1. It's you, isn't it? The one who...
Copy !req
2. Get off of me.
Copy !req
3. Settle down, all right?
Copy !req
4. - Stop.
- No, you'll have to kill me.
Copy !req
5. Stop. Friend.
Copy !req
6. Negligible threat. Gear down.
Copy !req
7. Take a walk.
Copy !req
8. Friend? Him?
Copy !req
9. Well, negligible threat.
Copy !req
10. Finish your drink.
Copy !req
11. Nah.
Copy !req
12. I don't like it here anymore.
Copy !req
13. Fuck, man, what's your—
Copy !req
14. Not with that one, kid.
Copy !req
15. The fuck's he doing in a bar
if he doesn't want to talk to anybody?
Copy !req
16. Leave it.
Copy !req
17. Last of the old-school augs.
Copy !req
18. They don't make them like that anymore.
Hell, they can't.
Copy !req
19. Good. I can't believe
they even let him in a Core like that.
Copy !req
20. Nobody lets him do anything.
Copy !req
21. They made him to do one thing.
Copy !req
22. Hey. What's the matter with you?
Copy !req
23. Fucking junkie.
Copy !req
24. You know how they say
if you want to be able to come back whole,
Copy !req
25. you got to leave some part of yourself
outside the Core when you go in?
Copy !req
26. Well, works the other way around
with that one.
Copy !req
27. Near as anyone figures,
Copy !req
28. he leaves something behind
when he comes back out.
Copy !req
29. Friend?
Copy !req
30. Jesus. The things you say.
Copy !req
31. You need to even out.
Copy !req
32. So I can fit in?
Copy !req
33. None of those fucks are anything like me.
Copy !req
34. They're not like us.
Copy !req
35. But you should find your people.
Copy !req
36. Everybody like me is dead.
Copy !req
37. Humans don't do well in isolation.
Copy !req
38. The voice in my head
is telling me to get out more.
Copy !req
39. Well, you could've used
a couple more drinks.
Copy !req
40. And you know what I need.
Copy !req
41. I do.
Copy !req
42. Incoming. Two seconds.
Copy !req
43. Get to the hangar.
You've got a job.
Copy !req
44. How do you do that?
Copy !req
45. Do what?
Copy !req
46. I wasn't talking to you.
Copy !req
47. Sun's up in 40 minutes.
I want you in Shrieker before that.
Copy !req
48. Careful.
Copy !req
49. I'll be there.
Copy !req
50. Target's inside the mountain.
Copy !req
51. Why wouldn't dispatch tell us what it is?
Copy !req
52. Because it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
53. It's nice to see you smile.
Copy !req
54. Ah, so you're something with eyes.
Copy !req
55. Turn of phrase.
Copy !req
56. Nobody tells me anything.
Copy !req
57. It's amusing
when you try to guess what I am.
Copy !req
58. You're a few grams of unstable isotope
stuck in my brain stem.
Copy !req
59. The real question
is why you're such an asshole.
Copy !req
60. I'm what everybody shaking
their heads behind your back says I am.
Copy !req
61. Obsolete augmentation surgery.
Copy !req
62. A malfunction
that makes you a terrible killer
Copy !req
63. when you're in a metal jacket
Copy !req
64. and just about unbearable when you're not.
Copy !req
65. Are you a part of Shrieker?
Copy !req
66. Shrieker's a part of me.
Copy !req
67. Just like you are.
Copy !req
68. Two enemy Cores bearing 41.
They've locked on to you.
Copy !req
69. Let's make some money.
Copy !req
70. Nice.
Copy !req
71. - These guys ain't bad.
- As if they're one mind.
Copy !req
72. Networked?
One piloted, one slaved?
Copy !req
73. No. Life signs in both cockpits.
Copy !req
74. And even jacked up,
no pilot could run two Cores.
Copy !req
75. Whatever their edge...
Copy !req
76. it ain't enough.
Copy !req
77. - Where's our target?
- There.
Copy !req
78. Huh.
Copy !req
79. Heavy and slow. Easy.
Copy !req
80. - Ah, fuck me.
- That's a lethal unit.
Copy !req
81. - No shit.
- Your advantage here is speed.
Copy !req
82. Are you telling me to run?
Copy !req
83. You know that already.
Copy !req
84. Fuck.
Copy !req
85. Fuck me.
Copy !req
86. Fuck.
They're really acting like a network.
Copy !req
87. They might just be smart.
Very smart.
Copy !req
88. - Perfectly coordinated through context.
- The fuck are you talking about?
Copy !req
89. It means they're better than you.
Copy !req
90. Nobody's better than me.
Copy !req
91. - They're not trying to hit you.
- I know.
Copy !req
92. They're just making you
waste velocity on oblique vectors.
Copy !req
93. I know!
Copy !req
94. - All right.
Copy !req
95. Fuck these guys.
Copy !req
96. Come on!
Copy !req
97. Pilot, wake up.
Copy !req
98. Wake up.
Copy !req
99. Pilot, wake up!
Copy !req
100. - I need you.
Copy !req
101. We've taken too much damage.
Copy !req
102. We're close.
Copy !req
103. What? Fuel cells at nine percent,
hull integrity at 14?
Copy !req
104. Ah, fuck it. I'm going in.
Copy !req
105. - Are there more Cores?
- One, at most.
Copy !req
106. Mine specs and hard inference say
hangar space for six total.
Copy !req
107. Good enough.
Copy !req
108. Not fucking today.
Copy !req
109. Enemy targets
are painting empty space.
Copy !req
110. What am I missing?
Copy !req
111. Hey.
Copy !req
112. You there?
Copy !req
113. Come back.
Copy !req
114. I don't want to be alone here.
Copy !req
115. We are on interesting ground.
Copy !req
116. You were remade in a lab like this.
The technique is supposed to be lost.
Copy !req
117. What are we doing?
Copy !req
118. There's no target.
Copy !req
119. I believe
we are looking at the target.
Copy !req
120. The enemy Cores.
Copy !req
121. - Or the pilots within.
- Life signs?
Copy !req
122. Yes.
Copy !req
123. - That's impossible.
- Yet there it is.
Copy !req
124. - He's auged?
- They all were.
Copy !req
125. It's the only thing that makes sense.
Copy !req
126. I don't think they wanted to kill you.
Copy !req
127. Of course they wanted to kill me.
Copy !req
128. You can feel a pulled punch?
Copy !req
129. What else would they want?
Copy !req
130. You tell me.
Copy !req
131. They are like you, after all.
Copy !req
132. - Help me.
- They're your people.
Copy !req
133. Nobody's like me.
Copy !req
134. That's right.
Copy !req
135. Nobody's like us.
Copy !req