1. I'm pooped, woman.
Copy !req
2. Hit me once every ten seconds
or I kill the boy.
Copy !req
3. Honestly, I thought I was done for
when she said that,
Copy !req
4. but Lu's doing pretty good.
Copy !req
5. Aw, no.
Copy !req
6. Oh, lucky me.
Copy !req
7. But I'm begging you,
please take the fight more seriously!
Copy !req
8. My turn!
Copy !req
9. Lu!
Copy !req
10. Guess the fun's over.
Copy !req
11. But you're better than I—
Copy !req
12. No way.
Copy !req
13. Shin, your voice cracked
when you said "Lu"!
Copy !req
14. Is she a happy drunk after all?
Copy !req
15. Oh, no.
Copy !req
16. Marvelous...
Copy !req
17. Give me more. Try to kill me.
Copy !req
18. Huh?
Copy !req
19. I don't kill, lady.
Copy !req
20. It's against our family rule.
Copy !req
21. Lu...
Copy !req
22. Family rule? What are you talking about?
Copy !req
23. Promises we keep as a family!
Copy !req
24. Shin, Mr. Manager, Ms. Aoi, Hana,
Copy !req
25. they're all my precious family!
Copy !req
26. Huh?
Copy !req
27. The Sakamotos are a family of three.
Copy !req
28. Are you stupid?
Copy !req
29. Stupid?
Copy !req
30. I learned how to run a cash register
right after coming to Japan.
Copy !req
31. Even Hana has her eye on me
for the next shift leader.
Copy !req
32. And you have the nerve...
Copy !req
33. to call me stupid, you bitch?
Copy !req
34. No, she's an angry drunk!
Copy !req
35. Where's this power coming from?
Copy !req
36. Damn—
Copy !req
37. What?
Copy !req
38. What?
Copy !req
39. What was I doing?
Copy !req
40. Who's this lady?
Copy !req
41. Oh, Shin.
Copy !req
42. Whatcha doing?
Copy !req
43. Where are we?
Copy !req
44. She sobered up all of a sudden!
Copy !req
45. Are you trying to let me off easy?
You've got some nerve!
Copy !req
46. I can't remember the last time anyone's...
Copy !req
47. Shit!
Copy !req
48. pushed me this far.
Copy !req
49. I absolutely love strong rivals!
Copy !req
50. You really gave me chills!
Copy !req
51. - Come on, let's do one more round! Please?
- Are we... off the hook?
Copy !req
52. Hey, stop it!
Copy !req
53. 10g of potassium perchlorate.
Copy !req
54. 4.8g of ammonium nitrate.
Copy !req
55. 20g of P-thrite.
Copy !req
56. 3.5g of Nitro GK.
Copy !req
57. I remember you now, Boiled.
Copy !req
58. Time to show you what I can really do.
Copy !req
59. I dunno what kind of trick that is,
Copy !req
60. but what difference does it make
that you got a little thinner?
Copy !req
61. If you want a fight,
you might wanna hurry.
Copy !req
62. I bet your family's in a pinch too
right about now.
Copy !req
63. I'm not worried about that.
Copy !req
64. I have people that I can count on now.
Copy !req
65. So what?
Copy !req
66. He's so fast...
Copy !req
67. So this is the real Sakamoto,
the invincible hit man!
Copy !req
68. But how?
Copy !req
69. How can he still be so strong
after he quit being a hit man?
Copy !req
70. You're tough to beat, Boiled.
Copy !req
71. Like you, I used to use my strength
to hurt people.
Copy !req
72. But now...
Copy !req
73. I choose to use my strength
to protect the people I love.
Copy !req
74. That's...
Copy !req
75. what makes me strong now, Boiled.
Copy !req
76. Wow, this view is amazing!
Copy !req
77. Yeah, it's beautiful.
Copy !req
78. But not as beautiful as you...
Copy !req
79. Satoshi?
Copy !req
80. What was that?
Copy !req
81. Sakamoto, I gotta give it to you...
Copy !req
82. You're hard-boiled as hell.
Copy !req
83. Hey, Shin?
Copy !req
84. Ms. Aoi?
Copy !req
85. I thought we were in the haunted house.
Copy !req
86. How did we get here?
Copy !req
87. We... must've all gotten worn out!
Copy !req
88. It was pretty intense in there.
Copy !req
89. How did your clothes get so dirty?
Copy !req
90. Well, those zombies were tough, and—
Copy !req
91. - Tough?
