1. I come from the Net,
Copy !req
2. through systems,
peoples and cities
Copy !req
3. to this place, Mainframe.
Copy !req
4. My format, Guardian.
To mend and defend.
Copy !req
5. To defend my
newfound friends,
Copy !req
6. their hopes and dreams.
Copy !req
7. To defend them
from their enemies.
Copy !req
8. They say the User
lives outside the Net
Copy !req
9. and inputs games
for pleasure.
Copy !req
10. No one knows for sure
Copy !req
11. but I intend to find out.
Copy !req
12. Reboot!
Copy !req
13. You're smoked, Bob!
Copy !req
14. In your dreams,
birthday boy!
Copy !req
15. D'oh! Oh, man!
Copy !req
16. Ha, ha!
That was a killer!
Copy !req
17. Uh, who won?
Copy !req
18. Good question.
Copy !req
19. Rematch!
Copy !req
20. You coming, Bob?
Copy !req
21. In a bit. I've gotta check
my messages. You go ahead,
I'll be right up.
Copy !req
22. Mmm, okay! Uh, Bob?
Copy !req
23. Thanks again for spending
all this time with me.
Copy !req
24. Doing all this stuff with you
is the coolest present
I could ever access.
Copy !req
25. Don't mention it.
Enzo, it's your
first birthday.
Copy !req
26. You deserve to be
spoiled. Now go on,
I'll be right up.
Copy !req
27. Thanks! I'm gonna
win this time!
Copy !req
28. You wish!
Copy !req
29. Glitch, get me Dot.
Copy !req
30. So I introduce the acts,
and then I shut up?
Copy !req
31. I don't care about
the lighting! These
are just auditions!
Copy !req
32. I like the red one,
not the blue.
Copy !req
33. Now what?
Copy !req
34. Oh, hi!
How's it going?
Copy !req
35. So far so good.
Enzo doesn't have
a clue. How about you?
Copy !req
36. Way behind schedule!
Copy !req
37. Behind schedule?
This isn't like you, Dot.
Copy !req
38. Bob, the acts are terrible!
And the ones I do like,
Em See rejects!
Copy !req
39. It's a dirty job,
but someone's gotta do it!
Copy !req
40. You've got to
keep Enzo busy,
at least until 2450.
Copy !req
41. Twenty-four...
Whoa. If you say so.
Copy !req
42. Ah, thanks, Bob.
You're a lifesaver.
Copy !req
43. Can we begin already?
Copy !req
44. Mike! Move it!
Copy !req
45. And now, here's a group
that you'll just flip for,
Copy !req
46. the Fabulous
Acrobat Guys!
Copy !req
47. Perfect!
Copy !req
48. Enzo will love
these guys!
Copy !req
49. No.
Copy !req
50. Why am I not surprised?
Copy !req
51. Hello.
Copy !req
52. Thank you.
Copy !req
53. Mike!
Copy !req
54. And now, the Dires,
Sal and Harv!
Copy !req
55. Oh, is it just me, Em,
or are these acts
getting worse?
Copy !req
56. Mike! Are you dumb
or something?
Get them outta here!
Copy !req
57. And now, give it up.
It's the Prince of Puns,
Johnny O'Binome!
Copy !req
58. 101-00-11011-1011101-
Copy !req
59. 11-0011-0111-10-
Copy !req
60. 01110-10110-
Copy !req
61. 000-1100-1011...
Copy !req
62. 10011-101!
Copy !req
63. This guy's the one,
yeah? Hmm?
Copy !req
64. Really, Ms. Matrix.
There's gonna be children
in the audience.
Copy !req
65. I'm afraid I can't
approve of this one.
Copy !req
66. Next!
Copy !req
67. Oh.
Copy !req
68. Serving slow food by day,
dishing fast tunes by night.
Please welcome,
Copy !req
69. Al's waiter!
Copy !req
70. Al, get out here!
Copy !req
71. We're on.
Copy !req
72. AL: What?
Copy !req
73. You've rejected every act!
Copy !req
74. Give me one good reason
why we can't put this guy
in the show!
Copy !req
75. 'Cause I can't stand him!
Copy !req
76. Sorry.
Copy !req
77. And now, an act
with an unusual twist.
Copy !req
78. Live null juggling!
Copy !req
79. I thought
this was banned!
Copy !req
80. Ah, Dot Matrix.
Copy !req
81. What have we here?
Copy !req
82. Lieutenant? I want six
squads to scout the
Copy !req
83. activity on Level 1.
Copy !req
84. Sir!
Copy !req
85. Throw a party
without inviting me?
Copy !req
86. Really, Dot, how rude.
Copy !req
87. Whoa!
Copy !req
88. Seven chalk eight.
That's five in a row.
