Copy !req
2. You're late!
Copy !req
3. You're so fussy.
Who cares if I'm a little late?
Copy !req
4. Two hours is not "a little"!
Copy !req
5. Come on, Lu!
You can't put the detergent in the fridge!
Copy !req
6. Fussing again.
Copy !req
7. Just put it all on the shelves,
the customers will figure it out.
Copy !req
8. You can't stuff everything in one place!
Copy !req
9. I bet you've never even had a job before.
Copy !req
10. - I have too!
- What'd you do?
Copy !req
11. I helped out with my dad's work!
Copy !req
12. I dug a huge hole and tossed
gunnysacks of who-knows-what into it.
Copy !req
13. Mr. Sakamoto, we have to fire her!
Copy !req
14. She's ruining our peaceful atmosphere!
Copy !req
15. There's no such atmosphere here
to begin with.
Copy !req
16. Shut up, we're trying to build one!
Copy !req
Copy !req
18. Now, now, Shin!
Copy !req
19. We don't say mean things like that here.
Copy !req
20. And Lu, you need to apologize
when you're late to work.
Copy !req
21. Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
22. What's wrong, you two?
Copy !req
23. You look like a pair of deer
caught in rifle-mounted lights.
Copy !req
24. Come now, let's get ready.
Copy !req
25. Shin, you go sweep outside.
Copy !req
26. Lu, are your pork buns prepped?
Copy !req
27. Mr. Manager is chattier than I thought.
Copy !req
28. I worked with him for years.
I've never heard him talk this much.
Copy !req
29. He barely talks in his own mind.
Copy !req
30. Do you two think that I'm some kind of
talking blob of meat?
Copy !req
31. How rude.
Copy !req
32. I will kill you.
Copy !req
33. I am a warm-blooded human being, you know?
Copy !req
34. I appreciate your hard work. Really.
Copy !req
35. Not only is he talking too much,
he doesn't even sound like himself.
Copy !req
36. Oh?
Copy !req
37. Mr. Sakamoto?
Copy !req
38. There are two of you?
Copy !req
39. Well, what a surprise!
A doppelgänger, perhaps?
Copy !req
40. Long time no see, Nagumo.
Copy !req
41. I see you've still got it, Sakamoto.
Copy !req
42. Thank goodness for that.
Copy !req
43. How did he do that with his face?
Copy !req
44. And...
Copy !req
45. Why can't I read his mind?
Copy !req
46. Sorry, didn't think that
I'd get you that good.
Copy !req
47. Mr. Sakamoto, who is this guy?
Copy !req
48. Let's stuff him in a sack!
Copy !req
49. My name is Nagumo.
Copy !req
50. I work at the supermarket across
the street. I'm a friend of Sakamoto's.
Copy !req
51. And by the way, I'm 18.
Copy !req
52. A friend? And you're only 18?
Copy !req
53. But there's no supermarket
across the street.
Copy !req
54. He's a hit man.
We started out at the same time.
Copy !req
55. He's 27.
Copy !req
56. Everything you said was a lie!
Copy !req
57. We aren't that gullible!
Copy !req
58. There's a bounty on Sakamoto's head.
Copy !req
59. The reward is one billion yen.
Copy !req
60. I'm sure it's just another lie.
Copy !req
61. The "one billion yen" makes it so obvious.
Copy !req
62. I know kids that are better liars.
Copy !req
63. Nope, it's true.
Copy !req
64. It was officially decided by the JAA,
just the other day.
Copy !req
65. It won't be posted online
until tomorrow, but...
Copy !req
66. Hello. Pizza delivery for Sakamoto?
Copy !req
67. Yay, pizza! Finally!
Copy !req
68. Some guys have already caught wind
of the rumors.
Copy !req
69. That the legendary hit man
is back in the game.
Copy !req
70. That'll be 2,940 yen, please.
Copy !req
71. Man, these guys are like sitting ducks.
Copy !req
72. What?
Copy !req
73. Can't believe you let me,
Pizza Nakajima, walk right in!
Copy !req
74. I'm gonna slice you up like salami!
Copy !req
Copy !req
76. Hey, don't you make a move.
Copy !req
77. We wouldn't want to waste
such a pretty face.
Copy !req
78. Sakamoto, you bastard!
Don't just sit there eating pizza!
Copy !req
79. I'm gonna kill him!
Copy !req
80. You little—
Copy !req
81. See? Just like I told you.
Copy !req
82. I don't like lies.
Copy !req
83. How'd he do that?
Copy !req
84. Nagumo, wait.
Copy !req
85. Don't tell me you're gonna try
to get through this without killing.