- Oops...
Copy !req
92. Where's Taro?
Copy !req
93. I dunno!
Copy !req
94. I'll go look for him!
Copy !req
95. Watch your step as you get off, please.
Copy !req
96. Are you okay? What happened?
Copy !req
97. - Little lady.
- Yes?
Copy !req
98. Don't embarrass a guy...
Copy !req
99. by asking him how he got hurt.
Copy !req
100. No, I mean...
You're gonna have to pay for damages.
Copy !req
101. You win, Sakamoto.
Copy !req
102. I'll back off from you.
Copy !req
103. But you're still gonna have...
Copy !req
104. Five pork buns, coming right up!
Copy !req
105. Not even listening, huh?
Copy !req
106. That looks good.
Copy !req
107. Can I have one?
Copy !req
108. Your leftovers? How lucky of me.
Copy !req
109. The rest is for my family.
Copy !req
110. You, a family guy? Who would've thought.
Copy !req
111. Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
112. You're thin! Why? How?
Copy !req
113. People lose weight when they work out.
Copy !req
114. But not that much in a single day!
Copy !req
115. You look just like you used to.
You're so cool!
Copy !req
116. By the way, what are you gonna do
about that bounty?
Copy !req
117. Dondenkai will keep trying to kill you.
Copy !req
118. Well...
Copy !req
119. Bounty?
Copy !req
120. What's that about?
Copy !req
121. Why am I in trouble?
Copy !req
122. Hana, let's go over there and play.
Copy !req
123. I want two cotton candies!
Copy !req
124. What a self-indulgent child!
Copy !req
125. Such potential for strength.
Copy !req
126. So?
Copy !req
127. There's a bounty on my head, and...
Copy !req
128. hit men have been out to get me.
Copy !req
129. Like today...
Copy !req
130. Why on earth would you not tell me
something like that?
Copy !req
131. Men are clumsy creatures, miss.
Copy !req
132. He just wanted you and your kid...
Copy !req
133. to enjoy the amusement park
without worrying about anything.
Copy !req
134. That's pretty hard-boiled, I'd say.
Copy !req
135. And who are you?
Copy !req
136. The name's Boiled.
Copy !req
137. I'm a professional hit man.
Copy !req
138. Would you mind not killing my husband?
Copy !req
139. Yes, ma'am...
Copy !req
140. Besides, did you really think
you could hide this?
Copy !req
141. Well, I just... I didn't want to worry you.
Copy !req
142. Have you forgotten?
Copy !req
143. Sakamoto family rule number six.
"Do not hide things from each other"!
Copy !req
144. I'd rather you go and put it all to rest
than go behind my back!
Copy !req
145. Now that that's settled,
Copy !req
146. let's go watch the parade.
Copy !req
147. That's one hard-boiled wife you've got...
Copy !req
148. But Mr. Sakamoto, how exactly
are we going to put this to rest?
Copy !req
149. We have to take down the client
and make them withdraw the bounty.
Copy !req
150. How reckless.
Copy !req
151. The bounty's managed by the JAA.
Copy !req
152. You won't figure out who put out the hit.
Copy !req
153. I suppose our boss
probably has some contacts in the JAA.
Copy !req
154. Well then, why don't you ask
your boss from Dondenkai for us?
Copy !req
155. Why would I do that for you?
Copy !req
156. I don't know where my boss is, anyway.
Copy !req
157. What? You're useless.
Copy !req
158. You're the one asking too much of people!
Copy !req
159. Anyway... We'll be going now.
Copy !req
160. See ya, Sakamoto.
Copy !req
161. Bye guys, send my love to Lu.
Copy !req
162. Now what?
Copy !req
163. We still don't know where
the Dondenkai headquarters is.
Copy !req
164. I might know someone.
Copy !req
165. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
166. Got a tummy ache?
Copy !req
167. Mr. Sakamoto
regained all his weight in a day.
Copy !req
168. Oh, yeah.
I'm not surprised, seeing how he eats.
Copy !req
169. This is it.
Copy !req
170. Huh?
Copy !req
171. Let's see...
Copy !req
172. A, B, C, D...
Copy !req
173. Here it is.
Copy !req
174. Yikes. Looks like a B-movie.
Copy !req
175. Mr. Sakamoto. What is this place, anyway?
Copy !req
176. They sell information.
Copy !req
177. All information is sold in movie form.
Copy !req
178. Why bother making them into movies?
Copy !req
179. Come, the screening room's over here.
Copy !req
180. Dondenkai is a hit man organization
with over 50 members.
