1. Previously on
"School Spirits"...
Copy !req
2. Mr. Anderson, can I ask
what you were doing there?
Copy !req
3. Drive safe, Simon.
Copy !req
4. Some toddler
with a badge said
Copy !req
5. that you're calling off
my search party.
Copy !req
6. I assure you
we're doing everything
Copy !req
7. to find out what happened
to your daughter.
Copy !req
8. You don't think it's weird,
Copy !req
9. Mr. Anderson giving Maddie
his number?
Copy !req
10. I gotta get to class.
Copy !req
11. Have you seen his car?
Copy !req
12. It's like he sleeps in it
or something.
Copy !req
13. You broke into his car, Si.
Why'd you do that?
Copy !req
14. I'll solve my murder
on my own.
Copy !req
15. Holy shit.
Copy !req
16. I found something.
Copy !req
17. I shouldn't have given Maddie
Copy !req
18. that fucking money.
Copy !req
19. Why does he have
a shitload of cash
Copy !req
20. hidden in his classroom?
Copy !req
21. I'm guessing it has to do
Copy !req
22. with why you're dead.
Copy !req
23. I can't believe it.
Copy !req
24. It won't recognize his face.
Copy !req
25. I'm never gonna
guess his passcode.
Copy !req
26. Three minutes.
Copy !req
27. Oh, my God,
unlock your phone.
Copy !req
28. Check your email. Do something.
Copy !req
29. Tell him to check his email.
Copy !req
30. What?
Copy !req
31. Come on, don't you wanna know
Copy !req
32. why he's got tons of money
stuffed in his wall
Copy !req
33. or why he thinks
he gave some of it to me?
Copy !req
34. Simon.
Copy !req
35. Eyes on your paper, please.
Copy !req
36. Sorry.
Copy !req
37. Maybe it's his birthday.
Copy !req
38. I'm thinking '81, '82.
Copy !req
39. Did he have any
Dave Matthews Band in his car?
Copy !req
40. Little help here.
Copy !req
41. OK, pens down.
Copy !req
42. Papers on my desk, please.
Copy !req
43. Simon?
Copy !req
44. OK, thank you, Rhonda.
Copy !req
45. Though maybe
we narrow it down a bit.
Copy !req
46. I'm afraid reciting
all of Ginsburg
Copy !req
47. might have us Howl-ing
by the end.
Copy !req
48. Because...
Copy !req
49. Maddie, hi.
Copy !req
50. Nice of you to join us.
We're brainstorming fun things
Copy !req
51. we could all do this weekend.
Copy !req
52. I'll tell you
what I wanna do.
Copy !req
53. I wanna figure out
why Mr. Anderson was talking
Copy !req
54. to someone on his phone about
giving me money last night.
Copy !req
55. OK.
Copy !req
56. I'm not sure
how to board that, but—
Copy !req
57. Wait, who was he talking to?
Copy !req
58. That's what I'm trying
to figure out.
Copy !req
59. So I need to know if anyone
here has seen anything.
Copy !req
60. Seriously?
Copy !req
61. All we do is haunt the halls
of the stupid school,
Copy !req
62. and none of you have
seen anything
Copy !req
63. suspicious from Anderson?
Copy !req
64. Oh, well, OK.
Copy !req
65. Well, one time
I saw Mr. Anderson misspell
Copy !req
66. the word "fundraiser"
on a Boosters Club poster,
Copy !req
67. and I—he forgot the D.
Copy !req
68. I feel like that's
pretty suspicious
Copy !req
69. coming from an English teacher.
Copy !req
70. Wally, I'm pretty sure
that was a pun.
Copy !req
71. So I'm assuming he probably
did that on purpose.
Copy !req
72. Sorry, sweets,
we don't just stand around
Copy !req
73. staring at the living all day.
Copy !req
74. No.
Copy !req
75. You plan weekend fun
like movie nights.
Copy !req
76. Well, we do what we can
Copy !req
77. to break up
the monotony, Maddie.
Copy !req
78. That's all.
- If I may,
Copy !req
79. to be fair, watching
the same five sports movies
Copy !req
80. over and over again is kind of
monotonous, Mr. Martin.
Copy !req
81. I thought you loved "Rudy."
Copy !req
82. No.
Copy !req
83. Wow.
Copy !req
84. Just w—I can't even.
Copy !req
85. OK, so if none
of you have seen anything,
Copy !req
86. then what about the others?
Copy !req
87. Maybe one of the other
ghosts has seen something.
Copy !req
88. Am I allowed
to barf on camera?
Copy !req
89. My media class has
to do interviews
Copy !req
90. on all the homecoming court nominees,
Copy !req
91. and guess who got Claire?
Copy !req
92. OK, yeah.
Copy !req
93. Barfing might be appropriate.
- I know.
Copy !req
94. Oh, hey, so I got an update
on Maddie's boot print.
Copy !req
95. Xavier said
the cops canvassed the area
Copy !req
96. where we were last night
and found more prints
Copy !req
97. leading to a service road.
Copy !req
98. Hello? You know
what this means, right?