Copy !req
86. Do you really think you stand a chance
against these hit men?
Copy !req
87. Or worse, against us?
Copy !req
88. Just kidding.
Copy !req
89. We'll stay out of it this time.
Copy !req
90. We specialize in hits on hit men.
Copy !req
91. Well, you'd know that,
wouldn't you, Sakamoto?
Copy !req
92. Ah, fond memories of the days
we worked together.
Copy !req
93. Nagumo.
Copy !req
94. Who benefits from me dying
after all this time?
Copy !req
95. No clue.
Copy !req
96. We just complete our missions.
Copy !req
97. And you know, for someone who's retired,
you've drawn a lot of attention.
Copy !req
98. Eliminating Dan, Inc.? That was too far.
Copy !req
99. Are you stupid?
Copy !req
100. Are there gonna be more guys like them?
Copy !req
101. Oh, no! No more noobs like that.
Copy !req
102. Well, anyway...
Copy !req
103. Good seeing you, Sakamoto.
Copy !req
104. I wanted to see your face one last time.
Copy !req
105. Hey, wait a minute!
Copy !req
106. Is he...
Copy !req
107. on our side?
Copy !req
108. Maybe I should leave the country.
Copy !req
109. Well... There goes our pizza guy.
Copy !req
110. I can't believe this fat-ass is
worth one billion yen.
Copy !req
111. That black-haired guy looked way worse.
Copy !req
112. Oh, who cares about that.
Copy !req
113. Shouldn't you be more worried
about that outdated look of yours?
Copy !req
114. What'd you say?
Copy !req
115. Sorry, never mind.
Didn't mean to kill your vibe.
Copy !req
116. Hey, anyone feel like pizza?
Copy !req
117. You're underestimating Sakamoto.
Copy !req
118. You have to outsmart him in every way.
Copy !req
119. Time, place, everything.
Copy !req
120. Find the worst possible moment for him
and strike.
Copy !req
121. That's how we do it at Dondenkai.
Copy !req
122. He used to be in The Order.
Copy !req
123. If you're not careful,
he'll turn the tables on you.
Copy !req
124. The Order? That's an urban myth.
Copy !req
125. He retired five years ago, right?
I'm sure he won't be any trouble.
Copy !req
126. One piece of advice.
Copy !req
127. If you keep stalking me,
Copy !req
128. I'm gonna show you hell.
Copy !req
129. He knew the camera was there?
Copy !req
130. Giving off quite a vibe, huh.
Copy !req
131. - Arcade?
- Sounds good!
Copy !req
132. If what Nagumo said was true,
Copy !req
133. will more men like that pizza guy
keep attacking you?
Copy !req
134. It's no use worrying about it.
Copy !req
135. Since we don't know who the enemy is,
Copy !req
136. it's best if we lay low for now.
Copy !req
137. Daddy!
Copy !req
138. Hana's all ready for tomorrow!
Copy !req
139. Ready?
Copy !req
140. What's with the ears?
Copy !req
141. It's Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
142. I'm super-duper excited!
Copy !req
143. Sugar Bunny?
Copy !req
144. I'd better get up early tomorrow
to pack our lunches.
Copy !req
145. Yay! Can you do the apples
with little bunny ears?
Copy !req
146. Are you going somewhere?
Copy !req
147. - Damn it, I forgot!
- Bunny ears!
Copy !req
148. That Viking ride was so much fun!
Copy !req
149. A little too much for me.
Copy !req
150. I think I had too many frankfurters.
Copy !req
151. I'll call for a doctor!
Copy !req
152. Don't be so dramatic. Want some water?
Copy !req
153. Lu-lu, look at this!
Copy !req
154. This park is so big.
Copy !req
155. It's worth three Tokyo Domes!
Copy !req
156. What's a Tokyo Dome?
Copy !req
157. And the mascot is so cute!
Copy !req
158. It's a strong, chubby bunny
called Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
159. Kinda like Mr. Manager.
Copy !req
160. It's been a while since
we've gone out with friends.
Copy !req
161. We're going to have so much fun today!
Copy !req
162. There's a bounty on your head.
The reward is one billion yen.
Copy !req
163. This stick thing's not bad.
Copy !req
164. Come on, guys!
Copy !req
165. Hurry up, hurry up!
Copy !req
166. Lu,
Copy !req
167. let's go over this again.
