1. You mean like this?
No! That's too fast.
Copy !req
2. You're going to spill it.
Copy !req
3. OK, then how about this?
That's too slow.
Copy !req
4. You're going to burn it.
Copy !req
5. Ah!
Copy !req
6. Ah, ah, agh!
Copy !req
7. Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
8. Oh! Mm!
Copy !req
9. Mother Nature's best in my mouth.
Copy !req
10. You got to hand it to her.
Copy !req
11. She's got more ways to make these
yummy berries than I've got lives.
Copy !req
12. Mm! After the gruel we've ingested
lately, this is berry heaven.
Copy !req
13. And now we're being treated to
a yummy smell wafting our way!
Copy !req
14. And I think it's wafting from that
big building over there!
Copy !req
15. Roserade!
Copy !req
16. It's a Magical Leaf!
Copy !req
17. Bag your own berries!
Copy !req
18. The harvest is gone in seconds!
Copy !req
19. Agh! Agh!
Copy !req
20. And we're
blasting off again!
Copy !req
21. Floaroma Town!
Copy !req
22. No wonder people call it the
Town Of Vivid And Scented Flowers.
Copy !req
23. Wow! Pika!
Copy !req
24. It's a veritable feast
for the eyes, ears and noses,
Copy !req
25. as our heroes finally
have the chance to take in
Copy !req
26. the floral splendour
that is Floaroma Town -
Copy !req
27. home of Dawn's next Pokemon contest.
Copy !req
28. Judging by your faces, I'd say this
is your first time in Floaroma Town.
Copy !req
29. Yeah! We just arrived
for the contest.
Copy !req
30. It's so beautiful!
Copy !req
31. Our trees and flowers are gorgeous.
Copy !req
32. You'd never guess
that many years ago,
Copy !req
33. this paradise was once
a barren wasteland.
Copy !req
34. Huh? Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
35. Everywhere you looked,
the land was without beauty,
Copy !req
36. and the sad and weary faces
of the people of this town
Copy !req
37. reflected the sorry state of
affairs we found ourselves in.
Copy !req
38. Many tried to plant flowers
and trees, but nothing seemed
Copy !req
39. to want to grow, no matter what.
Copy !req
40. But legend has it that, one day,
a beautiful woman climbed
Copy !req
41. to the top of the hill to give
thanks for nature's great beauty.
Copy !req
42. And with that, it was like the
flowers and trees couldn't wait
Copy !req
43. to break through the earth
and join forces with the woman
Copy !req
44. to express their thanks, as well.
Copy !req
45. What a beautiful story.
Copy !req
46. And so beautifully told.
Thanks for sharing that.
Copy !req
47. Yeah, thank you so very much.
Copy !req
48. It is not only my pleasure,
but my privilege to be able to
Copy !req
49. share such a wonderful story
with you young people.
Copy !req
50. I hope you won't forget it.
Copy !req
51. And, please, have a wonderful
stay in our town.
Copy !req
52. Hey, what's that?
Copy !req
53. Look, guys, this says
they're going to have
Copy !req
54. a Poffin cooking class today.
Copy !req
55. Poffin? What's Poffin?
Copy !req
56. Ah!
Copy !req
57. Now, don't tell me you don't
know what Poffins are!
Copy !req
58. Hm... I won't have to
if you tell me!
Copy !req
59. All right, relax.
Copy !req
60. Poffins are a Pokemon snack
that's made from tree berries.
Copy !req
61. See, I always helped my mom
when she made Poffins,
Copy !req
62. so that would make me an expert.
Copy !req
63. So, if Poffins are a Pokemon snack,
Copy !req
64. that would make it like
Hoenn region Pokeblock!
Copy !req
65. Pika! Well, I guess it's like
Pokeblock in a certain way,
Copy !req
66. but I've heard Poffins are
made from a different recipe.
Copy !req
67. And not only do Poffins
keep Pokemon super healthy,
Copy !req
68. they keep them looking
and feeling just great.
Copy !req
69. Come on, wouldn't it be fun to take
a Poffin cooking class, too?
Copy !req
70. You know, Brock,
she might have a point.
Copy !req
71. I say yes! Pikachu!
Copy !req
72. Roserade! Rose, rose!
Copy !req
73. Lotad. Lotad!
Copy !req
74. Roserade!
Copy !req
75. Anybody home? Rose?
Copy !req
76. I can't believe there's nobody here.
Copy !req
77. Uh, hello?
Copy !req
78. We'd really like to take your Poffin
cooking class now, please! Huh?
