1. Checkmate.
Copy !req
2. Go on!
Copy !req
3. Go on!
Copy !req
4. Take your shot, Alex!
Copy !req
5. Right there!
Copy !req
6. I was... sent to bring you back.
Copy !req
7. Wow, you know you're going
places in the Bureau
Copy !req
8. when the assistant director
tidies up your office for you.
Copy !req
9. What's up?
Copy !req
10. I was just, uh... looking.
Copy !req
11. For anything special?
Copy !req
12. I came down
to ask you something.
Copy !req
13. I, uh... I guess
I was nosing around—
Copy !req
14. wondering about you,
your, uh, long-term plans.
Copy !req
15. My long-term plans?
Copy !req
16. My long-term plans?
Copy !req
17. You got them right
there in your hands.
Copy !req
18. What do you hope to find?
Copy !req
19. I mean, in the end.
Copy !req
20. Whatever I hope
to find is in here.
Copy !req
21. And maybe I'll know
it when I find it.
Copy !req
22. Is that what you
came to ask me?
Copy !req
23. No.
Copy !req
24. There's a case—
nothing I'd send you normally—
Copy !req
25. a murder, an assassination
of a Russian chess player.
Copy !req
26. The shooter is former
Copy !req
27. The shooter is former
Copy !req
28. National Security Agency—
one of ours.
Copy !req
29. It's got a lot of people upset.
Copy !req
30. This kid,
Jeffrey Spender—
Copy !req
31. Special Agent Spender—
he's been given the case.
Copy !req
32. He's running it.
Copy !req
33. Did you give it to him?
Copy !req
34. No.
Copy !req
35. It came as an order
Copy !req
36. from somewhere
outside the Bureau.
Copy !req
37. He's got his team
assembled upstairs right now.
Copy !req
38. He was very specific
that you be excluded.
Copy !req
39. Using a weapon registered
to a U.S. intelligence agency,
Copy !req
40. Using a weapon registered
to a U.S. intelligence agency,
Copy !req
41. the shooter fired one kill shot
at Anatole Klebanow
Copy !req
42. before being captured
without incident
Copy !req
43. a short distance
from the scene.
Copy !req
44. No motive has
been established,
Copy !req
45. nor has the shooter offered up
a statement or accomplice.
Copy !req
46. Please continue.
Copy !req
47. The trajectory
of the kill shot
Copy !req
48. suggests the shooter
acted alone,
Copy !req
49. but we cannot yet rule out
an accomplice or conspiracy.
Copy !req
50. A single bullet
was fired
Copy !req
51. from a catwalk
at a steep angle,
Copy !req
52. from a catwalk
at a steep angle,
Copy !req
53. striking the target
just right of the solar plexus.
Copy !req
54. I'm... sorry.
Can you rewind the tape?
Copy !req
55. Please. I'll tell you where.
Copy !req
56. Just take it back.
Let me get through this.
Copy !req
57. If you have any questions,
we can talk later.
Copy !req
58. I-I don't have
any questions, no.
Copy !req
59. I just think you're wrong.
Copy !req
60. Mulder,
Copy !req
61. what are you doing?
Copy !req
62. I don't think the Russian
was the target.
Copy !req
63. I think it was his opponent.
Copy !req
64. His opponent,
Agent Mulder,
Copy !req
65. was a 12-year-old boy.
Copy !req
66. And a good chess player.
Here, let me show you
Copy !req
67. And a good chess player.
Here, let me show you
Copy !req
68. his best move,
if you just take it back.
Copy !req
69. Okay, stop it there.
Copy !req
70. Look what the kid does
Copy !req
71. right here,
right before the kill shot.
Copy !req
72. Play.
Copy !req
73. You see what he does?
Copy !req
74. He just pushes back.
Copy !req
75. You see that?
He just completed
a checkmate.
Copy !req
76. He's pushing back
because the game's over.
Copy !req
77. No, you described a steep
trajectory for the kill shot.
Copy !req
78. If the kid doesn't push back
at that precise moment,
Copy !req
79. he catches the bullet
in the back of the neck,
Copy !req
80. not the Russian.
Copy !req
81. not the Russian.
Copy !req
82. Can we move on here?
Copy !req
83. Think Agent Mulder is right.
Copy !req
84. Looks like the boy sensed
the shooter precognitively.
Copy !req
85. If you rewind the tape,
Copy !req
86. you'll see it.