Copy !req
99. Maddie's alive.
Copy !req
100. Yeah, and whatever happened
in the boiler room,
Copy !req
101. she got out and she's OK.
Copy !req
102. What's going on
with you and Xavier?
Copy !req
103. Yesterday you were ready
to put his head on a stick.
Copy !req
104. Now you guys are what,
texting buddies?
Copy !req
105. I—I don't know, Simon,
Copy !req
106. maybe it's
about you ghosting me
Copy !req
107. ever since Maddie went missing
Copy !req
108. instead of helping me find her.
Copy !req
109. I mean, seriously,
where were you last night?
Copy !req
110. I texted you, like, ten times.
Copy !req
111. OK, look.
Copy !req
112. The reason I—
Copy !req
113. this is gonna sound
sort of crazy.
Copy !req
114. I've been talking
to her, Nicole.
Copy !req
115. Of course you have.
So have I.
Copy !req
116. I mean, not, like, out loud,
Copy !req
117. because she's not really gone.
Copy !req
118. I feel her just like you do.
Copy !req
119. A—and I got us tickets
to Horror Con
Copy !req
120. for tonight to prove it.
Copy !req
121. And if there's a safe place
for us to meet,
Copy !req
122. Horror Con is it.
I mean, she's never missed it.
Copy !req
123. Nicole, listen to me.
Copy !req
124. I know you wanna believe
Maddie's alive.
Copy !req
125. She's not.
She is gone,
Copy !req
126. and not the kind of gone
you come back from.
Copy !req
127. How do you know that?
Copy !req
128. I can't tell you how.
Copy !req
129. I just—I do.
Copy !req
130. But I don't understand.
Copy !req
131. What would be so bad
about talking to them?
Copy !req
132. Maddie, they're replaying
their last days on Earth
Copy !req
133. like they're still living them,
Copy !req
134. spinning like tops,
Copy !req
135. and you don't wanna be there
when they finally spiral out.
Copy !req
136. Why?
Copy !req
137. Haven't you ever heard
you're not supposed
Copy !req
138. to wake a sleepwalker?
Copy !req
139. They can mistake you as part
of their nightmare or worse.
Copy !req
140. What would be worse
than that?
Copy !req
141. Y—you get trapped
in a nightmare of your own,
Copy !req
142. start looping yourself.
Copy !req
143. Oh, speaking of looping.
Copy !req
144. OK, "Bull Durham."
Copy !req
145. Eh, too much baseball.
Copy !req
146. OK.
Uh..."The Natural."
Copy !req
147. Way too much baseball.
Copy !req
148. Boom, we got it.
Copy !req
149. "Rad Racing."
Copy !req
150. Oh, is that the one
where they do
Copy !req
151. the BMX bike ballet
at the school dance?
Copy !req
152. Yes, it is,
and it's freakin' amazing.
Copy !req
153. Oh, no,
it's absolutely not though.
Copy !req
154. Sorry.
Copy !req
155. What about her? Dawn.
Copy !req
156. She basically goes
through people's things
Copy !req
157. and lives in the halls.
Copy !req
158. Maybe she knows something.
Copy !req
159. - Ugh.
- Good luck with that.
Copy !req
160. The only thing Dawn could
tell you is your horoscope—
Copy !req
161. from 1972.
Copy !req
162. Yeah, Rhonda's right.
She's a literal dead end.
Copy !req
163. Mm, more like a cul-de-sac.
Copy !req
164. Well, you know what?
So are you guys right now.
Copy !req
165. I mean, I'm not afraid
of the walking dead.
Copy !req
166. OK? So talk.
Copy !req
167. I need names.
Copy !req
168. Oh, hey.
Copy !req
169. What are you doing
after seventh?
Copy !req
170. Uh, going to biology.
Copy !req
171. Not anymore.
Copy !req
172. Let's go.
Copy !req
173. OK.
Copy !req
174. I know what people think.
Copy !req
175. They hear "grief counselor"
Copy !req
176. and assume it means
just one thing.
Copy !req
177. But you can talk to me
whether you're grieving
Copy !req
178. or angry
Copy !req
179. or confused.
Copy !req
180. Sorry, excuse me.
Copy !req
181. In fact,
you might feel one thing
Copy !req
182. while your friend feels another.
Copy !req
183. But here's the thing.
Copy !req
184. Hope is a very powerful emotion,
Copy !req
185. and I would caution you
not to take it away
Copy !req
186. from someone else.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
187. Remember, my office
is always open.
Copy !req
188. If you're free now...
Copy !req
189. Sorry, thank you.
Copy !req
190. Actually—actually, no thanks.
Copy !req
191. I—I'm—I'm late for—
Copy !req
192. Three, two, one.
Copy !req
193. Action!
Copy !req
194. Officially in the running
for homecoming queen,
Copy !req
195. my next guest needs
no introduction,
Copy !req
196. but my partner, Andy,
wrote one anyway.
Copy !req
197. Swim team captain,
varsity cheerleader,
Copy !req
198. honors student,
and now local hero,
Copy !req
199. Claire really does it all.
Copy !req
200. Oh, you mean that thing
at the pool?
