1. I can't believe you're bitching.
Copy !req
2. I asked you to look after him
for an hour three days a week.
Copy !req
3. Do you know how much
I need a massage?
Copy !req
4. Are you getting all sore around
that hump where your tail used to be?
Copy !req
5. When Gustave promises me something
will feel great and last an hour,
Copy !req
6. he doesn't end up five minutes later,
thinking he made me see God.
Copy !req
7. So not Gustave. Busy doctor.
Copy !req
8. I think Dr Cox would be willing
to help if he knew it was his baby.
Copy !req
9. What do you say, Stephanie? You step up
to the plate and tell the guy.
Copy !req
10. I'm only three weeks old and already
I've got more stones than you do.
Copy !req
11. - One of mine hasn't even dropped yet.
- It's not my place to tell.
Copy !req
12. Newbie, I know that your ovaries
are absolutely tingling
Copy !req
13. at the furry sight of this little
fellow, but you gotta snap out of it.
Copy !req
14. I gotta get to that funeral.
Copy !req
15. Raise my rent if you're not
off to see Tasty Coma Wife.
Copy !req
16. Her husband was in a coma so long,
Copy !req
17. she forgot what
an attractive male looked like.
Copy !req
18. Enter Errol Flynn,
whose conscience will not allow him
Copy !req
19. to either swash or buckle her.
Copy !req
20. Since hubby is now worm food,
I'm guessing all bets are off.
Copy !req
21. If you have trouble getting the baby
to sleep, just tell him that story.
Copy !req
22. Well, I'm gonna get going.
Copy !req
23. No one else will bust my chops
about the funeral.
Copy !req
24. Around here, you tend to get
wrapped up in your own world.
Copy !req
25. Whether trying to plan your day...
Copy !req
26. Should I take a dookie
before or after I lift weights?
Copy !req
27. After.
Copy !req
28. or trying to live out
your deepest fantasies...
Copy !req
29. Damn it, don't you die on me.
Copy !req
30. Clear.
Copy !req
31. Maybe you're breaking in
your new Italian shoes...
Copy !req
32. Those shoes look a little small.
Copy !req
33. .. or break down the spirit
of your whipping boy.
Copy !req
34. What do you know
about appearances, Ted?
Copy !req
35. - Have you looked in the mirror?
- Not lately.
Copy !req
36. But when I do,
it's reflection perfection.
Copy !req
37. One way or another,
everyone makes it all about themselves.
Copy !req
38. I gotta fix my own copy machine.
Copy !req
39. Maintenance man
says he has more important things.
Copy !req
40. Isn't he fixing the heat
in Paediatrics?
Copy !req
41. Whatever.
Copy !req
42. No matter what Dr Cox thinks, I wasn't
going to that funeral to hit on Jamie.
Copy !req
43. I was going to pay my respects.
Copy !req
44. JD, I'm so happy you came.
Copy !req
45. You look fantastic.
And, you know, I don't mean,
Copy !req
46. "Hey, dude, check out
that hot biddy at the bar" fantastic.
Copy !req
47. "I'm sorry for your loss" fantastic.
Copy !req
48. - Do you wanna grab a drink?
- Let's get the hell outta here.
Copy !req
49. I was actually talking about him.
Copy !req
50. Oh, yeah, I know. So was I.
Copy !req
51. No, order. He's bussing those.
Copy !req
52. Somebody's a smoker.
Copy !req
53. Look at my baby sleep.
Copy !req
54. Isn't he an angel?
Copy !req
55. I wonder what's going on
in that shiny head of his.
Copy !req
56. This will only hurt a little.
Copy !req
57. OK.
Copy !req
58. Thanks again for coming.
Copy !req
59. Just get out
without doing any more damage.
Copy !req
60. I had a blast.
Copy !req
61. Nice job.
Copy !req
62. - Goodbye.
- I'll see you.
Copy !req
63. I'm sorry, everyone.
I dropped something on my toe.
Copy !req
64. You know. Carry on.
Copy !req
65. She's probably feeling awful
so say something reassuring.
Copy !req
66. - You're going to hell.
- JD, we've been over this.
Copy !req
67. I loved my husband,
but he's been dead to me for two years.
Copy !req
68. I can't tell you how happy I am
to finally have some closure
Copy !req
69. and my first orgasm in like, forever.
Copy !req
70. You know, Jamie,
Copy !req
71. there are a lot of ways to grieve.
Copy !req
72. Last time I checked,
Copy !req
73. wheelbarrow style wasn't one of them.
Copy !req
74. I am OK, JD.
Copy !req
75. - I'm seeing things clearly.
