1. Now, Piplup! Use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
2. Heads up, Dawn! Look behind you!
Copy !req
3. Pika! Quick, Piplup, jump!
Copy !req
4. Buneary.
Copy !req
5. OK, Piplup, now use Peck!
Copy !req
6. Buneary.
Copy !req
7. You're looking great, Piplup!
Copy !req
8. Hey, this's getting good!
Copy !req
9. Dawn and Piplup are really getting
into the swing of things!
Copy !req
10. Piplup, now use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
11. Buneary!
Copy !req
12. Hmm...
Copy !req
13. What? No way!
Copy !req
14. Buneary.
Copy !req
15. It was to be a fateful day for Dawn,
and a certain Pokemon named Buneary,
Copy !req
16. as our heroes continue
toward Jubilife City.
Copy !req
17. Buneary?
Copy !req
18. Huh? Pika?
Copy !req
19. It's a disaster!
Copy !req
20. Dawn, what's wrong?
Don't you dare come in here!
Copy !req
21. My hair's a complete mess,
and nobody sees it!
Copy !req
22. Dawn, don't sweat it!
C'mon, that's what hats are for!
Copy !req
23. Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
24. Well, isn't that
a typical male response!
Copy !req
25. Ash, unlike your
who-cares-how-I-look world,
Copy !req
26. I take pride in my appearance,
get it?
Copy !req
27. But it's just not worth it
to get nuts about hair!
Copy !req
28. That's your opinion! Pika?
Copy !req
29. See, you're witnessing a typical
morning for this crazy family,
Copy !req
30. but you'll get used to it!
Copy !req
31. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
32. Piplup? Piplup, Piplup!
Copy !req
33. What do I do with this mess?
Looks like I slept on my head!
Copy !req
34. Piplup!
Copy !req
35. Great! That's it!
Copy !req
36. Pip?
Copy !req
37. Piplup! Use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
38. Hey, what was that for?
That's weird.
Copy !req
39. Do you think that was to fix
her bed head? Bonsly. Oh!
Copy !req
40. Croag?
Copy !req
41. Hey, can you grab that for me?
Copy !req
42. Croag.
Copy !req
43. Croag. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
44. Croag?
Copy !req
45. Please, do me a favour.
Copy !req
46. Croag.
Copy !req
47. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
48. Buneary?
Copy !req
49. Buneary.
Copy !req
50. Pikachu.
Copy !req
51. Buneary.
Copy !req
52. Nice catch, Pikachu!
Copy !req
53. Ash...
Copy !req
54. will you watch out?
Copy !req
55. Hey, what's with the Bubble Beam
before in the tent?
Copy !req
56. Check it out!
Copy !req
57. You see? It worked!
Copy !req
58. You like it? You see,
Copy !req
59. I just had the worst pillow head
when I woke up this morning,
Copy !req
60. but Piplup and I sure fixed that!
Piplup, Pip.
Copy !req
61. Wow, I'm impressed!
Copy !req
62. Wow, what a weird way
to use a Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
63. Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
64. And it'll work on boys and girls,
Copy !req
65. so let's put Bubble Beam to good
use on your pillow head!
Copy !req
66. Hey, I'll be wearing a hat anyway.
Copy !req
67. Hey, gimme my hat!
Copy !req
68. Pika!
Copy !req
69. Aipom! That's not funny!
Copy !req
70. Buneary!
Copy !req
71. Huh?
Copy !req
72. Buneary.
Copy !req
73. Pika. Buneary.
Copy !req
74. Pikachu, you OK?
Copy !req
75. Pikachu.
That was great Buneary, thank you!
Copy !req
76. Buneary.
Copy !req
77. Hey! It's a Buneary!
Copy !req
78. Buneary - the
Rabbit Pokemon.
Copy !req
79. When sensing danger,
it extends both ears as an alert,
Copy !req
80. and when cold,
it curls up and goes to sleep.
Copy !req
81. Buneary?
Copy !req
82. Wow, that was awesome, the way you
scooped up Pikachu like that!
Copy !req
83. Pika, Pika. Buneary.
Copy !req
84. Pika? Buneary!
Copy !req
85. And look at that! You're so cute!
Copy !req
86. Buneary.
Copy !req
87. Aww, I really wanted to catch it!
Copy !req
88. You need to be more careful! It
really doesn't matter where you are.
