1. Burmy! Burmy! Burmy! Don't dodge it.
Copy !req
2. Burmy!
Copy !req
3. Pika!
Copy !req
4. Burmy... Burmy!
Copy !req
5. No, I'm not!
Copy !req
6. Waa!
Copy !req
7. Huh?
Copy !req
8. Chansey.
Copy !req
9. Hey, Aipom, wait! What's wrong?
Copy !req
10. It's obviously something
has caught the attention
Copy !req
11. of Ash's Aipom, which in turn has
caught the attention of our heroes.
Copy !req
12. Not knowing the source
of Aipom's interest,
Copy !req
13. there's little to do but find it.
Copy !req
14. Check it out!
It's honey! Honey?
Copy !req
15. Of course - Pokemon are attracted
to the sweet smell of honey.
Copy !req
16. Wow!
Copy !req
17. Burmy. It's a Burmy!
Copy !req
18. Burmy... Burm... Burmy!
Copy !req
19. Burmy!
Copy !req
20. Burmy... Burmy!
Copy !req
21. Burmy. Burmy! Burmy. Burmy.
Copy !req
22. Chansey, it's time. Chansey!
Copy !req
23. What a babe! Chansey, use Attract.
Copy !req
24. Chansey!
Copy !req
25. Chansey!
Copy !req
26. Burmy!
Copy !req
27. That Attract sure works. Pika.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, I'd like some of that!
Copy !req
29. It's working,
Copy !req
30. and that means you're just the kind
of Burmy we've been waiting for.
Copy !req
31. How beautiful.
Copy !req
32. Wait! If you want to capture
a Pokemon for sure,
Copy !req
33. you need to attack!
She's right, in the same way
Copy !req
34. your beauty's attracting my heart
right now.
Copy !req
35. I'm grateful for such good advice
from a girl I haven't even met.
Copy !req
36. Chansey, Double Slap.
Copy !req
37. Chansey, Chansey!
Copy !req
38. Burm, Burm! Burm!
Copy !req
39. Chansey! Chansey!
Copy !req
40. Wow, what a great Tackle.
Copy !req
41. Now, Chansey,
let's use another Double Slap.
Copy !req
42. Chansey, Chansey, Chansey, Chansey!
Copy !req
43. Burm! Burm!
Copy !req
44. Burmy!
Copy !req
45. It's not working at all!
Copy !req
46. That's because of Burmy's Protect.
Copy !req
47. Now, Chansey, use Egg Bomb!
Copy !req
48. Chansey... Chansey!
Copy !req
49. Burmy!
Copy !req
50. That's perfect. Go, Poke Ball!
Copy !req
51. Burm... Burmy.
Copy !req
52. I've finally done it.
Copy !req
53. At last, this Burmy is mine!
Chansey, Chansey!
Copy !req
54. You sure did. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
55. My name's Ash, from Pallet Town.
Copy !req
56. Pika, Pikachu.
Copy !req
57. I'm Dawn. You put the honey
on that tree, right?
Copy !req
58. Right. People call me Cheryl
the Treasure Hunter.
Copy !req
59. A pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
60. Thanks for your help.
Copy !req
61. Chansey.
Copy !req
62. A treasure hunter?
Copy !req
63. I've always wanted to be a treasure,
for someone like you,
Copy !req
64. who would take my hand and treasure
me forever. Catch me next!
Copy !req
65. Oh!
Copy !req
66. Like my beloved grandfather
once said, once you've caught
Copy !req
67. a Bug-type Pokemon, you may never
hold hands with a man again.
Copy !req
68. You see? Huh?
Copy !req
69. He also said, if you happen to see
a Spearow in the West,
Copy !req
70. you will have much good luck
brought upon you.
Copy !req
71. I saw that Spearow earlier today,
and now I have my Burmy.
Copy !req
72. Chansey, Chansey.
Copy !req
73. Oh, well, that's nice.
Copy !req
74. Enchanted Honey?
Copy !req
75. What's Enchanted Honey?
Copy !req
76. It's a honey that's said to be
hundreds of times sweeter
Copy !req
77. than normal honey.
Copy !req
78. I want it, and that's just what
I came here to find.
Copy !req
79. Hundreds of times!
That must be strong stuff.
Copy !req
80. Wow, I can imagine how many Pokemon
honey like that would attract.