- You're confused.
Copy !req
76. - I'm happy.
- You're sad.
Copy !req
77. - I'm at peace.
- You're at war.
Copy !req
78. I think it's really cute
that you're worried about me.
Copy !req
79. But when am I gonna see you again?
Copy !req
80. I will see you at home
in about an hour.
Copy !req
81. Remember, keep him warm,
support his head,
Copy !req
82. check his diaper every 15 minutes,
no bouncing around, no loud noise,
Copy !req
83. no TV, no poking the soft spot,
Copy !req
84. and, Perry,
Copy !req
85. you're the only one
I have to say this to.
Copy !req
86. Do not yell at, demean, insult,
Copy !req
87. criticise, humiliate, or mock the baby.
Copy !req
88. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
89. - Have you named this thing yet?
- I'm naming him after my father.
Copy !req
90. - Tax Evader?
- Quinn.
Copy !req
91. How about a heterosexual name,
like Jack?
Copy !req
92. You're right, Percival.
Quinn is a foofy name.
Copy !req
93. Skip Jack altogether
and go with whatever you think.
Copy !req
94. Whatever makes you comfortable.
Copy !req
95. Jack, Jack, Jack...
Copy !req
96. Nothing, huh?
Copy !req
97. My God, this is so boring.
Copy !req
98. - Turk.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
99. Between my list of family and friends
and yours,
Copy !req
100. we have 400 people coming to this
wedding. How can we cut this down?
Copy !req
101. Whose list did I end up on,
yours or Turk's?
Copy !req
102. - Mine.
- Let me see.
Copy !req
103. - Nope. Gotta go.
- What's her problem?
Copy !req
104. I'm wondering if
my prescription deodorant isn't working.
Copy !req
105. Not for the odour, for the wetness. See?
Copy !req
106. Don't touch me.
Copy !req
107. I must stop touching my pits
and rubbing them on people.
Copy !req
108. Yes.
Copy !req
109. Still, it's not that.
I sort of had a sex dream about you.
Copy !req
110. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
111. - Was I the girl?
- Yeah, you were the girl.
Copy !req
112. Can you just do me a favour?
Don't tell Carla about this.
Copy !req
113. She'll just get all jealous
and disgusted.
Copy !req
114. But we haven't done anything
for her to be disgusted by.
Copy !req
115. Oh, yeah, we did.
Copy !req
116. I'm gonna try not to call Jamie. I know
she shouldn't be in a relationship yet.
Copy !req
117. Still there were a lot of questions.
Copy !req
118. Was she going to be OK?
Did I leave my underwear at the funeral?
Copy !req
119. And how did I end up
in the middle of nowhere
Copy !req
120. without realising I've never
had to pee this badly in my life?
Copy !req
121. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
122. You saw the janitor's window crank,
Copy !req
123. and think you may have seen
a little melanoma on there?
Copy !req
124. Then it's your obligation as a doctor,
and your privilege as a woman,
Copy !req
125. to go back and ask him
if you can't see it again.
Copy !req
126. I'd love to help, but I'm baby-sitting
the only other being on God's earth
Copy !req
127. who's needier than you. Now, in the
meantime, I need you to tell Mr Mueller
Copy !req
128. that his liver has lesions on it
and it doesn't look good.
Copy !req
129. Unfortunately, Mr Mueller
doesn't speak a word of English.
Copy !req
130. Hi, Mr Mueller.
Copy !req
131. Danke.
Copy !req
132. - What's he danke-ing you for?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
133. This is so frustrating. I wish
there was some way we could connect.
Copy !req
134. Nah, that'd never work.
Copy !req
135. There's my boys.
Copy !req
136. Has it been an hour already?
Copy !req
137. I know. Sometimes I get lost
just looking at his face.
Copy !req
138. I can't do this tomorrow.
Copy !req
139. Kelso's got me doing
a cardiology lecture.
Copy !req
140. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
141. It's just tough to miss
precious moments like this.
Copy !req
142. - Hey, baby.
- So how's it work?
Copy !req
143. You get to fantasise about vanilla wafer
Copy !req
144. and I get whatever "Hey, baby"
you throw my way?
Copy !req
145. Forget it.
Copy !req
146. - What the hell, Elliot?
- It slipped out. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
147. - Sorry's not good enough.
- You're right.
Copy !req
148. Harder, dammit. I've been bad.
Copy !req
149. Dr Turk.
Copy !req
150. - Do you have a question?
- No, sir.