Copy !req
87. There's no way.
Copy !req
88. It's impossible.
Copy !req
89. Just rewind the tape
Copy !req
90. so we can all see
for ourselves.
Copy !req
91. You look surprised.
Copy !req
92. Is it that I'm here,
Copy !req
93. Is it that I'm here,
Copy !req
94. or that I'm alive?
Copy !req
95. When we heard you'd been shot,
we'd assumed the worst.
Copy !req
96. There were reports you lost too
much blood to have survived.
Copy !req
97. Obviously, you
underestimated me.
Copy !req
98. More obviously,
Copy !req
99. you overestimated the man
you sent to do the job.
Copy !req
100. Well, let's say
all is forgiven.
Copy !req
101. Well, let's say
all is forgiven.
Copy !req
102. Now you have
a job for me.
Copy !req
103. There's been an incident,
an unfortunate mistake.
Copy !req
104. Yes, I've seen,
I've heard, I've read.
Copy !req
105. The boy is
a problem to us.
Copy !req
106. What would you
like me to do...
Copy !req
107. shoot him dead?
Copy !req
108. Splatter his brains?
Copy !req
109. Dear God.
What's the matter?
Copy !req
110. Does this sort of
business offend you?
Copy !req
111. It's in your interest...
Copy !req
112. as in ours.
Copy !req
113. You think you know
my interest?
Copy !req
114. Can we count on you?
Copy !req
115. Yes.
Copy !req
116. How long have you been
with the Bureau, Agent Fowley?
Copy !req
117. Since '91.
Copy !req
118. I took an assignment in Europe
Copy !req
119. after the Wall came down,
when the director
Copy !req
120. after the Wall came down,
when the director
Copy !req
121. stepped up foreign
terrorism concerns.
Copy !req
122. And they brought you on this
because of a terrorism angle?
Copy !req
123. No.
Copy !req
124. I, uh...
I requested a reassignment.
Copy !req
125. There were things at home
Copy !req
126. I decided I wanted
to get back to.
Copy !req
127. 1991—
Copy !req
128. that's about when
you started work on the X Files.
Copy !req
129. More or less, yeah.
Copy !req
130. Uh... I'd better
just put it down.
Copy !req
131. No offense, Mom,
but that was pretty cool.
Copy !req
132. Homer, I think you'd agree...
Copy !req
133. Gibson?
Copy !req
134. Hi.
Copy !req
135. My name is Fox.
Copy !req
136. This is Dana and Diana.
Copy !req
137. How you doing?
Copy !req
138. I don't mind
it here.
Copy !req
139. They get all the
good TV shows.
Copy !req
140. Where I live, in
the Philippines,
Copy !req
141. all we get
is Baywatch.
Copy !req
142. all we get
is Baywatch.
Copy !req
143. What's wrong
with Baywatch?
Copy !req
144. You've got a dirty mind.
Copy !req
145. Your parents are going to
pick you up on Friday, Gibson,
Copy !req
146. to take you
back home.
Copy !req
147. I don't want to play any chess.
Copy !req
148. How do you know I want to?
Copy !req
149. 'Cause you got that cheapo
chess computer in your hand.
Copy !req
150. It's not so cheap.
Copy !req
151. It's not so cheap.
Copy !req
152. Don't you want to see
how fast you can beat it?
Copy !req
153. No.
Copy !req
154. Maybe because you can't.
Copy !req
155. I'm right, aren't I?
Copy !req
156. You know
what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
157. You knew the moment
I came in.
Copy !req
158. That's how you win, isn't it?
Copy !req
159. How you know what
your opponent's going to do.
Copy !req
160. You get inside his head,
you read his thoughts.
Copy !req
161. You get inside his head,
you read his thoughts.
Copy !req
162. That's how you knew
Copy !req
163. that man was going to
shoot you... isn't it?
Copy !req
164. I know
what's on your mind.
Copy !req
165. I know you're thinking about
one of the girls you brought.
Copy !req
166. Oh?
Copy !req
167. One of them's thinking
about you.
Copy !req
168. Which one?
Copy !req
169. He doesn't want me to say.
Copy !req
170. This kid's going to need
round-the-clock protection.
Copy !req
171. Mulder.
Copy !req
172. What was that all about?
Copy !req
173. The kid's no chess master.
Copy !req
174. Under controlled conditions,
I could probably beat him.
Copy !req
175. Mulder, he's recognized
internationally as a prodigy.