Copy !req
81. But what makes you think you can
find that honey way out here?
Copy !req
82. Look at this.
Copy !req
83. It's some kind of map.
Copy !req
84. That's right.
This makes it all possible,
Copy !req
85. because it's a map
of the Eterna Forest.
Copy !req
86. And this X marks where I'm headed.
Copy !req
87. It's the Amber Castle.
Whoa, a castle?
Copy !req
88. It's a secret castle
that no-one's ever been to yet,
Copy !req
89. and that's where the Enchanted
Honey is rumoured to be. Awesome!
Copy !req
90. It all sounds so exciting
and mysterious!
Copy !req
91. I know! We could come with you
and help you look. Pikachu!
Copy !req
92. And maybe then you'll reconsider
holding hands.
Copy !req
93. If not, I can't go on! Agh!
Copy !req
94. Don't worry! Ugh...
Copy !req
95. That Enchanted Honey sounds
like I finally found the perfect
Copy !req
96. complement to my sweetness.
Rumour of its legend has poured
Copy !req
97. forth on the street, but who knew
it could be found right here?
Copy !req
98. Lay some of that stuff on the boss
and he'll eat like a king.
Copy !req
99. And we'll be rich.
Copy !req
100. So the sooner we find that castle,
the sooner life gets sweet.
Copy !req
101. Sweet!
Copy !req
102. Wobbuffet.
Copy !req
103. Now, Burmy, come out and say hi!
Copy !req
104. Burmy!
Copy !req
105. Burmy? Burmy.
Copy !req
106. I needed to use Mothim's powerful
sense of smell to guide me
Copy !req
107. to the Amber Castle
and Enchanted Honey, so, of course,
Copy !req
108. I'll need you to evolve into
a Mothim before anything else.
Copy !req
109. But wait, if you need a Mothim,
why don't you just go out
Copy !req
110. and catch a Mothim
in the first place? Pika.
Copy !req
111. My grandfather always used to say,
all roads begin with Burmy.
Copy !req
112. I've got three Burmy so far, but...
Copy !req
113. Ah!
Copy !req
114. Wormadam!
Copy !req
115. See? All three are Wormadam.
That's right.
Copy !req
116. The male Burmy evolve into Mothim
Copy !req
117. and the female Burmy
evolve into Wormadam.
Copy !req
118. Hold on.
Copy !req
119. "Wormadam - the bagworm Pokemon and
the evolved form of a female Burmy.
Copy !req
120. "Its appearance changes
depending on where it evolved."
Copy !req
121. Like those three?
Copy !req
122. Of course!
That one's from the forest.
Copy !req
123. That one's from the city.
Copy !req
124. And that one evolved
in the mountains!
Copy !req
125. I've been waiting for a male Burmy
like you for a long time.
Copy !req
126. I'm so glad you'll help me.
Copy !req
127. Burmy. Now, Turtwig, go!
Copy !req
128. Turtwig!
Copy !req
129. Burmy's going to have to
win a battle, then it'll evolve.
Copy !req
130. Turtwig and I can help you out
with that. Turtwig!
Copy !req
131. Ash, that's very kind of you.
Copy !req
132. Wormadam, will you all
cheer for Burmy, please?
Copy !req
133. Wormadam!
Copy !req
134. Now, Burmy, Tackle, let's go!
Copy !req
135. Burmy!
Copy !req
136. Use Tackle as well, Turtwig.
Copy !req
137. Burmy!
Copy !req
138. Oh, no! Turtwig.
Copy !req
139. Burmy? But how?
Copy !req
140. A Bug-type Pokemon like Burmy
should be really strong
Copy !req
141. against Turtwig, who's a Grass-type.
Copy !req
142. That means Burmy's really weak.
Copy !req
143. Now what do we do? Pika.
Copy !req
144. Burmy, please get up now.
Copy !req
145. Wormadam.
Copy !req
146. Let's use Tackle again.
Copy !req
147. Burmy!
Copy !req
148. Burmy won't evolve without
a good battle,
Copy !req
149. and that's what we've got to
give 'em, OK?
Copy !req
150. Burmy, Burmy, Burmy, Burmy,
Burmy, Burmy, Burmy!
