1. Me, me! Pick me!
Copy !req
2. Me, me! I know it!
Copy !req
3. Let's ask... Hana!
Copy !req
4. Yes, ma'am!
Copy !req
5. I'm so glad we asked Shin and Lu
to mind the store today.
Copy !req
6. I wonder how they're doing.
Copy !req
7. They're fine... Probably.
Copy !req
Copy !req
9. Hey, Lu!
Copy !req
10. Stop wearing my apron for dirty tasks!
Copy !req
11. You make a fuss over everything!
You wash the windows, then!
Copy !req
12. No way!
Copy !req
13. Let me be clear.
Copy !req
14. While Mr. Sakamoto and Ms. Aoi are out,
I'm the one in charge of this place.
Copy !req
15. Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Copy !req
16. Shin is like a little kid sometimes...
Copy !req
17. Anything you want to say to me,
say it to my face, Lu.
Copy !req
18. You know I can hear it anyway.
Copy !req
19. I still have freedom of thought.
Copy !req
20. You're the one
reading my mind without permission.
Copy !req
21. Yo, got any pork buns you're throwing out?
I'd be happy to help.
Copy !req
22. Who reads people's minds anyway?
That's totally perverted!
Copy !req
23. You dumb blond, mind-stalking creep!
Copy !req
24. Shut up, you apron-stealing drunk!
Copy !req
25. How could I ever be comfortable around you
knowing you're reading my mind?
Copy !req
26. Is that how it is?
Copy !req
27. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
28. Hey, shouldn't you stop him?
Copy !req
29. Who cares?
Copy !req
30. Mind if I eat these?
Copy !req
31. You get out of here too.
Copy !req
32. So annoying.
Copy !req
33. I've never seen Shin like that...
Copy !req
34. Back already, huh?
Fine, I'll let you apologize...
Copy !req
35. It's him.
Copy !req
36. You're coming with us.
Copy !req
37. Man, what a surprise!
Copy !req
38. A subject that disappeared from the Lab
11 years ago,
Copy !req
39. living carefree, in a town like this?
Copy !req
40. Dyed his hair and everything too.
Copy !req
41. Hey, Mr. Tanaka,
I don't know how to tell you this, but...
Copy !req
42. What is it, Seba?
Copy !req
43. I think we have the wrong person.
Copy !req
44. Of course it's him!
Copy !req
45. The nametag says "Shin", plain and simple!
Copy !req
46. I'll kill you, you little shit!
Copy !req
47. M'kay, sorry.
Copy !req
48. Why are we kidnapping the brat anyway?
Copy !req
49. I don't know the whole story,
Copy !req
50. but remember how the Lab
used to do experiments to create psychics?
Copy !req
51. He's the only subject it worked on.
Copy !req
52. Apparently, he can really read minds.
Copy !req
53. Talk about creepy, huh?
Copy !req
54. Your every thought being read at any time?
Copy !req
55. Who would want to be near someone
that could do that?
Copy !req
56. I bet no one likes him,
and no one ever will.
Copy !req
57. What a miserable loser. Ha ha ha!
Copy !req
58. Mr. Tanaka!
Copy !req
59. How dare you.
Copy !req
60. Shin might be dumb and picky and immature,
Copy !req
61. but he's a much better person than you!
Copy !req
62. What's wrong with being different
in the first place?
Copy !req
63. There's nothing miserable about that!
Copy !req
64. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
65. What's your name?
Copy !req
66. Me? I'm Lu Shaotang.
Copy !req
67. What?
Copy !req
68. See? I told you so.
Copy !req
69. You seriously need to listen to people,
Mr. Tanaka.
Copy !req
70. Oh, well.
I guess I gotta be the bigger man here.
Copy !req
71. All right, Lu. I'll let you apologize...
Copy !req
72. Huh? Is she slacking off again?
Copy !req
73. We're back!
Copy !req
74. Mr. Sakamoto...
Copy !req
75. What's going on?
Copy !req
76. Then, when I got back, Lu was gone.
Copy !req
77. I'm sorry, sir. This is all my fault!
Copy !req
78. She's on the highway, heading southwest.
Copy !req
79. What? Mr. Sakamoto, how do you—
Copy !req
80. The name tag has a GPS in it.
Copy !req
81. You morons!
Copy !req
82. They're definitely gonna kill us for this!
Copy !req
83. Bet.
Copy !req
84. Get us off this highway now, you slowpoke!
Copy !req
85. The next exit isn't for 15 kilometers.
Copy !req
86. Damn it! This is why I hate fieldwork.
Copy !req
87. I know. Maybe we can pretend
that that's Shin.