Copy !req
89. You always need to look both left
and right before crossing the road!
Copy !req
90. Sorry, Officer Jenny.
Copy !req
91. Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
92. It's so great for you to help us out
just like before! Huh?
Copy !req
93. Don't you remember?
It's me! It's Dawn!
Copy !req
94. She's still got a lot to learn.
Copy !req
95. Huh?
Copy !req
96. Dawn, here's the deal. You see,
there are many Officer Jennies!
Copy !req
97. See here?
Copy !req
98. Wow! Look at all of them.
Copy !req
99. This was taken at the last
countrywide festival, right?
Copy !req
100. I wish I could've been there!
But now you're here!
Copy !req
101. And I'm here too!
Copy !req
102. The name's Brock, and my goal,
other than to be with you,
Copy !req
103. is to become the greatest Pokemon
breeder the world has ever known!
Copy !req
104. And I'm Jenny from Jubilife City,
Copy !req
105. and my sister is the
Officer Jenny from Sandgem Town!
Copy !req
106. You sister?
You must be identical twins!
Copy !req
107. Of course they're not identical!
Talk about rude!
Copy !req
108. It's obvious the length of their
hair and eyelashes is not the same!
Copy !req
109. Ahh.
Copy !req
110. Not to mention that unique fragrance
you're wearing...
Copy !req
111. Of course, I could be wrong.
Copy !req
112. Your friend is strange.
Copy !req
113. Have you ever seen these people?
Copy !req
114. I don't think so.
Copy !req
115. Last night some thieves
broke into the factory just up ahead
Copy !req
116. and stole a lot of machine parts.
Copy !req
117. This picture was taken
Copy !req
118. by the factory's security
surveillance camera!
Copy !req
119. Nope. They look weird to me.
Copy !req
120. Pika? Boy, that was quick! Yup!
Copy !req
121. Well, thanks very much for
your help!
Copy !req
122. Sure!
Copy !req
123. Pika!
Copy !req
124. You know, I'd kind of like to catch
that Buneary, too!
Copy !req
125. But, Ash, if we see that Buneary
again, I want to catch it!
Copy !req
126. I know, but I still can't believe
how far Buneary jumped
Copy !req
127. to save Pikachu!
I've just gotta catch it!
Copy !req
128. Come on, Ash, remember I haven't
even caught one Pokemon yet!
Copy !req
129. Dawn, relax! Remember, you're just
getting things started.
Copy !req
130. Yeah, easy for you to say!
Copy !req
131. We're going to be
in Jubilife City tomorrow.
Copy !req
132. The Pokemon contest is
coming up soon,
Copy !req
133. and I need to catch some
more Pokemon!
Copy !req
134. Does that look good.
Copy !req
135. Hey, you're preaching to the choir.
Copy !req
136. Well, this choir is clean
out of cold cash!
Copy !req
137. Maybe hunger will make us hungrier
to catch Pikachu!
Copy !req
138. Wobbu. Feeling like this,
I couldn't catch a cold!
Copy !req
139. And my inspiration's on hold. Hm?
Copy !req
140. Hey, look!
There's that creepy Croagunk!
Copy !req
141. With a face like that,
you'd think it would hide.
Copy !req
142. Teamed with the twerps,
it blends right in. Wobbuffet.
Copy !req
143. Huh?
Copy !req
144. What's wrong? Why don't you
want to eat any more, Croagunk?
Copy !req
145. Maybe Croagunk's got a little
Copy !req
146. No way! Croagunk just likes to eat
at its own pace.
Copy !req
147. Croag, Croag, Croag.
Copy !req
148. Croag. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
149. Croag. Croagunk!
Copy !req
150. Whoa!
Copy !req
151. Buneary? Croag.
Copy !req
152. Well, I'm going!
Copy !req
153. Piplup, we're going too!
Copy !req
154. What about the dishes?
Copy !req
155. I'll do them later!
Yeah, he'll do them later!
Copy !req
156. Funny, I don't think later
ever comes!
Copy !req
157. Huh?
Copy !req
158. Croag.
Copy !req
159. Hey! That's not a twerp Pokemon.
Copy !req
160. That's a Buneary!
Copy !req
161. Wobbu. Mime, Mime. Huh?
Copy !req
162. Bun! Bun!
Copy !req
163. Now whoever catches Buneary
gets to keep it,
Copy !req
164. and the other person can't be mad,
OK? OK. It's a deal!
