1. Whoa!
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2. How many times is that now, kid?
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3. Uh, like, I don't know, 15?
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4. Sixteen, maybe?
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5. No biggie. Spikes again.
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6. Ana, you need to take this more seriously.
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7. Ugh, it's just dying.
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8. Even the great Liz Mutton had to fall
on a spike or two, right?
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9. Mines. That was the first time.
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10. You died in the Mines?
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11. I died from a mine.
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12. Stepped on it.
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13. Did it hurt?
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14. Mostly my feelings.
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15. Still, death isn't something
you should just shake off.
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16. I mean,
we literally shake it off.
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17. You know, every time I die,
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18. I scratch a mark in the wall.
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19. Memorials, I guess.
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20. Little gravestones
for the version of myself that died.
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21. Uh, yeah,
but you're still the same person.
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22. You sure about that?
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23. It's still the end of a life,
even if we come back from it.
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24. Ah, lighten up. No need to worry.
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25. Spelunking's in my blood.
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26. It's who I am.
And I think this next one...
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27. just might be my run.
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28. Spear trap?
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29. How'd you know?
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30. Lots of experience.
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31. - How you feeling?
- Never felt better.
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32. Ooh.
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33. Ow.
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34. Ugh, come on.
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35. I'm at 82.
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36. Eighty-two?
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37. I died 82 times.
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38. More than you.
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39. And I'm nowhere near the end.
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40. I'm not hurt or anything, just—
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41. Hollowed out.
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42. Yeah.
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43. Like my heart is tired, or something.
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44. I'm not sure why
I'm even doing this anymore.
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45. Listen, kiddo, I know it's hard,
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46. and everything keeps changing.
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47. Yeah. It's always different.
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48. That's right, just like life.
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49. Every day, just like
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50. every time you walk through those doors,
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51. it's a new adventure.
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52. All that danger...
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53. all those moments of beauty...
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54. and even all those painful deaths...
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55. They're still up here. They're not gone.
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56. They're mine.
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57. All yours. Just like I have all mine.
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58. The spell on this place is unbreakable,
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59. and each time,
a new adventure waits just for you.
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60. Every scratch you made on the wall,
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61. you weren't just marking times you died.
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62. You were marking adventures you created.
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63. And hey,
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64. maybe the next one will be your run.
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65. Here goes eighty-something.
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