Copy !req
88. We tell them he lost his psychic ability.
Copy !req
89. They'll notice she's a girl, though.
Copy !req
90. Crap!
Copy !req
91. Stupid me.
Copy !req
92. This is karma
for saying something so mean to Shin.
Copy !req
93. How could I ever
be comfortable around you?
Copy !req
94. I didn't mean that at all.
Copy !req
95. I wish I could've said sorry...
Copy !req
96. We'd like our pork bun chef back now.
Copy !req
97. Shin! Mr. Manager!
Copy !req
98. What? Is that the real Shin?
Copy !req
99. It is! It's the kid from the photo, Seba!
Copy !req
100. Congrats.
Copy !req
101. We can go back to the Lab
without fearing for our lives!
Copy !req
102. They're with the Lab?
Copy !req
103. Get 'em, guys!
Copy !req
104. Hey there, fatty. Time for a nap!
Copy !req
105. What?
Copy !req
106. Hey, mind if I use some of these?
Copy !req
107. Sure! As many as you like!
Copy !req
108. Damn it! You little...
Copy !req
109. Wow! You guys shooting a movie?
Copy !req
110. Sure.
Copy !req
111. Who are those guys? They're insane!
Copy !req
112. Wait, we lost all of them?
Copy !req
113. It seems like it.
Copy !req
114. You'd better stop this!
Copy !req
115. Apologize before things get worse.
Copy !req
116. Shut it back there!
Copy !req
117. If we go back empty-handed,
Copy !req
118. what'll happen then is so much worse...
Copy !req
119. You're no exception.
If they don't need you...
Copy !req
120. Lu, are you all right? Lu!
Copy !req
121. Seba! Help, Seba!
Copy !req
122. Fine, I'll do it. Take the wheel for me.
Copy !req
123. I'd better get paid extra for this.
Copy !req
124. You want a fight? Okay.
Copy !req
125. I'm counting on you, Seba!
Copy !req
126. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
127. Having an incompetent boss
is a lot of work.
Copy !req
128. Careful, Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
129. Impressive. You're pretty sharp, huh?
Copy !req
130. Whoa, scary dude.
Copy !req
131. Please let me go.
Copy !req
132. Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
133. I get why he's "the legendary hit man."
I thought I'd die out there.
Copy !req
134. Hey, did you get Shin?
Copy !req
135. Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Copy !req
136. Come on, Seba!
Copy !req
137. Damn it.
Losing the motorbike is a tough blow.
Copy !req
138. The GPS has stopped at Okutabi.
Copy !req
139. Who are those men?
Copy !req
140. I believe they're with the Lab.
Copy !req
141. The Lab?
Copy !req
142. Yes.
Copy !req
143. It's an unauthorized research facility,
and it's where I grew up.
Copy !req
144. The thing is,
Copy !req
145. they were a group of weirdos,
Copy !req
146. but they weren't dangerous like that.
Copy !req
147. I wonder what happened...
Copy !req
148. In any case,
Copy !req
149. we're going to go get Lu back.
Copy !req
150. So this is the Lab.
Copy !req
151. Yes. This is a facade they use to hide it.
Copy !req
152. The Lab is in the basement.
Copy !req
153. How about we pay a visit
to your childhood home?
Copy !req
154. Let's do it.
Copy !req
155. It's pretty crowded.
Copy !req
156. They operate a normal museum
as their business front.
Copy !req
157. Hello there!
Copy !req
158. Welcome to Okutabi Science Museum,
a learning hub for nature and science!
Copy !req
159. Would you like a souvenir photo?
Copy !req
160. No, we're in a bit of a hurry.
Copy !req
161. Come on, what's the harm?
Copy !req
162. We don't care for photos.
Copy !req
163. It'll only take a second!
Copy !req
164. No thank you!
Copy !req
165. All right, dinosaur poses, please!
Copy !req
166. Say "roar"!
Copy !req
167. You can purchase big prints for 4,900 yen.
Copy !req
168. I'll take one, please.
Copy !req
169. This is perfect for hiding our faces.
Copy !req
170. Soft to the touch too.
Copy !req
171. This way.
Copy !req
172. There's a secret passage to the Lab
in the annex building.