Copy !req
79. Ash, keep it down.
Copy !req
80. I think you're scaring
that Roserade out there.
Copy !req
81. Roserade!
Whoop, my bad.
Copy !req
82. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
83. Just because he's loud now doesn't
mean he's rude all the time.
Copy !req
84. Roserade...
Copy !req
85. Hey, let's check out the Roserade.
Copy !req
86. Roserade -
the bouquet Pokemon.
Copy !req
87. Roserade is the evolved
form of Roselia.
Copy !req
88. It lures enemies
with its sweet aroma,
Copy !req
89. and attacks with
dancer-like elegance.
Copy !req
90. So, it evolves from Roselia.
Copy !req
91. Did you say you're here for
the Poffin cooking class?
Copy !req
92. Huh? Uh-huh.
Copy !req
93. I made you wait. I'm terribly sorry.
Copy !req
94. Apologies are a waste of time.
Copy !req
95. I would have happily waited until
the end of time for just one
Copy !req
96. fleeting, but lovely,
glimpse of your radiant beauty,
Copy !req
97. my blooming flower.
Copy !req
98. Oh, thank you. How nice.
Copy !req
99. May I ask your name?
Forsythia. Hello.
Copy !req
100. Forsythia - for one in the
throes of such blossoming beauty,
Copy !req
101. it's the perfect name.
Copy !req
102. Oh, to stand in a field
of flowers with you!
Copy !req
103. Ow!
Copy !req
104. To stand anywhere...! Oh!
Copy !req
105. Very well, then.
Copy !req
106. Won't the rest of you come
inside, please?
Copy !req
107. First, you put your berries
in a pot of cold water.
Copy !req
108. Then you turn the heat up all
the way while stirring nonstop.
Copy !req
109. It's this constant stirring
that gives Poffins
Copy !req
110. their flavour, you see?
Copy !req
111. OK, is everyone with me so far?
Copy !req
112. You bet!
Copy !req
113. That's that, good.
Copy !req
114. What are you messing
with your Poketch for?
Copy !req
115. I'm just setting the timer.
Copy !req
116. You have to be careful
when you cook Poffins,
Copy !req
117. because if you keep it on
the heat too long it'll burn,
Copy !req
118. but if you don't keep it on the heat
long enough it won't cook down, see?
Copy !req
119. It looks like you've
done this before, correct?
Copy !req
120. Yeah, when I was a kid I always
helped my mom in the kitchen.
Copy !req
121. Oh, I think that's just great,
Copy !req
122. helping your mom. Hey!
Copy !req
123. Not only did I help out my mom,
but I helped out my dad!
Copy !req
124. And all my brothers too!
Copy !req
125. And all of my sisters, as well!
Copy !req
126. Agh!
Copy !req
127. Croa...
Copy !req
128. I got it.
Copy !req
129. Can we move onto
something else? gunk.
Copy !req
130. Croa, Croa...
Copy !req
131. Time.
Copy !req
132. So, once it's fully cooked down,
you pour it into the mould, check.
Copy !req
133. You've got to stir it faster.
Hm? Hm?
Copy !req
134. You mean like this?
No! That's too fast.
Copy !req
135. You're going to spill it.
OK, then how about this?
Copy !req
136. That's too slow.
You're going to burn it.
Copy !req
137. Ah!
Copy !req
138. Ah, ah, ah!
Copy !req
139. My Poffins are good to go!
Copy !req
140. And so are mine!
Copy !req
141. All right, great! Then I guess
it's got to be snack time.
Copy !req
142. Yeah! All right, everybody,
come on out!
Copy !req
143. You too, Sudowoodo!
Copy !req
144. Sudowoodo!
Copy !req
145. Aipom, Turtwig and Staravia,
ready to eat?
Copy !req
146. You're all going to love
eating these Poffins.
Copy !req
147. Eat all of it and you'll be
all set to win our contest.
Copy !req
148. Wait, what's wrong?
Copy !req
149. It's the recipe my mom made for
her Glameow, and it got raves.
Copy !req
150. All right. So what do you think?
Copy !req
151. Sudowoodo!
Copy !req
152. Croagunk...
Copy !req
153. There's plenty to go around.
Copy !req
154. Of course nobody wants
to eat any of mine.
Copy !req
155. Ah!
Copy !req
156. So I'll just eat them all myself!
Copy !req
157. Yuck!
Copy !req
158. It's your first try.
Copy !req
159. It takes a lot of practising to make
Poffins that truly taste good.
