1. Pikachu, stop it, come on.
Let go!
Copy !req
2. He'll be fine,
stay here with us.
Copy !req
3. Oh!
Copy !req
4. Whoa, the wind! Pikachu.
Copy !req
5. It's my job to save her.
I'm coming, Paige.
Copy !req
6. Oh!
Copy !req
7. Ohhh!
Copy !req
8. Still basking in the glow of Dawn's
first Pokemon contest win,
Copy !req
9. our heroes now turn their attention
to Eterna City
Copy !req
10. and Ash's next Sinnoh gym battle.
Copy !req
11. Man, I'm starving.
Copy !req
12. Hey! There's a Pokemon centre just
Copy !req
13. Really, Brock?
Copy !req
14. Great.
Copy !req
15. You know, they've got to have food
there. And Nurse Joy too!
Copy !req
16. Let's hurry!
Copy !req
17. Huh?
Copy !req
18. Guys, wait.
Copy !req
19. Is that it? I think so.
Copy !req
20. It's got the letter on the front.
Copy !req
21. So let's go check it out.
Copy !req
22. Huh?
Copy !req
23. A Gastly. Gastly?
Copy !req
24. Gastly - the Gas Pokemon.
Copy !req
25. Although it can sneak in anywhere,
with its gaseous body,
Copy !req
26. it can also
be blown away by wind.
Copy !req
27. Anyone here?
Are you here, Nurse Joy? Please be.
Copy !req
28. It's Brock, your biggest fan.
Copy !req
29. The place is empty.
Copy !req
30. Hey, maybe someone's in the next
room. Let's see.
Copy !req
31. Huh?
Copy !req
32. Something smells really good.
Great, I'll just have a peek.
Copy !req
33. Huh?
Copy !req
34. Stop right there!
What are you doing with my dinner?
Copy !req
35. Oh! I know, you're thieves
and you're here to steal my food!
Copy !req
36. I'll teach you a lesson.
Copy !req
37. Oh! Ow!
Copy !req
38. Stop, we'd never steal anyone's
Copy !req
39. I just wanted Nurse Joy, that's all.
I'm not a crook. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
40. Yeah, what's the difference? Huh?
Copy !req
41. Oh, my! What in the world's
going on here?
Copy !req
42. Nurse Joy! Hi, Mommy.
Hi, Marnie. Huh? Mommy?
Copy !req
43. Hi, everyone.
Welcome to our Pokemon Centre.
Copy !req
44. Oh.
Copy !req
45. Game over.
Copy !req
46. This looks great.
Copy !req
47. And don't forget there's a whole
lot more. Good to know.
Copy !req
48. That's just Ash's way of saying
thanks a lot.
Copy !req
49. It's fine, I feel bad for him.
Copy !req
50. Since besides him starving to death,
I really let him have it bad.
Copy !req
51. Paige, that was rude.
Copy !req
52. That was rude. Stop it.
Don't copy me.
Copy !req
53. Sorry, we weren't all here
when you first showed up.
Copy !req
54. See, I was helping out my mom.
Hey, that's a good thing.
Copy !req
55. You both are so nice.
Copy !req
56. We are going to be Nurse Joys too,
just like Mom. Huh?
Copy !req
57. Both of you?
Copy !req
58. Right. My name is
Marnie Frances Lynette Joy.
Copy !req
59. And I'm Paige Frances Linnell Joy.
Copy !req
60. When we grow up
we want to work full-time with Mom
Copy !req
61. here at the Pokemon Centre. Great.
Copy !req
62. And I'm sure you'll both be
Copy !req
63. Hey, what do you say we help them
out while we're here? Yeah, let's.
Copy !req
64. I could be your mother's
Pokemon assistant.
Copy !req
65. That's so nice,
we could use the help. Use the help.
Copy !req
66. Teamwork.
Copy !req
67. Weeeeee!
Copy !req
68. And it's good. And it's good.
Copy !req
69. Please, no copying. Copying.
Copy !req
70. Come on, stop it.
Copy !req
71. Oops. Looks like Daddy
forgot his lunch again.
Copy !req
72. You have to bring it to him, right?
Copy !req
73. No problem, my Drifloon can help
with that. Huh? Your Drifloon?
Copy !req
74. Wow, aren't they cool?
Copy !req
75. And cute.
Copy !req
76. Drifloon - the balloon Pokemon.
Copy !req
77. Drifloon is filled with air
Copy !req
78. and can either expand or shrink to
express its feelings.
Copy !req
79. It also likes damp weather.
Copy !req
80. So, Marnie, will you go? Mm-hm.
Copy !req
81. I'm coming too. Huh?
Copy !req
82. Come on, Drifloon,
Copy !req
83. let's deliver Dad's lunch.
