1. storm is projected
to make landfall
Copy !req
2. tonight as a category three hurricane.
Copy !req
3. Coastal areas are already seeing
heavy rain
Copy !req
4. and winds of up to 75 miles an hour.
Copy !req
5. The governor has declared
a state of emergency,
Copy !req
6. and is urging all residents...
Copy !req
7. stay indoors.
Flooding and dangerous road conditions...
Copy !req
8. Don't we usually kill people like him?
Copy !req
9. Yep.
Copy !req
10. Not so long as you're cashing my check.
Copy !req
11. You need to tighten those straps.
Copy !req
12. - Get up.
- I-I can't breathe in this thing.
Copy !req
13. Easier than breathing
with a bullet in your chest.
Copy !req
14. Need to protect the package.
Copy !req
15. So why don't you do
what I'm paying you for
Copy !req
16. and keep people from shooting at me
Copy !req
17. until I'm out of this godforsaken...
Copy !req
18. shithole?
Copy !req
19. If you don't want to get shot at,
Copy !req
20. there's people
you probably ought not steal from.
Copy !req
21. Mason.
Copy !req
22. Thanks, bud.
Copy !req
23. Duct tape?
Copy !req
24. Wonderful.
Copy !req
25. I hired an army of the homeless.
Copy !req
26. Duct tape works.
Copy !req
27. Fuck 'em.
Copy !req
28. "Security and prosperity," my ass.
Copy !req
29. They're scum.
Copy !req
30. Same as all the others.
Copy !req
31. Didn't stop you cashing their checks.
Copy !req
32. Congrats.
Copy !req
33. You got me, I'm a hypocrite.
Copy !req
34. Unlike all you pure-hearted mercenaries
shooting people for money.
Copy !req
35. I'm done now.
Copy !req
36. I deliver this case, I get fuck-off money,
Copy !req
37. and you guys don't need to kill me.
Copy !req
38. I'll be drinking myself to death
on a beach in Bimini.
Copy !req
39. - You guys can murder each other—
Copy !req
40. Fuck!
Copy !req
41. Don't worry.
Copy !req
42. You'll get what you paid for.
Copy !req
43. We're not the bad guys.
Copy !req
44. Package location confirmed.
Copy !req
45. Nine floors from the roof.
Copy !req
46. Six man team plus their client.
Copy !req
47. Roger.
Copy !req
48. Bravo team in position.
Copy !req
49. "Their client."
Copy !req
50. Turncoat shit.
Copy !req
51. Can you imagine what happens
Copy !req
52. if the package ends up in the wrong hands?
Copy !req
53. Wouldn't be
anywhere left that wasn't a war zone.
Copy !req
54. Be a real shame.
Copy !req
55. Nice civilization we got going here.
Copy !req
56. What's the play here?
Copy !req
57. Guy with the case's a non-combatant.
Copy !req
58. We don't kill civilians.
Copy !req
59. Selling that case makes him a combatant.
Copy !req
60. We're not the bad guys.
Copy !req
61. All clear.
Copy !req
62. Package on the move.
Copy !req
63. Keep it slow.
Copy !req
64. Standby.
Copy !req
65. Targets on the move.
Copy !req
66. Take both.
Copy !req
67. I repeat: take both vehicles.
Copy !req
68. - Roger.
- On it.
Copy !req
69. We've got hostiles!
- Fuck!
Copy !req
70. Shit!
Copy !req
71. Reverse!
Copy !req
72. Armored vehicle!
Copy !req
73. - A.P., everybody. A.P.!
- Copy.
Copy !req
74. Check six, check six!
Copy !req
75. We're boxed in!
Copy !req
76. Bravo team, stop them.
Copy !req
77. Light 'em up.
Copy !req
78. Get us out of here!
Copy !req
79. Rocket.
Get down!