Copy !req
165. Quick, Piplup! Use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
166. Buneary?
Copy !req
167. Whoa! Fast!
Copy !req
168. You think that's fast?
Just watch me do this!
Copy !req
169. This's a race
I can't afford to lose!
Copy !req
170. Since I've had more
than my share go goofs,
Copy !req
171. I figure it's time for me
to win one!
Copy !req
172. No-one's stopping me,
and that includes you!
Copy !req
173. If that's how you feel,
then go for it!
Copy !req
174. Then you'll have the honour
of watching my first catch!
Copy !req
175. Now, Piplup!
It's time to use Peck!
Copy !req
176. Piplup!
Copy !req
177. Buneary!
Copy !req
178. That's some dodge!
Copy !req
179. OK! Piplup! Now use Bubble Beam!
Copy !req
180. But how?
Copy !req
181. It froze the Bubble Beam! Pika!
Copy !req
182. Then, obviously, Buneary
knows how to use Ice Beam! Bonsly!
Copy !req
183. Piplup! Quick, Piplup, dodge it!
Copy !req
184. Too late!
Copy !req
185. Oh, my poor little Piplup!
Copy !req
186. Buneary.
Copy !req
187. Pika?
Copy !req
188. What was that?
Copy !req
189. Piplup, wake up!
Copy !req
190. That was a move?
Copy !req
191. Yeah, Dizzy Punch.
Copy !req
192. Your opponent becomes confused
and dizzy like that!
Copy !req
193. So now I just stand here
and do nothing? Bonsly.
Copy !req
194. What do I do?
Copy !req
195. First, just chill out!
Copy !req
196. Put Piplup in its Poke Ball
and it'll be fine!
Copy !req
197. That sounds good. OK!
Copy !req
198. Now.
Copy !req
199. Bun!
Copy !req
200. Ahhhh!
Copy !req
201. Pip. Piplup, no!
Copy !req
202. Buneary just used Bounce!
Copy !req
203. That was some impressive power!
Copy !req
204. Buneary.
Copy !req
205. Buneary! Pika?
Copy !req
206. Everything I try to do
just gets messed up.
Copy !req
207. Hey, Dawn? Bonsly.
Copy !req
208. OK, Ash, go and give it
your best shot!
Copy !req
209. All right! Ready, Pikachu?
Copy !req
210. Pika!
Copy !req
211. Buneary?
Copy !req
212. Pikachu!
Copy !req
213. Buneary. Buneary, Buneary!
Copy !req
214. That's weird. What's going on?
Copy !req
215. Buneary's acting completely
different than
Copy !req
216. when battling with Piplup before.
I wonder...
Copy !req
217. Brock, wonder what?
Copy !req
218. Buneary. Buneary!
Copy !req
219. I had a feeling
before this was going on.
Copy !req
220. Buneary's got a crush on Pikachu!
Copy !req
221. Oh man, how do we battle
with this going on?
Copy !req
222. Buneary. Bunea, Bunear, Buneary.
Copy !req
223. Buneary!
Copy !req
224. Buneary!
Copy !req
225. That's the real thing, all right.
Copy !req
226. Maybe Buneary likes Electric types?
Copy !req
227. You can't rationalise love!
Copy !req
228. You think this is love? Bonsly!
Copy !req
229. Love or not,
I'm catching that Buneary!
Copy !req
230. Pika? Buneary!
Copy !req
231. Buneary!
Copy !req
232. Talk about an interesting
Copy !req
233. They're one step away from picking
out the furniture!
Copy !req
234. Since Pikachu's freaked
because Buneary's going gaga,
Copy !req
235. we can grab that goofy yellow
goofball while its guard is down!
Copy !req
236. Gloriously groovy! It's perfect!
Copy !req
237. Those twerp emotions will be
so frail,
Copy !req
238. they won't know what hit them!
Copy !req
239. But we will, won't we?
Cos we'll do the hitting!