Copy !req
84. Paige, you're still too small.
Copy !req
85. Not! 'fraid so. I wanna go!
Copy !req
86. And I say no!
Copy !req
87. You can't stop me.
Copy !req
88. All right. Now, what do I do?
Copy !req
89. It's just...
Copy !req
90. I had an important job
that only you can do for me.
Copy !req
91. What's that?
Copy !req
92. I need you to bring these cookies
to the Forest Pokemon, dear.
Copy !req
93. Could you do that, please?
Copy !req
94. Sure I can, I'll do it.
Copy !req
95. Great.
I'm counting on you. Yay!
Copy !req
96. So, are you all ready to go?
Copy !req
97. Wheee! Bye!
Copy !req
98. Bye, Marnie!
Hold on tight.
Copy !req
99. Hey, Ash, would you like to come
with me to deliver these cookies?
Copy !req
100. OK.
Copy !req
101. Wow, Paige, you sure have a
lot of Pokemon friends, don't you?
Copy !req
102. Yeah, but I have got another Pokemon
buddy you wouldn't believe.
Copy !req
103. Hey, why don't you try me?
Copy !req
104. My buddy's this big and super cool,
and is called...
Copy !req
105. Yeah, what's it called? My sister
said I can't tell.
Copy !req
106. I see. Hey, that's OK.
Copy !req
107. Pikachu.
Copy !req
108. Oh, man!
Copy !req
109. OK. I won't get in trouble
if I show you, come on.
Copy !req
110. Great, here we are.
Copy !req
111. Wow! Hi, it's me!
Copy !req
112. It's your buddy Paige. Hello!
Copy !req
113. Nothing. Too bad.
Copy !req
114. What kind of Pokemon is it?
A Suicune.
Copy !req
115. That's a legendary Pokemon!
Copy !req
116. Suicune - the Aurora Pokemon.
It travels the world
Copy !req
117. and purifies water wherever it goes,
sailing on the north wind.
Copy !req
118. You sure it's a Suicune?
Copy !req
119. Mm-hm. Of course! It plays with me
and Marnie all the time. Whoa!
Copy !req
120. A legendary Pokemon living
right here.
Copy !req
121. Good. It's all fixed. Brrr.
Copy !req
122. Hi, Daddy! Huh?
Copy !req
123. You forgot your lunch again.
Oh, that's two times this week.
Copy !req
124. Well, at least
he had lunch to forget.
Copy !req
125. Get your mind out of your gut.
Copy !req
126. Yeah, yeah, for the moment we
got an Ampharos to abduct.
Copy !req
127. Why? Dissolve, please.
Copy !req
128. One day, the Boss is having one of
those nightmares that's so scary
Copy !req
129. it pops your eyes open.
Copy !req
130. But the room is so dark
Copy !req
131. and creepy he just can't snap
out of his night fright.
Copy !req
132. When suddenly...
Copy !req
133. .. thanks to our generosity,
Copy !req
134. Ampharos shines the light
of truth to chase away all his fears
Copy !req
135. and knowing cos of us
he'll never be afraid
Copy !req
136. of the bogeyman again, he'll say,
Copy !req
137. "Thanks to Meowth and friends,
Copy !req
138. "I'll never ever be sleepless in
Copy !req
139. How grand!
Copy !req
140. While the Boss is sawing wood,
we'll be rich and that feels good.
Copy !req
141. Waaah 'bout that?
Copy !req
142. Here, Daddy. Thank you, Marnie.
Copy !req
143. Now I'll walk you home. How come?
Copy !req
144. The sky, looks like a storm's
coming. You think so?
Copy !req
145. It could be quite dangerous to fly
back through those dark clouds.
Copy !req
146. You're right.
Right, let's get going then.
Copy !req
147. Who just did that? Listen, is that
a father and daughter I hear?
Copy !req
148. It was their talk of lunch that
caught my ear.
Copy !req
149. On the wind. The stars.
In your ears.
Copy !req
150. Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace.
Copy !req
151. Dashing hope,
putting fear in its place.
Copy !req
152. A rose by any other name's
just as sweet.
Copy !req
153. When everything's worse
our work is complete.
Copy !req
154. Jessie. And James.
Copy !req
155. Meowth, that's a name.
Copy !req
156. Putting the do-gooders in their
place. Team Rocket in your face.
Copy !req
157. Wobbo-babbo Wobbuffet.
Copy !req
158. Team Rocket!
Copy !req
159. Ampharos, use thunder.
Copy !req
160. Brrrrr!
Copy !req
161. What's up with that? Yes, we were
supposed to be insulated.