Copy !req
176. He's beaten grand masters.
Copy !req
177. With the most unfair advantage.
Copy !req
178. What he's doing amounts to
a kind of parlor magic trick.
Copy !req
179. Mulder, he was
goofing on you.
Copy !req
180. He was playing along.
Copy !req
181. He was playing along.
Copy !req
182. I mean, what you're positing
is that this kid can read minds.
Copy !req
183. We've seen a number
of these cases before, Scully.
Copy !req
184. We have seen cases, Mulder,
of fakers and lucky guessers,
Copy !req
185. but no one that
has ever been able
Copy !req
186. to stand up to any kind
of rigorous testing,
Copy !req
187. and no one who
has gone so far
Copy !req
188. as to claim that
they can zero in
Copy !req
189. on the mind of one person
in a crowd of thousands.
Copy !req
190. Well, maybe that's why
they want him dead.
Copy !req
191. Who? Who are you
talking about?
Copy !req
192. I don't know.
I'm not the mind reader.
Copy !req
193. Say that what you're suggesting
were even possible.
Copy !req
194. Who'd want to kill a kid whose
abilities would offer you
Copy !req
195. Who'd want to kill a kid whose
abilities would offer you
Copy !req
196. the ultimate advantage?
Copy !req
197. I mean, in business,
in war, in anything.
Copy !req
198. Maybe somebody whose business is
in keeping secrets.
Copy !req
199. Well, let's test him.
Copy !req
200. I think the kid
will stand up.
Copy !req
201. Let's run a brain scan
and a psych evaluation on him.
Copy !req
202. You know what to do, Diana.
Copy !req
203. So, you two
know each other?
Copy !req
204. It was a long time ago.
Copy !req
205. It was a long time ago.
Copy !req
206. What are
you doing here?
Copy !req
207. I want to talk
to the shooter.
Copy !req
208. I've just spent the last
six hours talking with him.
Copy !req
209. He's not been what
I would call forthcoming.
Copy !req
210. Okay. Well, let me
see what I can do.
Copy !req
211. I prefer you stay
out of there.
Copy !req
212. In fact, I prefer
Copy !req
213. you stay out of
this thing altogether.
Copy !req
214. You know, when I
first met you,
Copy !req
215. I figured you were
just ambitious.
Copy !req
216. And this morning,
my opinion changed;
Copy !req
217. I thought you
were arrogant.
Copy !req
218. I thought you
were arrogant.
Copy !req
219. Now I'm beginning to wonder
what you're protecting.
Copy !req
220. I'm just trying
to run this right,
Copy !req
221. not like some ridiculous
paranormal free-for-all.
Copy !req
222. You're insulting me when
you should be taking notes.
Copy !req
223. Somehow, you got
the big assignment,
Copy !req
224. but just because you're wearing
the suit doesn't mean it fits.
Copy !req
225. You're lucky
you're not busy
Copy !req
226. defusing an
international incident,
Copy !req
227. kissing some serious
Russian ass
Copy !req
228. and sending a whole
lot of agents
Copy !req
229. barking down a whole
lot of bad leads.
Copy !req
230. Now, the kid is the key to this,
and the shooter knows why.
Copy !req
231. Excuse me.
Copy !req
232. What does it take
to kill a kid?
Copy !req
233. Money
Copy !req
234. or just evil stupidity?
Copy !req
235. I didn't kill a kid.
Copy !req
236. No, thanks to the kid.
Copy !req
237. Want to talk
about heartlessness?
Copy !req
238. Your squeaky
Copy !req
239. friend there...
Copy !req
240. hasn't given me
any food or water
Copy !req
241. for, what, 16 hours?
Copy !req
242. I won't
tolerate that.
Copy !req
243. Spender, you got to get this guy
some food.
Copy !req
244. Come on.
Copy !req
245. I've got nothing to say.
Copy !req
246. Yeah. I read your bio.
Copy !req
247. You've been trained—
Special Forces.
Copy !req
248. You were in
Grenada, Zaire.
Copy !req
249. You were inside Saddam's palace
with a hit squad
Copy !req
250. when they started raining bombs
down over it,
Copy !req
251. yet you failed
to kill him as well.
Copy !req
252. Like I said...
Yeah, I know—
Copy !req
253. you got nothing to say.
Copy !req
254. That's okay.
I'm a pretty good guesser.
Copy !req
255. The kid reads minds.
How's that?
Copy !req
256. The kid reads minds.
How's that?
