1. It's the Jubilife City
Pokemon Contest,
Copy !req
2. and Dawn couldn't be giddier
Copy !req
3. with excitement about her debut.
Copy !req
4. The beautiful dress
her mother had given her
Copy !req
5. didn't hurt matters either.
Copy !req
6. Making things more interesting,
Copy !req
7. Aipom has convinced Ash
to compete as well.
Copy !req
8. Adding to their circle of friends
is the introduction of a powerful
Copy !req
9. Coordinator named Zoey, already
with one ribbon under her belt.
Copy !req
10. Never one to be left out,
a disguised Jessie, or Jessilina,
Copy !req
11. also entered the fray, making
round one truly exciting.
Copy !req
12. And so, between Dawn,
Ash, Zoey, Jessilina,
Copy !req
13. and the many other contestants,
Copy !req
14. who will survive
the first-round judging?
Copy !req
15. All right, let's see what the judges
have to say.
Copy !req
16. The eight contestants moving on
Copy !req
17. to the next round's
contest battle are...
Copy !req
18. .. these lucky eight!
Copy !req
19. All right! I made it!
Copy !req
20. Awesome! Pikachu!
Copy !req
21. Nothing like getting past
that first step.
Copy !req
22. Ah, what a relief.
Copy !req
23. Congrats. Thanks, Zoey.
Copy !req
24. But you made it all look easy.
Copy !req
25. I can see why you already
have a ribbon.
Copy !req
26. Well, I don't know about that.
Copy !req
27. Huh? Oh, no.
Copy !req
28. Huh?
Copy !req
29. I've got to call my mum
right now.
Copy !req
30. Of course I was watching.
Copy !req
31. Congratulations on
getting to round two.
Copy !req
32. "Thanks, Mum."
Copy !req
33. Remember, this is
a whole new ball game.
Copy !req
34. It's a battle, after all. Though
you still have to make your Pokemon
Copy !req
35. look their best. Mum, I know.
Copy !req
36. Don't worry.
Copy !req
37. There's that phrase.
Copy !req
38. So, you better get a move on since
you don't have much time left.
Copy !req
39. Hmm. Call you later. Bye, Mum.
Copy !req
40. OK, ladies and gentlemen,
time for our second round,
Copy !req
41. and here's the battle board.
Copy !req
42. So, let's give the board
a random shuffle
Copy !req
43. and see our matchups.
Copy !req
44. And there they are!
Copy !req
45. Well, what do you know? Me and Zoey.
Copy !req
46. Pika, Pika!
I'm sure you'll be great.
Copy !req
47. Thanks. All right,
time to start a winning streak.
Copy !req
48. First, the Jubilife Ribbon and then
we'll get the Oreburgh Badge.
Copy !req
49. Hmm... Pika, Pikachu!
Copy !req
50. Ash, slow down.
Copy !req
51. An Appeal Battle is different
from a Gym Battle.
Copy !req
52. Hey, we can handle any battle
you throw at us.
Copy !req
53. Zoey, I'll see you out there.
Copy !req
54. Hold on.
Copy !req
55. Are you saying you're going
to compete in the Sinnoh League?
Copy !req
56. Yeah, that's what I came
here for in the first place.
Copy !req
57. Well, then what are you doing
competing in Contests for? Huh?
Copy !req
58. You obviously can't tell
the difference
Copy !req
59. between Contests and Gyms.
Copy !req
60. I'd remember that if I were you.
Copy !req
61. What was that?
Copy !req
62. Who cares?
Copy !req
63. Hey, I'll just battle
the way I know how.
Copy !req
64. Rock and roll!
Copy !req
65. Ha! Clueless twerps.
Copy !req
66. There's only one winner
and that's me.
Copy !req
67. Oh, Jessie?
Copy !req
68. Huh? Bad news.
Copy !req
69. We're the end result
of mob rule. Mob?
Copy !req
70. Looks like you had a fight
with a truck.
Copy !req
71. So why didn't you yahoos get
out of there while the getting
Copy !req
72. was good? Good salesmanship?
Copy !req
73. OK, what about sales?
Copy !req
74. We sold garbs. Then they gave them
back with a knuckle sandwich.
Copy !req
75. Well, no surprise there.
Copy !req
76. Hey, chin up.
Copy !req
77. As long as I win,
this will be just fine.
Copy !req
78. Huh? Wait, you're saying
you made it to round two?
Copy !req
79. What did you think?
Copy !req
80. This is Jessilina
we're talking about.
