1. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
2. You're supposed to always throw rock first
in rock, paper, scissors...
Copy !req
3. But I'mma throw paper!
Copy !req
4. What?
Copy !req
5. Did I finish her off?
Copy !req
6. Hell yeah!
Copy !req
7. I found the way to heaven
Copy !req
8. My past life with you
Copy !req
9. You've seen the eyes of heaven
Copy !req
10. Limitless confessions
Copy !req
11. I've been in seventh heaven
Copy !req
12. This conflict is accelerating
Copy !req
13. What in the name of heaven?
Copy !req
14. Your reason for living is an abstract theory
Copy !req
15. Look up, baby, it's so dangerous
Copy !req
16. Double trouble, that sarcastic poker face
Copy !req
17. Look back, baby, it's ridiculous
Copy !req
18. Like a bubble, this life lies
in between dreams and reality
Copy !req
19. Why are you feeling?
Copy !req
20. Forever more
Copy !req
21. It sounds anti world
Copy !req
22. Way out, what do you believe?
Copy !req
23. The mirror's equation
Copy !req
24. Wake up, I can't think anymore
Copy !req
25. An elegant PSYCHO: LOGY
Copy !req
26. Way out, what can you see?
Copy !req
27. This saturated irony
Copy !req
28. I know.
Copy !req
29. I'll go to Kyoto.
Copy !req
30. Gonna place a whole bunch...
Copy !req
31. of get-off-my-lawn stones.
Copy !req
32. I huffed and I puffed as I moved
my get-off-my-lawn stones.
Copy !req
33. Om, nom, om, nom, this is delicious.
Copy !req
34. 'Scuse me, may I put my seat down?
Copy !req
35. No, ya damn young'un.
Copy !req
36. Then how 'bout I put you down?
Copy !req
37. Oho.
Copy !req
38. I see the frog in the well
knows nothing of the great ocean.
Copy !req
39. Very well.
Copy !req
40. I accept your challenge!
Copy !req
41. It would appear that you both accept.
Copy !req
42. Train battle!
Copy !req
43. A train battle declaration
has just been issued in car 6.
Copy !req
44. We ask that the remaining passengers
in car 6 swiftly move to another car,
Copy !req
45. and that those who would like to watch
the match do so on the giant screens in car 2.
Copy !req
46. Heya, old man. I hope you don't regret this.
Copy !req
47. Time to show you some manners, young'un.
Copy !req
48. The train battle... will now begin.
Copy !req
49. This is nothing.
Copy !req
50. Ack, that's bright.
Copy !req
51. I'll use these!
Copy !req
52. Gwah! Wait, ow! Ow, ice creams hurt!
Copy !req
53. Damn it... Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
54. Hey, you know that one
comedian? Who was it, again?
Copy !req
55. Huh?
Copy !req
56. Now's my chance!
Copy !req
57. They've both gone down.
Copy !req
58. Whoever gets up first will be the winner.
Copy !req
59. To think we've both been
dealt this much damage...
Copy !req
60. Impossible... You're just as hurt as I am...
Copy !req
61. Look outside.
Copy !req
62. Outside?
Copy !req
63. D-Doctor *ellow!
Copy !req
64. Doctor *ellow is known to bestow
those who see it with good luck.
Copy !req
65. Looks like the goddess of victory
Copy !req
66. has smiled down upon me this time.
Copy !req
67. The winner is Popuko. Popuko.
Copy !req
68. I guess I've lost.
Copy !req
69. You win.
Copy !req
70. I used to be...
Copy !req
71. a feisty little train battler like you.
Copy !req
72. That's... an ashtray!
Copy !req
73. The bullet trains were a part of Japan
during their economic growth—
Copy !req
74. the passion of the Showa era itself!
Copy !req
75. The smoke from cigarettes
always lingered in each car,
Copy !req
76. and bloodthirsty salarymen
were always starting fights.
Copy !req
77. That's where the train battles began.
Copy !req
78. I was afraid...
Copy !req
79. Hey, trade me one of your monsters.
Copy !req
80. that another piece of culture
born in the Showa era...
Copy !req
81. Sure.
Copy !req
82. was going to be irrationally,
immorally, and inconsiderately erased.
Copy !req
83. Hey, look. That old man's crying.
Copy !req
84. Wait, where? Oh, shit.
He's crying for real.
Copy !req
85. Yeah, I totally get it.
Copy !req
86. But I'm happy to see that
train battlers like yourself
Copy !req
87. are still around.