Copy !req
257. Why don't I tell them
Copy !req
258. you told me that,
and then let's see
Copy !req
259. how safe and snug
you feel in here.
Copy !req
260. What can you do for me?
Copy !req
261. I don't know.
Copy !req
262. I might be able to get you
immunity or, uh...
Copy !req
263. get you into
the Witness Protection Program.
Copy !req
264. Never happen.
Copy !req
265. Think about it.
Copy !req
266. What'd you get?
Did you get anything?
Copy !req
267. Just his attention.
Copy !req
268. How you doing?
Copy !req
269. I didn't like those tests.
Copy !req
270. I didn't like
being in the machine.
Copy !req
271. Hmm. They're a little
scary, aren't they?
Copy !req
272. You're wondering, aren't you?
Copy !req
273. About what? About you?
Copy !req
274. About what? About you?
Copy !req
275. About that other girl.
Copy !req
276. She's wondering about you, too.
Copy !req
277. We're going to show you
a group of cards,
Copy !req
278. and as we look at them,
Copy !req
279. we want you to tell us
what we're thinking.
Copy !req
280. Now, take as much time
as you need.
Copy !req
281. Chair.
Copy !req
282. Piano.
Copy !req
283. Piece of pie.
Copy !req
284. Lightbulb.
Copy !req
285. Smiley face.
Copy !req
286. Statue.
Copy !req
287. Cat.
Copy !req
288. It's amazing.
Copy !req
289. It's hard to believe.
Copy !req
290. I've witnessed
Copy !req
291. who were over
Copy !req
292. 90% accurate
Copy !req
293. and seen telepathy
being demonstrated,
Copy !req
294. but I don't know
I've ever witnessed
Copy !req
295. anything quite like this.
Copy !req
296. anything quite like this.
Copy !req
297. Where'd you see that?
Copy !req
298. Agent Mulder and I spent some
time in psychiatric hospitals.
Copy !req
299. There were some patients
serving criminal sentences
Copy !req
300. who we felt
had been misdiagnosed.
Copy !req
301. Omelette.
Copy !req
302. Coffee and a cruller.
Copy !req
303. A nonfat latte.
Copy !req
304. An English muffin.
Copy !req
305. Grand Slam number two
with double hash brown
Copy !req
306. Grand Slam number two
with double hash brown
Copy !req
307. and a side of Canadian bacon.
Copy !req
308. He just told us all what
we ate for breakfast.
Copy !req
309. I have to disappear for a bit.
Copy !req
310. I was handed a note.
Copy !req
311. Now I'm handing it to you.
Copy !req
312. Okay, hang on.
Copy !req
313. I'm coming.
Copy !req
314. Somebody going to let me in?
Copy !req
315. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
316. Coming. Coming.
Copy !req
317. Sorry.
Copy !req
318. Sorry.
Copy !req
319. You caught me
getting ready for bed.
Copy !req
320. Come in. Come in.
Copy !req
321. Thank you.
Copy !req
322. To what do we owe the pleasure
at this late night hour?
Copy !req
323. I need your help.
Copy !req
324. With what?
Copy !req
325. You've all heard of Gibson
Praise, the chess wunderkind.
Copy !req
326. These are a series of scans
and neural electrical outputs
Copy !req
327. of his brain and
brain processes.
Copy !req
328. There seems to be some
suspicion that he's a fraud.
Copy !req
329. Dorf on chess?
Copy !req
330. Dorf on chess?
Copy !req
331. Well, apparently, he wins
Copy !req
332. by reading
his opponents' minds.
Copy !req
333. I love that.
Copy !req
334. And you want us
to what?
Copy !req
335. Analyze the data.
Copy !req
336. With an eye
to the parapsychological.
Copy !req
337. Ooh.
Copy !req
338. Walk on the wild side.
Copy !req
339. First...
I want you guys
Copy !req
340. to tell me who Diana Fowley is.
Copy !req
341. Diana Fowley?
Copy !req
342. Geez, we haven't heard
that name in a while.
Copy !req
343. Then you know her.
Copy !req
344. Well...
Copy !req
345. Well...
Copy !req
346. yeah.
Copy !req
347. She was Mulder's chickadee
Copy !req
348. when he just got out
of the academy.
Copy !req
349. Good-looking.
Copy !req
350. Well, she claims
to have worked closely
Copy !req
351. with him for a while.
Copy !req
352. She was there
when he discovered the X Files.
Copy !req
353. She has some kind of background
in para-science.