Copy !req
201. I was just at the right place
at the right time.
Copy !req
202. So Claire, what would being
homecoming queen mean to you?
Copy !req
203. Well, firstly,
Copy !req
204. I have to say being nominated
is such an honor.
Copy !req
205. So thank you, everyone.
Copy !req
206. But honestly,
the only homecoming
Copy !req
207. that matters this year
is Maddie's.
Copy !req
208. I mean, I—I'd give up my crown
Copy !req
209. in a second
if it brought Maddie back.
Copy !req
210. I keep thinking I wish
I could have seen something
Copy !req
211. or done something to help her,
Copy !req
212. like how I saved Ava.
Copy !req
213. Maddie didn't drown, Claire.
Copy !req
214. No, I—I know.
Copy !req
215. But you think
you could have saved her?
Copy !req
216. - No, I just—I—
- It's funny,
Copy !req
217. I haven't heard you say
two words to her
Copy !req
218. since I've been at this school,
Copy !req
219. but the second her face is on
more posters than yours,
Copy !req
220. you think what?
- Nicole.
Copy !req
221. You could—
Copy !req
222. No, you're right, Nicole.
Copy !req
223. Maddie and I,
we used to be friends,
Copy !req
224. but I haven't talked to her
in a long time.
Copy !req
225. And now I just—
I can't believe she's gone.
Copy !req
226. I really hope she's OK.
Copy !req
227. Then there's Mina.
Copy !req
228. And what happened to her?
Copy !req
229. She was crushed
by a stage light in '87.
Copy !req
230. Hasn't left the theater since.
Copy !req
231. Our very own Phantom
of Split River.
Copy !req
232. OK, who else?
Copy !req
233. Uh, Yuri.
He hangs out
Copy !req
234. by the pottery wheel
all the time,
Copy !req
235. but he only speaks Russian.
Copy !req
236. And of course,
there's the bus crash kids.
Copy !req
237. Tyler, Rachel, Jacqueline,
Copy !req
238. Jonah, Erin, Marci, Zach,
and Stephanie.
Copy !req
239. We need to talk.
Copy !req
240. Bus stop now.
Copy !req
241. Did he just—
Copy !req
242. she just—
Copy !req
243. Yeah.
Copy !req
244. They did.
Copy !req
245. I thought about sneaking it
back into his room, but...
Copy !req
246. it's too risky.
Copy !req
247. If Mr. Anderson really did
what we think he did,
Copy !req
248. then it's over.
Copy !req
249. We don't want you to be next.
Copy !req
250. Simon, I think
that grief counselor was right.
Copy !req
251. I think it's time
for you to talk to someone,
Copy !req
252. like your parents
or the police.
Copy !req
253. My mom's pretty
freaked out as is.
Copy !req
254. With you being gone,
that blood on the wall.
Copy !req
255. The other day there was that—
- OK, Principal Hartman then.
Copy !req
256. And say what exactly?
Copy !req
257. That I broke
into Anderson's car?
Copy !req
258. That I stole his phone?
That you're a ghost,
Copy !req
259. and I can talk to you?
Copy !req
260. The second that gets out,
no one's gonna
Copy !req
261. believe anything I say,
Nicole included.
Copy !req
262. We've gotta stick
with the things we can prove.
Copy !req
263. I mean, Anderson's got
money in his wall,
Copy !req
264. and he kept that piece
of my phone when he should've
Copy !req
265. turned it in.
Maybe it's enough.
Copy !req
266. What about his phone?
Copy !req
267. Uh, leave it for now.
Copy !req
268. I don't want you in any more
trouble than you already are.
Copy !req
269. And maybe if we're lucky,
we can find a way back in.
Copy !req
270. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
271. Nothing.
Copy !req
272. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
273. Good luck.
Copy !req
274. Nice chat with your friend?
Copy !req
275. You know, I told you some
pretty personal shit yesterday.
Copy !req
276. You didn't think
to maybe mention
Copy !req
277. that you can talk
to the living?
Copy !req
278. OK, not the living, just—
just Simon.
Copy !req
279. Oh, just Simon.
Copy !req
280. That's a big fucking
deal, Maddie.
Copy !req
281. I wanted to tell you.
Copy !req
282. I tried, but—
Copy !req
283. But what?
Copy !req
284. - Oh, my God, you knew.
- What the hell, Charley?
Copy !req
285. - Yes, but—
- Does Mr. Martin know?
Copy !req
286. No, no.
Copy !req
287. I don't—I don't think so.
Copy !req
288. So what was your plan?
Copy !req
289. Find some way to use
Maddie's special ability
Copy !req
290. for yourself
and never tell the rest of us?
Copy !req
291. - I didn't have a plan.
- Like hell you didn't.
Copy !req
292. OK, OK,
let's just everybody, Rhonda...
Copy !req
293. Let's take a breather.
Copy !req
294. How are you not pissed
right now?
Copy !req
295. I'm p—I am pissed, Rhonda.
Copy !req
296. I'm just—I'm trying
to make sense of this all.
