Copy !req
74. Ain't gonna be much longer, Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
75. Honestly? You actually
Copy !req
76. like this Law-forsaken backwater world?
Copy !req
77. I do.
Copy !req
78. Uh, we got jobs.
Copy !req
79. Most of the time, we got beds.
Copy !req
80. What else could you want?
Copy !req
81. I want to do more.
Copy !req
82. Get off-planet
and go where they invent stuff.
Copy !req
83. I want to help people.
Copy !req
84. I want to make things better.
Copy !req
85. You already make everything better.
Copy !req
86. But I could be making products
that help colonists everywhere.
Copy !req
87. Yeah, but... your friends are here.
Copy !req
88. I don't have friends.
Copy !req
89. I've only got you, Amos.
Copy !req
90. Yeah, me too.
Copy !req
91. Amos! Amos!
Copy !req
92. They're making me an apprentice scientist.
Copy !req
93. I'm going to work for Auntie Cleo on Numa.
Copy !req
94. - Off-world?
- Yeah!
Copy !req
95. Where the science is. Can you believe it?
Copy !req
96. Wow. Uh, when do you go?
Copy !req
97. Today. Thank the Law
I don't have much to pack.
Copy !req
98. I'll tell you what,
I've no need for any of this.
Copy !req
99. I'm going to Numa.
Copy !req
100. Seventy-five bits.
Copy !req
101. Hope you still remember me, Felicity.
Copy !req
102. Hey, colleagues.
Copy !req
103. You're not simply test subjects.
Copy !req
104. You're engaged in a noble effort:
Copy !req
105. the perfecting of Auntie Cleo products.
Copy !req
106. Your eyes are Auntie Cleo's eyes.
Copy !req
107. Your lungs breathe her air.
Copy !req
108. Even your thoughts are proprietary,
Copy !req
109. so do not even think
of deceiving your supervisors.
Copy !req
110. Oh, I won't. I can't. Lie, I mean.
Copy !req
111. Really?
Copy !req
112. Tell me, then.
Copy !req
113. What's your biggest fear?
Copy !req
114. To live a meaningless life
and then die alone.
Copy !req
115. Oh.
Copy !req
116. We're testing a new antacid today.
Copy !req
117. Rub it on your arm,
Copy !req
118. then we'll pour the acid over it.
Copy !req
119. This cream is formulated to keep your arm
Copy !req
120. mostly unscathed.
Copy !req
121. - That's what? Uh...
- There are rags to use
in case you spill.
Copy !req
122. Uh, I-I don't think
it's working.
Copy !req
123. It burns!
Copy !req
124. I... I didn't know
I was signing up for this.
Copy !req
125. Untie me.
Copy !req
126. Sweet mercy, it burns! Aah!
Copy !req
127. Try to stay still, now.
Copy !req
128. I need clean results.
Copy !req
129. It's definitely
not working!
Copy !req
130. It does not work!
Copy !req
131. How would you rate
the effectiveness of the product?
Copy !req
132. I-It worked for a few seconds,
Copy !req
133. so I'd give it a fi— four.
Copy !req
134. When do we get to meet
the other scientists?
Copy !req
135. Can you still feel your thumb?
Copy !req
136. Take one Carbolated Lung Tablet
Copy !req
137. and then step into the tank.
Copy !req
138. Let the water fill your lungs,
Copy !req
139. and then breathe
for as long as you're able.
Copy !req
140. Subjects, step up to the ledge.
Copy !req
141. Ready?
Copy !req
142. Amos.
Copy !req
143. - Amos.
- Amos.
Copy !req
144. Amos, say something.
Copy !req
145. Three out of ten.
Copy !req
146. It's better than last time.
Copy !req
147. How many experiments
until I can meet Felicity Karo?
Copy !req
148. We just need
one product to work.
Copy !req
149. Let the Raptidon bite you
until it loses interest.
Copy !req
150. No,
I-I like the water!
Copy !req
151. - When it's done, apply the—
- People look to Auntie Cleo
Copy !req
152. - for quality.
- Mr. Courtright.
Copy !req
153. Chairman.
Well, isn't this a surprise?
Copy !req
154. A routine assessment.
Copy !req
155. Carry on.
Copy !req
156. Where was I, now?
Copy !req
157. - Quality, sir.
- Yes, quality.
Copy !req
158. Unlike our competitors,
Copy !req
159. Auntie Cleo wouldn't put her name
on a product less than 60% effective.
Copy !req
160. Please lose interest.
Copy !req
161. Good.
Copy !req
162. Now the gel.
Copy !req
163. This is why our test program
Copy !req
164. is so vital
Copy !req
165. to our corporate image.
Copy !req
166. - How do you feel?
- Uh, it hurts.
Copy !req
167. It's like a thousand bugs
crawling through...
Copy !req
168. Hmm. Now,
Copy !req
169. if you'll just follow me
to our prestigious marketing department.
Copy !req
170. - Of course.
- Not you, Langdon.
Copy !req
171. Where did you get that bandana?
Copy !req
172. Felicity?
Copy !req
173. Amos?
Copy !req
174. Felicity!
Copy !req
175. The gate's open!
Copy !req
176. Wait, wait, wait. Don't move.
Copy !req
177. - They react to movement.
- It's so good to see you.