Copy !req
354. She got a Legat
appointment a while back,
Copy !req
355. in Berlin.
Copy !req
356. I always wondered
why they split up.
Copy !req
357. Well...
Copy !req
358. Why don't you boys
see what you can find.
Copy !req
359. Why don't you boys
see what you can find.
Copy !req
360. I must make my stand.
Copy !req
361. Your stand will destroy you.
Copy !req
362. Better to perish
for what I believe in
Copy !req
363. than endure forever
as a traitor to life.
Copy !req
364. Then so be it.
Copy !req
365. How's little
Carnac going?
Copy !req
366. Put a TV in
front of him,
Copy !req
367. he turns right into
a normal kid.
Copy !req
368. he turns right into
a normal kid.
Copy !req
369. But he's the real deal, Fox.
Copy !req
370. We tested him
with Zener cards,
Copy !req
371. random numbers,
variety of ESP tasking.
Copy !req
372. He's got ability
to not just focus on a thought,
Copy !req
373. but a multitude
of thoughts at once.
Copy !req
374. There's something else;
there's something
Copy !req
375. we're missing here.
Copy !req
376. That was a good catch
on the videotape.
Copy !req
377. I was impressed.
Copy !req
378. Eh, you would have
caught it eventually.
Copy !req
379. Eh.
Copy !req
380. Been too many years
trying to get inside
Copy !req
381. Been too many years
trying to get inside
Copy !req
382. the head of too many
Arab terrorists.
Copy !req
383. I'm out of practice
with this stuff.
Copy !req
384. But you seem
at the top of your game.
Copy !req
385. That's all I do.
Copy !req
386. That's all I've been doing
for the last five years.
Copy !req
387. It's... been my life,
such as it is.
Copy !req
388. Sometimes I hear about you,
Copy !req
389. about the work you're doing...
Copy !req
390. and I think how it might have
been if I'd stayed.
Copy !req
391. Ah, we'd all be blown up
Copy !req
392. by some terrorist bomb,
no doubt, huh?
Copy !req
393. by some terrorist bomb,
no doubt, huh?
Copy !req
394. I sense you could have
used an ally, though—
Copy !req
395. someone who thinks like you,
with some background.
Copy !req
396. Oh, you mean Scully?
Copy !req
397. She's not what I'd call
an open mind on the subject.
Copy !req
398. She's a, uh...
she's a scientist.
Copy !req
399. She just makes me
work for everything.
Copy !req
400. Yes, but I'm...
I'm sure there were times
Copy !req
401. when two like minds on a case
would have been advantageous.
Copy !req
402. I've done okay
without you.
Copy !req
403. I've done okay
without you.
Copy !req
404. Hey.
Copy !req
405. I'm on your side.
Copy !req
406. Mulder.
Copy !req
407. Mulder, it's me.
Copy !req
408. Where are you?
Copy !req
409. I'm, uh...
I'm on my way to work.
Copy !req
410. I was hoping
I could show you something—
Copy !req
411. something about the boy.
Copy !req
412. Well, I'm at the psych
facility with him right now.
Copy !req
413. Why don't you come
by and show me.
Copy !req
414. Uh, no, I-I'd prefer to show you
at work, if that's okay.
Copy !req
415. Okay. What is it?
Copy !req
416. Okay. What is it?
Copy !req
417. I think you'll be surprised.
Copy !req
418. Very surprised.
Copy !req
419. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
420. Agent Spender.
Copy !req
421. I need to speak with you.
Copy !req
422. Who are you?
Copy !req
423. Somebody who's taken
an interest in you...
Copy !req
424. in this case
of yours.
Copy !req
425. This case I gave you.
Copy !req
426. What are you? CIA?
Copy !req
427. NSA?
Copy !req
428. You're a bright boy.
Copy !req
429. You said you had
Copy !req
430. Control the board.
Copy !req
431. Know which men
to sacrifice and when.
Copy !req
432. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
433. Don't become part of
someone else's cause or crusade.
Copy !req
434. Pursue your own self-interest.
Copy !req
435. Always.
Copy !req
436. Agent Spender.
Copy !req
437. Agent Spender?
Copy !req
438. Who were you talking to?
Copy !req
439. I don't know.
Copy !req
440. You don't know
who you were talking to?
Copy !req
441. You're lying.
Copy !req
442. What's your deal?
Copy !req
443. I was told he was dead.
Copy !req
444. Well, obviously, whoever it is,
he's not.