Copy !req
89. Nice job, birthday boy.
Copy !req
90. I try.
Copy !req
91. Megabyte? Ow!
Copy !req
92. I say, Bob. Nice block.
Copy !req
93. Do you mind?
Copy !req
94. My dear Bob.
What do you suppose
your good friend Dot
Copy !req
95. is up to lately?
Copy !req
96. Dot?
Copy !req
97. Okay. What's
your problem, Megabyte?
Copy !req
98. No problem, Bob. Just curious
as to why I wasn't invited
to Mainframe's little soiree?
Copy !req
99. Then ask one of your viral
spies. Can't you see we're
trying to play a game here?
Copy !req
100. Very well. But we'll see
who's playing what by
the end of the cycle!
Copy !req
101. What's the big idea?
And what were you guys
talking about, anyway?
Copy !req
102. Whoa, ho, ho!
Will you look here?
Look at the time!
Copy !req
103. Hey, wanna
go to the dataslide?
I think it's still open!
Copy !req
104. Actually, Bob,
I'm getting kind of hungry.
Copy !req
105. I mean,
thanks for everything,
Copy !req
106. but can't we go to the Diner
and access a bite...
Copy !req
107. And now, coming to us all the
way from the Principal Office,
it's the one, the only,
Copy !req
108. Phong!
Copy !req
109. I have no idea
what the next line is.
Copy !req
110. Uh...
Thank you, Phong.
Copy !req
111. Next!
Copy !req
112. And now, playing their
smash debut hit B, S & P,
Copy !req
113. ooh, you'll love it,
it's the Small Town
Copy !req
114. That was great!
You're in!
Copy !req
115. Oh, I agree.
Copy !req
116. Hey, hey, hey!
Ladies and gentlemen,
binomes and subroutines,
Copy !req
117. presenting
the fab Primitives!
Copy !req
118. That's what it is!
Copy !req
119. Bad hair, great pipes.
Need I say more?
Copy !req
120. Give it up for
Captain Quirk!
Copy !req
121. Packed my bags last night,
Copy !req
122. Zero hour, 9:00 a.m.
Copy !req
123. And I'm gonna be
high as a kite by then.
Copy !req
124. I miss the Earth so much.
I miss my wife.
Copy !req
125. It's lonely out in
space, on such
a timeless flight.
Copy !req
126. And I think it's gonna
be a long, long time.
Copy !req
127. Next!
Copy !req
128. Next!
Copy !req
129. Ooh!
Copy !req
130. Oh, no!
Not break dancing!
Copy !req
131. I love break dancing!
Book him, Mike.
Copy !req
132. Love you.
Mean it.
Copy !req
133. Well?
Copy !req
134. Sir, the jam is moldy
in the kitchen,
Copy !req
135. and the rolling rabbit
gathers no moss.
Copy !req
136. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
137. Sir! Mainframe's population
Copy !req
138. is conducting some
celebratory event.
Online at 2450. Sir!
Copy !req
139. Hmm. How very convenient
for me.
Copy !req
140. Prepare for operation plan,
code 214.
Copy !req
141. No!
Not plan 214!
Copy !req
142. All those people
gathered together
at one time.
Copy !req
143. They will never know
what hit them.
Copy !req
144. Whoa!
Copy !req
145. Bob, I've had
a great time, okay?
But I'm offlined.
Copy !req
146. Shut down.
End of file.
Copy !req
147. Can we go already?
Copy !req
148. One more time,
for the birthday boy!
Copy !req
149. Come on.
It'll be fun!
Copy !req
150. Bob? Everyone's here,
but we're not ready yet.
Copy !req
151. Sorry, Dot, but he's
getting suspicious.
Copy !req
152. He's getting anxious.
Copy !req
153. He's...
Copy !req
154. Heading your way!
Copy !req
155. What do you mean,
our way? When?
Copy !req
156. Now!
Copy !req
157. Ooh-er!
Copy !req
158. "Come on, it'll be fun.
Just one more time."
Copy !req
159. Birthday boy, this!
Birthday boy, that!
Copy !req
160. Man, what's with
all the parking?
Copy !req
161. Surprise!
Copy !req
162. Whoa.
Copy !req
163. Five! Four!
Three! Two! One!
Copy !req
164. No way! Cool!
Copy !req
165. My little brother.
Copy !req
166. Compiling up
before our very eyes.
Copy !req
167. Congratulations, Enzo,
and happy first birthday!
Copy !req
168. And now, in your honor,
Copy !req
169. it's show time!
Copy !req
170. Everyone, get down!
Cover your ears!
Copy !req
171. Bob!
Copy !req
172. Glitch? BFG.
Copy !req
173. Holy...
Copy !req
174. I've always wanted
to do that.
Copy !req
175. Happy birthday, Enzo.
Copy !req
176. Ladies and gentlemen,
Megabyte has
left the building.
Copy !req