Copy !req
88. Old man...
Copy !req
89. I'm going to bestow a dream upon you.
Copy !req
90. The memories of those who fought
through the Showa era.
Copy !req
91. Tch. Fine.
Copy !req
92. I guess I'll see your dream through, old man.
Copy !req
93. I'm going to become...
Copy !req
94. the best train battler in Japan!
Copy !req
95. To be continued.
Copy !req
96. No, it isn't!
Copy !req
97. Why, though?
Copy !req
98. It's not continuing!
Copy !req
99. Wait, no! It's going to continue!
Copy !req
100. We ended up with extra time.
Copy !req
101. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
102. Bob Epic Team.
Copy !req
103. Where am I?
Copy !req
104. Oh, you're just a gem!
Copy !req
105. Uh, what?
Copy !req
106. We'll add this, this,
this, this, whoo, and look!
Copy !req
107. You're a natural! I just knew it!
Copy !req
108. Uh, what?
Copy !req
109. Round 1, you win!
Copy !req
110. Round 2, you win!
Copy !req
111. Semi-finals, you win!
Copy !req
112. Finals, you sho won!
Copy !req
113. Uh, what?
Copy !req
114. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
115. Guess this one's a dud.
Copy !req
116. Just toss it.
Copy !req
117. Toss!
Copy !req
118. It broke.
Copy !req
119. Just toss it.
Copy !req
120. Toss!
Copy !req
121. Something came out.
Copy !req
122. Just toss it.
Copy !req
123. Toss!
Copy !req
124. Okay, goodnight, folks!
Copy !req
125. Shit happens.
Copy !req
126. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
127. The new segment everyone's
been waiting for...
Copy !req
128. begins now.
Copy !req
129. Pop Team Epic B-Side.
Copy !req
130. What the heck? That's hilarious!
Copy !req
131. I'll just do it again!
Copy !req
132. Yup, still hilarious!
Copy !req
133. Hey, Popuoka!
Copy !req
134. Don't bring such things to school!
Copy !req
135. Did you need something from my Popuoka?
Copy !req
136. Just look at my Ben* knife.
Copy !req
137. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
138. Pop Team Epic B-Side.
Copy !req
139. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
140. Can you look right and left
at the same time?
Copy !req
141. Pfft, easy-peasy.
Copy !req
142. So... I'll use everything.
Copy !req
143. LOL, like I could actually do that!
Copy !req
144. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
145. I want clout!
Copy !req
146. I'm gonna change up my headshot
before the year's over.
Copy !req
147. Whoa, there...
Copy !req
148. Noice.
Copy !req
149. I want clout!
Copy !req
150. I'mma finally upload
that poor, forgotten selfie!
Copy !req
151. What're you gonna do?
Copy !req
152. Noice!
Copy !req
153. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
154. I thought up a senryu poem!
Copy !req
155. Have at it!
Copy !req
156. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
157. I said, shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
158. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
159. Popuko.
Copy !req
160. My, that is so rude.
Copy !req
161. I must say that you lack tact,
Copy !req
162. and quality, too.
Copy !req
163. Pipimi.
Copy !req
164. Whut?
Copy !req
165. Well, now I feel dumb.
Copy !req
166. I just read that poem out loud
Copy !req
167. ever so proudly.
Copy !req
168. Popuko.
Copy !req
169. Do not cry, my dear.
Copy !req
170. Tears are an accessory
Copy !req
171. that doesn't suit you.