Copy !req
162. We used to have
plenty of money for that stuff,
Copy !req
163. but now our dough's invested in
Jessie's hair and fingernails.
Copy !req
164. With interest.
Copy !req
165. Wabba-wabba.
Copy !req
166. We're blasting off again!
Copy !req
167. What a bunch of weird people.
Copy !req
168. Huh?
Copy !req
169. Oh, no! The explosion damaged
the wires.
Copy !req
170. Thanks, and come again.
Copy !req
171. I will and thank you.
Copy !req
172. I think that's everybody.
Copy !req
173. That's great, thank you so much for
all your help.
Copy !req
174. The cookies are done.
Copy !req
175. Thank you, Paige.
Copy !req
176. Oh!
Copy !req
177. The power's out.
Copy !req
178. Could there be a problem
at Valley Windworks power plant?
Copy !req
179. Valley Windworks?
Copy !req
180. Isn't that where Marnie went to take
her father's lunch?
Copy !req
181. Mommy, you don't think something bad
happened? Don't worry.
Copy !req
182. Mommy will go there
and take a look. Me, too.
Copy !req
183. No, no, you stay right here
and I'll be back soon. I won't!
Copy !req
184. You always make me stay at home.
Copy !req
185. Paige, wait. Hold on.
Copy !req
186. Don't worry, Pikachu will get Paige.
Get to the station.
Copy !req
187. I'll be back as soon as I can,
OK? Right.
Copy !req
188. The wind is really picking up. Yeah.
Copy !req
189. Huh?
Copy !req
190. Pikachu, stop it, come on.
Let go. Paige, stop!
Copy !req
191. It's too dangerous in this wind.
But I've got to go help Marnie.
Copy !req
192. Marnie will be fine.
Stay here with us.
Copy !req
193. Whoa, the wind! Pikachu!
Copy !req
194. Paige!
Copy !req
195. Oh!
Copy !req
196. The turbines are all good as new.
Copy !req
197. Now, Ampharos, let's get them going.
Copy !req
198. Brr. Brr-rrrrrr!
Copy !req
199. All right! Thank goodness it's
fixed before that storm gets here.
Copy !req
200. Yeah. I'm sorry if you were worried.
Copy !req
201. Nurse Joy! Huh?
Copy !req
202. Did Paige come up here?
No, why do you ask?
Copy !req
203. Paige and Pikachu got carried
away by the wind from the storm.
Copy !req
204. Paige tried to fly here with
the Drifloon. What?
Copy !req
205. What do we do?
Copy !req
206. Well, first let's track the pattern
of that last wind gust. Hm.
Copy !req
207. They had to have been blown
in the vicinity of those mountains.
Copy !req
208. But that's so far.
Copy !req
209. It appears the winds are all headed
the same way and there will be more.
Copy !req
210. Of course. Drifloons, come on out!
Copy !req
211. Ta-da!
Copy !req
212. Daddy, let me go with them.
Copy !req
213. I'm sorry, the storm will get here
any time.
Copy !req
214. I know but...
Copy !req
215. Oh!
Copy !req
216. Ash, you can't! I've got to go
look for Paige and Pikachu.
Copy !req
217. OK, Drifloons?
Copy !req
218. When will Ash learn to think first?
Copy !req
219. Quick. Let's my car
and follow them.Mm.
Copy !req
220. Don't worry. We're going to find you
and get you home safe.
Copy !req
221. Where are we? I'm getting scared.
Copy !req
222. Ah! The rain!
Copy !req
223. What do we do?
Copy !req
224. Mommy! Come get me!
Copy !req
225. Oh!
Copy !req
226. We'll never get through that.
Is there another way?
Copy !req
227. There is another road,
but it'll take us
Copy !req
228. the long way around the mountain.
Copy !req
229. Oh.
Copy !req
230. Huh?
Copy !req
231. Pikachu! Paige!
Copy !req
232. Ash!
Copy !req
233. Paige, I knew we'd find you up here.
Are you OK?
Copy !req
234. We're fine, all of us.
Copy !req
235. Good. But first thing, let's go
and get out of this rain. Mm-hm.
Copy !req
236. Ampharos, Thunder Punch, now!
Copy !req
237. Brrrrrr!
Copy !req
238. Brrrrrrrr!
Copy !req
239. I guess those boulders aren't
going to budge.
Copy !req
240. It looks like we're going to have to
walk from here. Right.
Copy !req
241. Brock, I think
you all should wait here in the car.
Copy !req
242. But we can't.
We want to help you.
Copy !req
243. Marnie! Come back here.
There's something I've got to do.