Copy !req
81. Whoa. Impressive effect.
Copy !req
82. That ribbon is for me
and me only,
Copy !req
83. and soon I'll rule the Contest
world and take over the galaxy.
Copy !req
84. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
85. This is it, the moment
you've all been waiting for.
Copy !req
86. Get ready for
the second round battles.
Copy !req
87. The Coordinator who can show off
their most beautiful moves
Copy !req
88. and strip away the most points from
their opponent in five minutes wins!
Copy !req
89. So let's get started
with our first matchup.
Copy !req
90. It's Ash in one corner
Copy !req
91. and it's Zoey in the other.
Copy !req
92. We've got a five-minute time limit
on the clock, and we're off!
Copy !req
93. All right.
Copy !req
94. Aipom, I choose you!
Copy !req
95. Aipa!
Copy !req
96. All right, Glameow, curtain!
Copy !req
97. Aipom, go get 'em!
Copy !req
98. And Ash makes the first move!
Copy !req
99. Stay, Glameow.
Copy !req
100. Why won't Glameow move? She's got
SOMETHING up her sleeve.
Copy !req
101. You want to lay back? Fine with me.
Copy !req
102. Aipom, use Focus Punch!
Copy !req
103. Aipom!
Copy !req
104. And Aipom descends from
above with a Focus Punch.
Copy !req
105. Grab Aipom!
Copy !req
106. Oh, no!
Copy !req
Copy !req
108. Surprise, surprise! With a quick
flick of the tail, Glameow
Copy !req
109. stopped that Focus Punch cold.
Copy !req
110. Glameow's so fast.
That was some strategy,
Copy !req
111. not moving until the right time
Copy !req
112. and then, look out! Pika.
Copy !req
113. Nice work, Glameow.
Copy !req
114. Now give Aipom a toss!
Copy !req
115. Aipom, snap out of it and use Swift.
Copy !req
116. Glameow!
Aipom's not through just yet.
Copy !req
117. Even in the middle of being thrown,
Aipom rustles up a huge Swift!
Copy !req
118. Great, Aipom! Aipa!
Copy !req
119. Glameow, Fury Swipes, let's go!
Copy !req
120. Aipom, Double Team! Aipa!
Copy !req
121. Aipom, let's give him Swift
once again.
Copy !req
122. Aipa!
Copy !req
123. Dodge, and use Fury Swipes!
Copy !req
124. Aipom, no!
Copy !req
125. Glameow looks great.
Copy !req
126. Using Aipom's attack for
a counter attack has tons of appeal.
Copy !req
127. How did Glameow get through
Aipom's attack?
Copy !req
128. Not only did that
show off Glameow's power -
Copy !req
129. it showed how clever
Zoey is as well.
Copy !req
130. Looks like the twerp's up to his cap
in calamity.
Copy !req
131. I guess Contests aren't just another
day at the gym.
Copy !req
132. Of course they aren't.
It takes finesse -
Copy !req
133. something a member
of the male persuasion doesn't have.
Copy !req
134. Don't give up.
Copy !req
135. Aipom, Focus Punch!
Copy !req
136. Glameow, Iron Tail, let's go!
Copy !req
137. Whoa, hit at the same time.
Er, not quite.
Copy !req
138. Ugh! Straighten your tail.
Copy !req
139. Aipom!
Copy !req
140. Somehow Glameow managed to use
Iron Tail while at the same time
Copy !req
141. straightening its tail
for a soul-levelling hit!
Copy !req
142. Well, we've just passed
the 30-second mark,
Copy !req
143. and at this point,
Zoey has a huge advantage.
Copy !req
144. Yeah, so?
Copy !req
145. Aipom, we can't just let them
beat us like this. Aipa!
Copy !req
146. Now, Focus Punch!
Copy !req
147. Guess Ash isn't about to
give up yet.
Copy !req
148. And Aipom sets its sights on Glameow
with a Focus Punch.
Copy !req
149. Get ready to use Shadow Claw.
Copy !req
150. Shadow Claw? All right,
now's our chance.
Copy !req
151. Hold on. That's a Ghost-type move -
Copy !req
152. that won't work on
a normal type like Aipom.
Copy !req
153. I don't think it's the hit
that Zoey's going for.
Copy !req
154. Huh?
Copy !req
155. And both attacks smash
into each other,
Copy !req
156. but it looks like
the Focus Punch is getting through.