Copy !req
151. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
152. Wormadam!
Copy !req
153. Turtwig, calm down.
Copy !req
154. Burmy.
Copy !req
155. Turtwig!
Copy !req
156. Pika.
Copy !req
157. Oh, man! Turtwig, Turtwig!
Copy !req
158. Dear Burmy, are you OK?
Copy !req
159. Wormadam.
Copy !req
160. Burmy, Burmy. Don't you think
Turtwig's acting a little rough?
Copy !req
161. I think this battle may be
a bit mismatched. Maybe so.
Copy !req
162. Return, Turtwig.
Copy !req
163. Hey, Pikachu, do you think
you can let Burmy attack
Copy !req
164. and then win the battle? Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
165. Pikachu'd like to battle Burmy
now, OK? Yes, great, thank you.
Copy !req
166. OK, Burmy, let's do it.
Use Tackle now.
Copy !req
167. Burmy!
Copy !req
168. Burmy, Burmy, Burmy!
Copy !req
169. Don't dodge it! Pika. Burmy! Pika!
Copy !req
170. Burmy, Burmy. What acting.
Copy !req
171. Pikachu's great.
Copy !req
172. Good, Burmy, keep it up!
Copy !req
173. Great, Burmy,
now Tackle one more time.
Copy !req
174. Burmy!
Copy !req
175. Burmy! Now what? Burmy!
Copy !req
176. Why, it's time for
some real entertainment, folks.
Copy !req
177. That wasn't nice. Who are you?
Copy !req
178. ♪ Listen, is that the voice
of a goody two shoes I hear?
Copy !req
179. Wobbuffet. Mime, Mime, Mime.
Copy !req
180. Team Rocket?
Copy !req
181. You can't leave an evolving job
up to twerps.
Copy !req
182. Wobba!
Copy !req
183. So if you want Mothim
done right, of course,
Copy !req
184. you need Team Rocket -
the evolving pros.
Copy !req
185. So you're going to evolve
Burmy for me?
Copy !req
186. Thank you so very much! No!
Copy !req
187. That's wrong!
Those guys are the bad guys.
Copy !req
188. They're always trying to steal
Pokemon. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
189. Spare us the details, twerp.
Copy !req
190. Here you go. Burmy! Ha-ha!
Copy !req
191. Thank you so.
Copy !req
192. Oh, no, you don't. Quick, Pikachu,
use Thunderbolt! Pika!
Copy !req
193. Seviper, Haze, pronto!
Copy !req
194. Seviper!
Copy !req
195. Some things are hard to see.
Especially for you!
Copy !req
196. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
197. Toodle-oo!
Copy !req
198. What do I do?
Copy !req
199. Don't worry, Cheryl.
Copy !req
200. We're going to get your Burmy
back. Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
201. Come on. Move it.
Copy !req
202. That honey won't
get any sweeter, you know.
Copy !req
203. Burmy. Hey, Burmy can't do squat.
Copy !req
204. It's got to evolve into a Mothim
Copy !req
205. And once our Burmy has
the satisfaction of an evolution
Copy !req
206. well done, its whole life
will be sweet, too.
Copy !req
207. Wobbuffet! Cool.
Copy !req
208. So let's get our battle on.
Copy !req
209. We've had so much practice
losing to the twerps,
Copy !req
210. we should feel right at home
losing this one.
Copy !req
211. You make a good point.
So Wobbuffet, dear,
Copy !req
212. won't you go first? Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
213. Burmy.
Copy !req
214. Huh?
Copy !req
215. Do we have a problem?
Burmy, Burmy.
Copy !req
216. Got ya.
Copy !req
217. Burmy's too hungry to fight!
Copy !req
218. Too hungry?
Copy !req
219. Burmy. Burmy! Burmy...
Copy !req
220. That empty little leafy leech
is going to eat us
Copy !req
221. clean out of house and home. So what
happened to Pokemon light restraint?
Copy !req
222. Better not to look. Best keep
your eyes on the enchanted prize.
Copy !req
223. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
224. What? That muskmelon is
for my mouth only, see!
Copy !req
225. And that candy bar is
Mime Jr's favourite food!
Copy !req
226. Burmy. Burmy...
Copy !req
227. What an Munchlax mouth! Stifle it!
Copy !req
228. We want the honey, right?
Copy !req
229. We gotta be strong! Sweet agony.
Copy !req
230. Grabbing hold of life's
real treasures is never easy,
Copy !req
231. but it's worth it!
