1. Runrune-sama is an original character
created by Lady Alice.
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2. I made a friend!
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3. Her name is Runrune!
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4. Until one day, those ruffians came and
put an end to those blissful times.
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5. Then why don't we have a match
right now, and see which is cuter?
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6. I'd be happy to take you on!
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7. The loser has to obey the winner for life!
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8. I'll hold you to those words!
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9. I won't stand for this!
Copy !req
10. Why won't my Runrune
come to life like Puniru?
Copy !req
11. Lady Alice...
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12. To protect Milady's innocent heart,
I launched a prompt counterattack.
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13. When I woke up today...
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14. Runrune had come to life and turned human!
Copy !req
15. Runrune-sama gave her all
to become human for Milady's sake.
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16. But the dastardly enemy revealed
top-secret knowledge before Milady!
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17. They're exactly the same
as Talking Kyuthi-chan!
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18. A novelty toy!
Copy !req
19. Did your parents buy you a new novelty?
Copy !req
20. Even the new Runrune
betrayed us for the enemy!
Copy !req
21. The answer is: a "novel-tea"!
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22. This isn't the Runrune I wanted!
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23. Milady!
Copy !req
24. Milady's happiness is my own.
Copy !req
25. If I can serve as a replacement
for Runrune-sama...
Copy !req
26. I will gladly offer myself as needed!
Copy !req
27. Time for a snack!
Copy !req
28. Here, Runrune!
Copy !req
29. Yes!
Copy !req
30. Milady!
Copy !req
31. That's "Alice-chan," not "Milady," Hodai!
Copy !req
32. M-My apologies, Mil—
Copy !req
33. I mean...
Copy !req
34. Sorry, Alice-chan.
Copy !req
35. Runrune, say "ah"!
Copy !req
36. Ah!
Copy !req
37. Man, it freaked me out at first,
Copy !req
38. but I've gotten surprisingly
used to that mascot suit.
Copy !req
39. It still scares me whenever
I catch sight of it.
Copy !req
40. My Runrune really came to life this time!
Copy !req
41. Milady's happiness is my own.
Copy !req
42. Hey, help us get ready for field day!
Copy !req
43. So?
Copy !req
44. What are those two up to?
Copy !req
45. Mine!
Copy !req
46. No way!
Copy !req
47. They keep fighting over Runrune.
Copy !req
48. Kotaro-chan!
Copy !req
49. You said I could take Runrune with me!
Copy !req
50. You can't give Runrune to
someone as insensitive as Yusuke!
Copy !req
51. You said I could, right?
Copy !req
52. Not a chance!
Copy !req
53. Why not?
Copy !req
54. I was the one who suggested
letting Nanpa take her.
Copy !req
55. It's not fair!
Copy !req
56. I would have felt bad just
leaving her here at the school.
Copy !req
57. How are you?
Copy !req
58. It's such a nice day outside!
Copy !req
59. You can just play by eating
borax and laundry starch!
Copy !req
60. So we were trying to decide
who should take her in.
Copy !req
61. That's got nothing to do with Runrune!
Copy !req
62. I see.
Copy !req
63. I swear.
Copy !req
64. Hey now, you two.
Copy !req
65. She's mine! Mine!
Copy !req
66. Why are you joining in?
Copy !req
67. Runrune's mine!
Copy !req
68. That wretched thing doesn't
even look like my Runrune.
Copy !req
69. Milady...
Copy !req
70. Hey, cut it out already!
Copy !req
71. A discarded robot! Rescued by me!
Copy !req
72. That's a recipe for a special you-know-what!
Copy !req
73. What's he going on about?
Copy !req
74. When I look at you,
I get an error I can't diagnose.
Copy !req
75. Is this... an emotion?
Copy !req
76. If possible, I want her to grow
feelings of love from being with me!
Copy !req
77. Settling for a machine because you
can't get a girlfriend is a new low.
Copy !req
78. I'm not settling!
Copy !req
79. It doesn't matter if we're talking
a machine or a boy!
Copy !req
80. If you're a cutie, you're a lady to me!
Copy !req
81. I don't really get it, but that's so cool.
Copy !req
82. Don't buy into it!
Copy !req
83. He's just a completely shameless perv!
Copy !req
84. Runrune-chan.
Copy !req
85. Go out with me.
Copy !req
86. I'll teach that AI of yours about love.
Copy !req
87. Time to do the Kyuthi-chan dance!
Copy !req
88. She gave me the boot and
she's shaking her booty!
