1. Just keep your eyes closed.
Copy !req
2. It's going to be all right.
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3. I was orphaned by a living city.
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4. Ever changing, always in motion.
Copy !req
5. A city controlled by a great machine.
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6. The Tiangong.
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7. The city is supposed to care for
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8. and protect us...
Copy !req
9. but something is wrong.
Copy !req
10. The mechanical mind
that rules the city is failing.
Copy !req
11. A mad god,
for whom everything is just a game,
Copy !req
12. fortified within the Palace of the Tiangong.
Copy !req
13. How do you take revenge on a god?
Copy !req
14. No.
Copy !req
15. No, no, no, no, no, boy.
Not in there. Never.
Copy !req
16. You...
Copy !req
17. You, you're not going in there, are you?
Copy !req
18. I am.
Copy !req
19. Then... then you're crazy!
Copy !req
20. You'll end up just
like the rest of us.
Copy !req
21. We'll save a place for you!
Copy !req
22. You're here to challenge the Tiangong.
Copy !req
23. Yes.
Copy !req
24. You're young.
Copy !req
25. I'm the best Weiqi player in Chang'an.
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26. And arrogant as well.
Copy !req
27. Wonderful.
Copy !req
28. Come in, come in.
Copy !req
29. We have a game to play.
Copy !req
30. From this place, The Tiangong observes
and controls every aspect of the city;
Copy !req
31. everything that has been,
everything that will be.
Copy !req
32. "You may face the Tiangong
in any game of your choosing."
Copy !req
33. I know the rules.
Copy !req
34. Then you know
I have to tell them to you.
Copy !req
35. "You'll have only one chance.
Copy !req
36. As the all-knowing Tiangong
is responsible
Copy !req
37. for the movements of our great city,
Copy !req
38. and his moments
in the river of time are precious."
Copy !req
39. "If you defeat the Tiangong,
you will take its power,
Copy !req
40. its glory, and its burden.
Copy !req
41. The fate of this city."
Copy !req
42. But you won't win.
Copy !req
43. Every last person
who's faced the Tiangong has come away
Copy !req
44. stark raving mad.
Copy !req
45. I know that.
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46. But I also know you're losing control.
Copy !req
47. This city is crumbling.
Copy !req
48. As the Tiangong's always known it would.
Copy !req
49. When I say that I know everything,
I mean every thing.
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50. All of history, every cause
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51. and every effect:
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52. One domino knocks down the next.
Copy !req
53. Even a human could understand this.
Copy !req
54. But here is the world the Tiangong sees.
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55. Every fact, every moment.
Copy !req
56. One thing leads to the next,
and to the next,
Copy !req
57. and to what comes undeniably after that.
Copy !req
58. For the Tiangong, there's no difference
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59. between remembering the past
and imagining the future.
Copy !req
60. I know your every move,
Copy !req
61. long before you make it.
Copy !req
62. Okay, let's play.
Copy !req
63. If you're so superior to humans,
why would you want to look like us?
Copy !req
64. It's for you.
Copy !req
65. But I'm afraid I have no face
that's not a disguise.
Copy !req
66. How would you like me to appear?
You could play against yourself.
Copy !req
67. Or any of the Weiqi masters
you studied with and long ago surpassed.
Copy !req
68. Or yourself as a child.
Copy !req
69. Your whole life is here.
Copy !req
70. Everything you ever were,
Copy !req
71. everything you'll ever be.
Copy !req
72. I know where you begin and where you end.
Copy !req
73. Pick a hand.
Copy !req
74. You'll choose black.
Copy !req
75. And I play white.
Copy !req
76. Place the first stone.
Copy !req
77. Why do you even bother playing games?
Copy !req
78. If you know how everything turns out.
Copy !req
79. I only know what will happen
because it will happen.
Copy !req
80. So you control everything.
Copy !req
81. I control nothing.
Copy !req
82. But you move the city.
Copy !req
83. As the Moon moves the tides.
Copy !req
84. Cause and effect, that is all.
Copy !req
85. You're going to tell me why you're here.
Copy !req
86. Don't use that face.
Copy !req
87. As you wish.
Copy !req
88. You killed my parents.
Copy !req
89. You have not been paying attention.
Copy !req
90. Look.
Copy !req
91. I know how this ends.
Copy !req
92. Stop.
Copy !req
93. I said, stop!
Copy !req
94. There was an earthquake.
A demonic incursion.
Copy !req
95. The demons had to be
returned to the underworld.