Copy !req
157. Let's go!
Copy !req
158. Aipa!
Copy !req
159. Jump, Glameow!
Copy !req
160. Aw! And Glameow's out of there
and quick, leaving Aipom in a daze.
Copy !req
161. Aw!
That Shadow Claw was just a bluff.
Copy !req
162. Now, Glameow, Iron Tail!
Copy !req
163. And Glameow's Iron Tail
makes a super clean hit.
Copy !req
164. We're down to the wire here.
Has the end result been decided?
Copy !req
165. Not if I can help it. Huh?
Copy !req
166. Aipom, use Focus Punch, max power!
Copy !req
167. Talk about determined!
Copy !req
168. This is a battle to the finish.
Copy !req
169. Will Ash and Aipom somehow
create a miracle turnaround?
Copy !req
170. That's it! Time's up!
Copy !req
171. And the winner of this awesome
high-tension battle is...
Copy !req
172. .. Zoey!
Copy !req
173. Huh?
Copy !req
174. Well, that was impressive - to use
a move that would normally
Copy !req
175. be ineffective in such a way
was just striking.
Copy !req
176. Yes, remarkable as well.
Copy !req
177. I forgot I was watching a Contest.
Copy !req
178. You worked really hard, Aipom.
Copy !req
179. Thanks for being so great.
Copy !req
180. That was one of the most
exciting battles I've ever seen.
Copy !req
181. My heart was beating so fast.
Copy !req
182. Yeah, but if you ask me,
Copy !req
183. don't you think
things got a little wild?
Copy !req
184. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Copy !req
185. I totally forgot about making sure
my moves were all looking good.
Copy !req
186. Huh?
Copy !req
187. Hi, Zoey. Congratulations
on your win, and good luck
Copy !req
188. with your next round.
Copy !req
189. That last Focus Punch,
Copy !req
190. it was so powerful,
I froze in my tracks.
Copy !req
191. Huh? Yeah? I guess
I was just concentrating so hard.
Copy !req
192. If time hadn't run out when it did,
Copy !req
193. I'm sure you would have beaten me.
Copy !req
194. Thanks for a great battle.
Copy !req
195. Hmm.
Copy !req
196. Still, if you don't mind me saying,
Copy !req
197. I don't think a Contest battle
is where you shine.
Copy !req
198. Yeah, I guess I had to try it,
Copy !req
199. but I know you're right.
Hey, get this!
Copy !req
200. Ash entered the Contest because
Aipom wanted to take a shot.
Copy !req
201. Aipom? That's the truth, all right.
Copy !req
202. Hmm.
Copy !req
203. I know what to do.
Copy !req
204. Dawn, you raise Aipom.
Copy !req
205. Pika?
Copy !req
206. And now our second round
Contest battles continue,
Copy !req
207. as our field of gifted Coordinators
grow smaller with each bout,
Copy !req
208. whittling away the competition
until the secret of who will win
Copy !req
209. the coveted Jubilife Contest
Ribbon is finally revealed.
Copy !req
210. It's time.
Copy !req
211. Yeah. I'm just so excited
I can hardly stand it. Huh?
Copy !req
212. Of course, don't you see
this is the first time I get
Copy !req
213. to battle a high-level Coordinator
like you?
Copy !req
214. Oh, that's sweet of you to say.
Copy !req
215. So, the last thing I want to do
is let you down.
Copy !req
216. Great.
Copy !req
217. I'll give it all I've got as well.
Copy !req
218. Now we head into the first of
the second-round Appeal Battles.
Copy !req
219. Our contestants are Dawn
battling against Zoey!
Copy !req
220. So, with five minutes on the clock,
are we ready?
Copy !req
221. Then let's go!
Copy !req
222. Buneary, spotlight!
Copy !req
223. Buneary!
Copy !req
224. Now, Glameow, curtain!
Copy !req
225. They've already shown what
they've got in the second round,
Copy !req
226. so whoever wins this will show
they can change it up.
Copy !req
227. Yeah, you're right. Pika!
Copy !req
228. Buneary, Ice Beam, go!
Copy !req
229. Buneary!
Copy !req
230. How cute! And powerful, too.
Copy !req
231. That's the name of the game.
Copy !req
232. Glameow, use Shadow Claw!
Copy !req
233. Shadow Claw again?
Copy !req
234. But you know Buneary's
a normal type.
Copy !req
235. That's true, but sometimes
being indirect works, like now.
Copy !req
236. Awesome! Glameow's Shadow Claw
just grabbed the Ice Beam.