Copy !req
168. Our mission today is to protect him...
Copy !req
169. so the Sakamotos can enjoy their day.
Copy !req
Copy !req
171. But with so many people around,
Copy !req
172. how are we gonna weed out the enemies?
Copy !req
173. Stop looking around.
Copy !req
174. There aren't any enemies near us.
Copy !req
175. How do you know?
Copy !req
176. Under the right conditions,
Copy !req
177. I can read the minds of everyone
within a 30-meter radius.
Copy !req
178. When people want to kill someone,
Copy !req
179. they're usually pretty worked up about it.
Copy !req
180. I see.
Copy !req
181. Wait, have you been reading my mind?
Copy !req
182. You pervert!
Copy !req
183. Shut up, of course not!
Copy !req
184. I need to concentrate to do it.
Copy !req
185. It's like tuning in to a radio station.
Copy !req
186. So, how'd you get that—
Copy !req
187. Mr. Sakamoto, enemy approaching.
Copy !req
188. Got it.
Copy !req
189. Male at two o'clock.
Copy !req
190. A family outing, huh?
You've set the bar really low.
Copy !req
Copy !req
192. Look, Hana! I wonder what that is?
Copy !req
193. I'll wipe the floor with you!
Copy !req
194. Watch what Cleaning Kurii can do!
Copy !req
195. A no-look kill?
Copy !req
196. What was that?
Copy !req
197. - Cute bunny!
- I thought I heard something.
Copy !req
198. Mr. Manager is something else.
Copy !req
199. He didn't even glance at the enemy.
Copy !req
200. Not only that,
Copy !req
201. he avoided the organs and arteries
so he wouldn't die.
Copy !req
202. That's like threading a needle.
It's practically impossible.
Copy !req
203. See? I told him the janitor thing
wasn't a vibe anymore.
Copy !req
204. But I gotta say, that Sakamoto guy...
Copy !req
205. His vibe is more "big softie"
than "legendary hit man."
Copy !req
206. That Shin kid is a pain, though.
Copy !req
207. The ability to read minds? How annoying.
Copy !req
208. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
209. If I don't give off a vibe,
he won't have anything to read.
Copy !req
210. Problem solved.
Copy !req
211. What are you doing?
Mr. Manager's going that way.
Copy !req
212. Yeah.
Copy !req
213. This is how kids get lost.
Copy !req
214. This is gonna be fun!
Copy !req
215. It's so exciting.
Copy !req
216. It's so tight.
Copy !req
217. Please do not remove the safety bar
while the ride is in motion.
Copy !req
218. Enjoy your journey!
Copy !req
219. Off you go!
Copy !req
220. - Why are we sitting all the way back here?
- Enjoy!
Copy !req
221. It'll be easier to spot enemies.
Copy !req
222. The back of the ride is faster, too.
Copy !req
223. It's the same speed.
Copy !req
224. See anyone suspicious?
Copy !req
225. Doesn't seem like anyone's
got murder on the mind.
Copy !req
226. Who would choose a time like this, anyway?
Copy !req
227. Wait, that guy with the silver hair
looks suspicious.
Copy !req
228. Really?
Copy !req
229. I dunno, he's not thinking about anything.
Copy !req
230. Look at him, there's no way he's normal.
Copy !req
231. Hey.
Copy !req
232. You can't judge a book by its cover.
Copy !req
233. Hey, they noticed me.
Was I giving off a vibe without realizing?
Copy !req
234. Shit!
Copy !req
235. What are you doing?
Copy !req
236. Removing this safety bar!
Copy !req
237. What? But we're at the top...
Copy !req
238. Mr. Sakamoto, an enemy got past us!
Copy !req
239. Three rows behind you,
the guy with the silver hair!