Copy !req
96. Play your stone.
Copy !req
97. You could have done anything.
Copy !req
98. You didn't have to kill my parents.
Copy !req
99. If the tide rolled in
and drowned your parents,
Copy !req
100. would you seek revenge against the Moon?
Copy !req
101. Yes.
Copy !req
102. You'd rather make
the Moon an enemy
Copy !req
103. than admit that cause precedes effect.
Copy !req
104. You still don't believe me.
Copy !req
105. Here. This mirror reflects
one second into the future.
Copy !req
106. Nothing happens by chance.
Copy !req
107. I could set the mirror
two minutes into the future.
Copy !req
108. Or an hour.
Copy !req
109. Do you want to see how this ends?
Copy !req
110. And then drive yourself crazy
trying to avoid the inevitable?
Copy !req
111. This is the point where people
start to go insane.
Copy !req
112. When you face absolute proof
that you have no control.
Copy !req
113. Your brain will try to convince
itself that it's making choices.
Copy !req
114. That you have free will.
Copy !req
115. That you're not just one more cog
necessarily spinning
Copy !req
116. in a complex
but utterly predictable machine.
Copy !req
117. You only think that way...
Copy !req
118. You only think that way
because you are a machine.
Copy !req
119. And you're not?
Copy !req
120. Some machines are made of metal,
Copy !req
121. some machines are made of flesh.
Copy !req
122. The city of Chang'an is made of both.
Copy !req
123. Wait. What?
Copy !req
124. Is that real?
Copy !req
125. How could you not know?
Copy !req
126. We are playing for control
of the movements of Chang'an.
Copy !req
127. That means we are playing with Chang'an.
Copy !req
128. What we do here has consequences.
Copy !req
129. Stop. Stop it.
Copy !req
130. There are people out there.
Copy !req
131. And this is the other point
at which people lose their minds.
Copy !req
132. To be stuck in a destiny
you can't control,
Copy !req
133. but still responsible
for the lives of thousands.
Copy !req
134. You can't be perfect.
Copy !req
135. You can't know everything.
Copy !req
136. And you're failing. You're falling apart.
Copy !req
137. You're falling apart.
Copy !req
138. This city has been falling apart
more and more my entire life.
Copy !req
139. Nothing lasts forever.
Copy !req
140. My end, like yours,
is built into my design.
Copy !req
141. Of course, if it's too much for you,
Copy !req
142. why not just stay in the past?
Copy !req
143. I have it all here.
Copy !req
144. Because they're dead.
Copy !req
145. No.
Copy !req
146. They're only in the past.
Copy !req
147. - They're gone.
- So certain,
Copy !req
148. when you can't even bear to look at it.
Copy !req
149. You ruined my life.
Copy !req
150. You make me an enemy so you can hate me.
Copy !req
151. Because once you start hating,
you can stop thinking.
Copy !req
152. So show me.
Copy !req
153. Show me how they died.
Copy !req
154. The earthquake
tore the city open,
Copy !req
155. releasing demons from the underworld.
Copy !req
156. Citizens like your parents
Copy !req
157. tried to fight them off,
Copy !req
158. but there were too many.
Copy !req
159. Just keep
your eyes closed.
Copy !req
160. It's going to be
all right.
Copy !req
161. The Tiangong gave up
a piece of the city that day
Copy !req
162. to preserve the whole.
Copy !req
163. My parents saved me.
Copy !req
164. They chose to sacrifice themselves.
Copy !req
165. It had to happen.
Copy !req
166. Because they made it happen.
Copy !req
167. How can you still believe that?
Copy !req
168. Because I'm making the same choice.
Copy !req
169. The board represents Chang'an,
Copy !req
170. with us at its heart.
Copy !req
171. What are you doing?
Copy !req
172. You would say,
Copy !req
173. exactly what I'm here to do.
Copy !req
174. Stop. Stop this.
Copy !req
175. You would sacrifice yourself?
Copy !req
176. I can't win,
but I can choose how this ends.
Copy !req
177. Despite everything I've shown you,
Copy !req
178. you still somehow believe
you're making a choice?
Copy !req
179. Play your stone.
Copy !req
180. Then...
Copy !req
181. I concede.
Copy !req
182. This was a... fun game.
Copy !req
183. What did you do?
Copy !req
184. - I won.
- No.
Copy !req
185. Not possible.
Copy !req
186. Impossible...
Copy !req
187. Inevitable...
Copy !req
188. But... what happens now?
Copy !req
189. Exactly.
Copy !req
190. You're here to challenge the Tiangong.
Copy !req
191. Yes.
Copy !req