Copy !req
297. This is very new to me.
Copy !req
298. I don't know how I feel—
- Trying not to lose it
Copy !req
299. in front of your crush?
- OK, you don't have to be
Copy !req
300. mad at me, Rhonda.
I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
301. Be mad at him.
- I am mad at you.
Copy !req
302. - Thanks for the help.
- OK, you said you wouldn't
Copy !req
303. bring that up again.
- OK, well, she's gone.
Copy !req
304. So great. I hope you're happy.
Copy !req
305. - What, like that's my fault?
- I—I actually—
Copy !req
306. - You guys—
- I cannot. Are you—
Copy !req
307. - It's OK. It's OK.
- You knew?
Copy !req
308. - You guys—
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
309. Mina?
Copy !req
310. Mina?
Copy !req
311. You up there?
Copy !req
312. Hello?
Copy !req
313. Mina?
Copy !req
314. You up here?
Copy !req
315. It's Maddie,
Copy !req
316. new dead girl.
Copy !req
317. OK, can you turn that off?
Copy !req
318. What you've just told me
is very serious, Simon.
Copy !req
319. And I can tell
that it wasn't easy for you.
Copy !req
320. So what happens now?
Copy !req
321. Now I call the authorities,
Copy !req
322. relay everything
you've just told me,
Copy !req
323. and, uh, make sure
they look into all of it.
Copy !req
324. Sound good?
Copy !req
325. Yeah.
Copy !req
326. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
327. Thank you.
Copy !req
328. Did you take
the safety course?
Copy !req
329. Uh...
Copy !req
330. Let me guess.
Copy !req
331. Didn't get the part you wanted
Copy !req
332. and now you're up here
boo-hooing to me.
Copy !req
333. I'm not an actor.
Copy !req
334. I'm just looking for answers.
Copy !req
335. Have you seen my teacher,
Mr. Anderson?
Copy !req
336. He's six foot, scruffy beard,
Copy !req
337. wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts.
Copy !req
338. He might have come in here
for a Booster meeting
Copy !req
339. or to... hide a dead body.
Copy !req
340. Look, I'm up here
day after day
Copy !req
341. so that what happened to me
doesn't happen to you.
Copy !req
342. All right?
Copy !req
343. And what do I get in return?
Copy !req
344. No flowers. No thank you.
Copy !req
345. Not even the common courtesy
Copy !req
346. of cleaning up
after yourselves.
Copy !req
347. So the next time you
or one of your needy
Copy !req
348. little castmates wants
something from me,
Copy !req
349. remember this.
Copy !req
350. I am the one keeping
everyone safe.
Copy !req
351. Me.
Copy !req
352. A3 is tightened.
Copy !req
353. Moving on to B6.
Copy !req
354. Lana, Hey.
Oh, I love that shirt.
Copy !req
355. Here.
Don't forget to vote next week.
Copy !req
356. - Vote for Claire.
- Vote for Claire.
Copy !req
357. Hey.
Copy !req
358. Yeah.
Copy !req
359. Can we stop at my place
on the way?
Copy !req
360. I need to grab some cash.
Copy !req
361. Yeah.
Copy !req
362. So do they wear costumes
to this thing?
Copy !req
363. Some do.
Some just wear black.
Copy !req
364. You'll fit right in, actually.
Copy !req
365. Nicole. Um, hi.
Copy !req
366. I'm so glad we got
to talk earlier about Maddie.
Copy !req
367. Mm.
Copy !req
368. Here. In case you need it.
Copy !req
369. Oh, and...
Copy !req
370. Hi.
Copy !req
371. Jeez.
Copy !req
372. Dawn.
Copy !req
373. You scared me.
Copy !req
374. Sorry.
Copy !req
375. What are you—
what are you doing here?
Copy !req
376. The kids leave
the most interesting
Copy !req
377. things behind in the theater—
Copy !req
378. phones, wallets, sweets.
Copy !req
379. Oh!
Copy !req
380. I missed one.
Copy !req
381. Mmm. Watermelon.
Copy !req
382. What are you doing in here?
Copy !req
383. I just... came to find out
more about Mr. Anderson.
Copy !req
384. Have you seen anything?
Copy !req
385. You mean like him
with a murder weapon
Copy !req
386. or your dead body?
Copy !req
387. - Yes.
- Nope.
Copy !req
388. Nothing like that,
Copy !req
389. though I am pretty
easily distracted.
Copy !req
390. Is it the bad acid?
Copy !req
391. Charley mentioned
something about that.
Copy !req
392. Well, no,
I've never taken drugs.
Copy !req
393. I just meant
from all the new ways
Copy !req
394. you kids have had to connect.
Copy !req
395. In my days, someone had
to hand you a note in class.
Copy !req
396. Oh, how things have changed.
Copy !req
397. There's Myspace, Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter.
Copy !req
398. I'm still trying
to figure out TikTok,
Copy !req
399. but from what I can tell,
it's basically the new Vine.
Copy !req
400. What happened to Vine anyway?
Copy !req
401. I don't—I don't know.
Copy !req
402. I have to go talk
to the bus crash kids.