Copy !req
232. Burmy, Burmy, Burmy, Burm... Burmy!
Copy !req
233. Burmy, Burmy, Burmy, Burm...
Copy !req
234. Man, those guys sure
disappeared in a hurry.
Copy !req
235. I never should have thought
I could actually do this -
Copy !req
236. be able to go and find
the Enchanted Honey.
Copy !req
237. Come on. Ash, I was born into
a large family of treasure hunters.
Copy !req
238. My grandfather was my hero,
Copy !req
239. and a great man who discovered lots
of treasures all through his life.
Copy !req
240. But me? I can't even read a map.
Copy !req
241. So how in the world am I going to
find the Enchanted Honey?
Copy !req
242. So did your grandfather ever try
and find the Enchanted Honey? Yes.
Copy !req
243. You see, that's why I took it on
for my very first challenge
Copy !req
244. as a treasure hunter.
Copy !req
245. Now I understand.
Copy !req
246. I thought, after carefully
going over this map,
Copy !req
247. that there was no doubt
the Amber Castle containing
Copy !req
248. the Enchanted Honey was here -
right here in the Eterna Forest.
Copy !req
249. Now I don't know.
Hey, things'll be fine.
Copy !req
250. Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
251. You'll find the Enchanted Honey
here for sure.
Copy !req
252. And don't forget, we're here to
help you look, so please cheer up.
Copy !req
253. You're right. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
254. Hmm.
Copy !req
255. Pika.
Copy !req
256. Now, first thing we've got to do
is get your Burmy back.
Copy !req
257. Staravia, go look for Burmy!
Copy !req
258. Staravia!
Copy !req
259. Burmy! Burmy!
Copy !req
260. Make sure you lose!
Copy !req
261. Just do it the way you know how.
Copy !req
262. You'll have no problem.
Copy !req
263. Burmy, evolve like
a good Pokemon!
Copy !req
264. Burmy!
Copy !req
265. Battle begin!
Copy !req
266. Burmy! Cool, we're revving up.
Copy !req
267. I'm revving up
just thinking of that honey!
Copy !req
268. Burmy, Burmy... Burmy!
Copy !req
269. Burm! Hello?
Copy !req
270. We're supposed to let Burmy
win it, remember? Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
271. Get up, rise and shine, Burmy!
Copy !req
272. Burmy, Burmy!
Copy !req
273. And they're off! Burmy.
Copy !req
274. Hit it with both barrels!
Copy !req
275. Wob!
Copy !req
276. Hey, that's Protect! No fair!
Copy !req
277. This is fight, not flight. Enough!
Copy !req
278. Meowth, get in there
and lose with style!
Copy !req
279. I'll be so stylish,
I'll have to wear sunglasses
Copy !req
280. while everybody laughs in my face.
Copy !req
281. Staravia!
Copy !req
282. Huh?
Copy !req
283. Staravia!
Copy !req
284. Do you think that's them?
Let's find out. Pikachu.
Copy !req
285. Na-na, na-na-na-na!
Copy !req
286. Burmy!
Copy !req
287. Ow!
Copy !req
288. Ramp it up.
Copy !req
289. If you want to evolve with class,
you're going
Copy !req
290. to have to give me more than that!
Copy !req
291. I must admit, I'm impressed with
Meowth's mojo. That makes two of us.
Copy !req
292. Come on, Burmy, make Meowth-mix
out of that bloke! Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
293. Burmy! Burmy!
Copy !req
294. OK, kid, time for my Fury Swipe!
Copy !req
295. Burmy!
Copy !req
296. Burm...
Copy !req
297. A clean hit! The KO kid wins!
Copy !req
298. Hurray! Let's partay!
Copy !req
299. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
300. Oh, no, I won!
Copy !req
301. Why is it you only win
when you're supposed to lose?
Copy !req
302. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
303. I think it's time
for a little talk!
Copy !req
304. Now, look, if you don't evolve now,
Copy !req
305. you'll regret it for the rest
of your leafy life.
Copy !req
306. Burmy, Burmy!
Copy !req
307. Stop, you're frightening
the poor Pokemon.
Copy !req
308. There you are, Team Rocket!
Copy !req
309. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
310. Burmy's hers and you know it.
Copy !req
311. True, but no.
Copy !req
312. Burmy, Burmy...
Copy !req
313. My Burmy's very important
to me.