Copy !req
160. Right. Please?
Give it another taste!
Copy !req
161. Agh!
Copy !req
162. Come on, everybody,
I worked really hard on this!
Copy !req
163. Hey!
Copy !req
164. Hm? Meowth, be careful.
Copy !req
165. If you start putting any old thing
Copy !req
166. in your mouth, you'll get sick.
Copy !req
167. Soon as you stop having old
things coming out of yours.
Copy !req
168. Ah...!
Copy !req
169. That was delicious!
Copy !req
170. I feel like I've gone to
my grub reward in the sky!
Copy !req
171. Hey, so your Pokemon didn't like
the Poffins, did they?
Copy !req
172. Pokemon all have different tastes.
Copy !req
173. Is that true?
Of course.
Copy !req
174. Just like people have all kinds
of likes and dislikes, too.
Copy !req
175. It's how you feel.
Copy !req
176. Same with them.
Copy !req
177. What was your mom's Pokemon?
Copy !req
178. It's a Glameow.
Copy !req
179. Well, then I'm certain your
mother made her Poffins
Copy !req
180. specifically for the Glameow.
Copy !req
181. Maybe you should try a whole
different approach for your Pokemon?
Copy !req
182. A different approach?
Copy !req
183. It's just a matter of
trial and error
Copy !req
184. until you find the best kind
of Poffin for your Pokemon.
Copy !req
185. Then you'll be certain you're doing
everything you can for them.
Copy !req
186. Great.
Copy !req
187. So, as I see it, Sinnoh Poffins
are prepared from only
Copy !req
188. the choicest of berries.
Keep talking.
Copy !req
189. Hm!
Copy !req
190. Hey, so what's with that
creepy closed-mouth cackle?
Copy !req
191. The wheels are turning!
The wheels are turning!
Copy !req
192. Pokeblock is, oh, so yesterday.
Copy !req
193. With the Poffins, dare I say,
we'll rule the world!
Copy !req
194. Lush with financial abundance,
as well as culinary notoriety!
Copy !req
195. Making dough that will
make us real dough!
Copy !req
196. Well said. If you're nuts.
Copy !req
Copy !req
198. It's Poffins or bust!
Copy !req
199. Selling piles of Poffins
are a must!
Copy !req
200. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
201. Mime, Mime, Mime!
Copy !req
202. You've all worked hard today,
Copy !req
203. so why don't we all relax
a bit with nice cup of tea?
Copy !req
204. Rose, Rose...
Copy !req
205. Roserade...
Copy !req
206. Man, for some reason,
Roserade's scared of me.
Copy !req
207. It might be cos you keep
being so scary.
Copy !req
208. I really am sorry.
Copy !req
209. Roserade's always scared quite
easily and spends most
Copy !req
210. of the time hiding out.
Roserade's always done that?
Copy !req
211. Long as I remember.
Copy !req
212. Even back when Roserade was still
a sweet little Budew.
Copy !req
213. Welcome back.
Copy !req
214. Would you come with me into
the examination room? Thanks.
Copy !req
215. Huh? Budew!
Copy !req
216. I've been watching nonstop,
tending to the injuries received
Copy !req
217. when that wild Budew
picked that awful fight.
Copy !req
218. Thankfully, the physical wounds
seem to have all healed up.
Copy !req
219. But Budew's never really bonded with
any of the other Pokemon here.
Copy !req
220. Budew, dear, isn't it time for you
to go and have a snack
Copy !req
221. with all the other Pokemon?
Copy !req
222. Budew! Huh?
Copy !req
223. Really? You like these?
Copy !req
224. Budew!
Copy !req
225. Hey, I know. If you'd like
to see, I have lots and lots
Copy !req
226. of flowers at my house.
Copy !req
227. Budew! Budew!
Copy !req
228. Would that be all right?
Copy !req
229. Yes, of course it would.
Copy !req
230. Whatever makes Budew happy.
Copy !req
231. Well, then, we'll see you later.
Copy !req
232. Dew? Dew, dew!
Copy !req
233. Yes, it IS cold outside.
Copy !req
234. Budew!
Copy !req
235. Budew loved caring for the flowers.
Copy !req
236. And before I knew it,
Budew evolved into Roselia,
Copy !req
237. and, finally, into
my beautiful Roserade.
Copy !req
238. Now Roserade and I have
become quite the team.
Copy !req
239. Roserade...
Lotad, Lotad.