Copy !req
172. Pipimi.
Copy !req
173. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
174. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
175. Let's battle using dumb-ass personalities!
Copy !req
176. That's a great idea!
Copy !req
177. Here I go!
Copy !req
178. Merf.
Copy !req
179. Mworf.
Copy !req
180. Merf.
Copy !req
181. Mworf.
Copy !req
182. Merf.
Copy !req
183. Mworf.
Copy !req
184. Merf.
Copy !req
185. Mworf.
Copy !req
186. Let's play a game with our fingers
Copy !req
187. Merf.
Copy !req
188. Mworf.
Copy !req
189. Merf.
Copy !req
190. Mworf.
Copy !req
191. Merf.
Copy !req
192. All you'll use is one finger
Copy !req
193. Mworf.
Copy !req
194. Merf.
Copy !req
195. Mworf.
Copy !req
196. Merf, merf, merf.
Copy !req
197. Mworf.
Copy !req
198. 1+1 = 2
Copy !req
199. Merf.
Copy !req
200. Mworf.
Copy !req
201. Merf.
Copy !req
202. Mworf.
Copy !req
203. Merf.
Copy !req
204. Mworf.
Copy !req
205. Now, together we'll go
Copy !req
206. Merf.
Copy !req
207. Mworf.
Copy !req
208. Merf, merf, merf, merf...
Copy !req
209. Mworf, mworf, mworf, mworf...
Copy !req
210. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
211. Mworf.
Copy !req
212. Merf.
Copy !req
213. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
214. Mworf.
Copy !req
215. Merf.
Copy !req
216. Mworf, mworf.
Copy !req
217. Merf.
Copy !req
218. Mworf.
Copy !req
219. Merf.
Copy !req
220. Mworf.
Copy !req
221. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
222. Merf.
Copy !req
223. Mworf.
Copy !req
224. Merf.
Copy !req
225. Mworf.
Copy !req
226. Merf.
Copy !req
227. Don't go cheating on me now~
Copy !req
228. Mworf.
Copy !req
229. Mworf, mworf, mworf, mworf...
Copy !req
230. Merf, merf, merf, merf...
Copy !req
231. Hey, I guess we can talk now.
Copy !req
232. Oh, really?
Copy !req
233. Yup.
Copy !req
234. So the reason we got invited on here
is H*nter x H*nter right?
Copy !req
235. Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Copy !req
236. Yeah, of course.
This is like perfect timing, too.
Copy !req
237. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
238. I basically think it's a miracle.
Copy !req
239. It's nice.
Copy !req
240. Yeah, it's nice. I mean, we're
talking about G*n and K*llua here.
Copy !req
241. Yup.
Copy !req
242. Yup. Of course.
Copy !req
243. I'm pretty sure they bleeped
that out, so let's keep talking.
Copy !req
244. I guess Bkub-sensei loves H*nter x H*nter.
Copy !req
245. Yeah, because he upped
a drawing of I***mi the other day.
Copy !req
246. Seriously?
Copy !req
247. Yeah, that makes me really happy.
Copy !req
248. Speaking of really happy things on Twitter,
**gashi-sensei has descended.
Copy !req
249. Yeah, exactly.
Copy !req
250. That's the perfect timing
I was talking about.
Copy !req
251. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
252. Ow, ow, ow!
Copy !req
253. Beam! I said beam!
Copy !req
254. Did I finish her off? Well?
Copy !req
255. Hell yeah!
Copy !req
256. I found the way to heaven
Copy !req
257. My past life with you
Copy !req
258. You've seen the eyes of heaven
Copy !req
259. Limitless confessions
Copy !req
260. I've been in seventh heaven
Copy !req
261. This conflict is accelerating
Copy !req
262. What in the name of heaven?
Copy !req
263. Your reason for living is an abstract theory
Copy !req
264. Look up, baby, it's so dangerous
Copy !req
265. Double trouble, that sarcastic poker face
Copy !req
266. Look back, baby, it's ridiculous
Copy !req
267. Like a bubble, this life lies
in between dreams and reality
Copy !req
268. Why are you feeling?
Copy !req
269. Forever more
Copy !req
270. It sounds anti world
Copy !req
271. Way out, what do you believe?
Copy !req
272. The mirror's equation
Copy !req
273. Wake up, I can't think anymore
Copy !req
274. An elegant PSYCHO: LOGY
Copy !req
275. Way out, what can you see?
Copy !req
276. This saturated irony
Copy !req
277. Man, I'm bored.
Copy !req
278. I know. I'll go to Kyoto.
Copy !req
279. Gonna buy a whole bunch...
Copy !req
280. of get-off-my-lawn stones.
Copy !req
281. 'Scuse me, may I put my seat down?
Copy !req
282. No, ya damn young'un.
Copy !req
283. Then how 'bout I put you down?
Copy !req
284. Oho.
Copy !req
285. I see the frog in the well
knows nothing of the great ocean.
Copy !req
286. Very well.
Copy !req
287. I accept your challenge!
Copy !req
288. It would appear that you both accept.
Copy !req
289. Train battle!
Copy !req
290. A train battle declaration
has just been issued in car 6.
Copy !req
291. We ask that the remaining passengers
in car 6 swiftly move to another car,
Copy !req
292. and that those who would like to watch
the match do so on the giant screens in car 2.