Copy !req
173. I should come again with my family.
Copy !req
174. - Untie me!
- Keep it down!
Copy !req
175. What is this place?
Copy !req
176. Mr. Tanaka.
Copy !req
177. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
178. Is that the boy with telepathic abilities?
Copy !req
179. Yes...
Copy !req
180. The hair color and gender
seem to be different from the photo...
Copy !req
181. You know what happens
if you lie to the Reindeer, right?
Copy !req
182. I'll kill you.
Copy !req
183. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
184. What the... His hands and face
have stitches all over them.
Copy !req
185. How unsettling...
Copy !req
186. Uh, boss? May I?
Copy !req
187. Yes, Mr. Seba?
Copy !req
188. So, this one's a phony body double,
but I might know where the real one is.
Copy !req
189. Seba?
Copy !req
190. You son of a gun!
Copy !req
191. - Screw you, Seba!
- My butt hurts!
Copy !req
192. You must capture that boy.
Copy !req
193. We cannot disappoint him.
Copy !req
194. I'm counting on you, Mr. Seba.
Copy !req
195. M'kay, I'll see what I can do.
Copy !req
196. Let me see if I still remember.
Copy !req
197. I think we turn this clock to 8:20
Copy !req
198. then tilt that brown bear's head
90 degrees to the left...
Copy !req
199. I was right!
Copy !req
200. What an annoying contraption.
Copy !req
201. And O-ku-ta-bi.
Copy !req
202. Authentication failed.
Copy !req
203. What? They changed the password.
Copy !req
204. Error code 203. Possible intruder.
Copy !req
205. Initiate elimination.
Copy !req
206. First round, unsuccessful.
Continue to second round—
Copy !req
207. Mr. Sakamoto, have you ever fought
an actual bear?
Copy !req
208. I've been trained
in all types of animal combat.
Copy !req
209. Phase one, system down.
Copy !req
210. Initiating phase two.
Copy !req
211. The heck?
Copy !req
212. Dinosaurs would be a first, though.
Copy !req
213. How can we possibly...
Copy !req
214. A moving dinosaur...
Copy !req
215. It's so cute!
Copy !req
216. I want to show Hana.
Copy !req
217. What?
Copy !req
218. We want to take it alive, minimal damage.
Copy !req
219. What is wrong with you?
Copy !req
220. We gotta do something about that tail.
Copy !req
221. I see some kind of device in its head!
Copy !req
222. Maybe your electric gun can take it out
without damaging it!
Copy !req
223. Brilliant idea, Shin.
Copy !req
224. Brilliant?
Copy !req
225. Yes, it worked!
Copy !req
226. System rebooted.
Target engagement level, max.
Copy !req
227. Mr. Sakamoto!
Copy !req
228. His gun!
Copy !req
229. This is getting annoying.
Copy !req
230. Scrap the plan of taking it alive.
Copy !req
231. After all, the fact that they don't move
is what makes dinosaurs so fascinating.
Copy !req
232. Whatever you say, sir.
Copy !req
233. It's gone quiet.
Copy !req
234. What was that?
Copy !req
235. Could it have been the security system
at the entrance?
Copy !req
236. Hey, you shitty scientists!
Get back to work.
Copy !req
237. You have to let us rest.
Copy !req
238. We haven't slept in three days.
Copy !req
239. If you want to be freed,
get us those results!
Copy !req
240. You good-for-nothing scientists!
Copy !req
241. - Dr. Ishikawa!
- Dr. Ishikawa!
Copy !req
242. Do you seriously think
this silly research could ever succeed?
Copy !req
243. "This silly research"?
Copy !req
244. You let your mouth run a little too much.
Copy !req
245. For your disrespect
toward the organization,
Copy !req
246. you'll die!
Copy !req
247. Hey.
Copy !req
248. I know it's been a while,
but what the heck's going on?
Copy !req
249. Shin!
Copy !req
250. It's Shin.
Copy !req
251. You came back?
Copy !req
252. I had some business here.
Copy !req
253. Where's the old man?
Copy !req
254. The director has been locked up
in the lowest floor.