Copy !req
237. Not only that, the Shadow Claw's
caught the blue light
Copy !req
238. from Buneary's Ice Beam,
creating a stunning contrast.
Copy !req
239. It's a sight to behold.
Copy !req
240. Zoey's using all of Dawn's attacks
to make her own moves look better.
Copy !req
241. That's what contest battles
are about.
Copy !req
242. OK, watch this. Buneary, use Bounce.
Let's go!
Copy !req
243. Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu-Buneary!
Copy !req
244. Another combination
of cute and toughness.
Copy !req
245. Glameow, jump too.
Copy !req
246. And Glameow springs into action.
Copy !req
247. Wow! Talk about a high jump.
Copy !req
248. Way above Buneary!
Copy !req
249. Huh? Fury Swipes.
Copy !req
250. A Fury Swipes direct hit!
Copy !req
251. Buneary, no!
Copy !req
252. Now, use Iron Tail!
Copy !req
253. Grab it, quick!
Copy !req
254. Bu-Buneary!
Copy !req
255. What? That's it, great job.
Copy !req
256. Well, what do you know? Buneary's
ears seem to have a certain Glameow
Copy !req
257. by the tail.
Copy !req
258. Buneary, great move. Pikachu!
Copy !req
259. I'll admit, that's
an attractive move you made,
Copy !req
260. but perhaps you've forgotten
you always need to follow up.
Copy !req
261. Glameow, spin your tail!
Copy !req
262. Buneary!
Copy !req
263. Oh, my!
Copy !req
264. That tail has such power.
Copy !req
265. Buneary's in a tail spin!
Copy !req
266. Buneary!
Copy !req
267. Time for a little toss.
Copy !req
268. Buneary!
Copy !req
269. Buneary, straighten out,
then use Ice Beam.
Copy !req
270. Buneary!
Copy !req
271. Dodge it, quick!
Copy !req
272. What do you know? Glameow's
getting slipped up on that ice.
Copy !req
273. Dumb luck! Now's your chance, Dawn.
Copy !req
274. Quick, Buneary - Dizzy Punch, go!
Copy !req
275. Buneary!
Copy !req
276. Glameow! And now let's use Bounce.
Copy !req
277. Now, that's teamwork.
Dawn and Buneary are right in sync,
Copy !req
278. and the audience is totally
loving every second of it.
Copy !req
279. This is it.
Copy !req
280. This is what an Appeal Battle's
all about.
Copy !req
281. We're just passing
the 30-second mark...
Copy !req
282. .. and the final stage is waiting
for the winner.
Copy !req
283. Buneary, let's use Dizzy Punch
one more time.
Copy !req
284. Bun...
Copy !req
285. Shadow Claw
straight down on the ice.
Copy !req
286. Bun... eary!
Copy !req
287. Buneary, look out!
Copy !req
288. What a great idea!
Copy !req
289. Glameow's using Shadow Claw
to pulverise the ice.
Copy !req
290. Using the terrain for
a beautiful counterattack.
Copy !req
291. Now use Iron Tail!
Copy !req
Copy !req
293. Buneary!
Copy !req
294. That Iron Tail hits it right home!
Copy !req
295. Buneary, get up now.
Copy !req
296. Be strong. You can do it.
Copy !req
297. Huh?
Copy !req
298. That's it. Time's up.
Copy !req
299. And that means moving on to
our final stage will be...
Copy !req
300. .. the winner, Zoey!
Copy !req
301. Well, guess that's it.
Copy !req
302. Buneary?
Copy !req
303. Buneary, don't be sad.
Copy !req
304. You were wonderful out there.
Copy !req
305. Excellent! The way Glameow
used its tail was a sight to behold.
Copy !req
306. And as far as Buneary and Dawn,
Copy !req
307. it looked to me like they were
trying to overpower things
Copy !req
308. a bit too much. Right. Remarkable.
Copy !req
309. I can't wait to see what beautiful
moves Glameow will show us
Copy !req
310. up on the final stage.
Copy !req
311. I'm sure we'll be seeing lots more
from Dawn and Buneary as well.
Copy !req
312. I'll tell you,
that sure was an awesome battle.
Copy !req
313. Pika! Sure was.
Copy !req
314. And even more amazing is
it was Dawn's first time.
Copy !req
315. Mm. Yeah, you're right.
Copy !req
316. Don't you think, Pikachu?
Copy !req
317. Pikachu.
Copy !req
318. Mum, I'm really sorry I lost.
Copy !req
319. You don't have to apologise to me.
Copy !req
320. Apologise to your Pokemon
if you need to be sorry.