Copy !req
445. You're here to tell me a story.
Copy !req
446. Tell him exactly as you told me.
Copy !req
447. I've conducted some tests
on Gibson Praise
Copy !req
448. and have come up with some
rather unexpected conclusions;
Copy !req
449. ones which I myself
Copy !req
450. have difficulty reconciling
with what I know.
Copy !req
451. These are?
Copy !req
452. Neurological tests.
Copy !req
453. Mapping of brain functions
Copy !req
454. Mapping of brain functions
Copy !req
455. using a very
high resolution EEG.
Copy !req
456. What did you find out?
Copy !req
457. The tests revealed
Copy !req
458. something peculiar
in an area of the brain
Copy !req
459. that we are only beginning
to understand.
Copy !req
460. An area of the temporal lobe
Copy !req
461. that neurophysicists are calling
the "God module."
Copy !req
462. I hope I'm not going to hear
Copy !req
463. that this kid is
the next Christ child.
Copy !req
464. All of the boy's
Copy !req
465. brain processes are showing
Copy !req
466. extraordinary activity in
exactly this part of the brain,
Copy !req
467. which is not
just abnormal
Copy !req
468. which is not
just abnormal
Copy !req
469. or anomalous,
but from what I know,
Copy !req
470. absolutely unheard of.
Copy !req
471. There are corollaries—
Copy !req
472. individuals who have
been responsible
Copy !req
473. for great leaps forward
in understanding in science—
Copy !req
474. Newton, Galileo,
Copy !req
475. Einstein,
Stephen Hawking.
Copy !req
476. All these men exhibited
modes of thinking
Copy !req
477. that are suggestive of access
to special brain centers.
Copy !req
478. All right, so this kid
is a human oddity.
Copy !req
479. Would somebody please tell
me why anyone would go
Copy !req
480. to such great lengths
as to kill him.
Copy !req
481. This kid may be the key
not just to all human potential,
Copy !req
482. but to all spiritual unexplained
paranormal phenomena.
Copy !req
483. but to all spiritual unexplained
paranormal phenomena.
Copy !req
484. The key to everything
in the X Files.
Copy !req
485. Let me get this right.
Copy !req
486. We're supposed to believe
Copy !req
487. that this boy was
going to be killed
Copy !req
488. because of the X Files?
Copy !req
489. No. It's bigger than that.
Copy !req
490. Uh-huh. Explain it to me.
Copy !req
491. To us.
Copy !req
492. I can't.
Copy !req
493. But the shooter can.
Copy !req
494. The assassin
that you have locked up.
Copy !req
495. In exchange for
immunity from prosecution.
Copy !req
496. You want to give
Copy !req
497. You want to give
Copy !req
498. a murderer a free ride
for the secrets
Copy !req
499. to the pyramids?
This is crazy. It's nuts.
Copy !req
500. You mischaracterize
what I've said.
Copy !req
501. This would be
Copy !req
502. scientific proof of everything
Copy !req
503. that Agent Mulder and I
have investigated
Copy !req
504. over the past five years.
Copy !req
505. How do you quantify
the spiritual?
Copy !req
506. It can't be done.
Copy !req
507. You ask for immunity
for a killer on that basis,
Copy !req
508. the attorney general's
going to go off.
Copy !req
509. You're allowed to investigate
the X Files as an indulgence.
Copy !req
510. But draw the wrong kind
Copy !req
511. of attention,
and they'll close you down.
Copy !req
512. Put an end to all
your work.
Copy !req
513. Put an end to all
your work.
Copy !req
514. Something I happen to have
an interest in myself.
Copy !req
515. Let's everyone step out
in the hall.
Copy !req
516. Agent Mulder, you stay put.
Copy !req
517. She's right, you know.
Copy !req
518. The risk
you're taking,
Copy !req
519. the long-term plans that
you and I talked about...
Copy !req
520. If what Agent Scully's found
is true—
Copy !req
521. and I have every reason
to believe that it is—
Copy !req
522. then the answers I might have
spent a lifetime searching for
Copy !req
523. may fall together
like a million puzzle pieces.
Copy !req
524. You'd risk the X Files?
Copy !req
525. How soon can you call
the attorney general?
Copy !req
526. The attorney general's heard
my request for immunity.
Copy !req
527. The attorney general's heard
my request for immunity.
Copy !req
528. Heard it?
Copy !req
529. You...
Wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
530. You said that you could get it.
Copy !req
531. She needs something more.
Copy !req
532. Something to convince her
Copy !req
533. that you're not just
playing games.