Copy !req
151. The Todd will close.
Copy !req
152. I'm freaking out. I can't stop
having sex dreams about Elliot.
Copy !req
153. All done. Continue.
Copy !req
154. Every time I close my eyes,
she's doing something kinky.
Copy !req
155. Very, very kinky.
Copy !req
156. This is perfect. In here
I can accidentally see his wiener
Copy !req
157. and then give him medical advice.
Copy !req
158. Just be subtle.
Copy !req
159. Can I take your order?
Copy !req
160. - How come you're not unzipped?
- Cos I'm not peeing.
Copy !req
161. This is where I come for my breaks.
Copy !req
162. If I stand out there,
everyone tells me to do stuff.
Copy !req
163. Look...
Copy !req
164. Janitor,
I'm gonna be straight with you.
Copy !req
165. I saw your penis
and I noticed a possible melanoma
Copy !req
166. you should have checked out.
Copy !req
167. - When did you see my penis?
- When you were showering.
Copy !req
168. - Where were you?
- Outside in the bushes.
Copy !req
169. It was just a coincidence.
Copy !req
170. If you'd looked outside
you'd have seen my penis.
Copy !req
171. What? Why?
Copy !req
172. Because I had it out
while I looked at yours.
Copy !req
173. OK, regroup.
Copy !req
174. You must be Dr Dorian.
I am Rolf's brother, Hermann.
Copy !req
175. Hermann the German.
You must get that all the time.
Copy !req
176. No, first time.
Copy !req
177. Let's hope it catches on.
Copy !req
178. Well, I could really
use your help translating.
Copy !req
179. Oh, sure.
Copy !req
180. I got the results back from your biopsy.
Copy !req
181. The lesions in your liver are consistent
with metastatic pancreatic cancer.
Copy !req
182. - What is the prognosis?
- It's not good.
Copy !req
183. The key to any good relationship
is communication.
Copy !req
184. Hi, baby.
Copy !req
185. If you're not open with someone
it'll catch up with you.
Copy !req
186. Weird. I could swear
that while I was in surgery,
Copy !req
187. I heard you describe sexy dreams
about someone named Elliot.
Copy !req
188. - Come on, get him.
- Up.
Copy !req
189. If you're not honest,
you'll get busted.
Copy !req
190. So, to summarise, if this basketball
Copy !req
191. was a non-ST elevation
myocardial infarction,
Copy !req
192. glyco-protein 2B-3A inhibitors
would be initiated early on.
Copy !req
193. - You buying this?
- No. Can I see that?
Copy !req
194. But what do I know?
Two days ago, I had funeral sex.
Copy !req
195. I met your patient, Mr Mueller.
We had a nice chat.
Copy !req
196. - You speak German?
- I can do a sweet little milkmaid.
Copy !req
197. I can do an evil old hausfrau.
Copy !req
198. German's such a beautiful language.
Copy !req
199. I think Mr Mueller's so amazing.
Copy !req
200. Yesterday I pretty much told him
he was gonna die.
Copy !req
201. And his brother turned to him
and he said...
Copy !req
202. - Mr Mueller just accepted it.
- Why wouldn't he?
Copy !req
203. means, you're gonna be fine.
Copy !req
204. Germans.
Copy !req
205. Tell me he said, "My brother told me
the truth, I'm dealing with it."
Copy !req
206. He said, "When I get home,
I'm eating a chocolate cake."
Copy !req
207. Why did you lie
to your brother about his condition?
Copy !req
208. You talk too fast.
Copy !req
209. He didn't want to upset his brother.
Copy !req
210. Lying isn't gonna make his brother
any better.
Copy !req
211. We got Mr Mueller's ultrasound back.
Copy !req
212. His biliary obstruction's relieved,
he's taking PO.
Copy !req
213. That's good, yes?
Copy !req
214. I need you to crunch the numbers
on next year's budget.
Copy !req
215. That's a job
for the accounting department.
Copy !req
216. I'm an attorney.
Copy !req
217. Speaking of crunching, I'm jonesing
for some Double Stuff Oreos all day.
Copy !req
218. See if you can't hook me up.
Copy !req
219. Now Mr Mueller is doing so much better,
I'm not sure if telling him the truth
Copy !req
220. is even the best thing for him.
Copy !req
221. What you're saying is
you have a problem
Copy !req
222. that is totally your problem,
but you'd like to make it my problem?
Copy !req
223. But, here's the problem, Newbie,
it's not my problem.
Copy !req
224. So let's stop talking
about the janitor's junk?
Copy !req
225. I'd like to hear nussing about ze German
and don't even mention Tasty Coma Wife,
Copy !req
226. even though she's on your mind.