Copy !req
321. OK.
Copy !req
322. Stop crying, Dawn.
Copy !req
323. There are better things to do.
Copy !req
324. You'd be smarter thinking
about what went wrong,
Copy !req
325. then you can figure out
what you'll be doing
Copy !req
326. for your next contest.
Copy !req
327. OK. One more thing.
Copy !req
328. You don't need to call me
every time you win or lose.
Copy !req
329. Huh? You have good friends
like Ash and Brock for that.
Copy !req
330. You have your Pokemon as well.
Copy !req
331. Talk to your friends
from now on, not your mother.
Copy !req
332. Hmm. You know I'll be watching
all of your contests anyway, right?
Copy !req
333. Yeah! All right. Now Zoey's final
battle is just about to begin.
Copy !req
334. Mm. Thanks, Mum. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
335. And welcome
to the final stage.
Copy !req
336. It's Zoey and Jessilina
Copy !req
337. and both corners are raring to go!
Copy !req
338. Now, we've already seen both
Carnivine and Glameow
Copy !req
339. using every move they've got,
Copy !req
340. so how will they mix it up
this time?
Copy !req
341. Our girl just might win!
Copy !req
342. Then take cover.
Copy !req
343. That Ribbon is mine!
Copy !req
344. All righty, then, Carnivine,
use Bite!
Copy !req
345. Shadow Claw!
Copy !req
346. And Glameow gets out of a tight spot
Copy !req
347. with a quick Shadow Claw.
Copy !req
348. Now use Fury Swipes.
Copy !req
349. Carnivine!
Copy !req
350. Wow! Beautiful!
Copy !req
351. That Fury Swipes looks like
Copy !req
352. a thousand flashes
of glorious white light.
Copy !req
353. Wow. Awesome. That just goes to show
you what incredible speed can do.
Copy !req
354. Give me a break.
Copy !req
355. Bullet Seed, tout suite!
Copy !req
356. Carnivine!
Copy !req
357. Dodge, then Iron Tail!
Copy !req
358. SHRIEK!
Copy !req
359. A powerful Iron Tail
and a decisive hit!
Copy !req
360. Oh, Carnivine!
Copy !req
361. Oops, she's all out of points,
Copy !req
362. and even with 21 seconds
left on the clock,
Copy !req
363. we have a winner!
Copy !req
364. Zoey!
Copy !req
365. Wait. That's it?
Copy !req
366. Not again.
Just like old times.
Copy !req
367. Back to bottle caps.
Copy !req
368. Wobbuffet!
Copy !req
369. Let's give a big hand to Zoey,
Copy !req
370. as she receives the prestigious
Jubilife Ribbon!
Copy !req
371. A gorgeous Ribbon, an appreciative
crowd, and a great champion!
Copy !req
372. Good for you, Zoey.
Copy !req
373. You deserve your win.
Copy !req
374. Now you've got your second Ribbon.
Copy !req
375. Thanks, to all of you.
Copy !req
376. Dawn, so tell me,
how was your first Contest?
Copy !req
377. It felt like riding the biggest
roller-coaster ever,
Copy !req
378. but it was a lot of fun.
Copy !req
379. Zoey, will I see you
at another Contest?
Copy !req
380. You'll just have to show up.
Copy !req
381. I've got one more thing
I want to say to you. Huh?
Copy !req
382. I know I may not look like much now,
Copy !req
383. but I'm going to keep on training
Copy !req
384. until I become
a great Coordinator, too -
Copy !req
385. the best, just like you,
Copy !req
386. and, oooh, I'll beat ya!
Copy !req
387. Well, I'll just take that
as a sideways compliment.
Copy !req
388. You're sweet, and I'll be looking
forward to our next Contest.
Copy !req
389. I will, too, even more than you.
Copy !req
390. So you've got yourself a rival now.
You're going to do great.
Copy !req
391. Thanks, and you're
going to do great, too.
Copy !req
392. I'll do my best.
Copy !req
393. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
394. There's nothing like
a formidable rival to inspire
Copy !req
395. a young trainer onto
bigger and better things.
Copy !req
396. And Dawn is no exception.
Copy !req
397. Now our heroes turn their attention
to Ash's much-anticipated upcoming
Copy !req
398. Gym battle, and we will too,
so stay tuned.
Copy !req