Copy !req
534. Something that I
can corroborate.
Copy !req
535. I need answers from you.
Copy !req
536. The kid is a missing link.
Copy !req
537. To what?
Copy !req
538. He's genetic proof, isn't he?
Copy !req
539. Genetic proof of what?
Copy !req
540. Genetic proof of what?
Copy !req
541. The kid's not superhuman.
Copy !req
542. He's just more human than human.
Copy !req
543. He's what?
Copy !req
544. Most of us have genes
we don't use.
Copy !req
545. They lie there dormant,
turned off.
Copy !req
546. Science doesn't know
what they're for,
Copy !req
547. why they're there
or where they came from.
Copy !req
548. why they're there
or where they came from.
Copy !req
549. Right. And you think
this has to do with that?
Copy !req
550. There's a long-held
but unpopular theory
Copy !req
551. tied to prehistoric evidence
of alien astronauts.
Copy !req
552. You're not going to go out there
and say the kid's part alien.
Copy !req
553. You think that's
what you heard?
Copy !req
554. You led him,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
555. Now you're letting yourself
be led.
Copy !req
556. We entrusted you.
Copy !req
557. You failed.
Copy !req
558. Failed? Failed who?
Copy !req
559. Mulder has gone
to the Justice Department.
Copy !req
560. He has testimony
about the boy.
Copy !req
561. That's just part of the game.
Copy !req
562. It's not a game, for God's sake.
Copy !req
563. Sure it is.
Copy !req
564. It's all a game.
Copy !req
565. You just take their pieces,
one by one,
Copy !req
566. until the board is clear.
Copy !req
567. Hey, missy!
Copy !req
568. How about
some sammiches?
Copy !req
569. Hmm.
Copy !req
570. I hope you're all hungry.
Copy !req
571. Good-looking breakfast, Peg.
Copy !req
572. Yeah.
I see bacon, I see ham...
Copy !req
573. Gibson?
Copy !req
574. Gibson?
Copy !req
575. This is a great show.
Copy !req
576. I wish we got this
where I live.
Copy !req
577. Cotton, you are welcome
Copy !req
578. to march yourself
down to the Safeway...
Copy !req
579. I'd like to ask
you something.
Copy !req
580. See, Bobby?
Copy !req
581. Woman works,
man loses his sausage.
Copy !req
582. You know, Cotton, I'd love
to debate this with you,
Copy !req
583. but I am just
a little too busy
Copy !req
584. living here in the latter half
of the 20th century.
Copy !req
585. How do you do it?
Copy !req
586. I just hear you thinking...
like on a radio.
Copy !req
587. And sometimes
there are lots of radios,
Copy !req
588. And sometimes
there are lots of radios,
Copy !req
589. and I want to shut them off
and watch some TV.
Copy !req
590. Is that why you like chess?
Copy !req
591. 'Cause it's just one thought
that you hear?
Copy !req
592. Yeah, but that's not why
I like it all the time.
Copy !req
593. Why else do you like it?
Copy !req
594. Because there's no talking,
just thinking.
Copy !req
595. It's nothing like real life,
Copy !req
596. where people think one thing,
but they say something else.
Copy !req
597. Is that what people do?
Copy !req
598. They're worried about
what other people are thinking,
Copy !req
599. when the people
they're worrying about
Copy !req
600. are worried
about the same thing.
Copy !req
601. are worried
about the same thing.
Copy !req
602. It makes me laugh.
Copy !req
603. Why?
Copy !req
604. They make up all this stuff
to believe,
Copy !req
605. but it's all made up.
Copy !req
606. Some people try
to be good people,
Copy !req
607. but some people just don't care.
Copy !req
608. Like you.
Copy !req
609. You think I don't care?
Copy !req
610. No. You don't care
what people think.
Copy !req
611. Except for her.
Copy !req
612. The other one.
Copy !req
613. I'm here to relieve you.
Copy !req
614. Well, we'll talk
about this later, okay?
Copy !req
615. They want to kill me, you know.
Copy !req
616. Nobody's going to do anything
to you, Gibson.
Copy !req
617. I promise.
Copy !req
618. I know you do.
Copy !req
619. I've been handed another note.
Copy !req
620. Gibson?
Copy !req
621. What are you doing?
Copy !req
622. There's a man with a gun.
Copy !req
623. Gibson, get down.
Copy !req
624. Get back. Get back.
Copy !req
625. He didn't come here to kill me.
He's aiming at you.