Copy !req
80. Shit!
Copy !req
81. Engage, engage, engage!
Copy !req
82. Suppressive fire!
Copy !req
83. Shit! Keep your head down!
Copy !req
84. Stay low!
Stay low!
Copy !req
85. We got pinned down.
Copy !req
86. Take them out with the 50.
Copy !req
87. I have no viz.
Copy !req
88. Got to change position. Moving.
Copy !req
89. Keep going.
Copy !req
90. Suppress, suppress.
Copy !req
91. Stand by.
Copy !req
92. I'm out! I'm out!
Copy !req
93. In position.
Copy !req
94. Package is still in the first car.
Copy !req
95. Stand by.
Copy !req
96. - Sniper!
Copy !req
97. Get cover, get cover!
Copy !req
98. Get off the X!
Copy !req
99. Get your teams in there.
Copy !req
100. Alpha moving in.
Copy !req
101. - Bravo team moving.
- Go to the first car.
Copy !req
102. Copy.
Copy !req
103. Approaching vehicle.
Copy !req
104. Package is in vehicle one.
Copy !req
105. No movement inside.
Copy !req
106. Wait for my mark.
Copy !req
107. Roger.
Copy !req
108. Hold.
Copy !req
109. - Shit! Shit!
- Grenade!
Copy !req
110. Fucking now!
Copy !req
111. Deploy!
Copy !req
112. They're covering their movement!
Copy !req
113. Lost visual.
Copy !req
114. I can't see shit.
Copy !req
115. Jeff. Shit.
Copy !req
116. Get up.
Copy !req
117. Bitch.
Copy !req
118. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
119. I need a sitrep.
Copy !req
120. What's your position?
Copy !req
121. Talk to me.
Copy !req
122. Sitrep now!
Copy !req
123. Multiple casualties.
Copy !req
124. And the package?
Copy !req
125. Fuck.
Copy !req
126. Package is missing.
Copy !req
127. No package. It was a fucking decoy.
Copy !req
128. Roger. On it.
Copy !req
129. - Decoy is down.
Copy !req
130. Decoy is down.
Copy !req
131. That shit actually worked?
Copy !req
132. 'Course it did. My ideas always work.
Copy !req
133. Moving to support.
Copy !req
134. Copy that, we're ten klicks out.
Copy !req
135. Fucking Layla.
Copy !req
136. Mount here for surveillance.
Copy !req
137. Roger.
Copy !req
138. Scan security footage file. Street side.
Copy !req
139. Vehicles leaving in the last five.
Copy !req
140. Copy. Incoming.
Copy !req
141. No visual.
Copy !req
142. Repeat no visual.
Copy !req
143. Storm's knocked out surveillance.
Copy !req
144. 'Course it has.
Copy !req
145. Sky full of satellites
and a little rain fucks us.
Copy !req
146. Which route west
has the highest elevation?
Copy !req
147. Repeat that.
Copy !req
148. Which road won't flood?
Copy !req
149. Stand by.
Copy !req
150. Regalia.
Copy !req
151. Sniper. Regalia.
Copy !req
152. Waterfront, west of downtown.
Copy !req
153. Look for strong heat signature.
Copy !req
154. Roger.
Copy !req
155. Got 'em.
Copy !req
156. White four-door sedan
heading west on Regalia.
Copy !req
157. Package heat signature confirmed.
Copy !req
158. It's them. Engage.
Copy !req
159. Let's cut left down the old reservoir.
Copy !req
160. - We'll be there before—
Copy !req
161. Sniper!
Copy !req
162. You said we could slip— aah!
Copy !req
163. - You're supposed to keep me safe!
- Get down.
Copy !req
164. Tagged them twice. Lost visual.
Copy !req
165. Last seen heading west on Aqua Via.
Copy !req
166. The vehicle is damaged.
Copy !req
167. Bravo team en route.
Copy !req
168. Copy that.
Copy !req
169. - Moving to you.
Copy !req
170. - Come on, you piece of shit.