Copy !req
240. Wobbuffet.
Copy !req
241. Pika, Pika! Buneary?
Copy !req
242. Pika, Pi. Pikachu.
Copy !req
243. Bun...
Copy !req
244. Pika?
Copy !req
245. Pika.
Copy !req
246. Pikachu, Pika, Pika.
Copy !req
247. Buneary! Pi.
Copy !req
248. Starly!
Copy !req
249. Buneary. Starly? Pika.
Copy !req
250. Buneary! Bun?
Copy !req
251. Pika? Bun? Bun?
Copy !req
252. Buneary.
Copy !req
253. Bun?
Copy !req
254. Buneary! Pika!
Copy !req
255. Pika, Pi. Pikachu! Starly!
Copy !req
256. Buneary! Buneary!
Copy !req
257. A Buneary with a view!
Copy !req
258. Pikachu!
Copy !req
259. Buneary.
Copy !req
260. Pika?
Copy !req
261. Brilliant! Go ahead and zap us,
Copy !req
262. just remember
you're zapping your buddy too!
Copy !req
263. And this puffball
does not cotton to electricity!
Copy !req
264. Behold our Sinnoh Region
Robotic Rabble-Rouser Mark 3!
Copy !req
265. Pika...
Copy !req
266. Dig it,
you become a Team Rocket Pokemon,
Copy !req
267. and the Buneary gets bailed!
Copy !req
268. Pika!
Copy !req
269. Croag. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
270. Croag.
Copy !req
271. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
272. Croagunk!
Copy !req
273. Man, that was cold!
Copy !req
274. Thanks for getting us out,
with one shot, no less!
Copy !req
275. Croag. Croag. Croag.
Copy !req
276. Starly! Starly, Star, Starly!
Copy !req
277. What, Starly?
Copy !req
278. Pika!
Copy !req
279. Pika.
Copy !req
280. Buneary!
Copy !req
281. OK! Now that your little yellow
paws are tired you gonna play nice?
Copy !req
282. Pika.
Copy !req
283. Then here we come!
And wait until you see your ride!
Copy !req
284. Pika!
Copy !req
285. Buneary!
Copy !req
286. Pika! Pikachu!
Copy !req
287. Pikachu's saying to keep our part of
the bargain and let Buneary go.
Copy !req
288. That's what that Pika-chump gets
for bargaining with us!
Copy !req
289. We negotiate in bad faith!
Copy !req
290. Pikachu! Pi, Pikachu!
Copy !req
291. Pikachu! Pika?
Copy !req
292. Pika, Pi! Pikachu!
Copy !req
293. How did they get both of them?
Copy !req
294. Listen!
Is that an annoying voice I hear?
Copy !req
295. It shrieks to me loud and clear!
Copy !req
296. On the wind. Past the stars.
Copy !req
297. In your ear.
Copy !req
298. Hey! Bringing chaos
at a breakneck pace!
Copy !req
299. Dashing hope, putting fear
in its place!
Copy !req
300. A rose by any other name's
just as sweet.
Copy !req
301. When everything's worse,
our work is complete!
Copy !req
302. Jessie! And James!
Copy !req
303. Meowth, now that's a name!
Copy !req
304. Putting the do-gooders
in their place!
Copy !req
305. We're Team Rocket!
Copy !req
306. In your face!
Copy !req
307. Wobba!
Copy !req
308. You twerps are too late!
Copy !req
309. If you thought Pikachu
was going to save
Copy !req
310. Buneary's floundering fluffiness,
think again!
Copy !req
311. Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
312. Bun, Bun, Bun, Bun...
Copy !req
313. Thought cute when you flail,
it's to no avail.
Copy !req
314. Your ears are no match for the
Rabble-Rouser's twerp-proof glass!
Copy !req
315. And since Pikachu agreed to
join up with us,
Copy !req
316. all you losers can do is mope
like a dope!
Copy !req
317. Pika...
Copy !req
318. Don't worry, you guys.
I'll get you outta there!
Copy !req
319. Just can't keep our hands
to ourselves.
Copy !req
320. When it comes to the rabble
we sure can rouse!
Copy !req
321. Kids have it too easy today anyway!
Copy !req
322. Jenny's here! Those are the three.
Copy !req
323. The factory thieves!
Copy !req
324. Now, who is that photogenic female?
Copy !req
325. I warned you not to flash the
peace sign in front of the camera!
Copy !req
326. Dummy!
Copy !req
327. Excuse me, but I'm an actress,
and actresses live for the camera!
Copy !req
328. So, tough beans.
Copy !req
329. Why are they dressed like that?
Copy !req
330. They're called Team Rocket,
and they're stealing those Pokemon!
