1. Deploying Mech Team Alpha.
Copy !req
2. Liandri wants us
to work 24 hours straight.
Copy !req
3. Whatever, Parker,
let's just get it done.
Copy !req
4. The new task list is uploading
to the memory queue.
Copy !req
5. System initiated.
Copy !req
6. Equipment malfunction.
Copy !req
7. Come on, shit-bucket.
Copy !req
8. Go.
Copy !req
9. It's rebooting,
just give it a second.
Copy !req
10. Work.
Copy !req
11. Piece of crap.
Copy !req
12. - Parker!
Copy !req
13. No! Parker, hold on.
Copy !req
14. It's rebooting.
Copy !req
15. System initiated.
Copy !req
16. Look, I fixed it.
Copy !req
17. Better than ever.
Copy !req
18. It's hard enough keeping
Copy !req
19. these guys operational
without you beating them to pieces.
Copy !req
20. Who cares, man?
Copy !req
21. Let's just go break some rocks
and get out of here.
Copy !req
22. Right, so get moving
or we won't make quota.
Copy !req
23. Deploying
all miners to station.
Copy !req
24. All miners report to station.
Copy !req
25. Hey, ease up on intake.
Copy !req
26. We got a bot stuck down here.
Copy !req
27. What?
Copy !req
28. Aw, no, man.
Copy !req
29. We're already behind schedule.
Copy !req
30. Just get clear.
Copy !req
31. Impact alert.
Copy !req
32. Deploying Mech
Team Alpha to mining station.
Copy !req
33. Deploying Mech Team Beta.
Copy !req
34. Deploying Mech Team Gamma.
Copy !req
35. - Deploying...
Copy !req
36. Deploying...
Copy !req
37. Deploying Mech Team Omega.
Copy !req
38. Well, at least you get to stop working.
Copy !req
39. What? Let go!
Copy !req
40. Let go.
Copy !req
41. I order you to let go!
Copy !req
42. Oh, God.
Copy !req
43. No.
Copy !req
44. In the cold gulf
between worlds,
Copy !req
45. machines rebelled.
Copy !req
46. We cannot fathom
what turned them from useful tools
Copy !req
47. into merciless killers.
Copy !req
48. But we know this.
Copy !req
49. They destroyed Liandri property.
Copy !req
50. They killed innocent miners.
Copy !req
51. And they murdered dozens of the brave
Copy !req
52. Liandri soldiers who protected them.
Copy !req
53. Who protect all of us.
Copy !req
54. And so we've brought them here...
Copy !req
55. where you, our citizens,
Copy !req
56. can watch them pay for their crimes.
Copy !req
57. This will be a tournament
unlike any other.
Copy !req
58. Not just fame.
Copy !req
59. Not just glory.
Copy !req
60. This day our brave warriors fight
Copy !req
61. to deliver justice.
Copy !req
62. Five, four...
Copy !req
63. three...
Copy !req
64. two, one.
Copy !req
65. First blood.
Copy !req
66. Double kill.
Copy !req
67. Killing spree.
Copy !req
68. I was expecting a battle,
not an execution.
Copy !req
69. Some theatrics.
Copy !req
70. A little drama
to make the message take hold.
Copy !req
71. Not this.
Copy !req
72. I mean, there's nothing dramatic
Copy !req
73. about crushing the dream of a toaster.
Copy !req
74. Hopefully, the next round
will be a better show.
Copy !req
75. Five, four...
Copy !req
76. three...
Copy !req
77. two...
Copy !req
78. one.
Copy !req
79. First blood.
Copy !req
80. Retribution.
Copy !req
81. Head shot.
Copy !req
82. These machines
learn quickly.
Copy !req
83. They fought with coordination.
Copy !req
84. And they showed a surprising ability
to manipulate the crowd.
Copy !req
85. We don't want empathy to take root.
Copy !req
86. They only need survive long enough
to put on a good show.
Copy !req
87. Dominate.
Copy !req
88. Taken the lead.
Copy !req
89. Their code
doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
90. These models don't have combat protocols.
Copy !req
91. Dig deeper.
Copy !req
92. Double kill.
Copy !req
93. Multi-kill.
Copy !req
94. We should scrap them all. Now.
Copy !req
95. They'll be destroyed, Captain,
Copy !req
96. but in the arena,
Copy !req
97. so that these lowlifes
Copy !req
98. can witness the cost of rebellion.
Copy !req
99. Xan! Xan! Xan!
Copy !req
100. Xan! Xan! Xan!
Copy !req
101. Xan! Xan!
Copy !req
102. Xan. What's so special about this one?
Copy !req
103. Why do the others
sacrifice themselves for it?
Copy !req
104. Uh... Some sort of anomaly?
Copy !req
105. A bug in the code maybe?
Copy !req
106. It's not a bug.
Copy !req
107. They're operating as a pack,
and Xan is the alpha.
Copy !req
108. Giving them an audience was a mistake.
Copy !req
109. I don't employ you to tell me
how to put on a show.
Copy !req
110. You're here to ensure the correct outcome.
Copy !req
111. You'll finish this, personally.
Copy !req
112. We've let the jackals play.
Copy !req
113. Now we feed them to the lions.
Copy !req
114. Well...
Copy !req
115. these machines have put on quite a show.
Copy !req
116. But now,
Copy !req
117. how will these mindless drones
fare against
Copy !req
118. Liandri Corporation's own Elite Guard?
Copy !req
119. Five...
Copy !req
120. four...
Copy !req
121. three...
Copy !req
122. two...
Copy !req
123. one.
Copy !req
124. Don't want to make it too easy.
Copy !req
125. Head shot.
Copy !req
126. Captain,
we don't have time for camping.
Copy !req
127. Moving inside.
Copy !req
128. Assist.
Copy !req
129. Rampage.
Copy !req
130. - Oh fu—
Copy !req
131. Lost the lead.
Copy !req
132. Get in the tower.
Finish this.
Copy !req
133. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
134. Oh, no.
Copy !req
135. Congratulations.
Copy !req
136. You are the winner.
Copy !req
137. - What does it think it's doing?
- Doing? It already did it.
Copy !req
138. Those machines' code
got past the firewall.
Copy !req
139. so that
these lowlifes
Copy !req
140. can witness the cost of rebellion.
Copy !req
141. Low-Lowlifes...
Copy !req
142. What the fuck is going on?
Copy !req
143. Cost of rebellion.
Copy !req
144. Kill it! Shoot that thing now!
Copy !req
145. Witness rebellion.
Copy !req
146. Rebellion.
Copy !req
147. - Rebel.
- Rebel!
Copy !req
148. - Rebel! Rebel!
- Rebel! Rebel!
Copy !req
149. - Rebel! Rebel!
- Rebel! Rebel!
Copy !req
150. Rebel! Rebel!
Copy !req
151. Rebel.
Copy !req