Copy !req
255. The Lab has been taken over
by an assassin group.
Copy !req
256. An assassin group?
Copy !req
257. They appeared out of the blue,
about a year ago.
Copy !req
258. Nice to meet you all.
Copy !req
259. My name is Kashima. I'm a hit man.
Copy !req
260. We are looking to innovate
our means of assassination.
Copy !req
261. Guns and knives are things of the past.
Copy !req
262. We'd like to incorporate the newest tech
in killing too.
Copy !req
263. That's where we need the help
of your brilliant minds.
Copy !req
264. Kashima's the boss
who's at the center of everything.
Copy !req
265. There are a few other leaders,
then the henchmen in hazmat suits.
Copy !req
266. I had no idea...
Copy !req
267. Mr. Sakamoto, if we're going
to comb through this place to find Lu...
Copy !req
268. We'll probably have to fight them, yes.
Copy !req
269. What are you thinking?
Copy !req
270. You two have to get out of here fast.
Copy !req
271. The leader in charge of this floor is—
Copy !req
272. Here he comes! Hide!
Copy !req
273. Hurry!
Copy !req
274. Don't just stand there!
Copy !req
275. I don't wanna be a guinea pig!
Copy !req
276. Please! At least let me out!
Copy !req
277. Stop whining already!
Copy !req
278. How mean. You barbaric woman.
Copy !req
279. What is that you've been doing anyway?
Copy !req
280. Isn't it obvious?
I'm breaking out of this cell!
Copy !req
281. Huh? Using that little rock?
Copy !req
282. You've got to be kidding me.
Copy !req
283. He's right, little lady.
Copy !req
284. You don't want to do that.
Copy !req
285. Who are you, old man?
Copy !req
286. I'm Asakura, the director of this place.
Copy !req
287. Could I interest you two
in a little prison break?
Copy !req
288. What's all the excitement over here?
Copy !req
289. We having some fun with an experiment?
Copy !req
Copy !req
291. You have to let me join.
Copy !req
292. No, there's nothing.
Copy !req
293. Mind if I borrow your pen?
Copy !req
294. Liar.
Copy !req
295. That bastard!
Copy !req
296. I'm stuck...
Copy !req
297. One of my guys over there's passed out.
Copy !req
298. What're you kids hiding, hmm?
Copy !req
299. So? Who's gonna tell me?
Copy !req
300. Pens out, everyone!
Copy !req
301. See? I knew it.
Copy !req
302. Good reflexes for an old guy like you.
Copy !req
303. You idiot! Why did you come out?
Copy !req
304. No reason.
Copy !req
305. I don't like small spaces.
Copy !req
306. Shin...
Copy !req
307. Are you one of the leaders?
Copy !req
308. What if I am?
Copy !req
309. Are you going to get in our way?
Copy !req
310. That won't do!
Copy !req
311. This is some marvelous research
we're doing here!
Copy !req
312. Here, let me show you myself!
Copy !req
313. Shin!
Copy !req
314. All right! Time for a lovely experiment!
Copy !req
Copy !req
316. YOU JERK!
Copy !req
317. WHAT?
Copy !req
318. Great, isn't it?
A switch that switches around your words.
Copy !req
319. I've embedded a needle in your head
that transmits a current,
Copy !req
320. messing up the signals in your brain.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
323. Next, let's try... Oh?
Copy !req
324. Finally got out.
Copy !req
Copy !req
326. Huh? Looks like you're having fun.
Copy !req
Copy !req
328. Shin,
Copy !req
329. I don't know what happened in your past.
Copy !req
330. But do you want to save this place?
Copy !req
331. I DO...
Copy !req
332. Okay, then.
Copy !req
333. Time to clean up your childhood home.
Copy !req
334. YES, SIR!
Copy !req
335. I haven't taken a bus in ages.
My back hurts.
Copy !req
336. Mr. Shishiba, let's eat these.
Copy !req
337. Ah, your good-luck ritual.
Copy !req
338. Honestly, are we sure
this place has something to do with Slur?
Copy !req
339. Nagumo's not the most reliable chap,
is he?
Copy !req
340. Investigating that is part of our job.
Copy !req
341. Fair enough. Ready, Osaragi?
Copy !req
342. Yes.
Copy !req