Copy !req
403. Oh. Good luck.
Copy !req
404. Those banjos are
a little bongo,
Copy !req
405. if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
406. You should let me come with.
Copy !req
407. I speak bongo.
Copy !req
408. Charley said
their bus crashed
Copy !req
409. on their way back
from a competition.
Copy !req
410. Yeah.
They won Regionals
Copy !req
411. but didn't get a chance
to compete at State.
Copy !req
412. They really thought
it was gonna be their year.
Copy !req
413. So now they just
keep practicing
Copy !req
414. over and over and over.
Copy !req
415. - You were late.
- Are you kidding?
Copy !req
416. How many times have
we done this today?
Copy !req
417. Too bad
the drum major survived.
Copy !req
418. He really kept
the band together.
Copy !req
419. - You were late.
- Are you kidding?
Copy !req
420. You were early.
- You were late.
Copy !req
421. - Hi.
- You were early.
Copy !req
422. Hi.
Copy !req
423. I'm Maddie.
Uh, sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
424. Um, I was just looking
for info on Mr. Anderson.
Copy !req
425. He teaches English,
is part of the Boosters,
Copy !req
426. which recently raised money
for the school band.
Copy !req
427. Do you play anything?
Copy !req
428. No. Um, I'm not a musician.
Copy !req
429. Then get out of the way.
Copy !req
430. Let's try this from the bridge.
Copy !req
431. Follow my lead.
Copy !req
432. Please tell me
you haven't been
Copy !req
433. staring at him
since I left you.
Copy !req
434. I just don't get it.
Copy !req
435. Why can he only see her?
Copy !req
436. They share a bond
Copy !req
437. that pierces the boundary
between life and death?
Copy !req
438. Who the hell knows?
Copy !req
439. OK.
Copy !req
440. Simon Elroy?
Copy !req
441. Got a few questions to ask you.
Copy !req
442. Come with us, please.
Copy !req
443. What? Why?
Copy !req
444. Simon?
Copy !req
445. What did he do?
Copy !req
446. Si—please, wait.
Copy !req
447. Simon.
Copy !req
448. What's going on?
What's happening?
Copy !req
449. Wai—
Copy !req
450. damn it, he can't hear me.
Copy !req
451. Where are they taking him?
Copy !req
452. Simon.
Copy !req
453. If anything happens to him,
I will never forgive myself.
Copy !req
454. I can't believe her.
Copy !req
455. Who's that?
Copy !req
456. Claire.
Copy !req
457. She says she doesn't care
about homecoming,
Copy !req
458. and then she cries—
Copy !req
459. literally cries on camera
about Maddie,
Copy !req
460. and then she goes full-on
Tracy Flick in the lobby.
Copy !req
461. It's like—that's weird, right?
Copy !req
462. I don't care that she
and Maddie were friends
Copy !req
463. in middle school or whatever.
That doesn't matter.
Copy !req
464. What matters is that
she's using Maddie
Copy !req
465. to win this stupid
popularity contest.
Copy !req
466. And it's like, who does that?
Copy !req
467. I cannot wait to see
the look on her face
Copy !req
468. when Maddie comes back
and tells Claire to fuck off.
Copy !req
469. Xavier?
Copy !req
470. What?
Copy !req
471. Look, I'm glad you're
coming with me and all,
Copy !req
472. but if you're gonna
use Simon's ticket
Copy !req
473. and eat all my snacks,
the least you can do
Copy !req
474. is try to contribute
to the conversation.
Copy !req
475. The topic is Claire
and that she sucks.
Copy !req
476. I say something,
you say something.
Copy !req
477. It's really not that hard.
- Yeah, I'm sorry,
Copy !req
478. I thought you had
both sides covered.
Copy !req
479. Right.
Well, it's Claire, so...
Copy !req
480. yeah, she definitely sucks.
Copy !req
481. Yeah. She doesn't seem
to like you very much either.
Copy !req
482. What does that mean?
Copy !req
483. That she looked
right through you
Copy !req
484. when we were on our way out.
Copy !req
485. I mean, I know
you're still town pariah,
Copy !req
486. but even so, that was cold.
Copy !req
487. Claire's good
at icing people out.
Copy !req
488. Like you said,
you never would've thought
Copy !req
489. she was friends with Maddie.
Copy !req
490. But she was friends
with Maddie.
Copy !req
491. So what are you saying?
She was something to you too?
Copy !req
492. Xavier?
Copy !req
493. Do you wanna walk to Horror Con
or do you wanna tell me
Copy !req
494. what the hell went down
between you and Claire?
Copy !req
495. Did you even talk
to Mr. Anderson?
Copy !req
496. Did you look into his wall?
Copy !req
497. He's got thousands
of dollars in there,
Copy !req
498. money he thinks
Maddie knew about,
Copy !req
499. and that's why he killed her.
Copy !req
500. And—and I think he's working
with someone else too.
Copy !req
501. I heard him on the phone
talking to someone.
Copy !req
502. Maybe that's who destroyed
Maddie's phone.
Copy !req
503. I don't know.
Tha—that's your job.
Copy !req
504. That's what you're
supposed to look into.