Copy !req
240. BOOM!
Copy !req
241. Rose!
Copy !req
242. Hey, what was that?
Copy !req
243. We're in our
Bouldermatic Mark 2
Copy !req
244. looking for Poffin paraphernalia!
Copy !req
245. Oh!
Copy !req
246. Stop it! Knock it off!
Copy !req
247. Is that a voice I hear?
Copy !req
248. It's speaking to me loud and clear.
Copy !req
249. On the wind!
Past the stars!
Copy !req
250. In your ear!
Copy !req
251. Creating utter chaos
at a breakneck pace.
Copy !req
252. Dashing all hope and
putting fear in its place.
Copy !req
253. A rose by any other name's
just as sweet.
Copy !req
254. When everything's worse,
our work is complete.
Copy !req
255. Jesse! And it's James!
Copy !req
256. Meowth, now, that's a name!
Copy !req
257. Putting the do-gooders
in their place.
Copy !req
258. Team Rocket!
Copy !req
259. We're in your face!
Copy !req
260. Come on! These berries
aren't yours, and you know it!
Copy !req
261. So get out now!
Copy !req
262. Twerpier words never spoken.
Copy !req
263. We're going to make a vast fortune
selling Poffins, and not you!
Copy !req
264. Boogity-boogity-boogity-shoo!
Copy !req
265. Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let's go!
Copy !req
266. Pikachu!
Copy !req
267. Hee-hee-hee!
Copy !req
268. I know! You're shocked more
than we are, right?
Copy !req
269. Now it's Dustox's turn to do
the attacking honours.
Copy !req
270. Dustox!
Copy !req
271. You too, Carnivine!
Copy !req
272. Carnivine!
Copy !req
273. Argh!
Copy !req
274. Cacnea, join the party!
Copy !req
275. Cacnea!
Copy !req
276. Wa-ha-ha! Can't you see there's
not enough to go around?
Copy !req
277. Dustox, use Poison Sting!
Copy !req
278. Agh!
Copy !req
279. Rose? Croagunk, Poison Sting
on the Poison Sting!
Copy !req
280. Croagunk!
Copy !req
281. Now, Piplup, use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
282. Turtwig, Razor Leaf, go!
Copy !req
283. Carnivine, use Bullet Seed!
Cacnea, Pin Missile!
Copy !req
284. Roserade!
Copy !req
285. Rose, Rose, Rose. Rose...
Copy !req
286. Rose!
Copy !req
287. Roserade!
Copy !req
288. Aipom, Swift, let's go!
Copy !req
289. Wobbuffet, I need you.
Copy !req
290. Wobb! Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
291. Buneary, Ice Beam, let's go!
Copy !req
292. Buneary!
Copy !req
293. Quick, Cacnea, use Sandstorm now!
Copy !req
294. Well, this turned out quite nice.
Copy !req
295. Our berry coffers
are pleasantly plump.
Copy !req
296. Let's make like a
tree berry and leaf.
Copy !req
297. Uh, whatever you say!
Copy !req
298. Oh, they're getting away!
Copy !req
299. Ah! Ah! Ah!
Copy !req
300. Agh! Agh! Agh!
Copy !req
301. Who IS that masked man?
Hey, that's no man.
Copy !req
302. That Pokemon is the
Magical Leaf-meister!
Copy !req
303. Roserade!
Copy !req
304. Huh? Pika!
That's Roserade?
Copy !req
305. Lotad, Lotad!
Copy !req
306. I know that scarf.
Copy !req
307. Roserade!
Copy !req
308. If we don't want that flower bully
digging up our roots,
Copy !req
309. we'd better lam out of here,
and quick!
Copy !req
310. Roserade!
Copy !req
311. Oh, yeah?
As long as I'm still kicking,
Copy !req
312. no ninja's going to bully me!
Copy !req
313. Your Roserade's awesome!
Copy !req
314. Pika!
Copy !req
315. Lotad, Lotad!
Copy !req
316. What? Who put that
Roserade in charge?
Copy !req
317. Lotad, Lotad! You know,
there's a Team Rocket rule
Copy !req
318. against beating up bad guys.
Lotad, Lotad!
Copy !req
319. Yeah? And Pokemon who love to
eat fruit get the berry boom.
Copy !req
320. Lotad, Lotad! So, Roserade protects
this orchard from mugs like me?
Copy !req
321. These berries are better
than any others,
Copy !req
322. and these flowers are more
beautiful than any others, too.
Copy !req
323. And it's all because of Roserade.
Copy !req
324. She makes me sick, so do something.
Copy !req
325. Just one of Roserade's
Magical Leafs is one too many.