Copy !req
171. Why don't you fix this
with your fucking duct tape?
Copy !req
172. Ride's fucked. Need a trade.
Copy !req
173. Copy.
Copy !req
174. Stash house...
Copy !req
175. Shit. Oh fuck, it's them.
Copy !req
176. Shit.
Copy !req
177. Oh, they're coming. They fucking found us.
Copy !req
178. Bravo team in pursuit.
Copy !req
179. West on U.N. Way.
Copy !req
180. Copy. Coming to you.
Copy !req
181. Why aren't you driving faster?
Copy !req
182. I'm going back.
Copy !req
183. - You good?
- Go, go, go.
Copy !req
184. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
185. Fuck.
Copy !req
186. Motherfucker.
Copy !req
187. Hold on.
Copy !req
188. Fuck.
Copy !req
189. Come on, come on, come on!
Copy !req
190. Fucker. Lost visual.
Copy !req
191. Client secure.
Copy !req
192. Say again, client secure.
We're en route to stash.
Copy !req
193. Good job, Fitz.
Watch your ass.
Copy !req
194. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
195. Get ready to move.
We're changing to our backup vehicle.
Copy !req
196. Backup vehicle?
Copy !req
197. There's a worse car than this?
Copy !req
198. - Listen, you're gonna do exactly what I—
- Shit!
Copy !req
199. Come on. Move, move!
Copy !req
200. - Move!
- Move out!
Copy !req
201. Target vehicle crashed.
Copy !req
202. Cargo-loading area, west.
Copy !req
203. Roger.
Copy !req
204. I'm on the bad guy.
Copy !req
205. - Get the client clear!
- Copy.
Copy !req
206. - See you there.
- Come on. Move!
Copy !req
207. Oh, fuck!
Copy !req
208. - Wait.
- What?
Copy !req
209. No!
Copy !req
210. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
211. Fitz, check in.
Copy !req
212. What are you doing?
Copy !req
213. Need location. Sitrep, please.
Copy !req
214. Hey, do what I paid you for!
Copy !req
215. Stay here.
Copy !req
216. No, what are you doing?
Copy !req
217. Hey, you have to get me out of here!
Copy !req
218. What the fuck's
going on there?
Copy !req
219. Fitz, answer me.
Where's the fucking client?
Copy !req
220. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
Copy !req
221. Shit.
Copy !req
222. Oh!
Copy !req
223. - Oh, thank God.
- Come on.
Copy !req
224. Oh, shit. Fuck.
Copy !req
225. Oh, please.
Copy !req
226. The package. Hand it over.
Copy !req
227. Hey, uh, w-what are you doing?
Copy !req
228. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
229. Fuck.
Copy !req
230. We're done.
Double-time to exfil.
Copy !req
231. Look, we have to go back. We have to go—
Copy !req
232. Fitz, radio check.
Where are you?
Copy !req
233. I'm still in it.
Copy !req
234. We're done. Stand down.
Copy !req
235. This fuck killed Mason.
Copy !req
236. You're in tilt.
Copy !req
237. Stand down.
Copy !req
238. We're not the bad guys.
Copy !req
239. Copy that.
Copy !req
240. - I got you.
Copy !req
241. Oh, God. And the package.
Copy !req
242. Thank fucking God.
Copy !req
243. Yeah. Notch one for the good guys.
Copy !req
244. We have to go back for that case.
Copy !req
245. Without it, I'm worthless to the buyers.
Copy !req
246. The case isn't in the contract. You are.
Copy !req
247. I drop you at the border and we're done.
Copy !req
248. You don't understand!
Copy !req
249. If I don't have that case,
Copy !req
250. those "freedom fighters"
will fucking slaughter me.
Copy !req
251. Got what you paid for.
Copy !req
252. I just wanted out.
Copy !req
253. I just wanted things to be simple.
Copy !req
254. I'm not a bad guy.
Copy !req
255. Yeah. Me, neither.
Copy !req