Copy !req
505. There's no money
in Mr. Anderson's wall.
Copy !req
506. There's this,
Copy !req
507. which Mr. Anderson willingly
handed over.
Copy !req
508. He said you gave it to him.
Copy !req
509. You think it's a piece
of Maddie's phone.
Copy !req
510. It is a piece
of Maddie's phone.
Copy !req
511. I found it in the auto shop,
and I gave it to Mr. Anderson.
Copy !req
512. Why Mr. Anderson?
Copy !req
513. 'Cause at the time
we thought—
Copy !req
514. I thought—
I thought I could trust him.
Copy !req
515. - Who's "we"?
- No one.
Copy !req
516. Me.
I thought I could trust him.
Copy !req
517. Is there even anything
in that file?
Copy !req
518. What are you people
even doing here?
Copy !req
519. You wanna look
at Maddie's file?
Copy !req
520. You can look at it.
Copy !req
521. We got a pretty good theory
if you wanna hear it.
Copy !req
522. Maddie wanted
to leave Split River,
Copy !req
523. and she really didn't
wanna be found,
Copy !req
524. so she made it look like there
had been some sort of attack.
Copy !req
525. But she needed someone's help,
Copy !req
526. a reliable best friend
to swap her phone,
Copy !req
527. plant some evidence,
Copy !req
528. maybe frame a teacher.
Copy !req
529. When in reality,
she simply ran away.
Copy !req
530. I shouldn't have told you.
Copy !req
531. If Maddie knew what you did,
maybe that's why she ran away.
Copy !req
532. Hey, I screwed up.
Copy !req
533. I get that.
But I wanna find Maddie—
Copy !req
534. You cheated on her.
Copy !req
535. You're literally
the last person
Copy !req
536. I should have brought here
to bring Maddie back home.
Copy !req
537. I'm—I'm sorry.
Copy !req
538. I—I didn't—
Copy !req
539. Stay in the fucking car.
Copy !req
540. Sorry, have you seen
my friend, Maddie?
Copy !req
541. No?
Copy !req
542. Have you seen my friend?
Copy !req
543. She's like 5'8".
Copy !req
544. She's blonde.
Copy !req
545. No? Sorry.
Copy !req
546. Hey, excuse me.
Copy !req
547. Um, have you seen my friend?
Copy !req
548. Her name's Maddie.
Copy !req
549. Excuse me, have you seen
my friend, Maddie?
Copy !req
550. She has blonde hair.
Copy !req
551. Uh, have you seen my friend?
Copy !req
552. Her name's Maddie.
Copy !req
553. OK, sorry.
Copy !req
554. What the fuck?
Copy !req
555. Sorry.
Copy !req
556. Maddie.
Copy !req
557. Maddie.
Copy !req
558. Sorry.
Copy !req
559. Maddie?
Copy !req
560. It's me. It's me. It's me.
Copy !req
561. What the fuck are you doing?
Copy !req
562. Looking for Maddie.
I'm doing the rounds.
Copy !req
563. Are you OK?
- I'm fine.
Copy !req
564. Are you sure?
Copy !req
565. 'Cause you look
a little shook up.
Copy !req
566. Just go back
to the car, Xavier.
Copy !req
567. Please, let me help you.
Copy !req
568. Haven't you done enough?
Copy !req
569. What, you want to scare her
a second time?
Copy !req
570. You were supposed
to take care of her.
Copy !req
571. You were supposed
to look after her.
Copy !req
572. And now she's not here, Xavier.
Copy !req
573. I don't know
if you've fucking noticed,
Copy !req
574. but she's not here.
Copy !req
575. She's nowhere. She's gone.
Copy !req
576. I know that.
Copy !req
577. You're right.
Copy !req
578. I failed her.
Copy !req
579. And if I could take back
what I did, I—
Copy !req
580. but I can't.
Copy !req
581. I have to live with that.
Copy !req
582. So if it makes you feel better
to hit me,
Copy !req
583. then please, swing away,
Copy !req
584. 'cause I'm just—
Copy !req
585. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
586. Heard you were out here.
Copy !req
587. Rhonda and Wally told me
about Simon.
Copy !req
588. Said I should come find you.
Copy !req
589. Let me guess.
They're still too pissed
Copy !req
590. to come find me themselves.
Copy !req
591. At me, maybe.
Copy !req
592. Not at you.
Copy !req
593. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
594. My best friend
just got carted off
Copy !req
595. for helping me solve a murder
I can't even remember.
Copy !req
596. How do you think?
Copy !req
597. Powerless.
Copy !req
598. Shitty.
Copy !req
599. Alone.
Copy !req
600. You're not
the first person here
Copy !req
601. who's broken something
they can't fix.
Copy !req
602. We all have
unfinished business.
Copy !req
603. Does your unfinished
business have a name?
Copy !req
604. Emilio.
Copy !req
605. Only, you know him
as Mr. Figueroa.
Copy !req
606. You're Charley?
Copy !req
607. Yeah.
Copy !req
608. I'm Emilio,
the new exchange student.
Copy !req
609. I heard you had room
for one more.