Copy !req
293. Heya, old man. I hope you don't regret this.
Copy !req
294. Time to show you some manners, young'un.
Copy !req
295. The train battle... will now begin.
Copy !req
296. This is nothing.
Copy !req
297. Ack, that's bwight.
Copy !req
298. I'll use these!
Copy !req
299. Gwah! They're so hard!
Copy !req
300. Damn it...
Copy !req
301. Oh, yeah. Hey, you know that one comedian?
Copy !req
302. Who was it, again?
Copy !req
303. Now!
Copy !req
304. A-E-I-O-U... sometimes... Y!
Copy !req
305. They've both gone down.
Copy !req
306. Whoever gets up first will be the winner.
Copy !req
307. To think we've both been
dealt this much damage...
Copy !req
308. Is it a draw?
Copy !req
309. Impossible... You're just as hurt as I am...
Copy !req
310. Look outside.
Copy !req
311. Outside?
Copy !req
312. D-Doctor *ellow!
Copy !req
313. Doctor *ellow is known to bestow
those who see it with good luck.
Copy !req
314. Looks like the goddess of victory
has smiled down upon me this time.
Copy !req
315. The winner is Popuko. Popuko.
Copy !req
316. I guess I've lost.
Copy !req
317. You win.
Copy !req
318. I used to be...
Copy !req
319. a feisty little train battler like you.
Copy !req
320. That's... a tray for ash... An ashtray!
Copy !req
321. The bullet trains were a part of Japan
during their economic growth—
Copy !req
322. the passion of the Showa era itself!
Copy !req
323. The smoke from cigarettes
always lingered in each car,
Copy !req
324. and bloodthirsty salarymen
were always starting fights.
Copy !req
325. That's where the train battles began.
Copy !req
326. I was afraid...
Copy !req
327. Hey, trade me one of your monsters.
Copy !req
328. that another piece of culture
born in the Showa era...
Copy !req
329. Sure.
Copy !req
330. Hey, look. That old man's crying.
Copy !req
331. was going to be irrationally,
immorally, and inconsiderately erased.
Copy !req
332. Wait, where? Oh, shit.
He's crying for real.
Copy !req
333. But I'm happy to see that
train battlers like yourself
Copy !req
334. are still around.
Copy !req
335. What're you trying to say?
Copy !req
336. I'm going to bestow a dream upon you.
Copy !req
337. The memories of those who fought
through the Showa era.
Copy !req
338. Tch. Fine.
Copy !req
339. I guess I'll see your dream through, old man.
Copy !req
340. I'm going to become...
Copy !req
341. the best train battler in Japan!
Copy !req
342. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
343. Bob Epic Team.
Copy !req
344. Where am I?
Copy !req
345. Oh, you're just a gem!
Copy !req
346. Uh, what?
Copy !req
347. We'll add this, this,
this, this, whoo, and look!
Copy !req
348. You're a natural! I just knew it!
Copy !req
349. Uh, what?
Copy !req
350. Round 1, you win!
Copy !req
351. Round 2, you win!
Copy !req
352. Semi-finals, you win!
Copy !req
353. Finals, you sho won!
Copy !req
354. Uh, what?
Copy !req
355. Pop Team Epic!
Copy !req
356. Guess this one's a dud.
Copy !req
357. Just toss it.
Copy !req
358. And toss.
Copy !req
359. It broke.
Copy !req
360. Just toss it.
Copy !req
361. And toss!
Copy !req
362. Something came out.
Copy !req
363. Just toss it.
Copy !req
364. And toss!
Copy !req
365. Why'd that happen?
Copy !req
366. They saw right through us.
Copy !req
367. They sure did.
Copy !req
368. The new segment everyone's
been waiting for...
Copy !req
369. begins now.
Copy !req
370. Pop Team Epic B-Side.
Copy !req
371. Gently, now... Oh, my!
Copy !req
372. One more time, upsy-daisy!
Copy !req
373. Hey, Popuoka!
Copy !req
374. Don't bring such things to school!
Copy !req
375. C'mere.
Copy !req
376. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
377. Pop Team Epic B-Side.
Copy !req
378. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
379. Can you look right and left
at the same time?
Copy !req
380. Pfft, easy-peasy.
Copy !req
381. I did it!
Copy !req
382. You're supposed to say,
"Like I could actually do that!"