Copy !req
181. Their story begins with one hit man.
Copy !req
182. That's a nice building.
Copy !req
183. Let's make this our headquarters.
Copy !req
184. - Agreed!
- So that's their headquarters.
Copy !req
185. Don't you die on me!
Copy !req
186. Keep it down, you... dumb-ass...
Copy !req
187. That was such a good movie!
Copy !req
188. Man, what a plot twist.
I thought they were done in that den...
Copy !req
189. Director Kanaguri did it again.
Copy !req
190. That'll be 756,000 yen.
Copy !req
191. - So pricey!
- So pricey!
Copy !req
192. I'll pay by card.
Copy !req
193. Sure.
Copy !req
194. You have that kind of money?
Copy !req
195. I have savings from my bachelor days.
Copy !req
196. Are you coming back to our world,
Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
197. I suggest you be cautious.
Copy !req
198. Someone you used to work with
might be involved.
Copy !req
199. What do you mean?
Copy !req
200. I'm afraid that movie's not available yet.
Copy !req
201. I've told you everything I can.
Copy !req
202. Yo, I heard you met with Sakamoto.
That true, Nagumo?
Copy !req
203. What? Sakamoto?
Copy !req
204. What a blast from the past.
I wonder how he's doing?
Copy !req
205. Don't play dumb with me.
Copy !req
206. I'll kill you.
Copy !req
207. Hyo, don't get into that now.
Copy !req
208. The gent will be here any minute.
Copy !req
209. I don't care.
Copy !req
210. There's something shady about Nagumo!
Copy !req
211. That's dangerous.
Copy !req
212. Why don't we save the big knife
for the entrée, okay?
Copy !req
213. My, my, so testy.
Not our cup of tea, is it, Osaragi?
Copy !req
214. Mr. Shishiba,
Copy !req
215. I don't think you want to eat that.
Copy !req
216. Chef?
Copy !req
217. Yes, sir?
Copy !req
218. What are these blasted onions
doing in my risotto?
Copy !req
219. Greetings, everyone.
Thank you very much for coming today.
Copy !req
220. I am Iriya from the JAA.
Copy !req
221. I must say,
Copy !req
222. having all members of The Order together
is quite an extraordinary sight.
Copy !req
223. You mean some members.
Where are the other four?
Copy !req
224. Well, those three never come,
Copy !req
225. but Takamura's not here?
That geezer always comes.
Copy !req
226. Maybe he's busy?
Copy !req
227. Doubt it. I bet he's forgotten.
Copy !req
228. He's practically a fossil.
Copy !req
229. Recently, someone has been going around
Copy !req
230. butchering hit men in the JAA,
one after another.
Copy !req
231. The JAA wishes to request your services
to take care of the matter immediately,
Copy !req
232. in the name of The Order.
Copy !req
233. This is Dondenkai HQ.
Copy !req
234. Let's avoid combat as much as possible.
Copy !req
235. Time for a stealth mission.
Copy !req
236. Hey, did you hear about Sakamoto?
Copy !req
237. Yeah. Crazy bounty, right?
Copy !req
238. I heard that he got Boiled.
Copy !req
239. Seriously? Not even Boiled could do it?
Copy !req
240. I won't be pushing my luck.
Copy !req
241. We're in.
Copy !req
242. You're taking it off?
Copy !req
243. Got bored of it.
Copy !req
244. Where is this "boss" anyway?
Copy !req
245. Were you not paying attention
to that expensive movie?
Copy !req
246. The boss's room is on the top floor.
Copy !req
247. We have to climb up
from the second-floor window.
Copy !req
248. Like in the movie, remember?
Copy !req
249. Right, Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
250. I fell asleep.
Copy !req
251. This is fun. It's kinda like we're spies.
Copy !req
252. You idiot, we're not here to play.
Copy !req
253. Something's off, Mr. Sakamoto.
Copy !req
254. I can't hear any enemies on this floor.
Copy !req
255. What a useless detector.
Copy !req
256. I can hear you, you know!
Copy !req
257. This is it.
Copy !req
258. Hi, Sakamoto.
Copy !req
259. Nagumo?
Copy !req
260. You caught me red-handed.
Copy !req
261. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
262. Everyone in Dondenkai's upper management,
including the boss...
Copy !req
263. has been killed by me.