Copy !req
314. Please give it back. Won't you?
Copy !req
315. A touching plea,
but save your breath.
Copy !req
316. You have your reasons to want
that Enchanted Honey,
Copy !req
317. but mine are purely selfish,
so I win.
Copy !req
318. Although we might consider
deciding this with a nice battle.
Copy !req
319. Things are so screwy around here,
Copy !req
320. I guarantee we can't lose it.
Copy !req
321. Seviper, go!
Copy !req
322. Seviper!
Copy !req
323. Carnivine, I need you!
Copy !req
324. Must you take me so literally?
Copy !req
325. Seviper, Bite, let's go!
Copy !req
326. Quick, Carnivine, you too!
Copy !req
327. Seviper! Carnivine!
Copy !req
328. Piplup, Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
329. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt now!
Copy !req
330. Dodge that, Carnivine!
Copy !req
331. Seviper, you too.
Copy !req
332. Cheryl, now's your chance.
Copy !req
333. Right.
Copy !req
334. No, you don't.
Unless you can get past these.
Copy !req
335. Chansey, please use Double Slap!
Copy !req
336. Chansey, Chansey! Chansey, Chansey,
Chansey, Chansey, Chansey...
Copy !req
337. Chansey! Burmy, Burmy, Burmy!
Copy !req
338. Wobba! Wobba! Burmy! Burmy... Burmy!
Copy !req
339. Wob, Wob, Wob... Burmy!
Copy !req
340. Yeah!
Copy !req
341. Huh?
Copy !req
342. Burmy!
Copy !req
343. My Burmy! Are you all right?
Copy !req
344. Burmy, Burmy.
Copy !req
345. I'm going to mulch you!
Copy !req
346. Burmy... Burmy!
Copy !req
347. No, I'm not!
Copy !req
348. Huh?
Copy !req
349. Burmy!
Copy !req
350. Look out.
Copy !req
351. It's time.
Copy !req
352. Burmy's starting to evolve.
Copy !req
353. "Mothim, a moth Pokemon, and the
evolved form of a male Burmy.
Copy !req
354. "It has no particular habitat,
Copy !req
355. "but instead flies across the land
searching for its favourite nectar."
Copy !req
356. Mothim's using Psybeam!
Copy !req
357. Now - time for us to fly across
the land. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
358. We're taking Mothim
on a nationwide nectar search.
Copy !req
359. Quick, Seviper, Poison Tail!
Copy !req
360. Use Bullet Seed, Carnivine!
Copy !req
361. Carnivine! Seviper!
Copy !req
362. Chansey, Egg Bomb.
Copy !req
363. Now, Mothim, Psybeam!
Copy !req
364. Chansey, Chansey... Chansey!
Copy !req
365. Our turn. Piplup, use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
366. Now, Pikachu, Volt Tackle!
Copy !req
367. Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
368. Stop the tape! I thought you
told us you couldn't lose.
Copy !req
369. But that's only
when I'm not supposed to win.
Copy !req
370. I must be losing it, because I
understood what you just said!
Copy !req
371. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
372. My Burmy evolved
thanks to your generosity.
Copy !req
373. We're grateful beyond all words.
Isn't that right, dear?
Copy !req
374. Since we're on the road to love,
there's no need for words.
Copy !req
375. Just grab my hands
and take that first step.
Copy !req
376. Croagunk!
Copy !req
377. That's very kind of you, Brock,
but I should never touch
Copy !req
378. the hands of a man on the day
a Burmy evolves.
Copy !req
379. That's more words of wisdom
from my grandfather.
Copy !req
380. Wow, what a guy. Oh...
Copy !req
381. What's up?
Copy !req
382. I think Mothim may have just
picked up on the Enchanted Honey.
Copy !req
383. That's awesome!
Then let's go. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
384. With ever-growing excitement,
Copy !req
385. Cheryl and our heroes
follow Mothim's lead
Copy !req
386. as that most elusive
of hunted treasures
Copy !req
387. seems finally within their grasp.
Copy !req
388. But is it in fact
the Enchanted Honey
Copy !req
389. waiting at the end of the rainbow?
Copy !req
390. Stay tuned
for the enchanting answer!
Copy !req