Copy !req
383. Like I could actually do that!
Copy !req
384. I want to be in the spotlight!
Copy !req
385. Maybe I'll take the TOEIC!
Copy !req
386. Whoa, there...
Copy !req
387. Noice.
Copy !req
388. I want to be in the spotlight!
Copy !req
389. I had some afternoon tea.
Copy !req
390. Noice!
Copy !req
391. Noice!
Copy !req
392. Say the line!
Copy !req
393. Hi! I thought up an enryusay oempay!
Copy !req
394. Have at it!
Copy !req
395. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
396. I said, shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
397. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
398. Popuko.
Copy !req
399. My, that is so rude.
Copy !req
400. I must say that you lack tact,
Copy !req
401. and quality, too.
Copy !req
402. Pipimi.
Copy !req
403. Whut?
Copy !req
404. Well, now I feel dumb.
Copy !req
405. I just read that poem out loud
Copy !req
406. ever so proudly.
Copy !req
407. Popuko.
Copy !req
408. Do not cry, my dear.
Copy !req
409. Tears are an accessory
Copy !req
410. that doesn't suit you.
Copy !req
411. Actually, they look great on you.
Copy !req
412. Pipimi.
Copy !req
413. Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
414. Pop Team Epic! Pi!
Copy !req
415. Let's battle using dumb-ass personalities!
Copy !req
416. That's a great idea!
Copy !req
417. Here I go!
Copy !req
418. Merf.
Copy !req
419. Mworf.
Copy !req
420. Merf.
Copy !req
421. Mworf.
Copy !req
422. Merf.
Copy !req
423. Mworf.
Copy !req
424. Merf.
Copy !req
425. Mworf.
Copy !req
426. Let's play a game with our fingers
Copy !req
427. Merf.
Copy !req
428. Mworf.
Copy !req
429. Merf.
Copy !req
430. Mworf.
Copy !req
431. Merf.
Copy !req
432. Mworf.
Copy !req
433. All you'll use is one finger
Copy !req
434. Merf.
Copy !req
435. Merf, merf, merf, merf...
Copy !req
436. Mworf, mworf, mworf, mworf...
Copy !req
437. Mworf.
Copy !req
438. 1+1 = 2
Copy !req
439. Merf.
Copy !req
440. Mworf.
Copy !req
441. Merf.
Copy !req
442. Mworf.
Copy !req
443. Merf.
Copy !req
444. Mworf.
Copy !req
445. Now, together we'll go
Copy !req
446. Merf.
Copy !req
447. Mworf.
Copy !req
448. Merf, merf, merf, merf...
Copy !req
449. Mworf, mworf, mworf, mworf...
Copy !req
450. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
451. Hi! I thought up an enryusay oempay... Um...
Copy !req
452. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
453. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
454. I said, shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
455. Wait, let's do that one more time.
Copy !req
456. Shut the fuck up, you.
Copy !req
457. Hold on. Come on.
Copy !req
458. Popuko.
Copy !req
459. We're just two peas, we're just
two peas, peas, in a pod
Copy !req
460. Your line wasn't supposed
to go over mine there.
Copy !req
461. Nope, nope.
Copy !req
462. Well, now I feel dumb.
Copy !req
463. Don't go cheating on me now~
Copy !req
464. I just read that poem out loud
Copy !req
465. ever so proudly...
Damn it, my time's done already.
Copy !req
466. Let's start over again, please?
Copy !req
467. Okay, fine.
Copy !req
468. Thank you very much
for purchasing Pop Team Epic.
Copy !req
469. But there are people watching
on streaming services, too.
Copy !req
470. Actually, are there actually
people who bought it?
Copy !req
471. You were probably better off buying XXXX.
Copy !req
472. Popu-chan, what's XXXX?
Copy !req
473. But XXXX is totally more XXXX
and a better deal.
Copy !req
474. You're not making any sense. What's XXXX?
Copy !req
475. Oh, really? Act now and you get...
Copy !req
476. a roasted sweet potato.
Copy !req
477. I have no idea anymore.
Copy !req
478. Hey, Pipimi-chan.
Copy !req
479. What are you going to do with the
money you didn't use to buy PTE S2?
Copy !req
480. Right now? Invest in an accumulating NISA.
Copy !req
481. Ah, accumulating nii-sans, eh?
Copy !req
482. That's great. Wait, you're not buying PTE?
Copy !req
483. Of course not. Just send a copy
to my agency, please.
Copy !req
484. Whoops.
Copy !req
485. It's over.
Copy !req