Copy !req
178. What? No, they don't!
Copy !req
179. They're still moving!
Copy !req
180. Remember that time I got myself stuck
in the garbage pile?
Copy !req
181. Seriously,
if I'd have not shown up,
Copy !req
182. you would have become garbage.
Copy !req
183. Or the time we shared
that expired Auntie Cleo ChumBar.
Copy !req
184. I was sick all day.
Copy !req
185. It was so hard to work
while we was vomiting.
Copy !req
186. Look at you.
Copy !req
187. You're like an automechanical now.
Copy !req
188. Yep. Brand-new arm.
Copy !req
189. Heat sensor.
Copy !req
190. And they made me smarter. Look at this.
Copy !req
191. would have become garbage.
Copy !req
192. That's amazing.
Copy !req
193. You're amazing. I mean...
Copy !req
194. from orphan to lead scientist.
Copy !req
195. You're doing so much good,
helping so many people.
Copy !req
196. I'm trying.
Copy !req
197. I miss how simple it used to be.
Copy !req
198. I missed you.
Copy !req
199. Me too, Amos.
Copy !req
200. I'm so pleased
I got to see you one last time.
Copy !req
201. What? One last time?
Copy !req
202. I'm up for a promotion.
Copy !req
203. I mean, the promotion.
Copy !req
204. I have a chance to become Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
205. Become? What do you me—
Copy !req
206. Auntie Cleo isn't just a CEO or a person.
Copy !req
207. She's an idea, handed down
from one generation to the next.
Copy !req
208. Chairman Courtright says
I could be a perfect Auntie Cleo,
Copy !req
209. so long as I can figure out
a way to boost our profits.
Copy !req
210. And it's so simple.
Copy !req
211. All we have to do is stop testing.
Copy !req
212. I'm real good at testing products.
Copy !req
213. It's only slowing down progress.
Copy !req
214. We should simply let the market decide.
Copy !req
215. And the sample size
will be our whole customer base.
Copy !req
216. People are gonna die.
Copy !req
217. Test subjects die all the time.
Copy !req
218. Yeah. But it's our job.
Copy !req
219. This is gonna work.
Copy !req
220. I just have to keep it from the chairman
until the job is mine.
Copy !req
221. And then...
Copy !req
222. I'm going to be Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
223. Being Felicity was enough for me.
Copy !req
224. You can't be serious.
Copy !req
225. As Felicity, I'm just a cog.
A nobody, like you.
Copy !req
226. As Auntie Cleo, I'll finally matter.
Copy !req
227. A little surgery, a few grafts.
Copy !req
228. But you'll still know it's me.
Copy !req
229. There'll be so many new products.
Copy !req
230. "Human-tested."
Copy !req
231. Five out of ten.
Copy !req
232. Five out of ten.
Copy !req
233. I'm going to be Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
234. I'm going to be Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
235. How are those pegs?
Copy !req
236. Five out of ten.
Copy !req
237. I'm sorry, Amos.
Copy !req
238. They're cutting back on the program.
Copy !req
239. Besides which, you've barely
any human parts left worth poking at.
Copy !req
240. You were always my favorite test subject,
Copy !req
241. You gave everything you could
to the company.
Copy !req
242. Well, I suppose that's it, then.
Copy !req
243. Dr. Langdon,
Copy !req
244. if somebody here was...
Copy !req
245. telling lies and hurting people,
that'd be bad, right?
Copy !req
246. Uh...
Copy !req
247. Not for something good like testing.
Copy !req
248. if they wanted
to hurt real people, like...
Copy !req
249. customers.
Copy !req
250. You're asking if assault and fraud
are against corporate policy?
Copy !req
251. If I had recorded evidence of, um...
Copy !req
252. c-corporate mal...
Copy !req
253. - Malfeasance?
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
254. - Deceiving the supervisors.
- Well.
Copy !req
255. That could get somebody
in a great deal of trouble here.
Copy !req
256. Are you sure
that's something you want to do?
Copy !req
257. As Felicity, I'm just a cog.
Copy !req
258. A nobody, like you.
Copy !req
259. Yes.
Copy !req
260. Hello?
Copy !req
261. Um...
Copy !req
262. I have evidence of...
Copy !req
263. Amos.
Copy !req
264. Felicity?
Copy !req
265. I've been self-centered and ruthless.
Copy !req
266. I've never stopped
climbing towards the top,
Copy !req
267. even when I had
to step on people to get there.
Copy !req
268. I've helped this company destroy lives.
Copy !req
269. I supervised a testing program
that hurt people.
Copy !req
270. That hurt you.
Copy !req
271. The one person I could count on.
Copy !req
272. Sweet, good,
Copy !req
273. honest Amos.
Copy !req
274. You have to tell me the truth.
Copy !req
275. Are we the bad guys?
Copy !req
276. Am I a bad person?
Copy !req
277. You...
Copy !req
278. You ain't a bad person, Felicity.
Copy !req
279. I don't want to stop, Amos.
Copy !req
280. I need this.
Copy !req
281. I know.
Copy !req
282. Go be Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
283. Go be everything you need to be.
Copy !req
284. Know who's in that ship?
Copy !req
285. They say it's the next Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req
286. That's wonderful.
Copy !req
287. I love Auntie Cleo.
Copy !req