Copy !req
227. - No, she's not.
- Yes, I am.
Copy !req
228. Since we are sharing,
I have to go and face Jordan
Copy !req
229. and tell her I didn't ditch
her hatchling on account of being lazy.
Copy !req
230. Whenever I'm alone with that child,
you know what I feel?
Copy !req
231. Nothing.
Copy !req
232. What do you say, you wanna trade
your big problems for mine?
Copy !req
233. - No, thanks.
- It was worth a try.
Copy !req
234. What was that about?
Copy !req
235. You're right, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
236. I've been working really hard
on not being such a busybody.
Copy !req
237. So tell me, was she a good kisser?
Copy !req
238. Excuse me.
Copy !req
239. If you're having dreams
about another woman,
Copy !req
240. maybe you're not ready for marriage.
Copy !req
241. - Baby.
- Just take it.
Copy !req
242. Are you crazy? Baby, it was only
a sex dream. Everybody has them.
Copy !req
243. - Right, Ted?
- No, not me.
Copy !req
244. I just have the one dream
over and over.
Copy !req
245. I hold his head under the water
till the last bubble goes bloop.
Copy !req
246. Ted.
Copy !req
247. What's the ETA
on those Double Stuffs?
Copy !req
248. Bloop.
Copy !req
249. OK, I still wanna refer you
to a dermatologist,
Copy !req
250. but it looks benign to me.
Copy !req
251. Benign, benign-and-a-half.
Copy !req
252. Then he said something
I didn't expect.
Copy !req
253. - I don't like you.
- Not that. I expected that.
Copy !req
254. I know this was uncomfortable
and I appreciate your concern.
Copy !req
255. I'm a doctor. I had to tell you
what was going on.
Copy !req
256. Don't touch me with those hands.
Copy !req
257. - This is awkward.
- Elliot.
Copy !req
258. Could you be quiet, please?
Copy !req
259. OK, but you could just fall asleep
Copy !req
260. then I might just creep into your head
and rock your world.
Copy !req
261. Elliot, you don't get it, do you?
Copy !req
262. Since I met Carla,
I haven't dreamt about another woman.
Copy !req
263. Turk, you're engaged.
I mean, it's a huge commitment.
Copy !req
264. It's totally natural to feel trapped, or
uncertain, maybe even a little scared.
Copy !req
265. Really?
Copy !req
266. Sorry.
Copy !req
267. - Baby?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
268. Have you dreamt of anyone
since we got engaged?
Copy !req
269. No, baby, but I understand.
Copy !req
270. Come here. Let me give you
something to dream about.
Copy !req
271. See if you can find my tattoo.
Copy !req
272. - Hey, Jordan.
- You know, it's funny.
Copy !req
273. I can't even be pissed
and want you to die screaming in agony
Copy !req
274. as horses pull you apart
when I'm looking at this beautiful face.
Copy !req
275. Jordan, I gotta tell you something.
Copy !req
276. You know, I love my dad,
but he just doesn't look like a Quinn.
Copy !req
277. Maybe cos he's not drunk
and yelling at your mother.
Copy !req
278. What are you? A Kevin? A Billy?
Copy !req
279. Jack?
Copy !req
280. All right. Jack it is.
Copy !req
281. What the hell.
All right. You take him.
Copy !req
282. - What did you wanna tell me?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
283. He wants to know
why his brother lied.
Copy !req
284. I guess he was trying to protect you.
Copy !req
285. Or he thought he was protecting you,
but he was really protecting himself.
Copy !req
286. I forget what protect is.
You used it five times.
Copy !req
287. Just like my brother.
Copy !req
288. Always thinks he knows
what's best for me.
Copy !req
289. It's funny how one person
leads you to another.
Copy !req
290. I knew Mr Mueller's brother
shouldn't try to protect him
Copy !req
291. and yet I was doing
the same thing to someone else.
Copy !req
292. - Excuse me. Jamie.
- JD?
Copy !req
293. A patient was mad at his brother
for presuming to know what was best,
Copy !req
294. and that got me thinking.
Copy !req
295. I was freaking out that we hooked up
at the funeral.
Copy !req
296. I did the same thing to you.
Copy !req
297. If you're really ready, let's go for it.
Copy !req
298. I'm crazy about you.
You're right, your husband's gone,
Copy !req
299. and he's never coming back.
Copy !req
300. - Who are these lovely people?
- These are my late husband's parents.
Copy !req
301. Oh, God, how can I make this right?
Copy !req
302. If only.
Copy !req