Copy !req
610. Oh, better watch out,
new kid.
Copy !req
611. Oh, shit, Charley finally
found a butt buddy, you guys.
Copy !req
612. Oh, somebody's
pitching a tent tonight.
Copy !req
613. You can sleep somewhere else.
Copy !req
614. I actually like
being alone, so.
Copy !req
615. Hey, different countries,
same cabrones.
Copy !req
616. They used to say
the same shit about me.
Copy !req
617. They were right too.
Copy !req
618. Wanna hear
something incredible?
Copy !req
619. Sure.
Copy !req
620. You like it?
Copy !req
621. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
622. I fell fast after that.
Copy !req
623. To me, Emilio wasn't just
from another hemisphere.
Copy !req
624. He was—
Copy !req
625. he was from another world.
Copy !req
626. Emilio was everything
I wasn't,
Copy !req
627. confident, magnetic.
Copy !req
628. He used to say I got
all the shit for being gay
Copy !req
629. and none of the joy.
Copy !req
630. He thought if I just came out,
Copy !req
631. you know, to everyone,
Copy !req
632. it'd be different.
Copy !req
633. And then...
one day my parents asked me,
Copy !req
634. in front of him,
Copy !req
635. why I never dated anyone.
Copy !req
636. And so, um,
he told them about us.
Copy !req
637. He outed you to your parents?
Copy !req
638. Ah, he was convinced
they already knew.
Copy !req
639. Maybe they did.
Copy !req
640. All I know is that
I was furious.
Copy !req
641. Mm.
Copy !req
642. And I wrote him this mean,
terrible letter.
Copy !req
643. And I dropped
in his locker the next day
Copy !req
644. and then tried
to drown my feelings
Copy !req
645. in a plate of French fries.
Copy !req
646. The worst part was, um,
Copy !req
647. watching Emilio
find the letter.
Copy !req
648. I told him that
I never loved him
Copy !req
649. and I never wanted
to see him again.
Copy !req
650. Just my luck he became
a teacher here,
Copy !req
651. because, um, now all I do
is see him and just—
Copy !req
652. and just wish I could
take back those words.
Copy !req
653. I'm sorry, Charley.
Copy !req
654. Thanks.
Copy !req
655. Look, I swear
I'm not telling you this
Copy !req
656. to bum you out further.
Copy !req
657. OK?
Copy !req
658. I'm telling you this
because you need to know
Copy !req
659. that you are not alone.
Copy !req
660. We're all Split River Devils.
Copy !req
661. For better or worse,
we're in this together.
Copy !req
662. Charley, why am I a Bandit
and not a Devil?
Copy !req
663. Well, after the bus crash,
Copy !req
664. people started getting
these ideas
Copy !req
665. that the Devil mascot
was partly to blame
Copy !req
666. instead of,
you know, black ice.
Copy !req
667. Plus none
of the survivors wanted
Copy !req
668. to wear their uniforms anymore.
Copy !req
669. So they changed the mascot
and became the Bandits?
Copy !req
670. Yeah.
Copy !req
671. Thank you, guys,
Copy !req
672. for everything.
Copy !req
673. I'll tell everyone
the truth tomorrow.
Copy !req
674. Mr. Martin, everyone.
Copy !req
675. Maybe don't.
Copy !req
676. Really?
Copy !req
677. I think he's right.
Copy !req
678. I think we should keep
this contained,
Copy !req
679. you know, for now.
Copy !req
680. OK.
Copy !req
681. So what do we do now?
Copy !req
682. Now we have to find
some flowers.
Copy !req
683. I've never seen her
on ground level before.
Copy !req
684. I've never seen her
not scream at us before.
Copy !req
685. I've actually never seen
"Waiting for Godot" before.
Copy !req
686. These smell stolen.
Copy !req
687. More like borrowed.
Copy !req
688. But you know, you deserve
some recognition too,
Copy !req
689. a thank you
for keeping us all safe.
Copy !req
690. Well, it's not about me.
Copy !req
691. It's about the work.
Copy !req
692. But I appreciate it.
Copy !req
693. You know,
we're not that different.
Copy !req
694. I'm trying to prevent
what happened to me
Copy !req
695. from happening
to someone else too.
Copy !req
696. I found this
on the floor earlier.
Copy !req
697. Does this mean anything to you?
Copy !req
698. Yeah.
Your Hawaiian shirt guy,
Copy !req
699. he's always banging
around here,
Copy !req
700. interrupting my work.
Copy !req
701. Sorry,
Copy !req
702. banging?
Copy !req
703. Uh... does this mean anything?
Copy !req
704. What is it?
Copy !req
705. Did Mr. Anderson
even pay this?
Copy !req
706. We need Simon
to call this place.
Copy !req
707. Mr. Anderson totally
played us.
Copy !req
708. I mean, they're convinced
I helped you run away.
Copy !req
709. Seriously?
Copy !req
710. I know.
Copy !req
711. They only let me come back here
Copy !req
712. 'cause I promised
I'd get Anderson's phone
Copy !req
713. and turn it in.