Copy !req
89. Sob!
Copy !req
90. Mine!
Copy !req
91. Puni!
Copy !req
92. Ah! An exclusive Monsura medal!
Copy !req
93. What?
Copy !req
94. Could it be an Argonautica?
Copy !req
95. Where is it? Where?
Copy !req
96. Puniru!
Copy !req
97. Argonautica!
Copy !req
98. Your Kyuthi-chan fortune!
Copy !req
99. Too bad! So-so luck!
Copy !req
100. Look, Runrune.
Copy !req
101. It's almost time for field day.
Copy !req
102. Your Kyuthi-chan fortune!
Copy !req
103. I bet it'll be fun!
Copy !req
104. Sorry, looks like bad luck.
Copy !req
105. Puniru!
Copy !req
106. I finally found you.
Copy !req
107. Did you miss my cute self?
Copy !req
108. You idiot!
Copy !req
109. Don't wander around school carrying Runrune!
Copy !req
110. Your Kyuthi-chan fortune!
Copy !req
111. I'm sure Runrune wants to
help out with field day, too!
Copy !req
112. Isn't that right, Runrune?
Copy !req
113. Congrats! Excellent luck!
Copy !req
114. Pu...
Copy !req
115. Runrune keeps repeating the same stuff!
Copy !req
116. It's because you're holding her like that.
Copy !req
117. When you shake her up and down,
Runrune enters fortune-telling mode.
Copy !req
118. By which I mean Kyuthi-chan.
Copy !req
119. How do I get her to go back to normal?
Copy !req
120. Huh?
Copy !req
121. I think she'll switch modes
if you put her down.
Copy !req
122. There.
Copy !req
123. Kirara-senpai!
Copy !req
124. Kirara-senpai!
Copy !req
125. Are you okay?
Copy !req
126. Did something happen to you?
Copy !req
127. I haven't seen a child in so long!
Copy !req
128. Puni!
Copy !req
129. K-Kirara-senpai!
Copy !req
130. Calm down!
Copy !req
131. You saved me.
Copy !req
132. I must have slipped off the mat
while I was sleeping.
Copy !req
133. I got a little dizzy from a lack of
nutrients, so I was resting.
Copy !req
134. That scared me.
Copy !req
135. Um, a lack of nutrients?
Copy !req
136. I've been too busy lately
to visit the children's center.
Copy !req
137. Collapsing from something
like that is pathetic, isn't it?
Copy !req
138. Are little kids an essential
nutrient for Mami?
Copy !req
139. It's my first time being deprived
of children for this long.
Copy !req
140. I've hit my limit.
Copy !req
141. You were that busy?
Copy !req
142. That color goes here!
Copy !req
143. I've been running around all over for the past
few weeks to help get ready for field day.
Copy !req
144. You're such a big help!
Copy !req
145. You did all that?
Copy !req
146. They all said they needed more help,
so I wanted to do what I could.
Copy !req
147. You're too nice, Kirara-senpai!
Copy !req
148. But that's no reason for you
to take on all the burden!
Copy !req
149. I'll...
Copy !req
150. I'll be there for you!
Copy !req
151. Kawaii-kun!
Copy !req
152. Puni?
Copy !req
153. It's up to you, Puniru.
Copy !req
154. Me?
Copy !req
155. Once it's over, I'll buy you a soda float!
Copy !req
156. Oh, my.
Copy !req
157. I'd love to join you for a soda float, too.
Copy !req
158. Sure thing!
Copy !req
159. Pu...
Copy !req
160. Fine, then.
Copy !req
161. Mix up some borax and starch...
Copy !req
162. I'll add in some tiny arts
and crafts pom-poms...
Copy !req
163. Punya!
Copy !req
164. Ta-da!
Copy !req
165. Cheerleader Kawaii Puniru!
Copy !req
166. Sheesh...
Copy !req
167. You dressed up Runrune, too?
Copy !req
168. I shared some of my slime with her!
Copy !req
169. Runrune and I will cheer up tired Mami!
Copy !req
170. Purray, purray, Mami!
Copy !req
171. Purray, purray, Mami!
Copy !req
172. Go, go, Mami!
Copy !req
173. Go, go, Mami!
Copy !req
174. My!
Copy !req
175. My, my, my, my!
Copy !req
176. Well?
Copy !req
177. Did that cheer you up?
Copy !req
178. Puniru-chan!
Copy !req
179. Good luck with your recital!
Copy !req
180. Why are you the one cheering us on?
Copy !req
181. That's right!
Copy !req
182. You should be resting up!
Copy !req
183. To finish, I'll pull off
a big cheerleading stunt!