Copy !req
240. Damn.
Copy !req
241. Bulletproof glasses, huh?
Copy !req
242. I guess it couldn't be that easy.
Copy !req
243. Mr. Sakamoto, I'll take care of him!
Copy !req
244. What? Are you crazy?
Copy !req
245. We're coming to the loop!
Copy !req
246. Hey!
Copy !req
247. I need to have a word with you!
Copy !req
248. That was close.
Copy !req
249. Are you out of your mind?
Copy !req
250. You could've killed me.
Copy !req
251. Today's Mr. Sakamoto's day off.
Copy !req
252. Looks like I'll have to do some overtime.
Copy !req
253. Hmm? What kinda vibe is that?
Copy !req
254. Damn it, I can't read him at all.
Copy !req
255. He's not making this easy.
Copy !req
256. Aw, you noticed.
Copy !req
257. I can't dodge them both!
Copy !req
258. He uses poison?
Copy !req
259. Strong stuff, isn't it?
Copy !req
260. It's a special blend I made myself.
Copy !req
261. So, you're probably going to die now.
Copy !req
262. How's that feel?
Copy !req
263. Shut up, dumb-ass. This is far from over.
Copy !req
264. See, that's the thing.
Copy !req
265. I noticed this with Sakamoto earlier, too.
Copy !req
266. Those are losers' eyes.
Copy !req
267. He fears death.
Copy !req
268. You're just talking gibberish.
Copy !req
269. You can see it in their eyes
when someone isn't prepared to face death.
Copy !req
270. The harder you cling to life,
the weaker you become, you know?
Copy !req
271. That pesky desire to live
delays critical split-second decisions.
Copy !req
272. Just like yours did.
Copy !req
273. You were petrified by the knives,
and so, you couldn't dodge both of them.
Copy !req
274. You don't know anything.
Copy !req
275. Mr. Sakamoto is afraid of death?
Copy !req
276. Of course he is.
Copy !req
277. He has to protect his family
for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
278. It's the hardest mission he's ever had.
Copy !req
279. People fight harder
Copy !req
280. when they have something to protect!
Copy !req
281. Yeah, yeah.
You're practically blind right now, right?
Copy !req
282. This desperate vibe thing is annoying.
Copy !req
283. It doesn't matter if I can't see!
Copy !req
284. There's only one path here, anyway.
Copy !req
285. What terrible timing.
Copy !req
286. Why'd he jump so low?
Copy !req
287. Okay, now it's getting interesting!
Copy !req
288. So? What next?
Copy !req
289. Shut up!
Copy !req
290. Damn it!
Copy !req
291. There's gotta be something.
Copy !req
292. Some way to come out on top...
Copy !req
293. - Where are they?
- That ride looks fun.
Copy !req
294. I gotta contact them.
Copy !req
295. Can we see Sugar Bunny soon?
Copy !req
296. Popcorn's delicious.
Copy !req
297. Oh, no, everyone!
Copy !req
298. Sugar Bunny is in trouble!
Copy !req
299. Can we cheer for Sugar Bunny together?
Copy !req
300. Well, this is unexpected.
Copy !req
301. Wha— who are you?
Copy !req
302. We're in the middle of a show!
Copy !req
303. Shut it.
Copy !req
304. I'll kill you.
Copy !req
305. Huh?
Copy !req
306. Uh, Sugar Bunny?
Copy !req
307. Now that I have a good view...
Copy !req
308. it's time for round two.
Copy !req
309. I'll smash you to the ground.
Copy !req
310. What "view"?
Copy !req
311. You still can't see.
Copy !req
312. Do you want these kids
to witness a bloody—
Copy !req
313. Oh yeah!
Copy !req
314. There's Sugar Bunny's Rabbit Punch!
Copy !req
315. What? But how?
Copy !req
316. Everybody! Let's cheer for Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
317. Sugar Bunny! Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
318. Rabbit Right Uppercut!
Copy !req
319. What are these moves?
Copy !req
320. Can he see me?
Copy !req
321. Wow, this is impressive.
Copy !req
322. It's pretty realistic, isn't it, honey?
Copy !req
323. Look, Hana, daddy's glued to the show.
Copy !req
324. He's like a little kid!
Copy !req
325. Right. Right.
Copy !req
326. Left. Left.
Copy !req
327. Right. Right counterpunch.
Copy !req
328. Jab. Another jab.
Copy !req
329. His guard's open, aim for the body.
Copy !req
330. Left counterpunch.
Copy !req
331. Step in, body blow.
Copy !req
332. What the hell is happening?
Copy !req
333. There's no way the poison's broken down.
Copy !req
334. It's not just that he's seeing me,
Copy !req
335. he's reading my every move!
Copy !req
336. What is this?
Copy !req
337. You changing up your vibe now?
Copy !req
338. You're just the sidekick!
Copy !req
339. Are his eyes... closed?
Copy !req
340. Finish it.
Copy !req
341. Super attack, the Dynamite Rabbit Shock!
Copy !req
342. - Sugar Bunny!
- Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
343. Sugar Bunny! Sugar Bunny!
Copy !req
344. Nice work.
Copy !req
345. My pleasure.
Copy !req