Copy !req
714. OK, well, before you do that,
Copy !req
715. I think I might have found
something that can help,
Copy !req
716. maybe keep the cops
off your back.
Copy !req
717. Thank you all
for meeting on a Friday.
Copy !req
718. Simon? What are you doing?
Copy !req
719. Uh, we're in the middle of a—
Copy !req
720. Faculty meeting, I know.
But I have something
Copy !req
721. you need to see.
Copy !req
722. This is one of our new
band uniforms,
Copy !req
723. the ones the Boosters all
raised money for last summer.
Copy !req
724. Mr. Anderson kindly offered
to order them himself.
Copy !req
725. Only problem is the uniforms
he purchased aren't new.
Copy !req
726. They were retired
and stowed away for decades.
Copy !req
727. Simon, I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
728. So you didn't find these,
Copy !req
729. spruce 'em up,
and pay yourself that money?
Copy !req
730. What?
Copy !req
731. No. I a—I absolutely did not.
Copy !req
732. Then how do you explain
this receipt?
Copy !req
733. The company doesn't even exist.
Copy !req
734. And as for our mascot,
Copy !req
735. Mr. Anderson used it
to cover up
Copy !req
736. all traces of the old one.
Copy !req
737. I can't prove he hurt Maddie,
Copy !req
738. but I can prove this.
Copy !req
739. I really thought
she would be here.
Copy !req
740. I know.
Copy !req
741. I think Simon might be right.
Copy !req
742. What do you think's
gonna happen?
Copy !req
743. He'll be questioned,
probably arrested.
Copy !req
744. But not for murder.
Copy !req
745. I swear to God, if I died over
some stupid band uniforms...
Copy !req
746. Maybe he'll confess.
Copy !req
747. Or... you'll turn that phone
over to the cops
Copy !req
748. and we'll never know
who he was working with
Copy !req
749. or why he said
he gave me money.
Copy !req
750. I'll never know
what really happened to me.
Copy !req
751. At least for now some
of the heat will be off you.
Copy !req
752. What are you doing?
Copy !req
753. I was thinking...
Copy !req
754. I can't hug you,
Copy !req
755. but my sweater can.
Copy !req
756. Next best thing.
Copy !req
757. You ever think we'd be in
our own real life horror movie?
Copy !req
758. Eh, it could be worse.
Copy !req
759. Really? How?
Copy !req
760. You could've turned into
a zombie instead of a ghost.
Copy !req
761. Or a blob.
Copy !req
762. You would make a great blob.
Copy !req
763. Thank you.
Copy !req
764. You should go.
Copy !req
765. Get Anderson's phone.
Get some sleep.
Copy !req
766. Good night, Maddie.
Copy !req
767. Good night.
Copy !req
768. Hey.
Copy !req
769. Wasn't sure you'd make it.
Copy !req
770. Wally finally let me decide.
Copy !req
771. I know it's a little
on the nose,
Copy !req
772. but can't go wrong with Swayze.
Copy !req
773. What's this?
Copy !req
774. Write what you wanna
say to Emilio.
Copy !req
775. I'll make sure he gets it.
Copy !req
776. You—you don't have to.
Copy !req
777. I want to.
Copy !req
778. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
779. This is so much better
than "Rudy."
Copy !req
780. Rhonda.
Copy !req
781. You usually boycott
movie night.
Copy !req
782. Everything all right?
Copy !req
783. I've been here for 60 years,
Copy !req
784. 60 graduations.
Copy !req
785. I've watched class after class
hug and cry
Copy !req
786. and throw their stupid little
cardboard caps in the air
Copy !req
787. and go.
Copy !req
788. I made my peace with it
because nothing changes.
Copy !req
789. But now...
Copy !req
790. I know I'm not always a joiner,
Copy !req
791. but I gotta get out of here.
Copy !req
792. I'm willing to try anything.
Copy !req
793. So whatever you did
to help Janet,
Copy !req
794. I want in.
Copy !req
795. I'm glad to hear it.
Copy !req
796. Psst, wanna take a selfie?
Copy !req
797. Where'd you get that phone?
Copy !req
798. Some pimply freshman left it
in the theater last period.
Copy !req
799. Told you it's a gold mine.
Copy !req
800. Was it unlocked or...
Copy !req
801. I used her passcode.
Copy !req
802. How did you know
her passcode?
Copy !req
803. I know everyone's passcodes.
Copy !req
804. How else would I keep up
with my socials?
Copy !req
805. Wait, what do you mean
Copy !req
806. Dawn, what do you mean
Copy !req
807. Simon!
Copy !req
808. Simon!
Copy !req
809. Simon!
Copy !req
810. Simon!
Copy !req
811. 495273.
Copy !req
812. Check his call log.
Copy !req
813. We need to know
who Anderson called that night.
Copy !req
814. I can't wear this
to homecoming.
Copy !req
815. Whoa, you guys.
Copy !req
816. Mr. Anderson might
get arrested.
Copy !req
817. What for?
Copy !req
818. Does this have to do
with Maddie?
Copy !req
819. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
820. You've reached Claire.
Copy !req
821. Do me a fave
and just text me, OK?
Copy !req