Copy !req
184. My!
Copy !req
185. My, my, my!
Copy !req
186. Where are you gonna find
the people for that?
Copy !req
187. First, firm up my body...
Copy !req
188. There.
Copy !req
189. Ready, go!
Copy !req
190. Look!
Copy !req
191. We pulled off the stunt!
Copy !req
192. That's creepy!
Copy !req
193. You think that'll make Kirara-senpai happy?
Copy !req
194. She's happy.
Copy !req
195. K-Kirara-senpai?
Copy !req
196. Huh?
Copy !req
197. At that moment, clear as day...
Copy !req
198. I saw a vision of a saint
surrounded by children.
Copy !req
199. I'm full of energy now, thanks to you!
Copy !req
200. You tried so hard!
Copy !req
201. I'm sorry! I won't try any more!
Copy !req
202. Okay!
Copy !req
203. Let's finish preparing for field day,
Copy !req
204. so we can all go and get soda floats!
Copy !req
205. Ah, sure.
Copy !req
206. Puni! Puni!
Copy !req
207. Okay, this way!
Copy !req
208. Um, a soda float, please.
Copy !req
209. Buy soda floats for all of us!
Copy !req
210. You only get one!
Copy !req
211. Runrune's eyes.
Copy !req
212. Their monitor displays can
express numerous emotions,
Copy !req
213. but this was the only expression
implemented due to the limited timeline.
Copy !req
214. Runrune's mouth.
Copy !req
215. A built-in speaker.
Copy !req
216. Runrune's body.
Copy !req
217. The chassis bears a close resemblance
to the robots on display in Kyuthi Land.
Copy !req
218. Runrune's arms.
Copy !req
219. Amazing limbs that can gently
grab objects of any shape.
Copy !req
220. Runrune's legs.
Copy !req
221. The center of gravity has been lowered
to support the body and give them stability.
Copy !req
222. Runrune's internals.
Copy !req
223. They were taken wholesale from the
popular Talking Kyuthi-chan toy.
Copy !req
224. With the sole intent
of making Lady Alice happy,
Copy !req
225. we formed a special team and toiled
without sleep to develop this Runrune model.
Copy !req
226. This isn't the Runrune I wanted!
Copy !req
227. Milady...
Copy !req
228. Field day is finally here, Runrune!
Copy !req
229. That's field day.
Copy !req
230. Found you, Slime-chan!
Copy !req
231. Puni?
Copy !req
232. Gimme back my Runrune!
Copy !req
233. I looked all over yesterday,
but I couldn't find that rare medal...
Copy !req
234. Ah, this one's not it either.
Copy !req
235. I couldn't find it anywhere!
Copy !req
236. You really looked for it?
Copy !req
237. I spent so long looking!
Copy !req
238. I see.
Copy !req
239. Then why don't we have Runrune
decide who she'll stay with?
Copy !req
240. What?
Copy !req
241. Runrune, whose place do you
want to stay at, mine or Yusuke's?
Copy !req
242. Let's play a game!
Copy !req
243. A game?
Copy !req
244. I get it.
Copy !req
245. Let fate decide for you.
Copy !req
246. So that's what you mean!
Copy !req
247. Did she say any of that?
Copy !req
248. Mix up some borax and starch...
Copy !req
249. And add in some shiny gold sequins this time!
Copy !req
250. Ta-da!
Copy !req
251. Suave Grown-Up Dealer Kawaii Puniru!
Copy !req
252. The winner gets custody of Runrune.
Copy !req
253. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
254. I accept!
Copy !req
255. So? How will we settle this?
Copy !req
256. Let's make it fair and decide by drawing lots.
Copy !req
257. Hmph!
Copy !req
258. What's the big idea?
Copy !req
259. That wretched thing's off having fun
with Puniru and the others!
Copy !req
260. Poor Milady...
Copy !req
261. Now that I've taken on the role of Runrune-sama,
Copy !req
262. I'll make sure to cheer Milady up!
Copy !req
263. The game to decide our fate is...
Copy !req
264. Liar.
Copy !req
265. I like it.
Copy !req
266. Punya?
Copy !req
267. Yusuke...
Copy !req
268. He looks more serious than usual.
Copy !req
269. Liar.
Copy !req
270. A game where players take turns discarding
cards from their hand in order of rank.
Copy !req
271. The rules themselves are quite simple.
Copy !req
272. Which is why, among card games,
Copy !req
273. it's a game that directly hinges
on being able to read your opponent!