Copy !req
264. Sorry Sakamoto, but you have to die too.
Copy !req
265. He's so fast!
Copy !req
266. Shin!
Copy !req
267. Just kidding! You should see your faces.
Copy !req
268. I'm sorry, guys.
Copy !req
269. I had an errand of my own.
Copy !req
270. By the time I got here,
they had all been wiped out.
Copy !req
271. Why didn't you just say so?
Copy !req
272. You're such a jerk!
Copy !req
273. Why are you here?
Copy !req
274. I guess I'd call it research.
Copy !req
275. There have been
a lot of hits on hit men recently.
Copy !req
276. What's so special about that?
Copy !req
277. Sure, if it were just little quarrels
between hit men,
Copy !req
278. no one would bat an eye.
Copy !req
279. But over 100 hit men from organizations
close to the JAA
Copy !req
280. have been murdered cruelly
in the last few months.
Copy !req
281. It's obvious they're sending a message
to the JAA.
Copy !req
282. One hundred hit men?
Copy !req
283. But that's a quarter
of all professional hit men.
Copy !req
284. They always leave an X at the scene,
Copy !req
285. so we've been calling them "X" or "Slur."
Copy !req
286. We?
Copy !req
287. The Order has been assigned?
Copy !req
288. Yep.
Copy !req
289. The guy with the silver hair
was talking about that too.
Copy !req
290. What is "The Order"?
Copy !req
291. A special task unit for the JAA.
Copy !req
292. The best of the best among hit men.
Copy !req
293. We report directly to the JAA and take on
hits on particularly dangerous hit men.
Copy !req
294. We maintain order in the world of hit men.
Copy !req
295. Sakamoto used to be in The Order, too.
Copy !req
296. I had no idea.
Copy !req
297. Anyway, Sakamoto,
Copy !req
298. you should all be careful of X.
Copy !req
299. We're not hit men anymore.
Copy !req
300. They don't have anything to do with us.
Copy !req
301. That's right.
Copy !req
302. We've already got our hands full
with the stupid bounty.
Copy !req
303. I don't know much either, but...
Copy !req
304. there is one thing I can tell you.
Copy !req
305. These hits on hit men started
Copy !req
306. right around the time
Sakamoto's bounty was posted.
Copy !req
307. "When looking with both eyes,
Copy !req
308. humans unconsciously correct
what they're seeing based on the angle."
Copy !req
309. "Always take a step back to check
Copy !req
310. that your drawing is symmetrical."
Copy !req
311. Indeed.
Copy !req
312. It may be slightly off-balance.
Copy !req
Copy !req
314. We did all that,
Copy !req
315. and we're back to square one.
Copy !req
316. Listen up!
Copy !req
317. - Where's Sakamoto?
- Another one?
Copy !req
318. - I'll kill him!
- Getting a lot today.
Copy !req
319. This one?
Copy !req
320. No, the one right next to it.
Copy !req
321. Sakamoto—
Copy !req
322. We can't keep having
all these hit men dropping in.
Copy !req
323. Who knew it'd be so hard
to get a bounty called off...
Copy !req
324. Then again,
Copy !req
325. bandage and band-aid sales are up,
so I guess it's okay.
Copy !req
326. That makes it okay?
Copy !req
327. Here, I have a band-aid for you.
Copy !req
328. Thank you, little girl...
Copy !req
329. Your daddy's so strong.
Copy !req
330. Sakamoto,
Copy !req
331. if you were neck and neck with Boiled,
Copy !req
332. you're in for a world of hurt.
Copy !req
333. It seems those five years
made a bigger dent than you thought.
Copy !req
334. Since we don't know who the enemy is,
all we can do right now
Copy !req
335. is become stronger
so we're prepared for any attack.
Copy !req
336. Right. Make a full recovery.
Copy !req
337. So fast!
Copy !req
338. Welcome!
Copy !req
339. Your items, miss!
Copy !req
340. What? Ew!
Copy !req
341. For my training,
Copy !req
342. I'll drink myself stupid!
Copy !req
343. Pork bun, please.
Copy !req
344. Comin' right up!
Copy !req
345. Lu!
Copy !req
346. How... did she know?
Copy !req
347. Hey, mister? Looks like you've got blood
gushing out of your forehead.
Copy !req
348. Shin, what do we do?
Copy !req
349. He's thinking bandage. Here!
Copy !req
350. Shin...
Copy !req