Copy !req
326. Tell me something I don't know.
Copy !req
327. But how could my Roserade
be so forceful?
Copy !req
328. Lotad, Lotad, Lo.
Copy !req
329. Lotad says soon as Roserade
puts on that scarf,
Copy !req
330. it's superhero time. Get it?
Copy !req
331. Course we will!
Copy !req
332. Well, we're going to help Roserade!
Copy !req
333. Pikachu, Quick Attack!
Copy !req
334. Agh! Ugh!
Copy !req
335. Time for some baby baskets!
Copy !req
336. Agh! Ah! Uh!
Copy !req
337. Roserade!
Copy !req
338. Quick, Dustox! While they grovel,
go with Gust! Dustox!
Copy !req
339. Rose!
Copy !req
340. Rose! Ha!
Copy !req
341. We know without that scarf
you're just a schlub.
Copy !req
342. Rose...!
Copy !req
343. I know you superhero types always
got something that'll do you in,
Copy !req
344. and that stupid scarf is yours!
Copy !req
345. Rose...!
Copy !req
346. Give it up...!
Copy !req
347. Loser...!
Copy !req
348. Oh, come on!
What is this, a tug-of-war?
Copy !req
349. Now, Mime Jr - Tickle!
Mime, Mime!
Copy !req
350. Mime!
Copy !req
351. I got it!
Copy !req
352. Roserade, no!
Copy !req
353. Yeah!
Copy !req
354. Now that that Roserade's scarf-less,
we're enemy-less.
Copy !req
355. It's been very interesting,
but time to book. Bye!
Copy !req
356. But what good is a scarf
without a superhero?
Copy !req
357. Roserade!
Copy !req
358. Forsythia, quick, look out!
Copy !req
359. All right, give back
Roserade right now!
Copy !req
360. Well, well, aren't we brave?
Copy !req
361. What are you going to do
to back that bark?
Copy !req
362. Roserade, please, you don't
need any scarf.
Copy !req
363. Rosarade?
Copy !req
364. You're just as powerful without it.
Copy !req
365. Roserade...
Copy !req
366. You've work so hard
to protect this orchard.
Copy !req
367. You can't just give up now!
Copy !req
368. You can't give up on me either!
Copy !req
369. Roserade! Rose... Rose...
Copy !req
370. Rose... rade!
Copy !req
371. What a big mouth!
Copy !req
372. Go get 'em, Piplup - Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
373. Croagunk, use Poison Sting!
Copy !req
374. Piplup-up-up!
Copy !req
375. Croagunk!
Copy !req
376. Pikachu, Iron Tail, now!
Copy !req
377. Pika!
Copy !req
378. Quick, Roserade, use Petal Dance!
Copy !req
379. Roserade!
Copy !req
380. One blast off's a pain...
Copy !req
381. But two?
Copy !req
382. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
383. Roserade, you were so great.
Copy !req
384. Roserade!
Copy !req
385. Talk about an overwhelming victory.
Copy !req
386. Rose...
Copy !req
387. .. rade!
Copy !req
388. What's that?
Copy !req
389. Roserade's Sunny Day!
Copy !req
390. Roserade.
Copy !req
391. Lotad.
Copy !req
392. Lotad!
Copy !req
393. Now watch this.
Copy !req
394. It's just like the legend
of Floaroma Town.
Copy !req
395. Come get it!
Copy !req
396. You're going to love this.
Copy !req
397. Yay! Hey, Dawn, guess you
were right this time.
Copy !req
398. You found your own recipe.
Copy !req
399. And thanks to both you and Roserade,
I learned a whole lot more
Copy !req
400. than just making
my own delicious Poffins. Huh?
Copy !req
401. Your Roserade is both beautiful
and strong.
Copy !req
402. Now I want to raise
a wonderful Pokemon
Copy !req
403. just like you have, Forsythia.
Copy !req
404. If I enter a contest with a Pokemon
like that, I can't lose!
Copy !req
405. Well done.
If anyone can do it, you can.
Copy !req
406. Roserade! Lotad!
Copy !req
407. Hey! You, too, Brock.
Copy !req
408. A desire to learn how
to make perfect Poffins has taught
Copy !req
409. our heroes much more
than a cooking lesson.
Copy !req
410. And now, after being inspired by
Forsythia and her amazing Roserade,
Copy !req
411. our favourite Coordinator
is even more determined
Copy !req
412. to win her next contest than ever.
Copy !req
413. So stay tuned!
Copy !req