Copy !req
626. What...
Copy !req
627. Agent Mulder, Scully.
Copy !req
628. They killed a U.S. Marshal
and then shot Agent Fowley.
Copy !req
629. They worked on her here
for an hour.
Copy !req
630. They couldn't get
a chopper in,
Copy !req
631. They couldn't get
a chopper in,
Copy !req
632. so they're in radio
communication with the hospital.
Copy !req
633. She's got weak vitals and a
hole in one of her lungs,
Copy !req
634. so they're not
Copy !req
635. What about the boy?
Is he here?
Copy !req
636. Where's Spender?
Copy !req
637. He's gone to federal detention.
Copy !req
638. We found the shooter
shot dead in his cell
Copy !req
639. early this morning.
Copy !req
640. We also found this.
Copy !req
641. Hello, young man.
Copy !req
642. Hello.
Copy !req
643. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Copy !req
644. You're a liar.
Copy !req
645. Just like him.
Copy !req
646. You've never had the stomach
for our business.
Copy !req
647. Just not for your practices.
Copy !req
648. I'm a necessity.
Copy !req
649. The complement
to your cowardice.
Copy !req
650. Your work is done now.
Copy !req
651. My work is just beginning.
Copy !req
652. I got a nice, straight shot.
Copy !req
653. No. He's useful.
Copy !req
654. And you may need him
in the future.
Copy !req
655. Our instructions
from Justice are to secure
Copy !req
656. the airports
and notify the parents
Copy !req
657. and the Philippine government
the boy's missing...
Copy !req
658. Who do you work for?
Agent Mulder!
Copy !req
659. You work for him—
you and old Smokey?
Copy !req
660. Is that who put
this together?
Copy !req
661. You're going down
for this, Spender!
Copy !req
662. I'm going to see you
prosecuted for murder!
Copy !req
663. You watch me!
Copy !req
664. Watch it happen!
Copy !req
665. Your days are numbered.
Copy !req
666. You're wrong, Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
667. It's your days
that are numbered.
Copy !req
668. We knew there were risks
going to the attorney general.
Copy !req
669. You know
what's coming down here.
Copy !req
670. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
671. They're serious
about this, Scully.
Copy !req
672. I understand.
Copy !req
673. I assume you'll make
Agent Mulder aware of this.
Copy !req
674. Yes, I'm-I'm here with him now.
Copy !req
675. I'm making a case
Copy !req
676. his personal involvement
clouded his judgment,
Copy !req
677. but I don't know the attorney
general's listening.
Copy !req
678. I'll communicate that to him.
Copy !req
679. Is there anything else—
any other news?
Copy !req
680. You should know Agent Spender's
going after Mulder full bore.
Copy !req
681. He's been reciting some line
about "alien astronauts."
Copy !req
682. It makes you both look
really bad.
Copy !req
683. It makes you both look
really bad.
Copy !req
684. Right.
Copy !req
685. Well, I'll be here
if you need to reach me.
Copy !req
686. Any news on Diana?
Copy !req
687. They have her
on maximum pressers,
Copy !req
688. but she's barely
maintaining her pressure.
Copy !req
689. What did Skinner have to say?
Copy !req
690. There are talks
Copy !req
691. going on right now
about reassignment.
Copy !req
692. going on right now
about reassignment.
Copy !req
693. For who?
Copy !req
694. Both of us.
Copy !req
695. These talks
included instructions
Copy !req
696. from the Justice Department
to close down the X Files.
Copy !req
697. This was all strategized—
every move.
Copy !req
698. I just couldn't see it.
Copy !req
699. It was all of a plan.
Copy !req
700. Mulder,
whatever you may believe...
Copy !req
701. Mulder,
whatever you may believe...
Copy !req
702. this time, they may have won.
Copy !req
703. Can I help you?
Copy !req
704. Actually...
Copy !req
705. I can help you.
Copy !req
706. How did you get in here?
Copy !req
707. Access, Agent Spender.
Copy !req
708. It's about access.
Copy !req
709. It's what I can give you.
Copy !req
710. It's what
can make you.
Copy !req
711. It's why I'm doing this for you.
Copy !req
712. It's why I'm doing this for you.
Copy !req
713. Who are you?
Copy !req
714. I'm your father.
Copy !req
715. What?
Copy !req
716. Mulder...
Copy !req
717. I made this!
Copy !req