Copy !req
274. Let's see what you've got, Yusuke.
Copy !req
275. Aces.
Copy !req
276. Twos.
Copy !req
277. Threes.
Copy !req
278. Eights.
Copy !req
279. Nines.
Copy !req
280. Liar!
Copy !req
281. She sucks!
Copy !req
282. H-How did you know?
Copy !req
283. Whoa, he's amazing!
Copy !req
284. Seriously?
Copy !req
285. You're awesome, Nanpa-kun!
Copy !req
286. That's right.
Copy !req
287. Puniru forgot one thing.
Copy !req
288. Nanpa's a real "playboy" who plays
after school every day with diehards.
Copy !req
289. Also, Liar's not meant for two players.
Copy !req
290. I lost!
Copy !req
291. I win! I win!
Copy !req
292. Let's play a game!
Copy !req
293. One more time!
Copy !req
294. Face me in a different game one more time!
Copy !req
295. Boing!
Copy !req
296. Pew!
Copy !req
297. Rattle rattle rattle!
Copy !req
298. I win again!
Copy !req
299. That doesn't look fun, not even a little!
Copy !req
300. You're so weak!
Copy !req
301. Now you're mad!
Copy !req
302. Milady...
Copy !req
303. Alice-chan?
Copy !req
304. I didn't say anything!
Copy !req
305. Let's get going, Runrune.
Copy !req
306. Milady...
Copy !req
307. Aw yeah!
Copy !req
308. I win!
Copy !req
309. Zero to ten...
Copy !req
310. I lost every game!
Copy !req
311. A crushing defeat!
Copy !req
312. Wow!
Copy !req
313. Whoo!
Copy !req
314. Yeah!
Copy !req
315. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
316. Yay!
Copy !req
317. Nanpa! Nanpa!
Copy !req
318. Instead of a toy that got a facelift...
Copy !req
319. All I wanted was for Runrune
to come to life like Puniru.
Copy !req
320. Alice-chan.
Copy !req
321. Blegh!
Copy !req
322. What's with the getup?
Copy !req
323. Since you're down in the dumps,
Copy !req
324. Runrune's been upgraded to cheer you up!
Copy !req
325. Cheer me up?
Copy !req
326. Hurray, hurray, Alice-chan!
Copy !req
327. Cheer up, Alice-chan!
Copy !req
328. Yay!
Copy !req
329. Dosukoi!
Copy !req
330. Lady Alice looks happy!
Copy !req
331. Alice-chan.
Copy !req
332. Hmph!
Copy !req
333. This isn't my Runrune!
Copy !req
334. Alice-chan!
Copy !req
335. Yusuke!
Copy !req
336. One more! Just one more match!
Copy !req
337. Pat.
Copy !req
338. Puniru-chan.
Copy !req
339. Seeing how serious he is
about toys and games...
Copy !req
340. Don't you think we can count on him
to treat our Runrune right?
Copy !req
341. Let's play a game!
Copy !req
342. Maybe you're right.
Copy !req
343. Let's play a game!
Copy !req
344. I'll treat you well!
Copy !req
345. My new buddy.
Copy !req
346. I leave her to you!
Copy !req
347. Puni!
Copy !req
348. That's why I said Nanpa
should take her to begin with.
Copy !req
349. We didn't really play much
of a part today, huh?
Copy !req
350. Okay, buddy.
Copy !req
351. I'll make you look real cool!
Copy !req
352. I leave Runrune in your hands, Yusuke!
Copy !req
353. Until she can return to Alice...
Copy !req
354. Punya!
Copy !req
355. Make yourselves at home!
Copy !req
356. I trusted Yusuke to take care of Runrune...
Copy !req
357. and he covered her in stickers!
Copy !req
358. Don't treat Runrune like just another toy!
Copy !req
359. What?
Copy !req
360. I made her look cool!
Copy !req
361. In the end, we decided to leave
Runrune in our classroom.
Copy !req
362. Bonus!
Copy !req
363. Tonight's dinner!
Copy !req
364. Eat all you like.
Copy !req
365. I'm cute, so they'll forgive us.
Copy !req
366. No.
Copy !req
367. This dinner wants to go in our cute stomach.
Copy !req
368. So let's grant its wish.
Copy !req
369. P-P-Pu pu pu pu...
Copy !req
370. Kawaii, time to test your rhetoric!
Copy !req
371. Go ahead and compliment me!
Copy !req
372. What?
Copy !req
373. Um, you're rich, loaded,
have fat stacks of cash...
Copy !req
374. Wait, this is hard!
Copy !req
375. Why don't you try complimenting me?
Copy !req
376. Kawaii, you're normal, average,
and run-of-the-mill!
Copy !req
377. Those aren't compliments!
Copy !req