Copy !req
331. Hm.
Copy !req
332. Pika! Pika!
Copy !req
333. Great shot, Pikachu!
Copy !req
334. Pikachu? Buneary.
Copy !req
335. So much for twerp-proof.
Copy !req
336. Meowth, you've got to protect
our investment.
Copy !req
337. Let's see him Iron Tail this.
Copy !req
338. Buneary! Huh?
Copy !req
339. Ah! Fresh air!
Copy !req
340. And the look of twerps
getting smaller down there.
Copy !req
341. Pika? Pika, Pika!
Copy !req
342. That Iron Tail always amazes me.
Copy !req
343. Now Thunderbolt! And, Buneary,
you help out Pikachu with Ice Beam.
Copy !req
344. The charge. The ice.
That's not nice.
Copy !req
345. We hate being grounded.
Copy !req
346. Pika, Pika? Bun?
Copy !req
347. Buneary!
Copy !req
348. Buneary!
Copy !req
349. Look out!
Copy !req
350. I hate machines.
Copy !req
351. Spend a fortune on junk
and what do we get?
Copy !req
352. Guess it's a Rubble-Rouser now.
Copy !req
353. All right.
You three are under arrest.
Copy !req
354. We'll have to take
a rain check!
Copy !req
355. Wobbuffet! Mime, Mime!
Copy !req
356. Stop, thieves!
Copy !req
357. You sound just like
a twerp.
Copy !req
358. Pika. Buneary.
Copy !req
359. I'm so glad you're safe, Buneary.
Copy !req
360. Buneary!
Aren't you just the cutest Pokemon!
Copy !req
361. Hey, how would you like
to come along with us, Buneary?
Copy !req
362. Pika, Pika! Well, Pikachu thinks
it's a good idea.
Copy !req
363. Buneary!
Copy !req
364. I think everybody does.
Copy !req
365. But I really do think
you and I should have a battle.
Copy !req
366. After all, you're a Pokemon
and I'm a trainer.
Copy !req
367. Buneary. Bun. Bun.
Copy !req
368. Bun. Bun...
Copy !req
369. If you don't mind, Ash, I'd
like to catch Buneary by myself. OK?
Copy !req
370. Sure. You go for it, Dawn.
Copy !req
371. Pikachu. OK, Buneary, let's go.
Copy !req
372. Piplup, I choose you.
Copy !req
373. Piplup!
Copy !req
374. Hey, Piplup, this is our big chance.
Copy !req
375. Now, Piplup, use Bubble Beam.
Copy !req
376. Heads up, Dawn. Look behind you.
Copy !req
377. Quick, Piplup, jump.
Copy !req
378. OK, Piplup, now use Peck.
Copy !req
379. You're doing great, Piplup.
Copy !req
380. Hey, this is getting good!
Copy !req
381. Dawn and Piplup are really getting
into the swing of things.
Copy !req
382. Piplup, use Bubble Beam.
Copy !req
383. Even match!
Copy !req
384. Buneary!
Copy !req
385. Look out! That Dizzy Punch could
confuse Piplup all over again.
Copy !req
386. I'm on it. Piplup,
dodge it first and then use Peck.
Copy !req
387. Buneary! Buneary!
Copy !req
388. Pip. Lup!
Copy !req
389. Pip? Mm-hm.
Copy !req
390. All right, Poke Ball, let's go.
Copy !req
391. Come on, now. You can't let me down.
Copy !req
392. We did it!
Copy !req
393. All right.
This Buneary is all mine.
Copy !req
394. Piplup!
Copy !req
395. It's awesome. I caught one.
Copy !req
396. We got us a brand-new friend,
Copy !req
397. Piplup.
Copy !req
398. Well, Dawn, you finally did it.
Copy !req
399. That's great. Pikachu!
Copy !req
400. Hey, thanks, you guys.
Let's go, Buneary.
Copy !req
401. Buneary!
Copy !req
402. Piplup. Piplup.
Copy !req
403. I'm so glad
you're going to be with us.
Copy !req
404. Buneary.
Copy !req
405. Buneary.
Copy !req
406. Now I'll really do something
in my first contest,
Copy !req
407. so bring it on. Buneary.
Copy !req
408. What started out a bit messy
Copy !req
409. has ended up a red-letter day
for our newest hero
Copy !req
410. as Dawn faces her Pokemon
contest premiere
Copy !req
411. with Piplup and Buneary.
Copy !req