Copy !req
244. You all go on ahead.
Copy !req
245. The storm's so scary. Nah, we're
safe now, nice and dry in this cave.
Copy !req
246. And as you know, everybody has got
to be out there looking for us.
Copy !req
247. Everything is going to be fine.
Copy !req
248. CRASH!
Copy !req
249. I've got to do this.
Paige is depending on me.
Copy !req
250. I can't fail, she needs me.
Copy !req
251. Paige, where are you? Honey!
Hey, Ash! Pikachu.
Copy !req
252. Let us know where you are.
Copy !req
253. You've got to help me,
Suicune, please!
Copy !req
254. I know you are the spirit
of the north wind.
Copy !req
255. Well, Paige was carried away by the
wind and now she's in grave danger.
Copy !req
256. Please, carry me on the wind
and take me to where Paige is.
Copy !req
257. Come out, I need you. Now!
Copy !req
258. Can't see a thing. This has got to
be the worst fog ever.
Copy !req
259. But then, how are they going to find
Copy !req
260. As long as we keep moving, we'll
run into everyone soon.
Copy !req
261. Pikachu, keep a sharp eye out.
Copy !req
262. What's up Pikachu? Huh?
Copy !req
263. We can't cross here.
Copy !req
264. You know what?
I don't think there's a choice.
Copy !req
265. Grab on, let's go.
Copy !req
266. Ohhh.
Copy !req
267. I guess it's no use. I just want
someone else to help, that's all.
Copy !req
268. Wait, that's it.
Paige is my little sister.
Copy !req
269. It's my job to save her
and no-one else's.
Copy !req
270. I've got to help her.
Copy !req
271. I'm coming, Paige.
Copy !req
272. Oh!
Copy !req
273. Almost, just a little bit more.
Copy !req
274. Ohh.
Copy !req
275. CRASH!
Copy !req
276. It's OK, don't worry.
Copy !req
277. Pikachu!
Copy !req
278. Uh!
Copy !req
279. Oh, Marnie!
Copy !req
280. Don't ever go off like that again,
Copy !req
281. I won't, I promise.
Copy !req
282. Marnie, that was some entrance -
Copy !req
283. swooping in to save us
riding Suicune.
Copy !req
284. See, told you there was Suicune.
You sure did. Suicune, thanks.
Copy !req
285. Yeah, thank you.
Copy !req
286. Without you, I never would have been
able to save these two.
Copy !req
287. Paige! Huh?
Copy !req
288. Hey! Honey! Ash! Pikachu!
Copy !req
289. It's my mom and dad.
And it's Brock and Dawn too.
Copy !req
290. Hey, we're all up over here!
Copy !req
291. It's Paige! You're all OK.
What a relief.
Copy !req
292. Oh, Mommy!
Copy !req
293. You know you had us worried sick,
young lady. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
294. You're mad at me, aren't you?
Copy !req
295. But don't ever do that again.
Promise? Promise.
Copy !req
296. But how in the world did you find
them all ahead of us, Marnie?
Copy !req
297. See, I got a ride from Suicune. Huh?
Copy !req
298. Suicune? You mean the legendary
Pokemon? Right.
Copy !req
299. It sounds amazing,
but it's the truth. Over there.
Copy !req
300. Huh?
Copy !req
301. It was there. Guess Suicune went
home. I missed Suicune.
Copy !req
302. Oh! Hey, don't worry.
You'll meet sometime.
Copy !req
303. Hope so. Look at that. The sunset.
Copy !req
304. Why don't we all head home for some
Copy !req
305. Yay! I could eat the Pokemon Centre.
Copy !req
306. I could eat two of them.
Copy !req
307. I could eat three!
Copy !req
308. A lucky day indeed for our heroes
and their friends
Copy !req
309. and a double lucky day
for Ash as well.
Copy !req
310. After all, wouldn't you like to be
rescued by one of the greatest
Copy !req
311. legends of the Pokemon world?
Copy !req
312. The legendary Suicune.
Copy !req
313. What still hurts, the blasting off
or the re-entry? Take your pick.
Copy !req
314. Well, something good better start
happening in between or else.
Copy !req
315. Huh?
Copy !req
316. A Pokemon? A legend?
Copy !req
317. Stop, you're both right.
Copy !req
318. Well, there's something worth
running for.
Copy !req
319. It's our something good.
Copy !req
320. Quick, before we blast off again.
Copy !req
321. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
322. Suicune must have heard me.
Copy !req
323. No-one makes a bigger wind than you.
Copy !req
324. Waaaah! Ba-wabba.
Copy !req
325. We're blasting off again!
Copy !req
326. And that says it all.
Copy !req